Remorse about enhancements: I do realise they are "balance breakers" and I can see your point, if not even support it, but once Hudelf and Titan work together on Exp and Credits scaling to your Lvl (so at higher Lvl, Credits will be much easier to gain), then enhancements will be cheaper (Credits) because you can afford them a lot more easily than now. What would work with enhancements is also scaled pricing. Why? Because at lower Lvl, if I want small boost (I mean literally small) then I won't throw away 3.5K Credits for one stat enhancement. Varium could be the same but no drastic changes to pricing, perhaps the higher slots could be a bit cheaper; face it, 2K is quite a lot.. Above 1K is fine, maybe 1.5K at most? Because currently for Varium players, new item means usually 2.5K Varium - 1K for item and about 1.5K for enhancing and that's 25% of whole Varium OR $12.50.. -.- Credit scaling in battles + enhancement would give you advantage at lower Lvls if you had spare credits and with lower prices, you could afford them much easily than now and that'd apply to everyone! About your idea: It's quite good and could be places in place of Plasma (so to get it, it'd go from Cheap to Static to Shield). It's quite creative and not too OP'ed either but it'd still slightly favour Str builds in initial boost perhaps. Not too much as 10 more Energy (30ish) would give up to 5 more Res at most at Lvl 10 which is fine but that allows them to have a bit higher defence and still quite high damage. Also from what I've read, once I use Shield then my SC is also in cooldown? It's pointless as that's a defensive move while other classes get to have Reroute and regain even when spending turn to shield. Perhaps giving SC a 3 turn cooldown would solve it without putting it into cooldown after Shield. Although I don't think a roundabout method would be required, class could be simply fixed by adding Technican in place of Plasma which only improves EMP and Stun Grenade which isn't too bad. Perhaps Static + EMP is quite a combo but giving Static a 3 turn cooldown and no Plasma Armor wouldn't allow them to get their Energy back as quick nor EMP us every 2 turns (regen, EMP, attack, regen, EMP, etc - Tanking combo). Idea is good, but if we're talking about fixing the class now then simple method can be done and more advanced/fun skills could be added later on in the game.