 ArchKnight DragonFable
Togsday II: Togvengence Access Point: Book of Lore -> Togsday II: Togvengeance To War!, Access Point: Falconreach (Book 3) -> Ash -> Letters -> Togsday Invitation -> Togsday II: Togvengeance! Requirements: Completion of Togsday II Release Date: August 9th, 2024 Quests Available Togsday II Togvengeance Wave Togapult II NPCs Rolith Shops DA Def Belts DA Def Necklaces DA Def Rings Def. Belts Def. Necklaces Def. Rares Def. Rings Togsday II Rewards Togsday II Shop Dialogue To the War! - loads war meter. Return to Home Town - returns to player's home town. quote:
TOGSDAY II: TOGVENGENCE THE TOGLIGHTS IN THE SKY HAVE ALIGNED ONCE MORE... ALL OVER GREENGUARD, TOGS ARE CAUSING CHAOS AND SWARMING TOWNS AND CITIES! WHILE THE ROSE AND SWORDHAVEN KNIGHTS DEFEND THE PEOPLE, IT'S UP TO YOU AND ROLITH TO HUNT DOWN WHO, OR WHAT, COULD BE BEHIND THIS TOGTASTIC UPRISING! War Intro - begins Togsday II quest. Invite Rolith (DA Required) - invites Rolith as Guest A. Chain Waves - the player can type a number from 2 to 25 and if checked, repeat Togvengeance Wave at that designated number of times before returning to the war camp. To Battle! - begins Togvengeance Wave quest. Rolith: Something's got togs all over Greenguard riled up. We need to put a stop to this before anyone gets hurt! Talk Rolith: I've gotten reports from all over Greenguard that togs of all kinds are appearing in droves, and stampeding everything in their path. Rolith: While somewhat chaotic, even this level of organization is highly unusual for togs. Rolith: If they're not stopped, it will only be a matter of time before they overrun the entire kingdom. Rolith: We need to find who or what has gotten the togs all riled up, and put a stop to this before it's too late! Defender's Medal - correlates with the number of Defender's Medal that the player currently have.Leave - returns to player's home town. Unlocked at 50%: Tog Shop! - opens Togsday II Shop. Unlocked at 75%: Catapult! - begins Togapult II quest. Unlocked at 100%: Reward Upgrade - opens Togsday II Rewards shop. Other information Automatically fully replenishes your HP, MP, and potions whenever you load the war. This war's title is a reference to the 2013 video game Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.
< Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 9/8/2024 0:08:42 >