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War Reward Concept

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5/8/2014 6:26:59   



Hello everyone !

RageSoul here suggesting a rework to fix the current and faulty War Reward system . Now as you can see in the picture/link provided above , you'll notice that it kinda looks like this one - yep , a similarity to our current Legendary Mode !

Now you're probably wondering , "Why does our current War Reward system faulty or in dire need of a rework ( aside from our current balance of course ) ?" , well here are answers i can provide so far ( too busy farming on my Mercenary alt :P ) -->

* Everyone gets the same quantity and quality of rewards --> Let's say i racked enough points to gain access to rewards .Afterwards i didn't racked up more and after a few weeks my Alignment won . Of course i got <insertsomethingsomething> and so does everyone else , who happen to have more Influence than me . Now , how would those who got them would feel ? They would certainly feel like ,"Oh gee , i felt like a slave after winning :(", so now they wouldn't be motivated on doing more effort again .

*Your work , whether win or lose , feels nothing --> Just like what i previously said , since everyone's effort is obsolete due to rewards being equal . But to make matters worse , the losing side gets slapped in the face because they didn't get anything other than Achievements . With this system , everybody wins , but the real winning side gets more ( also based on Influence ) so lazy people won't get the same quality / quantity of rewards of them hardcore/super grinders . Fair trade right ?

Now to make things easier to get influence , how about being able to gain more Influence again via PvP but also via PvE ? So it doesn't feel much of a hassle to play , er , grind since you will feel rewarded than before . ( But then again , the game's core element , which is PvP , was long time dead and broken so that should be top priority regardless IMHO )

I haven't added values for requirements , but here are details about this :

*Work Value --> basically similar to Legendary Mode , except to get more you need more Reputation Points ( 1 Reputation Point = 1 Influence ) as you progress an area , or spread all that Rep. to get lesser values in each area . Can be Rating Points of Achievements , Credits , Varium or even Arcade Tokens ! EDIT : you unlock 1 point of Work Value immediately so you have another reason to log-in .

*Claim Item --> they require a specific amount of Reputation Points but at a higher value to be claimed .

So here you go , here's what i can think of how to solve issues step-by-step

Thank you all ,


< Message edited by RageSoul -- 5/8/2014 6:38:21 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 1
5/8/2014 12:35:45   
Thylek Shran

Its not possible to see the image when using the latest Firefox browser. Had trouble with Opera
too but can see the image now. Here is the hotlink if you have also trouble to open it:


Fast european host: http://s1.directupload.net/images/140508/3iihxnlu.jpg

< Message edited by Thylek Shran -- 5/8/2014 12:56:09 >


v.35.3 (2016-01-23) ~ beam.to/shran
DF Epic  Post #: 2
5/8/2014 17:50:12   
The berserker killer


Supported and its only a matter of time until people get tired of being rewarded a "War Hero" cheevo for getting the most influence.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 3
5/8/2014 19:59:32   

Used Chrome to upload it . My bad , but i'll try adding another source .

EDIT : Thanks Thylek :)

< Message edited by RageSoul -- 5/8/2014 20:00:42 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 4
5/9/2014 23:48:52   

Where to begin.. First off, I think that people still don't understand the concept of losing & still gaining rewards I.E, how do you think the
winning side feels with all of their effort, and dedication to continuously play the game, drop bombs all day, or even use their own money
on the game to buy bombs and help their alignment win, when all that is said, the people who have lost the war still get a reward.
I don't think they're to impressed. The Developers were generous enough to still offer two of the war prizes for a cost of varium to
alignment that lost.

Second off, I do however think that there should be a bigger selection of war prizes, but they would scale based off of how much influence
you made in the war. Because I know that players who have above 50k influence feel pretty discouraged when they see people with only
150 influence get the same prizes as them.

Anyway, I do Support some of what is being said, such as the influence part. But not the losing side still getting prizes.
Post #: 5
5/11/2014 12:10:23   
The berserker killer


I think that, for a war, these prizes were not very "prizes". 10k credits? Well that's just enough for the 5 war commanders you'll spend next war. 10Arcade Tokens? I guess you're out of luck if you get 7 bronze prizes. Battlegear with no core? Forget it. We need more prizes, better prizes and I am disgusted with the losing side getting prizes.
AQ DF Epic  Post #: 6
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