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RE: Quests - Read the first post!

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5/5/2013 14:37:34   
Times Silent Keeper


Note: Works In Progress. Entry will probably be posted soon (enough)!

Paxia Clans
Eternal Balance

Location: Travel Map » Sail East » Paxia Clans

Destination Descriptions
  • MECHA WAR! - Takes you to a page that lets you access both Paxia Under Siege and Big Mech Attack!
  • Glacius - Kept frozen by underwater currents, this area is home to the Glacius Clan.
  • Nocturu - Deep within the shadows of Paxia forest lies the Night Castle, home of the Nocturu Clan.
  • Geoto - This lush green forest is home to the Geoto Clan.
  • Lucian - At the peak of the highest Paxian mountain lies the Lucian clan.
  • Trophy Room - Visit the trophy room to see awards given to each clan.
  • Almost Black Hold - Meet a mysterious dwarf and learn how to repair your clan bases.
  • Ruins - The ruins of the first and second clan war.
  • Igneus - Hidden behind an active volcano lies the Igneus Clan.
  • Dynami - These rocky plains are home to the Dynami Clan.
  • Clan Defenders! - Check here for a tally of total victories and a quick way to help defend your clan! - Clicking on it takes you to Paxia Defense!
  • Nautica - Floating in the deep hides the Meduse, the biomechanical home to the Nautica Clan.
  • Aerodu - These narrow perches are home to the Aerodu Clan.
  • Monolith Island [Paxus] - This mysterious place is covered with giant stone monoliths. Very little people know the secret to this area.
  • Monolith Island [Negatus] - The narrow bottom end of the island.
    Joining A Clan

    If you are not in any clan yet, you can visit each of the respective clans and choose whether you wish to join it or not. Prior to joining, you can take a look at the clan's statistics, as shown below:

    If you wish to join any clan, click on the clan leader.

    «Clan Leader»: Welcome to the «Clan Name» home base, what would you like to do?
  • Join the «Clan's Base»
  • Explore

    «If you choose to join the clan...»

    «Clan Leader»: Are you absolutely sure you want to join us?
  • Yes
  • Back

    «Select yes once more...»

    «Clan Leader»: Are you positive?
  • Positive
  • No

    «If you are positive about this selection...»

    «Clan Leader»: Wonderful! I will add you to our membership records... Please wait...

    «You receive a message 'Successfully Joined Clan'. Congratulations! You are now part of the clan!»
    Helping Your Clan

    Once you are part of a clan, speaking to your clan leader will inform you of any ongoing events, as well as give you several options to assist your clan.

    «Clan Leader»: Have a nice day! No events are currently scheduled.
  • Instructions - For when there are any clan events, else you get the above dialogue
  • Donate Z-Tokens
      «Clan Leader»: How many Z-Tokens would you like to give?
    • 0
    • 10
    • 50
    • 100

      «Select any amount except 0 and you get the following dialogue.»

      «Clan Leader»: Much appreciated. Let me add it to the pot...

      «You get the message 'Successfully donated «» Z-Tokens to clan.' and that amount is added to the total Z-Token pool, with the same amount being deducted from your Z-Tokens.»
  • Repair
      1 BATTLE: Clan Defense

      «Prior to the battle, Dr. Ai-Pang will provide you some details and instructions to this mini-game.»

      Dr. Ai-Pang: The remote picks up time frequencies from the Almost Black Hole. All you have to do is press the buttons. The remote will flash a series of colors.
      Dr. Ai-Pang: When it says "Go", press the buttons in the same order you saw. Each turn there will be more and more buttons to press.
      Dr. Ai-Pang: If you make it far enough, your clan base will be repaired. For a cost of only five Z-Tokens from your clan token stockpile.
      Dr. Ai-Pang: Ready to begin?
    • Go!

      «You need to go through at least 7 memory sequences correctly to repair your clan base.»

        Mistakes / Failure
        «If you make any mistakes, you take some damage and Dr. Ai-Pang says this.»

        Dr. Ai-Pang: Too bad... That sounded painful... Ready to try again?
      • Go!

        «You repeat the mini-game again. Should you keep making mistakes until your HP reaches 0, you receive the following dialogue.»

        Dr. Ai-Pang: Was it too hard to follow? That's too bad. If you want to try again, just come back and see me.
      • Done

        «You are defeated in battle. You then receive the message 'Strange... You awaken just outside your clan headquarters...' and appear outside your clan base.»
        Success / Complete Success
        «If you manage to finish 7 memory sequences in a row without failure, a Z-token goes through the memory machine, and comes out at the bottom, tinted red. You are given the option to collect your 'Prize', or to 'Continue Playing'. If you choose to collect your 'Prize'...»

        Dr. Ai-Pang: Well done, you turned back time! Your clan now has slightly more HP.

        «You conclude the battle and return to your clan leader. If you however chose to continue playing, you will proceed to do another 14 memory sequences (for a total of 21), and successfully doing so makes a blue token appear to the right of the machine instead. You get the same dialogue as above, and return to your clan leader after.»
  • Shop
  • Explore

    Exploring Clans

    Aerodu - High in the Sky

  • You have a sudden urge to ride these wearing a cowboy hat...
  • Rocket Juice!
  • *Tonk Tonk*...This one is empty.
  • Don't go too close to the edge, the ground is faaaaaar away...
  • Neon lamps? Umm...a wizard did it.
  • Aerodu's clan leader...Aerodu.
  • Oooo...Velvety...

    Aerodu Member Shop
  • Aerodu Sword [L. 38]

  • Aerodu [L. 10]

  • Aerodu Shield [L. 40]

  • Gong of the Wind [L. 40]
  • Gong of the Wind! [L. 65]
    The Meduse - Under the Sea

  • This lamp is made up of a thousand little glowing fishies.
  • The bubblesphere keeps the water out...Or does it keep the air in?
  • Nauticans like to keep their floors really, really clean!
  • Nautica's clan leader...Nautica.

    Meduse Member Shop
  • Nautica Blade [L. 30]

  • Nautica [L. 14]
    Igneus Chain - Fire, fire burning bright...

  • The Igneus usually hold annual gap crossing contests. Would probably explain why they're on fire.
  • Liquid hot magma
  • Strange, you see tiny little footprints, like if someone was wrestling up here.
  • The Igneus clan leader.

    Igneus Member Shop
  • Firebolt Crossbow [L. 1]
  • Flaming Throwing Knives [L. 8]
  • Fire Lord's Axe [L. 60]

  • Fire Bat Swarm [L. 10]

  • Gong of the Wind [L. 40]
  • Gong of the Wind! [L. 65]
    Dynami Plains - The Floating Generator

  • Dynami Worker Monks
  • This pillar gathers the energy from the Dynami and powers the generator.
  • Clicking the generator when you are not in Explore mode makes it light up. Pretty!
  • The Dynami clan leader, Dynamo.

    Dyanmi Member Shop
  • Enforcer Blade [L. 20]
  • Energy Cleaver [L. 45]
  • Energy Master's Blade [L. 77]

  • Current Event [L. 15]
    Lucian Peak - The Golden Palace

  • The light emitting from the Palace makes it nearly impossible to see in or out.
  • This entire Palace is made up of small shards of Lilorite.
  • The Lucian clan leader, Lucius.

    Lucian Member Shop
  • Lightbolt Crossbow [L. 1]
  • Lightmace [L. 40]
  • Light Master's Blade [L. 63]

  • Light Blast [L. 40]
    Geoto Chain - Earthen Spire

  • Rocks, lots and lots of rocks.
  • The Geoto clan leader.

    Geoto Member Shop
  • Geoto Mace [L. 38]

  • Geoto [L. 10]
    Nocturu Forest - The Nighted Day

  • Although seemingly evil, the Nocturu are one of the clans who pray the most.
  • The darkness clan can only hide in shadows if they are drenched in light.
  • The Gates of Drell.
  • The Nocturu clan leader.

    Nocturu Member Shop
  • Dark Blade [L. 10]
  • Evil Battleaxe [L. 25]
  • Darkbow [L. 60]

  • Darkness Dragon Ambush [L. 68]

  • Gong of the Wind [L. 40]
  • Gong of the Wind! [L. 65]
    Glacius Glacier - Ice, ice baby...

  • Although very light, this snow covers traps set up by Glaciar.
  • The Ice Kingdom is made of ice shards from the 32nd Ice Age.
  • The Glacius clan leader, Glaciar.

    Glacius Member Shop
  • Ice Bolo [L. 10]
  • Ice Shard [L. 20]
  • Ice Katana [L. 50]
  • Magic Ice Katana [L. 50]

  • Ice Dragon Spirit [L. 30]

    Other Paxian Locations

    Paxian Ruins
    NEWS: Paxia has been destroyed! No one knows what has happened, but all clan leaders are currently missing. A messenger stands in the ruins to give out more information.
    RUMOR: Reinforcements are arriving soon to help rebuild the bases.

    «Scene: Paxian Ruins. The three original clan bases (Aerodu, Geoto, Nautica) are all up in flames. Two Mogo-Habilis sit on the field near the ruins. Clicking on them initiates a conversation. You can skip the conversation at the start.»

    «You»: What happened here?
    Mogo-Habilis: BOOOOOM! Big-Bada-Boom!
    «You»: Did...you do this?
    Mogo-Habilis: *stares*
    Mogo-Habilis: Thingy jump from tower. BOOM! Thingy jump on birdy. BOOOOM! Thingy jump in water. Splooch!
    «You»: Where did thingy go?
    Mogo-Habilis: Thingy poof. Looking for other friends to make boom.
    «You»: Hmm..other clans? Where can I find these? Did you see any other ones?
    Mogo-Habilis: *stares a little longer*
    Mogo-Habilis: See moving statue. Statue knows everything. Statue never stop moving, but statue always in same place. On island.
    «You»: Where?
    Mogo-Habilis: Island. You look.
  • Return to Battleon
  • Explore Island - Takes you to the Paxia Map

    Trophy Room
    The various types of trophies given out are:

    First Clan Event Trophy [Awarded To: Nautica, Geoto, Aerodu]
    The participation award was given to the original 3 clans who helped in the first clan event.

    Rusty Cleaver [Awarded To: Igneus, Aerodu]
    The Rusty Cleaver was given to the winning team during the "Leaf it to Cleaver" challenge. Hope you had your tetanus shot!
  • Equip the Rusty Cleaver
  • Done

    Broken Paxus Doll [Awarded To: Igneus]
    This broken Paxus doll was given to the winning team of the "Paxus Says" challenge. Looks like it was pushed too many times...

    Hand of Paxus [Awarded To: Geoto]
    The Hand of Paxus was given to the runner up team during the "Paxus Says" challenge. It's always nice to have a helping hand.
    Almost Black Hole
    «You»: Who are you? And what is THAT?
    Dr. Ai-Pang: I am Dr. Ai-Pang, which you may pronounce as Eye Pong. And THAT, is a bit complicated to explain.
    «You»: Enlighten me...
    Dr. Ai-Pang: I am a technomage, born in Dwarfhold. I journeyed to this place because I was intrigued by the events and technology found here.
    Dr. Ai-Pang: This strange ring actually contains what is known as an Almost Black Hole. I found it shortly after I arrived...
    Dr. Ai-Pang: The presence of so many powerful elemental avatars on the small island of Paxia collapsed the land into an Almost Black Hole.
    Dr. Ai-Pang: If I had not put the containment ring around it, it would have sucked in everything else-- perhaps even the whole world eventually!
    Dr. Ai-Pang: All of the avatars are trapped within the Almost Black Hole, but anyone who arrived after I placed the ring is able to enter the Almost Black Hole and also leave afterward!
    Dr. Ai-Pang: This is because time no longer exists inside the containment ring. You will still be connected to Time, and can therefore be pulled back out of the Almost Black Hole.
    Dr. Ai-Pang: Perhaps if you, ehem, offer me a gift of some kind, I can be persuaded to let you play with the controls of the containment ring.
    Dr. Ai-Pang: Who knows-- you may be able to reverse time and remove some damage from your clan base!
    «You»: Alter the fabric of time and space? How could I say no?
    Dr. Ai-Pang: Okay... If your base needs repairing, select "Repair" from inside your base.
    Dr. Ai-Pang: Then you will automatically meet me here, and you can try out the Almost Blackhole.
  • Bye!

    Monolith Island

    Paxus Statue
    «If you enquire about Clan Information...»

    Paxus: So, new to clans? Here is a quick guide...
  • Clan Health
      Paxus: Clan health will change each week. Paxia is a place of peace, but every few weeks a war is created as a friendly challenge.
      Paxus: Some wars could be simple ones but others could be fun scenarios that clans must complete to win.
      Paxus: Either way, all clans will always start with the same Health to keep balance in the Island. The strength of each clan will come from its members.
  • Z-Tokens
      Paxus: Z-Tokens are the lifeline of clans. Each clan has its own personal bank to store tokens they've gathered from their members.
      Paxus: These tokens can be used for a few things. First, they are used to bribe Dr. Ai-Pang. His time machine will convert tokens into Health for your clan.
      Paxus: Second, the Tokens will be used to pay for the entry fee of large clan events.
      Paxus: Tokens are very useful so don't forget to donate any extra ones you may have.
  • Leaving a Clan
      Paxus: You can join a clan whenever you want, but leaving the clan is a bit harder.
      Paxus: You will need to find Negatus, a rogue Paxian who can strip you of your clan identity.
      Paxus: The only problem is that Negatus will sometimes hide, or leave during wars or other clan events, so he can't always be relied on.
      Paxus: Don't be scared to use him though, you will always be able to re-join a clan.
  • Clan Rewards
      Paxus: After each clan event, a small or large reward will be given to the winners, and sometimes a smaller prize to the runner-ups.
      Paxus: These rewards can be anything. They can be Z-Tokens, armors, weapons, shields, trophies and even some items to decorate your clan house.
      Paxus: Make sure to join every war event and support your clan, winning will depend on how well you and your other clan members participate.
  • Done

    «If you ask Paxus about the Ruins...»

    «You»: Do you know what happened to the clan bases?
    Paxus: Paxus knows all...
    «You»: Well do you know who did this?
    Paxus: No.
    Paxus: Paxus does know that it was a creature of great power, and of greater evil. He has unbalanced this land.
    Paxus: Paxus has created the remaining five clans to help fight against this creature. For now, visit these places and learn from them.
    Paxus: Paxus will contact you more when he finds out more from his meditation.

  • Blade of Grass [Lower right corner]
      Paxus: When a tree falls in the forest and non-one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?
  • Paxus' Head
      «You»: Who...are you?
      Paxus: I am Paxus, eternally searching...
      «You»: Searching? For what?
      Paxus: Balance.
      Paxus: Paxus molded Paxia from all elements, to be a home for them. An island of balance in a world always at war.
      Paxus: Each element has a clan, and each clan a leader. I molded the leaders from animals, for they are pure, without greed or evil intent. If you do not lead, who shall follow?
      Paxus: The clan leaders do not know their true strength, but it is enough for Paxus to know. It is enough for Paxus to control their power. Power is most when it is shared.
      Paxus: Here I stand, always here, balancing. Through Paxus the elements here remained balanced. Paxus seeks pure balance within himself even as he gives it to others.
      Paxus: Paxus holds great elemental power in each of eight hands, and this had made Paxus immortal. From where did it come? Paxus does not know.
      Paxus: Paxus awoke from a slumber of 1000 years, sitting atop the shell of a leviathan turtle in the Great Sea. In each hand, Paxus found his calling.
      Paxus: 8 arms, 4 legs, and 3 faces... Oh how Paxus would be pleased to have 1 tail to help balance.
      «You»: Urge to push...rising...
  • Hand of Igneus
      Paxus: Flame destroys the most of all, but always leaves just enough behind.
      Paxus: Flames are wild but very clever, for this Paxus chose the fox. Quick and strong, the Igneus Clan burns bright.
      Paxus: The Igneus hide deep in burning volcanoes absorbing the heat coming from its core.
      Paxus: Join them if you have a burning desire to serve your clan in battle as a swift, hot-headed warrior.
  • Hand of Lucian
      Paxus: Dispelling shadow and giving heat without destruction, light means possibility...
      Paxus: Although many think that the Lucian and the Nocturu clans are foes, but this is not the case. One would not exist without the lack of the other.
      Paxus: The Lucian Clan is a nimble group who hover high in the mountains where the sun is at its strongest.
      Paxus: The Pegacorn was the perfect animal to choose as their leader because of its grace and pureness.
      Paxus: Join the Lucians if you enjoy brightly lit areas where all is revealed.
  • Hand of Glacius
      Paxus: When a world needs rebirth, it first rests in ice...
      Paxus: The glaciers in the southern part of the island are constantly frozen. It is there that Paxus has imbued ice.
      Paxus: A Polar Bear has been chosen as the leader of the Glacius Clan because of its strength as an individual.
      Paxus: Snow is pure and white, very easy to spot attacking enemies, or hiding waiting to pounce. Choose this clan if you enjoy isolation and solitude.
  • Hand of Nautica
      Paxus: In water we see a shaper of all things, a mother to worlds...
      Paxus: The Nauticans are truly peaceful giants. Living deep in the ocean, they've learnt to survive by staying low and quiet.
      Paxus: They are very good at hiding though, the ocean is a vast place to hide.
      Paxus: Join the Nauticans if you are a quiet, peaceful person who is always pondering a thought.
  • Hand of Dynami
      Paxus: Energy is the spark of all life, and the mother of life's own creations...
      Paxus: This quick thinking clan is a bundle of energy. Paxus has chosen the Firefly as its leader because of its self-created power.
      Paxus: The Dynami Clan generates much of its power from its own members and gains strength in numbers.
      Paxus: Join the Dynami Clan if you enjoy working as a team with your fellow members. It's crowded, but undoubtedly electrifying.
  • Hand of Nocturu
      Paxus: As darkness falls, so do lies, and all that remains is what cannot be seen...
      Paxus: Deep in the forest lies the Nocturu Clan. Paxus has chosen the bat as the animal because of its ability to hunt in pitch black.
      Paxus: The clan is for the elegant who does not rush into battle but instead watches the outcome until it is the perfect time to strike.
      Paxus: Many believe the Nocturu to be evil, but only those who abuse their powers are truly evil.
      Paxus: Join this clan if you enjoy hiding in the shade of night.
  • Hand of Aerodu
      Paxus: The air is all-encompassing, and the wind is its strength...
      Paxus: Quick as the wind, the Aerodu Clan is one of the fastest clans in Paxia.
      Paxus: Perched at the edge of a mountain, they are always watching for their next prey.
      Paxus: Join this clan if you are eager to fight and fierce on the attack.
  • Hand of Geoto
      Paxus: From earth comes the peace of eons, and the unstoppable movement of life...
      Paxus: Born from the earth, the Geoto Clan thrive in dirt. The Horned Lion has been chosen as the leader because of its love for the Land.
      Paxus: The Geoto have no real home but find rest wherever they can. For now, they live in the mountains near the western forest.
      Paxus: Join them if you are a calm fighter who enjoys rest as much as the occasional war.
  • Paxus' Left Chest
      Paxus: What is the sound of eight hands clapping?
  • Paxus' Right Chest
      Paxus: Why do the clouds move when the wind is still?
  • Paxus' Stomach
      Paxus: Paxus never eats, but one does not need eating to feed...
  • Paxus' Knee
      Paxus: Head and shoulders, knees and toes...
  • Paxus' Balancing Foot
      Paxus: Pushing Paxus will only result in you pushing yourself...

    Negatus Statue
    Prerequisite: Character Level 25+

    «If you have a clan, skipping the dialogue takes you to the choice of leaving your clan or not below. Else, Negatus will tell you he has nothing further to help you with.»

    «You»: Neat, another statue! Do you talk too?
    Negatus: I am Negatus, the other half...
    «You»: The other half of what?
    Negatus: Balance.
    Negatus: Paxus stands at one end of the island, but needs Negatus to keep balanced.
    Negatus: Without one the other is useless. Paxus gives the gift of elemental powers, Negatus removes them.
    Negatus: If every creature had powers, all would be special. If all are special, then none are. Negatus keeps the order of eternal balance.
    «You»: Right. Balance. So is that why everyone here likes standing balanced over the edge of a cliff?
    Negatus: It takes much focus to give and take powers. Having a balanced body can only result in a balanced mind.
    Negatus: I need much concentration though, I sense an imbalance in this world... Tell me what you need so that I can go back to meditation...
    Negatus: If you no longer want to belong to the clan you joined, I can help you leave your clan.
  • Leave Clan
  • Go Back

    Negatus: So you've decided to release yourself? Good choice. You are always free to join a new clan if you wish, but I might not always be here to release you if you make a mistake.
    Negatus: Please wait a few seconds while I take care of this...

    «You receive the message 'You are now removed from this clan.' followed by the dialogue below.»

    Negatus: The change was successful.
  • Okay
    Negatus: My powers are great, but I have nothing further to help you with.
  • Go Back
  • Entry released. ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 6/8/2013 5:40:56 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 176
    5/7/2013 8:08:41   
    Times Silent Keeper

    I did my best to make it as understandable as possible. After over possibly 100 Ethereals, here's the layout of the crash site. Since this is after all a map, it will remain spoilered both here and in the actual entry.

    Orodalf's directions have also been spoilered in accordance to this rule.

    If you still cannot find your way:

    Map of the Crash Site: Click Me!

  • Terul'Sith / Ryuusei / Gaiden = Right, Right, Up (from the Start)
  • Terul'Sith / Ryuusei / Gaiden = Left, Back, Right, Up (from where you find Lkeas & co.)

  • Lkeas / Galrick / Celestra = Right, Right, Right, Right (from the Start)
  • Lkeas / Galrick / Celestra = Back, Right, Right (from where you find Ryuusei & co.)

    The fastest path is therefore: Right, Right, Up, Back, Right, Right
  • AQ DF MQ  Post #: 177
    5/9/2013 15:38:01   
    ArchMagus Orodalf


    Absol-ution Part IV

    Today's Event » Absol-ution Part IV! (Finale!)

    Lanfiré: Warning. What follows is full of hackneyed puns, melodramatic emotions, overblown dialogue, and more exposition than Antarian Colonist, Jordan Roberts's Circle of Space series.
    Lanfiré: You can catch up on the saga by replaying earlier parts, or you can skip right to the action.
  • Play Absol-ution Part I - The D.E.N.N.I.E. Phantom
  • Play Absol-ution Part II - NightMare From Depths of Dreams
  • Play Absol-ution Part III - Absolution
  • War Camp!

    A strange being known as Etherseid has removed Lore from space and time. In the process, the D.E.N.N.I.E. Phantom has crash landed on a seemingly uninhabited planet somewhere in the Kresh Nebula. Now Etherseid's ascended creatures are pouring out of the gap that has been torn between Etherspace and normal space. In order to save Ryuusei and Lore, we must first fix the Phantom. Fortunately, a man named Galian and his wife Lauren - who are manifestations of none other than Lorithia and The'Galin - are here to help... but what they can do is limited. Can we possibly save Lore and Ryuusei in time?
  • To Battle!
  • Explore Camp
  • Back to Town

    Potion Bag - Gives you potions if you have less than 4 on hand (Guardian Only)
    Chest - Replaces No-Drop weapon with Tarnished Caliburn (Guardian Only)
    Ethereal Arakkna (from Explore Camp) - +0.1% Ranged Attack Bonus per hit, maximum of +20%
    Gaiden is prepared for this epic battle. His Father's life hangs in the balance!
    The Huntress' claws glow a fierce crimson in anticipation of the battle ahead!
    Galrick is here to aid you against the vile ascended beasts!
    Hollow hates missing a good fight!

    Twilly: Uh-oh's! See through monsters are everywhere!! You'd better be ready to bury some baddies!!
    Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you
  • Heal me please
  • Let me handle this!
    Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
  • Thank you!
    To Battle!

    Who will you go into battle with?
  • Hollow
  • Galrick
  • Gaiden
  • The Huntress
  • By yourself

    Regardless of choice:

      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    After 25% of the Ethereal monsters were defeated, the "Lessons Interrupted" cutscene became available.

    «Scene: Absolix and Cartwright are fighting.»

    Cartwright: Son, I only wish the best for you.
    Absolix: It is only because I know that you honestly mean that that you are not dead already, father.
    Cartwright: We have been at this for ages. Do you not grow tired of it? The same thing every day. We fight, then break to have lunch, we argue philosophy until dinner, and then fight some more.
    Cartwright: Day in and day out. It grows most tedious...
    Absolix: Then give in. You have changed as much as I. Stop your attempt to teach me amorality.
    Absolix: I have seen far too much for it ever to work; and I am far too strong for you to kill me so I might be reborn with the lesson in mind as you once intended.
    Cartwright: That I cannot do...
    Absolix: Then our battle continues.

    «They continue to fight a while. Galrick and Celestra enter.»

    Galrick: Nice hit, Absolix.
    Absolix: Who are you?
    Cartwright: Galrick, Huntress?
    Cartwright: You are certainly the last couple I would expect to be hunting me down.
    Celestra: Do not flatter yourself; we are doing it for a friend. Though, as I chased after you for years, Twain, you really shouldn't be surprised.
    Galrick: As much as I hate to interrupt someone cleaning your clock, Cartwrong...
    Galrick: We are here for a reason. We come at the behest of your older son.
    Absolix: Gaiden is here? Why has my brother come?
    Galrick: Your little struggle with your father is having very distressing effects on his analogue.
    Absolix: Ryuusei is not well? This is grave news. But why should my fight with my father affect him?
    Cartwright: We are linked, more even than most analogues that would normally recohere. We share a son.
    Cartwright: When I allowed Lisa to take Gaiden to my analogue, I ensured that I could always watch over him by binding us together.
    Celestra: Well, your binding is killing him.
    Galrick: To say nothing of the battling through Etherspace, being attacked by a NightMare who has stolen Lore itself out of space and time, and the resultant crash landing.
    Celestra: You must come now.
    Galrick: It may be too late for Ryuusei already.
    Cartwright: Absolix, your brother needs me. Our quarrel will have to be put on hold.
    Absolix: Of course; perhaps this is just what you need... to actually care for someone.
    Cartwright: Bah...

    «Scene: Back at the crash site.»

    Ryuusei: Good... you... found them. I have... something to tell my analogue. It must be quick. I am pretty sure the crash damaged some internal organs.
    Cartwright: You should save your strength. You are clearly severely injured, in addition to the damage our connection has already caused...
    Ryuusei: The connection is the only thing that has kept me alive this long... that and strength of will. I was already dying when I left Terra to search for you.
    Gaiden: What?!
    Ryuusei: An aggressive form of cancer. Inoperable, I am afraid. It was one of the reasons I had to be sure that you would be safe. That your father was not a threat to you...
    Cartwright: But you lived on Lore! You could have been healed by any number of magics!
    Ryuusei: Hindsight is... *gasp* sorry; hindsight is 20/20; to be perfectly honest, in all that happened, I forgot. It may seem unthinkable.
    Ryuusei: Forgetting something like the big C. But trust me when I say that forgetting is the first thing I wanted to do.
    Cartwright: It's not too late. Just hang on. We can have you looked at once we deal with Etherseid.
    Gaiden: Dad! No... Father, please, do something...
    Ryuusei: There is nothing for him to do, son, but care for you and your brothers. Cartwright... listen to me.
    Cartwright: I am listening.
    Ryuusei: We are so alike, you and I.
    «You»: You are nothing alike.
    Ryuusei: That's kind of you to say, «You», because I know why you say it. But it is not true. All that is different between my temporal twin brother here and I are the choices we made.
    Ryuusei: If I had made his choices, I would be him. If he had made mine, he would be me.
    Cartwright: That is a bit simplistic...
    Ryuusei: Maybe. But it is also true. I know you well, Cartwright. There is still something of me inside of you.
    Ryuusei: Now I haven't got much time... so please... everyone shut up and listen.
    Ryuusei: I see you trying to be the father to Absolix you never were to our son.
    Ryuusei: You learned much after The'Galin cut you loose... from your mistakes. But you still have not quite... *cough*
    Ryuusei: ... not quite gotten it right. There is a lesson you have still not learned, and I would have you know before it is too late for you.
    Cartwright: And what, pray tell, is that?
    «You»: Shhhhh!
    Ryuusei: Amorality may seem logically appealing to you, but it is broken. Amorality never works.
    Ryuusei: Amorality is dangerously close to imm... or... ality.

    «Scene zooms in on Ryuusei as he dies.»

    Absolix: He has passed. Father, it was an honor to have met you...
    «You»: What? NO! This is not right! What do we do now?!

    «Scene zooms in on Gaiden. He is crying.»

    Gaiden: We find Etherseid. And when we do, I am turning him into glue!

    «Scene fades.»
    After 50% of the Ethereal monsters were defeated, the "Etherseid Revealed" cutscene became available.

    «Scene: Near the broken Phantom. Hollow is attempting to fix it. Galian and Abernathy enter.»

    Galian: My love, how goes the battle?

    «Hollow turns around.»

    Lauren: The Chosen is an able leader. These gaudy monstrosities are dropping like flies. How fares our ship?
    Hollow: I just fixed the last propulsor. We're set to fly. Your husband and I should be able to dedicate our full attention to--

    «A strange phenomenon occurs, after which everyone is left staggering. A black portal has opened near the ship.»

    Lauren: Ugh--
    Galian: What is this feeling... nausea, and fear...
    ???: You kneel before me already! This will be an easy conquest, I feel. Prostrate yourselves to Lord Etherseid, NightMare Incarnate and ruler of Etherspace!

    «Etherseid exits the portal, attended by two Ascended Nightmare Rooks.»

    Hollow: Aww, it's a wee little pony and some funny-looking minions...
    Lord Etherseid: My minions are NOT funny-looking! They're menacing and dangerous.
    Hollow: If you say so, Mister Ed. Anyway, I actually meant you. Now prance out of the way so we can see our true enemy.
    Lord Etherseid: How dare you! I am no minion-- I am he who strikes fear into the hearts of the Unascended! I am Lord Etherseid!

    «Everyone stands back up.»

    All: *smirk*
    Galian: YOU? You're the one who trotted off with Lore?
    Lord Etherseid: I AM POWERFUL AND DEADLY!
    Lauren: Your voice just cracked a bit there... are you sure you're a NightMare and not a NightGelding...?
    Lord Etherseid: !!!!
    Hollow: Barncat got your tongue?
    Galian: I think his bit is still in, Hollow... did someone get a nice romp through the fields today? Did your nice rider brush your coat until it shined with lustrous brilliance?
    Galian: I bet she gave you a biiiig carrot, didn't she? Yes she did.
    Ascended NM Guard: *whispers* Should we do something? They're really tearing him apart...
    Ascended NM Guard: *whispers* Pssst, hey, I'm talking to you.
    Ascended NM Rook: *Whispers* Hmm, oh-- Sorry, I can't get the theme to My Little Pony vs. Pony out of my head. It's pretty hilarious.
    Ascended NM Rook: Yes! Trample 'em, boss!
    Lord Etherseid: You ascended... trash cans! I am literally standing right here!
    Lord Etherseid: I can't believe... I'm just so FURIOUS... YOU HAVE PROVOKED MY WRATH! PREPARE TO DIE!
    Hollow: Bring it on, pony-boy! I'm going to make you into fillet of filly!
    After 75% of the Ethereal monsters were defeated, the "Ethereal Plans" cutscene became available.

    «Scene: Lord Etherseid is alone, attended by his two Rooks.»

    Lord Etherseid: It took some doing and scouring far and wide, but Lore is my bauble now. And I have found their downfall. Time to substitute a stick for a carrot.
    Lord Etherseid: Enter «You»!

    «"You" enter.»

    Lord Etherseid: «You» here is the perfect foil. An analogue of their Chosen.
    Lord Etherseid: We will replace their leader. They want their planet back? Well, I say NEIGH! They shall regret mocking Lord Etherseid.
    "«You»": And soon I will ascend, too. That was the deal, right?
    Lord Eetherseid: So it was promised, and so it shall be. By the time they realize I am a god in my own right, it will be too late.
    ???: So you think you can replace the Chosen with an impostor and get away with it? Time to put you out to pasture.

    «The screen turns red as an enormous *SLASH* runs across where "You" were standing.»

    «You»: You cannot just replace me, Etherseid. I am one of a kind.

    «Lauren, Galian, and Gaiden enter.»

    «You»: It seems Etherseid is a god. What sort of god are you, Etherseid? A "Semi"-Power, I suppose, because you certainly are half-hoofed, it seems.
    Lord Etherseid: «You», shut your mouth!
    «You»: What? I am just talking about Etherseid. Are you sure you aren't a donkey? You certainly play the part well.
    Lauren: WORD.
    Lord Etherseid: You will suffer for your insolence. But I see now you are just trying to bait me. Unfortunately for YOU, you lack sugar cubes. And I think your apple a bit tart...
    Lord Etherseid: See, I too can create inane puns.
    Lord Etherseid: You think I a ma one trick pony, no? Or that unlike the draft animal I am that I am the one being led?
    Lord Etherseid: The saying is true... you can lead a horse to water. You cannot make him drink. We are done here. When next we meet, you die.

    «He and his Rooks exit.»

    «You»: What a dog and pony show. did he really think he could replace me and have it not be noticed?
    Lauren: Not very bright of him...
    Galian: Indeed, but the fact that he is a god is shocking. It could be a real problem.
    Lauren: Or a real opportunity. Chosen, you and the others stay strong for a while. It is time for my husband and I to gather the Lorian pantheon. A lift, dear?
    Galian: Naturally.

    «Galian transforms into his "Void Moon-Ojos" form and carries Lauren away.»

    Galian: Keep the mule in line, Chosen. We will return shortly.
    Lauren: But be careful. We do not want him to "ASSassinate" you before we return... hehehe.
    After 100% of the Ethereal monsters were defeated...

      2 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Optional Full Heal

    «Scene: Inside the Phantom, Hollow is dispatching the last of the Ethereal monsters.»

    Hollow: I think that's the last of them.
    «You»: Good-- and just in time!

    «Lord Etherseid enters from the right. On the other side enter Cartwright, Lauren, The'Galin, Lkeas, and Abernathy.»

    Lord Etherseid: You may have defeated my pawns... and rooks and bishops and knights... but you are still menaced by a far greater opponent. Or should I say opPONYnt...
    «You»: Let's leave the puns to those of us with thumbs, Black Beauty. So you're a god. So what? I've beaten up gods before.
    «You»: Let's see... War, Falerin, Limkragg, Eldron, to name a few. And two of those are quite a bit more powerful than you are.
    Lord Etherseid: But you are not on your home turf now, hero.
    «You»: Really? You don't see the flaws in that argument? I guess it's because your eyes are on the sides of your head. Or maybe you're wearing blinders...
    Lord Etherseid: For the love of hay, just spit it out already!
    «You»: You're not on your home turf either, Etherseid. I don't know if you've noticed, but the distinct lack of... well, nothing...
    «You»: Around us indicates that we are in what you so incorrectly dub the Drab Realms. Secondly, although it's flattering that you think I'm a deity, I'm not. My power comes with me no matter where I go.
    Galian: And the Chosen has help. You really should not have revealed your divine hand, Etherseid. It is hard to tell with non-similar deities. Since you are a nonhuman, I might never have realized.
    Lord Etherseid: Upset, are we? Would you like your planet back?
    Lauren: As a matter of fact, yes. I would like MY planet back. And I am just asking once.
    Galian: You have upset my wife... better you than me.
    Galian: Lady, Lord-- you're clear to manifest.

    «The Elemental Lords manifest.»

    Lady of Light: You know what really gets on my deific nerves?
    Lord of Darkness: What is that, m'lady?
    Lady of Light: When pesky little intruders think they can take our planet and get away with it.
    Lord Etherseid: Think? Think again, lady. I already have gotten away with it. I'm afraid you're closing the barn door after the horse has already--
    Lord of Darkness: I would advise against speaking directly to her. We are here with the Consent of all six of our brothers and sisters.
    Lady of Light: Although we are not on our homeworld, this planet is made of our elements. We have gained the permission of the local Elemental Lords to be here.
    Lord of Darkness: And this planet is more of our realm than yours, Etherseid.
    Lady of Light: Not to mention we stand behind our Chosen. One so self-centered as you would not have bothered investing in a Chosen, I suppose.
    Lord of Darkness: And if the odds weren't already stacked against you... Falerin, Serenia, Adel-- the elemental signatures here have stabilized. Manifest at will.

    «Falerin, Famine, and Serenia enter.»

    Falerin: You, my petite Peruvian Paso, have overstepped your fence.
    Falerin: My lady Arkhivist, how wonderful to see you again.
    Lkeas: Tal li vago, oh great God of Evil!
    Falerin: Ci li vago indeed.
    Serenia: You're pretty well outnumbered, dear.
    Adel: And... I'm starving for some action.
    Falerin: You dare to declare godwar? Then it is godwar you'll have.
    Galian: Chosen-- appropriately enough, you now have a choice. We can lend you our powers for a brief period so that you can take care of him yourself.
    Lauren: Or you can stay uninvolved and allow us to do the work. Just as Lorians cannot always have the gods fight their battles for them, the opposite also holds.

    «The air sparks with power.»

  • Challenge Battle!

      1 BATTLE: Lord Etherseid
      Full Heal

  • Let the gods do it!

    «The gods unleash an enormous blast of power at Etherseid, who falls.»

    Galian: Now for the checkmate.

    «Galian, his face sparkling, nods at Etherseid, whose eyes go dim. Scene briefly shows Lore reappearing and then returns to the interior of the Phantom.»

    «You»: What just happened? Galian, did you just Uncreate his godhood?
    Galian: Perceptive indeed. Faleerin was right, you have come a long way. But you're not quite right. I've Uncreated his portfolio.
    Galian: He is no longer a god, and anyone I have not designated as immune to the aftereffects of this particular Uncreation will have no memory of him as such.
    Lkeas: He can be extremely precise with his Uncreation. Unlike the Network, who generally makes a mess of things. ... No offense, Cartwright.
    Cartwright: Given our mutual history, my Lady, offense was the furthest thing from my mind. What I did to you was... is... unforgivable...
    «You»: Uh... but isn't Uncreating his portfolio a grave risk? It is why we came here, after all...
    Galian: On the contrary, you came here looking for Cartwright; that remains unchanged. I also specifically did not Uncreate his effects upon our group as part of maintaining your memory of his incursion.
    Galian: It is a risk to Etherspace, perhaps, but Uncreating a portfolio is different from Uncreating a being. A new portfolio won't rise to take itse place. Portfolios are not necessary aspects of creation.
    Falerin: In some pantheons, deities change portfolios like humans change undergarments, in fact.
    Galian: The fact that until recently he refused to deign to grace us with his equine presence did us a favor. His Uncreation has precisely zero ripples in the physical world. I will personally patch up any damage to Etherspace.
    Lord Etherseid: I feel... so weak...
    «You»: And I, so strong. The presence of gods in one's body does wonders for self-esteem. We've beaten you, Etherseid. Fair and square. Give up the goat-- or should I say, the horse...
    «You»: Speaking of the horse, isn't his visual change a bit... off? His race and basic nature are not changed; only his godhood.

    «Falerin transforms into his Lanfiré form.»

    Lanfiré: Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, «You».
    Lanfiré: But yes, his reaction is patent melodrama. Perhaps, rather than a horse, he is a pig; he certainly likes hamming it up.

    «He transforms back.»

    «You»: Don't worry, Etherseid. You are still a NightFoal; maybe someday you can grow up to be a real NightStallion...
    Lord Etherseid: ...
    Absol-ution Part IV

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  • Epilogue!
      «Scene: In the Phantom. Gaiden, Celestra, Terul'sith, and Galrick enter.»

      Gaiden: You fought him, «You»? Didn't I say I wanted to take care of this oat-- I mean, oaf?
      «You»: Sorry, Gaiden. I had a bit of extra help.
      Falerin: And that's our cue. Being away from home-- or in my case, homes-- for so long is draining. Ladies, Lords-- let us away.
      Lauren: I will leave you, my dear. Lore needs me.

      «All of the gods but for Galian leave.»

      Gaiden: Well then. Now that he's beaten, I think it's my right to strike the killing blow.

      «He raises his sword.»

      Lord Etherseid: Please-- no!
      Gaiden: Grovel, will you? Let's see more. Crawl, scum.
      «You»: Gaiden, what are you doing?
      Lkeas: This isn't you, Gaiden. I know you. Please... do not stoop to his level!

      «Absolix enters.»

      Cartwright: «You» is right. What would your dad think, my son?
      Absolix: You were always the better of us. Be strong, Gaiden.
      Gaiden: He killed Dad. How can I let this shell of a weak demigod live?
      Lord Etherseid: Please-- I'll give you--
      Gaiden: BE. QUIET. You are not worthy of last words, and there is nothing you can offer me, anyway.
      «You»: this is not what Ryuusei would have wanted. Honor his memory.
      Lkeas: you know what he would want you to do. You know what he taught you.
      Gaiden: ...

      «He kneels.»

      Gaiden: Dad...

      «Etherseid rises, his eyes red.»

      Lord Etherseid: Foolish mortal! I am indeed still a NightMare. Prepare to follow your father!

      «He strikes Gaiden. As he prepares to hit him again, everyone moves forward.»

      Galian: Oh, no you don't...

      «He backs off.»

      Galian: Lady Lkeas, you may wish to look away.
      Lkeas: No, I don't think so.
      Galian: Omega, you know what to do. It is authorized. Keep it partial; we do not need another simply taking his place.

      «Cartwright enters Omega-possession mode.»

      Omega: I really am glad that you attacked my son. Given my change of character, it's been forever since I have been able to Uncreate anything other than Absolix...
      Omega: ... and Uncreating the non-existence of something, while a powerful means of Creation in itself, is just... not the same.

      «Omega Uncreates Etherseid.»

      Omega: It is done, Lord.
      Galian: Thank you, Cartwright. You have done well.

      «A "!" appears over Celestra's head.»

      Celestra: I understand now! Galian, you are The'Galin!

      «Gaiden stands; Galrick advances.»

      Celestra: No, Galrick, it's all right. I think... I think I'm ready to begin to move past my hatred.
      The'Galin: I'm... *cough*...
      Celestra: I'm sorry I misunderstood you. Fighting the Network for so many years... It clouded my visions of whom they supposedly followed. I can clearly see that both you and Cartwright are good men.
      Omega: While The'Galin is indeed a good man, I am not... Now, I must ask you all to leave. I need to speak with my master.
      The'Galin: First, Cartwright, stop your own melodrama. Chatting with you hunched over and looking dark and foreboding like that is just awkward.
      «You»: Seriously awkward...
      The'Galin: We all know you are Omega. The sign of Omega is not required to be Omega.

      «He stands.»

      Cartwright: Uh, quite right, Lord.
      The'Galin: Permission is granted for all of it. Assuming you get acquiescence for your aid.
      Cartwright: Thank you...

      «He raises his cane. It glows, and Ryuusei returns.»

      Ryuusei: I... what happened?
      Cartwright: Many things. Including an epiphany. I have come to the realization that the lesson I learned here today was too late for me. I have spent my life in evil and corruption.
      Cartwright: Even when I try to do good, it feels... wrong. But you... although you died, it is not too late for you to live. You always were a better me than I was.
      Cartwright: Accept my offer of help and you will live to raise your sons as the heroes they are destined to become.
      Ryuusei: ... Yes. Very well. I accept.
      Ryuusei: You can Uncreate my cancer, I imagine, and...
      Cartwright: No. I am afraid not. Your cancer is what brought this about. What brought you and Gaiden to Lore; what led to Lore's contact with the Flecks.
      Cartwright: You see, Chosen, don't you. You were not totally off. This is a case where Uncreation would be catastrophic.
      «You»: I am afraid that I do, and I think I know what you intend. Surely there is another way...
      Cartwright: There is not. I have thought long and hard about it.
      Ryuusei: What do you mean?
      Cartwright: Your cancer, for all intents and purposes, must remain a fixed point in time. It is a watershed moment-- a ripplepoint. Changing it would change too much important history.
      Ryuusei: Then... what?
      Cartwright: We are analogues, friend. The process is fairly simple. I will switch our positions in spacetime, effectively swapping minds, though you will maintain your own appearance, more or less.
      Cartwright: This allows you to remain strong-- and then...
      Cartwright: And then, I will allow myself to recohere with you.

      «Ryuusei stands.»

      Ryuusei: But... then you die instead.
      Ryuusei: No. I do not want that.
      Cartwright: Ah... but you already accepted my aid, and I always did have trouble listening to others.

      «He begins the recoherence.»

      The'Galin: Cartwright, my communicant. I will not stop what you have begun, but there is something you need to here before it finishes.
      Cartwright: Yes, lord?
      The'Galin: In the end, it was you and not Celestra who was wrong. You ARE a good man, even if it took a long road to get there. I knew I was not completely wrong about you...
      Cartwright: Ha, what do you know about that...
      Lkeas: My lord knows what I have now seen with my own eyes. And just as I grew to trust and serve The'Galin, so now have my sentiments changed toward you, Cartwright...
      Lkeas: As much as you may not want to accept it, you may die knowing that I forgive you.
      Cartwright: How strange... this feeling... I... thank you, my lady... just thank you.

      «The process finishes. Ryuusei is now blond in a white suit and standing.»

      Ryuusei: ... Thank you. Well, that was certainly difficult. Thank you for your help. All of you.
      «You»: Now... there is the small matter of returning all of us, including Lore, to its proper place in spacetime.
      The'Galin: Not a problem. While engaging in the repairs, I took the liberty of making some... enhancements... to the D.E.N.N.I.E. Phantom and her tractor beam.
      The'Galin: You can tow Lore back where it belongs...
      «You»: Tow a planet thousands of light years through space? That's some tractor beam!
      The'Galin: We will be seeing each other again, «You», I feel certain...
      «You»: You know what? I honestly am looking forward to it. Let's go, folks.

      «Scene fades.»

      A few hours later...

      «Scene: Battleon.»

      «You»: Does nothing of Cartwright remain?
      Ryuusei Cartwright: Something of my analogue remains. But his mind... is gone. It feels so odd. For years, I feared what that mind might do. Now, I think the universe is less without it...
      «You»: Well, get some rest. I imagine you and your sons have much to discuss.
      Ryuusei Cartwright: Thank you. I would not be here without you.
      «You»: Don't mention it. Now to go explain to everyone here why they suddenly had several unexpected changes of constellation in their night sky...

      «Omega appears as you leave.»

      Ryuusei Cartwright: Of course I accept, Lord. But this will take some getting used to.
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
  • Taking care of this. Will fix the formatting issues. ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 5/17/2013 3:22:45 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 178
    5/10/2013 14:08:11   
    Sir Perfect Socks


    Just a minor typo:

    «You can choose to visit Twilight Set III, or journey on. You can also refill potions from the potion bag. Proceeding on will lead you to multiple trap stat-rolls. It will be immediately followed with 2 battles, then a Full Heal. Faling the stat roll will deal damage dependent on your Darkness resist.»

    It should be failing
    Typo fixed! Thanks! ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 5/16/2013 1:45:56 >
    AQ  Post #: 179
    5/12/2013 12:50:49   
    Tha Killa


    Just a tiny addition, when you hit max score in the Ranged Bonus, any shots after that won't count and 'Maximum Score Achieved!' pops up.
    Probably won't be added since the maximum has already been indicated in the entry. ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 5/17/2013 4:13:33 >
    AQ  Post #: 180
    5/15/2013 19:37:02   
    Disc Lorde


    The Veil - Basecamp is missing Can Haz Vaykayshon?
    It's added now. Thanks! ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 5/16/2013 1:44:30 >
    AQ  Post #: 181
    5/15/2013 23:58:09   
     formerly In Media Res



    Update: The Elements of D'aw quest is now in The Veil.
    Added location to quest entry and Veil Basecamp entry now has this quest linked as well. Thanks! ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 5/16/2013 1:44:11 >
    AQ  Post #: 182
    5/17/2013 3:02:14   


    In the spell scroll quest entry under the Conflagoration section it should say Conflagoration not Fallarion



    Sixth Sense!
    This part of the keep is crawling with magically-powered guards. But you can get past most of them by using your keen sixth sense-- if you have one that is!
    Difficulty: 51+[Expected INT*]
    Stat Used: Intelligence

    «Succeeding the roll checks Fallarion off the list. You receive a Full Heal and can select another location. Failing the roll causes you to enter one battle before going through a stat roll again. You do not receive any Full Heal for failing the roll.»
    It's fixed. Thanks! ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 5/17/2013 4:11:33 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 183
    5/23/2013 15:24:04   
    Times Silent Keeper


    Azamay Golem War

    «You can skip the cutscene and proceed straight to the war at anytime.»

    «Scene: Ruins of Rundlecrum. Zadd enters the scene.»

    Zadd: At last! The site where those intrepid adventurers found that ancient golem. Perhaps there will be enough here to salvage.

    «Zadd raises his staff and a magic bolt strikes a pile of rubble beside him. The rubble begins to stack onto each other, eventually forming a golem.»

    Zadd: Perfect. I'll use this one as a prototype to help build my forces. And then.... perhaps I'll finally gain the recognition I deserve!

    «Scene: Outskirts of Granemor. General Herous is addressing two troops.»

    General Herous: That's it, men. Keep practicing the techniques I've shown you. I know they're different from what we're used to, but we need to build our strength.
    General Herous: And with the new magics and funding we've acquired, the Granemor military will finally be prepared to exterminate the mutant menace!

    «A messenger enters the scene.»

    Knight Messenger: General Herous! Cerin of Deren sends his regards, and a warning.
    Knight Messenger: His spies have informed us that a large army of golems led by Zadd is advancing towards the city!
    General Herous: Is that so? Troops, back into the city. Prepare our siege weaponry for an attack.

    «The troops leave the scene.»

    General Herous: Unfortunately, Cerin could only send a warning, and not any troops.
    Knight Messenger: His forces are occupied with the war in the west, reinforcing Rennd's position.
    General Herous: A pity. It would have been nice to fight alongside other members of the alliance.
    General Herous: But I do not think their help will be necessary anyways.
    General Herous: This golem army will never breach our walls. This city is a fortress.
    General herous: Even with our forces spread thin, we will outlast them easily.

    A short while later...

    «Zadd reaches the walls of Granemor, along with his newly built golem army.»

    Zadd: Granemor. A perfect target for my golem army, and a wonderful place to start my own kingdom.
    Zadd: Battleon is attacked far too often, their mercenaries and adventurers could fend off any attack.
    Zadd: But Granemor's forces are scattered, with some fighting to the west. They will be a much easier target.

    «A golem enters with a never-before seen rune lodged in its chest.»

    Zadd: The fools rely too heavy on their little wall. And that will be their downfall.

    Zadd has built a new golem army and sent it against the city of Granemor. They need your help!
  • To Battle!
  • Explore Camp
  • Back to Town

    Potion Bag - Refills your potions if you have less than 4 on hand. (Guardian Only)
    Herous - Click on Herous' blade if you want him to aid you in battle!
    Herous' Blade - General Herous has joined!
    Dewlok - Click on Dewlok's mount if you want him to aid you in battle!
    Dewlok's Mount - Dewlok has joined!
    Static Golem Army - Zadd's golem army are determined to tear down the walls of Granemor!
    Mobile Golems - +0.1% Ranged Attack Bonus, maximum of +20.0% (200 Golems)

    To Battle!
    Full Heal
    Full Heal

      «Upon the defeat of 50% of Zadd's army, a mid-war cutscene was unlocked.»

      «Scene: Inside Granemor»

      Knight: Sir, the golems are trapped outside. We're slowly cutting down on their numbers with our siege.

      «You enter the scene.»

      «You»: Looks like things are going surprisingly well.
      General Herous: Of course. Zadd was a fool to challenge Granemor.
      General Herous: Zadd's golems may be many, but they cannot breach the walls of Granemor. Stand firm, men! If this is all he can muster, then this war will be over shortly!

      «Scene: Outside Granemor»

      Zadd: I think we've toyed with them long enough. Go, my golem. Give them a demonstration of my power!
      Zadd: And then, we march for the throne room. I want the queen taken alive!

      «Zadd's golem rolls into a ball and self-destructs against Granemor's wall, leaving a large gaping hole, with Zadd's army rapidly infiltrating the fortress. Back in Granemor...»

      General Herous: What was that?!
      «You»: One of their golems self-destructed against the wall and blew it to pieces!
      General Herous: ....I see.
      General Herous: Rally to me, everyone! These mindless creatures shall not pass!

      «Granemor's soldiers scatter to their positions. The war meter scroll's message also changes to: "Zadd's golems have breached the walls of Granemor! The battle has grown more desperate now. We have to keep Zadd's golems from reaching the queen, or the city will be lost!"»
    «After defeating 100% of Zadd's golem army...»

    Full Heal
    Full Heal
    Full Heal
    Full Heal

    Granemor Knight: These golems.... what can we do against such mindless beings of hatred? We're finished....
    «You»: That's no way to talk. We've beaten armies larger and tougher than this!
    General Herous: «You» is right. We must not give up. We will go down fighting!
    General Herous: Open the pens. Release the cavalry.
    «You»: ...cavalry?
    Granemor Knight: But sir, they aren't ready yet! Do you realize what you are doing?
    General Herous: Open the pens. Release the calvary.
    General Herous: We have no choice, soldier. That's an order! Deploy them now, and rally to me, everyone!

    «The gates of Herous' Tower opens, and a cavalry of Moglin-riding Koofu run out, striking the Champion Weapon Golem waiting outside the tower till its destruction. General Herous then runs out of the tower.»

    General Herous: For Granemor!

    «General Herous strikes and destroys all the remaining golems outside his tower.»

    «You»: ....okay, that's something I admit I never expected to see.

    «Zadd enters with his remaining golem army.»

    Zadd: No, NOOO! You're ruining everything!
    General Herous: «You», take care of his golems. I'll deal with Zadd myself!
      1 BATTLE: Azamay Golem
      Full Heal
    «Zadd bows his head in defeat.»

    Zadd: So powerful! That dark magic.... I've seen it before. Who taught you....?
    General Herous: Enough. Zadd, you will retreat now or I will show you no mercy.
    Zadd: I may as well. You've broken my army. Now I will never earn the recognition I deserve.
    «You»: What are you talking about?
    Zadd: No one considers me a true villain. Everyone's always laughed at me, ignored my threats, and shunned me.
    Zadd: Even the Terrible Twelve refused my application. Do you know how sad that is?!?
    Zadd: Well, I will tolerate it no more. I will rebuild my army, and one day soon, you will know just how powerful of a villain I truly am!

    «Zadd flees the scene. The scene switches to a chest on Granemor's grounds, and General Herous enters.»

    General Herous: Thank you, «You». Without your help, Granemor may have been lost.
    General Herous: We will rebuild the wall and continue our training to become one of the greatest military forces in Lore.
    General Herous: My soldiers report that the golems they destroyed carried some sort of ancient runestones. Feel free to salvage any that you wish.

    «Click on the chest and...»
    Azamay Golems: Granemor

  • Champion Weapon Golem [L. 3 Z]
  • Weapon Golem [L. 10]
  • Honed Weapon Golem Z [L. 22 Z]
  • Champion Weapon Golem [L. 23 Z]
  • Weapon Golem [L. 30]

  • Champion Weapon Golem [L. 43 Z]
  • Weapon Golem [L. 50]
  • Champion Weapon Golem [L. 63]
  • Weapon Golem [L. 70]
  • Champion Weapon Golem [L. 83 Z]

  • Honed Weapon Golem [L. 87 G]
  • Weapon Golem [L. 90]
  • Champion Weapon Golem [L. 103 Z]
  • Weapon Golem [L. 110]
  • Honed Weapon Golem Z [L. 120 Z]

  • Champion Weapon Golem [L. 123 Z]
  • Weapon Golem [L. 130]
  • Azamay Basalt Golem [L. 130]
  • Azamay Granite Golem Z [L. 130 Z]
  • Champion Weapon Golem [L. 143 Z]

  • Honed Weapon Golem [L. 150 G]
  • Azamay Marble Guardian Golem [L. 150 G]

  • Azamay Guardian Chi Shielding Runestone [L. 11 G]
  • Minor Azamay Healing Runestone [L. 20]
  • Minor Azamay Explodium Runestone [L. 20]
  • Azamay Explodium Runestone Z [L. 22 Z]
  • Azamay Healing Runestone Z [L. 22 Z]

  • Minor Azamay Guardian Chi Shielding Runestone Z [L. 22 Z]
  • Azamay Healing Runestone [L. 50]
  • Azamay Explodium Runestone [L. 50]
  • Azamay Chi Shielding Runestone Z [L. 68 Z]
  • Azamay Guardian Explodium Runestone [L. 77 G]

  • Azamay Guardian Healing Runestone [L. 77 G]
  • Major Azamay Chi Shielding Runestone Z [L. 100 Z]
  • Major Azamay Healing Runestone [L. 110]
  • Major Azamay Explodium Runestone [L. 110]
  • Greater Azamay Poison Runestone Z [L. 120 Z]

  • Greater Azamay Paralyzing Runestone Z [L. 120 Z]
  • Greated Azamay Chi Shielding Runestone Z [L. 120 Z]
  • Superior Azamay Chi Shield Runestone Z [L. 130 Z]
  • Superior Azamay Paralyzing Runestone Z [L. 130 Z]
  • Greater Azamay Healing Runestone [L. 130]

  • Superior Azamay Healing Runestone Z [L. 130 Z]
  • Superior Azamay Poison Runestone Z [L. 130 Z]
  • Greater Azamay Explodium Runestone [L. 130]
  • Superior Azamay Explodium Runestone Z [L. 130 Z]
  • Greater Azamay Darkness Runestone [L. 130]

  • Greater Azamay Earth Runestone [L. 130]
  • Greater Azamay Energy Runestone [L. 130]
  • Greater Azamay Fire Runestone [L. 130]
  • Greater Azamay Ice Runestone [L. 130]
  • Greater Azamay Light Runestone [L. 130]

  • Greater Azamay Water Runestone [L. 130]
  • Greater Azamay Wind Runestone [L. 130]
  • Superior Azamay Darkness Runestone Z [L. 130 Z]
  • Superior Azamay Earth Runestone Z [L. 130 Z]
  • Superior Azamay Energy Runestone Z [L. 130 Z]

  • Superior Azamay Fire Runestone Z [L. 130 Z]
  • Superior Azamay Ice Runestone Z [L. 130 Z]
  • Superior Azamay Light Runestone Z [L. 130 Z]
  • Superior Azamay Water Runestone Z [L. 130 Z]
  • Superior Azamay Wind Runestone Z [L. 130 Z]

  • Supreme Azamay Poison Runestone Z [L. 143 Z]
  • Supreme Azamay Paralyzing Runestone Z [L. 143 Z]
  • Supreme Azamay Chi Shielding Runestone Z [L. 143 Z]
  • Supreme Azamay Healing Runestone [L. 150 G]
  • Supreme Azamay Explodium Runestone [L. 150 G]

  • Supreme Azamay Darkness Runestone [L. 150 G]
  • Supreme Azamay Earth Runestone [L. 150 G]
  • Supreme Azamay Energy Runestone [L. 150 G]
  • Supreme Azamay Fire Runestone [L. 150 G]
  • Supreme Azamay Ice Runestone [L. 150 G]

  • Supreme Azamay Light Runestone [L. 150 G]
  • Supreme Azamay Water Runestone [L. 150 G]
  • Supreme Azamay Wind Runestone [L. 150 G]

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
  • To be settled! ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 5/31/2013 21:10:12 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 184
    5/31/2013 23:33:12   
    Times Silent Keeper


    Thunder Mountain
    Talk is cheap

    Location: Travel Map » Thunder Mountain

    In search of the most powerful Energy equipment around, you decide to ask for help from the mightiest Energy creature around: Krenos the Prime Energy Dragon!

    With much, much, MUCH flattery, Krenos eventually leads you to his ancestor's homeland....

    «Scene: Thunder Mountain. A cloud formed in the shape of a dragon on the mountains can be seen. Krenos and you enter at the foot of the mountain.»

    «You»: We're here!
    Krenos: Indeed! Can you feel it, «You»? The Energy magic of my ancestor's empire? Truly, it is a marvel to feel, to smell, to taste... mmmm....
    «You»: Nope, I'm-- *ahem* My apologies, but I cannot. My human senses are not as highly developed as yours, oh great dragon Krenos.
    Krenos: No? How dreadful! Living through life without experiencing such joys?
    «You»: Woe and alas! How inadequate my senses are!
    «You»: Why, the only way I could feel this is if I could get some kind of physical form of this power in my hands!
    Krenos: Yes... a treasure forged on Thunder Mountain? Much like how the Energy Lord wrought the Prime Energy Orb, my family's great treasure, here?
    «You»: Does such a treasure exist?
    Krenos: As we departed hastily, we left many treasures behind. Surely the current lord -- whoever it may be -- would not reign without proper armaments.
    «You»: Zounds! In the name of your ancestors, let us ascend the mountain and recover them!
    Krenos: Oho, certainly! Yes! Le-- hmm... "in the name of my ancestors", you say? Hmm... Yes, yes. Yes!
    Krenos: «You», you shall ascend Thunder Mountain alone!
    «You»: What the-- *ahem*
    «You»: Pardon, oh mighty Krenos? Surely the experience of your family's empire is something you want to share, so that I may tell of your glory to all I encounter?
    Krenos: Indeed. But from here, you must go alone.
    Krenos: After the Energy Lord forged the Energy Orb, The Eminent Emporor of Electricity Krenos the First had to fight off contenders to claim it for himself. For my family.
    Krenos: He wearied a thousand trials and defeated a thousand contenders to prove himself worthy of our treasure, with his indominable spirit his only companion.
    Krenos: Now, «You», it is your turn to do the same! If you wish the power of Thunder Mountain, then you must relive his journey, and claim Thunder Mountain by yourself!
    «You» (Thought): *sigh* I pushed it too far. He's not going to be any more help.
    «You»: Yes, great Krenos! Whoever sits atop Thunder Mountain will fall before my might!
    Krenos: Oho, that's the spirit! I wish you the best of luck, although I am certain that you do not need it. May you stay grounded against your enemies.

    «Krenos leaves the scene.»
  • Begin the Quest of Thunder Mountain! - Continue dialogue
  • Go Home

    «Scene: Initiating the climb up the Mountains»

    «You»: Well, that went better than expected. I didn't expect him to just hand over the loot, but being dropped off at its doorstep is better than nothing.
    «You»: *ahem* Hello, peoples of Thunder Mountain! I come requesting your services! I can trade, or--

    «Suddenly, a flock of voices in the distance can be heard simultaneously.»

    ???: Intruder? Intruder!
    ???: Sound the alarm!
    ???: Rally the defences! We shall not fall!
  • ?!?!

    «You»: ... I think that went well.
  • Battle!
      8 BATTLES
      Full Heal after battles #2, #4 [Potion Bag], #6 [Grab Potion*], #8 [Potion Bag]

      *You grab a potion off one of the fallen monsters, and continue fighting!
    «You come across a litter of Thunder Kittens on the mountain.»

    «You»: Aw, kitties! Hello kitties!

    «The kittens turn around and simultaneously say:»

    Thunder Cat: The invader!
    Thunder Cat: Hssssss!
    Thunder Cat: Inform Lord Svadilfari!

    «You»: Oh, you can talk? I--
    Thunder Cat: ATTACK! Get him while he's confused!
      1 BATTLE: Clowder of Thunder Cat
      Full Heal
    «You»: Well, that was... confusing. But at least they left behind some loot.

    «Thunder Mountain 1 shop opens.»
  • Continue!
  • Go Home
      8 BATTLES
      Full Heal after battles #2 [Grab Potion], #4 [Potion Bag], #6 [Grab Potion], #8 [Potion Bag]
    «You come face to face with a Plasma Dragon.»

    Valsormir: Halt! Your invasion of Lord Svadilfari's realm will stop now! Defend yourself, for your face Valsormir of Plasma!
    «You»: WAIT! I'm not "invading"; I'm just looking for some new equipment!
    «You»: I've already had to deal with one senile dragon who wouldn't listen to me, so I'd much rather trade or--
    Valsormir: Ha! You think I believe that? My lord may have only just conquered the mountain, but there's already been DOZENS of attempts at his life! YOU are no different!
    Valsormir: You want control over the primal power of Thunder Mountain, just like all those assassins!
  • *headdesk*

    «You attempt to clarify, but get interrupted by Valsormir...»

    «You»: No you're not--
    Valsormir: --going to let you get away with this!
  • Battle
      1 BATTLE: Plasma Dragon
      Full Heal
    «Thunder Mountain 2 shop opens.»
  • Continue!
  • Go Home
      8 BATTLES
      Full Heal after battles #2 [Grab Potion], #4 [Potion Bag], #6 [Grab Potion], #8 [Potion Bag]

      1 BATTLE: Circle of Doom
      Full Heal
    «A Thunder Kitten with grayed fur, equipped with Asgoldian equipment enters the scene.»

    "Scruffy": Pretty nice, kid. Most folks just run 'til they're out of the blast radius.
    "Scruffy": Quit yer shoutin'! I may be old, but I can hear ya just fine.
    «You»: Oh. *whew* Sorry, but everyone here thinks I'm some kind of "invader".
    "Scruffy": Haa. Yeup, ever since those dragons left, this place's politics've been about as stable as a thunderstorm. New Lord every year, or thereabouts.
    "Scruffy": People here are jumpier than me in the rain. This Lord here, he's not too bad. Not like ol' whats-his-name before him.
    «You»: So, uh, what's his deal? Lord Spalding or something?
    "Scruffy": Svadilfari? Ohh, he's just come in to power not too long ago. Killed the ol' guy in his sleep, and he's now afraid that someone'll do the same to him. Doesn't sleep much.
    "Scruffy": We wouldn't have this problem if one of my kids was in charge, I'll tell you what! Plenty o' sleep, and able to wake up at the drop of a pin!
    «You»: So, back on topic--
    "Scruffy": You should've seen 'em when they were kittens! Bunch of rascals! Why, this one time, a few centuries back....
    «You» (Thought): Ugh, Lorithia, he sounds just like Krenos. *sigh* This is going to take a while, isn't it?

    «The scene fades to black and Thunder Mountain 3 shop opens.»
  • Continue!
  • Go Home

    «As the scene fades back in... Oh look! "Scruffy" is just about done with his tale...»

    "Scruffy": ...replies, "Yeah, I'm positive!" Haahaahaahaa!
    «You»: Uh... haha? Haha?
    «You»: Hey, would you look at the time! I gotta get going if I'm going to reach Lord Scarface by dinner!
    "Scruffy": Oh? Sorry 'bout that. I keep forgettin' how you younguns are always running around.
    «You»: Yep. And while I've got you here, any chance that you could help me out?
    "Scruffy": Nahh. I'm too old for this adventurin' business.
    «You»: Are you sure? I could make it... VERY... worth your while.
    "Scruffy": Kid, I don't like your tone. I've got all I need to enjoy my old age; there's nothin' you can offer me that'll get me mixed up in your business again.
    "Scruffy": So, I'm guessin' that you don't want me to finish the story 'bout how I met m'wife Trjegul?
    «You»: No thanks. I got a mountain to "conquer~".
    "Scruffy": Then I wish you the best of luck, kid.

    «Leaving "Scruffy" behind and advancing your journey, you proceed further up the mountains.»

    «You»: *sigh* This is why I usually just beat up everything that comes across my path. Might as well try that now....

    «You initiate a series of six stat rolls, targeting each unique stat (STR/DEX/INT/END/CHA/LUK).»

      Like a Rolling Stone
      There is a boulder here. There is a group of monsters below. Time for an impromptu physics lesson!
      Difficulty: 81
      Stat Used: Strength

      «Succeed the roll: The rolling stone takes out half the monsters. (I guess you can get some satisfaction.) Time to deal with the rest!» [Skip first 2 BATTLES listed below]
      «Fail the roll: You can't get the stone to roll. I guess you can't always get what you want.»

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal [Grab Potion]
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal [Potion Bag]
      Running from Circles
      You trip a tripwire, and a Circle of Doom is about to blow! Can you get away from it in time?
      Difficulty: 81
      Stat Used: Dexterity

      «Succeed the roll: You have to do a slow-motion jump, but you get away just in time!»
      «Fail the roll: You're caught in the explosion!»

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal [Potion Bag]
      Silence is Golden
      Thunder Cats! You might be able to sneak by them if you can cast that Silence spell properly.
      Difficulty: 81
      Stat Used: Intelligence

      «Succeed the roll: The cats enjoy your performance of John Cage's 4'33". However, these monsters don't.»
      «Fail the roll: AbracATCHOO! ...oops?» [Replace first BATTLE with Clowder of Thunder Cat]

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal [Potion Bag]

      You find a ball of yarn! You keep it, in case you find more cats.
      Far Across the Sea
      The air up here is getting pretty thin. Can you handle it?
      Difficulty: 81
      Stat Used: Endurance

      «Succeed the roll: Some monsters attack, but you're able to catch your breath!»
      «Fail the roll: Some monsters attack before you can catch your breath!» [Inflicted with Choked status, 9001 rounds, effectiveness reduced to 70%. Remaining rounds reset each battle. Status ends after you complete 2 BATTLES below.]

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal [Potion Bag]
      Yarn Proximity
      MORE Thunder Cats?! Luckily, you got a ball of yarn from the last time. Can you successfully distract them?
      Difficulty: 81
      Stat Used: Charisma

      «Succeed the roll: The cats take to the yarn like... uh... cats to yarn. >.> LOOK, MONSTERS!»
      «Fail the roll: Kitteh is not amused :| [Replace first BATTLE with Clowder of Thunder Cats]»

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal [Potion Bag]
      I Can't Forget
      Oh no, you tripped another tripwire! But, with all these "invaders", did they remember to reset the trap from the last time?
      Difficulty: 81
      Stat Used: Luck

      «Succeed the roll: They forgot! Hallelujah!»
      «Fail the roll: Nope. So long, Marianne.»

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal [Potion Bag]
    «Toward the peak of Thunder Mountains, you confront Svadilfari, an Asgardian Steed.»

    Svadilfari: So. It has come to this.

    «Short pause»

    Svadilfari: Only silence?
    «You»: Riiiiight. I've tried talking to everyone today, and all I've gained is a headache.
    «You»: I was more waiting for you to do your big speech, and then we'd fight it out.
    Svadilfari: Hahaha... you are well-versed in the ways of Thunder Mountain.
    Svadilfari: Just as when I ascended to this throne, when I defeated the dynamancer. DIE HUMAN!
  • !!!
      1 BATTLE: Svadilfari
      Full Heal
    «Svadilfari stands before you, defeated.»

    Svadilfari: I... am beaten. My kingdom has fallen... to a human? A mere mortal?
    «You»: Whoa there. You had your chance for a speech before. I get one now.
    Svadilfari: *sigh* Yes, my new master.
    «You»: Okay. I am here to purchase new Energy equipment. I was told that you have some.
    «You»: You give me the equipment, and I pay for it. Then I'll be on my way, and you go back to... whatever you were doing before I got here.
    Svadilfari: ...
    Svadilfari: What?
    Svadilfari: What madness is this? The rulership of Thunder Mountain is a prized treasure, left by Krenos the First....
    «You»: Look, I have a day job protecting Battleon. I can barely keep my estate cleared, so I doubt that I can reign over a whole mountain. You can keep it.
    Svadilfari: You... you have... I... this is....
    Svadilfari: No, you can't. You just can't. That's not proper procedure. That... that just doesn't happen. It... you...
    «You»: So, can I get my stuff? I'll offer you a fair price.
    Svadilfari: And then you take over?
    «You»: No, then I go off and save Battleon again. Seriously? No one's come to trade before?
    Svadilfari: Well... no....
    Svadilfari: So... my reign continues?

    «A mysterious voice echos from the distance...»

    ???: No.

    «Krenos enters the scene and Svadilfari retreats!»

    «You»: Krenos?!?!
    Krenos: As you decline, I claim Thunder Mountain in my name!
    «You»: Wait... waitwait... was this your plan all along? You were using me!
    Krenos: Much as you tried to use me to acquire MY powerful equipment?
    «You»: Hey! That's completely different!
    Krenos: *rolls eyes* Really? How so?
    «You»: I need this equipment to defend Battleon! I'm doing this for the greater good, not--
    Krenos: --unlike me? I am doing this for my family! As we grow, we need to defend ourselves too. We need a stable, powerful homeland. (Unlike that useless castle. *grumbles*)
    Krenos: You came here for friends and family. I did the same.
    «You»: ...
    Krenos: Continuing... in exchange for your "service", I propose a deal. My new kingdom needs a new champion. And whatever equipment this plebeian could offer you, I can enhance it.
    «You»: Hold the phone, you still haven't answered for tricking me!
    Krenos: Ahh, still angered by that? Then: should you be able to "defeat" me in "combat", I shall grant your new equipment power proper of a kingdom's champion.
    Krenos: You achieve catharsis, and I can properly deem that you are worthy of my power. What say you?
  • Yeah!
      1 BATTLE: Krenos

      Krenos: Oho! Much as I'd expect from a champion! You feel better, I assume?
      «You»: Oh yeah. That felt VERY good.
      Krenos: Excellent. Now, let me properly enchant that equipment of yours....

      «Thunder Mountain 5 shop opens.»

      Krenos: Go forth, my champion, and spread the word! Krenos now rules over Thunder Mountain!
  • Nope. Next time...
      Krenos: A pity; you would make a fine champion.
      Krenos: I suppose that you still deserve the ignoble arms of that horse....

      «Thunder Mountain 4 shop opens.»
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
    Thunder Mountain 1

  • Asgardian Cudgel of Sparks Z [L. 11 Z]
  • Asgoldian Cudgel of Sparks [L. 11 Z]
  • Asgoldian Club of Static [L. 40 Z]
  • Asgardian Cudgel of Sparks [L. 45]

  • Asgardian Sparks' Verve Z [L. 11 Z]
  • Asgoldian Sparks' Verve [L. 11 Z]
  • Asgoldian Static's Brawn [L. 40 Z]
  • Asgardian Sparks' Verve [L. 45]

  • Asgardian Sparks' Accuracy Z [L. 11 Z]
  • Asgoldian Sparks' Accuracy [L. 11 Z]
  • Asgoldian Static's Certainty [L. 40 Z]
  • Asgardian Sparks' Accuracy [L. 45]

  • Goldie Cutiepants [L. 11 Z]
  • Znarf [L. 11 Z]
  • CookieHeart McGoldenful [L. 40 Z]
  • Sparky Cutiepants [L. 45]
    Thunder Mountain 2

  • Asgoldian Club of Static [L. 40 Z]
  • Asgardian Club of Static [L. 60]
  • Asgoldian Maul of Charge [L. 62 Z]
  • Asgardian Maul of Charge [L. 75]
  • Asgoldian Bludgeon of Current [L. 80 Z]

  • Asgoldian Static's Brawn [L. 40 Z]
  • Asgardian Static's Brawn [L. 60]
  • Asgoldian Charge's Fortitude [L. 62 Z]
  • Asgardian Charge's Fortitude [L. 75]
  • Asgoldian Current's Vigor [L. 80 Z]
  • Volt Rider [L. 105 G]

  • Asgoldian Static's Certainty [L. 40 Z]
  • Asgardian Static's Certainty [L. 60]
  • Asgoldian Charge's Sureness [L. 62 Z]
  • Asgardian Charge's Sureness [L. 75]
  • Asgoldian Current's Meticulousness [L. 80 Z]

  • CookieHeart McGoldenful [L. 40 Z]
  • CookieHeart McStaticful [L. 60]
  • Fluffles Goldington [L. 62 Z]
  • Fluffles Chargington [L. 75]
  • Meowsby O'Goldence [L. 80 Z]
    Thunder Mountain 3

  • Asgoldian Bludgeon of Current [L. 80 Z]
  • Asgardian Bludgeon of Current [L. 90]
  • Asgoldian Clarity of Voltage [L. 95 Z]
  • Asgoldian Mallet of Voltage [L. 95 Z]
  • Asgardian Mallet of Voltage [L. 105]
  • Asgardian Clarity of Voltage [L. 105]
  • Asgoldian Wisdom of Thunderbolts [L. 110 Z]
  • Asgoldian Truncheon of Thunderbolts [L. 110 Z]

  • Asgoldian Current's Vigor [L. 80 Z]
  • Asgardian Current's Vigor [L. 90]
  • Asgoldian Voltage's Muscle [L. 95 Z]
  • Asgardian Voltage's Muscle [L. 105]
  • Volt Rider [L. 105 G]
  • Asgoldian Thunderbolts' Might [L. 110 Z]
  • Lightning Chevalier Z [L. 128 Z]

  • Asgoldian Current's Meticulousness [L. 80 Z]
  • Asgardian Current's Meticulousness [L. 90]
  • Asgoldian Voltage's Exactitude [L. 95 Z]
  • Asgardian Voltage's Exactitude [L. 105]
  • Asgoldian Thunderbolts' Precision [L. 110 Z]

  • Meowsby O'Goldence [L. 80 Z]
  • Meowsby O'Currentence [L. 90]
  • Kittles Goldendish [L. 95 Z]
  • Kittles Voltagish [L. 105]
  • Mewpert MacThundergoldsing [L. 110 Z]
    Thunder Mountain 4

  • Asgoldian Wisdom of Thunderbolts [L. 110 Z]
  • Asgoldian Truncheon of Thunderbolts [L. 110 Z]
  • Asgardian Truncheon of Thunderbolts [L. 120]
  • Asgardian Wisdom of Thunderbolts [L. 120]
  • Asgoldian Sagacity of Lightning [L. 125 Z]
  • Asgoldian Hammer of Lightning [L. 125 Z]
  • Asgardian Sagacity of Lightning [L. 135]
  • Asgardian Hammer of Lightning [L. 135]
  • Mimisgoldr [L. 143 Z]
  • Mgoldnir [L. 143 Z]

  • Asgoldian Thunderbolts' Might [L. 110 Z]
  • Asgardian Thunderbolts' Might [L. 120]
  • Thunderbolt Cavalry [L. 120 G]
  • Asgoldian Lightning's Power [L. 125 Z]
  • Lightning Chevalier Z [L. 128 Z]
  • Asgardian Lightning's Power [L. 135]
  • Lightning Chevalier [L. 135]
  • Megingold [L. 143 Z]

  • Asgoldian Thunderbolts' Precision [L. 110 Z]
  • Asgardian Thunderbolts' Precision [L. 120]
  • Asgoldian Lightning's Eye [L. 125 Z]
  • Asgardian Lightning's Eye [L. 135]
  • Jarnskgoldr [L. 143 Z]

  • Mewpert MacThundergoldsing [L. 110 Z]
  • Mewpert MacThunderboltsing [L. 120]
  • Muffintop Von Goldenham III [L. 125 Z]
  • Muffintop Von Lightningham III [L. 135]
  • Bygul Jr. [L. 143 Z]
    Thunder Mountain 5

  • Mimisgoldr [L. 143 Z]
  • Mgoldnir [L. 143 Z]
  • Mimishamarr [L. 150 G]
  • Mjollnir [L. 150 G]

  • Lightning Chevalier Z [L. 128 Z]
  • Megingold [L. 143 Z]
  • Megingjord [L. 150 G]
  • Svadilfari's Oath [L. 150 G]

  • Jarnskgoldr [L. 143 Z]
  • Jarnskjoldr [L. 150 G]

  • Bygul Jr. [L. 143 Z]
  • Trjegul Jr. [L. 150 G]
  • To settle. ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 6/4/2013 10:39:55 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 185
    6/3/2013 8:31:17   
     formerly In Media Res




    The "Kamui Kidnaps Karuna's Kids for kScience" quest is now available from Ms. Fixit.

    The Absol-ution saga is now available from General Herous' tower. Ditto for the Golems at Granemor war.
    Both added. Thanks! ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 6/5/2013 22:42:18 >
    AQ  Post #: 186
    6/14/2013 11:32:34   


    AQ History: Quests & Events release (Dates)

    27 September: Skill Menu added, Pets now do not take a turn to switch, new equipment added

    It says access denied.
    Oh. I linked it to the wrong thing. It's fixed now, thanks! ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 6/14/2013 23:56:29 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 187
    6/21/2013 20:33:33   
    ArchMagus Orodalf


    Knight Class!

    Today's Event » Knight Class! (Basic Training Begins!) OR The Inn » Up Stairs » Blackhawke » Fighter Class Quests » Knight training!

    «You may skip the introductory cutscene at this time.»

    Being a Knight is more than just wearing heavy body armor and riding on horseback. It is a commitment to serve your leader without fail and with absolute loyalty, which is something especially lacking in these desperate times...

    «Scene: Verdant farmlands before a shining castle.»

    Long ago, Lore had many powerful kingdoms on every continent that all lived in harmony. They had formed a great alliance that preserved the peace and sanctity over all of Lore. But that peace was shattered one day with the rise of a new kingdom... the kingdom of Stormfallen.

    «Scene: A volanic, lava-scarred landscape before a dark castle.»

    It is said that the demons emerged from deep within Heck and forged Stormfallen to gain a foothold in Lore. The might demon queen of Stormfallen, Queen Tyranna, and her demonic hordes sought to conquer and subvert Lore into a demon haven.

    «Scene: The same verdant farmlands before are burnt as Demon Knights attack while mounted on fire-breathing salamanders.»

    Stormfallen's legions pushed forward, conquering many kingdoms and weakening many others. Much of the Western Expanse was torn apart by the devastation of a long, brutal war that claimed many lives and kingdoms. But in order to pass into the East, to reach the city of Battleon and truly conquer the continent... they had to pass through Rennd.

    «Scene: Several Pria Knights of Rennd stand victorious against their Demon Knight enemies.»

    Rennd, one of the oldest of the Lorian kingdoms that still remained, stood tall and pushed back their hordes, fighting with an intensity that the demons could not match. But Rennd, the last great kingdom in the Western Expanse, has grown weaker over time. And should they fall, all of Lore could be swept away...

    «Scene: The Frogzard Knights of Deren ride before the capital.»

    While many kingdoms fell into obscurity from the ravages of war, two others still stand stong to aid Rennd. One of them is the kingdom of Deren, ruled by King Tralin. When they heard of Rennd's plight, they sent their knights across the world to fight at Rennd's side.

    «Scene: The 'Emoran Knights stand before the wall of Granemor.»

    The other is fairly young, born from the ashes of old Granemor. A fierce fighting force raised to defend Granemor from the mutant menace. The 'Emoran Knights have joined in the war effort against the demonic forces of Stormfallen.

    «Scene returns to Rennd's farmlands.»

    And one day, when you are ready, you will be able to choose which of these great kingdoms you wish to serve. But you have much to learn about the basics of Knighthood before that day comes.

    «Sir Tathlin enters.»

    Tathlin: Greetings, «You»! I hope you are ready for some serious training!

  • Train as a Knight! (see below)
  • What is a Knight?
      Tathlin: Knights of Lore typically serve a kingdom and, by extension, their king, with complete loyalty.
      Tathlin: For example, I am the head knight of Rennd, which means I vow to serve Rennd and its king.
      Tathlin: Knights of a higher caliber often join organizations like the Paladin Order, serving all of Lore.
      Tathlin: But there is much more to being a Knight than wearing heavy armor. Train with me, and you'll learn that firsthand!
  • Restore My Knighthood!
      Tathlin: Done. Wear your colors proudly, Knight!

      «Your Class is set to "Knight."»
  • Redo Basic Training!
      Tathlin: Are you sure? You'll lose all of your training up to this point!
    • Yes! (selecting "Yes" option will drop your class level to 0)
    • No! - Returns to above options
  • Basic Knight Class Shop! (see below)
  • Back to Town

    Your current class name and your Knight Class level are displayed in the corner of the screen.
    Knight - Basic Training

    Shop Armors:
  • [link=]Squire's Training Armour[/link]

    Tathlin: Use this equipment well.
    Train as a Knight!

    If, at any time while training, you attempt a turn outside of your Squire's Training Armor, you are told that "Tathlin would be very displeased to hear that you went into battle without your training armor!" You deal and heal 0 damage, but will still be damaged by monster attacks.

    If your current Knight Level is 6 or greater...
      (BUGGED) Tathlin: Done. Wear your colors proudly, Knight!

      «Your Class is set to "Knight."»

    Knight Level 0

    Tathlin: So you're the recruit Blackhawke spoke of? You want to become a knight?
    Tathlin: There was once a time in which only those of noble birth could become knights, but there is a greater need these days.
    Tathlin: Perhaps once you're properly trained, you can make your case to the kingdom of your choice.
    Tathlin: But this training will be difficult and will test your resolve. Knowing this, do you still wish to become a Knight?
  • I'm ready!
  • I need more time to think about this. - Returns you to Knight menu
    Tathlin: Excellent! Go get some spare armor from the tent behind you and put it on. You won't be allowed to train in anything else.

    «Knight - Basic Training Shop opens.»

    Tathlin: Knights are capable fighters with virtually every sort of melee weapon. But it is with shield and sword that they are truly in their element.
    Tathlin: Knights train so extensively with their swords and shields that they become an extension of the knight's arms.
    Tathlin: They encompass the ideal of knighthood: a shield to defend the helpless, and a sword to strike back at evil.
    Tathlin: Every order has their own armor, shield and sword. Together, they are a symbol of pride in your order.
    «You»: I carry quite a few weapons and shields with me. What if I do not have room to carry the shield and sword of my order with me?
    Tathlin: Many adventurers have that problem. We knights developed a solution, born of simple magic.
    Tathlin: Nowadays, our shields and swords are physical constructs, maintained by our life force and fighting spirit, and summoned at will.

    «Tathlin rises slightly into the air and summons his sword and shield.»

    «You»: Amazing! But isn't magic anathema to warriors?
    Tathlin: Only the "flashy" sort which magi wield. We have been distrustful of magic ever since it turned the lands to the West into such a barren waste.
    Tathlin: Only our own magi are kept under careful observation. We can never be too sure who is a demon sympathizer in these dark times.
    Tathlin: But try as we might to avoid it, magical energies are ingrained into the very fabric of Lore.
    Tathlin: It flows through the places we visit, and is built into the equipment we use. It is, quite simply, everywhere.
    Tathlin: Magic cannot be avoided entirely, nor should it. It can be used for good. So instead, we knights use our fighting spirits to fuel magic of a different sort.
    Tathlin: Magics which strengthen our defenses, or sharpen our blades. These magics enhance us, rather than battle for us.
    «You»: I see.
    Tathlin: Because of your inexperience and lack of training, the best way for you to unlock your potential is to go on a great quest.
    «You»: So, going to rescue a princess or something?
    Tathlin: That would certainly qualify, but I have another, more useful task in mind.
    «You»: What is it?
    Tathlin: There is a certain magical artifact that the demons of Stormfallen are looking for... the Eye of the Unholy.
    Tathlin: The Eye is known to enhance the powers of its wielders, so it will be dangerous if the Demon Knights obtain it.
    Tathlin: We have been keeping it hidden from them, but soon we will be able to purify it and turn it against them.
    Tathlin: The demons know only how to use magic to destroy, so we shall show them how to wield it for the good of humanity... by destroying THEM with it!
    Tathlin: For now, I need you to retrieve the Eye and find somewhere safe to hide it until our purification technique is perfected.
    Tathlin: Take this map; it should lead you to the Eye. Then it's up to you to find a good hiding place. I'm counting on you, «You»!
  • Take Map!

    «Scene: A volcanic landscape.»

    «You»: (thinking) Well, I don't think the knights of Rennd could have found a less obvious place to hide the Eye if they'd tried.
    «You»: (thinking) Still, it's a long ways to go yet!

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    «You have arrived at a black-colored building.»

    «You»: That must be the place!

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    «In front of the building stands the Demon Lord Urgoth.»

    Demon Lord Urgoth: Hm... it seems that young knight has led me right to the Eye. Queen Tyranna will be most pleased.

    «Scene fades.»

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    «You»: (thinking) That must be the Eye. Whew. This has been a difficult journey, but it's almost over.
  • Take the Eye of Evil!

    «The Demon Lord Urgoth appears after you take the Eye.»

    Demon Lord Urgoth: I'll be taking the Eye, if you don't mind. My Queen has demanded it.
  • Not a chance!
        1 BATTLE: Demon Lord Urgoth
        Full Heal

      Demon Lord Urgoth: You are talented, for such a young knight. Your talent is wasted serving Rennd.
      Demon Lord Urgoth: What possible use do you have for the Eye anyway, hm?
    • I intend to keep it out of your hands!
        Demon Lord Urgoth: A pity that you are so dedicated to the light that you would blind yourself.
        Demon Lord Urgoth: Very well. It is yours for now. But I will come to claim it later.

        «He leaves.»
    • I intend to keep it for myself.
        Demon Lord Urgoth: Such a strange proclamation for one claiming to serve Rennd.
        Demon Lord Urgoth: Very well. It is yours for now. But I will come to claim it later.

        «He leaves.»
  • Fine, it's yours.
      Demon Lord Urgoth: Good answer, young knight.
      Demon Lord Urgoth: I shall remember your actions this day, and put in a good word for you with my Queen.
      Demon Lord Urgoth: When you have learned all you can from Sir Tathlin, you will make a fine addition to our ranks.
      Demon Lord Urgoth: And if you should meet any of my brothers, tell them you are a friend of Urgoth.
      Demon Lord Urgoth: That should stay their hands from harming you, lest they invoke my wrath.
    «Scene fades. New Scene: You have returned to Rennd.»

    Tathlin: Excellent work, «You»! It's good to know that the Eye is somewhere safe.
    Tathlin: And I suspect that your fighting spirit has grown strong indeed!
    Tathlin: You should now be able to summon your shield and sword. Now we can really get started with training!

    Congratulations! You are now a Level 1 Knight and have learned a new skill as a result of your training!
    Knight Level 1

    Tathlin: Now that you can manifest a shield and sword, we should begin your shield training.
    Tathlin: Remember: a shield to defend the helpless, and a sword to strike back at evil.
    Tathlin: Once you have experience with defending those who cannot defend themselves, we can begin to learn offense.
  • I'm ready!
  • I need more time to think about this. - Returns you to Knight menu
    Tathlin: Excellent! Go get some spare armor from the tent behind you and put it on. You won't be allowed to train in anything else.

    «Knight - Basic Training Shop opens.»

    «You»: Tathlin, before we start, I wanted to ask you about the Demon Knights.
    Tathlin: ... What about those murderous scum?
    «You»: I... was just hoping you could explain them a bit better. I know so little about them.
    Tathlin: What prompted this curiosity?
    «You»: I had to defeat one that was trying to steal the Eye. Fortunately, I defeated him.
    Tathlin: Very fortunate indeed. Not many young knights survive their first encounter with a Demon Knight.
    «You»: But he made me wonder about their order. I know that they threaten Rennd...
    Tathlin: Not just Rennd, but all of Lore. Those creatures aren't worthy of the title of 'Knight'.

    «Scene shows a fight between a Pria Knight and a Demon Knight. The Demon Knight Shield Bashes the Pria Knight and flees.»

    Tathlin: They don't believe in honorable combat, or defending those who need help.
    Tathlin: They seek only to destroy, and will use underhanded tactics and their demonic magic to win if they must.

    «The Demon Knight re-enters upon a Salamander, which then breathes fire, defeating the Pria Knight. Scene returns to reality.»

    Tathlin: For the sake of all of Lore, they must be completely wiped out and made to suffer as they have made Rennd suffer.
    «You»: ... I didn't realize you felt so strongly about them. I'm sorry for offending you.
    Tathlin: ... No, no, forgive me. I should mind my tongue better than that.
    Tathlin: At any rate, now you know of Stormfallen. When facing them in battle, you must expect them not to fight honorably.
    Tathlin: That is why today's lesson is so critical: it may well save your life when facing them.
    «You»: I'm ready to learn, Tathlin. I want to help you in this fight.
    Tathlin: That is reassuring to hear, «You»!
    Tathlin: You may have run into situations in your travels in which your foe's ferocity was greater than yours.
    Tathlin: In such situations, it is often best to raise your defenses rather than charging in.
    Tathlin: Knights... TRUE knights... are never the aggressor. And so, today, you will learn how to assume a defensive stance.
    Tathlin: You will face off against some fellow knights. Your goal will be to defeat them while taking as little damage as possible.
    Tathlin: I will monitor your progress every few fights and award you a point if you have managed to defend yourself adequately.
    Tathlin: Once you have achieved enough points, you can take the final test to complete this training exercise.
    Tathlin: Let's begin!
  • Fight!

      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal

    «If your remaining HP exceed 33% of your maximum:»

    Tathlin: Excellent work!
    Tathlin: Keep working, you're making progress.

    «If your remaining HP do not exceed 33% of your maximum:»

    Tathlin: Not good enough. You need to try harder.

    «The above battles repeat until you have three points, at which point a different dialogue plays.»

    Tathlin: Excellent work!

    «You enter.»

    Tathlin: That's good! You're ready for the final test.
    Tathlin: It's time to test your defensive prowess against me. If you can defeat me, today's training will be over.

      1 BATTLE: Sir Tathlin
      Full Heal

    Tathlin: Good work today. You've earned a rest.

    Congratulations! You are now a Level 2 Knight and have learned a new skill as a result of your training!
    Knight Level 2

    Tathlin: You have your shield and sword, and have learned how to use the shield to defend yourself.
    Tathlin: But a shield can also be used as an offensive tool to strike down enemies with a brutal blow.
    Tathlin: This will be your first lesson in offense: the Shield Bash!
  • I'm ready!
  • I need more time to think about this. - Returns you to Knight menu
    Tathlin: Excellent! I hope you remembered to bring your training armor. You won't be allowed to train in anything else.

    «Knight - Basic Training Shop opens.»

    «You»: Tathlin... about earlier...
    Tathlin: I am sorry if my... strong convictions have startled you.
    «You»: Not at all. I was just wondering if you might explain what sparked such hatred between Rennd and Stormfallen.
    «You»: But if the memory is too painful, then...
    Tathlin: No. You deserve to know so that you can understand my hatred.

    «Scene shows Rennd in the past.»

    Tathlin: Rennd was once the greatest, most powerful kingdom in all of Lore.
    Tathlin: Even the greatest cities of the modern world could not compare to Rennd's splendor.
    Tathlin: But that all changed that day...

    «A portal opens in the fields of Rennd. Tyranna is ejected.»

    Tathlin: Some say she was ejected from Heck by Stragath because he feared her might. Others claim she was too strong to be bound by Heck.
    Tathlin: All that is known for certain is that Tyranna escaped one day, and on that day, everything changed.

    «Scene changes. Tyranna has arrived at and built Stormfallen.»

    Tathlin: She built Stormfallen, the demon palace, and declared herself its Demon Queen.
    Tathlin: She raised an army of demons and also corrupted weak men with promises of power, convincing them to become her Demon Knights.
    Tathlin: And when her army was built up large enough... she attacked.

    «Scene shows Rennd's castle in flames. Tyranna and her "Knights" watch from afar.»

    Tathlin: Many kingdoms fell to her, or fell in line behind her, as her army marched on.
    Tathlin: Rennd was the only army able to stand up to her, and for that, she poured her wrath upon us.
    Tathlin: She would take no captives from us. She destroyed our farms and crops. She killed peasants who swore loyalty to us.
    Tathlin: Morale plummeted and families, such as mine, were torn apart. Even the land itself died.
    Tathlin: Since then, we have fought back with a fierce intensity, with the burning desire to avenge our fallen.
    Tathlin: But as knights, we know that such desires would force us to forsake our virtues.

    «Scene returns to the present.»

    Tathlin: So it is a difficult balance. We must keep our anger in check as we beat the demons back.
    Tathlin: But sometimes, it is hard to ignore their crimes.
    «You»: ... Tathlin, I had no idea. I'm so sorry.
    Tathlin: Never mind it. We should continue with your training.
    «You»: Right... you were saying about the Shield Bash?
    Tathlin: Yes... ahem, the shield is quite a formidable defense, but it can also be used as a mighty tool of attack.
    Tathlin: One such attack involves imbuing your shield with your own strength and fighting spirit...
    Tathlin: And then smashing into the foe like a human battering ram.
    Tathlin: When executed properly, the attack will stagger even the most rigid defenders and knock them off-guard.
    «You»: That sounds quite impressive. How can I learn such a technique?
    Tathlin: In order to master the Shield Bash, you must learn how to wield your shield properly.
    Tathlin: If you use your shield incorrectly when bashing a foe, you might seriously hurt yourself.
    Tathlin: That is why you must have incredible arm strength to endure such an attack.
    Tathlin: As such, I must ask you to wear this shield. It is made of very heavy rock that will be cumbersome to wield.
    Tathlin: However, it will definitely build your arm strength as you continue to use it.
    Tathlin: When you are ready, I will have you test out your Shield Bash.
    Tathlin: Let's begin!

    «You are equipped with the [link=]Rock Shield[/link] and remain unable to change shields in the battles that follow.»

      2 BATTLES

      Shield Bash
      Have you mastered the heavy weight of this rock shield, or do you need more practice?
      Difficulty: 76
      Stat Used: Strength

    If you fail, you will have the opportunity to Defy the roll. Failing Defiance results in a Full Heal and dialogue continuing as below:

    Tathlin: Not good enough. You need to try harder.

    You are then returned to the Battles as above. When subjected to the Roll again, the Difficulty will be lowered by 5 and will continue to be, if you continue to fail the Roll. If you fail five times, you will be forced to restart the quest.
    If you succeed or succeed in Defiance, you receive a Full Heal, the Rock Shield is unequipped, you are permitted to use the Shield Bash skill, and dialogue continues below.

    Tathlin: Excellent work! You're ready for the final test.
    Tathlin: It's time to test your arm strength. Show me your Shield Bash!

      1 BATTLE: Sir Tathlin
      Full Heal

    Tathlin: Good work today. You've earned a rest.

    Congratulations! You are now a Level 3 Knight and have learned a new skill as a result of your training!
    Knight Level 3

    Tathlin: Your training is progressing well, «You». You have the makings of a good Knight.
    Tathlin: Recall the second part of our motto: a sword to strike back at evil. It's time to discuss some swordplay.
    Tathlin: Listen well, and you will learn how to wield the Blade of Retaliation.
  • I'm ready!
  • I need more time to think about this. - Returns you to Knight menu
    Tathlin: Excellent! I hope you remembered to bring your training armor. You won't be allowed to train in anything else.

    «Knight - Basic Training Shop opens.»

    «You»: Tathlin, has Rennd been fighting this war against Stormfallen alone all this time?
    Tathlin: For some time, it was. Few kingdoms are powerful enough to aid us against the Demon Knights.
    Tathlin: However, today, there are two which provide us with direct aid.
    «You»: Which kingdoms are those?
    Tathlin: We'll discuss one today, and leave the other for another training day.
    Tathlin: Let me tell you about Deren...

    «Scene shows a Frogzard Knight in front of the capital of Deren.»

    Tathlin: Deren is a mighty kingdom, currently headed by King Tralin.
    Tathlin: Their order, the Frogzard Knights, have been mocked for their unorthodox techniques and their strange mounts.
    Tathlin: But they embrace the Frogzard as a symbol of their order's unpredictable tactics.
    Tathlin: No order of knights is able to adapt to changing battle conditions like they can.
    Tathlin: And their forces have been a great asset in the continuing battle against the Demon Knights.

    «Scene returns to the present.»

    Tathlin: In fact, it was the forces of Deren that perfected the craft of the technique we are focusing on today.
    Tathlin: You have been taught to use your blade only in the act of striking back against the forces of evil.
    Tathlin: This technique allows you to wait for a foe to waste its energy trying to harm you, and once it has grown tired...
    Tathlin: ... you swiftly strike it down with your blade. The foe's fatigue and your patience in waiting for an opening will make your strike powerful.
    «You»: All right. I'm ready to learn the technique.
    Tathlin: Using this skill means that you will have to weather your enemy's attacks, so you will need endurance.
    Tathlin: You must defeat your opponents despite your armor's poor state, or you won't be able to use this skill.

      2 BATTLES

      Blade of Retaliation
      Has your endurance reached acceptable levels, or do you need more practice?
      Difficulty: 51
      Stat Used: Endurance

    If you fail, you will have the opportunity to Defy the roll. Failing Defiance results in a Full Heal and dialogue continuing as below:

    Tathlin: Not good enough. You need to try harder.

    You are then returned to the Battles as above.
    If you succeed or succeed in Defiance, you receive a Full Heal, the Rock Shield is unequipped, you are permitted to use the Blade of Retaliation skill, and dialogue continues below.

    Tathlin: Excellent work! You're ready for the final test.
    Tathlin: It's time to see how much you have learned. Defeat me with the Blade of Retaliation to finish today's training.

      1 BATTLE: Sir Tathlin
      Full Heal

    Tathlin: Good work today. You've earned a rest.

    Congratulations! You are now a Level 4 Knight and have learned a new skill as a result of your training!
    Knight Level 4

    Tathlin: I grow more and more impressed with you each day, «You»
    Tathlin: I feel I can trust you with a difficult task: an 'Emoran Knight has gone missing, and we fear that...
    Tathlin: ... well, that the Demon Knights may be involved. Here is your last lesson: the importance of Brotherhood!
  • I'm ready!
  • I need more time to think about this. - Returns you to Knight menu
    Tathlin: Excellent! Go get some spare armor from the tent behind you and put it on. You won't be allowed to train in anything else.

    «Knight - Basic Training Shop opens.»

    «You»: You say that one of Granemor's knights has gone missing? Why do you suspect the Demon Knights are involved?
    Tathlin: That knight was part of a small scout force, sent to check on the advance of Stormfallen's troops.
    Tathlin: We received no reports back from them for some time. Later, another of our parties stumbled upon their camp.
    Tathlin: It was horribly damaged, with all of the knights slain... except for the missing one.
    Tathlin: We fear they may have taken him as a prisoner, to be tortured for more information?
    «You»: How horrible...
    Tathlin: You needn't fear. Granemor's knights are quite durable. Come to think of it, I haven't told you of them, have I?
    Tathlin: This will have to be a short introduction, I'm afraid, as time is of the essence.

    «Scene: An 'Emoran Knight stands in front of Granemor.»

    Tathlin: Granemor's status as a kingdom is fairly new, but they are a welcome addition to our ranks.
    Tathlin: Their order, the 'Emoran Knights, are veterans with years of service defending Granemor from all manner of creatures.
    Tathlin: Experience in facing the forces of darkness have helped them learn how to wield darkness for their own purposes.
    Tathlin: And years of having to defend their city from endless hordes has taught them the value of defense and teamwork.
    Tathlin: It is through teamwork... defending one another back to back as true comrades... that they triumph.

    «Scene returns to the present.»

    Tathlin: Unfortunately, even the mightiest defense can be overwhelmed through sheer numbers.
    Tathlin: There were many slain Demon Knights found in the camp, but there were just too many to defeat.
    Tathlin: We three kingdoms... Rennd, Deren, and Granemor... we have sworn an oath of brotherhood.
    Tathlin: We cannot leave a fellow knight to torture or death by those vile demons.
    «You»: I will bring him back alive, Tathlin. Have no doubt.
    Tathlin: Be careful. I do not want to see two of our knights held captive to those foul beings.

    «Scene: A volcanic landscape.»

    «You»: (thinking) Hm. Assuming that the Demon Knights' losses were as bad as Tathlin said...
    «You»: (thinking) They likely would have taken him into their territory to try and meet up with reinforcements.
    «You»: (thinking) They can't have gotten far. If I hurry, I might still locate the remains of their war party!

    «You begin navigating around the area in search of the remains of the war party. Click on the arrows to maneuver yourself around. For each room (even if revisited), you will encounter 1 BATTLE. You are allotted 5 Rests to fully restore HP and MP.»

    Need help with the search?

    Map of the area: Click Me!

    Fastest route: Right, Upper Diagonal, Lower Diagonal, Lower Diagonal

    «After finding the Demons:»

    Demon Knights: ...! We've been discovered!

    If you chose to give the Eye to Urgoth:
      «You»: Worry not, my brothers. I am an ally of Urgoth.
      Demon Knights: ... did you say Urgoth?
      «You»: Yes. I helped him steal the Eye from the knights of Rennd.
      Demon Knights: So that was you! Excellent. We were concerned when we saw a knight wearing Rennd's colors.
      «You»: What is the status of the prisoner? Tathlin sent me to "rescue" him.

      Dialogue continues below.
    If you did not give the Eye to Urgoth:
        2 BATTLES: Demon Knight
        Full Heal
        2 BATTLES: Demon Knight
        Full Heal

      «You»: You monsters can't stand against me. So just give up your prisoner!
      Demon Knights: Fool... you wasted your time coming here.

      Dialogue continues below.
    Demon Knights: He is beyond rescue now. Just as the knights have been developing purification techniques...

    «The 'Emoran Knight, now corrupted by demonic power, enters.»

    Demon Knights: ... so has our Demon Queen been developing methods to corrupt.
    Demon Knights: This test subject has begun the dawn of a new era.
    Demon Knights: Those who resist shall be converted into loyal subjects who serve Queen Tyranna.
    Demon Knights: Well, we are done with him now, anyway. Feel free to dispose of him...

    «They leave.»

      1 BATTLE: Corrupted 'Emoran Knight
      Full Heal

    «Scene: Rennd.»

    Tathlin: How awful! So our brother was beyond saving... corrupted by those demons...
    Tathlin: No... no. I must maintain my composure. He shall be avenged, but later. We have other matters to discuss.
    Tathlin: I'm pleased to inform you that we believe that the purification rite is prepared!
    Tathlin: We can now purify the Eye of the Unholy! Once we have done so, you will have earned the right to join any kingdom you wish.
    Tathlin: Knowing that we may be parting ways soon is hard, but I am proud to call you my friend and comrade.

    Congratulations! You are now a Level 5 Knight and have learned a new skill as a result of your training!
    Knight Level 5

    Tathlin: Your training as a Squire is complete. Soon, you will be able to select a Knightly Order to join, and from them you may learn more.

    Coming SUMMER 2013!
    • Kingdom of Rennd! The Pria Knights are excellent warriors trained in the use of Light, and are experienced in the art of demon-slaying after many years of warfare with Stormfallen's forces. Despite their numbers dwindling, their honor will not allow them to give up the fight!
    • Kingdom of Granemor! The 'Emoran Knights have developed excellent armor and defensive techniques. Their exposure to undead and the mutants have turned them into battle-hardened warriors of Darkness that know no fear... but are quite capable of driving fear deep into their enemies' hearts!
    • Kingdom of Stormfallen! The Demon Knights live to serve Demon Queen Tyranna. Their abandonment of their honor and virtues in favor of a merciless fighting style that uses demon magic have labeled them a disgrace to the title of "Knight". Nonetheless, no one dares ignore the bloodthirsty cry of these feral beasts!
    • Kingdom of Deren! The Frogzard Knights have learned to use their knowledge in battle to adapt to changing combat conditions. Their knowledge of nature and Earth, combined with their superior analytical minds, allow them to focus on creating openings and striking at a foe's weakness!
  • Settling. To be formatted. ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 6/24/2013 4:41:41 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 188
    6/22/2013 22:01:08   


    The four groups of four monsters in the Building Truphma III war have been reduced to four groups of two. All hail IMR!
    All hail IMR! :D Changes are now reflected in the entry. ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 6/24/2013 6:15:18 >
    AQ  Post #: 189
    6/23/2013 3:49:10   
      Grixus Faldor


    Orodalf: You missed one "Right" at the start in your Fastest route for Knight Level 4.
    The directions that Orodalf gave seems correct based on the map. ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 6/25/2013 5:37:54 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 190
    6/23/2013 16:44:07   
    big E


    ^ Actually, that's one "Right" too many. Right-Up-Down-Down is the fastest way - just check the map! :)
    Settled. ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 6/25/2013 5:38:20 >
    AQ  Post #: 191
    6/26/2013 16:19:24   


    This states that Mostly Harmless is #7, but in the game it's #6.
    And it's corrected now. Thanks! Also fixing all the other entries affected by this change, if any. ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 6/27/2013 15:23:03 >
    AQ  Post #: 192
    6/27/2013 15:06:31   
    Times Silent Keeper


    Paxia in Peril!

    «Scene: Xov's Throne Room. She's addressing a Truphma Outpost Master.»

    Xov Arakue: Tell me about this island to the east.
    Truphma: It is home to what these people call clans. Groups of people allied under one of the elements of the world.
    Xov Arakue: Ah, elements. Such great power lies in the taming of that which builds the world. If one can harness the essence of the world, one can take it without much loss.
    Truphma: Do you think you can harness this world's essence? It would be glorious.
    Xov Arakue: Let me tell you a story, my Truphma Commander. There was a planet, large, strong, independent minded.
    Xov Arakue: Yet, war was always on the horizon. When I arrived, they were crying out for respite and leadership, even though they didn't realize it.
    Xov Arakue: I had come, you see, to fulfill those prayers they sent up to the unfeeling deities this universe protects.
    Xov Arakue: I set about spreading our message and found the holy temples dedicated to their elemental spirits. And I took each one.
    Xov Arakue: Complacent, lazy, unfeeling spirits that they were, they did exactly what I wanted them to. They proved that our way was best when they failed their worshippers.
    Xov Arakue: Yes, the people rebelled and resisted us, but when one is used to brokenness and pain, it is hard to imagine peace and tranquility.
    Xov Arakue: The people of that planet could not imagine what I had was best, but they learned. As I took their elemental spirits and imprisoned them, the world began to change to our way of thinking.
    Xov Arakue: Many died, but as each elemental succumbed, so did the people.
    Xov Arakue: Many lost their lives attempting to save those pathetic representatives of the powers the universe put into place. We had to destroy much to accomplish perfection.
    Truphma: You were successful, though?
    Xov Arakue: I have you as a commander, do I not?

    «The scene fades to black. When it fades in, Xov has arrived in Paxia with her Truphma.»

    Xov Arakue: This... place was once a truly powerful island, full of people dedicated to their clan and their leader. They are no longer the proud, brave people of yesteryear.
    Xov Arakue: They are weak. They are inept. They have lost all ability to carry on the pride they once had. It plays into our hands, my people.
    Xov Arakue: Pride is a result of imagination. A false and terrible result of imagination. Many want this place to burn.
    Xov Arakue: There are those who wish to have Paxia destroyed, leveled and turned to rubble.
    Xov Arakue: I say we take it for ourselves, harness the power for our mission and use Paxia as it should have been all along. A machine of change and influence!
    Truphma Army: *Roars*

    «Xov Arakue raises her arm slightly, pointing at Paxia, and commanding her troops:»

    Xov Arakue: Storm them, my people. Storm every palace, every fortress, every place of clan gathering. Go!

    «More Truphma can be seen raiding Paxia as the scene fades to black... Elsewhere, you are in a forest when someone cries out your name!»

    ONeo: «You»! Please, «You», where are you!?
    «You»: What? Huh? Is someone calling me?

    «ONeo, a Nocturu clan member enters the scene.»

    ONeo: «You», thank Noctros I have found you. It's terrible! It's horrible! You have to come! You have to help!
    «You»: Slow down... Um, who are you?
    ONeo: I am ONeo, of clan Nocturu. The Truphma... Xov Arakue... they've stormed Paxia. They've STORMED PAXIA!
    ONeo: I know Noctros encourages every member to fight alone. We are not weak, but even he will resort to asking for help when he knows he faces an enemy beyond his power.
    ONeo: He... they will all be overrun...
    «You»: Gather all available fighters. Arm everyone you can! We will need all the help we can get.
    «You»: And, make sure those that were not at their clan homes declare their clan affiliation before fighting. We must take Paxia back from Xov!

    To be continued...

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
  • And posted. ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 6/27/2013 15:17:47 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 193
    7/5/2013 3:12:00   
    Count Crimson Helx


    Location to Thunder mountain quest is incorrect. It is saying Location: Travel map > Thunder Mountain and it should be Location: Travel Map > Travel South > Thunder Mountain.
    And it's fixed! Thanks! ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 7/5/2013 4:09:03 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW  Post #: 194
    7/5/2013 23:22:58   
     formerly In Media Res



    Ballyhoo now has upgrade shops for the last few promo items.
    Added. Thanks! ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 7/7/2013 4:42:11 >
    AQ  Post #: 195
    7/20/2013 3:01:35   
    Times Silent Keeper


    Advanced Knight Class Training - Pria Knights

    Knight Level 5

    Tathlin: Your basic training is now complete, my friend. Your safeguarding of the Eye has earned the faith of all three of our allied kingdoms.
    Tathlin: Purify the Eye of the Unholy, and take your rightful place as a full-fledged Knight!
  • I'm ready!
  • Not yet...

    Tathlin: Excellent! The magi are preparing the purification ceremony now, so we will have time to talk.

    «You don your Squire's Training Armor and meet with Tathlin.»

    Tathlin: We have a bit of time between now and the ceremony, friend. Have you thought about which kingdom you intend to join?
    «You»: Yes, I have.
    Tathlin: I'm eager to hear your decision! Which kingdom are you joining forces with?

    «You are given the four kingdoms to choose from. This entry will focus on the Kingdom of Rennd - the Pria Knights.»

    Tathlin: I am very pleased to hear that, friend!
    Tathlin: Come then, let's get the Eye purified. The magi should be ready now.
    «You»: Alright, I'll retrieve the Eye from its hiding place and rush it to the magi....

    «A Knight of Rennd enters the scene.»

    Knight of Rennd: The demons are coming! They must have found out about the ceremony!
    Tathlin: Curses... «You», take the Eye to the magi.
    «You»: What will you do?
    Tathlin: Hold them off as best I can. I can't stop them all, some will get past... but...
    «You»: Tathlin, I don't want to abandon you here!
    Tathlin: I will not fall to them. They haven't the strength to manage that feat.
    «You»: Alright... fight well, Tathlin, and Battle On!

    «Scene: Meeting with the magi»

    «You»: You need to purify the Eye, fast! The Demon Knights have come to claim it!
    Magi: We can only work so fast. Can you buy us some time?
    «You»: Absolutely!
    Magi: Good, because here they come!
      4 BATTLES: Demon Knight
      Full Heal after battles #2 and #4
    Magi: It has been purified! Quickly, take it and go to Sir Tathlin's aid! We cannot lose the heart and spirit of Rennd!
    «You»: Don't worry. He will survive!

    «You return to Sir Tathlin, his hands full with defending Urgoth's onslaught.»

    «You»: Demon! The Eye is purified, and your force is broken. Flee now and perhaps you'll be spared.
    Demon Lord Urgoth: Absolutely not!
    Tathlin: Then we shall end this, together!
      1 BATTLE: Demon Lord Urgoth
      Full Heal
    «Urgoth falls to the ground, defeated.»

    Tathlin: «You», you've done it!
    Tathlin: For your heroism this day, you may take the Eye with you on your adventures, wherever you go.
    «You»: I won't be going far, Tathlin.
    Tathlin: Yes... I know. And I am very happy to hear it, «You».
    Tathlin: Welcome to the order of the Pria Knights!

    Congratulations! You are now a Level 6 Knight, and have learned a new skill as a result of your training!

    Knight Level 6

    «Returning to the Kingdom of Rennd, a new option - Join Another Order! - is unlocked for you, and can be accessed from the Knight Class menu from this point on. You will now train as not just any ordinary Knight, but a Pria Knight. The Pria Knight Class shop is open as well, containing the Pria Knight Armour.»

    Tathlin: I am glad that you stayed true to Rennd, my friend.
    Tathlin: Now that you are one of us, we can begin with more extensive training.
    Tathlin: The focus for today is fighting on horseback. Are you prepared?
  • I'm ready!
  • I need more time to think about this.

    Tathlin: Excellent! You'll want to go get fitted for your new armor, and trade in your training gear.

    «You switch into your Pria Knight Armour and meet Tathlin on the practice grounds.»

    «You»: Tathlin, I have put my faith in you as my teacher, but I must know some things.
    «You»: How did this great war come about?
    Tathlin: To be quite honest, I couldn't tell you all of the details. It started so long ago that I was too young to remember.
    Tathlin: And unfortunately, virtually all of the people who could tell you are dead by now....
    «You»: So no one remembers how the war began?
    Tathlin: The stories have been passed down by the older members of our order over many, many years.
    Tathlin: But what you must understand, friend, is that this war has significantly shrunk our order.
    Tathlin: Through years of war and hardship, our numbers have dwindled.
    Tathlin: I myself was appointed Head Knight by our king primarily because no other candidates remained alive.
    «You»: I see... ah! The king! Would he know more about the start of this war?
    Tathlin: Hm, most likely. The royal records have been maintained with the utmost accuracy.
    «You»: I would appreciate it if you could help me obtain an audience with him.
    Tathlin: ....I will try, but our king is an old man now, and quite frail. Visitors are rarely allowed.
    Tathlin: For now, let us focus on your training as a Pria Knight.
    «You»: Alright. You mentioned horseback?
    Tathlin: Yes... all knights undergo some formal training in riding. Our order tends to prefer horses.
    Tathlin: Granemor's knights have bred enlarged Koofu to serve that purpose, and Deren uses Frogzards.
    «You»: And Stormfallen?
    Tathlin: They instruct their warriors to locate a fire salamander and train it to submit to them.
    Tathlin: Their mounts are fiercer than horses, but creatures kept in chains are not nearly as reliable.
    Tathlin: You'll have to complete a course on horseback in order to finish training today.
      2 BATTLES
    Heavy Cavalry
    Have you gained your horse's trust?
    Difficulty: 41
    Stat Used: Charisma

      «If you fail the roll...»
    «If you succeeded in the roll, you obtain the Heavy Cavalry skill and proceed with the dialogue.»

    Tathlin: Excellent work! You're ready for the final test.

    «You receive a Full Heal.»

    Tathlin: Can you best me on horseback, «You»?
      1 BATTLE: Sir Tathlin
      Full Heal
    Tathlin: My goodness! You've really impressed me with your skills, my friend. That will do for today.

    Congratulations! You are now a Level 7 Knight, and have learned a new skill as a result of your training!

    Knight Level 7

    Tathlin: Even the bravest knights have been in dire straits before when in a difficult battle.
    Tathlin: But the people look to us knights for inspiration. The morale and faith of the people relies on us.
    Tathlin: That is why I must now teach you how to give yourself a Morale Boost!
  • I'm ready!
  • I need more time to think about this.

    Tathlin: Excellent! I hope you remembered to bring your Pria Knight armor. You won't be allowed to train in anything else.

    «You equip the Pria Knight Armour and meet Tathlin on the practice grounds.»

    Tathlin: I have put in your request to meet with the king. However, he will not meet with you yet.
    «You»: Why not?
    Tathlin: Our king has become somewhat worrisome in his old age, and tends to refuse visits from all but his closest knights.
    Tathlin: You must understand, friend. This war has taken a psychological toll, and we have had knights betray our ranks in the past....
    Tathlin: Algern, for example.
    «You»: Algern the Shadowknight? I had heard that he was a former knight of Rennd, but....
    Tathlin: Algern was one of our most promising students. But everything changed one day....
    Tathlin: I can tell you this tale, but you must keep it secret. We have been sworn to secrecy.
    «You»: Of course.
    Tathlin: There were rumors that he was invited into the ranks of a very secretive order of knights.
    Tathlin: But he failed their tests, and disgraced our order's name with his cowardice.
    Tathlin: His rejection burned him so deeply that he became hell-bent on obtaining more power.
    Tathlin: He trained in dark and forbidden arts, and eventually sought out the aid of the Demon Queen.
    «You»: Tyranna? How did such a promising knight stoop so low?
    Tathlin: We don't know. But that was far from the worst of his betrayal... but that story is best saved for another time.
    Tathlin: Right now, the quickest way to gain our king's trust is to demonstrate your valor in training.
    «You»: Right.
    Tathlin: Today's lesson is the Morale Boost. This is a key skill in a knight's arsenal.
    Tathlin: Knights are leaders of the people. The morale of the people hinges on our own.
    Tathlin: That is why all of our knights are trained to use their fighting spirit to keep them standing.
    Tathlin: We must not show weakness in the face of the enemy, or else the citizens may lose hope.
    Tathlin: To use the Morale Boost, you must use your fighting spirit quite differently than you're used to.
    Tathlin: The best way to do that is extensive practice in battle. Use your Morale Boost to help you survive!
      2 BATTLES
    Morale Boost
    Have you practised enough to impress Tathlin?
    Difficulty: 61
    Stat Used: Strength

      «If you fail the roll...»
    «If you succeeded in the roll, you obtain the Morale Boost skill and proceed with the dialogue.»

    Tathlin: Excellent work! You're ready for the final test.

    «You receive a Full Heal and a Tank Knight enters the scene.»

    Tathlin: This knight has graciously offered to help. You will face him in combat.
    Tathlin: If you can hold your own for twenty turns, or you can defeat him, it will be evidence of your skills.
      1 BATTLE: Tank Knight Lord
      Full Heal
    Tathlin: My goodness! You've really impressed me with your skills, my friend. That will do for today.

    Congratulations! You are now a Level 8 Knight, and have learned a new skill as a result of your training!

    Knight Level 8

    Tathlin: You are nearing the end of your training. The king is impressed.
    Tathlin: I think that, if you can master this next skill, he might be willing to meet with you.
    Tathlin: Show our king your skill, and master the Blessed Arrow Barrage!
  • I'm ready!
  • I need more time to think about this.

    Tathlin: Excellent! I hope you remembered to bring your Pria Knight armor. You won't be allowed to train in anything else.

    «You equip the Pria Knight Armour and meet Tathlin on the practice grounds.»

    «You»: Tathlin, you spoke of Algern having committed an even worse betrayal. What did you mean?
    Tathlin: You will know when the time is right. For now, I will simply tell you of the events that transpired before and afterwards.
    Tathlin: Algern was hired by the Demon Queen to commit an atrocious deed, which he carried out.
    Tathlin: In exchange, he was granted great demonic power that warped and twisted him and his armor.
    Tathlin: He had gained the power he sought, but at a terrible cost... his humanity has been lost to him.
    Tathlin: Even worse, in granting him this power, Tyranna attempted to twist his mind so that he would forever serve her.
    Tathlin: But Algern could not be controlled so easily.
    Tathlin: His singular mindset to gain power and defeat his former master drove him, and kept him from her service.
    Tathlin: He left her, and has been traveling the world ever since, calling himself a 'shadowknight'.
    Tathlin: It is interesting, however, that he has been allowed to roam free....
    «You»: Why is that?
    Tathlin: ...That is a tale for another time, friend. We are forgetting the most important thing: your meeting with the king.
    Tathlin: He is impressed with your quick growth in training, and wants to see you master the Blessed Arrow Barrage.
    «You»: Blessed Arrow Barrage?
    Tathlin: When in battle, commanders would often instruct their archers to target a specific region on the battlefield.
    Tathlin: The 'Blessed Arrow Barrage' is typically achieved by having many archers fire a volley at the enemy.
    Tathlin: It is not typically designed to kill, but to demoralize an opponent and injure them.
    Tathlin: More powerful knights, however, need not drag archers along with them to fight... we can do it ourselves.
    «You»: How?
    Tathlin: With the magic of our own fighting spirit, of course! Just as you can conjure weapons....
    Tathlin: ....so, too, can you conjure arrows to barrage down upon your foes!
    «You»: This sounds as though it may be difficult. How will I create and control that many arrows?
    Tathlin: The same way you have learned other skills: practice, my friend!

    «You proceed to a mini game along the fields of Deren. Demon Knights are running rampant! It is up to you to shoot arrows and take them down. Once you have shot 10 Demon Knights...»

    Blessed Arrow Assault
    Have you practiced enough to impress Tathlin?
    Difficulty: 101
    Stat Used: Strength

      «If you fail the roll...»
    «If you succeeded in the roll, you obtain the Blessed Barrage skill and proceed with the dialogue.»

    Tathlin: Excellent work! You're ready for the final test.
    Tathlin: Show me your skills. Demonstrate the Blessed Arrow Barrage for me in battle!
      1 BATTLE: Sir Tathlin
      Full Heal
    Tathlin: My goodness! You've really impressed me with your skills, my friend. That will do for today.

    Congratulations! You are now a Level 9 Knight, and have learned a new skill as a result of your training!

    Knight Level 9

    Tathlin: My friend, I have excellent news! The king has granted you an audience.
    Tathlin: You have convinced him to teach you our greatest technique, and he wishes to do so personally!
    Tathlin: This is quite an honor, my friend. Our king is currently in his chambers. Let's not keep him waiting!
  • I'm ready!
  • I need more time to think about this.

    Tathlin: Excellent! I hope you remembered to bring your Pria Knight armor. You won't be allowed to train in anything else.

    «You equip the Pria Knight Armour and proceed to the king's chambers.»

    «You»: My king? I've come at your request....
    «You»: Odd... doesn't seem to be anyone here.
    «You»: Tathlin? Where is the king?
    Tathlin: My friend, I can no longer find it in my heart to keep up the necessary pretenses.
    Tathlin: Our king is dead. He died some time ago.
    «You»: ....was it Algern?
    Tathlin: Yes. Algern murdered our king in exchange for Tyranna's demonic power.
    Tathlin: She had actually suggested it as a joke... she never imagined he would carry out the deed.
    Tathlin: But once he did, that convinced her that she needed to keep him at her side as a loyal subject.
    «You»: But Algern was too strong for her.
    Tathlin: Yes. He was so strongly devoted to defeating his former master that nothing could bind his will.
    Tathlin: Not even the Demon Queen's magic.
    «You»: Why haven't you told anyone about this? Tried to hunt Algern down to pay for his crimes?
    Tathlin: Can you imagine how the citizens would react to hear that their beloved king was murdered?
    Tathlin: That the enemy was formerly one of their own, and how he easily slipped past the king's guard?
    Tathlin: Their will would be broken. They would flee in droves.
    «You»: Perhaps they should, Tathlin! Their lives are in great danger!
    Tathlin: We are the last bastion that keeps the demons out of the East, «You»!
    Tathlin: If we waver even slightly, all is lost! What would you have me do?
    «You»: ....*sigh* Perhaps you're right. It is a terrible lie, but the people need their leader.
    Tathlin: I thank you for understanding our situation, my friend.
    Tathlin: Only our most loyal knights know the truth. And as promised, I have a skill to teach you.
    Tathlin: This technique calls forth powerful, holy light to cleanse your foes. We call it Evil's Bane.
    Tathlin: But only those cleansed in the holy light of Rennd can utilize this technique. Come, we have prepared your final trial outside.

    «Back at the practice grounds...»

    Tathlin: Let me explain what will happen here.
    Tathlin: I will bring forth the holy light of Rennd. When it hits you, a knight in dark armor will manifest.
    Tathlin: He is the sum of the darkest parts of your soul. You must vanquish him completely to purify yourself.
    «You»: No problem!
    Tathlin: Do not be so certain of yourself. He will continue to restore himself to life until you have been completely purified.
    Tathlin: You may have to face him many times in a row. Do not relent!

    «Tathlin raises his sword slightly as it turns a bright yellow. Blinding light surrounds the area and a knight clad in black armor confronts you.»

    «You»: Come and face me!
      1 BATTLE: Inner Darkness
    Evil's Bane
    Have you been purified by the holy light, or do you still require more cleansing?
    Difficulty: 101
    Stat Used: Strength

      «If you fail the roll...»
    «If you succeeded in the roll, you obtain the Evil's Bane! skill. The blinding light fades away and you return to Rennd's practice grounds.»

    «You»: And stay down!
    Tathlin: I am pleased to see that you have succeeded.
    Tathlin: Now, demonstrate Evil's Bane for me, and join the ranks of our greatest knights!
      1 BATTLE: Sir Tathlin
      Full Heal
    Tathlin: My goodness! You've really impressed me with your skills, my friend. That will do for today.

    Congratulations! You are now a Level 10 Knight, and have learned a new skill as a result of your training!

    Knight Level 10

    Tathlin: I am proud to say that you are a fully-trained Pria Knight, my friend. I have no more skills to teach you, and I am proud to stand by your side against the demons of the West.

    «You return to the Knight Class menu.»
  • Settling. ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 7/26/2013 1:17:41 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 196
    7/26/2013 2:10:56   
    Times Silent Keeper


    Myth of Trigoras!

    «Scene: Battleon School»

    Eukara: Alright, students, settle down. While I understand having «You» join us for the day is exciting, it does not excuse you from behaving properly.
    Eukara: Today, we will be spending the day doing projects and activities using the Legend of Trigoras. Who in here can tell me something about Trigoras?
    Jimmy: Well, the trigoras are big monsters.
    Sora: They have THREE heads!
    Eukara: Yes, you are both somewhat right. But, do you know where Trigoras comes from?

    «You enter the scene.»

    «You»: Out of nowhere usually...

    «The students fly into a frenzy upon seeing your entry.»

    Eukara: Students, please! I will not have mobbing in my classroom!
    Eukara: We were just talking about what we actually know about the creature we commonly call, Trigoras. Tell me, «You», do you know where Trigoras comes from?
    «You»: Well, to be honest, I always thought they came from some dark cave in the forest.
    Eukara: Ah, the... No «You», HE, is a lost soul, roaming our world.
    «You»: He? You mean Trigoras is... one creature, not many?
    Nik: But, Ms. Vox, how is that possible? «You» has defeated Trigoras many times! I know all the stories!
    Eukara: Well, my wonderful students, that is what we are going to spend the day learning. I found The Myth of Trigoras in my library a week ago. After reading it, I knew I needed to teach it to you.
    Eukara: It's a sad story of fighting, betrayal and punishment. A fitting read, don't you think?
    «You»: Do you have anyone you answer to when it comes to the content of your lessons?
    Eukara: Of course I do, their parents! I've no complaints yet.
    «You»: . . .
    Eukara: So, we've already cleared up one misunderstanding. Trigoras is one creature, and one creature only. Do you know who the Creeren were?
    All: No, Ms. Vox.
    Eukara: No worries, my students. I assumed you didn't. So, today, you are going to learn much in the way of history on Lore and cooperation.

    «Eukara's staff transforms into a book and she closes her eyes, beginning her narration.»

    Eukara: The island was not overly large, yet supported a thriving civilization of artisans and architects. Life revolved around the assistance of others and the love of art.
    Eukara: Their benevolent king, Sydan ans Vankka, ruled with wisdom and kindness. He had three sons, Hapfjell, Ristet and Tristhet, whom he raised alone after his wife died in childbirth.

    «The classroom darkens.»

    Sora: It's happening!
    «You»: Oh, here we go again...
    Eukara: The king was much loved, but one day, a tragedy befell Creeren. An earthquake struck the island while King Vankka was out visiting his subjects.

    «Magical beams of light replace what was once the classroom as Eukara continues her narration.»

    Eukara: The bridge he was crossing collapsed, taking him down into the rushing river below. All who were with him that day died. After the period of mourning was over, the brothers began to bicker.
    Eukara: The abrupt death of their father left the Creeren without an appointed heir. Each son thought he made a better ruler and they fought.
    Eukara: The people suffered, either being forced to take a side, or forced to take refuge in the countryside.

    «Scene: Creeren. Monsters are seen swarming and attacking civilians.»

    Eukara: The war between brothers had left the nation in disrepair, monsters were left unchecked, and it seemed the island wouldn't survive the battle before them.
    Students: Yay! Field Trip!
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
    «You»: Oh dear lords, you can't be serious...
    Nik: «You» gets to be our teacher!
    Students: «You»! «You»! «You»! «You»!
    «You»: Shush! I need to think! This is a very dangerous place.

    «Jimmy raises his hand and points to the distance.»

    Jimmy: Oh, look! An elmo is coming right for us! Should we take notes, «You»?
    «You»: What the...?
      1 BATTLE: St. Elmo's Fire
      1 BATTLE
      Full Heal
    «You»: Take notes?! Why don't you take yourselves over to that building over there and hide? That way I know you're okay.
    Students: But... Ms. Vox let's us--
    «You»: I'm not Ms. Vox! Now, go!
    Janek: Obviously... She'd let us watch so we can learn...

    «The students hide into a building in the background.»
      2 BATTLES
      Full Heal
    «Hapfjell enters the scene.»

    Hapfjell: Why do you insist on continuing this childish rant? I am the oldest. I am the heir!

    «Ristet and Tristhet enter the scene.»

    Tristhet: Age has nothing to do with being fit to rule. If father thought you were fit, he would have already had it documented. What confidence he had in you!

    «Hapfjell turns and faces his other two brothers.»

    Hapfjell: Says the one responsible for our mother's death!
    Ristet: Enough! Both of you are acting like idiots! Our inability to come to our senses has destroyed Creeren! Do you not see it? Is all you care for, your own elevation above the others?

    «Eukara's students come out from hiding and stay in the distance.»

    Hapfjell: Oh, so now you are taking the high and mighty road? Where was that months ago? Where was your morality then, oh righteous and benevolent one?
    «You»: What... why can't they just LISTEN! Hey, Vox Pack, get your tails back behind the building.

    «A Doom Jelly charges straight for you!»
      1 BATTLE: Doom Jelly
      1 BATTLE
    (Thought) «You»: And they just stand there... taking NOTES! I remain alarmed at Ms. Vox's teaching methods...
    Tristhet: *snickers* You think you are the better choice, and so you are going to appeal to the masses by acting so sweet and kind. You are nothing but a mimic of our father!
    Ristet: Our people are DYING, brothers! Our island is in ruins and even now, it groans in pain, as if it is ready to give up.
    Hapfjell: Your bleeding heart is a mask for your deceit. Shut up and skulk away like you always do.
      1 BATTLE: Big Blue
      1 BATTLE
      Full Heal
    «You»: Argh, how am I supposed to follow the storyline if monsters keep interrupting! I know I missed something!
    Ristet: You are the imbeciles! You are the destroyers! You cannot see beyond your own noses!
    Tristhet: Let's see about that!

    «The three brothers charge toward each other, only to be interrupted by a bright beam of light, causing them to fall back. A spirit of water appears between the trio.»

    ???: So, it has come to this. Your father would be so disappointed in all three of you. Yes, even you Ristet. For even in your attempt to keep the peace you have contributed to the fight.
    Hapfjell: And who, exactly, are you--
    Tristhet: --to speak to us as if admonishing a child?
    ???: *tsks* Yes, Sydan would be heartbroken indeed.

    «Ristet suddenly gets on one knee and bows to the water spirit.»

    Ristet: My... my lady!
    Hapfjell: Lady of what, exactly? Ristet, stand up, you fool. We bow to no one.
    Lady of Waves: I am called Lady of Waves, faithful servant of the Water Lord. The Water Lord is poised to take your island into the depths, princes.
    Lady of Waves: Your father used to walk with me daily on the shores, listening to the will of the Water Lord, so that his people would be a shining light in my Lord's eyes.
    Lady of Waves: And upon his death, none of you sought to do the same. Instead, you fought, bringing destruction on the favored island of the Water Lord.
    Tristhet: The... Water Lord? Take our island?
    Lady of Waves: Yes! And why shouldn't he? You have abused the land and the people. There are NONE left for you to rule. YOU have destroyed the legacy your father tenderly nursed.
    Ristet: We've failed. My Water Lord, we've failed. FAILED!
    Lady of Waves: For this you will be punished. Divided you lived and together you shall eternally roam Lore. With a heavy heart I do this.

    «In a mass of bubbles, the silhouette of the three brothers merge and transform into a massive, three-headed green dragon.»

    Lady of Waves: In constant bickering you lived, subjecting your people to pain, betrayal, hardship and disappointment.
    Lady of Waves: And you will live, ever more, three-in-one, constantly at odds with those who seek peace and unity.
    Lady of Waves: You will spend your eternity roaming the world without a home and without friends.
    Lady of Waves: You will bicker constantly, and though you may not want to, be hunted and condemned to fighting all your lives.

    «Trigoras leaves the scene. The Lady of Waves turns and looks at you.»

    Lady of Waves: You do not belong here... Be gone!

    «In a flash of light, you find yourself back in the classroom. Eukara's students surround her and cheer.»

    Students: Ms. Vox! Ms. Vox! Ms. Vox!
    Eukara: Oh my darlings! I was so worried! «You», I am deeply sorry.
    «You»: You really need to get that fixed...
    Eukara: I've tried. The leader of my order is perplexed, because she cannot figure out why I do this.
    «You»: So, we are stuck with your erratic magic spontaneously whisking us into books and history?
    Eukara: I am afraid so...
    Students: Yay!
    Students: We saw the three brothers argue!
    Students: The brothers reminded me of my parents my mom and her sister...
    Students: And there was a LADY.
    Students: Yeah, Lady of Waves.
    Students: So pretty.... *sigh*
    Students: And they were turned into Trigoras!
    Eukara: «You», thank you for taking care of my students.
    «You»: It would have been easier if they weren't... Nevermind. Your students were exactly as I expect them to be. Good day, Ms. Vox.
    Eukara: I assume you took notes?

    «The students have a wide smile on their faces, throwing all their notes up into the air.»

    Students: Of course!
    Eukara: You are the perfect students!
    Myth of Trigoras

  • Might of Trigoras [L. 12]
  • Ferocious Might of Trigoras Z [L. 25 Z]
  • Might of Trigoras [L. 32]
  • Might of Trigoras [L. 52]
  • Might of Trigoras [L. 72]

  • Ferocious Might of Trigoras [L. 89 G]
  • Might of Trigoras [L. 92]
  • Might of Trigoras [L. 112]
  • Might of Trigoras [L. 132]
  • Ferocious Might of Trigoras Z [L. 135 Z]
  • Ferocious Might of Trigoras [L. 142 G]

    Find Trigoras via the Battle Monsters button in Battleon, you can also find him in the Void sometimes!
  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Formatting correction thanks to Paradoxical Enigma.

    Golden Giftbox!
    Rare and Ultra-rare Loot!

    Battleon » Speak to Valencia » What are Golden Giftboxes?

    Valencia: Every month we will add a new Golden Giftbox, offering a random chance for common, rare, and ultra-rare loot! You can purchase them for 250 Z-Tokens each or 10 for 2000! Would you like to buy a new Golden Giftbox?
  • YES!

      «If you do not have and Golden Gift Boxes currently...»

      Valencia: Hello Traveler! Have you heard about the new Golden Giftboxes yet?
    • No, what are they?

        Valencia: Every month we will add a new Golden Giftbox, offering a random chance for common, rare and ultra-rare loot! You can purchase them for 250 Z-Tokens each.
        Valencia: The common drops feature awesome XP and Gold rewards! The rare and ultra-rare items could be old rares making a return or something else completely incredible!
        Valencia: The rare and ultra-rare items will change every month so your only chance at grabbing them is during the month of their release! After that they are gone forever!
        Valencia: Ready to Buy a Box?
      • Buy Giftboxes! - See 'YES! I'd like to buy one!' option below
      • Maybe Later - Return to Battleon

    • YES! I'd like to buy one!

        Valencia: That's what I like to hear!
      • Buy One for 250 Tokens
      • Buy Ten for 2000 Tokens

          «If you choose to buy any amount of GGBs...»

          Valencia: One moment while I check for counterfeits... no offense, but you can't be too careful, y'know.

          «A message: "Success Buying «X» Golden Boxes" appears. You proceed to the dialogue where Valencia tells you how many GGBs you have left below.»

      • Maybe later... - Return to starting dialog

      «If you have any giftboxes left...»

      Valencia: You have «X» Golden Gift Boxes.
    • Open Box

        Valencia: This is so exciting, I hope you get what you are looking for! Let's see...
      • Open!

        «The lid of the Golden Gift Box slowly rises as Valencia chants:»

        Valencia: Open! Open!

        You have gained access to a special shop where you can buy ONE item. Choose carefully!

      • Open Shop - Opens either a Common, Rare or Ultra-Rare shop (see below)

    • Maybe Later - Return to Battleon
  • Maybe later...

    Golden Giftbox Common Shop

    [22 August 2013 - ?]
    • Kitsune Mask [L. 10]
    • Shikyo Mask [L. 10]
    • Shikyo Mask [L. 30]
    • Kitsune Mask [L. 30]
    • Kitsune Mask [L. 50]

    • Shikyo Mask [L. 50]
    • Shikyo Mask [L. 70]
    • Kitsune Mask [L. 70]
    • Kitsune Mask [L. 90]
    • Shikyo Mask [L. 90]

    • Shikyo Mask [L. 110]
    • Kitsune Mask [L. 110]
    • Kitsune Mask [L. 130]
    • Shikyo Mask [L. 130]
    • Shikyo Mask [L. 150]
    • Kitsune Mask [L. 150]

    • Mystery Bag of Gold [L. 1]
    • Mystery Scroll of Learning [L. 1]
    • Hidden Power of Gold [L. 2]
    • Hidden Power of Learning [L. 2]

      House Items
    • Golden Giftbox Painting [L. 5]
      Golden Giftbox Rares

      [22 August 2013 - ?]
      • Ultra Krieger Blade [L. 10]
      • Ultra Krieger Blade [L. 30]
      • Ultra Krieger Blade [L. 50]
      • Ultra Krieger Blade [L. 70]
      • Ultra Krieger Blade [L. 90]

      • Ultra Krieger Blade [L. 110]
      • Ultra Krieger Blade [L. 130]
      • Ultra Krieger Blade [L. 150]

        [25 July 2013 - 22 August 2013]Miscellaneous
      • Mystery Bag of Gold [L. 1]
      • Mystery Scroll of Learning [L. 1]
      • Hidden Power of Gold [L. 2]
      • Hidden Power of Learning [L. 2]
        Golden Giftbox UltraRares

        [22 August 2013 - ?]
        • Infernal Djinn [L. 10]
        • Infernal Djinn [L. 30]
        • Infernal Djinn [L. 50]
        • Infernal Djinn [L. 70]
        • Infernal Djinn [L. 90]

        • Infernal Djinn [L. 110]
        • Infernal Djinn [L. 130]
        • Infernal Djinn [L. 150]

          [25 July 2013 - 22 August 2013]Miscellaneous
        • Mystery Bag of Gold [L. 1]
        • Mystery Scroll of Learning [L. 1]
        • Hidden Power of Gold [L. 2]
        • Hidden Power of Learning [L. 2]
          Golden Giftbox Shop of Awesome!!!

          Note: This shop does not open ever again once you have upgraded your weapon to the Awe!!! version.

        • AWE Weapon Upgrade!!! [L. 5]

        • Mystery Bag of Gold [L. 1]
        • Mystery Scroll of Learning [L. 1]
        • Hidden Power of Gold [L. 2]
        • Hidden Power of Learning [L. 2]
          If you forgot to buy something, you can open the shop again.

          Or you can continue on.

        • Open Shop - Reopens the shop you just closed
        • Continue - Returns to dialog allowing you to open more boxes
  • To be settled. ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 8/23/2013 22:26:23 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 197
    7/26/2013 9:08:53   



    Knight Level 8 quest

    Tathlin: You are nearing the end of your training. The king is impressed.
    You proceed to a mini game along the fields of Deren. Demon Knights are running rampant! It is up to you to shoot arrows and take them down. Once you have shot 10 Demon Knights...
    <<If you took too long to shoot 10 Demon knights>>

    Tathlin: Not good enough. You need to try harder.

    You return to the screen where you need to shoot 10 Demon knights (in one attempt).
    <<If you shot 10 Demon knights>>

    You face a stat roll.

    Blessed Arrow Assault
    Have you practiced enough to impress Tathlin?
    Difficulty: 91 (after two failed attempt of shoot 10 Demon knights)
    Stat Used: Strength
    <<If you fail the stat roll >>

    Tathlin: Not good enough. You need to try harder.

    You return to the screen where you need to shoot 5 Demon knights (in one attempt). Once you have shot 5 Demon knights, you face a stat roll

    Blessed Arrow Assault
    Have you practiced enough to impress Tathlin?
    Difficulty: 86
    Stat Used: Strength
    <<If you succeeded in the roll (any blessed arrow assault stat roll), you obtain the Blessed Barrage skill and proceed with the dialogue.>>

    Tathlin: Excellent work! You're ready for the final test.
    Tathlin: Show me your skills. Demonstrate the Blessed Arrow Barrage for me in battle!

    1 BATTLE: Sir Tathlin
    Full Heal

    Tathlin: My goodness! You've really impressed me with your skills, my friend. That will do for today.

    Congratulations! You are now a Level 9 Knight, and have learned a new skill as a result of your training!

    I have added the case of failing to shoot enough Demon knights in one attempt (two times). I also have added the case of failing the stat roll once (after two failure to shoot 10 Demon knights in one attempt). I am not sure, how the stat roll difficulty of this quest is set (I think the difficulty start at 101 then drop by 5 for each failure of shooting of Demon knights/ stat roll).
    This is added. Thanks! ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 8/23/2013 22:38:34 >
    AQ  Post #: 198
    8/3/2013 19:16:48   
    Times Silent Keeper


    Advanced Knight Class Training - 'Emoran Knights

    Knight Level 5

    Tathlin: Excellent! The magi are preparing the purification ceremony now, so we will have time to talk.

    «You don your Squire's Training Armor and meet with Tathlin.»

    Tathlin: We have a bit of time between now and the ceremony, friend. Have you thought about which kingdom you intend to join?
    «You»: Yes, I have.
    Tathlin: I'm eager to hear your decision! Which kingdom are you joining forces with?

    «You are given the four kingdoms to choose from. This entry will focus on the Kingdom of Granemor - the 'Emoran Knights.»

    Tathlin: I am very pleased to hear that, friend! My only regret is that we must part ways, but I am confident that you will be an excellent Knight in any order.
    Tathlin: Come then, let's get the Eye purified. The magi should be ready now.
    «You»: Alright, I'll retrieve the Eye from its hiding place and rush it to the magi....

    «A Knight of Rennd enters the scene.»

    Knight of Rennd: The demons are coming! They must have found out about the ceremony!
    Tathlin: Curses... «You», take the Eye to the magi.
    «You»: What will you do?
    Tathlin: Hold them off as best I can. I can't stop them all, some will get past... but...
    «You»: Tathlin, I don't want to abandon you here!
    Tathlin: I will not fall to them. They haven't the strength to manage that feat.
    «You»: Alright... fight well, Tathlin, and Battle On!

    «Scene: Meeting with the magi»

    «You»: You need to purify the Eye, fast! The Demon Knights have come to claim it!
    Magi: We can only work so fast. Can you buy us some time?
    «You»: Absolutely!
    Magi: Good, because here they come!
      4 BATTLES: Demon Knight
      Full Heal after battles #2 and #4
    Magi: It has been purified! Quickly, take it and go to Sir Tathlin's aid! We cannot lose the heart and spirit of Rennd!
    «You»: Don't worry. He will survive!

    «You return to Sir Tathlin, his hands full with defending Urgoth's onslaught.»

    «You»: Demon! The Eye is purified, and your force is broken. Flee now and perhaps you'll be spared.
    Demon Lord Urgoth: Absolutely not!
    Tathlin: Then we shall end this, together!
      1 BATTLE: Demon Lord Urgoth
      Full Heal
    «Urgoth falls to the ground, defeated.»

    Tathlin: «You», you've done it!
    Tathlin: For your heroism this day, you may take the Eye with you on your adventures, wherever you go.
    Tathlin: I have sent ahead correspondence. They will be expecting you.
    «You»: Thank you, Tathlin. I will see you again as soon as I can.

    Congratulations! You are now a Level 6 Knight, and have learned a new skill as a result of your training!

    Knight Level 6

    «Scene: Plains near the castle of Granemor»

    General Herous: Greetings, «You»! Prepare yourself, serving as an 'Emoran Knight is more difficult than you may think!

    «A new option - Join Another Order! - is unlocked for you, and can be accessed from the Knight Class menu from this point on. You will now train as not just any ordinary Knight, but an 'Emoran Knight. The 'Emoran Knight Class shop is open as well, containing the 'Emoran Knight Armour, which General Herous tells you to "use this equipment well".»

    General Herous: Welcome to Granemor's army, young friend! I just know that you're going to be something special....
    General Herous: Tathlin only taught you the basics, so we'll have to get into some more advanced techniques.
    General Herous: Tell me... have you ever ridden a Koofu? If not, you may want to prepare yourself. They can be stubborn.
  • I'm ready!
  • I need more time to think about this.

    General Herous: Excellent! You'll want to go get fitted for your new armor, and trade in your training gear.

    «You change into the 'Emoran Knight Armour and meet General Herous on the practice grounds.»

    General Herous: I am glad that you chose to join with Granemor, friend.
    General Herous: I warn you, though. Tathlin would have you train with ordinary knights to build your skills.
    General Herous: We do things quite differently. Our knights are sent outside the walls to face the mutant menace.
    General Herous: By fighting the most vicious and powerful creatures in Lore, our troops become experts of defensive combat.
    General Herous: It also helps us keep the mutant population down, so it's a win-win. Are you ready to begin?
    «You»: Yes sir!
    General Herous: Excellent. Bring in the Koofu!

    «An 'Emoran Knight riding a Koofu enters the scene.»

    «You»: ...and here I thought you were only kidding.
    General Herous: Not at all! Dewlok got us invested in the idea. The Koofu are reliable and fast creatures.
    General Herous: They allow our troops to mobilize quickly so that we can fortify ourselves at a rapid pace.
    «You»: But they don't normally grow this large! How did you manage to breed such enormous Koofu?
    General Herous: We have very generous benefactors. They have provided us with ample funding and powerful magic to maintain our army.
    General Herous: It is why our forces are some of the most well-equipped in all of Lore.
    «You»: I see. That's good to hear! Granemor needs good defenders, being situated so close to Darkovia.
    General Herous: I'm glad you see things our way, «You»!
    General Herous: Now, shall we find you a Koofu to ride?
    «You»: Yes sir!
      2 BATTLES
    Koofu Kavalry
    Have you gained your koofu's trust?
    Difficulty: 41
    Stat Used: Charisma

      «If you fail the roll...»
    «If you succeeded in the roll, you obtain the Koofu Cavalry skill and proceed with the dialogue.»

    General Herous: Seems as though you're ready for your last test.

    «You receive a Full Heal.»

    General Herous: Let us see who rides the Koofu better.... you, or me!
      1 BATTLE: General Herous
      Full Heal
    General Herous: Ahaha! A fine effort today, friend. You've earned a brief break.

    Congratulations! You are now a Level 7 Knight, and have learned a new skill as a result of your training!

    Knight Level 7

    General Herous: There are times in combat where you will need to stand firm and never fall to the enemy.
    General Herous: To do this, 'Emoran knights reach deep within and draw upon their spiritual essence to keep the fight going.
    General Herous: Today's lesson is the technique of Spiritual Reinforcement!
  • I'm ready!
  • I need more time to think about this.

    General Herous: Excellent! I hope you remembered to bring your 'Emoran Knight armor. You won't be allowed to train in anything else.

    «You change into the 'Emoran Knight Armour and meet General Herous on the practice grounds.»

    «You»: Sir, if I'm to understand correctly, you said that this technique relies on one's "spiritual essence".
    «You»: Is that similar to what Tathlin called the knight's "fighting spirit"?
    General Herous: Not quite, «You».
    General Herous: Tathlin is a fine warrior, but still quite young and naive. He believes that ordinary magic is wielded for dark purposes.
    General Herous: But magic's use is not so black-and-white. We in Granemor believe strongly in using magic to grant us great might.
    General Herous: We rely strongly on magic. It is through magic that our Koofu are so large and might, and our swords sharp and deadly!
    General Herous: We draw on the mana of our spirits to replenish ourselves in battle, as well, allowing us to outlast our foes!
    General Herous: This is what we call "Spiritual Reinforcement".
    General Herous: Are you ready to give it a try?
    «You»: Yes sir!
      2 BATTLES
    Fighting Spirit
    Have you practiced enough to impress General Herous?
    Difficulty: 61
    Stat Used: Strength

      «If you fail the roll...»
    «If you succeeded in the roll, you obtain the Spiritual Reinforcement skill and proceed with the dialogue.»

    General Herous: Seems as though you're ready for your last test.

    «You receive a Full Heal, and a Tank Knight emerges from the shadow into the scene.»

    General Herous: We have prepared a strong, durable enemy for you to face!
    General Herous: Survive twenty turns or defeat him and your training will be complete for today!
      1 BATTLE: Tank Knight Lord
      Full Heal
    General Herous: Ahaha! A fine effort today, friend. You've earned a brief break.

    Congratulations! You are now a Level 8 Knight, and have learned a new skill as a result of your training!

    Knight Level 8

    General Herous: Your skill is growing, «You»!
    General Herous: We are getting into the most advanced techniques now... I hope you are prepared.
    General Herous: Now, see if you can master the Frightening Arrow Barrage!
  • I'm ready!
  • I need more time to think about this.

    General Herous: Excellent! I hope you remembered to bring your 'Emoran Knight armor. You won't be allowed to train in anything else.

    «You change into the 'Emoran Knight Armour and meet General Herous on the practice grounds.»

    «You»: Sir, you keep mentioning these "benefactors" of ours... who are they exactly?
    «You»: I've tried asking around town, but no one seems too talkative....
    General Herous: Why do you ask?
    «You»: No real reason. I suppose I'm just eager to meet the people funding this great army I'm a part of.
    General Herous: Fair enough. Perhaps one day you will. But I warn ya, they're quite secretive and don't like attention.
    «You»: Why would they feel the need to hide themselves? Their aid has built Granemor into one of the most amazing towns in all Lore!
    General Herous: Indeed, friend, but with wealth comes enemies. There are those who would wish them harm.
    General Herous: For that reason, we protect their identities from all but our best knights.
    General Herous: I'm quite certain that you'll be joining those ranks very soon!
    General Herous: Now then, let's see if you can keep the pace going. Your lesson for today is the Arrow Barrage.
    General Herous: In times of war, commanders would direct their archers to fire a volley at a specific area of the battlefield.
    General Herous: This tactic is usually to demoralize and wound our foes, making them easier to defeat.
    General Herous: Expert knights, however, can achieve this effect without a legion of archers following them around.
    General Herous: By drawing upon one's own mana and strength, we can create arrows to drop from the skies onto our enemies!
    General Herous: Practice your archery, and soon your foes will be unable to avoid your unlimited arrow assault!

    «You proceed to a mini game along the grounds of Granemor. Demon Knights are running rampant! It is up to you to shoot arrows and take them down. Once you have shot 10 Demon Knights...»

    Frightening Arrow
    Have you hit enough demon knights to impress General Herous?
    Difficulty: 101
    Stat Used: Strength

      «If you fail the roll...»
    «If you succeeded in the roll, you obtain the Necrotic Barrage skill and proceed with the dialogue.»

    General Herous: Seems as though you're ready for your last test.

    «You receive a Full Heal.»

    General Herous: Show me your skill in battle! Demonstrate the Frightening Arrow Barrage!
      1 BATTLE: General Herous
      Full Heal
    General Herous: Ahaha! A fine effort today, friend. You've earned a brief break.

    Congratulations! You are now a Level 9 Knight, and have learned a new skill as a result of your training!

    Knight Level 9

    General Herous: Our queen has requested an audience with you. It seems your talent has not gone unnoticed.
    General Herous: I warn you, be careful what you say. If you should speak out of turn, you may not live to regret it.
    General Herous: If you impress her, I have been told that you will be allowed to learn our greatest technique!
  • I'm ready!
  • I need more time to think about this.

    General Herous: Excellent! I hope you remembered to bring your 'Emoran Knight armor. You won't be allowed to train in anything else.

    «You equip the 'Emoran Knight Armour and proceed to a dungeon. You meet General Herous.»

    «You»: Sir! Reporting for duty.
    General Herous: At ease. The queen will not be coming, I'm afraid. However, there is someone I'd like you to meet....

    «Kaley Obsidia enters the scene.»

    «You»: ....you! Kaley Obsidia! Your reputation precedes you, necromancer!
    Kaley Obsidia: Ah, it is good to know that.
    General Herous: «You», hold your hand! The necromancers are our benefactors!
    «You»: What?!
    General Herous: Perhaps I should explain....
    General Herous: My family came from a kingdom in the Western Expanse. When the demons came, they destroyed our kingdom.
    General Herous: We had nothing... nothing but the fire of vengeance in our hearts. And then we met Kaley...
    Kaley Obsidia: The necromancers are quite wealthy indeed, but we lived in constant fear of the Paladin Order.
    Kaley Obsidia: We hid in Granemor, but the Devourer destroyed this haven with his armies. We needed a place to hide...
    Kaley Obsidia: That's when we struck a deal with the Herous family.
    General Herous: None in the east knew of our small kingdom, so no one knew of us. We showed up, offering to rebuild Granemor....
    General Herous: And in exchange, we took over as its leaders.
    «You»: Except that the money came from the necromancers, in exchange for using the city as a protective veil from the Paladin Order!
    Kaley Obsidia: Precisely.
    General Herous: The city is heavily fortified and has kept the necromancers safe and hidden from the Paladin Order all this time.
    «You»: Everything about Granemor's history makes sense now... why the city had such an infestation of undead all this time, for one.
    «You»: And it explains how the city was rebuilt so quickly by a royal family that no one had ever heard of...
    «You»: It explains your armaments and techniques as well. Your knights use dark magic! You are the antithesis of what Tathlin...
    General Herous: Tathlin, as I said, is young and naive. His order uses light magic and fools himself into believing it is different.
    General Herous: It is no different than the demons' fire magic, or our dark magic.
    Kaley Obsidia: And dark magics are not necessarily evil. They can be used with rightful intentions.
    «You»: So then... why join the war against Stormfallen? What do you gain from this?
    Kaley Obsidia: Bodies. Plenty of kingdoms have been destroyed and their people slaughtered... it provides us with limitless undead.
    «You»: What a horrific truth this is....
    General Herous: «You»! Hold your tongue! The necromancers are our benefactors!
    General Herous: This deal has done much good. Granemor is safer than ever from attack. The people are happy!
    General Herous: And we have been able to fight back against the demons, to seek our vengeance.
    General Herous: We can fight them forever, now. Pay back the suffering they have caused a thousandfold, and more!
    «You»: But... I can't support this...
    Kaley Obsidia: Come now, what would you do? Tell the paladins? None would believe you. We have left no trace of our existence here.
    Kaley Obsidia: Besides, would you have them burn Granemor to the ground and bring harm to its people in their witch hunt for us?
    «You»: ....no, I suppose not.
    Kaley Obsidia: Glad you see it our way.
    General Herous: Please, «You». We need loyal knights like you to keep Granemor safe.
    «You»: ....very well. For the sake of Granemor, I will keep your secrets safe.
    Kaley Obsidia: Excellent! General, he is ready to learn our most powerful technique.
    General Herous: Of course, my lady. We'll proceed at once with his training.

    «A swirling dark orb appears on Kaley Obsidia's hand, and swirls of darkness surround you.»

    Kaley Obsidia: You will need to embrace your inner darkness to utilize this technique.
    Kaley Obsidia: So I shall send you into your own mind to face the horrors within.
    Kaley Obsidia: If you are able to embrace their power, you will emerge with great dark power... but fail, and you will die.
    Kaley Obsidia: Make us proud, «You».

    «As the swirls engulf you, you get transported into a dark, hollow part of yourself.»

    «You»: It's awfully dark and empty in my mind... I'm not sure if I should be insulted or not.
      1 BATTLE: Inner Darkness
    Inner Darkness
    Have you embraced the darkness yet?
    Difficulty: 101
    Stat Used: Strength

      «If you fail the roll, you receive a Full Heal and the following dialogue.»

      «You»: Got to keep trying....

      «Repeat battle as above followed by a roll -5 of the difficult per time you fail the roll.»
    «If you succeeded in the roll, you obtain the Dark Pact! skill and the scene returns back to the dungeon, proceeding with the dialogue below.»

    Kaley Obsidia: Ah, you've returned to us.
    General Herous: Show me the might of the necromancers! Use the Dark Pact!
      1 BATTLE: General Herous
      Full Heal
    General Herous: Ahaha! A fine effort today, friend. You've earned a brief break.

    Congratulations! You are now a Level 10 Knight, and have learned a new skill as a result of your training!

    Knight Level 10

    General Herous: I am proud to say that you are a fully-trained 'Emoran Knight. I have no more skills to teach you, and I welcome you at my side on the walls of Granemor.

    «You return to the Knight Class menu.»

    Corrections thanks to ArchMagus Orodalf.
  • To be settled. ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 8/23/2013 22:39:18 >
    AQ DF MQ  Post #: 199
    8/7/2013 15:02:35   
    ArchMagus Orodalf


    @above: This line (8) seems misattributed:


    General Herous: I've tried asking around town, but no one seems too talkative...

    It should be «You» who says this, not Herous. If it's like that in-game, it must needs be fixed.

    Also, a typo in (9):


    General Herous: None in the easy knew of our small kingdom, so no one knew of us. We showed up, offering to rebuild Granemor....

    "east," not "easy."
    Insult to Injury!
    Paxia War

    Today's Event » War in Paxia! (Insult to Injury!)

    «Scene: The home of Clan Nocturu. Xov Arakue's Truphma have surrounded the Chiropterran clan leader.»

    You may skip this cutscene at any time.

    Xov Arakue: Noctros, is it?
    Noctros: Perceptive, aren't you? Why have you come to my sanctuary?

    «Xov enters.»

    Xov Arakue: You know why I have come. All of your so-called leaders knew I would be here eventually. And yet, all of you sat in your sequestered palaces and did nothing.
    Noctros: I have ways of seeing beyond my walls. I know you are not having such an easy time yourself. Perhaps getting out of your own palace has done you some good.
    Xov Arakue: Tsk, tsk. You are in no position, Noctros, to bait me. You are surrounded, and your blessed abode is failing. Even now, it is succumbing to my power, our power.
    Xov Arakue: Surrendering would be best, but you are like all others who "watch" over the elements and warriors. You will let them do everything for you while you watch.
    Noctros: You are not welcome here. Leave, Xov Arakue, and do not set foot in my realm again.
    Xov Arakue: Bring him!

    «A Nocturu clan member is brought in by two Truphma.»

    Xov Arakue: Tell us all again your rousing words when we entered the palace!
    Moap: My leader is the Honourable Noctros! I will die for him!
    Xov Arakue: Honourable is a strange way to describe your fearless leader. You are a Chiropterran, are you not? Not of Lore's blood, but of another place.
    Xov Arakue: So, Moap, you are to believe that your leader, who abandoned his people, who left his world, who has never looked back, is what you wish to emulate?
    Xov Arakue: You wish to follow, blindly, one who dismisses his own in a heartbeat for greener fields?
    Xov Arakue: That, sir, doesn't sound like an honourable leader to me. That sounds like someone willing to sacrifice whoever it takes to be where he is most powerful.
    Xov Arakue: Truly, you fit the darkness stereotype to a T. You are not honourable, you are nothing but a dark evil!
    Noctros: Darkness is not evil, Xov. Get your facts straight.
    Moap: Though we follow the Darkness, we're not evil! Thought you won't believe me, we're the ones who pray the most on the island of Paxia.
    Xov Arakue: You think praying the hardest is a good thing? I would say it was the opposite. If you must pray so hard to have your leader turn his blind eyes towards you, then he is no leader at all.
    Xov Arakue: He who has to pray the hardest has the most unfeeling leader or god. Your prayers only show me that it is rather pathetic that anyone should have to pray so hard for their leader to notice them.
    Moap: But...
    Xov Arakue: Take him away. He's served his purpose. Noctros, don't you think that they have all questioned why you left your people, abandoned them?

    «Moap is taken away.»

    Xov Arakue: Did it ever occur to you that maybe they all fear you would do the same to them?
    Noctros: You have had your say. Now go before I dispose of you.
    Xov Arakue: I am only getting started. Bring him in!

    «Another clan member, Riffus Maximus, is brought in.»

    Riffus Maximus: I love Nocturu! Our oldest members were full of creativity and imagination!
    Riffus Maximus: The sacred halls of this castle drove them to create the story o our clan, to chronicle all that we are about. They created tenets and religious and historical archives.
    Xov Arakue: But your current members are lacking? Sounds as if your leader has fallen short again.
    Xov Arakue: You've encouraged nothing in your people, Noctros. You've let them flounder, alone, their minds filling with ideas that counter peace and tranquility.
    Riffus Maximus: That isn't what I said! Our creativity and religious devotions are what we are known for best. You cannot get any better than that!
    Xov Arakue: Oh, but you see, that is exactly your problem. What has your creativity created but a glorification of unsettling and disturbing things like war, hatred, revenge, pain and sorrow?
    Xov Arakue: What do your prayers do but implore and beg for the abilities to inflict that on others?

    «Noctros raises his wings.»

    Noctros: That is enough!

    «Yet another clan member, Undersoul, is brought in.»

    Undersoul: Shadows dwell in all men's hearts, and in Noctros's spire the shadows dwell everywhere. Nocturu is peace, and it is war.
    Xov Arakue: So you prey on the shadows that fill men's hearts? Shadows that kill, maim, hurt. Shadows that create turmoil and strife. Nocturu isn't peace, Noctros. It is war.
    Xov Arakue: It is a war of the soul desiring for a peace you cannot fathom. You devour the shadows in men's hearts to fuel your own desires.
    Xov Arakue: See what you have done, Noctros?! You have created a following that is delusional in regards to what peace is!
    Xov Arakue: You have given hope to those who do not realise you are a coward and a deserter. Just as you are blind to the world, they are blind to YOU!

    «A winged Truphma beside Noctros stands up.»

    Xov Arakue: I'd be doing Paxia a service by divesting you of your throne. Seize him, my soliders. Seize him and turn his mind! No more will people flock to this dark leader and his blinded, ambitious ways.

    «Scene fades. New Scene: The palace of Clan Lucian.»

    Xov Arakue: Greetings, Lucius. Such an undignified display for one such as you. I was under the impression that a creature like yourself was more graceful.
    Lucius: What are you doing in my realm? You are not welcome here.
    Xov Arakue: I am doing my job, Lucius.
    Lucius: Your job is nothing but the depression of spirit and truth. You are a blight on our world.
    Xov Arakue: Tut, tut, Lucius. Resorting to name-calling is so beneath you. Surely someone like you would be enlightened enough to see that what I have to offer is for the good of all.

    «More Truphma enter.»

    Xov Arakue: The fact of the matter, Lucius, is that you don't have a choice.
    Lucius: Begone, you monster.
    Xov Arakue: Here you go again with the name-calling. Is that as creative as you get? Apparently, even though you represent light, your people are far from enlightened. Bring him!

    «A member of Clan Lucian is brought in.»

    Xov Arakue: Recite for me your art.
    SIGMUND: Shiny. Powerful. Graceful. Pegacorn.

    «Xov makes a mocking face.»

    Xov Arakue: *claps slowly* Is that all your clan is? A bunch of pretties who wish they had power?
    Xov Arakue: I have to say, for such an inspiring element, you are woefully undermanned. I met few willing to come to your aid upon storming the castle.
    Lucius: What have you done to my people!?

    «Xov's face returns to its usual expression.»

    Xov Arakue: Nothing more than give them enlightenment. Though, this one resisted well. She has spirit and will serve me well. Bring her!

    «A female clan member is brought in.»

    Xov Arakue: show me that spirit again, young one. Show your enlightened leader what you are made of.
    Theosenia: Our leader is beautiful, noble and wise! Our clan has done some quite remarkable things in the past, and it's always read to rise and shine again!
    Theosenia: We still have some of the oldest members who are extremely active.
    Xov Arakue: Again with the compliments of superficial attractiveness. Is that all you are, Lucius? A superficial creature, vain, and in need of such attention?
    Xov Arakue: And you might have done remarkable things in the past, but what of the present? Are you that reduced, that decrepit, that you cannot be a force to be reckoned with now?
    Xov Arakue: Oh wait... you have the oldest members. There's your problem. So you've failed to attract new blood to carry on your "valiant" and "noble" teachings. Will such goodness die with you, then?
    Theosenia: That is NOT what I meant! You twist my words, you cruel, lifeless witch. In the case of a war, let me assure you that you'd much rather have Lucians as allies instead of enemies!
    Xov Arakue: Charming. Seems they do take after you, Lucius. Name-calling seems to be what you are best at...
    Xov Arakue: Rein him in, my soldiers. It's time to take this pony out to pasture.

    «Scene fades. New Scene: Aerodu thinks.»

    Aerodu: Rumour has it two have fallen.

    «His eyes shut in contemplation.»

    Aerodu: Rumour. Should I put my trust in rumours?

    «Scene fades. New Scene: An Aerodu Clan member sounds the alarm as she sights Xov.»

    Jerenda: An enemy at our doorstep! The shrieking battle cry of our leader will be the last thing you hear as our warriors descend on you.
    Jerenda: You will fall to the might and glory of our blade. We will not be broken. We will not fall.
    Xov Arakue: My, such passion and ferocity. I think I will keep you.

    «She turns Jerenda.»

    Xov Arakue: Perfect.

    «Scene moves as Xov advances on Aerodu.»

    Aerodu: Then it is true.
    Xov Arakue: I must say, you run a pretty tight ship here. I had the most awful time getting to you. Such devoted followers...
    Aerodu: Yes, they are. I don't have to abuse my followers into blind submission. Your minions are nothing but damaged goods.
    Xov Arakue: Such strong words of confidence. Yet I am here, which means your precious followers fell to me. Perhaps such a tightly run ship has issues. *snaps fingers*

    «Two clan members are brought in.»

    battlesiege15: Aerodu is a graceful and care-free clan where you can basically set yourself free and do whatever you want.
    James Lu: Aerodu is honourable, nice and does not turn away anyone.
    Xov Arakue: Tsk, Aerodu. You seem to have a clan full of people with weapons and no self-control or discipline. They can do whatever they want? You do not turn any away?
    Xov Arakue: What are you doing up here? Creating a military or creating an asylum of halfwits, undisciplined mobs and careless vagrants?
    Aerodu: That is not what they said.
    Xov Arakue: On the contrary, it's exactly what they said. You have no real control over their behaviour, do you? Bring in the other two.

    «Two others are brought in.»

    Xov Arakue: Tell me again about your clan, loyal fighters...
    Doomsday: Our leader is a giant bird that pilots a spaceship with missiles and lazers.
    Muchiha: Our enemies are just jealous of what the Aerodu Clan has. We just simply "look down" on them.
    Xov Arakue: So you are telling me that your leader is a creature capable of flight, yet feels the need to pilot a flying machine? I truly apologise for him.
    Xov Arakue: It seems you follow an impotent leader harbouring some crippling fear that he hides behind the great flying machine you so dearly love.
    Xov Arakue: You "look down: on the other clans? I don't know how you're able to do that if you can't drag yourselves away from your mirrors.
    Xov Arakue: Such self-importance is the downfall of all powerful nations and clans.
    Aerodu: Enough. I will take you down myself.
    Xov Arakue: Not so fast, Aerodu. You have soldiers who would throw themselves off of bridges if you ordered them to, but lack the wings to soar through the sky.
    Xov Arakue: Instead they'll plummet to the ground and die. Before he fell, I asked one called hict98 what makes you strong. He claims that you have a great second in command.
    Xov Arakue: *Claps*

    «The aforementioned second in command is brought in.»

    Aerodu: Ultrapowerpie... no...
    Xov Arakue: He fought bravely, led many against me and mine, but he fell, just like you will. And this one, who proclaimed such fierce devotion the moment I set foot on the ship will help.

    «The turned Jerenda enters.»

    Aerodu: Jerenda...

    «Scene fades. New Scene: The Igneus volcano.»

    Xov Arakue: (off-Scene) I will hand it to you. If you don't want someone to reach you, live in a volcano.

    «She enters.»

    Igneox: Xov Arakue! This cannot be...
    Xov Arakue: Oh, it can be. I came upon such fiery followers on my way in, too. Admirable to a point, but more disturbing.
    Xov Arakue: You, Igneox, are the epitome of why I am on Lore. You and yours are the embodiment of why I spread my message.
    Igneox: Do tell, Xov. What is it about my followers and myself that you find so terrible that we are the examples?
    Xov Arakue: Because you asked... Bring the first in!

    «Yazoi is brought in.»

    Yazoi: We will become a RAGING UNSTOPPABLE INFERNO and burn everything away. We will not be stopped, ever!
    Xov Arakue: You and your clan seek to consume everything? What will happen when there's nothing left for you gluttons to feat on?
    Igneox: ...
    Xov Arakue: No reply? No fiery retort? Shame. Shall we hear out another?

    «CH4OT1C! is brought in.»

    CH4OT1C!: Those who follow Igneus are often those who love destruction. WE have the power to destroy.
    Xov Arakue: THIS is why I am here, Igneox! Wanton destruction, determination to annihilate, the will to wipe out all that is in your path.
    Xov Arakue: This I find irresponsible and despicable. I have no mercy for you. THIS is what the mind does when it is allowed to create and imagine.
    Igneox: You misinterpret what they are saying.
    Xov Arakue: No, Igneox. You mislead and misguide your own followers into the path of destruction and downfall. You put these horrific thoughts and actions into them. You indoctrinate them into violence and hatred.
    Igneox: That is untrue!
    Xov Arakue: Bring me the one who calls himself whackybeanz. I will take care of him.

    «whackybeanz is brought in.»

    Xov Arakue: Tell me, whackybeanz, what it is that you proclaimed to my commanders.
    whackybeanz: Igneus prides itself for being one with burning hot passion in whatever we do, be it on or off the battlefield.
    whackybeanz: We strive to do the best in whatever we do, because like flames, we believe that our power cannot be extinguished easily.
    Xov Arakue: He was a shining spark among these blackened embers. He will join me by my side with another from Aerodu to fight my fight now. I'll leave the remains of your clan to burn themselves out.

    «He is turned.»

    Igneox: No! You cannot do this! You are the one in the wrong here!
    Xov Arakue: Don't worry, I'll rescue you from the utter destruction I have decided upon for your fortress of fire. I'll save your hide.

    «Scene fades as a host of Truphma rushes toward Igneox. New Scene: The home of Clan Glacius.»
    Corrections made, and entry added on to the next half of the dialog. Thanks! ~whacky

    < Message edited by whackybeanz -- 8/8/2013 22:11:28 >
    AQ DF MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 200
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