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RE: Did you notice? V

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9/29/2013 21:31:19   
Cyber Dream

@Mother1 and Rein I kinda misread that.

Did you notice that balance cannot be achieved if we keep nerfing? Think of this as a cycle, if we keep nerfing builds then an unexpected build will come out of no where to be as powerful as the one that got nerfed. This cycle cannot be broken if we keeping throwing out more nerfs than we do buffs.
AQW Epic  Post #: 26
9/29/2013 21:38:46   

If you keep buffing, the same will happen. One build will be stronger than the other and other aspects of PvP will be indirectly nerfed - buff damage too much, and you render defence/HP less useful. This works both ways, so don't assume nerfs cause it because nerfs prolong the battle and allow luck's impact to spread out - as opposed to two or three turn battles where luck may give you too much of an edge.
AQ Epic  Post #: 27
9/29/2013 21:45:12   
Cyber Dream

Im not saying that you should keep buffing instead of nerfing. Im saying go both ways so that we can find the balance. Just like a real scale but lately we have been having way more Nerfs than buffs so if this keeps happening then balance will never been achieved
AQW Epic  Post #: 28
9/30/2013 8:58:29   

Did you notice that every level 36 player you meet automatically expects to win because they're facing a level 35? And did you notice how satisfying it is to shove your victory in their faces as they rage? I have yet to lose to a level 36, they simply think they're unstoppable because of their level advantage.
AQW Epic  Post #: 29
10/1/2013 19:24:30   

Did you notice on ID Cards, it has "Office of Citizenship, Magistrate Baelius" written on them. So it's weird for Exiles to have those ID Cards and be Citizens of Delta V.. o.O
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 30
10/2/2013 20:20:33   

Did you guys noticed I AM BACK IN THE FORUMS ?????

Epic  Post #: 31
10/2/2013 21:24:34   

Did you noticed that they finally updated the Epicduel ScreenShots section on the homepage?
AQW Epic  Post #: 32
10/6/2013 13:58:32   
Thylek Shran

Did you notice that there are 2 Zedmyrs ?
One on the path from Mirvīs Ammo Depot to the Bazaar and one in the Bazaar.



v.35.3 (2016-01-23) ~ beam.to/shran
DF Epic  Post #: 33
10/6/2013 15:34:22   
Cyber Dream

Did you notice that when a player challenges you, you can accpect by clicking their name and clicking challenge player to duel
AQW Epic  Post #: 34
10/6/2013 23:36:55   

@Thylek Shran, there is also a similar npc right outside of Ulysses workshop, to the left.

< Message edited by GearzHeadz -- 10/6/2013 23:38:36 >
DF AQW Epic  Post #: 35
10/7/2013 19:38:12   
Dual Thrusters

Did you notice that it is insanely hard to match your colors with the Spectral Reaper?


MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 36
10/7/2013 20:56:07   

Did you notice the amount of capture you need for the final rank is the same as the combined total you need to get to level 9?
Epic  Post #: 37
10/8/2013 20:26:37   
Thylek Shran

Did you notice that there alot unannounced (sometimes daily) game patches with unknown changes ?

Did you notice that Mort and Zedmyr have the same look ? (See also Post #35)

< Message edited by Thylek Shran -- 10/8/2013 20:29:34 >
DF Epic  Post #: 38
10/15/2013 22:04:56   



Did you noticed that they finally updated the Epicduel ScreenShots section on the homepage?

In case you didn't know, there was a content for that on the forums: =ED= "Parker! Get me pictures of Omega!" Contest

< Message edited by XapApp -- 10/15/2013 22:05:19 >
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 39
10/15/2013 23:28:38   

Did you notice that we can achieve balance if everyone is Blood Mage with same build ? LOL
Post #: 40
10/19/2013 11:55:51   
Thylek Shran

Did you notice that the latest release "Meet Mr. Musk" is embedded advertisement ?
(for the real life person Elon Musk and his companies)

I wonder how much Mr. Musk had payed Mr. Bohn (Artix) to get such a heavy
advertise embedded to our beloved game.

< Message edited by Thylek Shran -- 10/19/2013 11:57:51 >
DF Epic  Post #: 41
10/19/2013 12:00:46   



Did you notice that we can achieve balance if everyone is Blood Mage with same build ? LOL

isn't that already the case in 1v1 ?

Post #: 42
10/19/2013 12:09:28   

XapApp: Yes I know there was a constest, I participated on it and I won the cheevo of it. Called Epic Photographer.
That's why I said Finally, Because they finally added my Screenshots.
AQW Epic  Post #: 43
10/19/2013 16:12:31   

Ah, I see. Congratulations~!
MQ AQW Epic  Post #: 44
10/21/2013 4:28:24   

Did you notice that they voiced the chair man + george lower :D they sound really lame but thats what actually makes it cool if they had normal voice acting jobs they would be fired.unless they have a really weird boss with a chainsaw ..ehh hem (artix) then they would actually get paid xD
AQ DF AQW Epic  Post #: 45
10/21/2013 5:23:33   

Did you notice the faction Echo Of Silence suddenly come from no where and get on the 2v2 leaderboards everyday?

(Aka Apex Legends faction which I am apart of)

Also we got world domination in the first 2 weeks we were created, Just putting it out there.
AQW Epic  Post #: 46
10/22/2013 12:29:15   

Did you notice a lot of players tend to notice other players' luck in a duel, rather than their own?

For example: I usually start a duel with Smoke Screen; more than 50 % of the time my smoke gets blocked. Then later on as the turns go by and we're both at low HP, I block the opponent's Bludgeon or something similar which gives me a massive advantage, I then get to hear "OMG LUCKY NOOB" from a player not realizing they blocked my smoke at the start, which very well could have made me win much earlier.
AQW Epic  Post #: 47
10/22/2013 12:51:51   

Yep! And when making balance complaints, they don't really mention their own luck, but focus on their opponent's luck instead. As long as it's in their favour, luck is good. If it's against them, luck is bad and needs a nerf.
AQ Epic  Post #: 48
10/22/2013 12:58:34   
xPhSycHo SnaKe EyeZx

Did you notice its always the same factions winning the faction dailies.
Epic  Post #: 49
10/22/2013 20:25:32   

did you notice old promos might as well be sold if you don't use there innate core/ love it's appearance? since almost every pre omega core has been re-done for f2p players to use?
Epic  Post #: 50
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