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=AQ= 2022 Golden Giftbox Cross-Game Ideas

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1/3/2022 14:13:26   
  The Hollow
AQ Lead

Hope you are having a great 2022 so far! We are now taking suggestions for your favorite items from other AE games to add as prizes to the Golden Giftboxes in February. Post links to any items from your favorite AE game you would like to see in AQ, or vote for someone else's idea! March is typically when Legion-themed gear is added, so if you have a Legion item idea, it may be added in March. If there are enough suggestions I might do a part 2 again later this year.

Reminder: Active* Guardians/X-Guardians get 1 free Golden Giftbox every month.
Active* players that have the Museum Estate Resource out on their estate ground also get 1 free ggb every month.

*Active is saving at least 1 winning battle a month.

AQ  Post #: 1
1/3/2022 14:40:31   

I would absolutely love to see Moglotron armour from AQW.

We need more mech armours in AQ, and mecha Twilly is cute!

< Message edited by Cupquake -- 1/5/2022 15:43:23 >
Post #: 2
1/3/2022 15:57:29   
Dr Disrespect

Frost Void, Templar and Queen Aegea from OverSoul.

Any of them as a "form" type armor.

< Message edited by Dr Disrespect -- 1/4/2022 16:14:09 >
Post #: 3
1/3/2022 15:57:43   

Suggestions for abilities on the armors just in case function suggestions are also taken - my true crossover goal is to get the Oversoul "charge" mechanic (skill to gain 1 charge plus 1 extra charge per time the skill was used prior, plus a way to spend charges to get an effect). Charges would be uncapped (or at least capped arbitrarily high) but very inefficient with only light use and would disappear at end of battle, as would charge gain rate.

Chaos Drakath - To contrast the Chaos Armor and match the character in Oversoul, a defensive lean with no element that can charge up (gaining more charges with each use) and spend charges for a damage reduction shield (Take 10/X% damage, X is 11 + Charges spent; or an SP-based shield with a power of 50% of usual + 5% per charge spent) or an elemental poison.

Cyber Void - A darkness armor with a skill that can charge up (gaining more charges with each use) then has an energy imbue/skill that deals like 40% damage +5% per charge spent.

Hunter Berserker - FO Light armor with a skill that can charge up (gaining more charges with each use) then has a skill that functions as an attack with autohit and deals -60% damage, +5% per charge spent.

Seraphim of Ver - Light and/or Darkness armor, can charge up (gaining more charges with each use) and has a skill to heal for 50% of normal + 5% per charge spent.

Time Gentleman - FD Energy armor, can charge up (gaining more charges with each use) and has a skill to spend all charges to "foresee" damage by planting an energy Spiritual Seed that deals 50% damage +5% per charge spent.

Void Champion - Dark armor, can charge up (gaining more charges with each use) and has a skill to spend all charges to permanently reduce enemy MRM by 1 + charges spent.

And while it's not explicitly an item or spell in the source material, having a spell/misc/tome that does the Oversoul energy charge mechanic would be cool - spend a turn to gain charges, and expend charges for an effect (damage, boost the next spell/attack performed, or 1-turn boost to all stats). As a misc it could be a Soul Gem or a representation of the Chaos element (the only Oversoul element that isn't on AQ's wheel), and as an animation for the misc/spell/tome charge effect it can use the charge animation from the game.
Post #: 4
1/3/2022 17:48:42   
Lv 1000

Baltael's Aventail
Neutral Misc Item

Can toggle between BtH + STR/DEX/INT buffs, and MRM + END/CHA/LUK buffs.

MC: Comes with a skill (Looks like one of the versions of SoulSynch from the Soulweaver armors). Deals damage based on a % of Monster HP (similar to Guardian Dragon but weaker obviously) as harm element damage. The skill triggers on spirits and corrupted creatures/beings (in AQ terms: ghosts, specters, undead, liches, etc.), this causes the %HP damage to increase and along with cosmetically changing the element of the skill to void.

< Message edited by Lv 1000 -- 1/8/2022 11:53:20 >
Post #: 5
1/3/2022 18:19:50   

Malthael - Wind/Ice toggle. M,R,M toggle. High accuracy. Monster can get hit with Harm damage if player is hit with Magic and more damage if hit by an MP attack.

Super Slayin Twig - Light(SS1)/Energy(SS2) toggle Pet, has a chance of Celerity and smaller a chance for player Celerity.
AQ AQW  Post #: 6
1/3/2022 18:42:07   
Aura Knight

http://oversoulgame.wikidot.com/aqueous As a guest or pet. No clue what effect it could have.

https://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=15903321 Braydenball from DF. Bit of an older item but amusing.

https://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=22010074 Stan the Scan Orb, also from DF. Could be some kind of booster or accuracy increaser. Says funny things.

And if we can suggest some retro arts for AQ items, the original eye of naab and nightmare shields please.

http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/crypto-crusher-hammer idk, hammers are cool and this is one I like from AQW.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 7
1/3/2022 19:06:20   

Elite Void Broadsword
Digital DoomLord's Blade
Dark Botanical Broadsword (Earth / Water Toggle)

Armors - some doom and rogue stuff would be cool
Evergreen Rogue
Assassin Of Nulgath
Doomdragon Mount
Draconic Doomknight Armor
Granite Dracolich Armor
Doomknight Naval Commander
DragonSoul Shinobi
Black Sun Ninja
ShadowScythe Rogue

Stone Assassin (Pet Or Guest)

< Message edited by Inferno369 -- 1/3/2022 22:30:43 >
AQ  Post #: 8
1/3/2022 19:49:26   

Since I'm still in need of a water armor that goes well with my Paladin's custom face:

Blooded Striker of Cerberus/Blooded Defender of Cerberus — FO/FD Water armors, respectively. Both come with a spell-based skill that can inflict bleed.

Blooded Shield of Cerberus/Blooded Axe of Cerberus — Shield and Axe mini-set, both water-element. Axe is 0-proc, but can be clicked to consume bleed from your foe to give yourself extra BtH and a temporary regen status. Shield spends half its MC to give +5 Bleed potence (halved again due to also inflicting bleed.) The other half of the MC is used to inflict Bleed at the start of your turn (Power 2.5/0.15/2), per hit blocked your previous turn. If both the shield and axe are wielded at the same time, the bleed potence is tripled to +15

< Message edited by Zennistrad -- 1/3/2022 20:05:38 >
AQ  Post #: 9
1/3/2022 21:08:19   
Deaf of Destiny

Judgement Wheel - DF
Apocalyptic Deathbringer - AQW armor - call/guest for any kind (bones) and double impact damage
Zealith Reaver - AQW armor - Wind Dodgelash
FrozenShard Wand - AQW weapon (wand) as please put it TOME for ice
Mel De Abelha Wand - AQW weapon (wand) as please put it TOME for earth and summon honeybee for heal/stun
Icebound revenant - DF - FO Ice please no copy revenant (darkness)

Voting for the following

DUM's idea about twilly armor and helm
lv1000's idea baltael's aventail

< Message edited by Deaf of Destiny -- 1/4/2022 12:29:32 >
Post #: 10
1/3/2022 21:11:42   

Blackwing (OverSoul) - Guest
Lim's Hybrid Hammer/ Yix's Hybrid Dagger / Cysero's Hybrid Staff (DragonFable) - All in one mode toggle Weapon
Radiant Golem (EpicDuel) - Armor
Necrotic Sword of Doom (DragonFable) - Weapon --> could have an active skill a la Zabura's Hammer
Soul Wyvern (OverSoul) - Guest/Pet
DragonFiend Rider (OverSoul) - Armor/Guest
Queen Ghyspophilia (OverSoul) - Guest
Yami no Ronin Class (AdventureQuest Worlds) - Armor --> Can be given Ghost Costume's Dodge Lean but the MRM decreases per attack similar to YnR's Flash stack mechanic and has a skill that consumes those stacks while doing more damage the more stacks you have upon activation for AQ's iteration
WitchBlade (OverSoul) - Guest
Void Reaper (OverSoul) - Guest
Cyber Void (OverSoul) - Guest
Volt Engineer (OverSoul) - Guest --> Has one of the highest burst combos in OS, AQ's iteration would include a toggle that overcharges it at a cost of some MP/SP
Legion DragonBlade of Nulgath (AdventureQuest Worlds) - Weapon --> can act as a Dragon Blade variant with bonus effects in AQ
Father Time (OverSoul) - Guest
Bunny Berserker (OverSoul) - Guest
> Voracianor Plate M and F versions (EpicDuel) - Armor; can be a Guest using the same pose done by the given armor's design
> Sentry Lord (OverSoul) - Guest
> Infernal Fantasy Knight (EpicDuel) - Armor --> Skill can be translated to giving yourself EleVuln. 1.30x and -MRM for 5 turns that also costs a turn to use in exchange for a huge burst amount of HP Heal (+ other buffs if granted). Usable once per battle.
> Frostval Barbarian (AdventureQuest Worlds) - Armor --> Since Haste (Cooldown Reduction) doesn't exist in AQ this armor can instead apply Disease-like effect (HP and MP heal reduction) instead.

>> Mystic Celtic War Bow (EpicDuel) - Weapon --> 100-Proc bow that can "charge up" per turn to unleash a massively increased damage as the battle gets longer for its skill
>> Super Megalazooka P (EpicDuel) - Weapon --> Skill that can life-steal based on damage that has a higher "Lucky Strike" (any renamed Lucky Strike name replacement is welcomed if ever LUK is replaced with another stat or fixed chance)

>> Ghoul Cannon 2019 (EpicDuel) - Weapon --> 100-Proc Ranged Weapon with a skill that can steal either MP or SP (toggle-based) but dealing no damage directly to HP.
>> Botanical Battle Suit M and F (EpicDuel) - Armor --> For AQ's translation this armor's skill would disable your Attack option for a few turns in exchange for gaining an Elemental Shield for the same duration of the Attack button disability
>> Omega Frost Cannon E (EpicDuel) - Weapon --> 100-Proc Ranged Weapon with a skill that allows you to fire twice in one turn while maintaining the same costs of Misc. and Buffs as if you only used one turn (since weapons like this in ED have cooldowns where this weapon's specific skill allows you to use it again despite being in cooldown)

>> Maker-Touched Zweihander (DragonFable) - Weapon --> A less-laggy version of UDSotE
>> Pride (DragonFable) - Guest --> Applies buffs to player or does standard Guest damage

Void Cowgirl (OverSoul) - Guest

Some comment(s):
*OverSoul is a really nice Pet/Guest gold mine - the character designs of it are great!
*Some EpicDuel gear have some pretty interesting effects that I think could spice up already existing builds - purely F2p or premium ones

< Message edited by RageSoul -- 1/4/2022 11:40:13 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 11
1/3/2022 21:30:15   

I am once again asking for Shadowreaper of Doom .
Pridemaster/Pridelord pet
Defender Cannon spell
Corrupted Seven spell
Prince Linus pet or spell with the signature Shrink Ray, effect up for interpretation

Also seconding:

FrozenShard Wand - AQW weapon (wand) as please put it TOME for ice
Mel De Abelha Wand - AQW weapon (wand) as please put it TOME for earth and summon honeybee for heal/stun
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 12
1/3/2022 21:46:00   

Horc Orc Set for Earth armor

Prime Awe of Blade

I support...
Sphinx Jevoha's Kezeroth armor suggestion.
Cupquake's Moglotron Armor suggestion (Sorry Chaotic...)

< Message edited by MetalKnight -- 1/15/2022 19:53:47 >
AQ AQW  Post #: 13
1/3/2022 22:40:30   


Prime Awe of Blade

I'd love for the Prime Blade of Awe, but the thing to keep in mind is that the Awe set are supposed to be exclusively no-drops. If the PBoA were ever implemented in AQ, it would have to be something just a bit different from a weapon you can buy.

The loophole I came up a few months ago is for a misc item that can temporarily transform your BoA into a Prime Blade of Awe:


Aura of Awe

Non-elemental miscellaneous item. Boosts INT, STR, and outgoing damage dealt with Awe weapons (+40, +40, and +20% at Level 150, respectively.) Damage boost is /0.75 for Magic Awe weapons.

Mastercraft; can temporarily replace your Blade of Awe no-drop with the Prime Blade of Awe.

Appearance: A shining, translucent orb of yellow light, with the runes of the Blade of Awe encircling it.

Description: As a prize for besting Awethur in his prime, you've received a legendary magic that will boost your stats as well as your damage with Awe weapons. It can also transform your Awe weapon into the Prime Blade of Awe!


Click on the item to replace your current no-drop with the Prime Blade of Awe temporary weapon. This will only work if a non-Prime Awe Weapon is currently in your active no-drop slot (i.e., you cannot equip the Prime Blade of Awe if you have Adventurer weapons, Guardian or Ultraguardian weapons, or another temporary weapon in your no-drop slot.) If you currently have the Prime Blade of Awe in your no-drop slot, clicking the aura again will give you back your regular no-drop Awe weapon.

* The Aura of Awe further enhances your fearsome blade!
** The Aura of Awe will only work with Awe weapons.


Prime Blade of Awe

0-proc Melee Sword/Ranged Glaive/Magic Sword. Element is your current no-drop element, defaults to Earth if your no-drop equipment isn't elementalized. +0 BTH lean on the Melee and Magic variants, +3 BTH lean on the Ranged variant. Which variant is equipped to you when you click the Aura of Awe is dependent on whether your no-drop Awe weapon was a melee, ranged, or magic weapon. (You cannot swap between variants, so this is essentially three weapons with the same name and abilities.) Deals increased damage against "boss" enemies (see below for info).

Mastercraft; the weapon has no downtrigger.

Appearance: Similar to the AQW Prime Blade of Awe, though the ranged variant is modified to be a glaive instead.

Description: Could this be the real thing? Though its awesome aura weakens your ability to block, it deals even more damage than the normal Blade of Awe! Against an especially powerful foe, it grows even stronger!

Flavor Effect: Your weapon attacks deal +5% damage. In return, you get -3 MRM.

Mastercraft Bonus:

Against various "boss" enemies, the weapon also gets an additional damage bonus:

Against foes who do not resist or reflect Powerword Die, but have the Boss Boost or Freedom intrinsic: Weapon attacks deal an additional +5% damage (for a total of +10%).

Against foes who resist Powerword Die: Weapon attacks deal an additional +7.5% damage (for a total of +12.5%).

Against foes who reflect Powerword Die: Weapon attacks deal +15% damage (for a total of +20%).

AQ  Post #: 14
1/3/2022 22:49:45   

My suggestion this year is Skyguard Uniform from AQW. It's a classy armor that works well with both male and female characters, and I think it would translate well to AQ.

I also agree with the following suggestions:

@Dr Disrespect's Queen Aegea (OS)

@Lv 1000's Baltael Aventail (DF)

@Aura Knight's Stan the Scan Orb (DF)

@RageSoul's Necrotic Sword of Doom (DF)

@RageSoul's Witchblade (OS)

@Kaizoku's Prince Linus (DF)

From the suggestions after my post, I agree with:

@arcanum37's Shadowhunter (DF)

@Biokirby's Timekiller (DF)

< Message edited by GwenMay -- 1/4/2022 18:04:13 >
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 15
1/4/2022 0:01:54   

I'm seconding Soul Wyvern, Roar of the Pride, Rainbow's End, Dragon Clan Scythe, Serenity's Courage, Queen Agaea, and the Templar(OS).

And I would like to strongly recommend Seraphim of Ver, as it's something me and several others have wanted to make an appearance in the crossover release for a while.

Now, I know it's not standard practice, but I think it would be cool that if there were multiple armors, one of them would be in the Common GGB shop- either not master craft, or having an effect with a slight tradeoff.
AQ Epic  Post #: 16
1/4/2022 4:26:27   

Uragiri is the one dragonfable weapon i want,it could end up interesting in AQ.
As for armor : Arcane Dark Caster looks really good and it can be the spellcaster armor we we're all waiting for!
And a tome that goes with it: Arcane Dark Caster Spellbook would be great.

Items i like to see from other players:

(Arcane) VoidCaster Spirit
(Arcane) DarkCaster Spirit both from Lv 1000
Orpheum Bow from Broccoli

< Message edited by LUPUL LUNATIC -- 1/24/2022 4:42:24 >
AQ  Post #: 17
1/4/2022 4:50:18   
Aura Knight

http://oversoulgame.wikidot.com/bandit-drakath As an armor would be cool but guest works as well.

http://oversoulgame.wikidot.com/princess-ghypsophila Ice guest.

http://oversoulgame.wikidot.com/cosoma-titan Ice pet.

http://oversoulgame.wikidot.com/revontheus Misc item. Click to summon guest which turns into: http://oversoulgame.wikidot.com/rev Earth guest, maybe petrification effect.

http://oversoulgame.wikidot.com/sword-matron Probably armor if possible, if not, guest or maybe spell idk. Could use one of the attacks.

< Message edited by Aura Knight -- 1/4/2022 5:05:46 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 18
1/4/2022 9:07:03   


If there are enough suggestions I might do a part 2 again later this year.

A part 2 to the GGB Extravaganza later in the year would be fantastic!
Post #: 19
1/4/2022 9:34:03   

Cinder Hacker
Cruel Axe of Midnight
Undead Assault Axe
Destiny Mace
Blinding Mace of Destiny
Necrotic Mace of Misery
Axe of the Ebilcorp Knight
Tracker Axe
Gibazil’s Fury
Flame Void Blade
Lycan of Nulgath Sword
Vamp Blade of Nulgath
Vampire Blade of Nulgath
Vampiric M4trix of Nulgath
Royal Retribution of Brightfall
Gravelyn's Destiny Blade
Legion Overfiend Blade
Necrotic Sword of Doom
Celtic Hunter Blade
Corrupt Celtic Hunter Blade
Sword of Purity
Celestial Commander’s Sword
Serenity’s Prowess
The Lost Knight’s Blade
Crafter Chakram
Elemental Chakram
NOTruto Chakram
Frozen Fear Chakram
Champion Chakrams (There are many of them though if ever most likely only one will be picked as much as I would like them all)
Shatterglass Chakram
Crystalis Chakram
Sturdy Midgard Serpent Chakram
Dark Arcana Chakram
Legion Dark Arcana Dagger
Pirate Poniard
Blade of the Oculus
Crystal Dragon Edge
Frost Pumpkin Sword
Bloody Shadowreaper of Doom
Candy Corn Crusher
Pumpkinator Polearm
Jack O'Daggers
Great Energy Pumpkin
Pumpkin Carver
Deathknight Dagger
Shadowscythe Blade
Shadowscythe Templar Claymore
Dazzling Noon Promise (Dagger)
Dazzling Noon Promise (Sword)
Frostval On a Steeck
Frostval Barbarian Sword
Sword of Despair
Sea King's Wrath
Regal Energy Blade
Ringed Sword
Ripper of Vokun
Rune of Green Earth
Rune Sword of the Darkness
Serpentic Edge
Blade of Glorious Destiny
Blade of Glorious Victory
Blade of Havoc
Blade of the Chaotic Fleet
Blade of Rage and Fury
Blade of Immortality
Blade of Hail
Blade of the Neverborn
Blade of the Pumpking
Blade of the Dragonsworn
Blade of the Djinn King
Axe of Absolute Death
Diamondmarrow Mace
Bladehaven Ice Sword
Gift of the Wild
Chaotic Knight Blade
Not so nICE Axe
Howling Frost Set
Sabre of Serepthys


Voting for the following:
Uragiri (suggested LUPUL LUNATIC)
Mathael (suggested by KuronekoAlchemist)
Crypto Crusher Hammer(suggested by Aura Knight)
Elite Void Broadsword(suggested by Inferno369)
Digital Doomlord’s Blade(suggested by Inferno369)
Dark Botanical Broadsword(suggested by Inferno369)
Blooded Cerberus Set(suggested by Zennistrad)
Judgement Wheel (suggested by Deaf of Destiny)
Lim's Hybrid Hammer/ Yix's Hybrid Dagger / Cysero's Hybrid Staff (suggested by RageSoul)
Father Time (suggested by RageSoul)
Horc Orc Set (suggested by MetalKnight)
Prime Awe of Blade / Prime Blade of Awe (suggested by MetalKnight and Zennistrad)

and since I have also suggested on Necrotic Sword of Doom that was already suggested by RageSoul, I guess that counts as a vote to Necrotic Sword of Doom too.

< Message edited by Bolter -- 1/4/2022 9:53:11 >
AQ  Post #: 20
1/4/2022 10:59:51   

I dont play any other game, but I hope you all are choosing based on effects/how good they are and not just art...!!!
Post #: 21
1/4/2022 11:35:54   
Aura Knight

Nope, only art. Effects can be decided later. At least that's how it is for the Oversoul suggestion mostly.
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 22
1/4/2022 11:43:25   
I am Moglin!

I'd personally love to see the Moglin Self from AQW to make it to AQ.
There is Moglin Self helmet that goes with the armor, but we could switch between that and the regular red moglin helmet (or personal face).

Thank you!

AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 23
1/4/2022 12:14:02   
Dr Disrespect

The staff decide the effects. Player suggestions are purely based on art/aesthetics.
Post #: 24
1/4/2022 12:38:53   

I would love to see the Shadow Hunter class from DF to be included but with the new design.
AQ DF  Post #: 25
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