Mercenary's are overpowered (Full Version)

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BakaWarrior -> Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 18:56:41)

It's pretty obvious. Mercenary weapons give the most boost out of all the classes, and their skills tie too well with their stats. I've seen a merc with more boost than the actual stat. ED staff, I don't know, maybe you wanted to make them stronger because before the updates, Bounty Hunters were strong, but in fact they were actually quite equal. Bounty Hunters definetly need a boost, perhaps Tech Mages, and Mercenary's need to be nerfed.

Competition -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 19:04:08)

Merc's don't get the most stat boosts, 3 swords called "Azraels Bane", "Frostbane", and "Celtic Cleaver" give a total of 34 stat bonus' (with maxed bought stats). The most any club had to offer was a total of 33 stat bonus'.
Swords are available to all classes, and so are guns, aux's, and the Space Warrior armor (which gives most stat points other than founder).

EDIT: You also didn't mention why Mercs are OP other than stat bonus' which I pointed out ..

Soliqe -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 19:07:00)

The class is not overpowered; the builds are.

matteo234 -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 19:08:27)

Mercs arent that much of a problem most of the time..
sure, they have artillery strike and bunker buster - but every class can energy steal if need be to put them off balance.
their auxes can be majorly powerful - but that is the same with support mages/bounties.
their support can be used to buff their str - other classes can take away their dex/tech if needed..
they have a stun that works very well with their str and ignores some defences - to get it upto a decent hit they must sacrifice other stats
the strength /berserker combo (or maul/berserker) - to do this devastatingly, they need to lower other stats..

My hybrid, adaptable mage can beat them a lot of the time, as with roughly 100 dex in most of my builds, they get blocked often..

Soliqe -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 19:10:10)

Part 2:

Mages need to be nerfed? Are you mad? It's bad enough we're called weak. We're the only balanced class in this game.

voidance -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 19:25:12)

IKR, when do you ever see people complaining about a Mage build being Oped?

PumKing -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 19:39:45)

I don't, not anymore, when I was a mage everyone complained about heal lopping strategy, it was a good build, but even then, I saw mercs and bhs pounding on me because they had more power in their build than i did, which was it's set back, they WERE NOT oped, they simply had to put up with a long battle, they didnt dole out massive amounts of damage. And as for mercs being oped, consider this, go look up the leader boards for the 1v1 wins, look carfully and you will see that it is DOMINATED by bhs, they are obviously doing well, it is ONLY in 2v2 where mercs get there bad rep, even mercs will lose to good mage builds in 1v1.

Take my advice, don't be general, be specific, and then it's easier to identify, and then solve the problem. And as such, it was said that mages are the only balance class, this is painfully true, what needs to happen are not MORE debuffs, but more buffs for the other classes, if nothing else, agility needs to go, it recks the game, and took away a great avenue for builds to all classes (except bh who easily make up the health when they attck :P ).

goldslayer1 -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 19:43:45)

if he says mages are OP then why should we take his word on merc being OP?
seriously merc isn't OP
its even worse now that BH is blocking more than ever before.
i get blocked on average 2+ per match against BH.
i dont see how we are OP if most BH block 2+ most of the times they block 4 times a match.

and and 2+ on average with lvl 27s non variums

Wraith -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 19:57:19)

^GoldSlayer1, you are saying that because you are a strength mercenary, xD, you don't want them to be nerfed for that reason.

This was a battle I just had (on my merc)

He went first.
He did 52 damage on Maul, no stun.
I did Atom Smash, hoping that he woudnt kill me.
He double striked and killed me.
I came really close to smahing my computer.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 19:59:02)

ur atom smaher even at low strengh should do more than 13+ energy drain so he wouldn't be able to do double strike.

Wraith -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 20:03:49)

He had a high level berserker, it cost 35 energy.

I also blame the fact that I was using Mjolnir, and I wastrying out a versatile build. It won 4/5.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 20:05:41)

then thats 80%
if u can beat str merc 80% of the time i dont see how they are OP.
even then atom smasher with low strengh can do over 30
i remember my support build with a maul and sometimes i used atom smaher and it would do around 29 energy drain.

evil2k8 -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 20:25:26)


Doesn't anyone understand HEALTH? Adding a cooldown to berzerk will make mercs back into support abusers THEN, Bounties may endup back to strength, Mages will start complaining of imbalance and unfair play. What I'm saying is putting another cooldown on the Berzerk skill will be pointless - they'll always be ways around. Health is needed because you don't see BIG MMO games with 50 HP at the level cap, It's like DragonFable, 100 HP is at level 1. For the current state of Weapon/Skill damage, Agility needs to be adjusted and MORE HP is needed so big damage can be done with very little complaints of Imbalance.

Anyone understand me now?


I'm not repeating.

Raph21 -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 20:46:27)

Just as Lotus said,
The class is not overpowered; mercenarys just outsmart you.

King FrostLich -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 20:59:29)

Mercs are best known for tanks. The only way to kill tanking mercs is to fight them with high support and the only way high support can be defeated is to play survival mode with a VERY good tanking build with an amount of support that can outmatch them. Simple as that.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 22:00:28)

or just get a strength/dex BH that hits 30-40 damage a hit against a 84 dex merc with max hybrid and agility
the usual 80-88 strength, and 81-90 dex, with 125 hp will do just fine. and i speak from expirience since i had way more tanking than that against BH yet they still managed to win with just strikes alone.
i also noticed being stunned more as a tank.

ohh and it was 5 focus, all robots got blocked[:)]
and then people say merc is OP pfft.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 22:05:20)


If you exaggerate less, maybe people will take you more seriously. For example when you say 'win by strikes alone', I assume you neglected to mention smokescreen/EMP/possibly massacre? Even with smokescreen, the average strength BH can only do about 20 damage to a mercenary with such defenses. 30-40 damage is simply not realistic. And I doubt that they block you 'an average of twice per battle' as well as 'all your robot attacks'.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 22:12:54)

30 damage usualy altho some BH did have 100 strengh and not 80

and another concerning block i tried dex builds for strengh mercs, with atleast 81-84 dex, and even lvl 27s with 45 dex and lvl 7 SA managed to block 2-4 times a match. i know because i played the same lvl 27 atleast 6 times thru that day and he blocked more than usual, yes he did smoke and i nerfed it with my robot.
u just cant beat a BH who hits just about as much as u, has higher hp, and regains hp while attacking u.
i even tried switching builds to make bunker, robots, surgical stronger.
it was a 95 tech build with 66 dex and physical armor with max hybrid
i did get better results, robot didn't get blocked as much but still was blocked once or more per match against BH.

another thing. tank merc can survive without energy (atleast the right ones)
and can put up a good fight but will still lose if they are block, or critted. (this doesn't make them OP. even without energy the tank merc is most likely to have a chance if he can outsmart the enemy)

Lectrix -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 22:25:19)

Meh. What else is new? [sm=dewlok.gif]

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 22:25:26)

@ goldslayer

How about using a support build? Blocks wouldn't matter at all, because for support mercs strikes and guns are just ways to gain rage quickly. Moreover I would like to point out that a BH will 100 STR will have 25-30 + 32 damage, for a total of 57-62 damage, while a merc of your description will have 27-33 + 1 + 13 defense, for a total of 41-47 defense. With smokescreen and some focus it is indeed possible for this BH to hit 30 damage, but for an average str BH the number is closer to 20+.

To defeat such bounty hunters, you simply have to use a high-level intimidate, which would largely negate smokescreen in terms of its defense-lowering effects. Coupled with debuff, I don't see why these bounty hunters would pose a problem, especially since their defenses are quite low.

Concerning block I think you may be just unlucky if your hit rate actually increases with lower dex, when you used 66 dex compared to 81-84 dex. Moreover 45 dex with 7 SA would still result in a block rate inferior or about equal to yours, especially if you had debuffed. Things like that happen. I once fought a bounty hunter who critted, deflected or blocked at least once in my 5 fights with him.

However I am not against your general stance on this topic. I too feel that mercenaries are not overpowered, it is simply because they can easily find good builds, and I think it's more of a case of people not being/willing to think of a suitable build to counter them rather then mercenaries outsmarting them. In other words they are not able to outsmart the mercenaries.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 23:22:35)

i do not like support builds. its just not my type of build and i never really seemed to crit with it, i have tried 100 support with an energy aux (because str mercs and BH keep low res, or atleast most. not to mention it doesn't need to deal with hybrid armor) to do more damage than physical aux. in the end however i would only crit about once every 5 fights which last 3-5 turns on average.

BakaWarrior -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 23:41:10)

Nah b I meant that Tech Mages might need a boost.

Whaaack. Mercs are fully OP D: < SMH

Aye yo do you guys think I would win more over mercs if I invested 1 skill point in EMP?

Tanx for the opinions > :)

goldslayer1 -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 23:46:15)

depends on ur items, build and lvl.

BakaWarrior -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (3/31/2011 23:53:22)

Ii yo first off I dun got no varium. I'm not coppin that shet. Oh yeh and i'm lvl 29. I got umm:

Reactor Blades, Desert Blaster, Predator Armor E, Ballistic Cannon.

My stats are:

Health: 93
Energy: 55
Strength: 52
Dexterity: 35 +23
Technology: 38 +17
Support: 38 +2
Defense: 19-23+1
Resistance: 20-24+6+1

Max Shadow Arts
9 Venom Strike
7 Bloodlust
2 Reflex Boost

goldslayer1 -> RE: Mercenary's are overpowered (4/1/2011 0:30:26)

venom strike in my opinion is a good skill
but it does not return health thru bloodlust, it simply costs too much energy. and if ur fighting tanks it will be usefull, but most tanks have boosters and probably a high lvl of field medic.
i would suggest a different build. altho i dont have the time to make one atm.
perhaps u should go to EpicDuel Battle Strategy
and see if u can get some help there.

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