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RE: =Elemental Championships 2009= OOC Thread

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7/1/2009 19:22:35   

Name: Farsith The Mad
Element of Participation: Darkness
Class, if applicable: Fighter/Mage combination
Abilities: He mainly uses his swords, so his magic is not great. In fact it borders on terrible.
His madness, though, makes him use spells at his disposal, seemingly at random.
His spells are as follows:
Dark Shot~He fires a beam of concentrated darkness. Straight line.
Shield~A basic shield spell, although very weak.
Shadow Shape~He transforms his body into a shadow, enabling him to either sneak up on someone, or get away from somwone. Takes a lot of effort though.
Shadow Fighter~He summons a warrior made from shadows. Ranges from a single warrior to 5, ranging acording to his state of mind. These are merely foot soldiers capable of dealing only slight damage. Great when used as a distraction, but they can be very deadly if used on an unprepared opponent. When he is at his most "far-out" state, he can summon 8 shadow fighters. Although at this point, he can no longer control them, so they might as well attack him.
< Link to intro post>
Height: He is about 6'
Weight: He weighs 140 lbs.
Weaponry: He uses twin swords, called the Madness of Farsith. These are identical, with the exception of one being a bit longer than the other.
They are made from shadows, allowing him to change their appearence acording to will. He can't change their length though. One is 2,5' while the other is 2'.

Re-reposted as requested... *sigh*
I halved the number, and added a twist... As he is mad, i felt that there should be something more to his madness...
I hope it goes this time... :)

I like the twist, and this is much more aligned with a sense of balanced. Approved. ~Ronin

< Message edited by Frozt -- 7/15/2009 13:43:25 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 51
7/1/2009 20:21:41   

Name: Chad Sleas
Element of Participation: Energy
Class, if applicable: fighter/mage of the clan Eletic
Any abilities that require elaboration:

Lightning charge: He can use energy to fuel up his movements to make his reaction timing, (and physical speed) faster. However, he only uses it for short bursts for maximum amounts of 10 seconds. Then, he has to wait for 45 seconds minimum until he could use it again.

Lightning flow: He can 'power-up' his arms and legs with a visible electrical current. Chad can also use a swift movement (such as swinging his arm) along with the release of the energy from his limb to send the current into another object or organism. However, doing so will temporary paralyze the limb that was used for at least 10 seconds, if not more depending on how long his arms and legs were charged up.

<Edit in a link to your first post here, since that is where you ought to be describing your character>

Vital Statistics: Height: 6'0"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Human male

Weaponry: He carries in two large pouches on both hips two chains made of combined metals of which would be durable and a excellent conductor of electricity. He can use those chains as defense when charged up by spinning the chain to create a circle, or as offense by swinging it in the direction of his opponent, (however, because of the electricity flowing through it, Chad can only direct the chain to a general area, and from there the energy moves the chain randomly so that neither him nor his opponent know exactly where it will hit). In both of his boots he carries a set each of two round metal balls of which he uses to throw at his opponents when charged up and keeps its electrical current in for at least 3 minutes after thrown.

Background: Chad grew up in a clan of fighters, (The Eletic), who worship the Energy Lord as the "spark that gave us life". Chad at first saw his training as a way to not only honor his clan, but to help defend it. By entering into the Elemental Championships, he hopes to prove his clan's worth, dedication, and honor to his lord.

Hopefully he's accepted. This is my first time in the Elemental Championships, and I hope I don't get beaten too badly....

Sorry for accidentally skipping this the first time through. I'm just a ferret, after all, I'm not perfect! Anyway, I need two things from you. First, I need lengths for the chains carried. Second, if *possible*, can you redefine Lightning Charge with a more abstract terms, rather than seconds? Technically, I suppose it doesn't matter, as we get a rather firm idea of the intent via seconds. That's more optional than the First, basically. Conditionally Approved, since having defined lengths for the chains really is necessary from both a judge standpoint and an RPer standpoint. ~Ronin

< Message edited by Ronin Of Dreams -- 7/12/2009 15:50:55 >
AQ DF  Post #: 52
7/1/2009 22:18:04   


I still have somewhat of an issue of gross tactical advantage similar to Farsith, but the lack of combat ability outside of Esir's summons is a bit more balancing in your favor. Reduce the number of "summon slots" a tad. That Dark Orb is extremely versatile, too. Also, I will say this. The future of the allowance of multiple-summon capable characters will be on your head and Frozt's, once approved. Also, for the love of the Elemental Lords, spell your element of participation right! Conditionally Approved. ~Ronin

Okay. Here's my updated bio: (Changes: Summon slots changed to eight, Dark Orb's energy drain removed, Darkness spelled correctly.)

Name: Esir Prus
Element of Participation: Darknesss
Class: Summoner
--Summon Imp: Esir is capable of summoning demonic imps from the lower planes to fight for him. He is only capable of controlling eight of them at once; any more and he will faint.
--Summon Dark Orb: The Dark Orb is Esir's most dangerous summon and one which he rarely uses. The Orb appears as a large ball of blue fog, with a diameter about equal to an average man's height. It can stun enemy fighters and block attacks. The Orb also has minor telepathic abilities. Using the Orb is very draining for Esir, and takes up three of his "Summon Slots". (In other words, if he has the Orb out, he can only control five Imps. Trying to pass this limit will result in fainting.) He is also unable to control more than one Orb at a time.
--Summon Control: Esir can telepathically control his summons. He can also see from the viewpoint of any summoned Imp (or Dark Orb).
<link to first post goes here>
Vital Statistics:
--Height: Esir is very tall for a man on his age, which is 25.
--Weight: Average.
Weaponry: None. Esir focuses exclusively on his summons.

Oh, one thing I'd like to make clear: When I say the Orb can block attacks, I only mean that it can physically get in the way of an attack. eg. if someone shoots an arrow at Esir and the Orb gets in the way, the attack will hit the Orb and stop, not go through it. That's all I meant.

Clearly defining abilities is always a good thing. Definitely better thought out towards balanced, though the future of mass summoner types will still be determined in no small part by the performance this year of this character and his counterpart Farsith the mad. Approved. ~Ronin

< Message edited by Ronin Of Dreams -- 7/12/2009 13:44:39 >
MQ  Post #: 53
7/1/2009 23:38:53   

Fixed! Thanks, Ronin!

Name: F'thear K'bar
Element of Participation: Water
Class, if applicable: Ilithid Seashifter
Any abilities that require elaboration:
As a frightening, tentacle-faced ilithid, K'bar passively suppresses magic within three feet of himself. This doesn't prevent spells from being cast, but instead lessens the power and control of the affected. Fire spells become more like flamethrowers, as shapes and details beyond element type and direction become distorted or even nonexistent.
Also, he's a seashifter: a being with an affinity for changing himself or parts of his body into living things from the sea. With large creatures like whales, he's limited to morphing up single body parts. He's limited to borrowing aspects from two animals at a time.
Last but not least, watch out for those facial tentacles! They were made to burrow into the skull to devour delicious gray matter!
<No fear! Link goes here!>

Height: Six feet from feet to top of head, but he's usually hunched forward.
Weight: Heavy
Weaponry: He carries a simple staff made of remarkably smooth coral.
Secondary physical description for also reference's sake:
His skin is a luminous dark purple with pale green spots all over. He's always slimy to the touch. His fingers are like a human's. K'bar's head looks a lot like an octopus, complete with the dreaded mass of tentacles. No one's really gotten close enough to count to make sure there were exactly eight. He's clothed in a robe colored with strange geometric designs of green, purple, and a little bit of red. The designs are baffling to behold and contemplate; the shapes seem born of madness on close inspection, as they don't seem... quite right. It's impossible to explain exactly what the strange quality is.
Background: From the underdark came this Ilithid seashifter. For the his hive he had come to the surface for the occasion, clothed in his fanciest clothing (courtesy of Em'Cee Ehshur), with the desire to bring the favor of the lord of water back to his hive as the champion of this, the most prestigious of the surface-dwellers' tournaments.

Well, you DID do as I asked. Let's see how this runs. Approved. ~Ronin

< Message edited by Ronin Of Dreams -- 7/12/2009 13:48:04 >
AQ  Post #: 54
7/2/2009 0:23:36   

Bah. I can't find the old EC threads, so I can't just recycle my bio from last time. XP I guess my laziness has its limits. Hate bios, but I can see why they're needed.
/me shakes a fist at Kell. This had better end well!

Name: Rychaeth Leithyr
Element of Participation: Darkness
Class, if applicable: Thief/Assassin
Any abilities that require elaboration: He's a were-fox, so he turns into a humanoid fox at nighttime. Besides being foxy (har har), it means his senses of smell, sight, and hearing are sharpened. Taste, too, but let's hope that doesn't get into the competition very much. Even when in human form, his hearing and his smell are a bit above average.
Vital Statistics: Slender guy. Not beanpole skinny -- he's muscled, but it's more of a lean build. Stands at a little under six feet.
Weaponry: Visible weaponry includes two large daggers and a scimitar. He will also carry in a shortbow and three arrows. No magical weaponry.
Hidden weaponry includes ten throwing knives (two of which are positioned by each hand for easy access), a small dagger in his shoe, and another on his torso.
Link to first post: N/A, as of now.

I promise you that my posts will be much more thought-out and elaborate than my bio is. Like I said, I dislike writing bios.

One of the most "mundane" characters seen through the years. There's nothing special at all to worry about, though it will be interesting to see if all ten of the knives come into play. Approved. ~Ronin

< Message edited by Ronin Of Dreams -- 7/12/2009 13:52:08 >
AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 55
7/2/2009 0:25:36   

I apologize. At this point in time, I feel I need to actually revoke my entry into this year's EC. Life is a bit too complicated right now, but hopefully next year such can be managed. Ah well, c'est la vie. Good luck to everyone who is participating. I look forward to reading the battle when I have the opportunities.

I still find this such a shame, but do as you see the need to do. You will be missed. ~Ronin

< Message edited by Ronin Of Dreams -- 7/12/2009 13:54:43 >
AQ  Post #: 56
7/2/2009 0:51:20   

Sorry to see you go, Dams. I was looking forward to warming up his cold cold heart.

Note that if anyone is ever trying to decide upon an element, a good thing to take into consideration is how many people are in each element and whether there are any elements that could use a little love.

To that end, I here enumerate the number of approved and conditionally approved applicants to each element:

Element: approved | conditionally approved
Light: 3 | 1
Darkness: 1 | 3
Water: 1 | 1
Energy: 1 | 0
Ice: 3 | 0
Earth: 0 | 3
Wind: 1 | 1
and Fire: 3 | 1

< Message edited by TormentedDragon -- 7/2/2009 0:52:00 >


AQ DF MQ  Post #: 57
7/2/2009 1:26:33   
The Extinguisher

Okay. Let me throw my chips in the Darkness bin using an old character that I've kind of fixed.

Name: Michael
Element of Participation: Darkness
Class: None in particular
*Shifting: Michael's main strength is the ability to re-arrange his physical appearence and abilities. The is not easy, and takes a lot out of him and he tires easily after every use. However, he does have a few famliar shifts (below) that require very little effort. He has no other magical powers. Just great physical strength.
*Sword shift: He can turn his right arm into a blade weapon, ranging from pointed fingertips to a longsword replacing the lower arm. Anything greater than that requires a normal shift
*Wing shift: Creates demon wings from his back that can be used to fly. Fairly simple.
Weapons: The unholy sword fused inside him he uses for shifting. Powered by dark energy.

Background: After managing to escape from death last years tournament, Michael took it upon himself to become more powerful, and return, seeking vengence.

So...he can't really be disarmed without losing his entire arm in a quite literal manner, and he can shift to be able to take flight with what I assume is average, 'natural' capability. Nothing too special, and while still a very light bio, nothing to nitpick over as the essentials are explained this time. Approved. ~Ronin

< Message edited by Ronin Of Dreams -- 7/12/2009 13:58:34 >
Post #: 58
7/2/2009 11:46:59   

Here ya go, Coyote, EC 2008 OOC!

Oh, and for anybody wanting to brush up on their oponent(s) from previous EC championships:

< Message edited by ont -- 7/2/2009 11:53:30 >
Post #: 59
7/2/2009 15:38:02   

Yay! *reads happily*

Also, has anyone noticed that there seem to be a lot of "K" names among combatants?
AQ  Post #: 60
7/3/2009 18:59:27   

KK, I'm going to play as Meru. I had that idea kicking around in my head for a long time, and I want to play him. Besides, with two of us, we could have a little rivalry going, or make a "shapeshifter alliance.". Might be interesting, and lead to good character development.
DF  Post #: 61
7/4/2009 17:58:50   

As sad as I am to see you go, damselindigital, I can't help but say that I was REALLY concerned about you standing in my way of a Finals re-appearance.

As you said, though, such is life. Instead of doing this out of vengeance for you ending my run last year, I will now dedicate my efforts to you instead! *ahem*

To the woman who trumped me last year and who couldn't show up to defend her title, I therefore humbly dedicate my quest for the pinnacle.
AQ DF  Post #: 62
7/4/2009 18:22:45   

By the way, for all who celebrate it: Happy Independence Day.
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 63
7/5/2009 22:38:56   

This looks interesting. I suppose this will be my first action as being a role player.

Name: Marco and Malcolm (Siamese twins, conjoined at the back.)
Element of Participation: Marco is an earth type, his brother Malcolm is an energy type
Class, if applicable: Marco, a street fist-fighter, Malcolm, a hidden healer
Any abilities that require elaboration: Marco can make his limbs as hard as stone, however can not use any joints that were manipulated by this effect. In other, more serious situations, he can grow two or four extra arms, made completely out of stone. However he doesn't use this freely, as it is very painful for him, and drains him of his strength rather quickly. Malcolm can shock himself and other people's bodies, where as he can speed up cell regeneration by sending a small surge of electricity through one's body. Alternatively, he can send shocks to an enemy's body as an offensive attack, however he is not very good at being a fighter. Malcolm studied bones before, and learned before he can heal broken bones, he must set them first. So far, neither of them have seen a side-effect of Malcolm's healing ability.

Vital Statistics: Marco is very large and muscular, and Malcolm is the same height, (6'6") however much smaller and fragile. They are twenty years old.
Weaponry: Marco only uses his fists as weapons, however Malcolm keeps a small shield to their side for protection.
Secondary physical description: Marco has straight black hair, only reaching to his eyes. Malcolm has much longer hair, reaching to his shoulders, and his hair is very messy as well, practically covering his face. Both have brown eyes. Marco's skin has a slightly darker complexion compared to his brother who is very pale. They wear a very large black cloak, where as Marco is in the front, and Malcolm is unnoticed, only seen as one man with a very large deformity.
Background: Marco and Malcolm, two siamese twins with very different personalities. When they were younger, they took turns studying their elements with a master, first Marco's earth abilities, and then Malcolm's lightening abilities. Malcolm was a diligent worker, not so much Marco. Later on, they began illegal street fighting for money, where they wore a large black cloak, so Marco simply looked like a freak with a deformity. The use of magic was allowed, as long as it involved the use of the limbs to battle, so they both gained a large amount of experience during this era of their lives. After about two years, the guards of the town found out about this, and they were forced to leave, and they have been roaming ever since, Marco the brave and powerful fighter, Malcolm the diligent and kind-hearted healer.

Original enough? Seriously I hope this is allowed, I planned on using something like this on the RP forums. If not then I suppose I'll make a new bio.

This application poses...several problems. I'm not entirely sure if its worth trying to have you work through them all and make some potentially hard decisions, or if I should just ask you to submit a different character. Look, I'll put it this way, if you seriously wish to pursue this character, PM me, and we'll see if we can work something acceptable out. Otherwise, submit a different one. It's just that out there while being original for the EC...just has problems too. ~Ronin

< Message edited by Ronin Of Dreams -- 7/12/2009 14:07:22 >
Post #: 64
7/6/2009 2:41:59   
Legendary Artist!

Do I seem to eager? Anyways, yes I'm entering the lovable Moglin. Just not sure if he's quite allowed, since he is so...unique?

I hope he's ok, I think I went overboard with the info, but...
So feel free to stab me Ronin... >.>

Name: Galvian (Gal-vee-an)
Element of Participation: Energy
Class, if applicable: Fighter
Any abilities that require elaboration:
Alright besides some tough skin, muscles, with Galvian's quick running speed he is able to gather energy within his fur and his body. The static energy gathers there by clinging to a special energy within him. He can expel this energy easily with his will in just about anyway. While it takes no physical form it can shape from a concentrated wave to a small dome like explosion. This ability is called Positive Feedback, where he basically gathers kinetic and static energy and make it into a weapon and it does has it's weaknesses. Besides physically fighting this is his only energy/mana based attack.

Moglin Senses - Slightly heightened sense of hearing and smell. Night vision(Chiat).

Vital Statistics: Age: Unknown, since he doesn't keep track. Gender: Male Height: 5’ 6” Weight: 146 lbs

Weaponry: No weapons.

Secondary physical description for also reference's sake: A tall, but slouchy posture is what you usually see for Galvian. He usually stands up straight when he's ready for battle. His fur is a fine blue, but when touched by sunlight is a serene dark green and when grasped by moonlight becomes an enchanting amethyst. Gal's eyes are bright ocean blue that oddly reflects light to give it an slight aura. When he stands up straight he looks like a rabbit on two it’s hind legs because thickly muscled legs. He wears cotton cloth shorts that go three inches past the knees. On his wrists and ankles are steel This signifies that he use to be a prisoner of some sorts.

Background: Galvian is a Chiat, a sublorean Moglins, descended from a tribe of Moglins that had become fed up with being preyed upon by the evil races of the surface and moved underground. But the moglins were unequipped to handle the harsh subterranean world. Unable to hunt or even see, the moglins were steadily being picked off by monsters in the dark. Those who lived through the initial onslaught caught the attention of Akron, a beastial god of survival. He gave them stronger forms, knowlege of the Sublorean wilds, and the skills to survive the new world. The first Chiats were born. Unlike thier Moglin cousins, Chiats are tooth-and-nail fighters. They resemble Moglins, only larger, black-furred, and feral. They have enlarged claws and fangs, and can see long distances in little or no light.

- - - - -
Galvian grew up in the Underground subLore, but one day adventured into the surface to see what life was like. Since he was considered a twisted monster of a moglin he was treated as such and was captured by a group of Knights. They chained him up to a wall by his ankles and wrists and left him for death until he asked for someone’s help. He didn’t care who would help him and prayed for any god to free him. Galvian was out-casted by his own kind, his own people and never intended to go back to them or that life. Someone heard his pleas, it was Akron a beastial god of survival.

Arkon took him into his twisted hands and Galvian joined in like the unknowing child he was. This place changed him, carved his soul into the being he his today. He taught himself how to fight afterward. Since then he stayed above ground, fighting to find his place in life...or just because he enjoys it. He watched the last Elemental Championships, amazed by it's glory and the abilities of the combatants. Now he wants his crack at it.

Aside from a potentially corny ability title, depending on who you ask at least, this is fine. Height is interesting, since Moglin has such a strong mental image even after pointing out that Galvian is a Chiat. Zap! Bang! Approved!~Ronin

It is not a corny ability title! D:< but thanks for Approval Ronin. :p

< Message edited by Clyde -- 7/12/2009 14:41:42 >
Post #: 65
7/6/2009 10:13:33   

New post then :P

Name: Nightly
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Race: Human
Element of participation: Earth
Class: Knight
Weaponry: One sword held in his right hand. It has an ornate blade and handle and is very lightweight. Nightly can swing it around effortlessly but it is heavy for others to use. Amor: Just thought I'd put this in here. He is armored from chest to toe in red armor. The armor protects him from most attacks. and is able to shield him from some magic attacks. He has a shiled in his left hand embossed in a strange symbol.

He's missing a hand as well. His left one to be precise. Haven't decided what will be there but I'll update that eventually. So for now its a stump.

I still can't believe you were so lazy as to just link last year's earlier. As it stands, unless you are trying to hide something with that shield, you're good to go I suppose. Approved. ~Ronin

< Message edited by Ronin Of Dreams -- 7/12/2009 14:39:36 >
Post #: 66
7/6/2009 13:16:02   
Sir Inge

Name: Sir Giovanni Inge

Element of Participation: Darkness

Class, if applicable: Death Knight

Any abilities that require elaboration:
Giovanni can heal himself to a short extent (i.e. scratches, lacerations, or small bruises)

Giovanni can summon three undead minions to assist in battle. These minions have the skill of a trainee knight, so can attack well, but can be defeated easily

Giovanni uses mana to blind the target for a short while to leave them prone

Last Resort
At the cost of severely injuring himself, Giovanni can perform a berserker attack which quadruples his damage

Regenerates mana

Shock wave
After slicing in an upper cut motion with his sword, Giovanni sends out a four foot tall half a foot wide, mana blast, with the power to cut through steel.

Vital Statistics: Age: 21 Gender: Male Height: 6’ 1” Weight: 152 lbs

Weaponry: Midnight Sun
Black and white sword which can attack with high powered dark attacks.

Secondary physical description: A tall man dressed in custom made DK armor plating. It is flexible but extremely durable. The main plate is pitch black and the trimming is gold. Giovanni's hair is moonless midnight black. His face is white, not pale, but white. His eyes have lost all color and he bears a pair of shiny white teeth. He fights in a slashing posture when he fights, ready to counter an opponent's attack.

Background: Giovanni was raised as a Paladin in Battleon and an old Oakenvale village. He was corruptted and soon became a Death Knight. He now holds a grudge against all Necromancer's and searches the earth for knowledge on how to bring a person back to normal life. During last year's tourney, Giovanni watched in wonder at the opponent's. True fighters? or a chance to attain a greater strength?

Erm...okay. I must say, attempting to define abilities and their effectiveness through percentages and an active time measurement within a freeform setting is rather...bulky. Unwieldy. Ineffective to the core, since...yeah. I'm going to have to say Conditionally Approved, and that's being a bit generous on some counts, until you rework your abilities to suit the free form format in a workable manner. ~Ronin

Edit: I edited. Feel free to inspect Ronin.

< Message edited by Calcon30 -- 7/13/2009 14:22:25 >
AQ DF MQ  Post #: 67
7/6/2009 18:16:37   


Crystal Pillar
"Freeze the monster using this attack!"

Can perform once per 3 posts and freezes for one post.

I'm not completely sure of this, but I think that would be braking the rules, because it is using a different element then the element of the character, which is darkness. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Post #: 68
7/7/2009 6:13:16   

Rawr. I'm moved into my new place, and my internet has been re-connected. Guess it won't be a late start for me.
AQ DF  Post #: 69
7/7/2009 10:49:52   
Recar Dragonlance

Woop, can't wait for the 15th. Harry Potter + EC = awesomeness.

Looks like some good characters are underway.
DF  Post #: 70
7/7/2009 10:52:59   


Can perform once per 3 posts and freezes for one post.

This is a bad idea. Posts can cover anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes, so timing it by post wouldn't work.
MQ  Post #: 71
7/7/2009 18:34:26   

I'm appalled at the turnout so far :( Last year by this time we were on what, page 20? :( Recruit more!
Post #: 72
7/7/2009 20:24:15   

Name: Jonathan "Grey" Karshte

Element: Darkness

Appearance: Ebon hair shadows grey eyes, brushing broad shoulders along the sides with a similar length in back. A brown duster adorns his well-built form, left open with a thin white shirt beneath which does little to hide the tone that regular workout has given to his muscles. His legs are covered with black pants, made of a thick, rugged fabric which lends itself well to extended use and abuse. The pants are loose enough that they reveal little of the tone of his legs, and the picture is finished with a pair of leather traveling boots that match the color of his duster.

Vitals in short: 5'11, 180 lbs. Build is muscular, and toned with workout.

Weapons: None on his person

Character Details: Jonathan is possessed by a greater demon which calls itself Shade. However, the demon lacks the ability to fully possess his victim. Instead, he can imprint thoughts and ideas into Jon's mind, as well as imbue him with his power. There are a few ways that this works, the most effective (And most unlikely) of which being syncronization between both man and demon. Alternatively, Shade can imbue some of his power into his host, in the form of physical enhancements or shadow powers.

Another alternative is that Shade can attempt to force his host into doing something that he wants done. In these cases, which are more tiring for the demon, he can press more or his power upon him.

Powers: All of Jonathan's powers stem from his possession by Shade.

Shadow Manipulation: The shadows become whatever Jon wants them to be. The more shadows, the more powerful and the more numerous the possibilities. While being within the shadows is not entirely necessary, it makes the ability much more effective.

Examples of Shadow Manipulation are the forming of a weapon of shadows and hardening it into a physical manifestation, which then remains until dispelled or destroyed, as well as assaults and stealth tactics with the shadows.

Shadow Walk: With enough concentration of shadows at the source and destination, Jon can transport himself between various shadows instantaneously. Leaves him momentarily winded.

Alright, got a bio up finally. Lemme know what I screwed up, k?

Workable, insofar as you don't overdo the shadow jumping technique. Interested to see how you play it out. Approved. ~Ronin

< Message edited by Ronin Of Dreams -- 7/12/2009 14:55:39 >
AQ  Post #: 73
7/7/2009 22:04:03   

Question: Is there a separate forum topic for every arena?

EDIT: Could you put all the shapeshifters together for the lulz? Only if the RNGods are willing. Everything is impartially random. ~Ronin

Based on your Body Mass Index, my character is dead.

< Message edited by Ronin Of Dreams -- 7/12/2009 14:56:53 >
DF  Post #: 74
7/8/2009 2:05:28   
Kuro Banshee

So as not to make the mighty Ronin mad I shall join, however this is my very first EC... so please be patient with me if I don't understand what's happening at all times. So without further hesitation I introduce my little woman.

Name: Mio Kaze-Latona
Element of Participation: Wind
Class, if applicable: Aero Mage
Any abilities that require elaboration:

- Physical traits: Mio is a wind fairy of Sylph. As such she is incredibly small and agile, allowing her to avoid most attacks thrown at her, but this powerful evasive advantage comes at the cost of no endurance. Beyond this she has the inherited ability to fly and hover.

- Wind Manipulation: Mio is able to use her magic to bend the wind into concentrated forms that can be used to cause for whatever purpose the Fairy woman sees fit. Examples are creating an arc of wind to damage pillar's or trees to weaken them so they would fall or forming an orb to assault an enemy.

- Mana Shield: By bending the wind into an orb around her and adding large amounts of mana, Mio is able to protect herself from most non-solid spells for a small amount of time. This spell can be broken by solid objects and with enough force from a spell. This ability is completely useless against earth and ice magic.

Vital Statistics: Age: Doesn't recall; Height: 0'9" Weight: 1.3lbs

Weaponry: A four inch long rapier with an extremely sharp end, made from a melted down sliver of pure titanium.

Secondary physical description for also reference's sake: Overall most fairies change their appearance overtime and Mio is no exception. At the moment she takes the appearance of a woman with mocha skin and virgin white hair. Her eyes however have the appearance of a gold-eyed feline. However her most noticeable feature are the four dragonfly like wings attached to her back. She appears to be wearing what appears to be a shrunk down version of the common Shevite garb.

Background: A creature born of the wind, Mio's first memories of existence go back to a wind swept plain where she was supposedly born alone with a dozen other Sylphs. Since that day she has traveled across the land of Lore, observing how creatures of all shapes and sizes lived their lives. During these travels she did learn much about the winds that she traveled upon and how to bend it to her advantage. Eventually she came upon something called the 'Elemental Championship’; she had heard people saying this is where people battle on behalf of the elemental lords. She then decided to participate within the tournament, not to please the Wind Lord, but because it seemed like fun to her.

Interesting caveats to your mana shield ability. Aside from that, keep your Wind Manipulation in check and I think you'll be fine. Though, damaging a pillar? Bwhahahahaahaha.... Approved. ~Ronin

< Message edited by Ronin Of Dreams -- 7/12/2009 14:59:47 >
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