I was blown away by the ambiance of the new quest. Kudos to Verly, Dracelix, and Dove for crafting it, it was truly breathtaking in its presentation. I really, really enjoyed it. I'm also extremely happy that we've stepped foot into Dragesvard, and that the story is moving forward! I'm a bit torn on the quest reward. On one hand, I'm a bit put out that we got yet another BiS statted item from a story quest - it feels like we get 1-2 such items per month now, while we got 1 BiS item from the Inn in 6 months, and no BiS items from either of the overworld bosses from Tyndur's depths . To be precise, in the past 5 months alone, we've received the following items from Story/Reimagined: Self-Containment Unit v15.5 (BiS for % based heals, bis +WIS/+END); Clawkin Clasp (tied BiS offensive, BiS metal resist); Mosscrystal Pendant (BiS Nature resist, tied BiS Dark resist; Lost Adventurer's Ring (BiS +Crit/+LUK), and Maeve's Tears (BiS -health). (We didn't get a main story/reimagined in August.) This isn't even counting the BiS LUK and BiS +Mainstat weapons (and the BiS +Int Helm) from seasonal quests. In total, in the last 5 months, we've received 8 BiS items from the story/seasonal releases. Not only is this pace of power creep probably not sustainable in the long term, it also makes each new bis item feel less special. This is in contrast to 2020, where a new BiS item from either the story or the inn would be an exciting new event. That being said, I do appreciate that the new helmet is at least not strictly better than its alternatives. With -7.5 net Health resist but +30 END, it's better than Vilmor's Helm (which has -10 net Health but no END) for % based heals, as the 2.5% less healing from health res is countered by the ~5% increase in HP; however, it's worse than Vilmor's helm for fixed heals like potions. While previous items like Mosscrystal or Clawkin Clasp were just better than their alternatives, this one has some amount of trade offs, which I think is a good direction to go in.
< Message edited by AstralCodex -- 1/15/2022 22:14:19 >