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=AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Story thread

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4/6/2011 12:43:56   
Eukara Vox
Legendary AdventureGuide!

Here is where you can post your Bizarre Flecks Mega War Stories. Have fun and please...PLEASE remember the rules in both AE forums and my own L&L rules.

A couple of rules to make this easiest to read.

1) One post per person. If you have an ongoing story, please just edit your post to continue it. Do not make a new post to add to your story. New major events in AQ will receive a new thread.

2) Please do not comment on the stories in this thread. If you want to comment on the stories, please go =AQ= Bizarre Flecks 2011 Mega War Commentary

< Message edited by Eukara Vox -- 4/6/2011 12:49:09 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 1
4/6/2011 13:09:56   
Legendary Loremaster

I awoke in silent darkness, confused and alone. All around me I could sense the chaos, almost feel it, but my physical senses told me nothing of my condition. I was floating in an endless expanse without respite: I could hear nothing, taste nothing, see nothing. All was formless emptiness. I could not even, I realized after long searching, sense the pull of gravity on my form. Up and down were irrelevancies, and that I perceived them at all was an artifact of the fact that I felt myself to be floating, and thus lying on my back.

I tried for some time to reach my senses beyond that barrier that surrounded me, that hollow gray nothingness. I searched for the slightest sign of hope or of familiarity. At long last, I found a sliver of light in the endless darkness, a single ember of warmth in a sea of ice. I directed my will toward that light and warmth with all that I had within me. I knew that finding their source was my only hope.

As hope grew, so did conjecture, how was it that I had come to be in this place? What force or action had lead me to such desolation. Try as I might I could not answer and indeed as I cast my mind back over recollection I found no answers whatsoever, only more questions. With these questions came a sense of lonely fear. The truth was, that fate had played the ultimate trick on me, I would come to realize this in time, but as the events that lead to my ceasing to be started, I was very much lost, afraid, and alone.

This is the story of that time. It is my recollection preserved, if only in a fragment. For once this has been completed, I have now become certain, it is all that will remain of me.

My name is Falerin Ardendor. This is the story of how I ceased to be.

Chapter 1:

"Falerin, I asked if you were listening" The voice said insistently and I turned my gaze away from the dagger sitting on the table. I had been gazing at my reflection in it trying to make sense of anything that had been happening. The woman speaking was dressed in a smart pant suit of the type that screamed attorney at law. For the moment I was having a hard time remembering who she even was.

"Sorry, I was distracted" I replied "What were you saying..."

"Do you think we should press the matter with the chamber council?"

"Council?" I replied hollowly even as a flood of conflicting memories came to me, none of them unfortunately elucidating the nature of this council. "Excuse me... I have somewhere I need to be..."

"Falerin? You cannot just leave we have a ton of things to..."

Even as the protest began, it fell upon deaf ears, and I fled the small room in which I had awoken. How had I gotten there? I had been floating in nothing hadn't I? I reached out and then... and then what? That was the ultimate question, and try as I might, I could not remember any sort of transition or movement. Yet there was this odd feeling that I could associate with nothing else other than the passage of time. I continued my flight from that small room, and out of the building, for some minutes before I realized that I had no idea where I even was. The buildings and constructs all around me were thoroughly alien.

Uncertainty was replaced by the beginnings of terror.

What was happening to me?

Chapter 2:

I continued my flight from that room in growing fear and apprehension when suddenly I was struck by a strong wave of vertigo, enough that I felt nausea. I closed my eyes to regain my composure and suddenly I felt as if I was falling down an endless crevasse. My equilibrium totally disrupted, I reached out to regain my footing when the sensation stopped as quickly as it started. I reopened my eyes and found myself standing inside the inner chamber of a building that I somehow vaguely recognized.

"Are you alright?" A voice asked, it was somehow both young and hard and I detected the slightest note of derision in it.

"What?" I said hollowly "I... where am I?"

I turned and looked at a young man dressed in black flowing robes with elaborate golden knot work embroidered into the cloth into strange runes and sigils which seemed to swim before my eyes. His eyes were a slate grey and seemed to be contain a hint of bemused condescension.

"Did you hit your head or something?" The kid asked

"No... at least I do not think so..."

"Who are you anyway?" The kid asked. "I do not think I have seen you in the temple before"

"Temple?" I asked shaking off my feeling of unease and recognizing the surroundings around me more fully. This was the Temple of Many Gods in the city of Fair Harbor. I was on Caelestia, but how had I gotten here?

I turned my gaze to the boy again and noted his holy symbol, a spider gripping a large carved obsidian decahedron.

"You do not recognize me?" I said to the boy then my own voice growing colder and harder. "What is the temple teaching the youth these days."

"What do you mean?" The kid asked, clearly taken back by my sudden reassurance.

"I am your patron.... Sandiel Clenn" I said "You have been serving my temple for years. I would think you would know all of my favored forms"

The kid stared at me blankly and then looked more closely at me with a start apparently seeing something in my aspect that reassured him that I was not totally crazy.

"Lord Falerin" The kid said bowing his head, his manner suddenly bordering on fawning obsequiousness. "I did not...recognize... that is to say, you are dressed in a very unfamiliar manner"

I felt the oddest sensation. I had know the kids name but where had it come from? Then hearing the boy's reply I looked down at my form and noted that I was dressed in a purple suit, custom cut to my dimensions. I gestured slightly and a staff appeared in my hands.

'No wonder the kid had not recognized me....' I thought but then a feeling of confusion overtook me. This suit was my regular outfit as Loremaster wasn't it. Who or what was a Loremaster I wondered.

Another young man entered the room he was dressed in a leather bomber jacket and carpenter jeans with a relaxed fit. His hair was a cropped blond style gelled and spiked.

"Run along Sandiel" the man said and the kid turned and looking at the newcomer was gripped by the unmistakable sign of fear.

"Hello Case" I said looking at the young man.

"Hello" the young man responded. "You don't belong here."

"This is my temple..." I answered.

"No" he responded. "This is Falerin's temple"

"I am Falerin" I answered.... strangely unsure of the pronouncement.

"Yes" Case responded "But you are entirely the wrong one."

Chapter 3:

"I am an temporal analog of the entity known to most as "Abode"" the man said then"but I no longer maintain the form of a house, having long ago selected on that of a young human male. Some might say that the form I take is unnatural. It serve's its purpose and its just as natural as any "form" would be to me. I am at the core a mind without a body. That is the key to my nature. "

"I know who you are." I replied curtly "I called you by name when I saw you. What is this nonsense about me being entirely the wrong Falerin"

Rather than answer case placed a hand on my arm gently and said "Tell me how you came to be here?"

I looked about my surroundings again and remembered my strange flight, the sensations of falling all of the steps I took to this place and I realized that I had no adequate answer to Case's question.


"Do not try to hard... its not surprising you cannot remember. Don't think hard about it just tell me why it is that I am here right now..."

"Don't be ridiculous" I snapped somewhat irritated by the condescension "I told you to come get m....."

I just trailed off then. I had told him to come get me?

"You are a fragment, formed when the band broke..."

"What no... I am.... I am..."

I fled. I fled faster then my legs could humanly carry me and before my eyes the fabric of worlds fell away. I wanted desperately to be anywhere distant from Case.

"Hello... bud.....dy" A voice said in what seamed to be a even more poorly acted rendition than Pauly Shore's original.

I turned and looked in to the eyes of myself.... A cloaked figure entirely formless stood at his side.

"So glad you could join us my man" my doppleganger replied. "you are in for a treat tonight..."

"Enough Jackdawing... or Jaw Jacking... crowing; whatever it is the terns say. Absorb him and be done."

"What?" I said suddenly wishing I was back with Case, that I had not run as far or as fast.

"Genuine, unconditional, Sym-b-osis.. thats right you and me one body one mind..." my analogue proclaimed and touched me with the edge of his staff.

Suddenly it was clear to me. What Case had said was true. At the moment of my death at the hands of Seth Cay Dhows. I had been splintered broken into many many pieces and scattered on the winds. Case had been sent by the majority of my former mind to retrieve me and help me reunite but I had fled into the hands of the enemy.

"I won't, you cant" I started, protesting furiously and futilely against what fate had arrayed against me. I then realized the futility of my efforts. I would be lost in moments with nothing in all of history to remember that a being such as I had ever existed. The very concept of me absorbed into a larger whole. There was but one thing to do... I gestured with my staff and extended all of my divine magic and power into a single act.

I was absorbed even as I saw the scroll drift to the floor.


"What is this?" Ardendor asked picking the scroll up and glancing at the top idly...

"I awoke in silent darkness, confused and alone. All around me I could sense the chaos, almost feel it, but my physical senses told me nothing of my condition..."

"Never mind that Ardendor. We still have to find the Flecks. Come along..." Dhows answered

"Right...." Ardendor said putting the scroll back down on the table and exiting the room it rolled slightly and unfurled so a single line was visible toward the night sky.

My name is Falerin Ardendor. This is the story of how I ceased to be.

< Message edited by Falerin -- 4/12/2011 13:30:38 >
Post #: 2
4/6/2011 20:31:39   

Aferthir's treachery:Part I: The Martyr's promise

As the Necromancer sat smugly on the precipice, he watched the undead and heroes of Battleon clash in a writhing mass of steel and limbs Pathetic. He thought They'll throw themselves to the teeth of the war machine that is Dhow's army's, yet they don't even consider destroying it from the inside. "Are you sure this will work" The Paladin captain watched with distaste as the necromancer Summoned even more undead, all wearing gold sashes. "Oh, my undead will play their part beautifully, as long as your soldiers remember not to attack the undead wearing gold sashes. If all goes well, we have the perfect spy's, placed directly where we need them." The Paladin captain nodded his approval, but his eyes gave a funny twitch, as though he couldn't stand being near an undead without trying to run it through with his sword. "Are you sure you gave your troops the message?" The paladin gave an exasperated sigh "For the hundreth time, yes." "Good, cause' HERE WE GO!" The Necromancer's undead vanished with a puff, being thrown into the fray, with their creator issuing orders Attack the skeletons, guard the paladins. Any serious changes in Dhows' armies strategies are to be reported to me. The orders had been given, the stage was set.

Aferthir's Treachery:Part II: The Hammer and the Sickle

"If only I had finished Aferthir when we met." Said the Necromancer, shaking his head ruefully, as he watched.
"Again, Who?"
"You've never heard the stories?"
"The name sounds familiar, but if I've heard the story behind it, I've definetly forgotten them"
"Ten years ago, a Necromancer by the name of Aferthir had made an incredible discovery..."

It's a little known fact that Necromancer's don't just control their undead. Those few Necromancers who are responsible (not to mention intelligent) enough are able to meld the undead's power with their own, thereby strengthening both. It's a tricky art to manage, and, as such, Kalay Obsidia teaches only the greatest and wisest Necromancers, but if successful, a Necromancer can endow his Undead (not to mention himself) with vast amounts of power. This is most often used in the Necromancers favor, because undead have seemingly limitless amounts of strength due to the lack of organic parts (not to mention brains) which would, under ordinary conditions tire a being out. A Necromancer by the name of Aferthir found that a Necromancer could transfer most of his power to an undead, although it's risky if you don't know how strong you are. It grows even more problematic with multiple undead, as you have to distribute your power completely evenly, but it's do-able.

"The story of Aferthir is directly related to the war we fight now. When the Mysterious Necromancer first showed up, Aferthir swore fealty to him before Dhows had even revealed his existence to the rest of the world. How he found Dhows we're still not sure. Personally, I think Dhows himself found Aferthir, and of course Aferthir backed the winning horse. When Dhows first started his undead campaign, Aferthir was crucial, even though he was only doing research. The exact perameters of his research were unknown to all but Dhows, but I suspect he was trying to deduce how to take a small amount of energy from a Necromancers body, multiply enough to supply an army and multiply the energy output enough so that the selected undead could take down even the sturdiest foe. Aferthir didn't succeed of course, but his reasearch was still imparitive to Dhows. That's the only reason Dhows didn't turn him into a mindless undead. Aferthir traveled with Dhows for the next couple years, summoning undead and the like. Not that Dhows would've needed the help, but it was nice to have someone willingly do your dirty work. We finally confronted Aferthir after the dragon wars. Long story short, we found him all to late. He had already made about 10,000 "Super undead" These undead were...horrible, to say the least. Fast as a sneak, and twice as tough to kill. We eliminated them all, but what it cost both the paladins and Necromancers..."The necromancer shook his head sadly. "Somehow, Dhows figured out how to make more of them. And that's what we face now." As the Necromancer spoke, he sensed several of his undead soldiers die almost instantaneously.And that's what we face now...

Aferthir's treachery: Part three: The shadow wyrm

"I still don't understand how this all comes together" The Necromancer gave an exasperated sigh. As he did, he surveyed the progress of the battle below. The heroes were gaining ground. He nodded approvingly "As I explained before, all of Dhows' actions can be traced back to Aferthir, even the reverse element creatures Dhows is employing. The story begins and ends with one of Aferthir's less harmful projects. A living shadow wyrm. Aferthir slaved for years over how to create beings made completely out of shadow. Eventually, through methods that only Dhows knows, Aferthir succeeded. The shadow wyrm he had created however, was tiny. Not much bigger than a finch. So Aferthir gathered every ounce of Dark Mana he could find. The beast quickly grew such a huge amount of power that it had to grow to accomidate it's sudden increase in strength. Aferthir continued to feed the wyrm his potion, and the beast grew ever stonger. Aferthir then decided to do a little field testing with his creation...On a nearby supply caravan. Paladins fought it off, but Aferthir found out all he needed to know. The beast could've destroyed anything in it's path, yet Aferthir wanted more. He eventually grew the beast to such proportions that it could encircle half of Granemor, without even stretching itself out. Aferthir then presented it to Dhows as the ultimate Paladin slayer. That was the first time I think Dhows truly realized how valuable Aferthir truly was. And how dangerous he was. Even Dhows couldn't stand up to this monstrosity Aferthir had created out of pure obssession. Dhows had Aferthir contain the Shadow Wyrm temporarily, and told Aferthir to focus on different outlets of study for now. So Aferthir did. He focused on how undead paladins still retained their light affinity. Eventually, he narrowed down the exact process, was able to form it into a low cost spell, and presented his findings to Dhows. Dhows, seeing future uses for it, learned the spell. But Dhows wasn't going to have Aferthir running around, summoning armies of these Shadow Wyrms, so Dhows arranged for Aferthir killed in full view of the Shadow Wyrm. What happened next isn't fully known. Some say Aferthir used the spell he had created to create a Light Wyrm and fight against Dhows. Me? I think they're right."
Smiling, the Necromancer thought he saw a bright flash in the sky.

< Message edited by blazeheart97 -- 4/16/2011 17:08:41 >
AQ  Post #: 3
4/6/2011 21:13:37   

Undead Chronomancer Damien The Nerflord's Introduction:

As I awakened in my room back home I wondered if the nightmare regarding the bizarre flecks was a nightmare or a dark premonition. I get dressed and go for a walk through Lore and feel a dark chill in the air. One of my friends equipped with the protector set returning from my home realm approches me to inform me of a disturbance approaching Lore with Dhows being the one behind it.

"Dhows? As in Seth Cay Dhows?", I exclaim now knowing that nightmare of reality being destroyed possible becoming true.

"Y-Yes", she responds looking afraid.

"Where exactly is he heading Kara?"

"From where Raiden Hayabusa could detect, it seems that he's heading to Caelestia."

After hearing that, I go into deep thought and contemplate my next move. All of a sudden, he protean bonded to Kara begins to speak

"What are you planning to do Damien?" He asks, sensing how worried I'm looking at the moment.

"Something I was hoping I'd never do" I respond while looking at the palm of my hand.

Kara looks frightened and both she and the protean both asks, "You're not going to do what I think you're gonna do are you?"

"Kara.....Zero.....stay safe my friends." I respond before teleporting back to my home realm. As I enter my castle I head towards my room and open the closet door taking out my chronomancer robes and nerflord's crest. My nerfkitten runs to me and meows, rubbing against my leg so I get a ball of yarn to tosses it to him so he can play with it. While my nerfkitten plays with the ball of yarn, I look in the mirror, specifically at my left arm where there's a sealing mark.

I sigh and say, "I guess this was bound to happen sooner or later. I just hope I don't wipe out cause irrepairable damage though."

My right hand glows as I tough the seal and it disappears, causing a huge surge of power to flow through me. Afterwards, I shoot two blue beams from my hands, one towards my chronomancer robes and the other towards my nerflord's crest causing the robes and shield to merge into a robe with the mark of the nerflord's crest on the chest. After I finish, I equip the new robe. My nerfkitten looks at me and meows.

"Heh I look awesome don't I?" I respond and pets my nerfkitten. "Ready to go?"

My nerfkitten meows in response as I pick him up then leaves the room and exits the castle. Outside I look back at my castle and then looks at the sky, knowing that if my friends and I fail all reality is done for. I open a portal to Caelestia and get ready for the toughest fight of my life.

"Dhows, I'm coming for your head!" I exclaim and jump through the portal.

Wave One

As I entered the battle, I noticed reversed monsters which at first left me baffled as now I would have to change up my strategy for them. Three Reverse Hunting Rocs fly towards me to attack after a while, I prevail and left one reverse hunting roc corpse intact so my nerfkitten and chimera can chow down. During the slight break I send out a signal notifying my army back home as well as my army from Trescol and Kairula to join the battle. My break however was interrupted by two reverse tropopause tyrants which quickly became a pain to fight. I decided to test my new robe out and within seconds completely obliterated the tyrants. Kara, Zero, Rayne, Lilianne, and Raiden run to me after witnessing me finish the two monsters off.

"Heh, Looks like you guys made it just in time for the war" I tell them. "Be careful, these monsters are not what they appear to be. They're reversed meaning these monsters' attacks deal the opposite element that they normally do".

"I noticed when I arrived here. Those Reverse Thunder Trolls gave me hell" was Raiden's response.

"If we're having this much trouble here, I wonder how the warpforce are faring." A worried Zero says to Damien.

"All the more reason to help our allies here stop Dhows. Its not gonna be easy though. If he took down a diety then this guy has got to be insanely powerful." Damien replies. He looks at Raiden and asks, "What did your research find regarding Dhows?"

Raiden sighs and says, "Its not good dude. If my calculations are right then Dhows may be using chronomancy."

"W-WHAT!?" Rayne shouts "How is that even possible?"

"I dunno Rayne but at this rate that blasted psuedoshadow thing is even more trouble than we all thought."

Their conversation gets interrupted when an army of reverse monsters charges towards them.

Damien and his troops charge towards the reverse monsters and fights off the reverse monsters. Later on they reach the epicenter of the war where Damien and company finds his Lorian allies.

When Damien, Kara, Zero, Rayne, Lilianne, and Raiden reach the epicenter of the battleground, they meet up with Cenara and Eldron.

By the time they got there however, the first wave of the Dhows forces were nearly wiped out. However, a dark portal opened beneath them, and before anyone can react, Damien falls through it. After falling through a vast darkness, Damien falls unconcious.

"Ah, so we have a little birdy that also wields Chronomancy I see" A voice booms, causing Damien to regain consciousness and notice that Dhows is standing in front of him. Damien then gets up and jumps back a bit.

"Eager to die then aren't you Dhows" Damien says, bringing his weapons out and gets in a battle stance.

"I was going to say the same thing." Dhows responds. Damien then charges at Dhows and attempts to use Time Stop but the time spikes not only dealt no damage, they phased through his body.

"The hell? How did I miss" Damien says looking surprised

"HAHAHA! You have to do better than that little birdy." Dhows says in a taunting way.

Damien's hands glow as if he's getting ready to charge up for an attack.

"I know what you're attempting to do and since I'm feeling a bit merciful, I'll let you know now, it won't work."

"We'll see about that!" Damien says as he fires a bluish grey beam at Dhows. However, Dhows simply knocks it away as if it was nothing and snaps his fingers causing some invisible blast wave to hit Damien point blank in the chest knocking Damien back a few feet.

"I thought you would've been a better challenge than that. So far, I'm not impressed."

Damien gets up and growls in anger. "Take THIS!" Damien shouts as he all of a sudden unleashes blast after blast of his power, then casts time stop and summon across time, then casts every spell he has. After Damien's assault ended, all that was left was smoke. Damien stops his attack, exhausted from his all out attack on Dhows breathing heavily as the smoke begins to clear. However, Damien's confidence is shot as Dhows still stands and appears unharmed by Damien's assault.

"Thats, thats impossible! Not even you should've survived that attack." Damien says with a shocked look on his face.

"That tickled but thats all it did. But seeing as thats the best you can do, its MY TURN!" Dhows responds as he raises his left hand and blasts Damien with a beam of low level chronomancy, paralyzing Damien where he stood.

"I thought nerflords were tougher than this. I guess they're not what I thought they'd be. How disappointing." Dhows snaps his fingers, unfreezing Damien as Damien feels a great surge of pain throughout his body causing him to pass out. Dhows snaps his fingers again and Damien fades away only for Damien to appear back from where the portal he fell through was.

Wave Two
I woke up in a tent, a bit dazed and with one heck of a headache. Not being one to stay down, I get up and head outside and find to see nothing but chaos while warriors, rangers, mages, and hybrids alike are fighting Dhows' army. I spot Raiden and Exo, one of my friends from Kairula struggling against a monster I never seen before, a Twisted Molten Beast. As I begin to run towards them to help, Four Dracovamp Handmaidens blocks my way.

"Ahh, we found our next prey." One of them arrogantly exclaim.

I glare at them and order them to get out of my way or die.

Another one laughs and say "So..you think you can defeat all four of us at on-"

Before she had the chance to finish her sentence, I blasted her with a ray of time, instantly disentigrating her.

"If you want to run away, now is your last chance dracovamps!" I warn the remaining three.
Not heeding my warning and blinded by their rage, all three attack me at once. While they did inflict a little damage, they was quickly overpowered and eliminated. After that was over with I charge towards the twisted molten beast and cast time stop. Unfortunately I was unable to freeze it and it charged towards me. I jumped out the way and Exo made a lasso and managed to throw it on the beast. She jumped on the molten beast's back and after a while managed to tame it. Raiden had a surprised look on his face after seeing that while I had the urge to try to tame a molten beast myself.

"Now that you're recovered, whats the plan of action" Exo said to me.

"If you do have to fight Dhows, we gotta weaken him first. I lost badly fighting him. For now we gotta find our friends and find a way to stop this madness." was my response.

Raiden and Exo nodded and we head out into the chaotic fight. This second wave of enemies lasted for several days and by the time we finally defeated 100% of it, we realized that we only had less than 4 days left on the clock.

Wave Three
The monsters in this wave were a bit weaker than the last since most of it was woodland creatures. In fact, the strongest one I noticed was a reversed molten beast. I also noticed that Eldron had a special mission for us so I volunteered to do it. After two long agonizing days I finally returned with the mission successfully accomplished. The ghost knight i fought during the mission followed me back via the shield i took from defeating him. The shield flew out of my inventory and its body reappeared.

"Well seeing as you brought me with you I might as well help you fight" The ghost knight said with an annoyed tone in his voice.

With a surprised look on my face I asked, "Let me guess, the part of you that isn't a ghost is your shield right?"


"Cool" Raiden said noticing what happened. "So you can either assume your ghostly knight form or ramain as a shield. Uhh...Damien, how exactly did you get this shield?"

"I thought brining the shield back was a good idea at the time. I didn't know the ghost was inside the shield."

"I'm right here ya know!" The ghost said.

"Whats your name anyways?" I asked the ghost

"My name is Duran"

"Well Duran, ready to help slay some reversed monsters?"


On our way to the battle, Duran asked me what that clock was for. I told him its a long story but before I finished my sentence, I noticed how much time we had left and told Duran and Raiden to go ahead without me. I ran back to use my chronomancer powers to locate Guerro Tempus. What I didn't know at the time was that he was already looking for me to offer his assistance. I opened a portal back to my home realm and all of a sudden Guerro jumped out.

"Whew! I finally found you! Even with my powers, you were tough to locate" Guerro said. Then he looked up at the clock. "Oh man, you guys only have less than a day left."

"Are you able to help me rewind the clock back a bit?"

"Yeah but only a few days. That way it gives us enough time to stop Dhows army without him noticing that his clock was completely sabotaged."


Using our chronomancy powers, we managed to reward the clock back so we have at least two more days left. My powers were almost completely drained, Guerro wasn't completely tired out yet.

"That took a lot out of me."

Guerro gave me a pat on the back and said, "Using chronomancy does take a lot out of you at first but you just have to know your limits first and try not to overdo it at first. It takes a bit of practice. Don't worry, after this war is over with I'll train you but for now we have to deal with Dhows."

"What about the fire lord? Aren't you still being hunted?"

Guerro laughed and said, "I don't think the fire lord would bother me right now. What we have to deal with now is possibly worse than what it can do to me"

"Ok my friend, but be careful."

Guerro and I ran forth to rejoin the fight. By the time this wave was over with however, we only had a 24 hours left. One final wave with only a day left. Even with the help of some powerful allies, things are looking a bit bleak.

Final Wave coming soon

< Message edited by damien_black13 -- 4/19/2011 13:36:20 >
AQ  Post #: 4
4/7/2011 7:50:38   
Mystical Warrior


Mystical Warrior is one of the known Guardians in lore that will help in every war he can even if it means dragging his battered body after grueling fights in other quests.

He was formerly known as Nightmare Warrior was one of the Nightmare Queen's top Generals but as time goes by he started to doubt the leadership of the Nightmare Queen and escaped from her nightmare realm. After escaping he was helped by Artix himself to relinquish his evil ways and join the side of Good. Mystical Warrior also trained under the tutelage of BlackHawke to help him control his sheer raw power because of the intense training and sparring sessions Mystical Warrior underwent with BlackHawke he can now fight for 10 straight days without rest (Unless he hits his Gold Cap which BlackHawke can't explain himself).

Although his past-self still exist in his deep sub-consciousness even after the help of Warlic sealing it which can emerge if Mystical Warrior is in need of the sheer raw power from his evil side in great battles, only hoping that it will not fully take full control of him again.

Now fully prepared to help in the name of Good and Justice, Mystical Warrior prepares himself for another long journey or quest to help stop Dhows' plans.

Chapter 1: Mystical Warrior's New Goals

After the events of the Devourer's attempted destruction of Lore. All was back to the way Mystical Warrior's life is...That is joining every war he hears off and help vanquish the armies that comes along with it. Until the time Dhows started to make plans on threatening Lore's safety, Mystical Warrior now prepares his whole arsenal and will to help put a stop to this fiendish plans alongside the other Guardians and Adventurers of Lore. This is the start of yet another long quest on putting a stop to the vast armies that is sent to destroy Lore.

Chapter 2: The Long War

Chapter 2.1: The Reversed Monsters
Now with the on-going battle with Dhows' armies, Mystical Warrior alongside his fellow Guardians and Adventurers are fighting against what seems to be the reverse element of some monsters which proves Mystical Warrior's anticipation that Dhows' armies will contain monsters that haven't been seen or fought by others until now. After a day of hard battling the brave Guardians and Adventurers of Lore has already vanquished more than 30% of Dhows' armies.

Chapter 2.2: Molten Mayhem
On the 2nd day of the war the reversed elemented enemies are not lighting up one bit. The long war still trudges on with each Guardian and Adventurer doing their best to keep these armies of Dhows on destroying Lore and getting recreated in Dhows' own dark image. Resources of other Heroes are also running low after the initial burst of armies against Dhows' minions. Mystical Warrior hopes that the other Heroes of Lore do their best. After the 2nd day of the war, the valiant heroes of Lore have already defeated more than 2/3 of Dhows' army, with this Dhows how unleashed a new monster which are the Molten Beasts which took the other Heroes by surprised but because Mystical Warrior was expecting the unexpected he was ready to face these beasts. Mystical Warrior keeps on fighting valiantly alongside his fellow Guardians and Adventurers.

Chapter 2.3: The Dracopyres Returns
3rd day of the war and Mystical Warrior still fights on despite the fact that there's a new force in Dhows's army namely the Molten Beasts, A few Guardians and Adventurers are injured and being treated by Twilly and the other Moglins. The brave Heroes still fight on to put a halt to Dhows' plans. After fighting valiantly to stop Dhows plans the Heroes where yet surprised that Dhows has released a new wave of armies against the heroes making his forces vast again even with the forces of Dracopyre in Dhows army, Mystical Warrior fights on alongside the other Guardians and Adventurers.

Chapter 2.4: The Allied Forces
4th day of the war and it's still a massive battle...

Mystical Warrior: "Say BlackAces you think we can finish this in time?"

BlackAces: "So as long as we keep working together alongside Nightmare Anonymous, Nosey123, elryn, Prosperine and the other adventurers we can do this."

Mystical Warrior: "You're right...Let's keep fighting on to stop Dhows' plans...Prepare yourself Dhows the war veterans of Lore won't stop fighting...we will defend Lore even if it means destroying our own bodies!"

Mystical Warrior goes back to the field alongside the other Heroes of Lore, even with the Dracopyric minions of Dhows, Mystical Warrior still slashes his way through them without hesitation.

Chapter 2.5: Mystical Warrior and the ArchMage Apprentice
In the 5th day of the war the Heroes still of Lore still fight on even when some of them has to make their temporary leave for more important matters. As the time gets nearer to the deadline Mystical Warrior fights more ferociously almost letting his dark-side take over to quickly dispatched his enemies. Seeing that more than half of the army of Dhows is gone, Mystical Warrior encourages other people to help fight in the war. After the conversation about BlackAces temporal leave ended, Mystical Warrior fights back to back with one of his trusted allies which is the talented apprentice of the ArchMagi named elryn. Mystical Warrior was astounded with the power of elryn by annihilating enemies with a forest of stone spires, to impress also his ally, Mystical Warrior performed lightning fast attacks with deadly precision putting hundreds of enemies down in a matter of mere seconds.

Chapter 2.6: Preparation for the worst
The 6th day...The Heroes had fought bravely...seeing that the forces of Dhows are getting thin, Mystical Warrior prepares himself for unsuspecting reinforcements which happened before in the early stages of the war. Feeling that his Dark Side is starting to resurface because of the continues use of its raw power, Mystical Warrior turns to elryn and the heroes...

Mystical Warrior: If my Dark-Side resurfaces and becomes uncontrollable, I want you guys to keep me busy until my Dark-Side is sealed...

Prosperine: Of course!

Necrolich: Leave it to us...

Mystical Warrior: And if that does happen (Mystical faces elryn), elryn I want you to go to Warlic and learn the sealing spell he used to suppress my Dark-Side, I know you can do the spell.

elryn: I understand. Don't worry and I'll make sure your Dark-Side will be sealed as soon as possible.

Right after the conversation Mystical Warrior returns to fighting in the war.

Chapter 2.7: Things got complicated...o rly?...ya rly
As the heroes valiantly fight on to save Lore...Dhows yet unleashed another set of reinforcements which includes opponents in Greenguard forest making Dhows' army even bigger.
As Mystical Warrior is fighting he notices BlackAces summons in the field communing a message:

BlackAces Summon: "Although I am absent from the battlefield I have devised a plan on using my summons to help in my absence although they will not be as effective because I cannot sustain them for long I will maintain them as long as possible".

The summons didn't lasted long in the battlefield and soon dissipates as BlackAces was running out of power. As the summons disappear, Mystical Warrior fights more valiantly after seeing the effort of BlackAces in fighting the war.

Chapter 2.8: The Sacrifice...or not
In the 8th day of the war the Heroes still fight on...as the war was trudging on one of the heroes noticed something while fighting.

Elryn: “Look a gear portal is appearing behind us could it be...?”

BlackAces: “I have returned to the frontlines to aid my friends for this final push in the war as the time draws closer”

elryn: “Welcome back BlackAces”

Mystical Warrior: “Good to see you again BlackAces”

BlackAces: “Thanks it feels good to be back”

After the short conversation the heroes continued to fight in the war. After a few moments of fighting, Mystical Warrior suddenly noticed that BlackAces' life force was quickly draining he then quickly searched for BlackAces and noticed that he is surrounded by Molten Beasts. Mystical Warrior quickly shouts...

Mystical Warrior: “ELRYN!, We have a situation over here I need your help BlackAces is in trouble”

Elryn: “Say no more I will offer my aid to help him”

The two heroes quickly used one of their special skills in their arsenal, elryn performs a spell that is still unknown to most where it is a possible secret archmage spell...while Mystical Warrior used his "Flash Cut" where he moves in the speed of light while dealing deadly strikes to opponents. After the Molten Beasts were defeated elryn and Mystical Warrior assisted BlackAces back to his estate in Darkovia. Upon reaching BlackAces' estate, elryn took BlackAces inside to get him examined of his condition while Mystical Warrior waits outside to stay on guard. After a while elryn comes out...

Mystical Warrior: "How is he?"

elryn: "He is fine now although not in fighting condition because of extended use of his summon yesterday he was already draining his Life Force when he pushed himself to maintain the summons..."

Mystical Warrior: "So that explains why I sensed his Life Force was low."

elryn: "Yes. I instructed him to rest his body and join us in the final push because by then he will be fully recovered."

Mystical Warrior: "I see...Don't worry BlackAces we will keep fighting on at your absence."

The two heroes then quickly returned to the battlefield and fight Dhows' army with more fierceness for their comrade.

Chapter 2.9: Onward to Victory!!!! and the Dark-side haunts
The heroes fight on despite the fact that Dhows keeps sending reinforcement to render their efforts null...While the heroes are taking a little breather in their campsite before going back to the war.

Mystical Warrior: "I see you told BlackAces then Divine Light, *sigh* I guess this couldn't be avoided he would have figured it out sooner or later."

Divine Light: "Do not worry I plan to fight side by side with BlackAces to ensure he doesn't overdo himself we need all the help we can get."

After their short rest the heroes goes back to war with Dhows' army. Mystical Warrior pushes his body to the limit by keep using "Flash Cut" against his enemies even though his body is allowed only to use 2 per day, He now risks himself on letting his Dark-side takeover his body.

Mystical Warrior: Flash Cut! (After performing the skill Mystical Warrior take a knee)

Prosperine: You alright Mystic?

Mystical Warrior: (Stands up and answers back) Yes I am fine Prosperine do not worry...

After the conversation Mystical Warrior goes back to the hoards of monsters to defeat them...and then thinks to himself

Mystical Warrior: (while talking to self) This is bad my Guardian Plate is reverting colors...My Dark-side is starting to take-over...It must be from the continues use of "Flash Cut"...

With this in mind, Mystical Warrior starts to use "Flash Cut" at 25% power to delay the take-over of his Dark-Side

Chapter 2.10: The Nightmare Returns...for real this time
While doing the special mission to gather Falerin's personalities...Mystical Warrior met a familiar face he didn't want to see. The Nightmare King...one of the Nightmare Queen's minions where sent to change him.

Mystical Warrior: "You...of all the times to cross-paths with you...why now."

Nightmare King: I am here to revert you back to your true self.

The Nightmare King drew a vial and suddenly threw it at Mystical Warrior, He slashes the vial and the serum in it splashed all over Mystical Warrior.

Nightmare King: "That should do i...ggraaaggghhh!!!"

With haste, Mystical Warrior finished the Nightmare King not caring what the serum was for. With the fear that something might happen Mystical Warrior quickly finishes his quest and gets back to the battlefield. After a few moments of fighting the undead that tries to gang up on Mystical Warrior, he soon realizes the effects of the serum.

Mystical Warrior: "Oh no...I'm...turning...to...Nightmare...Warrior...NO!!!!...Wraaaagghhhh!!!!"

An explosion suddenly bursts out that caught the attention of BlackAces that was near the location of Mystical Warrior. BlackAces quickly went to the other heroes to inform that Mystical Warrior's Dark-side has now emerged. Now at the edge of hill...

elryn: ''Tell me again what went on.''

BlackAces: ''It happened as the reinforcements of undead arrived. Mystical Warrior and I were culling monsters of course. We were not side by side, but close enough to see each other well. As we were fighting, the undead came from the forest which took us by surprise. A good twenty or so tried to gang up on Mystical at the same time.''

elryn: ''And they paid dearly.''

BlackAces: ''Indeed. This could prove to be quite problematic.''

elryn: ''Not quite. In fact, I think we could even use it to our advantage.''

Proseperine: ''What do you have in mind?''

elryn: ''Listen closely... ''

elryn started to explain his plan on mind to the other heroes and quickly commenced their plans. Meanwhile on the battlefield, Nightmare Warrior indulges himself on the helpless monsters in front of him.

Nightmare Warrior: Is that all you got!?!?!?!?! Very well then I will end your life..gyahahahah!!!!

(A fireball explodes in the sky)

Nightmare Warrior: What the moglin was that?

As Nightmare Warrior looked in front of him he notices hoards of monsters coming at him...With a demonic grin he shouted...

Nightmare Warrior: You all want a piece of me!?!?!?!?!...very well then..."Colosseo Guard"!!!!!

Nightmare Warrior slams the ground and a Colosseum was formed trapping him and the hoards of monsters inside of it...screeches are heard and others were cut short for Nightmare Warrior bathes himself in enjoyment of slaying the monsters.

Chapter 2.10.1: The Nightmare and The Beast
While Nightmare Warrior is closing in on a Molten Beast that has its back against the walls, One of the beasts lets out a powerful roar. The Molten Beasts that were left started to gather and fused to one massive molten beast.

Nightmare Warrior: Oh this is gonna get good! (While bearing a demonic grin)

The Beast attempts to crush Nightmare Warrior with one big blow but he narrowly escaped. One blow after another Nightmare Warrior narrowly escapes all of them and was cornered in a wall...

Nightmare Warrior: Come on you big worthless thing!...Hit me with your best shot!

The Beast then lets out a powerful blow when suddenly "clang!!!" The Beast was surprised that Nightmare Warrior blocked his attack with his blade and two hands.

Nightmare Warrior: Is that it?...I expected more from you...As your first punishment I'll tear your arm off..."Dark Flash"!!!

Dark energy emanated from Nightmare Warrior's blade and he cuts off The Beast's arm...

Nightmare Warrior: I guess there's no point leaving you alive..."Nightmare Cut"!!!

The Beast was torn to shreds that there was almost nothing left. Nightmare Warrior suddenly falls down to the ground due to the exhaustion of using consecutive Nightmare Skills.

elryn: That will do..."Nightmare Seal"!!!

Nightmare Warrior started to revert back to Mystical Warrior...

Mystical Warrior: ''My... Must have been quite battle. Pity I missed it''

elryn: ''Oh, no. Quite boring actually, and a one man show at that.''

Mystical Warrior: ''Really?''

elryn: ''Yes, you could say the fellow was quite the one man army.''

They fell silent and then laugh.

elryn: ''The war is still far from over, in fact, reinforcements have arrived. Will you join?''

Mystical Warrior: ''A silly question if I’ve ever heard one''

Mystical Warrior returns back to the campgrounds to rest for a while. There he met BlackAces and had a little chat...

Mystical Warrior: "Greetings BlackAces."

BlackAces: "Greetings Mystical Warrior."

Mystical Warrior: "After what happened to me earlier...I was kinda thinking...once we are gone...I wonder if anyone will be able to replace us or take on our legacy."

BlackAces: "As of now, we can't be sure but there are many candidates to replace us...Although they may need more training."

Mystical Warrior: "True...Although we are not asking for just 1 person to replace one of us...so as long as those heroes combine their efforts to win the upcoming wars then we can leave our legacy at their hand."

At this moment elryn arrives back at camp with some news:

elryn: "After this war is over I will be leaving BattleOn as I believe I will need to travel outside of my hometown in order to progress myself as an ArchMagi there is only so much I can learn here. I do not know how long I will be gone for but I will surely return one day more powerful than the day I left."

BlackAces: "I see well it is understandable there is only so much one can learn from one place you need to move and travel to learn new things in order to become more powerful, I went on a trip like this once a few years ago I was gone approximately a year and I learnt quite a bit so I believe it will do you good.

Mystical Warrior: "You are embarking on quite the journey elryn I wish you luck and hope that you remain safe on your travels and return safely whenever that may be."

elryn: "Thank you both for your kinds words but I feel like I interrupted something as I arrived, did I?"

BlackAces: "Mystical Warrior and I were discussing the future about what would happen when we are no longer able to participate in wars, as I myself feel the toll of these wars taking their toll on my body with each passing day."

elryn: "I see so you were discussing the new age of heroes that will have to replace the legacy left behind well there are lots of capable heroes out there that can carry on in our absence."

Mystical Warrior: "That's what we were just discussing before but I think we should discuss that more in detail once the war is over and focus on what we need to do now."

elryn: "I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking about this on my way back to camp but I see your point we should discuss matters like this once the war is done with."

BlackAces: "I also agree we should leave this talk for when we are done with the war, and I'm also glad I wasn't the only one thinking about the future either it makes me feel better somewhat.

The three continue to talk about their plans on the final day of the war...

Chapter 2.11: The Mystical Order
As Mystical Warrior was fighting valiantly as the deadline goes nearer, he hears 3 very familiar voices through telepathy...

Mystical Warrior: "We must finish this war...the deadline of the clock is getting close to zero hour..."

*Voice 1*: "Then let us help! I can blast these monster with my spells!"

*Voice 2*: "Yeah...don't you think its time that you let the others know about us Mystic? I can fight side by side with you y'know"

*Voice 3*: "I agree...I'm getting tired of seeing you the only one helping in wars in our group. I can take the hits of these monsters very easily and we will also help finish the wars quicker"

Mystical Warrior: "You are not strong enough yet my brethren...In time I will introduce you to the other heroes of Lore...For now, train yourselves more...and when I see that you are all strong enough I will let you join me in wars."

*Voice 1*: "Awww...But that will take weeks...who knows how many wars will we miss...but alright...just don't let your Dark-Side resurface again...or I'll be forced to split you to 2 different entities"

*Voice 2*: "Understood...Just don't overdo it...and keep working hard."

*Voice 3*: "Very well...Lore...Prepare yourself...The Mystical Order will soon rise to help you in your times of need."

As the telepathy cuts-off Mystical Warrior continues to fight and thinks to himself about the forthcoming of his brethren in "The Mystical Order"

Chapter 3: The Final Day

As the final hours of the war gets near Mystical Warrior fights more desperately to try and win the war...When he also noticed a mass of gear portals opening...

Mystical Warrior: "What is going on here where did all these gear portals generate from?”

As Mystical Warrior witnessed BlackAces powerful magic he too did something that can almost endangered him...

Mystical Warrior: "There's not much time...I must use my whole power..."

Before Mystical Warrior performs his move, He contacted one of brethren in "The Mystical Order" through telepathy

Mystical Warrior: "M<spoiler>ard, are you there?

*Voice 1*: "Yeah I'm here...Gonna let us help now?"

Mystical Warrior: "No...although I am gonna ask you one big favor..."

*Voice 1*: "What is it?"

Mystical Warrior: "I'm gonna power-up my "Flash Cut" be ready to split me from my Dark-side"

*Voice 1*: "What!?!?!? Are you serious!?!?! If I screw up that will severely weaken you both and your Dark-Side can't be controlled."

Mystical Warrior: "I trust in your skills...If you split us you can leave a part of my conscience in him so he is still good."

*Voice 1*: "Very well then...I will start the spell...Push yourself to the limit so your Dark-side attempts another take-over."

Upon hearing this Mystical Warrior unleashed an incredible aura that had strengthened his attacks...

Mystical Warrior: "ok here goes nothing..."Flash Cut Kai"!!!! (Kai means Remastered in japanese)

Although powering up his attack, It wasn't enough to diminish Dhows' army...Mystical Warrior then again released another powerful force to even power-up his moves...

Mystical Warrior: "I will not let you win Dhows!!!! "Shin Flash Cut" !!!!! (Shin=True in japanese)

Even after tripling the power of his "Flash Cut" it still wasn't enough...Mystical Warrior then starts to weaken as his Dark-Side resurfaces

Mystical Warrior: "M<Spoiler>ard, Now!!!!!"

*Voice 1*: "Alright here goes..."Entity Slicer" !!!!"

Nightmare Warrior: "Hahahaha...I am finally out of your body, Mystical Warrior!!!!"

Mystical Warrior: "True...but I can...still...control you...now...fight with me in this war!!!!"

Nightmare Warrior: "Hahahaha...You don't need to ask me twice in wars"

As the two newly split entities fight side by side...They slowly lost hope as the timer gets to the end...and as the timer hits 0...The two entities stopped and watched what happens next...

< Message edited by Mystical Warrior -- 4/20/2011 5:05:29 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 5
4/7/2011 12:08:42   
Travis Touchdown
Reality Touchdown!


Death’s Kid knew what was coming. He always knew. The so-called “Son of the Reaper” had a sixth sense as far as battles went. He could hear the drums of war hammering out their rhythm. He could smell the upcoming chaos. He could almost see the madness. His mind was plagued with the images of monsters and fighters alike flying through the air, propelled by destructive magic or large weaponry.

He was ready. His previous encounters with Seth Cay Dhows were fresh in his memory. He had savoured their previous clash, when the Adventurers and Guardians of Lore had just barely been able to defeat him in time. It had been much too close for his liking. This time, he thought, things were going to be different. This time Dhows wouldn’t stand a chance.

The impending destruction drew him to the battlefield. There he would wait, concealed from sight. Dhows’ armies would soon arrive, and he would be waiting for them. With him he carried a flare. As soon as the first enemy feet touched ground, he would send it to the heavens, signaling the start of the battle. His alien armies would see it, and they would touch down, being amongst the first to meet the enemy.

He paused for a moment. He felt that the enemy forces would be much, much larger than he had ever fought before. This was going to be a massacre, for better or for worse. He tried to focus his mind on what the field would look like after it was all over. He shrugged. What happened would happen. He was one man, but he intended to make a delible mark on the battlefield. His innate ability to become stronger from each successful kill would come in handy. He would be much, much more powerful by the time this battle came to a close. Not to mention wealthy, or so he had hoped.

Another pause, this one accompanied by a pang of insecurity. His mind drifted to a battle nearly a year and a half prior. It had taken roughly two weeks to vanquish that enemy– the same amount of time that Lore’s armies had in the coming war, if he estimated correctly. Another battle, this one a year ago against a group of rabbits of all things, had also taken nearly two weeks to end– a fact that he was still puzzled by. And then there was the most recent skirmish, the yearly invasion of the Leprechauns, which had taken much longer than it ever should have. He hoped that this time, Lore’s men and women-at-arms would move much, much faster. They had better, he thought.

His mind drifted to his secret weapon. It was time. After the first strikes against his foes, he would retreat from the battlefield for a time. It was regrettable, he knew. He had wanted it to be ready long before, but distractions had kept him from obtaining it until now. There was no time to procure it before the clash began. He spat into the dirt. He hoped that his fellow Adventurers and Guardians could pick up the slack until he made his triumphant return. And then... the foe would pay.

But for now all that remained was the wait, and there was little he could do about that. Mere hours separated him and the fray he craved so much. He settled down under a layer of mud and was still. Soon, Death’s Kid would live up to his namesake. Soon.

The First Strike

Death's Kid had seen alot of things during his years as one of Lore's militia. Few monsters surprised him anymore. As far as he was concerned, they were just another bag of bones, sometimes flesh, that needed disposing of.

It was with this mindset that he was blindsided when a Hunting Roc caught him offguard. This one was different than the dozens of others he had faced. He spat, silently. Tempting as it might be, he wasn't going to reveal his position until the time was right.

After a few minutes, he was convinced it was time. He lit the flare and threw it towards the sky. The monsters all turned to look at him. A small group charged at the mud-covered Assassin. He didn't flinch. He knew what was coming.

Without warning, the Trescol and Kairula militia dashed from their positions, charging headlong into the enemy. Death's Kid watched the carnage for a few moments, and was preparing to depart when he stopped. The sheer size of the enemy army baffled him. His forces had hardly made a scratch in the sheer number of enemies, and though he heard the bugles of his fellow Lorians as they approached the battlefield, he knew that things were going to get very, very, deliciously messy. It was going to be a long war.

Regardless, it was time for him to make a break for it. The chaos of the combined might of Lore's, Trescol's, and Kairula's armies clashing against Dhows' would provide the perfect cover to make his escape. He broke into a headlong run into the trees, heading back towards BattleOn. He would be back.

A Soul of Venom

"Mush! Yah! Go!" Death's Kid was whooping as his kicked his new Chimera. He hadn't broken the beast yet, but he was convinced it would listen to him on the battlefield. He led the beast up a cliffside and brought it to a stop. There he waited for the right time to join the fray.

A reversed Steppe Mastadon came into view. "Easy, boy..." he whispered. "Let it come to us." The Chimera obeyed, and flexed its body, ready to pounce. As soon as the Mastadon came into range, Death's Kid gave the Chimera a hard kick. It lunged from the cliffside and pounced on the creature. It was helpless as the venom coursed through its veins, making it an easy target.

He pulled back on the reins, preventing his mount from devouring its first victim. "Not yet."

"First, let's work up an appetite." He whooped, charging his beast into a pack of enemies. He readied his Tonbo-giri. This was going to be fun.

Undead Rising

Things were not going well on the battlefield. After a blistering pace for the first few days, it appeared that the war effort had stalled. One week remained.

Death's Kid was frustrated. Such a delay could be the deciding factor in the battle. Worse, the Reversed Monsters had recieved a large sum of reinforcements in the form of Dracopyres. In general, he didn't mind fighting them-- The Alpha Wolves and Lords were easy pickings on the worst of days. But their ranks seemed to have thinned, as instead he found himself embroiled with a struggle with endless waves of Handmaidens of both the Vampire and Dracopyre variety. They were fast, nearly as fast as he was, which made his hit-and-run tactics much less effective.

Still, although he frequently had to retreat, he refused to surrender. Although it appeared that many of Lore's heroes had left the battlefield, he was determined to see the battle through to the end, for better or for worse.

He hoped it would end for the better.

Feral Cries

The battle was beginning to warm up. After several days of virtual standstill, Lore's Adventurers and Guardians were gaining ground. They had recieved help from an expected source, as The'Galin himself pointed the way for Lore's heroes. The destination was Mount Thrall, a place Death's Kid had known all too well. Dracopyres gave way to forest creatures driven to madness. It was an unfortunate setback, but they were determined to push through.

The illusions of defeat haunted Death's Kid's mind. He had seen several fighters pushing themselves to the limit, yet for a time it seemed there would be no avail. Bitter memories of BattleOn's defeat at the hands of Bradakhan made a re-entry after over four years.

Three and a half days remained. Just short of the same amount of time that was provided in the previous clash between Dhow's and BattleOn's heroes. Would it be enough?


Death's Kid roared as he thrusted his Shadowspear into the face of a Reverse Sun-Eater. Less than a day remained. Many of Lore's heroes had evacuated from the battlefield, determined that all hope was lost. He was still there, but he was hurt.

He took a wistful look over his shoulder at the likes of Mythical Warrior and elryn, who had slain several thousands of monsters during the war. They had put up a noble effort, but even they were tiring. The odds were against BattleOn's armies, but a select few refused to give in. They would stay until the end.

He turned around just in time to get blindsided by a Twisted Molten Beast. He was down. He spat. This was it for him. He couldn't get back up.

He raised his hand and let the teleporting magic overtake him. He needed to go home and recover. Win or lose, there would be other battles, and dying on the battlefield wouldn't accomplish anything.

"Dunnae give up. Dunnae give in. Dunnae give out. Dunnae surrender." Those were his final words before departing the battlefield for the final time.

The outcome was out of his hands. He hoped that his brothers and sisters-at-arms would persevere without him.


The sounds of war had past. It was over. Lore's heroes had failed. Already were exhausted Adventurers and Guardians pouring into Yulgar's for the evening, lamenting their defeat.

Death's Kid was downing a large mug of root beer. He was still incredibly sore, but he could move again. The muttering of his fellow heroes was already beginning to drive him crazy. Some were announcing their retirement from future wars. Others were angry that the efforts of some of the bigger warmongers had been committed in vain. Yet others were blaming those who had not fought at all.

Yes, defeat was a bitter taste. This war marked only the second time that the Adventurers and Guardians of BattleOn had ever lost a war, and it had been over 4 years since the last time. He still bore scars of the war against Bradakhan.

After a few moments, his patience wore thin and he snapped.

"FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YA?!" His words echoed over the Inn, which promptly went silent.

"Aye, we lost. Aye, we lost handily. But this ain't th' end. We'll get back at Dhows for this. And when that opportunity presents itself, we'll take FULL opportunity of it."

He stood on the counter of the Inn, brandishing his Tonbo-Giri.

"Are we just going to give in at the first sign of defeat? Are we really just going to lie down and take what comes? Are we going to run away? I DON'T THINK SO!" The cheers rung out as he returned to his seat.

Yes, they had failed. They had lost the battle. But in time, they would have the chance to regain their glory.

And Death's Kid would be waiting.

< Message edited by Travis Touchdown -- 8/10/2013 12:40:59 >
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 6
4/7/2011 14:25:48   

Custodian (DF)

Once a Guardian always a Guardian


I awoke with a start, sweating and panting. I had been having nightmares again, and these all too familiar : a backwards clock, counting down to some ominous deadline. No sooner did I rise from bed that Nimrod opened the door with bang :

''Elryn!'' said he, ''man your equipment and head to the battlefield! We need all able Guardians and Adventurers we can get!

''By the Eternal's long beard! What is going on?''

''Stranges creatures are running rampant in Darkovia, but that is not all... There is clock... counting down...'', he answered.

''Dhows...'', I mutter. I then look up and say,''I will gather few others and head there immediately''.

Easier said than done however. Upon my exit, I come to realize that I am late. A few quick skirmishes around Battleon suffice to conclude that the others are already at the frontlines and fighting. And so, with a heavy heart, I head to Darkovia.


The chaos of the battlefield was astounding. The two armies did not clash on one front, but in each and every corner of the battlefield. Warriors, leaping and crushing their mighty foes with all there strength. Mages, unleashing their spells and teleporting here and there. Rogues, delving in the shadows and ambushing their prey.

In midst of all of this, I soon found myself battling the enemy. I had come prepared of course : I had brought my wooden maul , my weapon of choice, along with my leather-bark armour and ram skull helm. Seeing as I would employ both magic and hand to hand combat (as always), it was the best way to go. Besides, I always wore the said equipment.

Even so, the monsters still took me by surprise.

These were all monsters I had encountered previously on my adventuring : flibbitiest gibbest, tropopause tyrant and the like. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary (with the exception, of course, of their mass gathering here) until I came to block the blow of a flibbitiest gibbest. I then felt it, earth aligned mana emanating from its body. Shocked, I quickly proceeded to knockback it back and land the final blow. Upon further inspection, my instincts were confirmed : this flibbitiest gibbest had somehow had its elemental alignment changed. I had little time to reflect upon it when my eye caught sight of huge shadow over me.

I was being ambushed by a dozen monsters...

Forest of a Thousand Needles!

Stone spikes jolted from the ground. From each spike branched out a thousand more spikes and from them a thousand more until the monsters were punctured from all sides. When the stone needle forest subsided, they were all dead.

I did forget to mention one thing.

I am a apprentice Archmagus from the Reformed Order of The Archmagi lead by Kalanyr Arkan'ett and Beleqwaya Melamin *grins*.

Long live the Archmagi and the rebirth of the Order.

The Battlefield

The war raged on. The earlier ambush seemed like the least of my problems now. The very chaos of the battlefield made fighting difficult. Though we had expertise and power on our side, our foes had the numbers. No sooner was one monster slained that another took its place if not more. That was the good thing about wars however. You see, the more they were outnumbered, the more zealous the warmongers of Lore would become.

I ended a troll with swing of my maul. Suddenly, a hunting roc dove on me from the rear. Immediately, I attempted to parry when...


The Roc screamed in agony, an axe blade tip protruding its chest, and went limp. Surprised, I looked over to see who might have helped me :

''Prosperine!'' I exclaimed.

The young noble grinned, his Four-Leafed Clover Axe resting on his shoulders.

''You are late for the party.'' Said he ''What happened?''


''I know what you mean, I have been having them all week.''

''That aside, have you seen the others?'' I inqured.

''Well, I...'' said he looking to the right.

Before he could even finish, Prosperine grabbed me by the shoulders and threw us to the ground, narrowly escaping the path of a black purplish beam. I was shocked, but more so was the trajectory of the beam : one of those twisted molten beast that had been but meters from us. We had let our guard down while chatting.

Prosperine looked up.

''Sepulchure...'' He growled.

''Not quite'' I say coolly ''Quite possibly as formidable, but it is not he.'' Rising, I frown at the approaching doomknight ''Greetings... Necrolich...''

''I did get rid of that monster for you'' says he, grinning, in a dry snake like voice.

''A simple warning would have been enough.''

''True, but where is the fun in that?''

Presently, Necrolich went over to the nearly dead monster. It had avoided receiving the blow head on but still took a bad hit. As he approach the beast, it tried to roar at him, but he proceeded to grab its head. The dark purplish energy began seeping from its body and into his hand, all the while the molten beast gradually turned to dust.

Moments later, still staring I say :

''Someone has been toying with their mana''

''I noticed.'' Says he ''It is quite filling.''

''It is the least of our worries for now'' Replies a familiar voice.

Our heads turn only to find BlackAces rising from a gear portal.

''Enemy reinforcements have arrived. Dracopyres and undead abound. However, that is that is not all.''

''What is it?'' I inquire.

With his ever stern demeanour, he replies ''It’s Mystical Warrior''.

The Nightmare Warrior

We lied flat on the ground, slowly crawling to the edge of the hill. As we peered over edge, we saw him. About a few hundred meters from us was a man standing in the middle of a multitude of corpses which I could only assume to be leftovers of undead and dracopyric fiends. He bored a black guardian plate with a dark blue trim, black hair and blue eyes and a wicked bloodthirsty grin. There was no doubt about it. The Nightmare Warrior had surfaced.

''Tell me again what went on.'' I asked BlackAces.

''It happened as the reinforcements of undead arrived. Mystical Warrior and I were culling monsters of course. We were not side by side, but close enough to see each other well. As we were fighting, the undead came from the forest which took us by surprise. A good twenty or so tried to gang up on Mystical at the same time.''

''And they paid dearly.'' I added.

''Indeed. This could prove to be quite problematic.''

''Not quite. In fact, I think we could even use it to our advantage'' said I grinning.

''What do you have in mind?'' asked Prosperine.

''Listen closely... ''

After a quickly laying out my plan, Prosperine, Necrolich and BlackAces prepared to set out. ''Viking'' Liuba (named so after her striking red hair and fighting spirit) had joined us in the meantime.

''Has everyone understood what they are to do?'' I asked ''Liuba, you will take North and wait for my signal as with the others. Should any of you find other volunteers willing to help, make sure to use them. Remember however that you have 10 minutes. ''

''Yo! You can count on me!'' Liuba said.

The others nodded than all dispersed. I sat down and waited for 10 minutes. Upon the end of the time limit, I rose, lifted my hand and shot a fireball into the sky which then exploded into a short firework of colourful lights. The Nightmare Warrior and many foes on the battlefield caught sight of this and were distracted for a moment. Then...

''CHAAAARRGE!! '' Screamed several voices.

The plan worked. From each corner of the compass, my friends accompanied by many other heroes charged at the enemies screaming and flailing like mad. Upon seeing and hearing the charge, the monsters took fright and fled... all towards Nightmare Warrior who in turn screamed in savage delight and proceed to cull them blow by blow. Soon the flood of monsters all converged onto him... Again, I outstretched my hand.

Gladiator’s Domain

A circle of walls rose from the ground and imprisoned Nightmare Warrior and his pray. Muffled screams and quick strikes were heard. This went on for a good ten minutes for there was at least a thousand foes in there. Then silence fell... Thinking all was over, we proceeded to climb the stairs of the dome and peered at the scene.

A massacre would be putting it mildly. Innumerable corpse of many monsters lied upon the vast grounds of the arena. To the right corner of it, lied a throng of Molten Beast back against the walls, and the Nightmare Warrior in front of them. He was panting heavily, covered in the blood of his many foes. With dark intent, he gathered himself and began to walk, blade ready to end it all. The Molten Beasts cowered fearfully, then one of them at the front turned and roared at him will all the fiery venom he possessed.

It is then the true fight began.

The molten Beast huddled together, not with fear in their eyes, but rage. As they came closer and closer together, they began to fuse, becoming an incongruous mass of half molten rock and lava much to his surprise. Soon that mass rose and rose and took the shape of towering Molten Beast nearly as tall the guardian tower. The massive beast uttered a thundering roar and proceeded to crush the Nightmare Warrior where he stood with its right claw. He dodged, the hand hitting and fissuring the ground. The Beast continued its onslaught : left, right, left, with each time Nightmare Warrior narrowly dodging and retreating backwards until he found himself back to the wall. The Beast launched its final assault, Nightmare Warrior could not escape, he would be crushed...


The Beast took a dismayed look. The Nightmare Warrior was blocking his attack with his blade and two hands. The ground beneath him was levelled and cracked. He was struggling but then, he uttered his own bestial screamed. Bluish black energy emanated from the blade as he tore through the Beast’s hand slicing it in half. The Beast screamed in pain. The Nightmare Warrior than readied his blade and whispered from the darkest of nightmares :

Nightmare... Cut!

He vanished. Walls of bluish black energy tore the monster’s body asunder as it screamed its final utterings and as the Nightmare Warrior reappeared on the other side.

''That will do'' I said.

I jumped and descended to the arena grounds. I proceeded to walk over to the Nightmare Warrior. He was down for the count. Panting heavily and on his knees, he looked up as I pointed and said :

Nightmare Seal

The blue eyes faded. His features returned to their usual composure. Mystical Warrior rose, looked around and said :

''My... Must have been quite battle. Pity I missed it''

I eyed him shrewdly : ''Oh, no. Quite boring actually, and a one man show at that.''

''Really? '' he inquired.

''Yes, you could say the fellow was quite the one man army.''

We fell silent and then laugh.

''The war is still far from over, in fact, reinforcements have arrived. Will you join?''

''A silly question if I’ve ever heard one'' mused Mystical Warrior.

And so, blade on his shoulder and maul on mine. We headed towards the battlefield.

The Final Push

At length, the war became unnerving. The defenders of Lore fought for days on end. It was soon discovered that the source of the building uncreation energy came from Mt Thrall. Consequently, the heroes began to make their way through. Easier said than done... Having defeated the undead, they continued to plough through the odd reversed monsters only to find that the presence of these had disturbed the many forest creatures and monsters. Several days later, just as there just upon Mt Thrall, more reinforcements came. This time, agents of the Network joined the fray as well as other powerful foes. This set back made a blow to the morale. They still fought on, yet their progress slowed. Among them : BlackAces, Mystical Warrior, Zekefreed, Nessa Ellense, Commander Kyle, Commander Manni, Prosperine, Liuba, Necrolich, Jakau Ryuu, ArchMagus Orodalf, Mav, Oddball, Mordred, Raven, Groundon, Digital X, Diagonal, Sigmund, Masada, Theosenia, Nosey, Stratuscone, Cataclysm, Valent, Shadowbane, Sonic, Class, Dancer, Xehanort, Nightmare Anonymous and many more.

The war was on its last day, less than 24 hours remained on the clock. Mystical Warrior and I slayed in a frenzy, yet even we were tired. Mystical proceeded to slay a Hunting Roc with one swing of his sword. On my side, I was faced with a Minotaur Chieftain. Having exhausted my mana, I know faced him with my maul. In the fury of the battle, I exchanged blows with the fiend. His axe struck my helm just as my maul came crashing down and finished him :

‘’Elryn!’’ cried Mystical Warrior ‘’Are you alright?’’

I removed my helm and took a look at it. The axe had only inflicted a small fracture. It would be repairable. On my head, blood trickled down from somewhere over my left brow. My long hair was covered in sweat and I was panting.

‘’*pants* I am alright. That monster hardly put a dent in me’’

We looked around for more monsters. None were to be had in the immediate proximity. Then Mystical said :

‘’Look over there,’’ he pointed towards a group of monsters heading for a battlefield closer to Mt Thrall ‘’Those monsters surrounded us mere minutes ago’’

‘’Is it that time again?’’ I inquired ‘’How many monsters have you slained?’’

‘’Several thousand undoubtedly.’’ he replied.

''Likewise'' I stated.

I sighted.

‘’Then that will be all we will be able to do. No monster will dare come within a mile of us. They are too scared.’’

We sat down, tired and weary of the fighting.

‘’It would seem that it is up to the others to finish this’’ said Mystical.

‘’Indeed, but will they be able to? The clock ticks down, Mystical, and not in our favor.’’

‘’Then we may cheer them on as they do so.’’ he replied.

‘’Hmmm... I have other ideas. Tell me Mystical, when you said you would be ready to die to win this war, did you mean it?’’

‘’Of course, even if I need to drag my body and soul through hell and back.’’

‘’Then come with me.’’

‘’Where to?’’

‘’ To the only one who may hold the answer : Falerin.’’

Slowly, the two head to camp.


Criticism on the comment thread is welcomed as this is my first war story. This part feels a bit rushed. Should you have any comments, they would be welcomed.

< Message edited by elryn -- 6/13/2011 21:39:39 >
AQ  Post #: 7
4/7/2011 18:12:56   
  Dwelling Dragonlord

ArchKnight AQ / OOC / L&L


I sat in the dimlit room, my cat flustered himself against my legs. It lightened my mood somewhat, although the worries over the uncreation energies still plagued my mind. I grew weary of the pseudoshadow's schemes, how it meddled with the forces of creation.
The bowl of fruit stood untouched on the table before me, I had lost my appetite. Reluctantly I grabbed an apple and bit in it, the sour taste temporarily distracted me from the situation. While it didn't last long, it was one of the best moments I had in quite a while.

My bunyip servant walked into the room with some refreshments. He poured water into a silver chalice and left without speaking a word. I stared into the chalice at my own reflection, my eyes standing out like strange gems set in my sockets. The guardians would send for me, of that I had no doubt. Not that they knew where to look, but still.

I lowered my head so my eyes could meet the cold steel longsword that hung against my hip, I wondered if I should join the adventurers against the perils of the Deep. Or I could just observe and learn what I could. Which would benefit them most I wondered.
I cast my eyes to the ceiling where fireflies danced, then I sighed and closed my eyes.

A random thought crossed my mind. "I could send them of course."

I frowned in frustration. "But they may not be up to this task."

I sighed. "I don't really have much choice, now do I?" "Not if I am to observe anyway."

2 days later ...

I observed and watched them do battle against the creatures of the Deep. They did considirably better than I had expected, if it were to make a difference remained to be seen though. Their prowess in battle would be of little help against what was to come, from the little I had seen. Blue flashed before my eyes. A power greater than the pseudoshadow had come to foil my efforts ....

The adventurers might had to do it themselves now, with no longer to aid as fast as before.
I closed my eyes and drank from the silver chalice, the metal felt cold against my lips despite my condition, like the water tasted slightly metallic despite my experiences, like the situation looked hopeless, despite my trust and conviction.

The guardians and adventurers were pressing on, they were amongst their numbers. I very well knew the pseudoshadow's schemes and knew that things were going rather too smoothy. A false sense of security before the onslaught, as I knew but all too well.

When the undead and dracopyre spawn showed up on the battlefield and nearly tore them apart, while the guardians and adventurers surrendered the advantage they had over their enemies, I was hardly surprised.

"So it truly begins."

I had watched them, one of them went supernova and took several vampires to oblivion in the process.
Not that it mattered, this war was fought by the guardians and adventurers not by them. As beacon of light they had served, in the literal sense of the word, now their part was at least partly played. The pseudoshadow would soon find out that things that go bump in the night, go astray in the light ....

I looked at my left, where a molten beast hung chained. I slowly rose to my feet, my breath turned to that of a volcano as my blood started boiling and vision blurred as the smoke left my mouth. It was time to find out just how much information this lowly creation of the godsplinter possessed ...

< Message edited by Dwelling Dragonlord -- 4/9/2011 17:46:55 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 8
4/9/2011 12:08:22   

Play the hand you're dealt

BlackAces a devoted Guardian who stands for Justice and Unity takes every chance available to protect Lore from any type of threat that would endager the lives of his friends. In his life he has only gone by two names and the second name has long been forgotten and he is now one of Lore's devoted defenders. However, BlackAces currently finds himself sidelined in recent times and is not able to participate as much as he would like but he will just have to play the hand he's dealt.

War Day 2 and 3

Missing the first day of the war BlackAces has been decimating Dhows forces for two days and making good speed while doing so. Although these new reversed beings are quite strange there is no time to waste on the little details as the clock slowly ticks down to an unknown event. Either way the best thing that can be done is to destroy Dhows forces before the time is up in an effort to prevent whatever Dhows is planning and if not prevent it delay it enough to find out more information to formulate a strategy for the future. After defeating roughly 2/3 of Dhows forces new monsters emerged known as the Molten Beast as reinforcements pushing the valiant defenders back and increasing Dhows forces. However, BlackAces will not stand by idle and let Dhows get away with his wishes we will continue to fight no matter how many reinforcements Dhows sends his way. BlackAces will not stop fighting along side his fellow brothers in arms even if he is forced to reduce his effort he will definitely get as many kills as possible.

War Day 4 and 5

Despite the slow progress BlackAces continues his assault on Dhows forces along side his fellow Guardians and Adventurers. Despite being slowed down BlackAces continues to find ways to continue to lay waste to Dhows forces for he will soon be forced from the battlefield. As BlackAces returns from slaying a wave of Molten Beasts he turns to his fellow war monger and says:

BlackAces: "It would seem I will be forced from the battlefield soon Mystical Warrior care to pick up some of the slack while I'm absent?"

Mystical Warrior: "I along with the other warrior's Nightmare Anonymous, nosey123, elryn and Prosperine and all the other participants will be sure to continue warring on in your absence."

BlackAces: "That is good to know and a comfort to hear hopefully when I return there will still be some more strange and unusual beings for me to slay."

Mystical Warrior: "If this was any other war I'd leave a pile of enemies for you to slay upon your return however since we have a deadline we must finish this quickly."

BlackAces: "I understand."

BlackAces unwillingly leaves the battlefield slaying a few monsters upon his exit eagerly waiting to return as soon as possible.

War Day 6 and 7

Despite being pushed from the battlefield BlackAces cannot sit idle by and watch on as a spectator in one of Lores most crucial time of need. Although BlackAces is back at his Darkovia mansion he no longer possesses the items to send an army on his behalf while he is incapacitated and currently an onlooker to the war at hand. As BlackAces paces back and forth inside his house he devises a plan to be able to be of assistant to those on the battlefield however this plan carries a heavy price if used to the extreme. BlackAces decides to summon monsters in his arsenal to lay way to Dhows forces. To determine his limitations BlackAces dispatches a few of his summoned monsters however he soon realises keeping one or two summons on the field would be easy pickings for Dhows forces. After coming to this realisation BlackAces decides to embark on a much riskier plan that could result in serious harm to himself. BlackAces decides to sleep on it and decide the next day whether he should attempt such a dangerous plan.

~End day 6

After spending all night contemplating the plan BlackAces decides to summon every monster in his arsenal to the battlefield however summoning such an extensive force requires a lot of energy from BlackAces. If BlackAces maintains his summons on the battlefield for too long he will end up in serious danger and be forced from the battlefield longer than first thought. Once his summons have been conjured BlackAces can feel his energy quickly depleting as sustaining such a large force is not as easy as first thought and he is being drained of power far quickly than he expected. He also sends a message with his summoned monsters to his fellow Guardians and Adventurers on the battlefield "Although I am absent from the battlefield I have devised a plan on using my summons to help in my absence although they will not be as effective because I cannot sustain them for long I will maintain them as long as possible". Despite the risks BlackAces continues on with his sideline assault keeping his forces out as long as he possibly can.

After a while BlackAces no longer has the strength to keep his summons on the battlefield any longer and they are relinquished from their service and now BlackAces almost drained of every ounce of strength slowly recovers for his next sideline assault while eagerly awaiting the time he returns to the battlefield.

~End day 7

War Day 8

As a new day begins on the war BlackAces has finally had enough and decides to return to the frontlines to aid his fellow Guardians and Adventurers. Although still feeling the effects of using his summons extensively the day before he decides to push forward despite not being fully healed. BlackAces soon reaches the battlefield and meets with his fellow war mongers to announce his return to the battlefield.

Elryn: “Look a gear portal is appearing behind us could it be...?”

BlackAces: “I have returned to the frontlines to aid my friends for this final push in the war as the time draws closer”

elryn: “Welcome back BlackAces”

Mystical Warrior: “Good to see you again BlackAces”

BlackAces: “Thanks it feels good to be back”

BlackAces decides to make up for lost time instead of taking these foul beasts on one by one he decides to attack them in groups and defeat as many as possible. After acquiring the attention of a Twisted Molten Beast, Reverse Hunting Roc and a reverse Tropopause Tryant BlackAces begins his assault on the forces Dhows is using. After cutting down many foes at a time BlackAces soon feels something is amiss. BlackAces starts feeling weak and hazy and falls to one knee. Without realising it he is soon surrounded by multiple Twisted Molten Beasts from every direction. BlackAces is now in over his head as his vision begins to blur. BlackAces with no other option decides if this is going to be the end he won’t go quietly and struggles to his feet and attempts to charge the monsters around him. However, one of BlackAces fellow war veterans notices the predicament he is in and calls out to another of his allies on the field for some support.

Mystical Warrior: “ELRYN! he shouted” “We have a situation over here I need your help BlackAces is in trouble”

Elryn: “Say no more I will offer my aid to help him”

Before BlackAces realises it his fellow Guardians elryn and Mystical Warrior have come to his aid and defeated the vile Molten Beasts around him and have escorted him back to camp. BlackAces still dazed is fading in and out of consciousness and does not why he hasn’t recovered overnight as he usually does. After being escorted back to his estate the ArchMagi elryn decides to conduct a closer examination of BlackAces energy while Mystical Warrior stands guard outside. Elryn soon concludes:

Elryn: “BlackAces it seems the summons you used the day before did longer lasting damage than you thought”

BlackAces: “What *pant*... do *pant*... you *pant*... mean ... elryn?”

Elryn: “After you mana was depleted you kept you summons out a bit longer and they began draining your life force. Although you have recovered that mana your life force hasn’t recovered. And by returning to the battlefield to quickly you put yourself in even more danger.”

As BlackAces pushed himself beyond want he thought he was capable of his body has barely any strength left in it and begins to shut down as he loses consciousness he barely overhears a conversation between elryn and Mystical Warrior before he looses consciousness.

War Day 9

BlackAces awakes back at his estate still in a daze and not quite sure what happened but soon collects himself and realises he came inches close to death the day before. He slowly regains his memory of the events that transpired and that he is in no condition to fight but he feels that something isn't right. Not too long after that there is a knock at his door and before he can answer it the person enters. BlackAces is surprised to see one of his closest friends who is almost like a brother to him at his doorstep during the war effort.

BlackAces: "Wh..What a..are you do..doing here?" BlackAces still remains a little groggy and has trouble speaking clearly

Divine Light: "I was on the battlefield and one of our allies informed me of your condition as I was returning to camp and I came here straight away to check on you"

BlackAces: Now more composed BlackAces speaks clearer "You shouldn't be here you should be out there on the battlefield helping instead of worrying about me"

Divine Light: "That's exactly why I came here as I didn't see you on the battlefield I realised something might be wrong and as I was returning to camp so was Mystical Warrior except he was returning from the opposite direction which I found odd. After talking with him he proceeded to tell me what had happened and I realised I would be of vital assistance."

BlackAces: "How so even though I feel fine now if I return to the battlefield it will be almost an exact repeat of what happened yesterday and I may not be so lucky this time."

Divine Light: "There is something I can do to help with that but it will require you to take it slow on the battlefield and not overdo yourself by taking on many foes at once you must only take on 1 at a time to ensure you have some rest to regain some power. There is also one thing I was asked not to mention since it would have surely make you want to return to the battlefield again."

BlackAces: "Out with it already, we'll get to this miracle healing ailment later."

Divine Light: "More reinforcements have arrived and our efforts in the past 4 days have been undone."

BlackAces: "WHAT!!!!! I need to return as soon as possible give me whatever potion you concocted to return me to the battlefield already:"

Divine Light: "Very well."

The potion took some time to prepare and it was nearly noon as BlackAces makes his way back to the battlefield. Upon returning to the battlefield BlackAces is met with some mixed feelings as his fellow Guardians and Adventurers do not believe he should be back on the battlefield upon returning to camp BlackAces sees none other than Mystical Warrior coming back after completing another incredible wave of kills.

Mystical Warrior: "I see you told him then Divine Light, *sigh* I guess this couldn't be avoided he would have figured it out sooner or later."

Divine Light: "Do not worry I plan to fight side by side with BlackAces to ensure he doesn't overdo himself we need all the help we can get."

Both BlackAces and Divine Light charge off into battle and despite being weakened Divine Light more is more than capable of defeating these monsters on his own as he uses his Divine Law spell to instantly slay quite a few monsters in order to help BlackAces preserve his strength. After battling side by side and ensuring they do not overdo it they battle long into the night with BlackAces retiring a little earlier as he could feel the potion wearing off. Not too long after Divine Light returns to help restore more of BlackAces energy using his own mana while Twilly is busy attended to the more in need cases.

War Day 10

The tenth day of the war was quite eventful with Mystical Warrior going berserk however with the help of elryn's sealing spell the situation was handled and the war raged on with Mystical Warrior returning to his senses. After slaying more monsters BlackAces returns to camp as night falls to rest for another day of the war. While at camp BlackAces begins to think to himself:

"I wonder how long I can keep battling I've been through so many wars I've lost count of how many monsters I've slain. I wonder if a day will come where I am no longer needed and Lore no longer needs protecting although it may never come it is always nice to hope. My body has been through so much and even though I've been healed countless times and sustained injuries countless times I fear the day where my body can no longer handle it anymore and I will no longer be here to help protect Lore from threats.

BlackAces sat and continued to wonder about the future and how many more wars there are to come and if there will ever come a day he may no longer be present on the battlefield.

Not too long after Mystical Warrior shows up back at camp and the two begin to talk about what happened today and the future.

Mystical Warrior: "Greetings BlackAces."

BlackAces: "Greetings Mystical Warrior."

Mystical Warrior: "After what happened to me earlier...I was kinda thinking...once we are gone...I wonder if anyone will be able to replace us or take on our legacy."

BlackAces: "As of now, we can't be sure but there are many candidates to replace us...Although they may need more training."

Mystical Warrior: "True...Although we are not asking for just 1 person to replace one of us...so as long as those heroes combine their efforts to win the upcoming wars then we can leave our legacy at their hand."

At this moment elryn arrives back at camp with some news:

elryn: "After this war is over I will be leaving BattleOn as I believe I will need to travel outside of my hometown in order to progress myself as an ArchMagi there is only so much I can learn here. I do not know how long I will be gone for but I will surely return one day more powerful than the day I left."

BlackAces: "I see well it is understandable there is only so much one can learn from one place you need to move and travel to learn new things in order to become more powerful, I went on a trip like this once a few years ago I was gone approximately a year and I learnt quite a bit so I believe it will do you good.

Mystical Warrior: "You are embarking on quite the journey elryn I wish you luck and hope that you remain safe on your travels and return safely whenever that may be."

elryn: "Thank you both for your kinds words but I feel like I interrupted something as I arrived, did I?"

BlackAces: "Mystical Warrior and I were discussing the future about what would happen when we are no longer able to participate in wars, as I myself feel the toll of these wars taking their toll on my body with each passing day."

elryn: "I see so you were discussing the new age of heroes that will have to replace the legacy left behind well there are lots of capable heroes out there that can carry on in our absence."

Mystical Warrior: "That's what we were just discussing before but I think we should discuss that more in detail once the war is over and focus on what we need to do now."

elryn: "I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking about this on my way back to camp but I see your point we should discuss matters like this once the war is done with."

BlackAces: "I also agree we should leave this talk for when we are done with the war, and I'm also glad I wasn't the only one thinking about the future either it makes me feel better somewhat."

The three continue to talk about their plans on the final day of the war...

War Day 11

After the conversations and planning that took place last night BlackAces was relieved he wasn't the only one having thoughts about what the future may bring. Although these thoughts still linger in his mind he has a job to do currently and that is attending to the war at hand as it draws to the close. As BlackAces sets off for another day of fighting alongside Divine Light and they re enter the battlefield once again for the final stages of this war. As the two fight side by side they hear a loud scream and they think to themselves what could be causing such a powerful and terrifying sound. They pause for a moment:

BlackAces: "What on Lore was that it almost sounded like a dragon?"

Divine Light: "It did but there haven't been any reinforcements spotted yet and we haven't encountered a dragon so I think there is only 1 conclusion it must be..." Before Divine Light could finish

BlackAces: "Kamiari Ryu there is no doubt about it, it would seem he has arrived on the battlefield" *For future reference Kaminari Ryu means Lightning Dragon*

The two head over to where they heard the terrifying screech was being emitted from to find none other than Kaminari Ryu standing in front of a pile of dead monsters while the others cower in fear.

BlackAces: "I thought that might have been you Kaminari Ryu there are few that can let out of roar like that which echoes so ferociously and causes such an uproar in the battlefield"

Kaminari Ryu: "Indeed I figured I'd use my new skill I learnt while training with dragons and it worked like a charm"

Divine Light: "And what skill would that be?"

Kaminari Ryu "I learnt the Lightning Dragons Roar which basically electrocuted all the enemies close to me and the sheer volume of the roar sent the others cowering in fear."

BlackAces: "Heh looks like you've become quite the warrior in the short absence that you've been gone..." Before BlackAces could finish his sentence a Molten Beast emerges from the shadows to attempt a sneak attack on the distracted hero.

Kaminari Ryu: "WATCH OUT BlackAces"

BlackAces: "Huh what?" BlackAces turns to find a Molten Beast charging straight at him.

But before BlackAces could react Kaminari Ryu slays the beast using another one of his powerful moves:

Kaminari Ryu: "Halberd of the Lightning Dragon!" A powerful Halberd comprised of Lightning is instantly sent flying through the Molten Beast leaving nothing but a gaping hole in the middle of its body.

BlackAces: "Thanks for helping me out there I didn't even notice it until it was too late."

Kaminari Ryu: "No problem we are on a battlefield after all you shouldn't let your guard down so easily."

Divine Light: "Oh you didn't hear about what happened?"

Divine Light explains to Kaminari Ryu about what happened a few days ago.

Once the conversation ends the three of them continue to fight the hoard of monsters that remain and the combination of their skill is quite the sight to see as monsters drop like flies in their presence. Soon night begins to fall and they make their way back to camp slaying monsters along the way that attempt to block their return.

War Day 12
Ace in the Hole!

As the final day of the war meter arrived BlackAces accompanied by Kaminari Ryu and Divine Light set off for the final wave of monsters that have been unleashed in this war. As they battle on the relatively young heroes begin to fatigue as they have been warring for so long. However, as BlackAces is well used to these things his body is more than capable on handling it and he moves to the front of the pack leading the charge. After battling quite a few monsters BlackAces notices something on the battlefield. Reinforcements have arrived in order to further cripple the morale of Lore's Guardians. BlackAces notices the new age of heroes not used to these conditions beginning to lose morale and decides it is time to do something drastic on a scale that has not been seen before to boost morale for the final push.

BlackAces: "It seems as reinforcements have arrived the morale has decline I think it's time for me to make my mark in this war and provide a morale boost. We must first head to higher ground where I have a better view of the entire battlefield let's move quickly before it's too late"

Divine Light & Kaminari Ryu: 'Alright let us depart for higher ground."

With haste the trio depart for a nearby hill where they have a better view of the battlefield and of the heroes fighting below.

BlackAces: "While I carry out one of these techniques I learnt while in possession of the Chronomancer armour I will require you two to deal with any unexpected visitors."

Kaminari Ryu: "Of course we've got your back but what is this plan of yours?"

BlackAces: "As you know I left the battlefield during the early stages of this war it was in preparation for this event that I left and now that I am back at full strength I will unleash the full power of Chronomancy. Watch and behold one of the reasons aside from the ability to alter history Chronomancy was banned."

BlackAces begins to focus and build up immense power and soon a blue aura starts radiating around his body while the clock like hands on the back of the Chronomancer armour begin to speed up rapidly Divine Light senses an immense amount of power being built up in BlackAces.

Divine Light: "What is happening just a few moments ago BlackAces was just like us and now he is building up power that is not only formidable but unusual."

Kaminari Ryu: "Well let's just watch his back while we wait to see what happens."

As the duo slays monsters that attempt to disrupt whatever BlackAces is planning.

Kaminari Ryu: “That should be the last of them I don’t see any other monsters heading our way what about you Divine Light?”

Divine Light: “I see none either perhaps we should pause for a moment and regain ourselves while maintaining guard.”

BlackAces: “It is time I have built up enough energy to unleash this technique I learnt although I do not know if it already has a name but I shall call it ‘Time Annihilation’.” This ability took me a while to master as it involves me controlling many gear portals at once but now is the time to use it.”

BlackAces releases all the energy that has built up within creating mass gear portals that suddenly appeared on the battlefield beneath large hoards of monsters.

Meanwhile on other parts of the battlefield other heroes have also noticed the spike in power.

Mystical Warrior: “What is going on here where did all these gear portals generate from?”

Dragon Shadow: "Gear portals? What could possibly be happening?"

Necrolich: "Wow what's going on here masses of enemy forces have stopped moving as gear portals have emerged beneath them?

Prosperine: "This is Chronomancy but it is unlike anything I have ever seen."

Slevin: "What are all these portals that appear beneath these monsters doing?"

Sir Zekefreed of Jenkinsland: "What are these portals on the battlefield I’ve never seen anything like it?"

assassin: “Whoever generated these gear portals is a powerful ally?”

Oddball: “This is my first time seeing Chronomancy being used to such an extent I wonder what is going to happen next?”

Elryn: Being trained as an ArchMagi elryn knows all too well what these are and who is behind it “So it would seem BlackAces plans to use Chronomancy on a large scale in an attempt to deal a crucial blow to Dhows forces. The others probably don’t realise what’s going on I should inform the others as to the situation”

Elryn relays his message to the heroes of Lore using telepathy.

Elryn: “Heroes of Lore what you see before you is Chronomancy being used on a large scale by one it is not the enemy so there is nothing to fear the person behind this is BlackAces.”

Back at the hill where the trio remain.

BlackAces: “It is time to lay waste to Dhows forces and show him no matter what we will not stop fighting until the very end. Throw as many monsters our way that doesn’t change the fact that the heroes of Lore will be here to protect for what we believe in. This is where we make our stand Kaminari Ryu and Divine Light as using this will sap every bit of strength I have in me. If we are going to be defeated on this day I will make my stand here and give it everything I have got.”

“Time Annihilation!”

All across the battlefield where the gear portals emerged the ground beneath in which they covered begins to disappear. One by one the Dhows army plummets to their deaths in the massive holes created by the gear portals beneath them. Hundreds of roars and screams can be heard by the trio as the forces drop to their death in a pit of despair. Soon after they have dropped to their death the holes the gear portals created soon begin to return the ground to its original condition. Burying the monsters within Lore itself whether they survived the fall or not.

Divine Light: “What did you do?”

BlackAces: “I generated masses of gear portals on the battlefield itself and using Chronomancy I sped up the erosion of the ground fast forwarding the time itself on the ground creating mass graves for the monsters. Once I reached my limit I returned the ground to its original condition by undoing what I did and burying the monsters in Lore itself.”

As the heroes of Lore look on to see one of their allies and fellow war veterans accomplishing such a feat they soon are overwhelmed with a feeling that was beginning to fade. The feeling they had lost this war was soon replaced with the feeling on fighting with everything we’ve got until the end. With this boost in morale the heroes of Lore gain momentum in this war and begin to continue the fight with more intensity than before.

As the others continue to fight on BlackAces is relieved that his effort has not gone unnoticed and that the others on the battlefield have regained their will to fight on. Now all BlackAces can do is wait for the timer to reach 0 and await the outcome of this war.

< Message edited by BlackAces -- 4/19/2011 22:38:11 >
AQ DF AQW  Post #: 9
4/13/2011 2:44:04   

Nameless Story

Nightmare Anonymous, a young lonesome Mage, was training days before the war started. He particularly enjoyed participating in wars, especially when he didn't have anything else to do. Nice, his best friend, wanted to join him fighting in the frontlines, but Nightmare told her she was unprepared. Before he set off to the frontlines together with the other defenders, he gave Warlic his farewell

"Farewell, ArchMage, it has been great to be a student of yours. May this serve as my last goodbye if I will not return."

Warlic replied,

"Goodbye, Nightmare Anonymous, young and courageous Mage. You shall be remembered even if you shan't return."

Before the war started, Nightmare greeted his fellow defenders namely Elryn, Commander Manni, BlackAces, Zaxua, Mystical Warrior, Cataclysm, Lectrix, Rey Martel, Prince Iodes, Undead Archmage, Thanks AQ Team, Rex, Prosperine and many more.(Apologies if your name wasn't listed, there's too much participating). Nightmare ran up to his fellow mages asking why there's so much people and Elryn replied

"Have you not heard?! This is perhaps one of the most historic battles on the ground of Lore. It's a war that's supposed to last for two weeks! In addition, if we don't make it in time, we shall be the first and perhaps the last whitnesses of a great woe Dhows shall cause!"

"Ohh, I wasn't really paying attention when I heard of the news. Looks like my hard training for the week will pay off in the war."

And so the war began, both parties rushed at each other, relentlessly fighting their way to victory. Nightmare fell a few times and was nearly killed but his teammates saved him from the cold hands of Death. During the amid of the war, Nightmare was first attacked by a Thunder Troll. He was taken by surprise so the Troll got the first attack. As the troll hit him, Nightmare was knocked off to the ground as if he was hit by a powerful gale from the Troll's mace. "It seems the monster is inclined to the element its original state is controverted to." thought Nightmare. Nightmare got up and immediately knocked down the Troll with his powerful magic. By the end of the day, Nightmare gathered quite a number of dead beasts and took the gold which they hold. It also seemed that they progressed quite a lot to a point everything seemed to be ending. The heroes of Lore laughed with great mirth exclaiming their victory to the enemy...only to be surprised by something unexpected.

"Filthy scums, you shan't conquer Lore as long as we defenders stand!" exclaimed Nightmare to the adversary

During the night, Nightmare counted the gold he earned by fighting.

"Looks like I didn't meet my target. Ohh well, I didn't participate for the whole day anyways. Tomorrow shall be better."

The second day came, Nightmare jumped out of bed and went to get his equipment. Today, I shall earn the amount I am targetting. And so, he set off to the battlefield.

"Hmmm, it seems I am not earning enough gold to recover the loss I had when I needed an equipment update. I shall leave the battlefield for now and return!" declared Nightmare.

And so, Nightmare retreats back to the battleground camps. Bids farewell to everyone and vanishes...

After two or more days, Nice ran up to Nightmare telling him to come back.
"Nightmare, my dear friend! Return to the frontlines this instant if you wish not BattleOn to fall!"

"Why shall I return? They can manage this. It's not as if they're losing. In fact, we could've won on the second day! I cannot go back there. I don't earn enough. Now, stop trying to persuade me, I am off to look for the Dragon Scept--"

"Nightmare! Listen, reinforcements have arrived. You cannot go look for the Sceptre at a time like this. Now head off to the battlefields if you wish not Lore to fall into strife."

"Is that so? Then I shall return there and fight even if I have to spill my blood and live my last hours!"

And so, after a few days, Nightmare returns. He was a bit ashamed to show himself because of his treacherous act.

"Apologies, fellow heroes, I ..." muttered Nightmare Anonymous

"Ohh, it's fine. You're here, you were brave enough to return, it doesn't matter" said the young brave heroes

"Alright, then. I shall not commit such treachery once more. Come on, fellow defenders, we have lots of work to do!"

By the end of the day, Nightmare counted the gold he earned. "Well, great! seems like I've acheived my goal. Good night guys." said Nightmare. The next day, the war continues, Nightmare, together with BlackAces, Elryn, Mystical Warrior, and Undead Archmage continue fighting in the war.

After a few days of constant conflict against Dhows, the fatigued heroes noticed they were approaching victory...but wait! Dhows had new reinforcements! What are they? As the heroes met them in the frontlines, they turned out to be forest creatures. The heroes sighed in great depression. Nightmare gets worried. He didn't want to let Lore fall. He was getting worried that the heroes will be too late to save Lore.

Two hours before the deadline...some were hopeless, others relentlessly fought. Things don't seem to look very well. Perhaps our heroes need reinforcements, or more time.

"Farewell, guys. I may be gone for now, but my minions will continue fighting." said BlackAces

"Farewell, BlackAces." Replied Nightmare

Nightmare is caught by a Twisted Molten Beast while he doesn't have much mana. He is given a deep wound and cannot run.

"uggh...looks like this is my end...goodbye, Lore..." whispered Nightmare to himself.

Out of nowhere, Prosperine, a young warrior with a skull head, slashes the Molten Beast in half with Frigid Spire.

"Thanks, Prosper--"

Prosperine immediately runs whilst screaming.

"Hmmm...he seems to be a very dedicated Berserker." grinned Nightmare

"Guys, we don't have much time. Let's fight with everything we have!" announced Elryn

"We might not make it though..."

"Don't be such a pessimist, Nightmare, of course we can"

The heroes continue to fight. Win or lose, it doesn't matter to them anymore. They just gave their best.

And finally, the last hours of the battle were over. Despite the heroes' defeat, they are still confident that someday a war like this will be won. Dhows may have won this time, but it isn't the end. It is rather just the beginning...

< Message edited by Nightmare Anonymous -- 4/20/2011 5:26:13 >
AQ  Post #: 10
4/13/2011 16:24:40   


(Can't think of a title perphas after reading my history someone could help me)

Vince was in darkovia, how much has it been, a month, a year, he didn't care he was now a dracopyre, it has been difficult to get used to it, all the power, he was always searching for ways to pump out that power, thinking that if he didn't he would die, so now he was there fighting off strange reverse monsters, he didn't know why he was fighting in that war, not that he cared, a war was a war, but this one was different strangely different like if there was something in the air that semed so familiar.

Dhows, the air had his stench all around him, that's why Lord Donovan had sent him, to collect the favor done by his Lord to Donovan, but as he finished his conjectures he felt a strange smell in the air, but he hadn't time to think, suddenly all was black he heard the sounds of a monster, perphas it was one of those reverse monsters, perphas one that when it was normal excluded light, but now it absorved it, he didn't care, he had his smell and hearing to guide him, charging his weapon at the monster, the his mind went black, and he didn't remember nothing from that moment on.

(Might continue this later)
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 11
4/17/2011 4:05:07   
Clown the Jester

The Legends of Clown the Jester
The Bizarre Flecks Mega War

Part 1

Nightmares....Seems to be the only thing I have left...well that and being able to laugh...

Over my adventures...I made many enemies many so powerful that they could even control my dreams at night...and turn them into nightmares...

Kathool Achoo, Nightmare Queen and More. This nightmare was different....

I was standing in a small town...all the people were walking this way and that.... peaceful enough...I noticed a mother, two brothers, and a little sister...they were playing a game when one of the brothers left...I felt the intense heat before I saw the wave of flames...

Akriloth...The once peaceful town was incinerated...just like that...everyone...dead...blood around me....everyone except the brother that left...He pointed at me screaming, "CLOWN! WHY?!? WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE THEM!?!?" Tears in his eyes...the boy turned into the Deadly Pyromancer...Drakonnan...he lept at me. But wielding my ice kantana I brought the pyromancer down... before I finished him, he mummered softy...

"Why couldn't you save me?"

I tried to beg the maniac for forgiveness...but all he would scream was how I was the cause of the Fire War...All of the blood he spilt was on my hands...

The scene changed to watching Ryussi Cartwright killing Garlick...my friend...my ally...The two of us...we fought the network....saved so many faced so much evil...I hated Cartwright. I wanted to kill the man! But he asked me to serve him and his master, to betray my friends, my home, my morals....and I said yes.

The World around me goes black...I cant see....suddenly A figure appears in the darkness....
Falerin...the Loremaster...being killed by Seth Dhows....and I did nothing...Why? WHY?

As Falerin faded into nothing...Seth Dhows faced me and hissed,

"Is the little Birdie Lost from his nest?"

I swing my blade at him...hoping to finally rid myself of the evil...but the blade passes right through him...like smoke.

"The Little Birdie thinks he has talons. Amusing."

Angry I swing again. I hear Garlick, Drakkonan, and Falerin somewhere beging me to save them.

"Silly little Birdie you shouldn't waste your time fighting me in a dream." The Mysterious Stranger said. "Esspecially not when your little friends are about to be turned into bird seed."

I am suddenly in front of a giant clock...the countdown is set for 14 days....13days 23hours 59minutes 1 second.

I sense the Shadow's presence somewhere and his voce hisses in my head, "So much evil the little birdie has fought...and So much evil the little Birdie Created." I loose it.
I heard Dhow's whipered chuckle, "Coward? If you wanted to fight Clown the Jester. You should have asked."

Without warning a dozen shadowy figures appear around me... They resemble stick figures...stretching out claws toward me trying to grab me. As they surround me they start changing shape until they form....Falerin...

"Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Times running out Little Birdie," Seth Dhows hissed.

Part 2
The Falerin copies advanced closer towards me. Limping like zombies, swing their cane's around their heads like clubs. I reached instinctively for my weapon, but my hand grabbed nothing but air.

My weapons were gone. I felt defenseless despite being very well trained in unarmed combat. As they stumbled towards me, the Falerins started moaning out, "Why Clown? Why couldn't you save us?" They moaned it over their echoes over one another making the chant sound like, "Why Clown, Why Why, Couldn't Clown, Save Why Clown, Clown, Save Us, Why?" I swung out my fist knocking the closest Falerin to the ground. One from behind swung his cane at my head but I dodged and slammed my fist into his face. Two more grabbed me from behind trying to pin my arms behind my back. I stomped both feet as hard as I could on their toes causing them to release me and give me the chance to knock them both down with a single kick. The Duplicates were nowhere close to as fast as Falerin and didn't seem to have his incredible powers. They were like zombies.

I dodged attack after attack, kicking a clone whenever I had an opening. One hit the back of my skull with the handle of his cane. Pain shot through my body...this was no more a simple dream... I realized. This was real I could die if I wasn't careful. I punched the Falerlin that struck me only to be hit across my face by two more. The clones surrounded me. Beating me with their clubs asking sorrowful why I failed to save them. As they continued to beat me I murmmered softy, "I'm sorry."

I woke up in my bed to find Artix the Paladin shaking my shoulders. "Clown the Jester," He said releasing me.

"An army of monsters are marching from Darkovia to Battleon."

I sat up fully awake and asked, "How many?"

Artix shrugged his shoulders. "Don't know. They seem endless." He stared at my face and asked, "Were you in a fight last night? You look awful." I glanced at my refection in a mirror and saw he was right.

My face covered in bruises. My lip had a large cut on it and I had a black eye. "Not important now." I said closing the mater.

I quickly grabbed my seven best weapons and my armor. "How much time do we have before they reach Battleon?" I asked in raising my weapon.

Artix shook his head grimly, "Clown, they're already here."

Part 3

Millions of monsters...ranging from Trolls, Phoenix, and Dracopyres and other monsters which I never even knew of. As we traveled to the front lines Artix filled me in. "We are being added not only by the Guardians, and Paladin Order but also Cenena and her Dracopyre army to combat Donovan's army.
Were were ready for war. Artix and I charged together followed by an army of the greatest heroes Lore had to offer. I was in my Elastic Armor wielding my ice kantana, Artix wielding his Undead Slaying Axe. More than 8 million monsters faced us. Artix fired a wave of light out at a small group of Skeletons. My Ice Kantana froze a Fire Phoenix in a block of solid Ice.
To our surprise the Skeletons did not seem to be affected at all by Arix's holy attack. The Phoenix I trapped suddenly unfroze it's flames covering it's body not even diminished. "What?" I murmured.

Behind me a wizard tried to drown a group of Zzotts with a tidal wave of Water, only to be swarmed by the Zzotts not even deterred by the water. A Guardian to my right slashed his Fire blade into an Ice dragon only to be set on fire by the Ice dragon who emitted a wave of fire from it's mouth.
"What is going on?" I asked shooting a wave lightning at a Hungry Kraken.

The Creature didn't even notice. A troll grabbed me from behind, lifting me into the air by my neck. He tried to strangle me unaware my Elastic armor would make it next to impossible. My fist stretched out and started growing wider and wider as if being inflated by an air pump. My heavy fist smashed down on the Troll's head knocking it unconscious.

Artix and I knew our side was doing badly already. Less then twenty minutes in the first fight and we already lost a large number of troops with the other side having minimal loss. Why weren't the monsters being affected by their elemental weaknesses? Artix called out the retreat as we were being pushed back more and more.

We were suppose to stop the Army of Monsters fourteen days way from Battleon. But we didn't even slow them down. By the time our forces were a safe distance away I met with Artix, Cerena, and Warlic.
"My half brother's forces are surrounding the Lycan and Vampire territories no doubt another attempt to fulfill my father's dream of Uniting Darkovia under a single rule." Cenena said pointing at a map of Lore.
I turned to Warlic and asked, "Why are the monster's not being affected by their elemental weakness?"
The blue mage scratched his chin think hard and said, "These monsters are not the same monsters we have faced before. They are copies who were then Reversed."
"Reversed?" Artix interrupted. "So you mean they are immune to their weaknesses?"
"Not only that," Warlic continued. "But they now attack with their elemental weakness."
"How?" I asked.

"Who created them?"Suddenly the tent the four of us were in was illuminated by a bright light. I shielded my eyes seeing someone had teleported in. As the light faded I reconized the white haired man, with an owl on his shoulder. "Eldron," I said amazed. Without acknowledging my greeting he addressed the party saying, "It's him. It's Seth Cay Dhow, and he has Falerin with him."

Part 4
Eldron told us of Seth Cay Dhow and his new ally of the Fracture of Falerin. If the Mysterious Stranger was behind this war, we were in for the fight of our lives.

The others would deal with the army of Reversed Monsters, I had to get to Seth Cay Dhow and the Fracture of Falerin before things got out of control.
Only one person would know where the Mysterious Stranger would be hiding. NightReign.

I approached the Nightbane's old lair where he nearly took complete control of Darkovia so many years ago. To my surprise it was easy sneaking into the Castle. Walking down the halls, listening for any guards. But it was empty. Why? Donovan has a large enough army to spare at least a hundred guards for his castle. I felt the bight mark on the back of my neck. Still stinging to the touch as if a fresh wound. The bite NightReign himself made turning me into a Dracopyre. As I came to the heavy old door that would lead to NightReign's throne I gave up with the idea of Stealth. I kicked the heavy door down satisfied with the loud booming sound it produced when it crashed to the floors.

The Throne was not empty as I hoped. Donovan in his human form along with two of his minions. A Dracovampire Lord and a Dracowerewolf Lord. "Howdy Gentlemen," I said entering the large room.

Donovan rose from his throne and hissed angrily, "How dare you! Disrespecting the ruler of Darkovia! Disturbing my planning!"
I smirked at him. "Your not the ruler yet Donny Boy. and you never will be." Donovan motioned to his two body guards. "Tear him to pieces." The two monsters lunged at me. Instantly I transformed into my Dracopyre form. I slashed my claws across the Dracowerewolf's face and sprouted out my two wings plunging them into his chest. The Dracovampire swooped down on me only to be incinerated by my darkness breath. I flexed my incredible Dracopyre muscles. I could feel the incredible strength in speed in my body.

I growled at Donovan, "Where is he Donovan?"

Donovan smiled transforming into NightReign. "You may be more than a match for my servants but now you will face a true Dracopyre," he hissed clenching and unclenching his claws. I leaped at NightReign, my claws stretched, only to grab air and be slashed across the face by NightReign's dagger like nails. Before I could even react he grabbed me around my waist lift me into the air and threw me across the room. I slamed hard into a wall and crashed on top of a table. NightReign cackled and hissed, "This is going to be amusing."

Part 5

NightReign slashed his talons across my face again. Grabbing my head and started smashing my head into the stone floor. I swung out both of my powerful legs, kicking NightReign in the face like a Donkey. He stumbled back and I knew I needed to press the attack if I was going to have a chance to beat the Dracopyre.
I charged into him like a bull slamming NightReign into the wall. I gripped his throat tightly with one hand while using the other to hold him in place. NightReign gaged trying to struggle out of my grip but I held him down.
"WHERE IS HE?" I roared into NightReign's ear. "Tell me where Dhows is Donovan or I swear I will tear your head off!" I tightened my grip trying to force him to comply when he sunk his razor sharp teeth into my arm. I yelped in pain releasing NightReign. Instantly Donovan fired out a blast of energy from his mouth into my chest. I felt my skin burning. My fur was on fire. I started thrashing on the ground trying to put out the flames. I was in agony. NightReign kicked me hard across my face. He picked me up and tossed me out of his throne back into the hallway.

With the flames out I wearily stood up only to be knocked back down by the large oak table NightReign threw at me.
I stood up trying to regain my balance seeing out of the corner of my eye NightReign flying like an arrow towards me. I swung my fist out smashing into his skull.
NightReign fell to the ground caught off guard by my hit. I started punching him over and over even when my fist started bleeding I kept hitting him roaring out, "FEEL LIKE TALKING NOW?" NightReign slashed his claws again across my face. I felt my blood oozing down my cheek. Angrily I yelled, "YOU DON'T KNOW WHEN TO QUIT!" I grabbed him by his scaly shoulders hoisted him into the air and blasted him in the face with my darkness breath. The Dracopyre screamed in torment. His face now covered in mine and his own blood. "TELL ME WHERE HIS IS!" I screamed again, the blood boiling in my head. All Donovan could do was scream. Annoyed and loosing taste for the fight I punched NightReign again in the head knocking the King of Dracopyres unconscious.
I dropped his body to the ground leaving him not bothering to tend to his wounds. I was not in the mood. Battleon was about to be torn apart by monsters and Seth Cay Dhows had a copy of Falerin on his side. I had seen what Falerin could do. If his copy had even half of the Deity's powers, I was not sure we could win this war. If I could not find the Mysterious Stranger, I would have to first deal with his army and then find him after.

As I left the castle I heard a voice above me calling out, "Clown the Jester!"
I transformed back into my human for and saw Divara decending from the air and landing beside me. "What is is Divara?" I asked seeing how worried he was. "We have a problem." he said grimly.
I laughed wearily. "Don't we always?'

Part 6
"Uncreation energy?!?" I cried out as Divara finished his findings.
"You mean like what the Devourer used?"
Divara nodded. "Does that mean the Devourer is returning to Lore?" I asked.

Theres no way we could battle the Devourer and his forces along with fighting Seth Cay Dhows's.

I do not think so," Divara said spreading his wings. "But any increase in Uncreation energy is never a good thing. Meet me back at your war camp." he called out flying into the air and out of sight. I started to journey back when I noticed 4 pairs of eyes hiding behind the trees. Staring at me.

I drew my weapons and saying, "I know you're there." Lycans four of them. The Alpha Wolf walked out out from behind the trees growling, "You're Clown the Jester, The Werewolf King is just dieing for someone to bring your head to him. After your betrayal from the Lycans to become a Dracopyre, you should have considered yourself dead."
"I don't have time for this Lycan." I said raising my weapons preparing to strike.
The Lycans laughed, their leader spoke again.
"We are our king's best Lycan assassins. Between us we have killed 979 vampires."
I smiled deviously, "And between myself I have NightReign, 782 Dracopyres, 1,248 Werewolves, 1,143 Vampires, and 124 werepyres. I hope you don't mind if I'm not so intimidated."

The Alpha Lycan growled angrily, "Traitor! Killing so many of your own kind!" He pounced on me, knocking me to the ground. I turned back to my Dracopyre form biting his hand. The Alpha Lycan howled in agony giving me the chance to slam my powerful fist into his face. The other Lycans began to advance when their Alpha held his hand growling, "This is my fight! Stand your ground!" The Lycans drew back watching our brawl.
He swung around ramming his shoulder into my chest knocking the wind out of me.

He was very good not only was he close to ten feet tall he was surprisingly quick. He hit me across the face with the back of his hand and lift me over his head throwing me at an tree. Instinctively I spun around in air, my feet contacting the tree trunk and I pushed off it like a spring slamming into the Alpha Lycan Knocking him to the ground. I smashed my fist into his face expecting him to be knocked unconscious. No luck he took the hit and smashed his own fist into my face. Felt like being hit in the head by gauntlets. He punched me again across the face. My wings sprouted out again impaling both into his chest. The Lycan wailed in agony and suddenly plunged his razor claws into my neck. I cried out in pain. I could feel the claws tearing at my skin. My wings withdrew from the Lycans chest, his wounds slowly healing. His regeneration rate was incredible. I tried pulling away from the Lycan but his claws held me in place.
I remembered an old saying one of my trainers Grimweld the Warrior taught me. "If your opponent is much stronger than you and has you in his grasp. You may not be able to pull out of it, but you may be able to push into it and make him want to let you go."

Confusing right?

So instead of focusing on trying to get out of his grasp I shot out both of my claws clapping them both hard against his sensitive ears. The Lycan howled in agony releasing me covering his ears with his paws. I leaped seven feet into the and brought my entire weight down on the Lycan knocking him to the ground, motionless.

I placed two clawed fingers to his neck. He still had a pulse though he wasn't going to be killing any vampires anytime soon. His Lycan pack stared at me. I knew what they were thinking.
I beat their Alpha that made me their new leader. Perhaps I could use their tracking skills to my advantage.

"Find Seth Cay Dhows. Learn what he is planning and report back to me." I said standing to my full height as a Dracopyre close to seven feet. The pack bowed to my command and darted back into the woods.
I continued my journey back to our War Camp unaware that Seth Cay Dhows was watching my movements even now and that the Lycan Pack I sent to find him would never be heard from again.

Part 7
As I drew near to the camp I heard a voice say from behind me, "Clown the Jesters, a pleasure to meet you again." I tensed hearing the voice. My blood grew icy cold.
Ryussi Cartwright.
The man who killed my friend Garlick. The man who hired me into his Network army and then tried to kill me. Despite the recent good deeds he had done for us with fighting his son Absolix and fighting Xira the Necromancer, I still hated him deep down.

Behind him, was his Parallel Universe version who also helped us in the Bizarre Fleck War. He I had no beef against. "Cartwrights," I said monotone. Artix, Eldron, and Divara joined us. Ryussi muttered quietly, "Yes I feel the Uncreation Energy. It seems to be everywhere."
"What does it mean?' Divara asked.
Ryussi shook his head saying, "I'm not sure,"
"Neither Do I," his counterpart said.

"Where is it coming from?" Artix asked. "Is it coming from the Devourer?"
Ryussi shook his head again staring in amazement around him as if he was seeing something the rest of us were not. "I'm not sure I could find where the energy is coming from before Battleon is hit by the full force of the Reverse Army," he said closing his eyes concentrating.
"We don't have time for this, Ryussi ask your master the origin." Eldron said. Ryussi nodded and suddenly transformed into the omega.

I couldn't help but step back. That form killed me during the war against the Devourer with a flick of his wrist.
"Master It is your servant, Ryussi Cartwright."

"Yes Ryussi Cartwright?" A strange voice said, that seemed to come from everywhere around me.

"Is that the Devourer?" I asked. Eldron held up his hand signalling for me to be silent.

"Master, There is an increase of Uncreation energy. Please tell me where it is coming from." Cartwright continued.

"As you wish Ryussi Cartwright, the Uncreation energy is being omitted from Mount Thrall," the Devourer said.

Ryussi Cartwright changed back to normal from his Omega form and said, "That is where we must go next."
Artix nodded replying, "Cenera and I shall stay behind to hold back the Reverse Army while the rest of you investigate Mount Thrall."

Eldron thought for a moment and said, "Clown the Jester I have a very important task for you, You most go find..." Before he could finish, a green light shined around me blinding me and my allies, when the light finally died I saw I was no longer at our War Camp but in Falerin's office. There sitting at his table was a ghostly green Falerin looking up and seeing me. "Clown the Jester," the Deity said. "I need your help."

Part 8

The Lycan pack ran through the Darkovia forest as silent as the wind. After forcing information from a Dracovamp they learned where Seth Cay Dhows was hiding. They sneaked past the 743 Reverse Monsters guarding Seth Dhow's base using their incredible senses to locate the Mysterious Stranger. One of the Lycans found two figures talking in a clearing among the trees. The three Lycans silently drew closer and closer to the two hiding behind a tree and a large bolder.

Yes they found Seth Cay Dhows, and he appeared to be talking to Falerin's saying, "But... they might run rampant..."

Dhows whispered, "True...and that will slow down those who would impede us."

Falerin shook his head again. "They could be pretty disruptive... buddy and that might draw us unwanted attention."

Buddy? One of the Lycan's wrinkled his nose not recognizing the sent of the Deity. This figure was not Falerin.

Dhows coolly replied, "But you said that you wished to test them, did you not? Think of it as the ultimate experiment into their stability. The Lorians will have to go to war to clean up the mess, and you and I are free to do our other work unimpeded..."

Falerin chuckled murmuring, "I like it..." Dhows slowly turned his hooded head to the tree and bolder the Lycans were hiding behind.

"It appears Ardendor, three spying Birdies are watching us planning to spoil our plans like Stool Pigeons."

The Lycans had been discovered. The three instantly tried to bolt away when Ardendor raise his staff. The Lycans were lifted into the air by an unseen force and thrown at Dhow's feet.

"Lycans," Dhows chuckled examining the pack. "Who would have thought infecting Constantin with that wolf curse so many years ago would cause so many tedious problems for us?"
One of the Lycans leaped to his feet slashing his claws at Dhows. Seconds before the claws touched Dhows, a black crackle of lightning omitted from withing Dhows's hood hitting the Lycan. The Werewolf howled in agony, his fur turning black as coal and the Lycan turned into a dark pile of dust. His two comrades stared in absolute fear.

Dhows chuckled softly. "Goodbye little birdies perhaps this lesson will convince your disgusting race never to spy on a Mysterious Stranger ever again." He hissed venomously. The two Lycans wailed as they were burned to ashes and were blown away by the wind into the Darkovia Forest.

"Ready to teleport Ardendor?" Dhows asked.

"Allons-y!" his companion replied and the two vanished.

Part 9
I was in Lore's Parallel universe, formerly ruled by the Evil Necromancer/dictator Xitra Regerik until Artix, Warlic Galanoth the Cartwrights and myself over through him.

Falerin had sent me here to recover another piece of his Childhood in order to reform. I had just persuaded a Frature called Super Strong Ultra Mega Falerin Man to rejoin his other pieces in Falerin's crystal.

"Two down," I muttered. I was about to leave when I noticed a familiar Drakel exiting the ruined Guardian Tower.

"Bree-HA!," I cried out startling the Governer of the K'eld Naer.

The Drakel glared at me with contempt hissing, "Clown the Jester! I must admit I thought I was the only one with the means of traveling between universes. How fascinating!"

"Last time I saw you, I believe you lost a certain civil war with your own people," I said grinning. "I was hoping to run into you before you ran off."

"How dare you insult me you inferior creature!" Bree-Ha shrieked, spit jetting out of his scaly jaws. "Guards! Kill this human!"

From behind Bree-Ha, eight Drakels armed with electrical shock spears, appeared from behind their Drakel Minister and lunged at me.

Wielding my Blade of Awe I blocked the first Drakels spear, shot out me leg and kicked the Drakel hard in the chest knocking him to the ground. Two came out from behind trying to stab me with their weapons.

I leaped over the both of them landing behind them hitting the first drakel in the head with my swords handle and stabbing the other with my sword.


I cried out in pain as a Drakel stabbed his Shock Spear into my ankle sending a hundred volts of electricity through my body.

My vision grew fuzzy my teeth chattering but I started swinging my sword around wildly the other Drakels backed up knowing what the Blade of Awe could do.

As my vision started to clear I slashed my sword out breaking the Drakel's spear and smashing my fist into his face knocking him out. Another two Drakels came at me at both sides slashing their spears at me. I grabbed the pole part of the first spear and jammed it into the shoulder of the other Drakel electrifying it.

He screamed falling to the ground thrashing like a wild animal. I whipped my sword around taking down his comrade.

The remaining Drakel seeing me take down seven of his comrades dropped his spear, running off in the other direction, and leaving Bree-Ha defenseless.

"Coward!" Bree-Ha cried out after the fleeing Drakel. "Come back here and defend me! I command you!"

I slowly walked over to Bree-Ha holding my sword to his neck. "Sorry Bree-Ha. But your all alone this time."

Bree-Ha snickered at me, his reptilian eyes jetting back in forth. "Actually Clown the Jester, I do have one last line of defense set up. I was hoping I wouldn't have to use it yet. It is a mere prototype but I feel you would be the perfect test to see what it can really do."

Bree-Ha clapped his hands loudly. For a moment there was complete Silence. Then I heard a loud thud from far off.

Another thud like a mini earthquake...louder and closer...another boom and another far off in the forest I saw trees collapsing and falling over...

Bree-Ha, seeing me distracted backed out of the reach of my sword...

I saw it...

It was gigantic... enormous... close to a hundred feet tall, and made out of metal...A colossal sized mechanical humanoid machine. It lumbered over to me...it's foot crushing Aria's Pet Shop flat...

"Behold Human, the first completely restored Mech!" Bree-Ha shouted over the loud booming foot steps. "My engineers found it in a parallel universe, the last of its kind! This shall be the weapon that restores the Drakels to their rightful place as the Superior Race! Every filthy elf, orc, dwarf, and human will be destroyed by my future army of Giant Mechs!"

The Mech lowered it's mighty hand scooping me up. I struggled in it's iron grip.

"You shall serve," Bree-Ha screamed, "As the first creature to feel the wrath of THIRD THE UNIVERSO!"

Part 10
The Universo lift me into the air I rose 70 maybe 80 feet...the Robot's powerful hand was crushing me. I struggled, I flailed around. I tried to pry his oak tree thick fingers off me. All in Vain. Universo tightened his grip.

If this keeps up I'll be broken like a twig, I realized. Finally I pried my arm with my sword out from the Mech's pointer finger and thumb. Instantly I started hacking at the Colossal's knuckles trying to cut my way out.

No Luck

The Blade of Awe was one of my sharpest weapons and it wasn't even denting the heavy reinforced armor. Universo raised his mighty hand up to his mechanical eye. His window sized ruby red eyes started glowing.

I had fought enough monsters to know whenever something's eyes glow its about to shoot a laser beam at you....I had also fought enough monsters to know the eyes were a vulnerable spot. I stabbed my Blade of Awe into the left eye. The eye shattered like glass instantly the Mech dropped me using it's metal hand to cover it's broken eye. I fell..70 maybe 80 feet. Before I landed I cast a ice spell and the next thing I knew I had landed on a pile of snow...

I love magic so much!

Universo turned it's attention back to me lifting it's powerful leg into the air. It's foot looming over my head. "Oh boy," I murmured and started running.

Universo's foot started falling down on me fast about to crush me like a bug. I kept running faster and faster.

BOOM! His foot smashed into the ground just a couple of feet away from me. The ground shook like a tremor I nearly fell but I fought against it. When fighting a monster that is close to twice the size of the Guardian tower you don't ever fall down.

I had foughten giant monsters before. Carnax, Slugoth the Ultra Giant, Akrilioth, but this Universo was definitely larger than any of them.

As I evaded another stomp by a couple of inches I remembered what Bree-Ha said, "Every filthy elf, orc, dwarf, and human will be destroyed by my future army of Giant Mechs!"

I doubted an army could take down a single one of these Mechs let alone an army of these Mechs. But Bree-Ha said this was a prototype the only known Mech in the universe. If I destroyed this Mech Completely maybe his Drakel Scientist would not be able to construct another.

I jumped into the damaged Yulgar's Inn as Universo fired out from the base of his head a laser catching the inn on fire. I ran into the lounge as a giant metal hand burst down through the roof smashing Yulgar's shop table flat. I started to run deeper into the inn when a burning support beam fell in front of my path.

I coughed from all the smoke. Another massive fist smashed through the side wall knocking over tables, and chairs. I ran into a wall smashing my shoulder into it. Despite the pain shooting through my body, the wall collapsed giving me the means to escape the Inn/death trap. Universo turned seeing me. A turret came out of a compartment in his metal foot aiming at me about to fire. Using so Generalist magic I learned, I summoned a large fist made entirely of a rock. I sent it like a torpedo into the turret damaging the gun to much to fire.

Before I could congratulate myself Universo swung his gigantic hand flicking me twenty feet into the air as if swatting a fly. I landed on the ground rolling.

I struggled to stand up. My face was bleeding, and I had a sprained ankle that somehow managed to not get broken. Pain shot up my leg as I pulled myself to my feet. The Universo raised it's hand over my head sending it down trying to crush me. With every muscle in my body I leaped. I leaped as far as I could praying that somehow I would make it.

Sometimes it is my lucky day. I barely avoided the gigantic hand that smashed a large crater into the ground were I was mere seconds ago. I limped as fast as I could toward the lopsided Guardian Tower.

I didn't remember how Xitra Regerik left the tower and whether or not the weapons from my world's guardian tower were in this one. Universo reached down tearing up Warlic's Magic Shop with one hand and threw it at me like a football. I cast a wind spell blowing the house off course just enough to miss me.
SMASH! The Shop broke into splinters. I limped on casting a spell bringing a tidalwave of water over Universo's massive head hoping it would short circuit the Mech.

Universo started sputtering the red light from his one good eye flickered, he waved it's arms wildly. Sparks jetted out from his neck. I was so sure I beat the robot...when the Sputtering, waving, and sparks stopped and the Mech turned back to face me lumbering quickly towards me. I levitated a tree into the air and threw it at the Mech. The tree bounced off his chest without even denting his armor. I limped on casting a meteorite spell smashing a giant flaming rock meteorite the Mech's head. The rock broke like a cookie upon impact but it did dent the Metal head slightly...but not enough to stop Universo.

I finally reached the Tower I crawled threw the sideway door just seconds before Universo's hand smashed threw the door, reaching in as if the tower was a mail box slot.

Hold on, I thought thinking hard. Universo? Mech? This seemed so familiar. A loud crashing sound that shook the whole building reminded me why I was here. I limped over to the weapons rack searching for any Guardian items. Nothing. the Shelves were empty.

Universo's fist smashed through the ceiling above me. Stone and Rubble collapsed on me burying me. A Support beam fell over landing on top of me. I was trapped.

Part 11

I started lifting the heavy beam. Universo's hand crushed the War table far off. With every once of strength I pushed the beam off me. Universo started punching hole after hole into the Guardian tower.

I knew my best bet was to use another Water attack but I needed time to recharge on mana after using so many powerful spells in a row.

Another loud smash shook the tower. The walls around me started crumbling. It wouldn't be long before the whole building collapsed. Another smash. I didn't have anymore time. I needed to get out of this tower.

Most of my spells didn't even phase the Mech, his armor was to strong to be dented by my sword. What could I possible do to stop Universo?

Where did I know the name Universo? Something...yes...something about...Zoragon....whatever that was...

For some reason I thought about a younger Dr.Voltabot...no...Boltabot. Yes. I had fought this giant Mech before. Twice I think.

Universo's hand smashed down on me grabbing me around the waist pulling me out of the collapsing tower and threw me across to the ground. Universo pressed his heavy foot on me holding me in place.

Using my free hand I started slashing my Blade of Awe at the Titanic foot.

Not even a scratch.

Universo's head laser started charging about to fire, and this time I would not be able to run. I was about to swing my sword again when I heard a loud pulsing sound like a distress signal emitting from my blade.

YES! If I am very very very very lucky then maybe...just maybe...Behind Universo a giant portal appeared out from it...the Guardian Dragon Emerged answering my prays.


Universo turned from me to face the Dragon. The Dragon was almost up to Universo's shoulders if the Guardian Dragon could not beat this Mech nothing would. His forehead fire the laser out hitting the Guardian Dragon in the face.

The Dragon stumbled back crying out in pain. Once regaining his balance he roared, "THATS IT ONE ROASTED ROBOT COMING UP!" The Dragon fired out from his mouth an intense wave of fire hitting Universo. The force of the blast lift the Mech into the air smashing it back down, pieces flying off. The head of the Mech had melted into a distorted goo.

His left arm was blown off. A huge hole in his chest. Universo was down. He was dead.

I turned to the Guardian Dragon about to thank him when he vanished without saying anything.

I climbed up Universo's head. My feet could feel the heated metal. I jabbed my sword into the Mech Pilot Door. Prying it open I found a Burning Drakel at the controls. Dead. Scanning the controls I found the button I was looking for. Self Destruct. I pressed it and started to run. By the time I was a safe distance away the giant Mech was blasted into ruble. A loud explosion shook Lore. The Mech was destroyed.

With No signs of Bree-Ha I used Falerin's crystal to teleport to the Next Frature of Falerin's childhood. After I found all the pieces I would head to Mount Thrall to find the others and more importantly the source of the Uncreation energy.

Part 12
I finished Falerin's quest and was on my way to Mount Thrall. Unfortunately a large force of the Reverse monsters had gathered around the Mountain.

"Great," I muttered. I needed to get to that mountain now!

I started charging at the monsters. The Reverse Monsters were now immune to their old weaknesses and now vulnerable to their strength elements.

I fired a bolt of lighting at a group of Zzotts electrocuting them to a crisp.
A Reverse Kraken shot out a tentacle trying to grab me. I leaped over the tentacle casting a small rain cloud above the Monster drenching it. To my surprise the creature acted like it was shocked by a bolt of lightning, sparks jetting out left and right.

A Reverse Troll lumbered at me hitting me into the air with his club. I landed in front of a Reverse Steppe Mastodon. The monster swung out one of it's long tusks slamming it into my side. I cried out pain gripping to the tusk.

The monster shook it's tusk left and right trying to remove me. I stabbed my Ice Kannta into the monster's head killing it instantly.

I then levitated a tree dropping it on top of the Thunder Troll that had hit me before.

I continued up the mountain swallowing a Reverse Shadow Wolf in a cloud of Darkness, illuminating a Reverse Sun Eater, Incinerating a Reverse Big Salamander, and beheading a Reverse Iron Golem.

I climbed higher and higher pausing to cast a ball of fire at a Reverse Fiery Phoenix or to drown a Reverse Pheron.

I as I reached the top I saw four familiar faces Scakk, Saemic,Anna, and The Hollow.

I walked towards the group surprised to see the four future time travelers. Before I could even greet them, the Cartwrights appeared beside me.

Hollow sat up in his motorcycle growling, "You have a lot of nerve showing your face around here Cartwright!"

"We don't have time for this!" I yelled trying to keep the peace. I turned to the Cartwrights. "Did either of you find out where the Uncreation energy is coming from?" I asked. One of them were about to speak when to my surprise some teleported behind me.

"Maxwell!" I cried out shocked. "What are you...? How'd you get back? This is great, but I understand... what's going on?

Atlas Maxwell. Our ally from the Devourer Saga. He sacrificed himself to trap the devious Agent Smith in the void. Here he was in front of us.

Cartwright said softly, "Careful, someone has been whispering in his ear."

"Whispering?" I asked. Then I realized the meaning of Cartwright's words. "Dhows! Maxwell you can not trust Dhows!"

Maxwell glared at me, "Oh I don't think so Adventurer. Seth Cay Dhows has been the only one that has been honest with me."

He raised his sword pointing it at me. "AND YOU!" He cried out. "I WOULD NEVER EXPECT YOU TO BECOME ANOTHER OF THE DEVOURER'S AGENTS!"

Part 13
Atlas Maxwell slashed his large sword at my neck about to behead me. I ducked under his blade and leaped back drawing out my Blade of Awe

"It isn't so simple like that Maxwell!" I shouted. Maxwell charged at me slashing his sword again.

I blocked it with my own sword and pushed the tip of his blade to the ground.

"Is Ryuusi Cartwright the Omega to the Devouror or isn't he? How could you forgive him for what he did to you? To Garlick? To Lore? TO ME?!?" Maxwell shouted punching me in the jaw.

I stumbled backwards dazed.

"Nothing will EVER convince me to forgive him for what he has done to me and mine." He shouted raising his sword about to slice me in half.

"Listen to me Maxwell!" I shouted dodging another attack. "Seth Cay Dhows is manipulating you! He's manipulating all of us!"

"Epsilon saved me! While you all left me in the Void with Smith to rot!" Maxwell roared at me slashing his sword again at me.

"Epsilon?" Cartwright called out shocked. "Impossible! Epsilon was a man made god!"

The others stood back watching Maxwell and I, unsure of what to do.

"Maxwell please," I pleaded.

"Oh yes...the being you call Dhows is the Epsilon," Maxwell barked at Cartwright. "Didn't you know Cartwright? Your people's plan shall be fulfilled at last!"

Maxwell slashed the side of my leg with his sword. I cried out in pain falling to the ground. Blood trickled down my leg.

Ignoring my cries Cartwright said quietly, "Our people considered Epsilon a god. We aided him...before we realized his nature."

The Parraell Ryussei called out, "You cannot trust Epsilon, Atlas, he seeks to destroy the entire universe."

I rolled as Maxwell slashed his sword at me. Missing me by inches.

"An effort which he will have my help. We shall kill the avatar. Then we rebuild lore in our image."

I pulled my self to my feet. My leg still stung. Maxwell's sword had cut right through my Guardian Armor.

Maxwell started to advance, "Now, traitors...Stand and fight, or die like the treacherous scum you are. Vengeance is MINE!"

Part 14

Maxwell charged at me, sword raised. I blocked his sword with my Blade of Awe. Maxwell swung again, our swords collided a second time, small sparks flew off our blades falling to the ground. I needed to start attacking instead of just defending.

Maxwell wanted to kill me. He made his choice. I have to make mine.

I slashed my sword at Atlas Maxwell yelling angrily, "I trusted you Maxwell, Falerin trusted you, WE ALL TRUSTED YOU! Do think if we knew where you had died we would not have moved mountains, and traveled entire realms to find you?" Maxwell hit my sword back and kicked me hard in the stomach. The air went out of my chest. I gasped for air, falling to my knees wrapping my arms around my chest.

Maxwell shouted back, "I expected you all to save me or at least punish the one who caused all this! I expected you to honor me when the war was over! AND THIS IS WHAT I GET?!?!" He waved his arm motioning everything around him. "Left in a void due to my own sacrifice, my enemies are forgiven as if it was a simple misunderstanding? My own family abandoning me!"

Maxwell kicked me hard in the side. Pain shot up my entire body most likely a broken rib. He then stabbed his sword into my chest. I screamed. My armor was stained with my blood. The world was growing dark, and visions of my previous battles flashed in my eyes.

Once again, I saw Drakkonan leaping at me. The Fire in his Eyes.

Garlick's death at the hands of Cartwright.

Falerin the deity, being destroyed by Seth Cay Dhows.

I saw my own demise at the hands of The'Galin.

Demento, Galanoth's brother, being murdered.

"But you know what Chosen one?" he continued looking down at me, his eyes filled with absolute hate. "I don't completely blame my family, or even Smith! I blame you Clown the Jester! You...THE HERO! You are suppose to fight monsters like Cartwright and save people like me! ITS YOUR JOB! DID YOU KILL CARTWRIGHT OR TRY TO RESCUE ME? NOOOOO! THIS...IS...ALL...YOUR...FAULT!" I sat up slowly pulling myself to my feet. My head still ringining in pain.

"Your right Atlas," I said, my voice cracking. "This is my fault...and I need to set it right."

Maxwell roared angrily at me swinging his sword. But this time I was ready.

I slashed my own weapon out hitting Maxwell's blade to his side and rammed my shoulder into Maxwell's face. He stumbled back dazed, and surprised by my sudden recovery. I slashed my sword again cutting into his wrist causing him to drop his weapon. Before it even hit the ground I kicked it far away from the both of us. Maxwell stepped back, fear in his eyes. I placed my sword back in it's sheath and said to madman. "You want me? Come and Get me!" Maxwell lunged at me. But a kick across his face knocked him to the ground.

He wrapped his powerful arms around my legs pulling me to the ground. Jumping on top of me, he smashed his fist into my face. I grabbed his shirt collar pulling his head towards me as well as pull mine to his.


I slammed my forehead hard into his face. My head screamed with the abuse. Maxwell's nose was bleeding, he fell off me and crouched on his knees. I pulled myself back to my feet. Maxwell stared up at me. His normal eye and red mechanical glistened in the moon light.

"All...yy...your...fa...fa...fault," he grunted with great effort, his normal eye twitching.

Suddenly a blast of red energy shot out of Maxwell's eye. I dodged the lazer beam leaping as far way from it as possible. Maxwell fired out another lazer. I leaped over the beam, and even him landing behind him and smashing my fist hard into the back of his skull.

Maxwell cried out in pain and sagged to the ground. He let out small gasps of pain.

This battle was over.

Hollow shook his head in disbelief. "Max," he said. "What's gotten into you? You never would've..." Saemic interrupted Hollow saying, "He is here."

The shadows around us swarmed together rising up to form Seth Cay Dhows. I gritted my teeth using every bit of will power I had to stop myself from attacking the Mysterious Stranger. He would without a doubt have a trick ready for such a careless move.

"Yes. I am here. Now then..." he whispered. "Would not what? What wouldn't Atlas Maxwell do, twittery canaries?"

Cartwright stared at the Shadow regretfully, "So it is true Dhows is Epsilon."

Maxwell, recovering from our battle, smirked. "Oh yes, it is true Cartwright...and soon it will be Lore, and not just you and your stepfather, that is...Twain." Maxwell burst out laughing. A muscle in Cartwright's face twitched.

Ryuusei from the Parrallel Lore coldly asked, "Was that suppose to be a clever pun?"

"Clearly!" Cartwright exclaimed, his eye like daggers, spit flying from his mouth. "Dhows has had a bad influence on him."

Dhows!" I cried out angrily. "What have you done to Maxwell?!"

"Done?" Dhows whispered innocently. "Why..Just shown my new friend the right light in which to view you and...your new allies. Working with the Omega, Clown? For shame...for shame."

"Where is the uncreation energy coming from?" I asked not meeting Maxwell's eyes.

"Soon it won't matter," Dhows hissed. "Soon I will collapse the boundaries of the elements and recreate this world in my own image."

"I do not think I will be allowing that," Cartwright said venomously. "The Lord I serve has ordered this world spared."

Maxwell let out a cruel laughed asking, "And do you think you can stop us? Even aided as you are the Avatar WILL die at my hand. By combining all the pieces of the annunaki as one I will become Un-Forsaken."

"And then," Dhows added. "I will give Lore a gentle nudge...without her precious Avatar, the elements will collapse even more than these creatures." He nodded at the Reverse monsters I had defeated earlier down the mountain.

"I dont think so, Dhows. Or Epsilon. Or Whatever name you use," I said. "We'll stop you."

Dhows let out a dry laugh and hissed, "This interview has ended, duckie. I am sick of your quacking. Maxwell, come along."

Maxwell nodded turning to Anna and saying quietly, "Anna, I will be coming back to see you. Count on me, daughter."

"Time is of the essence," Dhows hissed impatiently.

Anna, tears in her eyes called out, "Father please!"

Dhows laughed coldly again whispering, "Oh it is far to late to plead, child."

"Annunaki never cooperate with oppressors!" Saemic said glaring at both Atlas and Dhows.

Dhows chuckled again, "We both know that to be false little Cor-Dem."

The Hollow turned his attention back to Atlas stating, almost apologetically, "Didn't even know for sure where you had teleported to with Smith."

"Are you going to accept excuses, Maxwell?" Dhows asked. "I saved you where others failed...Ignore this meaningless banter."

Maxwell nodded his head, "They should have found a way. No effort should have been spared...I...I was worth that much."

"Now," Dhows hissed almost angrily at Maxwell, "Let us leave."

I tried one more time to reach out to Atlas, "You are being abused and deceived, Maxwell! Why can't you see?"


Dhows and Maxwell disappeared..in the Shadows.

We stood there in silence. I finally asked glumly, "What now?"

"Now we warn the Avatar," Cartwright said. "As well as prepare for Dhows' next move."


Bree-Ha surveyed the fragments of the Universo. "Ruined," he snarled into a radio. "Completely ruined! Without that prototype there is no way to build an army of the Mechs! Bring me back to Lore."

The voice on the receiving end said nervously, "Uh...sir? We have a Stream failure Minister. The power source blocks teleportation. We need to find a means of containing the energy first..."


"Yes sir," the drakel said unable to mask the fear in his voice. "Right away...sir."

Bree-Ha shook his head unable to believe the incompetence he was witnessing.

A voice whispered quietly, "Minister Bree'Ha...how lovely to see you again."

The Drakel let out a jolt in surprise twirling around to see what appeared to be a figure who's appearance was covered by a Grey hood and cloaked robe.

The Minister quickly composed himself and asked, "Have we met?"

The figure shook his head and hissed, "Well, why, no my dracomammalian friend. But I know all about you."

The End....For now....

< Message edited by Clown the Jester -- 5/1/2011 20:54:58 >
AQW Epic  Post #: 12
4/17/2011 14:00:23   

Necrolich is lustfull man,a man full of lust of powers and greatness.He crossed the path of many great villains and joined some of them grasping at the power they held.
One of the villains was sepulchure,Necrolich followed his steps and cursed himself in the way of darkness...a cold and lonely path to gain the power he seeks, a path he knew already so well.with his armor at the level of the one of seppulchure and we don't know if it was because the armor was weaker or if necrolich was stronger that he can beat the manipulating force of those cursed items.One day necrolich left his realm of undeads and his secret army serving seppulchure,he left his generals on the warground letting them all dye one by one by the heroes of lore.
Necrolich seeked another thing than power....something to fill the gap in his chest and he went to battleon.In battleon he was surprised to not see the cold and darkness but the light that shone on the smiles of the villagers,and he found the gap...it was his hearth he lost on the way of power and he descided to defend those laughs and joined the guardians of battleon

Day after day and war after war necrolich found new commerades on his path,his new path,the path of defending...no he didn't lose his lust,his lust still grew and even more when he found stronger than him and those he met everyday in his adventures.One day the light didn't shine on battleon and the smiles didn't apear on the faces of the villagers but scared faces appeared in front of his window.A shadow was on battleon the shadow of Dhows.
Necrolich descided to gatther his brothers in arms,many friends where ready to defend lore: prosperine,elryn,DD,archmagus orordalf,Mystical Warrior,BlackAces and many others.
Necrolich descided to scout the horizon and monsters everywhere....they where acting weird...those monsters flew trought th lines of heroes gearede to face them but ended on the ground.Weird,realy weird.In the forrest he found elryn and prosperine fighting on the battleground,An enemy was lurking behind them ready to atack them,Necrolich didn't think too much and hit the enemy stunning him on the ground of pain,''I did get rid of that monster for you'' he said, grinning, in a dry snake like voice. He barely hit them but didn't try to.Not that it would be a problem for him to kill someone on his way to power or in the path of his prey.Necrolich gained humanity in his wars humanity he lost and that he will never have completely.The monster moved and necrolich grasped him the monster growled a last time before it vanished in dark energy to feed the power necrolich likes.
The energy was weird,the mana the caracteristics,everything was weird.He spoke to elryn and prosperine that dhows played with them

On the battlegrounds Necrolich saw those beasts swarming at the heroes still not gearede to face them and so he descided to gatther the best men to the front and let the others change teir gear and say bye to their kids,yes necrolich was realy pescimist and this time even more...that shadow over battleon was sign of great problems.
The night was loud and bloody the roars got trough the hidouts of the villagers who couldn't sleep.This sound of falling men and growling monsters was an habitude for necrolich who was more than once on the oposite side of the war but now he couldn't stand the cries of the kids running and fleeying to their home with a monster running behind.Luckily there were some adventurers defending the town with some guardians while the others where on the front.
Where necrolich was he could see the village and the battleground shooting spells from his cliff and stabbb those strong enough to get close to him but something way stronger was behind him it was....

There was something behind the trees,an enemy? no he saw falerin,wich one was it?He couldn't pose the question that he had an answer,Dhows appeared.
Dhows was anoyed tho see that a hunting bird joined the chicks he watched and had an offer,Dhows wants necrolich to join him and with those words he showed his disslike for human creatures fueled by lust
"I know you are a rapace hunting down the weak and taking from the others
I know that you seek what every man dreams of and i can give it to you
One day you will fall and i know it's soon
so join me and get wat you seek before i cut your wings ans make you fall in the pit of despair
You won't be alone in the new world made bye me
No more dreams to chase but only me to listen as the obbediant chicks you are"
An imence power was offered to necrolich,what he dreamt for years to be able to control.
But necrolich felt a pain in his chest,his hearth where a gap lived told him to say no,his brain told him to take the power to stop the voice and pain of his hearth
Necrolich couldn't stand and said no, he couldn't stand the cries of the kids that no power could stop and so he attacked dhows that dissapeared with falerin

One more day passed where necrolich felt bad,he was sad that he didn't say no directly to that offer.
To excuse himself he descided to kill even more to kill every creature near battleon,no exeption no hesitation
Hours and hours passed and again the men felt victorous then umbers lowered again but necrolich knew it wasn't done
More growls arrived from behind the mountains and undeads swarmed in as fast as the front line arrived near darkovia
The battleground grew and moved more and more making a huge mark on the map.
Darkovia was not far anymore as the undead grew more and more under the control of dhows.
The moral lowered and the warmongers had to rest as wel as some heroes left the fight,some left some came back as well as some died.
The war had no end but that idea also changed and came back a few times.

Again and again the war grew and lowered,the monster came and died as wel as the heroes fell.
days passed and each time Dhows laughed at us.
The timer came to show its end,a few more days and the end was here,good or bad we didn't know as we couldn't see the end of the creatures swarming at us.
Many things happened and a new path to victory was in front of us,Mt thral was our destination.
More waves shouldn't arrive after we ended the onethat know are all around us.
As we moved the monster went behind us and they gathered all around us, The latest lines should arrive soon to help our backs as we went to the front.
The other day we had the war in our hands again:archers on the cliffs,the backlines atacking the monsters from behind our adventurers and some guardians protecting our backs and the warmongers on the front.Idescided to help the front and shoor spells from the cliffs with the others.
Necrolich couldn't stand to have been weak even a second to dhows and fought even if he had to die.

Necrolich went further and further on the front leaving empty corpses all emptied of their forces,Necrolich had awoken and went berserk acting like a vampire thet slept for years....no necrolich wasn't a vampire even if it was one of the slightly curses he didn't have,it may have been on his list if he is now or not is just a question of time for a man in such envy of pewer and life...yes eternal life.
But on his way he had to sstop and a flash apeared in his sight,Necrolich could dodge the hit.Again it happened:majestic also was on rampage to get kills on his list,yeah a funy list that records the monsters you beat that the mages made and so again majestic nealy hit necrolich that may have looked like a monster acting all scary killing others.
Majesstic was shooting his spells evetywhere and every second a monster died,Necrolich was happy to see that his comerades in arms were still fightong with all they got. majestic told necrolich all what happened on his warline.Aparently a lot of forest critters were send to defend Mt thral,and majestic showed necrolich the way.
A huge number of monsters appeared and a sound of falling too
a huge boom was clearly to hear in the middle of the critters that flew dead on the ground and waves fell every second and Mystical Warrior apeared in front of us soaked in blood and grinning like usual.
He was sertainly first on that ist that he sertainly forgot to check...or couldn't read because of the blood,but he didn't care as long he could kill those who atack battleon

Mt thral was still far way and the large number of enemies slowed us and so necrolich asked majestic to make him a path trough them and so majestic gathered all his mana to burn all the forest critters in his way to the close mountains where necrolich could easily skip some waves and scout the place.
When necrolich could finaly rest and look around he could only see enemies everywhere and still a possibility to see more,what he saw was way too much and a pescimistic message to send to those still behind.
Necrolich didn't lose his moral and send an undead minnion flying to the camp and dellivering the message,Necrolich couldn't do more without relying on his most cursed powers and so he summoned the reaper and asked him to free the minnions that necrolich sealed years ago.The monsters apeared uglier one after another killing every monster under their feeth and causing pain to necrolich that burned his mana to hold them calm against the heroes still fighting behind.Those monsters were normaly beasts devouring on flesh of heroes under the command of necrolich,they didn't like the path that necrolich took and so they were enslaved to puppets.
It didn't last long before necrolich had to cast them away,he lost way too much mana and fell uncouncious.In his dreams Dhows appeared."SOOOOO little rapace finally stopped hindering my view? Do you finaly understand that you can't stop me?! I offered you your dreams but yet you don't sing what i desire like a good bird.You were way too much of an anoyance"
Necrolich woke up before he heard the last words,the noice was way too big.Monsters of lava appeared near the camp!Again they were twisted like the others necrolich had to save them!He was still too weak and couldn't save the heroes and fell asleep again.

Necrolich woke up in a tent,Majestic was there and sertainly filled a bit of necrolich's mana and twilly too was there to heal necrolich.
A new camp was made with the survivors and again a new gear to fight those monstruosities.Blackaces and mordred were speaking of plans while Mysthical was holding the watch,it was night and everybody had to rest.
Necrolich dis it as well but he was planning the whole time with the others,the end was near but the clock as well.
Elryn had a plan to kill the new monsters that appeared,toghether the group of chosen heroes would gather their strengt together to kill those beasts

(rest later)
for a parallel outcome of this chapter look at eltyn's post
mine will differ a little

< Message edited by necrolich66 -- 4/18/2011 23:53:28 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 13
4/27/2011 10:53:33   

chapter 1

i awoke in darkovia covered in lava but it was cold. i crawled out and looked around. as i walked i saw my two disciples. i walke dup to them and watched in awe at the strange reverse monsters. "what the heck happened here guys?" my first student spider master death looked towards me. "its dhows hes used a piece of falerin to make an army of these reversed things." my second student spider destroyer smiled. "you know i havent had this much fun since last week king spider." thats right it me king spider the three of us watched the battles until i got bored. death used shapeshift to become caladus and wielded two treevolu. destroyer entered the form of nightbane and grabbed his fireblood blade and vampiercer. i merely shrugged into my shearhide form with my guardian sword and shield.

first wave
we slammed into the ground death using caladus dragons to take out a large group of hunting rocs destroyer fired a blast from his mouth to take out the salamanders. i fired energy and my blade became darkness element. it hit a reversed iron golem. death turned into a darkness dragon. destroyed entered a drakel powerarmor. i myself transformed into a gogg. i grabbed a lava creature and turned human. i slammed it into a slamander and the three of us all summoned the guardian dragon junior. it hit a salamander and then the guardian dragon hit it three times. it was down for the count and we won our first wave.
AQ DF  Post #: 14
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