The last time the was anything that remotely resembled a balance team was when Ashari was head moderator, seen him lately? As Rabblefroth said the balance changes are made by him, we are there to test to make sure the numbers work properly, there are no major glitches that cause the game to hang or issues that will disconnect people. Do we find issues? Yes, all the time and I would say that 90-95% of them are caught before release. A few got through this week, we were training new testers and missed running through some basics! Not really a valid excuse. Sorry! ohh, i always thought she was still the lead balance mod. i haven't seen her lately. quote:
The updates are developed weekly, but that is not to say that all the code is written, all the graphics are updated and we get all week to test the updates. On the contrary, the testers often have a very short time period to run through as many scenarios as possible. I will also say that testing has been done, in the main, initially by the developers and if we find any issues we have to wait until they are rectified before we can continue testing. To answer your other questions: Do they get any input regarding balance? Limited, we can't review any of the data that is gathered by the balance tracker and while we can identify areas that may concern us with balance, the developers are the ones that balance the game. The discussion in the balance forum is a lot more robust and the testers are only privy to some limited points that may be bought up by the developers when they feel it is warranted. We have no more of an idea of what the developers are planning, in regard to balance, than the general community in the main. Do they agree with the balance changes that you are making and are they allowed to be against it? I'll speak personally and say no I don't agree with some of the balance changes or in some cases what balance the developers are focusing on. But, I will say that most balance changes are conceptually okay and have the best interests of the game at implementation. Sometimes this doesn't equate to actual outcomes. I will also say that I do trust the developers and after working with them for some time can see the methodology that is used to make changes to balance. There is a lot more work to balance changes than just changing a couple of numbers here and there and it sometimes takes a while to work out all the code changes required to make what may seem to be easy fixes! I will also add that some balance changes suggested by the testers have been implemented. I do get offended when people say that I am not doing my job properly and if you could see it from our perspective then perhaps you would not be so quick or harsh in your criticism of what we do! The constant jibes at the testers is not warranted, or the developers for that matter, but then again we are easy targets because we are limited to what we can discuss openly. While there are enough testers now to cover the task of weekly testing, that hasn't always been the case! I'm not supposed to reply to inflammatory posts and I also want to have better communication and feedback by the moderators/testers with the community, but what we say is often misconstrued. In some cases our comments can have negative effect when, in all reality, we are just serving the game we like to play just as much as you do! thanks for clearing that up Goony. i was hesitant on putting most of the blame on the testing team. thats why i asked those questions. i was however told by another player that the testing team doesn't balance the game, that it was titan. and then told me that titan was stubborn and that, that is the reason why the game's balance is the way it is. im not sure if thats true or not. but either way, whoever is making the balance changes isn't doing the best job of it (which was proven numerous times) if it were me, and there's a balance change where someone sees a problem with it, id like for them to point it out, not be "Yes" men. and im sorry if it sounds inflammatory (why is it that all criticism towards the devs/mods is considered inflammatory when its not intended that way?) but people dont like the truth when its dirty. Removed unnecessary comment. - SMGS
< Message edited by SMGS -- 4/24/2013 22:45:59 >