Prime Awe of Blade I'd love for the Prime Blade of Awe, but the thing to keep in mind is that the Awe set are supposed to be exclusively no-drops. If the PBoA were ever implemented in AQ, it would have to be something just a bit different from a weapon you can buy. The loophole I came up a few months ago is for a misc item that can temporarily transform your BoA into a Prime Blade of Awe: quote:
Aura of Awe Non-elemental miscellaneous item. Boosts INT, STR, and outgoing damage dealt with Awe weapons (+40, +40, and +20% at Level 150, respectively.) Damage boost is /0.75 for Magic Awe weapons. Mastercraft; can temporarily replace your Blade of Awe no-drop with the Prime Blade of Awe. Appearance: A shining, translucent orb of yellow light, with the runes of the Blade of Awe encircling it. Description: As a prize for besting Awethur in his prime, you've received a legendary magic that will boost your stats as well as your damage with Awe weapons. It can also transform your Awe weapon into the Prime Blade of Awe! Effect: Click on the item to replace your current no-drop with the Prime Blade of Awe temporary weapon. This will only work if a non-Prime Awe Weapon is currently in your active no-drop slot (i.e., you cannot equip the Prime Blade of Awe if you have Adventurer weapons, Guardian or Ultraguardian weapons, or another temporary weapon in your no-drop slot.) If you currently have the Prime Blade of Awe in your no-drop slot, clicking the aura again will give you back your regular no-drop Awe weapon. * The Aura of Awe further enhances your fearsome blade! ** The Aura of Awe will only work with Awe weapons. quote:
Prime Blade of Awe 0-proc Melee Sword/Ranged Glaive/Magic Sword. Element is your current no-drop element, defaults to Earth if your no-drop equipment isn't elementalized. +0 BTH lean on the Melee and Magic variants, +3 BTH lean on the Ranged variant. Which variant is equipped to you when you click the Aura of Awe is dependent on whether your no-drop Awe weapon was a melee, ranged, or magic weapon. (You cannot swap between variants, so this is essentially three weapons with the same name and abilities.) Deals increased damage against "boss" enemies (see below for info). Mastercraft; the weapon has no downtrigger. Appearance: Similar to the AQW Prime Blade of Awe, though the ranged variant is modified to be a glaive instead. Description: Could this be the real thing? Though its awesome aura weakens your ability to block, it deals even more damage than the normal Blade of Awe! Against an especially powerful foe, it grows even stronger! Flavor Effect: Your weapon attacks deal +5% damage. In return, you get -3 MRM. Mastercraft Bonus: Against various "boss" enemies, the weapon also gets an additional damage bonus: Against foes who do not resist or reflect Powerword Die, but have the Boss Boost or Freedom intrinsic: Weapon attacks deal an additional +5% damage (for a total of +10%). Against foes who resist Powerword Die: Weapon attacks deal an additional +7.5% damage (for a total of +12.5%). Against foes who reflect Powerword Die: Weapon attacks deal +15% damage (for a total of +20%).