I also agree, nowadays most people u only get about 32 credits if u win, ad alot of peole dnt have mindless hours to get the creds f2p guys have it so hard on them, personally i think varium items are way too exspensive for just like 2-4 extra slots which cost more varium if u want to fill them or a sht ton of credits, and like every 2 weeks a new weapon appears anyways, better than the last, i think prices should be lowered on jsut about eevrything, the amount needed to enhance is outrageous, i play 2-6 hours a day adn can barley ruffle up around 3k-4k credits on average, for numerous things always being eleae, it seems like this should just be doubled on evrything, and i win a lot i jsut calculated my average with every fight a wineither lower prices or up the credit for win by 2 and losses also