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Refund when there is balance Update

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10/12/2011 0:29:39   

Ok this is simple. I have a lot of Alt and I know there are a lot of people from any level don't have a lot of Credit. So there is a very high chance of the Balance update screw their build and they have to pay 500 Credit to retrain.

I have 6 characters and seriously I have a life I can't train that much. And they are alt they can't get money that fast as people like to say. Worst sometime I buy a weapon and have like 200 Credit and after the balance change the requirement legally make me stuck and have to lose repeatedly to get enough money to retrain (I also meet many people with this problem)

So after every update of this kind, every classes which effected should be funded by 500 Credit so they can retrain.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 1
10/12/2011 0:32:05   
ND Mallet
Legendary AK!!!

The problem with this is that I expect the Staff would have to manually add it to each account or spend time making a system where they could give it to everyone after each balance change. Either way is unnessecary work for giving players something they could get with just 16 wins.
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 2
10/12/2011 0:36:36   

It's not that hard I believe. If adding to each acc is not possible (while I believe it's possible to code that) They only need to make a slot Machine which give you 500. They can turn it on every Balance update, so any active Characters can just go there and click that.

Trust me, if you non Var and have 6 chars and not much online time and if your build is screwed, 100 wins is very annoying
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 3
10/12/2011 1:14:25   

What i do is if you have a more than one alt. Then fight each other. Its easy and do it in power hour and bam there you goooo credits :) Its useful to fight a higher lvl like if you have a lvl 20 alt and a lvl 15 alt fight the lvl 20 so you get much credits :)
Epic  Post #: 4
10/12/2011 1:23:53   

^ you know thats against the rules

< Message edited by Bunshichi -- 10/12/2011 1:27:24 >


MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 5
10/12/2011 1:28:49   

That's never gonna happen. Will cause too many complications. Anyways its not that hard to get 500 crds either var or non-var.
Post #: 6
10/12/2011 2:28:26   

@dibas89 You make dummying seem as legal as eating a donut. Bam the donut's digested.
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 7
10/12/2011 8:25:54   


What i do is if you have a more than one alt. Then fight each other. Its easy and do it in power hour and bam there you goooo credits :) Its useful to fight a higher lvl like if you have a lvl 20 alt and a lvl 15 alt fight the lvl 20 so you get much credits :)

Get banned son.
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 8
10/12/2011 8:37:23   

someone is getting "One ticket to Banland "

Also, Refund could be put in as a Quest from Oz, seeing quests are a 1 time thing anyway


Having a Signature is too mainstream
AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 9
10/12/2011 8:49:57   

That's what I wanted to suggest. LoL.

How about just resetting all Characters to LV1? With intact EXP, of course.
DF MQ Epic  Post #: 10
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