Marauderator 🧭
A Big Day For Bubble Other names: Back to Bubble and Verly!, Broken Curse Location: Hero's Heart Day Storybook -> Chapter 8 -> Bubble's List! -> Back to Bubble and Verly!, Location: Mogloween Storybook -> Chapter 10 -> Broken Curse Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of Kitty Nip (HHD) / None (Mogloween) Release Date: February 13th, 2015 Objective: Well you finally have everything on the list. Time to head back to Bubble and Verlyrus. Objective completed: Well that was unexpected. Now that she is finally human again I wonder what that will mean for Mogloween this year. Sorry that you have to deliver more Snuggle-Grams though. Happy Hero Heart Day! Scaled Yes/No: No Experience rewarded: 0 Gold rewarded: 0 Monsters None NPCs Big Daddy Bubble (Cat/Witch) Verlyrus Rewards None Dialogue Bubble: HAHAHA! You're kidding. Verlyrus: Miiiau! Meow meow mjau. Bubble: I can't believe he/she really thought you wanted those tails. Bubble: Oh this is too funny. <Character>: I don't mean to interrupt but I brought everything back. I had to improvise on a few things but it's all outside. <Character>: The scratching post turned out to be a bit...big. <Character>: I'm not sure how to get it inside. Bubble: You actually got everything? Even the Kitty Nip? <Character>: Yep! I have no idea why Cysero had some in his tower. I also probably don't want to know why he had a Doomkitten in there. Verlyrus: Meow mew meow, miau. Bubble: Yes, thank you <Character>. <Character>: Don't think I'll keep doing stuff like this though. Bubble: No, I suppose you wouldn't. Verlyrus: Mew? Bubble: I don't know. Let me find out. Bubble: <Character>, since it's not even close to Croft's return I was going to stay here. Do you think it would be safe for me to? Bubble: A talking cat might cause people to wonder what's going on though, especially with the Rose in charge. <Character>: I think it would be, as long as you don't talk with people around. <Character>: They have bigger concerns than one more cat hanging around a few of the buildings right now. <Character>: You aren't going to cause any problems like you usually do though. Right? Bubble: I promise I won't cause any issues. <Character>: Verlyrus here will just have to make sure you follow through on that. Verlyrus: Meow! Meow miau! <Character>: I'll take that as a yes. I need to head back to Big Daddy and let him know how things went here. Bubble: I think I'll go for a walk. I want to see a bit more of the town. Bubble: I'll be back soon Verly. Verlyrus: M..mew? mjau mjau...meow? Bubble: Of course. You've been a gentleman this whole time. *Bubble kisses Verlyrus.* Bubble: What is... *The kiss works pink love magic on Bubble.* Bubble: AHHHHHHH! *Bubble transforms back into witch form.* Bubble: What in the... *Bubble realises that she's now human again, you and Verlyrus stare in shock.* Bubble: I have hands! Bubble: And feet! Bubble: And no fur! Verlyrus: ...mew? Bubble: I'm human again! Bubble: After all this time I'm finally human again. Verlyrus: Meow? Verlyrus: MEOW! Meow mew! Meow miau MEOW! Bubble: I don't know what you did but you've given me the greatest gift anyone ever has. Bubble: Thank you! Verlyrus: ...mew. Meow...mew... Bubble: Yes! I know! It's amazing! Bubble: <Character>, I'm going to go out and talk to people and just enjoy walking on two feet again! Bubble: It's been so long. Heeheehee! Bubble: I'll be back soon Verly! <Character>: She seems really happy now. Verlyrus: ...meow... <Character>: Cheer up. You gave her the thing she's wanted for years. Verlyrus: Mew. Meow mew miau mjau. Miao. Meow mew! Meow mew meow, miau. <Character>: You know I still can't understand what you're saying without her here to translate right? Verlyrus: Meow. <Character>: I'm going to make sure she's not talking people's ears off. Then I need to go let Big Daddy know how things turned out. <Character>: See you later Verlyrus. Keep her out of trouble while I'm gone, alright? Verlyrus: Mew... Verlyrus: Meow... <Character>: She ended up talking to a few people and then went to the inn to get something to eat. <Character>: I checked to make sure everything was ok and then came back here. Big Daddy: <Character>. You have no idea what you just did, do you. <Character>: I watched as someone got what they wanted for years? Big Daddy: NO! Big Daddy: You made that poor Verlyrus all sad during the most loooove filled time of the year! Big Daddy: Now I'm gonna have to send Snuggle-Grams to cheer him up. Then find him another kitty for a date... Big Daddy: You turned one mess into another! <Character>: Oh... I didn't really think of it that way. Big Daddy: *sigh* You just don't have the knack for loooove like Big Daddy. Big Daddy: I'll head over and fix this mess up. You now have to make this up to me and deliver some Snuggle-Grams! <Character>: No. Anything but that. I hate that costume. Big Daddy: No buts! Now get out there and spread some loooove! <Character>: Ugggghhhhhhhhh! Complete Quest
< Message edited by Jay -- 10/26/2020 4:51:29 >