I don't, not anymore, when I was a mage everyone complained about heal lopping strategy, it was a good build, but even then, I saw mercs and bhs pounding on me because they had more power in their build than i did, which was it's set back, they WERE NOT oped, they simply had to put up with a long battle, they didnt dole out massive amounts of damage. And as for mercs being oped, consider this, go look up the leader boards for the 1v1 wins, look carfully and you will see that it is DOMINATED by bhs, they are obviously doing well, it is ONLY in 2v2 where mercs get there bad rep, even mercs will lose to good mage builds in 1v1. Take my advice, don't be general, be specific, and then it's easier to identify, and then solve the problem. And as such, it was said that mages are the only balance class, this is painfully true, what needs to happen are not MORE debuffs, but more buffs for the other classes, if nothing else, agility needs to go, it recks the game, and took away a great avenue for builds to all classes (except bh who easily make up the health when they attck :P ).
< Message edited by PumKing -- 3/31/2011 19:56:24 >
Carpe Dium--grab a carp, slap him around XD