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Ethereal Poetry

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7/31/2008 11:20:34   

Poems by me. Inspired... Well, inspired by lots of things.

I hope you'll like, and the comments thread is here.

~Ethereal Shade~

< Message edited by ~Shade~ -- 7/31/2008 16:45:45 >
Post #: 1
7/31/2008 11:23:06   

Sonnet One

Oh you are fair and you are sweet,
With the wisps of golden hair.
Your lover's secret I will keep,
Despite all mortal fare.

The pain inside me deepens,
Without an outward show.
But the door slowly opens,
And soon the pain will flow.

'Til then I'll enjoy the day,
And be happy as can be,
Until I go a longer way
And pass with a thought of she.

The pain inside me slowly shrinks,
'Til it ends I'll sit and weep.

< Message edited by ~Shade~ -- 1/10/2009 13:12:08 >
Post #: 2
7/31/2008 11:24:36   

Delight and Despair

Feelings intertwine, moving, bending, disappearing.
The fleeting glimpses of happiness melt.
The passion and senses gone into the void.
Is it fair?
The dreams guide and crash,
Nothing is what it seems.
There now, gone later, nothing, even love,
Can hold a candle to despair.
She's gone now, nothing to do about it.
Poetic justice or poetic hell, justice is still never as it seems.
The pen gliding, telling the tale of delight and despair.
Is it fair?
Post #: 3
7/31/2008 11:26:42   


It flickers and brightens, but love can hold a candle to it.
Can you choose really?
It is a guiding force, striking through the heart,
Piercing you with warmth.
Burning like a flame, it overpowers you.
Death itself can't separate you.
Be it bloodied and beaten, or shiny and new,
No sword can harm it.
None but Cupid's arrows can pierce it.
Intangible, yet opaque.
Unseen, yet seen.
It flickers and warms you.
The flame of love burns bright.
Post #: 4
7/31/2008 11:28:15   

Cold and Forgotten

I lie here, broken and beaten, ready to die.
Nothing but another endless statistic,
Scrolling across your T.V. screen.
I grow weaker, get colder, and am being forgotten.
My resolve strengthens, I'll be in heaven soon.
The senses are all gone, darkness closes in,
A thick black cloud obscuring all.
Death arrives, and I greet him warmly.
Cold and forgotten, my body is.
Cold and forgotten, my comrades are.
This senseless violence should, but won't, become,
Cold and forgotten.
Post #: 5
7/31/2008 11:29:35   


They act their parts,
They give their speeches,
It doesn't matter, we aren't free.
They speak for change, but they want to fill their pockets.
No, sir!
It just doesn't work that way.
Some may be true but the can't resist,
They dredge our pockets and fill up theirs.
Oppression is their specialty,
With false promises and doors that lead nowhere.
It's a time for change, and we can do it,
No, wrong.
We will do it.
We are the oppressed people.
We will rise.
They will regret it.
Post #: 6
7/31/2008 11:31:44   

Wind-Up Man

He sits in the same spot every day,
doing his daily chores.
Until he has nothing to say,
because his winding is ignored.

Sadly his owners neglect him,
and put him on a nasty shelf.
His patience growing weak and thin,
Until he's needed to help.

He is more like an automaton,
doing what he's told.
But until he finds a way to move on,
He's stuck in his daily mold.

Metal-man, metal-man,
I appreciate your plight.
But I can not think of a plan,
so I'll chuck you out of sight.

Goodbye, goodbye, my robot,
I might even miss you soon.
Your labor, however, is what I sought,
Useful you aren't, so go on to your doom.
Post #: 7
7/31/2008 11:37:13   

Poem for Firefly

Many names, all the same,
Describe this wonderful poet.
Flight-of-Fire, Burning Insect,
The all have the same fame.

Many chapters, growing still,
To form a story, great and good.
Words materializing on the page,
To form Fire's graceful will.

Compliments and awards,
They flatter her so.
She says she doesn't deserve them,
But they are her rewards.

She is great and we all love her,
Except Alix that is,
And we will congratulate,
'Cause she has won for sure.

Note: This poem was written in honor of Firefly's Writer of the Month award.
Post #: 8
7/31/2008 11:47:53   

I have written a poem with Amboo. This is a collaborative project, with each of us writing a line, then the other. Hope you guys enjoy! My lines are blue, Amboo's lines are red.

My Own Demise

He cackled there, vile and cruel,
While I sat broken-hearted on the classroom stool.
He laughed at me, and then he kissed her,
While my rage bubbled into a hate-filled blister!

As I saw them walking hand in hand out the door,
My insides churned with a mighty roar.
So I got up, gun loaded, fists raised,
And proceeded to end his false love charade.

The demon fell down, with her cowering beside him.
The bullet had buried itself deep inside him.
The blood flowed, but she still didn't rage,
She looked on in fear, like a rat in a cage.

Her sweet, scared eyes, blue as the sea,
Looked on as I realized she would never want me.
So I took my gun and raised it to my head,
As the trigger was pulled, I fell down dead.
Post #: 9
7/31/2008 11:49:43   

Do You Remember...?

Do you remember when we were friends?
Our flower had just begun to poke out of the ground.
We laughed and cried together,
Joking, skipping, running all around.

Do you remember when we were lovers?
The rose flourished, bleeding red.
We thought we would be together,
Until we both had dropped down dead.

Do you remember when we were married?
Living together under one roof.
Not needing proof and trusting each other,
Neither of us knowing the truth.

Do you remember when we got divorced?
The flower wilted and stomped over.
We cheated with others and we disgraced ourselves,
We've only got three leaves on our clover.

Do you remember when you died?
I cried, I cried, I cried, and I cried.
Do you remember when I died?
The gun to my head, and then...

Utter, alone...

Post #: 10
7/31/2008 11:51:46   

Poetry of a Deranged Mind - Paranoia

I know he's here, waiting still.
Slowly waiting for the kill.

I'm not paranoid, why'd you say that?
HEY! Who's that guy, you know, with the hat?

I've not seen him before,
WAIT! I saw him at the store!

He watched me then as he watches now.
Why he is, I shall find out.

Where my logic is, there is a void.
Tell me, do you think I'm paranoid?
Post #: 11
7/31/2008 11:53:00   

School Poems - Written for Class


The sun is a flaming hand grenade,
Of gas and fire is it made.

Inspiring us with frightful light,
It keeps us blind yet gives us sight.

It brings us graceful life,
And takes away some of our strife.

The sun giveth, the sun taketh away,
Dehydration, fire, all filled with pain.

The sun is a blessing and a curse,
It can leave you rich and famous, or throw you in a hearse.

Moon and Stars

They're bigger than gargantuan,
And they dwarf every inch of air,
That hides on our fair blue earth,
The moon and stars are there.

Poets stare and scientists flair,
The moon inspires all.
Its roundness full and complete,
We'll stare at it until we fall.

The only things up in the sky,
up so so far, and so so high.

< Message edited by ~Shade~ -- 5/18/2009 18:24:22 >
Post #: 12
7/31/2008 11:53:59   


Rushing through the trees, life is hard.
Muscles burning, legs aching, running from an invisible fear.
Adrenaline coursing through veins,
Paining body shedding tear after tear.

The rush is better than anything else,
Bringing you to this crazy insanity,
Ready to blow you off course and road,
Or eliminate all of humanity.

The hunt is on, you’re going to win,
Searching for just that one great kill,
Living for the hunt, moving through the brush,
Carefully aiming your sights with all your will.

You squeeze the trigger to fire the shot,
The rifle has released death, bite-sized.
You love and live for the hunt that is so inane.
Post #: 13
7/31/2008 11:55:12   


Fluttering above the page,
Words appearing in glistening light,
Made by the Firefly, so happy and bright,
Writing on paper like a wise old sage.

The poems flow quite well,
Most everyone agrees.
She’ll bring us to our knees,
And then our tears she will quell.

The stories are excellent,
Dark, vampiric, and inane.
In fact, you could say insane.
For them she has special acknowledgment.

She breaks our hearts in her hands,
And then puts them back together.
Firefly’s graceful quill is lighter than a feather.
Seeing and wise, she understands.
Post #: 14
8/3/2008 1:45:20   

Shut Up

You start to explain,
Your short, little reasons,
They don't mean a thing,
Of course.

You try to let me know,
That we won't be friends anymore,
That our lives have crossed paths,
But we're separating.

Separating slowly,
Being thrown from side to side,
Disintegrating the bonds
Between you and me.

But there's something odd...
Something odd about your look.
You look concerned when we're almost gone,
And you're downright crying when I start to slip.

But when we're a hair's breadth away,
A hair's breadth from going on our own,
I turn, and you turn.
We stare into each other's lying faces and say,

“Shut your damn mouth and kiss me...”

< Message edited by ~Shade~ -- 1/10/2009 13:12:33 >
Post #: 15
9/7/2008 18:17:24   

Friends Meet

One especially lonely day, I connected to this thing on the net
Stumbled into this odd place and took a look around
Lots of authors, poets, and wroets... Oh my
Feeling like a lion in the jungle, I roamed around
Among the weeds, this treasure I found
Two people, silly as can be
OMG, they sound just like me!
I wave, they wave
We bunch of waving fools
Day after day, we do the dew?
Soon we find we has lots in common

She was new this girl,
who came in that day.
In the channel with me and Sith.
At first, not much was said,
a wave, a hey,
simple stuff like that.
But as time moved on,
so did our conversations,
And I started to like this girl.
In a friendly kind of way.

*Ana_Maria has joined #legendsandlore.
I saw this new girl,
come in today.
I finished talking to MM,
and gave her a wave.
She said hi, and we said hello.
She stayed for a while,
and she was on again today.
I thought, “I like her...”
That is, in a friendly kinda way.

So I joined this odd room
filled with people who write galore
when over in the corner, I spied these two names
waving at me
One called Sith and the other MisterMafio
though I swear he looks like an MM to me
they waved and I waved
and we got to talking a little
as time went by
we started talking more
getting to know each other
almost, liking one another
in that friend sort of way
Post #: 16
9/7/2008 18:18:24   

Friends Greet

Time passed since we got to know eachother,
Ana, Sith and me.
And we had grown
to treat eachother rather friendly.
The time of waving was long since gone,
as we were now were shaking hands
and talking one on one.

Friends we became
talking a lot more
sharing poetry
prose and other written materials
and discussing it too
like any good writing friends would do
teh CC&C we left for one another
helped each other improve
we took care of one another
like this, this friend sort of way

So Ana came back, day after day,
and we all kept saying hi.
Only now we were shaking hands,
and being sad at all of of the goodbyes.
So we kept on shaking hands, discussing
this and that. But mainly poetry,
Which we were all good at.
Friends, we became,
talking a lot more.
And then, then our friendship really began to soar.
Post #: 17
9/7/2008 18:20:08   

Friends Snuggle

*Ana_Maria has joined #legendsandlore.
MM and I, we saw that she joined,
so we hugged and we snugged,
really overjoyed.
“Yes! She's back!” is what we did say,
because we were best friends,
and then she shouted, “Yay!”
We were all there,
as we finished our snug,
talking 'bout poetry,
and throwing round hugs.

oh the hugs and snugs!
the huggles and the snuggles
they do abound
with sith and MM around
inspiring me left and right
i try to inspire them, but oh the fright
least they dont mind a random lady poet like me
snugging and snugging with glee
hugging on them as friends we be
all right here in the #legendsandlore room on the IRC!

Things moved fast
these past few months.
Between us three friends.
And by now,
I fail to see
how our friendship possibly ends.
We went from waving,
to shaking hands,
and ended up with snugging.
I tell you,
Sith and Ana Marie.
We are quite a group,
us three,
all here on Caelestia's IRC.

This collaborative trilogy was brought to you by:
Ana_Maria [ comments thread],
~Shade~ (AKA Sith) [ comments thread] and
Mistermafio [ comments thread].
We hope you've enjoyed it, any comments can be left in either of the comments threads.
Post #: 18
12/2/2008 16:43:16   

~A Random Poem Written With a Poetic Friend~ (Really, though, it was written in the wee hours of the morning by text message. So... yeah.)

The land of lots of poetry, with little bits of verse.
The words come dancing through our minds, so don't bother to rehearse.
The quills glide, and guide, across the page,
Whether in epiphany or torrid rage.
Either way the words have flown,
To enter some grand unknown,
They look around and see a light,
In a world of horror, and raw delight.

Post #: 19
1/23/2009 18:58:21   

solace in bathtub

i sit in the tub
my slow breath fogging the frosted glass
in and out in and out
slowly the fog spreads until i turn my head
the water swishes around and i stop moving
my body feels so pure
resting there in the hot water
that i think i might lie there until i die
slowly being cleansed

i sit in the tub
the slow water rising
at the edges of my vision
i move my foot and the water stops
it stops its advance toward
my troubled mind
i’m at peace now
unencumbered by emotion
except for bliss

solace in bathtub
Post #: 20
2/28/2009 9:03:23   

She, Too (Impulsively Quit)

We’re both...
Very impulsive.
She comes up to me,
and then says,
“We’re done.”
I say,
She lists her reasons.
Coming up with them,
thinking of them first.
Yeah, impulsive.

Later, I call.
Still, she’s kinda aloof,
and I’m kinda sad.
“Why can’t we just
our differences?”
I ask.
I list them, and then some,
each dagger being tossed.
She refuses to listen.
So I hang up.

I can’t stand to listen anymore either.
It’s too much.
Just too much.
I stare at the stereo,
large and gunmetal,
in the living room.
And I quit.
Post #: 21
10/25/2009 20:18:49   

I was staring
blue, blue sky outside
nothing but blue and black and the radio and my head
why why why why
"it's a grownup thing, sweetie,"
she says.

well maybe i wanna be a grownup; maybe i wanna know
why these things happen.

a red light comes into view, the car slows;
the music mellows;
wires dash across the sky,
a crisscrossing net.
we go forward.

why does anyone
do anything?
i'll never know.
Post #: 22
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