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RE: Poetry~Compressed Meaning

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5/27/2010 13:48:18   

L&L AKs/Mods (Poetic Tribute)

A lady fair and graceful,
Who has, at her command,
The translucent wings of
Uncounted dragonflies.

Emerald wings beat softly
Against surrounding air.
Leaving glittering trails
Of sparkling golden dust.

A face hangs without body;
Its features somehow seeming
To hold within themselves
A bovine appearance.

A little man of mischief,
Clad in clothes of green.
One hand clutching a clover
With leaves that number four.

A dainty purple flower--
Beautiful, and yet
It would be wise to leave it be,
Or risk its piercing thorns.

A little lizard, red;
Not crawling, but erect.
His tail behind him lit
With a little tongue of flame.

A raven, black, and ghastly
Doth open wide his beak--
To loose upon the world
Poetic words of verse.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 6/1/2010 9:08:18 >
DF MQ  Post #: 51
6/3/2010 23:01:26   


Peering out into the night
Watching the dusky shrouds
Marveling at the haunting sight
A dance amidst the clouds

Where mingle gloomy purple shades
And purest, darkest black
That lightning briefly lights, then fades
Followed by thunder’s crack

To that symphony up in the sky
No music could compare
Nor could stage-lights e'er outshine
The lights that I saw there


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/15/2012 0:37:05 >
DF MQ  Post #: 52
6/7/2010 11:49:11   

Green is Gold is Grey

Nature’s first green is gold.
Or so, by Mr. Frost, we’re told.
But if you asked me I would say:
Nature’s first green is really grey

For, as Mr. Frost will say,
Though Nature’s first green may be gold,
Green is a hue, quite hard to hold;
And quickly fades to grey.

Green is a hue, quite hard to hold,
That always fades to grey.


DISCLAIMER: This poem is in not way shape or form meant to insult GG. /Me hides
DF MQ  Post #: 53
8/6/2010 22:35:26   

Not As It Is Now

Ah, to be a child again
To float from day to day
Like a carefree leaf, caught in the wind
Not as I am now

To spend my time at play
All problems far from mind
Untouched by the worries of life
Not as I am now

Oh how I long for peace
For some far off happier time
When all is well in my life
Not as it is now


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/15/2012 0:38:12 >
DF MQ  Post #: 54
8/19/2010 21:53:05   

I close my eyes and see a brighter world

I close my eyes and see a brighter world
A world not torn apart by futile wars
Where men do go hungry or fall sick
And crime is but a distant memory

I close my eyes and see a brighter world
Where greed, and lust, and haughty cruelty
No longer live within the hearts of men
Replaced instead with compassion and love

I close my eyes and see a brighter world
Where nature is among man’s prime concerns
Where all of life is nurtured and protected
And its vibrant diversity preserved

I open my eyes, see our present world
I see the wars, the famine and the pain
The cure-less sicknesses and the rampant crime
The lack of love, the cruelty of men

I open my eyes, see our present world
My mind's illusions rot and fall away


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/15/2012 0:40:37 >
DF MQ  Post #: 55
8/30/2010 3:01:55   


I am on a planet
Larger than I by far
That moves in circles round the sun
An even larger star

Yet it is but a single part
Of a massive galaxy
But one among a universe
That fills eternity

And I am but a tiny creature
Lowly as an ant
Without redeeming feature
And insignificant

For my short life is but a flash
As I’d be wise to learn
For I am naught but dust
And to dust shall return


< Message edited by Shreder -- 11/24/2011 9:19:30 >
DF MQ  Post #: 56
9/9/2010 23:31:49   


I reach
into the bowl, and take
a pale orb
its yellow tinged with pink and red
The smooth skin
wearing but the barest coat of fuzz
I hold it
under the running water, cold
and rub it gently dry
The first bite
teeth piercing the skin
sinking into the ripened flesh
The juice
bursting upon my tongue
Sweet, but not cloyingly so
as fruit ripe past its prime would be
The flavor rich upon my palate
A simple enjoyment


< Message edited by Shreder -- 9/9/2010 23:32:33 >
DF MQ  Post #: 57
9/14/2010 21:48:24   

Memories Persist

Time: it slows, it crawls, it stops
Yet memories persist
The mind’s eye sees things as it will
The past becomes the future

The scene, serene, with golden sheen
Reflected mellow light
And glassy lake, of palest blue
Untouched by breathless wind

And yet the foreground’s littered
Much as one would expect
With junk stored up o’er course of years
In part shrouded with black

And this juxtaposition
Cluttered serenity
All is silent, unexpressed
The air hangs heavy o’erhead

For as the clocks are drooping hung
O’er branch, and lump, and wall
So too time melts, draping itself
Over reality


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/15/2012 0:42:54 >
DF MQ  Post #: 58
9/15/2010 6:32:22   

Corpses Are Cause for Exulting

Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind;
And graveyards are places of joy.
Death is a laughable matter,
And guns? They are nothing but toys!

For corpses are cause for exulting,
And slaughter a walk in the park.
Genocide of little importance,
And murder, naught but a lark.


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/15/2012 0:43:57 >
DF MQ  Post #: 59
9/16/2010 20:07:12   


How sweet the rain’s kiss on my cheek
How soft its gentle touch
It wets my hair down soft and sleek
And makes the grasses lush

I run barefoot over green hills
Midst gentle springtime showers
A fresh breeze glides across the land
And dances with the flowers

How pleasant the consistent thrum
Of drops upon the air
And pleasant too their steady drum
Upon my sodden hair


< Message edited by Shreder -- 10/12/2010 1:04:58 >
DF MQ  Post #: 60
9/28/2010 23:04:05   


I did not mean to take his life
It was not my intention
I did not mean to widow wife
Nor orphan two young children

It was an accident, you see
While I was shooting deer
His sneaking form I did not see
Nor his approach did hear

I raised my bow, and closer crept
Having espied my prey
But then, the deer, it nimbly leapt
And swiftly dashed away

The string it slipped from twixt my fingers
Snapped forw'rd with mellow twang
The quiv’ring sound did humming linger
The arrow had already sprang

And there, behind where deer had been
I saw, but now too late
Having startled the deer, a man
Now startled stared at fate

And oh, how long the moment seemed
Between my shot and his demise
I can't forget, it haunts my dreams
The anguish in his eyes


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/15/2012 0:45:26 >
DF MQ  Post #: 61
10/4/2010 2:11:36   


Great is the battle-god, great and his kingdom
Is a field where a thousand corpses lie
A banqueting hall where on anguish he dines
His music the hoarse battle-song

His worshipers lift to him offerings of death
And give to him corpses as tithes
In place of prayers his devoted give lives
Their incense the burning of flesh

DF MQ  Post #: 62
10/18/2010 2:52:41   

Brilliant Blue

I stare up at the overarching sky
It stareth back, with piercing clarity
Such brilliant blue it almost pains my eyes
My mind can scarce take in what I perceive

And out over that canvas azure blue
Like rays from which the burning sun have leapt
White wisps of clouds, as if by bomb-blast strewn
Across the virgin sky have covert crept


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/15/2012 0:47:28 >
DF MQ  Post #: 63
10/19/2010 9:54:18   


Seeking to come out
To be released
It tortures me
Strangles me
Makes me doubt myself
Oh how I hate it when it comes
Like dragon raising fiery head
Oh how I despise its inanity
How fickle and foolish is emotion
And yet it fills me
Pours through me
It leads me on paths I do not know
Or want to follow
I can see but I am blind
Blind with rage and passion
Despair and hopelessness
And sheer frustration at nothing
Nothing at all can ever cease this heady flow
This neverending pretension that is


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/15/2012 0:49:48 >
DF MQ  Post #: 64
10/25/2010 11:18:02   

Love Again

You are the light of my world
You are the only girl
That I’ve ever truly loved
You’re everything I’ve ever dreamed of
Everything I’ve ever dreamed of

I got my heart broken, and that day I swore
From then on, forevermore
That I’d never love again
But now that’s all dust in the wind
Now that’s all dust in the wind

You’ve shown me the wrong in my ways
You brought love back into my days
I’ve learned the sun is not in the sky
It rises and sets in your eyes
It rises and sets in your eyes

It rises and sets in your eyes

DF MQ  Post #: 65
11/3/2010 1:31:49   

Dare We Aspire?

To what heights dare we aspire?
Dare we reach into the fire?
Risking fire-blackened hand--
That we might farther up ascend?

How much faith dare we instill--
That things must happen as they will?
Or can we, conversely, believe--
Our future changes with our deeds?

DF MQ  Post #: 66
11/8/2010 21:47:54   

Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread

“Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.”
Would that I had listened; now too late,
Where now am I to rest my wearied head?
And how can I atone for these mistakes?

Would that I had listened; now too late,
If only I had well my lesson learned.
But now I must atone for these mistakes,
Reap what I’ve sown; collect what I have earned.

If only I had well my lesson learned;
But I did not, and now I must instead--
Reap what I’ve sown; collect what I have earned.
It’s all turned out exactly as they said.

I did not listen, turned away instead.
Where now am I to rest my wearied head?
It’s all turned out exactly as they said:
“Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.”

DF MQ  Post #: 67
11/14/2010 8:52:30   

Not Set In Stone

Those who put themselves on pedestals
In time may find that they are not ‘all that’
While those who endure teasing and cat-calls
In time may find they’re not ugly or fat

For nothing is ever truly hopeless
And no cause ever completely lost
Nothing occurs that cannot be redressed
The die’s not permanently tossed

Who you are is never set in stone
You never reach a point where you can’t change
Those without friends don’t have to be alone
And those who disagree are quite deranged

DF MQ  Post #: 68
11/14/2010 22:11:45   


Throughout my life, since I was but a child
My mouth could barely formulate the words
That formed the questions that I longed to ask

My curiosity was never quenched
Always, always, I wanted to know more
But now, within my sad and sorry heart
I have but one more question yet to ask


You were too young, too fair, too full of life
Why could not cruel fate take me instead?
That you might live the life that you deserved

For though I loved the time I spent with you
I would not for a moment hesitate
To give my life, that you might regain yours
Alas such hopes are doubtless all in vain
“The best die young,” they say, and so it is



< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/15/2012 0:54:32 >
DF MQ  Post #: 69
11/15/2010 22:33:29   

What Fools Are Men

What fools are men,
In our vanity and pride.
We choose not to accept--
And from our faults we hide.

What fools are men,
Thinking ourselves so high.
Turning away from truth--
Our failings all denied.

Honesty tossed aside,
Haughty until the end--
Perfect in our own eyes;
What fools are men.

DF MQ  Post #: 70
11/18/2010 21:46:08   

I Wish I Could Write Narrative

I wish I could write narrative
But every time I try
No matter how hard I may strive
It’s always bland and dry

My dialogue is frail and weak
I sorely lack details
No matter how much I may tweak
My story always fails

My story-lines never make sense
My plots thin and see-through
And everything I reference
Is alien to you

Whatever genre I attempt
It always ends the same
I look at it filled with contempt
And find it to be lame

I wish I could write narrative
But every time I try
I look at it and helpless give
A sad, defeated sigh

DF MQ  Post #: 71
1/12/2011 2:09:15   


I value days like these
When the sky outside is leaden gray
And soft rain falls in misty sheets
And I cannot tell
If I feel happy, or sad
These are times for soul-searching

I find my focus narrowed
The world outside seem more
Like some long-forgotten dream
And I find myself slipping into
A murky pool of memories
These are times for soul-searching


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/15/2012 0:56:12 >
DF MQ  Post #: 72
1/21/2011 0:19:14   


Oh see the flowers tossing in the breeze
And feel their gentle scent caress your nose
Smell the green grass crushed beneath your feet
Listen to the stream’s swift gurgling flow

Open your eyes and see reality
Hear the smoke-stacked factories belch and croak
Feel the gritty wind abrade your cheek
Breathe in dusty air scented with smoke

Oh cursed human carelessness, so vain
While nature, by your ruthlessness, is slain


< Message edited by Shreder -- 3/15/2012 0:57:00 >
DF MQ  Post #: 73
2/11/2011 11:46:56   

Ode to “The Raven”

“And my soul from out that shadow, that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted - Nevermore!” --E. A. Poe

Oh Grief, clawed hand affixed around my heart,
Wherefore must thou tempt me to the rope?
Oh Sorrow, canst thou not, from me, depart,
And leave in me the faintest ray of hope?

My soul is swathed in darkness, wrapped in gloom.
My heart is weighed down with impending doom.
The Raven’s blackened shadow o’er me looms--
I know the Reaper comes to fetch me soon.

Or rather, I fetch him.

DF MQ  Post #: 74
2/15/2011 0:48:39   

Shadowed Draperies

Why do you live in such a place,
Bereft of light and air?
Without the sun’s kiss on your face
Or breeze teasing your hair?

Why such dark and gloominess?
And why so little hope?
For life’s too short to live like this,
Too short to moan and mope.

So gather up your miseries,
And cast them all aside.
Draw back the shadowed draperies,
And fling the windows wide!


< Message edited by Shreder -- 12/20/2012 0:29:10 >
DF MQ  Post #: 75
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