i found a great way to counter them with bounty hunter, so this may not be accessible to all of you. you have a emp for about 40 (mine is 42, costs 14) they will come to drain yours right away, have a sidearm arm with energy shot. then tag them with frost shard right away. if they use azreael after, they may be a pickle, but if not, have poison ready. poisons first, then heal with a regenerator, so they still lose health and energy while you just gain it. they give you enough breathing space (and one more turn of their cooldown) to strike. usuallythis gives them always one less than they need (if its max level), and your back to half health and they have about 50% as well. they are gonna heal, so you can attack, use a gun whatever. generally, this leaves me with 6 energy so they can steal too much. if they do, i havent received much damage and heal more when i attack than what i lost. they might rage first, in which case, with my bloodlust i will have 5-10 health left, but then i rage a strike, which they almost never block cause of low dex. in short^^^ have A LOT of ways you can drain energy (and health too, they do not reroute off heals) atom smaher/emp energy shot frost shards poison srike/poison grenade and if i had a botanicalbot i would use poison from that too.