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RE: Quests - Read the first post!

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8/19/2018 23:32:25   
Legendary Ash

Chessmaster: Going Kukoo

Today's Event or Chessmaster Saga > 19: Going Kukoo

<<A hologram of Warlic's head appears in a room with brown, turquoise, blue, magneta and violet books and blue, red, green violet potions on a book shelf where Kamui, Lord Barrius, Zephyros, Radagast, Kalanyr and Aelthai are gathered>>
Zephyros: Loco is focusing on Battleon, then?
Warlic: It's not surprising, really. At this point I imagine that it's habit as much as anything else. I'll keep working on a solution on my end.

<<The hologram fades and You walk in from the left>>
<<You>>: I came as soon as I heard. What's happening?
Radagast: Well, for starters, Loco's loose - not my fault, by the way - and he's... well, being Loco.

<<Pans to the right at Loco wearing a top hat levitating behind a wooden podium on the edge of the grassy cliff overlooking Battleon>>
Loco: My fellow Lorians. More score than I care to think about years ago, my kin put forth upon my existence, a great prison...
Loco: But enough stuffy stuff. I'm out, and now the fun begins.

<<A pie flies across the inside of the Inn from the right and lands on Hans face>>
Hans: GAH!

<<Returns to the room where the Knights of Order are gathered>>
Kalanyr: Unfortunately Loco's just a symptom of a greater problem.
<<You>>: Oh so that's the good news then.
Lord Barrius: Well, it is competing with the complete unravelling of Lore's magiphysics.
<<You>>: What?
Kamui: It's complicated. Existence is reliant on a series of constants, rules that don't change. To use a macroscopic analogy, two plus three will always equal five.
Zephyros: To spare you the lecture, when something messes with any of those constants, and - all else being equal - two plus three suddenly equals four hundred and twelve, everything based on that fact starts to break.
<<You>>: And something messed with those "constants"? What?
Everyone: Ku.
<<You>>: That's what those things do?
Kalanyr: In that they mess up the laws of nature and magic? Yes. That said, it's usually minor tweaks with little impact. This Ku is apparently...exceptionally ambitious.
Kalanyr: The simple fact that it escaped our notice for so long also has disturbing implications.
<<You>>: ...This is the part where you tell me it's going to get worse, isn't it?

<<A hologram of Warlic's head appears>>
Radagast: No, this is the part where Warlic says "it just got worse".
Warlic: Things just took a turn for the worse. Death just showed up on my doorstep. Apparently the 'residents' of Nowhere just broke loose.
Zephyros: Alright, things are going downhill fast. We have to get moving.
Kalanyr: Right. Aelthai, Kamui? You're with me.
Kamui: Hotfix contingencies, got it. I'll handle the physics issues.
Aelthai: I'll work on the elemental framework.
Kalanyr: That leaves metamagical overlay for me. Zephyros, Barrius?
Zephyros: Cross reference artifact enchantments to identify failing systems, I know.
Lord Barrius: Reinforcement of planar boundaries. You don't have to tell me.
Kalanyr: Shii, Radagast?
Shii(Radagast): Yes?
Shii: Yes?
Kalanyr: Start hunting.
Shii(Radagast): *big grin*
Shii: *big grin*

<<The Knights of Order leave except Kalanyr>>
<<You>>: And what am I doing, then?
Kalanyr: I imagine that you've got your hands full without us adding to your workload.
<<You>>: Meaning?
Kalanyr: Meaning that with all of Nowhere breaking loose, Battleon is going to need you.

<<Kalanyr walks towards the screen and right, leaving the hologram of Warlic's head and You>>
Warlic: He's right, <<You>>, there's more than a few escapees with a grudge against this town, and you. We need you here.
<<You>>: ...Want to bet that the Ku responsible is also joining in?
Warlic: That certainly seems likely, if past experience is anything to go by.

<<The hologram of Warlic's head fades, Karuna falls down from above and stands up>>
<<You>>: Karuna
Karuna: NOT NOW, <<YOU>>! I need to have some words with that friend of yours. The security system he installed has been going off constantly, and it's scaring my little Mara!
<<You>>: ...I'll explain on the way to Battleon.

War camp

Going Kukoo

Things are going wrong. While you have
secured five of the Prime Orbs, the
mysterious Numbered Beasts have taken
tree for their purposes. But with Loco
and other all-too-familiar foes running
amok, however, things are quickly going
from bad to worse. The rules as you know
them seem to be breaking and you need
to hold the line until they are fixed.


<<You walk in as Karuna falls down from above and stands up, Radagast and Shii turn around from the right in a grassy area next to a forest>>
Radagast: <<You>>! Fancy meeting you here.
<<You>>: Wait, why are you two here? I thought you were looking for the Ku?
Radagast: We were. And then we found them. And they're here.
<<You>>: "Them"? There's more than one?
Radagast: Well...

<<A flying Ku on the left faces a Ku with wyvern wings and a Ku D'envoi on the right>>
Ku #1: Ku?
Ku #2: Ku
Ku #3: Kuchoo!
Ku #2: Ku ku!

<<Returns to You, Karuna, Radagast and Shii>>
Radagast: So, there's a bit of good news and bad news there.
Shii: The fun news is that we don't have to share our toys ^_^
Radagast: Close enough. We should each be able to handle one. Then it's just a matter of cleanup.
Karuna: And the bad news?
Radagast: Well, same as before. Things are probably going to get worse before they get better if those things keep undoing the rules.

<<Karuna emits an !>>
Karuna: I have to get back home!

<<Karuna dashes to the left, leaving the scene>>
Radagast: ...Kids?
<<You>>: Kids.
Radagast: Fair enough.
<<You>>: And he's being serious again...The weirdness continues.


<<A white diagonal slash is made on a black screen, a flying Ku disappears in defeat in front of Shii>>
Shii: I win ^_^

<<You walk in from the left and Shii turns around from the right>>
<<You>>: Shii? What are you doing here?
Shii: Killing Ku.

<<A bright red orange glow emitted from an explosion occurs on the right>>
<<You>>: What was that?
Shii: The blast? Probably Radagast.
<<You>>: ...Are you sure he's ok?
Shii: *shrug* He's good at dodging. He'll be fine.

<<Radagast stands on the left facing a Ku with wyvern wings>>
Radagast: Huh. Missed. You're a nimble one.
Ku: Ku Ku!
Radagast: Am not!
Radagast: ...Well, ok maybe a little.

<<A grey oval shadow moves in from the southeast>>
Radagast: Well, not that it hasn't been a blast, but it's time to end this.

<<Radagast walks forwards swinging his sword, the Ku rears up, the scene becomes black and from the left a blast of fire occurs>>

  • Guest List

  • War Rewards
  • Top Character War Wins!
    Top 25
    Divine Dracolich Devastator
    Top 50
    Sterling High Noon
    1000 Individual Kills
    Antarctic Athame
  • Go Back

    Twilly: Battleon is in danger... again!
    Twilly:If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please.
      Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
    • Thank you!

  • Let me handle this

    If you become a Guardian, then you can ride the Radiant Warhorse into battle!

    Potions By Lucretia
    Lucretia: Get your potions here! Free samples for Guardians! Full heals from the punch bowl! Talk to me for specialty potions!
  • Deal!
    <<You>>: Wait... Lucretia? What are you doing here?
  • ???
    Lucretia: Running a shop! I wouldn't be much of a businesswoman if I didn't go where the customers were, no?
  • I guess?
    Lucretia: If you want, I have a shop set up out back for specialty potions!

    Potion bag
    You must be a Guardian to refill your Health potions from this bag.

    Bubbling Purple liquid Cauldron
    You down a glass and are fully healed! Tastes like almond/anise/apple/banana/blackberry/blood/blueberry/burning/butter rum/butterscotch/caramel/cherry/chocolate/cinammon/clove/coconut/coffee/cola/cotton candy/cream soda/dandelion and burdock/dragonfruit/failure/fruit punch/ginger ale/grape/honey/lemon/lemonade/lemon-lime/licorice/lime/maple/marshmallow/mint/moglinberry/moglinberry wine/Nutella/orange/passionfruit/peach/peanut butter/peppermint/piņa colada/pineapple/prunes/purple/raspberry/root beer/sarsaparilla/sour apple/sour cherry/sour grape/strawberry/success/watermelon/wildberry!

  • To Battle!
      How many waves would you like to fight before returning to camp to rest?
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Five

      You will now fight # wave(s) before returning to camp!
      Four Battles from Monster Pool Full Heal after each two
      [X] Click this button to return to camp at the next save point.

  • Secret Mission!
  • Back to Town

    Once the war meter reaches 100%

    Four Battles with Full Heal after each two

    <<You>>: Wait...is that?

    <<A Ku with wyvern wings crawls from the right and stop in front of the Inn>>
    Ku: Ku!
    <<You>>: If this is the last of them, I can end it now.

    <<A large fiery blue blast emits from the ground, Akriloth and Awethur stand beside the Ku>>
    <<You>>: ...You just can't make it easy for me, can you, gods?

    Battle: Akriloth
    Full Heal

    Battle: Awethur
    Full Heal

    Battle: Ku-dur-agon
    Full Heal

    <<You>>: Alright! That should be the last of them.
    Kamui: Alright. We're rolling out a hotfix right now to restore the lost constants.

    <<Five of Loco's clown markings spring from the ground in front of the Inn and Loco appears in a puff of smoke>>
    Loco: <<You>>! So good to see you again. And now, there's nothing to get in the way of my revenge!
    Kamui: And...we're live!

    <<Loco flashes a black tint briefly>>
    Loco: You will rue the... wait... No! Come on! Now of all time-

    <<Loco shrinks horizontally, turns a white tint and disappears>>
    <<You>>: You know, I almost feel sorry for him. Almost.
    <<You>>: So everything's fixed?
    Kamui: Eh, we have a few minor fluctuation, but nothing serious anymore. Running scans...
    Kamui: Huh. That's interesting.
    <<You>>: ...Dare I ask?
    Kamui: Got some interference while tracking Rad. Hold on a second, let me just... Ah... that could be trouble.
    <<You>>: Again, dare I ask?
    Kamui: Well... I recognize the interference... Hold on, I think I can pull up a visual...

    <<A blue tinted Radagast has his hand on the metal bars of a prison cell while a black tinted sphere covers the center of the screen>>
    Radagast: Ow, my head...

    <<Radagast looks to the right and up at the ceiling, then looks back to the left>>
    Radagast: You know, I'm not sure I deserve this.

    <<A pair of triangular red eyes appear in the black tinted sphere>>
    Chessmaster: Oh, I disagree. Through both action and inaction, you and that order of yours have a lot to answer for.

    <<The black tinted sphere disappears, revealing Ku-dur-agon, Karuna, Crypt Fiend and Thunder Stalker next to a levitating dagger in a cyan glow above a table with a cyan circular rune on the left of the stone walled prison cell>>
    Karuna: Isn't that right, Knight of The'Galin?
    Shop: Chessmaster: Going Kukoo
    Arctic Athame (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    High Noon (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Dracolich Devastator (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Kukoo Clock (Lv 5, 10 wins)
    Kukoo (Lv 10, 30 wins)
    Kukoo Bird (Lv 15, 80 wins)
    Kukoolander (Lv 25, 200 wins)
    Lights are on but Nowhere's home (Lv 35, 450 wins)
    One flew over the Kukoo's nest (Lv 50, 1000 wins)

  • Play again!
  • Re-Open Shop
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
    Monster Pool

    Adolescent Salamander
    Big Salamander
    Blazing Phoenix
    Earth Dragon
    Energy Dragon
    Enormous Salamander
    Fiery Phoenix
    Fire Dragon
    Flame Dragon
    Flame-kissed Phoenix
    Huge Salamander
    Humongous Salamander
    Large Salamander
    Left Arm of Carnax
    Phoenix Defender
    Phoenix Empress
    Phoenix Hatchling
    Phoenix Mother
    Phoenix Queen
    Right Arm of Carnax
    Salamander Hatchling
    Salamander Runt
    Tail of Carnax
    Undead Archer
    Undead Knight
    Undead Mage
    Young Phoenix
    2 Text errors are underlined both in transcript above and below:

    Shii(Radagast): Yes?
    Shii: Yes?
    Shii(Radagast): *big grin*
    Shii: *big grin*
    The Shii speech bubble that is partially covered by the genuine Shii and points to Radagast should be renamed "Radagast".

    < Message edited by Legendary Ash -- 1/19/2022 18:31:01 >
  • AQ  Post #: 51
    8/20/2018 13:05:22   
    Bu Kek Siansu

    Ash, did you mean Weapons instead of Spells.

    Post #: 52
    8/20/2018 19:18:41   
    Legendary Ash

    The Void

  • Battle!
  • Shop
  • Go to Battleon
  • Go to Granemor

    Mogdin: Hail, friend <<You>>! Wish thee to test thy mettle against mine?
  • Verily!

    Battle: Mogdin
    Full Heal

    Shop: Mogdin

    Call Mogdin (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Summon Mogdin (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    House Items:
    Shock to the Heart

    < Message edited by Legendary Ash -- 8/20/2018 20:30:48 >
  • AQ  Post #: 53
    9/17/2018 19:46:26   
    Legendary Ash

    Dinozard Island
    Velocizard Rescue!

    Today's Event or Zard Hunter Shop > Other Quests > Dinozard Island Velocizard Rescue!

    <<You walk in from the left inside Zardhunter's shop, Captain Rhubarb and Zardhunter stand in front of a Velocizard and Baby Frogzard in their respective cages>>
    <<You>>: Hello Zardhunter! ...and Captain Rhubarb too? What brings you two to Battleon?
    Zardhunter: G'day <<You>>! We got a whopper of problem on DinoZard Island. The entire island is one active volcano and, according to my readings, the spike in recent activity means the whole place could explode!
    Zardhunter: The good Cap'n here has agreed to take me to the island on a rescue mission.
    <<You>>: Oh no! The island still has many inhabitants right?
    Captain Rhubarb: Giant lizards have driven off most of the natives - they've been settlin' to safer islands 'round the area. A party o' zards be runnin' 'round the isle now.
    <<You>>: And? A few fewer zards around doesn't sound terrible, amirite?
    Zardhunter: No way, <<You>>! The island's home to many rare and exotic species - the rarest are the VelociZards. I'm going to try and save what few are left on the island.
    Zardhunter: Are y'up for lendin' me a hand?
  • Let's do this!
  • Maybe later...
      Zardhunter: Ok mate, I understand. It'll take a while to reach the island so there's time to catch up if you change ya mind!

    <<Black silhouettes of You in Guardian Plate, Captain Rhubarb and Zardhunter stand on the deck as the Red Betty sails into the left of the waters around the volcano with streams of lava along its sides and the orange-yellow glowing top emits black smoke that blows to the right>>
    Zardhunter: Crikey, looks like she could go at any moment!
    <<You>>: Oh great, the threat of being blasted off the face of Lore while tracking Veloc- Hey wait, you haven't told me anything about VelociZards!
    Zardhunter: You're right! Sorry mate I got so excited I plum forgot.
    Zardhunter: VelociZards are usually hanging around the beaches where they can hunt their prey easily. They are so fast nothing out in the open can escape.
    Zardhunter: That will also be working against us. They are so fast that once threatened they be gone before you can say shrimp on a barbie.
    Zardhunter: Once you find one you will need to corner it and subdue it. Throw them in the dingy and let's make it out of here before we are crispy critters mate!

    Velocizards Saved:

  • Track Velocizards!
      Two Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after

      For every VelociZard defeated in battle
      <<A palm tree at the edge of the jungle shakes as a black sihouette of a VelociZard is thrown into the air and lands in a dinghy, previously captured VelociZards stand inside the dinghy with their jaws opened looking upward or forward>>
      You have rescued a VelociZard!

  • Captain Rhubarb
    Click on Captain Rhubarb's hat if you want him to join you in battle!
  • Captain Rhubarb's hat
    Captain Rhubarb has joined!
  • Frogzard Hunter
    Click on the Frogzard Hunter's hat if you want him to join you in battle!
  • Frogzard Hunter's hat
    The Frogzard Hunter has joined!
  • Chest
    This treasure chest can only be opened by a Guardian.
  • Back to Town!
      Zardhunter: You sure, mate? If you return to town, by the time you get back these zards will have escaped. So you will need to start over.
    • Yes, I'm sure.
    • On second thought...

    When 10 VelociZards are saved
    <<The volcanic island shakes, causing the waters around its shores and the Red Betty to undulate>>
    Zardhunter: Whoa! Great work, <<You>>! Looks like we made it without a moment to spare.

    <<The volcanic island shakes again>>
    <<You>>: You sure this is a safe distance?

    <<The volcanic island compresses inwards and emits a small puff of black smoke that disappears in a moment, the trail of smoke in the sky clears, the waters have stopped its undulating motion>>
    <<You>>: ....
    <<You>>: That's it?
    Zardhunter: Well look at that, mate. Guess the old gal just had a hiccup.
    <<You>>: A hiccup?! Big one?! Do you know how many claws and bites I've endured?! I'll be doctoring bug bites for the next month!
    <<You>>: ....what was that?
    Zardhunter: Crikey! If I had to take a guess I'd say that's the VelociZards breaking free!
    Captain Rhubarb: By Davey Jones! If one of those things so much as looks at me Red Betty the wrong way, ye be swimming home!

    Shop: Velocizards
    VelociZard Rider (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Caveman (Lv 5)
    Cavewomman (Lv 5)

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Monster Pool

    Berserk BURP
    Pretty Purple Flower
    1 Text error are underlined both in transcript above and below:

    Zardhunter: Once you find one you will need to corner it and subdue it. Throw them in the dingy and let's make it out of here before we are crispy critters mate!
    Should be spelled "dinghy".

    < Message edited by Legendary Ash -- 6/6/2020 18:10:42 >
  • AQ  Post #: 54
    9/17/2018 20:18:45   
    Legendary Ash

    The Void

  • Battle!
  • Shop
  • Go to Battleon
  • Go to Granemor

    RhubZard: ribARRRg!
  • Ribarg yourself!

    Battle: Rhubzard
    Full Heal

    Shop: RhubZard

    Call RhubZard (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    House Items:
    RhubZard Portrait
    RhubZard (Lv 5Z, 15Z, 35Z, 55Z, 75Z, 95Z, 115Z, 135Z, 150Z)
    Zard of Seven Seas

    < Message edited by Legendary Ash -- 9/25/2018 16:34:07 >
  • AQ  Post #: 55
    10/23/2018 19:09:00   
    Legendary Ash

    War Of The
    Soothing the Sarkanians

    Warlic's Magic Shop > Explore Shop > Mermazon Kelp +Bad Juice +Magma Leaf > Talk Like a Pirate Day > War of the Seas Soothing the Sarkanians

    Paying a visit to the seaside
    town of Lolosia, a ruckus
    seems to be coming from the
    Red Betty. Raised voices
    echoing off the harbor cliffs.
  • Investigate!

  • <<Captain Rhubarb stands besides the staircase on the deck of the Red Betty, he holds a light blue and violet droplet shaped object with a spiral marking in the center in his left hand while facing a Sarkanian and a levitating King Mako>>
    Sarkanian: Dirty land-breather, you can't steal from the Sarkanian Kingdom and-
    Captain Rhubarb: I already told ye, I didn't steal anything from you.

    <<You walk in from the left and stand behind Captain Rhubarb>>
    <<You>>: Captain Rhubarb, I heard the commotion. What's going on?
    Captain Rhubarb: <<You>>, good to see ye. These blasted fish folk are accusin' me of stealin' this here gem.
    King Mako: Explain how the gem is missing from our treasury and how you have it!
    Captain Rhubarb: A merchant in Krovesport was selling it. Said it could calm waves and stormy seas. He didn't mention where he acquired it.
    <<You>>: Not Geerly? Last time he got us in all kinds of trouble with those poachers. You're still doing business with him?
    Captain Rhubarb: That be the chance you take doing business anywhere in Krovesport. In me line of work ye can't afford to be too picky.
    King Mako: It matters not, land dog. Hand it over or you and this town will feel the wrath of the Sarkanian Kingdom.
    <<You>>: You'll need to fight through me first, Mako. Rhubarb says he didn't steal from you and oddly enough he is a very honest person for a pirate.
    Captain Rhubarb: *Sigh* No <<You>>. Thank ye but it's not worth the headache. I'll be collecting my money back out of that merchant's hide. Here take it!

    <<Captain Rhubarb tosses the gem as King Mako raises his webbed hands to to catch it, but fails and the gem falls onto the deck shattering into pieces>>
    Captain Rhubarb: Bah! Me rotten luck!
    King Mako: You... did that on purpose! Defiling one of our sacred relics? You will pay dearly for this.
    Captain Rhubarb: You slippery-mitted-- that sacred relic be as durable as a Frostval ornament!
    King Mako: We'll be finding out how well pirates can swim when this ship rest on the ocean floor.

    <<King Mako and the Sarkanian walks off to the right and disappears>>
    Captain Rhubarb: Looks like ye be getting your wish, <<You>>. Can't let these fish folk wreck me Red Betty!

    War camp

    War Of The
    Soothing the Sarkanians

    A mix-up surrounding a Sarkanian
    artifact has the Sarkanians looking to
    destroy Captain Rhubarb's beloved
    Red Betty. Fight off the Sarkanian
    onslaught before they sink her!

  • Guest List

  • War Rewards
  • Top Character War Wins!
    Top 25
    Corsair Elite Male and Female Faces
    Top 50
    Sterling Anchor Chain
    1000 Individual Kills
    Abyssal Drowning Depths
  • Go Back

    Twilly: Go defend the Red Betty! And if the Sharkanians throw anything tasty at you, bring it back and fry it up for me?
  • :3
    Twilly:If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please.
      Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
    • Thank you!

  • Let me handle this

    Become a Guardian to get the Trench Axe from this chest!

    Potions By Lucretia
    Lucretia: Get your potions here! Free samples for Guardians! Full heals from the punch bowl! Talk to me for specialty potions!
  • Deal!
    <<You>>: Wait... Lucretia? What are you doing here?
  • ???
    Lucretia: Running a shop! I wouldn't be much of a businesswoman if I didn't go where the customers were, no?
  • I guess?
    Lucretia: If you want, I have a shop set up out back for specialty potions!

    Potion bag
    You must be a Guardian to refill your Health potions from this bag.

    Bubbling Purple liquid Cauldron
    You down a glass and are fully healed! Tastes like almond/anise/apple/banana/blackberry/blood/blueberry/burning/butter rum/butterscotch/caramel/cherry/chocolate/cinammon/clove/coconut/coffee/cola/cotton candy/cream soda/dandelion and burdock/dragonfruit/failure/fruit punch/ginger ale/grape/honey/lemon/lemonade/lemon-lime/licorice/lime/maple/marshmallow/mint/moglinberry/moglinberry wine/Nutella/orange/passionfruit/peach/peanut butter/peppermint/piņa colada/pineapple/prunes/purple/raspberry/root beer/sarsaparilla/sour apple/sour cherry/sour grape/strawberry/success/watermelon/wildberry!

  • To Battle!
      How many waves would you like to fight before returning to camp to rest?
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Five

      You will now fight # wave(s) before returning to camp!
      Four Battles from Monster Pool Full Heal after each two
      [X] Click this button to return to camp at the next save point.

  • Secret Mission!
  • Back to Town

    Once the war meter reaches 100%

    Four Battles with Full Heal after each two

    <<King Mako swims up back to the deck of the Red Betty and levitates in front of Rhubarb>>
    King Mako: The time for games has ended for you thieving land-breathers. You may have defeated my armies but you will find I am no mere Sarkanian.

    Battle: King Mako
    Full Heal

    King Mako: Gah! No matter. Even now my armies are spawning and readying another attack. You will-
    ???: Causing trouble again, Mako?
    King Mako: S..s..stay away from me! I may never walk right again because of you...

    <<King Mako swims backwards to the right and disappears>>

    <<Aquella levitates in from the left and Captain Rhubarb turns around>>
    Aquella: Hpmh. Was it something I said?

    <<Flashback to Aquella punching King Mako's head and kneeing him in the stomach, this causes orange spirals to appear in his eyes as he bends over with his webbed hands covering his stomach>>
    Aquella: Kiss that!

    <<Returns to Aquella, Captain Rhubarb and You on the deck of the Red Betty>>
    <<You>>: That or the field goal you landed last time Mako attacked.
    Captain Rhubarb: Aquella, always glad to be on ye good side.
    <<You>>: Guess fish don't have that short of memories after all...

    <<A black silhouette turns into Captain Rhubarb as he walks into the view, a glinting chest rests a few steps away>>
    Captain Rhubarb: Thank ye <<You>> for saving me Red Betty. She's the last line of defense for Lolosia. No telling what those sea slugs would do is she sank.
    Captain Rhubarb: Enjoy this here haul of treasures. I have a sleazy merchant to visit...

    <<A red arrow with gold trim is animated to compress vertically as moves down and up pointing to the glinting chest>>
    Click the chest to open, reveals eighteen stacks of gold coins, gold bar, blue gem, red gem while a purple gem and two coins fall to the ground

    Shop: War of the Seas: Soothing the
    Drowning Depths (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Anchor Chain (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Smooth Sailing (Lv 5, 10 wins)
    Another Kettle of Fish (Lv 10, 30 wins)
    Making Waves (Lv 15, 80 wins)
    Plenty of Fish in the Sea (Lv 25, 200 wins)
    Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel (Lv 35, 500 wins)
    The World is Your Oyster (Lv 50, 1000 wins)
    Corsair F (Lv 15)
    Corsair M(Lv 15)

  • Play again!
  • Re-Open Shop
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave
    Monster Pool

    Battle Whale
    Bubble Elemental
    Sarkanian Charioteer
    2 Text errors are underlined both in transcript above and below:

    Twilly: Go defend the Red Betty! And if the Sharkanians throw anything tasty at you, bring it back and fry it up for me?
    Should be "Sarkanians".
    Captain Rhubarb: Thank ye <<You>> for saving me Red Betty. She's the last line of defense for Lolosia. No telling what those sea slugs would do is she sank.
    Should be "if".

    < Message edited by Legendary Ash -- 2/11/2024 19:59:59 >
  • AQ  Post #: 56
    11/20/2018 0:04:34   
    Legendary Ash

    Wolfwing's Castle

    Darkovia Forest > Werepyre Hideout

    <<Lightning flashes across the black to red gradient sky illuminated by a blood moon, You and Chico walk in from the left cemetery and stop on a mound of soil at the beginning of a path that leads up to a castle in a mirror image of Screen 15>>
    Chico: Uhhh... hehehe. It looks like we found the secret of western Darkovia. It looks pretty murdery inside there, so I think I'll just be leaving now.
    <<You>>: Now come on, Chico. I thought you were a brave little Moglin. You've come with me this far, why not keep going all the way?

    <<Lightning flashes as a black sihouette of a Werepyre appears in front of You and Chico, colors return to the dark blue pauldrons connected by a ragged red fabric and in brown pants>>
    Chico: Chico may be brave but he is also fast!

    <<Chico turns around and runs off to the left>>
    WolfWing: Who would be so foolish to wander outside my keep?
    <<You>>: I am <<You>>, and I've heard of a secret power that dwells here. Are you the master of this castle?
    WolfWing: Indeed. I am master of the night. Lord of Twilight! Guardian of the Blood Moon! I am WOLFWING, master of all Werepyres!
    <<You>>: Okay, you have my attention...
    WolfWing: You were brave enough to find me, so I will offer you a choice. If you are already at least a LEVEL 5 vampire AND werewolf, I can give you a greater gift...
    WolfWing: --I can make you a WEREPYRE! Becoming both Vampire and Werewolf, but you will not be welcome by either side. Shunned as an outcast... an abomination.
  • Become a Werepyre!
      WolfWing: Very well... come to me and my curse shall now become yours.

      <<Wolfwing raises his right arm with an open hand and opens his mouth>>


    Powerful claws rip you off your feet as you accept the
    Werepyre's curse. Darkness courses through your veins.
    You have become...

  • Continue
  • RUN!

    <<You walk in from the left inside the castle illuminated by flickering candles facing a standing Wolfwing and a Pyrewolf, it growls lifting its left winged paw briefly, then yawns in Screen 14 without the fountain and ribbons>>
    Wolfwing: My Werepyres will become the greatest of the Nightbreed. We shall crush Safiria and that Werewolf King!
  • Werepyre Quests
    Quest Accepted!
    <<Name Pool>> the Vampire or Werewolf is <<Action Pool>>. As a level <<0 to 9>> Werepyre you are the best equipped to undertake this mission. Will you quest to defeat this Vampire or Werewolf threat?

  • Begin the Hunt!

    Four Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after each two

    You come across some Darkovian creatures, can you present a show of ferocity and intimidate them into fleeing?
    Difficulty: 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69 determined by Werepyre level
    Stat Used: Strength
  • Roll!

    If you fail the roll

  • Defy It!
    By an effort of will you can spend <<value>> Sp to automatically win the roll. Do you wish to do that?
    • Yes
    • No

  • Next

    If you selected No, Next or lack the Sp to defy it
      Four Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after each two

    Vampire Traps!
    There are traps ahead of you in the forest. Are you lucky enough to avoid them and stay on track for your prey?
    Difficulty: 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69 determined by Werepyre level
    Stat Used: Luck
  • Roll!

    If you fail the roll

  • Defy It!
    By an effort of will you can spend <<value>> Sp to automatically win the roll. Do you wish to do that?
    • Yes
    • No

  • Next

    If you selected No, Next or lack the Sp to defy it
      Four Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after each two

    The Chase!
    You spot your prey as they flee like a coward. Can you outwit your foe's guards to evade them and ambush your prey?
    Difficulty: 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69 determined by Werepyre level
    Stat Used: Intelligence
  • Roll!

    If you fail the roll

  • Defy It!
    By an effort of will you can spend <<value>> Sp to automatically win the roll. Do you wish to do that?
    • Yes
    • No

  • Next

    If you selected No, Next or lack the Sp to defy it
      Four Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after each two

    Battle: Vamp Sire or Dire Werewolf
    Full Heal

    Enemy Defeated!
    Congratulations! You have slain your enemy. Many more challenges await as you increase your Werepyre powers and strive to become the greatest of the Wolfwing's Werepyres!

  • Done
    You are now a
    Level <<1 to 10>>

  • Return to the King
    Wolfwing: You have survived my training, <<You>>. Mastering both curses, becoming legendary amongst our kind. I am in need of a mighty Werepyre such as yourself.
  • Done
    Wolfwing: Something is causing a great disturbance around an ancient ritual site. A patrol has reported there a vast number of undead dragons roaming the grounds.
  • Done
    Werewolf King: Those grounds have not been used in many years, ruins mostly. This spike in activity is very unusual. Unusual indeed.... dragons.
  • Done
    Wolfwing: I need you to venture to this ritual site and find out what is causing this ruckus. Tear through anything that gets in your way and report back to me at once!
  • Of course! (Lv 95+ Recommended)

    Four Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after each two

    You spot your prey as they flee like a coward. Can you outwit your foe's guards to evade them and ambush your prey?
    Difficulty: 90
    Stat Used: Intelligence
  • Roll!

    If you fail the roll

  • Defy It!
    By an effort of will you can spend <<value>> Sp to automatically win the roll. Do you wish to do that?
    • Yes
    • No

  • Next

    If you selected No, Next or lack the Sp to defy it
      Four Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after each two

    Vampire Traps!
    There are traps ahead of you in the forest. Are you lucky enough to avoid them and stay on track for your prey?
    Difficulty: 90
    Stat Used: Luck
  • Roll!

    If you fail the roll

  • Defy It!
    By an effort of will you can spend <<value>> Sp to automatically win the roll. Do you wish to do that?
    • Yes
    • No

  • Next

    If you selected No, Next or lack the Sp to defy it
      Four Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after each two

    The Ritual Site!
    A great stone door blocks the way to the ritual site as you sense Darkovian denizens approaching. Can you open the door before they arrive?
    Difficulty: 90
    Stat Used: Strength
  • Roll!

    If you fail the roll

  • Defy It!
    By an effort of will you can spend <<value>> Sp to automatically win the roll. Do you wish to do that?
    • Yes
    • No

  • Next

    If you selected No, Next or lack the Sp to defy it
      Four Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after each two

    Four Battles with Full Heal after each two: Undead Dragon

    <<You>>: So many restless dragon souls. Why here in Darkovia?

    <<A brown green Corpse dragon walks in from the right to the center of slow moving fog within the circle of stone pillars with horizontal pillars on resting on top>>
    Corpse Dragon: Grrrrr.... more of you.
    <<You>>: Wait! Why are you attacking everyone here?
    Corpse Dragon: Do not play games Werepyre. It was your kind that feasted upon a thousand dragons here. Our souls cannot escape. Every one of your kind will suffer as we do!
    <<You>>: You don't mean... Nightbane...

    Battle: Corpse Dragon
    Full Heal

    Dragon Defeated!
    Congratulations! You have stopped
    the undead dragon uprising... for
    now. Could this really be the site
    where Nigthbane became the first
    Dracopyre? Return to the Wolfwing
    and claim your reward!

  • Return to the King
    Wolfwing: You continue to impress, <<You>>. You are indeed a Werepyre of great skill and power. I will not soon forget such loyalty.
  • Done

  • Maybe later.
  • Werepyre Gear
    Shop: Werepyre
    Earthen Werepyre Blade (Lv 40, 70, 95, 120, 135, 150G)
    Midnight Werepyre Blade (Lv 40, 70, 95, 120, 135, 150G)
    Advanced Werepyre (Lv 95, 120, 135, 150G)
    Golden Horror Werepyre (Lv 95, 120, 135, 150G)
    Malicious Devil Werepyre (Lv 95, 120, 135, 150G)
    Heartless Beast Werepyre (Lv 95, 120, 135, 150G)
    Earthen Werepyre Spirit (Lv 40, 70, 95, 120, 135, 150G)
    Midnight Werepyre Spirit (Lv 40, 70, 95, 120, 135, 150G)

    Wolfwing: My keep holds several special items to aid Werepyres in their fight to claim dominance over Darkovia.
  • Done
  • Revert Subrace Level
    Wolfwing: You have trained in our ways before. Would you like to return to the level of a beginner, and starting your training anew?
  • Yes!
      Wolfwing: Are you certain? This will revert you to a mere level 0 Werepyre, and you will have to retrain all over again.
    • Yes! (Return to Lv 0)
      <<You have reverted to a level 0 Werepyre!>>
    • On second thought...

  • No thanks
      <<The Pyrewolf is a rare hybrid animal that has been trained to hunt Vampires and Werewolves. Loyal and brave, Pyrewolves are always looking for new chew-toys!>>
    • Yes! Take the Pyrewolf Guest.
      <<The Pyrewolf will now fight by your side!>>
    • Not tonight.

  • Return to Town
    Name + the Vampire Pool

    Baron Jakhai
    Baron Sauger
    Begu Mentas
    Count Lymphis
    Count Nuentote
    Duke Vaerulf
    Ignis Fatuus
    Kali Ma
    Lord Afrit
    Lord Bakara
    Lord Cauchema
    Lord Fang
    Lord Hantu
    Lord Incubo
    Lord Nihilus
    Lord Stigys
    Lord Thrakus
    Platus Jinn
    Vampire Action Pool

    being a general pain in the neck
    biting fair maidens
    biting other Vampires to gain power
    biting the villager's pets
    creating armies of ghouls
    drinking Moglin plasma
    drinking too many Moglins
    holding townsfolk for ransom
    hunting paladins
    hurting humans while hunting werewolves
    in need of some serious de-fanging
    kidnapping princesses to turn them into his brides
    leaving bat guano everywhere
    living on rats in a sewage tunnel
    making an ugly mess
    making a thrown from Guardian bones
    moving his coffin into town
    nibbling on the farmers cattle
    pillaging farms
    playing jack in the box with gravediggers
    posing as a chiropractor specializing in neck pains
    raiding merchant caravans
    scaring children
    scaring elderly townsfolk
    spying for Safiria, the Vampire Queen
    stealing sunblock
    sucking all of the peanut butter out of the town's Reases pieces supply
    victimizing high society
    Name + the Werewolf Pool

    Baron Kreen
    Black Pelt
    Duke Buhhrg
    Hombre Lobo
    Lord Saurlon
    Lupo Manero
    Six Tooth
    White Pelt
    Werewolf Action Pool

    attacking Guardians at the Crossroads
    biting fair maidens
    biting Moglins
    biting other Werewolves to gain power
    biting the villager's pets
    burying the bones of Adventurers
    chasing cats
    craving a light snack
    fetching human limbs
    holding townsfolk for ransom
    hunting the hunters
    hurting humans while hunting vampires
    in need of some serious obedience training
    kidnapping princesses for fun and profit
    leaving scratchmarks on doors
    making an ugly mess
    making dogs question the validity of their owners requests
    nibbling on the farmers cattle
    pillaging farms
    playing with his food
    raiding merchant caravans
    salivating too much
    scaring children
    scaring elderly townsfolk
    spying for the Werewolf King
    stealing hairbrushes
    terrorizing villagers at night
    tracking mud into the lair
    trying to create a moglopyre
    trying to get into university
    victimizing high society
    Monster Pool

    Lv (43, 46, 49, 52, 55, 58, 61, 64, 67, 70, 90, 120, 135, 150)
    Death Knight
    Demon Cat
    Undead Mage
    Vampire Warrior
    Werewolf Warrior
    2 Text errors are underlined both in transcript above and below:

    Werewolf King: Those grounds have not been used in many years, ruins mostly.
    Should be "Wolfwing".
    Could this really be the site where Nigthbane became the first Dracopyre?
    Should be "Nightbane".
  • AQ  Post #: 57
    11/20/2018 0:08:34   
    Legendary Ash

    Candy Caverns

    Today's Event or Mogloween Portal Painting > Candy Caverns

    <<You walk in from the left inside a wooden and stone walled building with five pumpkins and three moglins, one blue colored whose eyes express sadness and has a frown who holds a staff with a green leaf in their right hand, one black colored who holds a staff with a green leaf in their left hand and one peach colored who holds a staff with an orange leaf in their left hand, there is a hole in the ground with three mounds of dirt and two pieces of candies one in pink and one in brown wrappers around it>>
    <<You>>: Why the long face? You haven't run out of candy already?!
    Buddy: I am out of candy, but not because of too many trick-or-treaters. Something has dug a hole in the floor of my home and taken all the candy I was going to give out.
    Peachy: Hit our houses too. Now we are forced to hand out cans of soup.
    <<You>>: Soup? Bit of an odd substitute, but soup is delicious!
    Peachy: Tell that to the poor kid that ran away crying. (True story from one of our developers!)
    Buddy: Please <<You>>, can you help us? I'm afraid of the tricks coming our way if we keep giving out soup.
    <<You>>: Hmmm, of course I will help! Looks like the thief left a convienient trail of candy for me to follow...

    <<The group of moglins jump up and land on their feet twice, the blue colored moglin's eyes no longer express sadness and their frown becomes an opened mouth>>
    Moglins: Yaaaay, <<You>>! Savior of Mogloween!
    <<You>>: Now that has a nice ring to it...

    <<A red arrow with gold trim points downward at the hole>>
    Click the arrow to enter hole

    Battle from Monster Pool in each room
    Click red arrows to select which direction to go to, click the candy in pink wrapper to heal


    Right > Up > Up > Up > Left

    <<You walk in from the left and stop a few steps away from a pile of candies in pink, green and brown wrappers>>
    <<You>>: Hmmm... looks like whatever is stealing candy has been hoarding it here.

    <<You emit an !, as the screen shakes horizontally and an Earth element sound plays>>

    Battle: Sugar Gobbler
    Full Heal

    <<You>>: Huh... some sort of burrowing candy critter. Guess you never know what you'll see on Mogloween. Now what to do with all this candy....
  • Keep Candy!
      Adds a random 1 to 20,000 more candy to your total. Skips over the below dialogue and shop.

  • Return Candy!
      <<The group of moglins jump up and land on their feet twice>>
      Buddy: <<You>>, you're back! What happened?
      <<You>>: Looks like there is a creature that really likes your candy. It's been digging under your homes and hoarding it down below. Might want to get something sturdier than dirt floors.
      Buddy: Thank you so much for bringing back our candy! You fellas put the soup away while I get a special reward for <<You>>.

      Shop: Stolen Candy
      Call Sugar Gobbler (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
      House Items:
      Sugar Gobbler (Lv 5Z, 15Z, 35Z, 55Z, 75Z, 95Z, 115Z, 135Z, 150Z)
      Saviour of Mogloween (Lv 20)

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Mogloween
  • Leave

    Monster Pool

    Blue Moglinster
    Death Knight
    Green Moglinster
    Infernal Undead Moglin
    Potion Treasure Chest
    Red Moglinster
    Vampire Warrior
    Werewolf Warrior

    1 Text error are underlined both in transcript above and below:

    <<You>>: Hmmm, of course I will help! Looks like the thief left a convienient trail of candy for me to follow...
    Should be "convenient".

    < Message edited by Legendary Ash -- 11/17/2021 14:44:52 >
  • AQ  Post #: 58
    11/23/2018 21:28:20   
    Legendary Ash

    Geocastellum Set

    Mage Shop > Mastercraft Sets > Geocastellum Set! > Play Intro Quest

    <<You walk from the left inside Warlic's shop to face Warlic who stands next to a cauldron with bubbling green liquid>>
    <<You>>: Hello Warlic! I've heard rumors around town about a mage problem down south. Figured you'd be just the guy to ask about it.
    Warlic: <<You>>, indeed there is a problem. Not with a mage necessarily but issues surrounding the mage's keep since his passing.
    Warlic: Cragmar the Battlemage was a powerful sorcerer, equally adept at magic as with a blade. However, he could not win the battle we all face against time.
    <<You>>: Hmmmm really? Outside of plot devices I haven't noticed many issues with age. I swear you look as youthful as the day Oishii drew you. Although I did notice Hollow has grown a beard.

    <<Warlic emits an animated ....>>
    Warlic: <<You>>, please.
    <<You>>: Sorry! That's terrible to hear of his passing.
    Warlic: *Ahem* As I was saying...
    Warlic: Cragmar had various incantations in place to keep all his machinations confined within the walls of his keep. With his demise those spells have weakened, leaving these creations to roam the Keep.
    Warlic: I fear if we do not act that the creatures will escape, spelling certain doom for the surrounding countryside.
    <<You>>: Sounds like hero time to me! Just show me the way and I'll send those... wait, what exactly has escaped?
    Warlic: I admire your bravery, <<You>>. However, I must craft an enchanted artifact you will need to seal the magic inside the Keep.
    Warlic: Cragmar's magic isn't one I typically practice so I am lacking the necessary supplies. I'll need an ore from a particular mine. My nephew can guide you to the mine.
    <<You>>: Nephew? Wait... you don't mean-
    Warlic: Barry! Step away from those studies. I have an important task for you.

    <<Barry walks in from the right with a green book in his hand and stands behind Warlic>>
    Barry Jotter: <<You>>!
    <<You>>: Oh...hey... Barry. Good to see you too. Guiding me to the mine, huh?
    Barry Jotter: That's right!
    <<You>>: Oh boy, this quest just got ten times harder having to babysit Barry.
    Warlic: Barry, <<You>> here needs to mine some ore for an artifact I'm crafting. Please show him (male)/her (female) the way.

    <<Barry nods>>
    Warlic: Here <<You>>, take this pickaxe. I'll need a great concentration of the ore. 1000 should do the trick.

    <<Warlic tosses pickaxe at You>>
  • Get the temp Pickaxe!
  • No Thanks.
    <<You>>: Alright Barry... *sigh*... lead the way.

    <<You and Barry walk in from the left on Screen 2>>
    Barry Jotter: Alright, <<You>> here's the ore.
    <<You>>: Ok Barry, I can get it from here. Thanks for showing me the way.
    <<You>>: ...and staying out of trouble.
    <<You>>: You can make your way back to Warlic now. Just make sure to avoid anything that can get you into trouble, like monsters, traps, hallows, fires, goblets, werewolves, water, stones, princes, mirrors, brooms, prisons....
    Barry Jotter: No way I'm leaving you, these mines can be dangerous to navigate. There are nasty little creatures roaming around we've named Sizzlers.
    Barry Jotter: Soooo annoying as they are completely silent until they are right next to you. They will sneak right up on you and then BOOM!
    <<You>>: Hmmm sounds like an extra pair of eyes would be very handy. Ok, but stick close. We don't want this fetch quest turning into a rescue mission.
    Barry Jotter: Don't worry <<You>>, I have been studying my arts so I can become a powerful archmage like my un-

    <<An Underbeast walks in from the right, extends its right hand to grab Barry Jotter and leaves>>
    <<You>>: I can see this is going to be one of those 'should have stayed in bed' kind of days.
    <<You>>: I have no idea where that Underbeast could be. Guess I'll follow the trail of bones and collect ore along the way and hope I find them.

    If less than 1000 ores
      Battle from Monster Pool with a Full Heal after each two
      You loot <<100 to 400>> ore from the mob, bringing you up to <<total ore>>.

    If at least 1000 ores
      You loot <<100 to 400>> ore from the mob, bringing you up to <<total ore>>. That should be enough.

    <<You stand on a mirror image of Screen 1>>
    <<You>>: Whew, toiling in a mine is not what I had in mind when I signed up for this adventure. Feels like I'm forgetting something... or someone.

    This decision will effect your Moral Compass!
  • Leave without Barry!
      <<You>>: Barry! Meh, I warned him. I have to get these ores back to Warlic and grab some dinner. Mining all day and I'm starving!

      <<You walk in from the left inside Warlic's shop>>
      Warlic: <<You>>, you have the ore. But where's Barry?
      <<You>>: Ummmm about that. Barry was taken by an Underbeast. I'm sure he's fine and will be back once it becomes bored.

      <<Warlic closes his eyes as he looks downward>>
      Warlic: Not what I was expecting to hear.
      Warlic: Quickly, unload the ore...

      Shop: Geocastellum Intro
      Pickaxe (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
      Mystic Plug (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)

  • Rescue Barry!
      <<You>>: Better go rescue him before that Underbeast has him for dinner!


      <<You>>: I'm coming Barry! You just keep yelling and stay uneaten and I'll find you!

      Four Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after each two

      Battle: Underbeast
      Full Heal

      <<Barry Jotter sits on the stones next to the glowing green rock in a mirror image of Screen 10 -After completing the Save Yourself, Save the Soldiers>>
      Barry Jotter: <<You>>! I knew you wouldn't leave me down here. I'll make sure my uncle Warlic knows how brave you were.
      <<You>>: No problem Barry. Let'st just hurry up and get out of here before any more of those Sizzlers shows up.

      <<You and Barry Jotter walk in from the left inside Warlic's shop>>
      Warlic: <<You>>, you have the ore. I hope Barry was able to assist in your task.
      <<You>>: *Nervous laugh* Huh... yeah he wa-
      Barry Jotter: Uncle Warlic it was a crazy adventure! We were dodging Sizzlers and cave ins, I was snatched by an Underbeast and <<You>> saved me!
      Warlic: Ahhh the usual amount of assitance it seems. Excellent work <<You>>... and you as well Barry. Unload the ore and I'll get to work on crafting your artifact.
      Warlic: Thank you, <<You>> for looking after Barry. He still has much to learn but I believe will make a mighty Archmage one day. I have something extra to reward such heroism.

      Shop: Geocastellum Intro - Save Barry!
      Pickaxe (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
      Sizzler 'Splosion (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
      Mystic Plug (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
      Leaves No One Behind (Lv 5)
      No Man Left Behind (Lv 5)

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Monster Pool

    Minotaur Berserker
    Mud Golem
    Scorpion Zard
    Shadow Behemoth
    1 Text error are underlined both in transcript above and below:

    Warlic: Ahhh the usual amount of assitance it seems.
    Should be "assistance".

    < Message edited by Legendary Ash -- 2/12/2019 21:17:03 >
  • AQ  Post #: 59
    12/3/2018 22:55:50   
    Legendary Ash


    Today's Event or Harvest Portal Painting
    Once a year, the Harvest Goddess Serenia flies through
    the skies of Lore. As she soars over the war-torn fields,
    they are revived and restored to their former beauty. All
    must gather to make an offering of crops and flowers to
    thank Serenia for her blessings. Those that are fortunate
    enough to see her should consider themselves blessed to
    see such a glorious sight...
  • Continue!

  • Kosefira: Helloooo-looo-looo, <<You>>! You are just in time for my yodeling lesson!
    Doofus von Strudel: Go grab a pint of cider at the Cider House! It rules!
    <<You>>: Oh wow-- you must be one of the fabled LEDERHOGLINS!
    Doofus von Strudel: That I am! We Lederhoglins like to come out and play this time of year because the cider is sooooo good! Did I mention that this is CIDER?
    Doofus von Strudel: But enough about cider for now. I got enough money together to plan a separate MOGTOBERFEST event!
    <<You>>: That's great news! How's it gonna go?
    Doofus von Strudel: We don't have the exact details down, but the plan is to run it in two years alongside the Harvest Festival.
    <<You>>: Huh. Are you sure that's a good idea? People may be too busy with Harvest Festival-ing to attend your Mogtoberfest.
    Doofus von Strudel: Well, that's what the event coordinator is planning. If you got questions, I can speak to him?
    ???: Pfeh! Like this simpleton could understand a GLORIOUS plan like ours!

    <<Kabroz walks in from the right holding is grey skull staff and stands behind Doofus>>
    <<You>>: Kabroz?!
    Kabroz: That's MISTER Kabroz, Mogtoberfest Executive Event Coordinator to you!
    <<You>>: Alright, what's your angle? Trying to dupe poor Doofus out of his money?!
    Kabroz: You heroes are soooooo simple! I'm gonna make the BEST HOLIDAY EVER! And then you useless humans are gonna finally APPRECIATE us moglins!
    <<You>>: ...what?
    Kabroz: You see us nothing more than simple "click here to heal" buttons, but moglin culture is MUCH more than that! We have a rich history, and it's about time that everyone started celebrating us!
    <<You>>: That would sound almost believable if it weren't coming from you.
    Doofus von Strudel: Aww, c'mon, <<You>>! I really really want Mogtoberfest to go over well, and Kabroz seems like the best option! Could you not argue about this?
    <<You>>: But he's up to something!
    Doofus von Strudel: No he's not! Besides, what's the worst that could go wrong!

    <<You>>: My head hurts just thinking about the answer to that.
    Kosefira: Nothing a mug of CIDER can't fix!
    <<You>>: I'm just gonna collect the offerings to Serenia and try not to think about this too much.
    Kabroz: Have fun! Mwahahaha!
    <<You>>: Unbelivable. You can't even wait until I get out of site before the sinister laughing ensues?

  • Harvest Quest
    <<You walk in from the left to face Truffle behind a table of ten stacked red apples with a barrel of Cider and Potion bag on the grass in front of the Cider House>>
    <<You>>: Hi there, Truffle! How are you doing today?
    Truffle: Durrrrrrr! weeeet!
    <<You>>: Why yes, I wouldl LOVE a mug of cider!
    Truffle: Meep! rrrrr..meepity meep, meeping meepness!
    <<You>>: Whoa, you need to slow down a bit. Let me put on my Truffle Amulet so I can understand you better.
    <<You>>: Okay, go ahead-- say that again.
    Truffle: I hope you didn't forget about collecting your offerings for Serenia, the Harvest Goddess!
    <<You>>: Offerings? Why do we need to do that??
    Truffle: To give thanks for the bounty of Nautre throughout the world! The last harvest of the year is needed to carry us through the winter.
    Truffle: Go out and gather your offerings, but beware the dangerous Turkeysaurus Rex! It wants to eat the things you need to collect!
    Truffle: When you have enough, you might see Serenia soaring in the skies as she replenishes the land for our last harvest!
    Truffle: rrrrrutta meep meep!
    <<You>>: Uh oh-- my Truffle Amulet batteries died. Okay, little one, give me that cider to go! I'm off to gather some offerings!

    Battle: Saladmandr or Veteran Plant Dragon
    Full Heal


    Battle: Velocigobbler
    Full Heal

    <<You found a Orange/Sqrapple/Graplant/Bluestar Flower/Bread Fruit!>>

    <<You walk in from the left to face Hirroo concealing a wind orb thats rotates clockwise in its left hand on the right standing behind a line of four Velocigobblers in the shade cast by the shack with two barrels labeled Cider next to a forest of trees>>
    Hirroo: <<You>>! We meet again!
    <<You>>: Heyyy... person? Sorry, my memory's a bit off? I'm trying not to think of something.
    Hirroo: If you don't remember me now, then you'll definitely remember me after I destroy your Festival!!
    Hirroo: I have heard tales from Drakonnan about what happened here two years ago...

    <<Fades to a dark grey background and into a scene where a Nepencreep eats the broken pieces of fire orbs next to the shack, it jumped, turned a tint of grey, its head and lower stem flickered rapidly between a black twisted shape and back to itself, it then evolved into a Saladmandr>>
    Hirroo: And now I'm going to use this Wind Orb to do the same to these Velocigobblers, to evolve them into Turkeysaurus Rexes!
    <<You>>: Not if I can help it!
    Hirroo: Too late!

    <<Hirroo holds the wind orb out in front and becomes a black silhouette on a red background, the orb emits a glint of grey light and splits into four smaller spheres that moves toward and is absorbed by the Velocigobblers, which flash between black and white colored silhouettes, normal color returns, the frontmost Velocigobbler lowers its head to peck at the grass below and resumes a position above the body>>
    Hirroo: C'mon guys, any minute now.

    <<The second to the frontmost Velocigobbler turns to the right and runs off to the distance>>
    <<You>>: Is this gonna take a while?
    Hirroo: No! I mean, I don't think so?
  • ???

    <<Hirroo reaches behind its back and brings up a brown colored book titled PRIMA and tilts its head downwards to read the text>>
    Hirroo: What is wrong?? Did I skip a step or something??
    <<You>>: Look, you seem like a nice guy. I'll just let you go and get back to collecting offerings.
    <<You>>: If you actually get to the point where you can pose a threat, then you know where I'll be.
    Hirroo: Just give me a minute! I gotta re-read--
    <<You>>: Bye!

    Occurs twice with Full Heal after the second time
      One Battle from Monster Pool

      A chance of

      Battle: Velocigobbler

      You found a(n) Orange/Sqrapple/Graplant/Bluestar Flower/Bread Fruit!

    <<A light brown colored list has red checkmarks on the right of each offering obtained appears, click screen to return to battle>>
    Kosefira: Keep looking for the rest of your offering! Don't leave this quest or you will lose all of your fregetables.

    Kosefira: You have found everything you need to make an offering! Go on out to the fields and present your items to Serenia.
    ???: Not so fast!

    <<You walk in from the left to face Hirroo standing between a Turkeysaurus Rex and Drakonnan II in the intersection of a path a distance away from the fields>>
    Hirroo: Prepare for trouble!
    Drakonnan II: And make it double!
    <<You>>: Hey, Hirroo! You finally got that gobblesaurus thing working!
    Hirroo: That's TURKEYSAURUS REX! I finally turned my beautiful Sharptooth into a powerful monster wielding ancient power!

    <<Sharptooth raises its wings, rearing its head back with an open beak>>
    Sharptooth: RAWRRR!!

    <<Sharptooth returns to its hunched position>>
    Drakonnan II: Indeed! Hirroo was missing an important piece in evolving his Velocigobblers: friendship.
    <<You>>: Friendship.
    Drakonnan II: Yes, friendship! You see, Velocigobblers have become prey animals, so they won't accept random magical infusions from anybody.
    Drakonnan II: You need to become their friend. Earn their trust. Travel the land together and form a bond. Only then will a Velocigobblers be willing to accept the powers of the Wind Orb.
    Hirroo: While you were out collecting offerings, I was travelling across the land, questing far and wide with Sharptooth here!
    Hirroo: Together we faced every challenge along the way with courage, and finally I was able to show him the power that's inside, evolving him into a Turkeysaurus Rex!
    <<You>>: Aww! That's kinda sweet when you put it that way.
    Drakonnan II: Oh, and you also have to teach it a bit of dracomancy.
    <<You>>: What.
    Drakonnan II: I mean, dinosaurs are basically dragons. Just teach the Velocigobbler some simple dracomancy - like Twister or Dragon Wing - and it'll give it the kickstart it needs.
    <<You>>: That's... that's just needlessly complicated. You need to be best friends with him, AND teach him dracomancy, AND THEN use a Wind Stone? Who came up with this??
    Hirroo: Your FACE is needlessly complicated! Let's make it a simple smear on the ground, eh Sharptooth?

    <<Sharptooth raises its wings, rearing its head back with an open beak>>
    Sharptooth: RAWRRR!!

    <<A black line progressing in a shape of a square inwards and clockwise transitions the scene, Hirro from the right and a brown male hairstyle viewed from the back of the character's head from the left moves toward the center of a black background, a white outlined text box presents the pixelated letters animated to appear one by one, HIRROO wants to fight!>>

    Battle: Turkeysaurus Rex
    Full Heal

    Battle: Hirroo
    Full Heal

    <<Sharptooth lays on the ground with its eyes closed defeated, it flashes among its normal, light pink brown, black and white colors as Hirroo bends down with left hand on the ground reaches its right hand over Sharptooth's head>>
    Hirroo: Sh-sharptooth? What's wrong??

    <<Sharptooth emits three rays of white light from its head to body>>
    Drakonnan II: He's still unstable from his evolution! We need to get him to release some mana before--
  • oops

    <<An explosion occurs from Sharptooth sending brown grey particles outwards in all directions, Hirroo and Drakonnan are blown away to the upper right in the sky>>
    Drakonnan II: Looks like Drakonnan's blasting off agaiiiiiiiiiin!
  • Bye!

    <<A black silhouette drops from the sky into the fields>>
    <<You>>: Okay, now I REALLY gotta hurry if I'm gonna make that offering in time!

    <<At the intersection of a path between green hills, a brown field and a black silhouette of a barn house and storage buildings>>
    Bystander: Look!
    Bystander: Up in the sky!

    <<Pans upward to gradient of blue to light blue with the barnhouse, hills and fields below>>
    Bystander: It's a CloudZard!
    Bystander: It's a Drakel Air Raider!
    Bystander: No, wait--
    Bystander: It's Serenia, the Harvest Goddess!

    <<Pans downward as a light yellow human silhouette in a dress descends as a trail of loose feathers fall from her to the ground with Wind element sound, the fields turn to yellow and green as You walk in from the left, ten patches of grass sprout on the brown path and two clusters of three dark-blue interior and white-tipped flowers surrounded by yellow-grey and orange-pink flowers sprout from the green hills>>
    <<You>>: Thank you Serenia! We will have plenty of food to last us through the winter.

    <<A light yellow Serenia slowly flies in from the right>>
    Serenia: You have shown your gratitude, <<You>>. You have also proven that the good deeds of one person can help the many.
    Serenia: Twisted dreams and twisted greed descend upon the seasons as readily as they do upon each other.
    Serenia: You will stand between the two, with Lore at your back. Find hope in the withering sparks of joy within a heart that beats for naught but coin.

    <<Serenia flies upward shrinking in size>>
    Shop: Harvest Festival
    Corn-Missile Launcher (Lv 1, 21, 41, 61, 61G, 81, 101, 121, 131, 134Z, 141G)
    Apple Launcher (Lv 1, 21, 41, 61, 61G, 81, 101, 121, 131, 134Z, 141G)
    Pumpkin Chucker (Lv 1, 21, 41, 61, 61G, 81, 101, 121, 131, 134Z, 141G)
    Guardian Apple Blunderbuss (Lv 5G)
    Harvest Festival '17 Commemorative Spoon (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Smoked Drumchuks (Lv 8)
    Weedsprayer ZX (Lv 10Z)
    Staff of Plenty (Lv 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130)
    Harvest Staff Z (Lv 11Z, 49Z)
    Granny Smith Blunderbuss
    Harvest Festival '15 Commemorative Spoon (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Violent Violet (Lv 20, 60, 100, 117)
    Teryaki Marinated Drumchuks (Lv 22)
    Staff of Plenty G (Lv 23G, 150G)
    Harvest Staff (Lv 25, 45, 66, 105, 125)
    Fuji Blunderbuss Z (Lv 30Z)
    Weedsprayer XXX (Lv 30)
    Honey Crisp Blunderbuss (Lv 35)
    Guardian Harvest Staff (Lv 40G, 85G, 145G)
    Guardian Violent Violet (Lv 40G, 80G, 136G)
    Horn of PwnZy (Lv 45Z)
    Cajun Spiced Drumchuks (Lv 48G)
    Red Delicious Blunderbuss (Lv 50)
    McIntosh Blunderbuss Z (Lv 50Z)
    Guardian Weedsprayer L (Lv 50G)
    Orange Glazed Drumchuks (Lv 64)
    Guardian Gala Blunderbuss (Lv 70G)
    Guardian Weedsprayer LXX (Lv 70G)
    Greater Horn of PwnZy (Lv 77Z)
    Boiled Drumchuks (Lv 78)
    Staff of Plenty Z (Lv 80Z, 120Z)
    Jonagold Blunderbuss (Lv 90)
    Weedsprayer XC (Lv 90)
    Overdone Drumchuks (Lv 101)
    2 1337 Horn of PwnZy (Lv 103Z)
    Crispin Blunderbuss (Lv 108)
    Weedsprayer CX (Lv 110)
    Diet Drumchuks (Lv 124)
    Pink Lady Blunderbuss (Lv 126)
    31337 Horn of PwnZy (Lv 126Z)
    Weedsprayer CXXX (Lv 130)
    41337 Horn of PwnZy (Lv 139Z)
    SPARTAAAAAAN Blunderbuss (Lv 144G)
    Ghost Chili Drumchuks (Lv 147G)
    Summon Plant Dragon II (Lv 1Z)
    Summon Plant Dragon I (Lv 20)
    Rupture (Lv 20)
    Summon Plant Dragon III (Lv 50G)
    Guardian Earthshatter (Lv 50G)
    Sundering Z (Lv 68Z)
    Summon Plant Dragon IV (Lv 80)
    Sundering (Lv 80)
    Summon Plant Dragon V (Lv 85Z)
    Summon Plant Dragon VI (Lv 110)
    Earthrend (Lv 110)
    Summon Plant Dragon VII (Lv 130)
    Demolish (Lv 130)
    Earthsplosion (Lv 145G)
    Summon Plant Dragon VIII (Lv 150G)
    Velocigobbler (Lv 2, 14, 28, 54G, 74, 95, 116, 132, 150G)
    Nepencreep (Lv 3, 43, 63, 123)
    Guardian Nepencreep (Lv 23G, 103G)
    Nepencreep Z (Lv 83)
    Saladmandr Seed Pack (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Wind Stone (Lv 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 135, 150G)
    House Items:
    Harvest Portal Painting

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

  • Harvest 2018 War!

    Previous Quests
  • Samurat Returns!
  • BURP War!
  • Defend the BURPS

    Monster Pool

    Crazy Cornelius
    Veteran Plant Dragon
    Wood Golem

    < Message edited by Legendary Ash -- 12/15/2019 18:04:58 >
  • AQ  Post #: 60
    12/5/2018 21:14:25   
    Legendary Ash

    2018 War!

    Today's Event or Harvest Portal Painting

    <<At a short distance away from the Cider House>>
    Farmer: Good morning, <<You>>! It's always nice to see you. You sure are here early, though.
    Farmer: Working on your offering already?
    <<You>>: Just checking things out. The fields have been surprisingly peaceful, so I figured I'd get up early to keep it that way.
    Farmer: Oh, that makes sense. Doesn't get any safer than with a hero like you patrolling!
    Farmer: If you ask me, though, it's not a good idea to hang out here this early.
    <<You>>: Why? Is there anything suspicious going on?
    Farmer: No, it's just-

    <<The farmer jolts his head up>>

    Kosefira: Look who's here to join us, class! Give our hero your greetings!


    <<The farmer falls forward and the pitchfork drops onto the ground out of his hand>>

    <<Kosefira leads a group of five students wearing green hats with two red orange feathers attached to it to stand in front of the Cider House>>
    <<You>>: Oh. You've... got an actual yodeling class now. On second though, I guess I'll get that offering together.
    <<You>>: Out of earshot...

    <<You leave the scene>>
    Farmer: Help me...

    <<You walk in to the left of a wide water well at the intersection of a path between green hills, a yellow green field and a black silhouette of a barn house and storage buildings, a white haired person in blue overalls holds a scythe in his hands, Kosefira, the group of five students, the farmer, a corn stalk, orange, apple, breadfruit, jug of milk and bag of flour surround the water well>>
    <<You>>: Who's the new guy?
    Farmer: New guy? Oh, that's Carnel. He's an old timer, actually. Moved to Granemor for some time, back when it got rebuilt. He's practically run the festival this year, with how much he's done to help out.
    <<You>>: Granemor, huh.
    Carnel: Friends, I am glad to see everyone here. Now that everyone is ready, let us begin.
    Carnel: We rejoice as we gather this offering, this finest sample of our hard work.
    Carnel: We raise up this representation of our blood, sweat and tears...
    <<You>>: I'm starting to get a creepy feeling from this guy...
    Carnel: ... that it may burn in bitter sacrifice.
    Farmer: What?
    Kosefira: Wha-a-aaaat?
    <<You>>: Way too creepy.

    <<Carmel drops a dark green pumpkin into the water well, he turns into a black silhouette enveloped in green flames while shrinking in size>>
    Farmer: What's going on? Where's Serenia?

    <<The clouds in the blue sky move away from the center to the sides as the sky and water in the well turns a gradient of dark green to green, black silhouettes of Crazy Cornelis bounce across the fields that are covered in a layer of green fog>>
    Kosefira: Something's coming through the crops!
    <<You>>: ...No, those ARE the crops.
    Farmer: My crops ain't that ugly, kid.... or dead looking.
    <<You>>: We've dealt with animated vegetables before, people, this isn't new.
    Farmer: I'm just sayin', I take some pride in my handiwork, and this ain't somethin' to be proud of.
    <<You>>: ...Fair enough. Everyone form up behind me, then go get help! I'll hold the line.

    War camp

    Teeming Mutant Vegetables

    Carnel the mage has turned on his
    farmers and corrupted the offering to
    Serenia, unleashing a plague of undeath
    on the crops! Push back against the
    pestilent tide of mutant vegetables to
    protect the farmers and clear the fields. If
    you act fast, maybe the Harvest Festvial
    can still be saved!


    <<You walk in to a grassy area with Kaley Obsidia and Artix standing next to each other a distance away from the green fog covered fields>>
    <<You>>: I can't say I expected to see you two side by side.
    Artix: It is not easy, friend, but I have learned to withhold judgement when innocent lives are at stake. The Necromantress can have my attetion after everyone is safe.
    Kaley Obsidia: How flattering. We will doubtless not be in such friendly terms once my former pupil has been brought to heel.
    <<You>>: You taught Carnel?
    Kaley Obsidia: For a few years. He was no prodigy, but he was a star pupil through sheer dedication - A product of humbler life, no doubt.
    Kaley Obsidia: Over at Granemor, he would respectfully raise the dead to assist in repairs, defense and what little farming can be done in such hostile conditions.
    Artix: There is nothing honorable or respectful about what he is doing now.
    <<You>>: I'll say. Whatever power he's turned to, we need to track it down and stop it.
    Kaley Obsidia: I don't recognize the ritual, but it's simple enough to understand its progress. The fires inflicting this plague spread like arcane aftershocks of central ritual sites.
    <<You>>: It's been hard to tell through the smoke, but they haven't all spread from the festival grounds. Some have actually moved closer from elsewhere.
    Artix: Then he is repeating this ritual to blight the fields faster, and covering his retreat in the process. We should spread out and try identify the most recent epicenter, and hopefully figure out his route.
    Kaley Obsidia: So eager to leave me, Paladin? And I thought we were bonding.
    <<You>>: That's still more civil than I expected, but Artix has the right idea. We'll cover more ground... and not fight each other.

  • Guest List

  • War Rewards
  • Top Character War Wins!
    Top 25
    Serenia's Elite Variant Male and Female Faces
    Top 50
    Serenia's Divine Blessing Variant Shield
    1000 Individual Kills
    Carnel's Blighted Scythe
  • Go Back

    Twilly: Twilly doesn't really mind not having to eat his vegetables....
  • >.>
    Twilly:If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please.
      Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
    • Thank you!

  • Let me handle this

    Battle: BURP Slayer??

    Potions By Lucretia
    Lucretia: Get your potions here! Free samples for Guardians! Full heals from the punch bowl! Talk to me for specialty potions!
  • Deal!
    <<You>>: Wait... Lucretia? What are you doing here?
  • ???
    Lucretia: Running a shop! I wouldn't be much of a businesswoman if I didn't go where the customers were, no?
  • I guess?
    Lucretia: If you want, I have a shop set up out back for specialty potions!

    Potion bag
    You must be a Guardian to refill your Health potions from this bag.

    Bubbling Purple liquid Cauldron
    You down a glass and are fully healed! Tastes like almond/anise/apple/banana/blackberry/blood/blueberry/burning/butter rum/butterscotch/caramel/cherry/chocolate/cinammon/clove/coconut/coffee/cola/cotton candy/cream soda/dandelion and burdock/dragonfruit/failure/fruit punch/ginger ale/grape/honey/lemon/lemonade/lemon-lime/licorice/lime/maple/marshmallow/mint/moglinberry/moglinberry wine/Nutella/orange/passionfruit/peach/peanut butter/peppermint/piņa colada/pineapple/prunes/purple/raspberry/root beer/sarsaparilla/sour apple/sour cherry/sour grape/strawberry/success/watermelon/wildberry!

  • To Battle!
      How many waves would you like to fight before returning to camp to rest?
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Five

      You will now fight # wave(s) before returning to camp!
      Four Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after each two
      [X] Click this button to return to camp at the next save point.

  • Secret Mission!
  • Back to Town

    Once the war meter reaches 100%

    <<You walk in from the trees on the left a distance away from the right corner of the green fog covered fields, a Frankencarrot and two BURPS lay on the ground defeated>>
    <<You>>: I thought this place looked weird. It looks like a small force of mutants retreated through here.
    <<You>>: They went right through the usual BURPS, too. And recently. Obsidia and Artix must still be tied up with their own fights...
    <<You>>: ...no time to try and find them now.
    <<You>>: Here I come Carnel.
    Four Battles with Full Heal after each two

    <<You walk in from the left and Zorbak stands at the right corner of the green fog covered fields next to the entrance of a rocky cave>>
    Zorbak: Found it!
    <<You>>: Found it!

    <<You emit an ! as Zorbak jumps up and lands on the grass>>
    <<You>>: ...Zorbak? What are YOU doing here?
    Zorbak: You expect a master of Ebil to reveal his grand plan to the likes of you?
    <<You>>: ...yes?
    Zorbak: *grumble* Stupid clever heroes. Fine! I'm here to stop this horrendous plagiarism!
    Zorbak: Do you have any idea of how long I've been wanting to raise an army of undead vegetables? It's genius! Using your enemy's own sustenance as your army!
    Zorbak: And some simpleton has gone and stolen my idea! This will not stand!
    <<You>>: ...Wasn't that just an excuse to eat all the apple pie?
    Zorbak: Eh...
    <<You>>: Anyways, you've clearly run out of minions on the way, and I could use a hand after all that fighting, so could you...?
    Zorbak: ....
    <<You>>: ....

    <<Zorbaks tosses three health potions at You, and walks into the cave>>
    Full Heal
    Zorbak: You're welcome!

    <<You walk through the cave entrance and stop a few steps away from Carnel and a green swirling portal with a pool of green water beneath it>>
    Carnel: Ah. <<You>>. I thought my forces would keep you for longer. I am sure you've been through this already - shall we finish this? The damage may be done, but I am still in a hurry.
    <<You>>: No speech this time, huh?
    Carnel: What for? Even if I expected you to understand, we would still fight in the end.
    <<You>>: Oh, condescension. You're right, I've been through this already. And you're wrong: I've got you figured out.
    Carnel: ...Excuse me?
    <<You>>: Oh come on. Tragically misguided Necromancer who was accepted in Granemor, then came back to a home where there's a zealous Paladin stopping by every day?
    <<You>>: You're an open book, Carnel. Whoever you're a pawn of picked you in hopes we'd pass you off as just another misunderstood fool turned evil.
    Carnel: No matter. Your festival is done. Your armies will starve. Your goddess is spurned. You are alone.

    <<A light yellow Serenia flies in from the left and hovers next to You>>
    Serenia: I see what is at work now. Hold fast, Chosen. All is not lost.
    Carnel: See? All she can offer you is words. Whereas my Master...
    <<You>>: ...Can we skip to the part where I beat you back into a plowshare?

    Battle: Carnel
    Full Heal

    <<Carnel raises his right arm holding the scythe as a green fire burns at his feet>>
    Carnel: No, not yet... Master, have I delayed enough?
    ???: You err to reveal my hand, my precious piece, but have done well to call for aid. <<You>> may be predictable, but is not to be taken quite so lightly.

    <<Carnel shrinks as a black silhouette, his skin and overalls become yellow green and his eyes, cheeks, collar bone and back are enveloped in green fire>>
    Carnel the Blighter: And now that you're all alone...

    <<Carnel swings his scythe and launches Blightfire at You>>
    <<You>>: Ow. You pack a punch, I'll give you that. But I'm not alone.
    Carnel the Blighter: What is this nonsense?
    <<You>>: Like I said. I have you figured out.
    <<You>>: Do you have any idea of how long I've been doing this?
    Carnel the Blighter: You may flaunt your career all you like, hero but-
    <<You>>: No, you know what? This time, it's my turn to make a speech.
    <<You>>: I'll admit, I don't know how long mister portals over there has been biding his time, but I can tell you one thing.
    <<You>>: I've been playing dumb for longer.
    ???: How infuriatingly interesting...
    <<You>>: You've figured out that the Demipowers are getting weaker and have done everything to push that along.
    <<You>>: I'm guessing the BURP rebellions were just a test, and this is the main show.
    <<You>>: A plague that caused a pestilence and ruined the harvest? Three Demipowers in one go. Effective, but obvious.
    <<You>>: And since you've taken care to be very indirect about it, I'm guessing that either you think I could stop you myself...
    <<You>>: Or, judging from Serenia stopping by, you're not from Lore.
    <<You>>: Oh, wow, monologuing does feel good. No wonder you people do it so much. So, how'd I do?
    Carnel the Blighter: Rather well for a corpse in the making, but your bluff is over. You will die alone.

    <<A light yellow Serenia flies in from the left and hovers next to You>>
    Serenia: Forgive my parting. Permission had to be obtained.
    Serenia: You poor, misguided wretch. Were that I could still pity you.
    Serenia: You were right to deduce that the offerings constitute a ritual. But you made a grave mistake.
    Serenia: Did you think I would leave if you took the offerings? That I would love my people any less?
    ???: No, but I see that your power has not stopped waning?
    Serenia: Chosen. A threat from beyond has taken care to not incite divine response by acting indirectly.
    Serenia: And so I make my offer.
    Serenia: If you would freely accept me, I claim you as my avatar, for this occasion only.
  • Normal Battle! (Accept Serenia's Armor and Shield)
      <<You>>: I would be honored.

  • Challenge Battle! (Battle with no aid)
      <<You>>: I would be honored, Serenia, but these enemies are already wary of the gods of Lore.
      <<You>>: So I would like to teach them to expect a good fight from people of Lore too.

    Battle: Carnel the Blighter
    Full Heal

    <<You>>: That was... satisfying.
    ???: I must admit, 'Chosen', you surprised me. But you have not stopped me.
    <<You>>: Oh, I know. You would be here fighting me yourself if you were desperate at all.
    ???: You are wiser than I gave you credit for. You may yet come to embrace the coming change.
    ???: And by that same wisdom, surely you see that I retain the advantage.
    <<You>>: Only until we figure out what the rest of your plan is.
    <<You>>: But I'll say one thing right now:
    <<You>>: If your change involves sending more armies at innocent people while you grab for power?
    <<You>>: I'm not just going to end a fight. I'm going to bring it to your door.
    ???: We shall see, hero.

    <<The portal shrinks as it fades downwards to the pool of green water>>
    Serenia: Well done, Chosen. I must finish clearing this blight to ensure a bountiful harvest.

    <<A light yellow Serenia flies upwards leaving the cave>>

    <<Pans downward as a light yellow human silhouette in a dress descends as a trail of loose feathers fall from her to the ground, the green fog fades as the fields turn to yellow and green as You walk in from the left, ten patches of grass sprout on the brown path and two clusters of three dark-blue interior and white-tipped flowers surrounded by yellow-grey and orange-pink flowers sprout from the green hills>>

    <<A light yellow Serenia flies in from the right and hovers a few steps away from a glinting chest>>
    Serenia: You have done well to end this menace, Chosen, and while we still diminish, the offering has been restored.
    Serenia: Feast and make merry, for you have again proven that the good deeds of one are the foundation to that of the many. But rest not for too long.
    Serenia: Just as you have struck fear today, fear will soon strike back. Twisted dreams and twisted greed descend upon the seasons as readily as they do upon each other.
    Serenia: You will stand between the two, with Lore at your back. Find hope in the withering sparks of joy within a heart that beats for naught but coin.

    <<A red arrow with gold trim is animated to compress vertically as moves down and up pointing to the glinting chest>>
    Click the chest to open, reveals eighteen stacks of gold coins, gold bar, blue gem, red gem while a purple gem and two coins fall to the ground

    Shop: Harvest Fest '18 - Teeming Mutant
    Carnel's Necrotic Scythe (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Carnel's Infernal Scythe (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Spark of Serenity (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Serenia's Blessing (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Serene (Lv 5, 10 wins)
    Warden of the Harvest (Lv 15, 50 wins)
    Avenger of Life's Bounty (Lv 15, 100 wins)
    Herald of Serenia (Lv 35, 250 wins)
    Champion of Life (Lv 35, 500 wins)
    Serenity, Avatar of Serenia (Lv 55, 1000 wins)
    Serenia's Defender F (Lv 15)
    Serenia's Defender M (Lv 15)

  • Play again!
  • Re-Open Shop
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Monster Pool

    Berserk BURP
    BURP Slayer??
    Crazy Cornelius
    Corybantic BURP
    Death Knight
    Gregg Plant
    Maddened BURP
    Pea Ditty
    Tommy Toe
    Undead Archer

    < Message edited by Legendary Ash -- 1/19/2022 18:32:49 >
  • AQ  Post #: 61
    12/14/2018 20:28:32   
    Legendary Ash

    Defend the BURPS?

    Today's Event or Harvest Portal Painting

    <<You walk in from the left and stand a few steps away from a farmer holding a pitchfork, trees with brown green leaves and a field with yellow and green plants rest a distance away>>
    <<You>>: Hey there. I heard you needed help?
    Farmer: Yeup, <<You>>. Y'reemember two years ago, when you 'n' all o'them BURPs deefended our crops?
    <<You>>: Yeah. Let me guess - same thing this year?
    Farmer: Oh gosh, no! I'looks like them demipowers didn't take kindly t' losin'. Them critters are takin' out BURPs almost as fast as they're mowin' through our crops!
    <<You>>: So Famine and Pestilence aren't going down without a fight? Figures. They're probably re-doubling their efforts after we beat them.
    <<You>>: Thanks for your help. I'll get the Guardians together and we'll take the fight back to them.

    <<You walk in from the left and stop a few steps away from BlackWhisker and Pied Burper who turns around to face You, with Shogun Akunezu and King BURP behind them in the intersection of a path a distance away from the yellow and green fields, ten patches of grass sprout on the brown path and two clusters of three dark-blue interior and white-tipped flowers surrounded by yellow-grey and orange-pink flowers sprout from the green hills>>
    <<You>>: Hold on! Don't attack! I'm on your side!
    Blackwhisker: An' I be a flounder's wife. How can we trust ya?
    Pied Burper: Because we don't have a choice. We're losing troops faster than last year. If we want to win, then we need all the help we can get.
    Shogun Akunezu: Besides, <<You>> has been fighting Famine and Pestilence for years longer than he's (male)/she's (female) fought any of us. Basic tactics say that it's best if we team up.
    Blackwhisker: Hm... all o' ye cut a nice sail when ye talk like that.
    <<You>>: Good. I got Battleon's Guardians behind me. We team up, take down Famine and Pestilence, and you get a share of the crops we save. Sounds like a deal?
    Shogun Akunezu: Deal. You have our word.
    Pied Burper: Right, and then the bossman can begin the
    King BURP: RAAAAARRRR!!! *hsssss*
    Pied Burper: I mean uh... yep! That's the deal!
    <<You>>: Great! Let's get 'em!

    War camp


    Famine and Pestilence are back
    for their biannual BURP war, and
    it looks like they didn't forget
    about 2014's loss! Now their
    forces are destroying the
    landscape while attacking the
    combined BURP forces! Can you
    take them down before the BURP
    army is defeated?

    Click on Urtran's Guardian Blade if you want him to join you in battle!
    Urtran's Guardian Blade
    Urtran the UltraGuardian will join you in battle!

    Click on Yulgar's Hammer if you want him to join you in battle!
    Yulgar's Hammer
    Yulgar will help you in battle!

    GUARDIAN ONLY: Click on Blackhawke's sword to have him join you!
    Blackhawke's sword
    You must be a Guardian for Blackhawke to join you!

    Twilly: Oh noes! WATS! We've gotsta save the wats!
  • More
    Twilly:If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please.
      Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
    • Thank you!

  • Let me handle this

    If you become a Guardian, then you can ride the Radiant Warhorse into battle!

    Potion bag
    You must be a Guardian to refill your Health potions from this bag.

  • To Battle!
      How many waves would you like to fight before returning to camp to rest?
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Five


      <<Famine stands on a dark ground with an aurora of a gradient of dark blue to green in the sky, ACCESS DENIED flashes on a black silhouette of a sphere with a white outline>>
      Famine: This is NOT good. Something's going down in Battleon farmland and I'm blocked from seeing it.
      Famine: There's only a handful of reasons why I'm blocked from accessing my domain... hopefully I just failed to pay for my scrying bills.

      <<Famine closes his eyes as he tilts his head downwards>>
      Famine: *sigh* And that's probably Pestilence, yelling at me to finish planning this year's BURP incursion. This is gonna be a LONG day....


      <<You and Blackhawke walk in from the left a few steps away from Shogun Akunezu in the intersection of a path a distance away from the yellow and green fields, ten patches of grass sprout on the brown path and two clusters of three dark-blue interior and white-tipped flowers surrounded by yellow-grey and orange-pink flowers sprout from the green hills>>
      <<You>>: Gone? What do you mean, gone?
      Shogun Akunezu: We last heard from him when he led a squad of troops into battle. Given how long ago that was, I'm almost certian that we lost the King BURP.
      Blackhawke: Sorry for your loss.
      Shogun Akunezu: To make it worse, we're now seeing some of his troops on the battlefield, but fighting for Pestilence and Famine.
      <<You>>: Tsk. That would explain why I've been havinv to fight off BURPs too.
      <<You>>: So, what's the plan?
      Shogun Akunezu: The plan is to not get too hung up on one loss. We've got a war to win, and he wouldn't want us to surrender just because he died.
      <<You>>: Sounds good. Stay safe, Akunezu.
      Shogun Akunezu: Likewise.

      <<Shogun Akunezu lands on his feet and then flies upwards into the sky>>
      Blackhawke: Does something seem off about this to you?
      <<You>>: No. Why?
      Blackhawke: If Pestilence and Famine took control of the King BURP's troops, then why wouldn't they also take control of the King BURP?
      <<You>>: Hmm. Last I checked, Pestilence and Famine's control over the BURPs was waning - they couldn't control the BURPs last war, let alone the BURP commanders.
      <<You>>: So now how could they take control of the King BURP this year?
      Blackhawke: I don't know. I'm a fighter - this demipower magicky stuff isn't exactly my field of expertise.
      Blackhawke: But this whole thing reminds me of something Robina and Valencia were fighting over. I'll send word to find them. Hopefully they can get around before something bad happens.


      <<Famine on the left stands on a dark ground with an aurora of a gradient of dark blue to green in the sky, ACCESS DENIED flashes on a black silhouette of a sphere with a white outline, three green arrows are shot from the right to left, Famine evades the attack and Pestilence walks in from the right>>
      Famine: Whoa! Slow down! I know I'm a bit late on the BURP war--
      Famine: Wait, what? I haven't done anything!

      <<Pestilence right hands glows summoning green arrows and pulls the bowstring preparing to fire>>
      Pestlience: ADMIT IT, YOU COWARD!
      Famine: Don't -- ugh. Look, check my scrying mirror - I'm blocked out too!
      Pestlience: OH PLEASE, LIKE hey, that's the same message my scryings are giving me.

      <<Pestilence lowers his right hand and bow, the arrows disappear>>
      Famine: Exactly! Whatever's blocking you out is also blocking me. And you said that the BURPs are at war again?
      Pestlience: I... uh... yeah. Had a scout report in. The BURPs are fighting in Battleon against creatures from our domains, including ones from that drought subdomain that you rarely use.
      Famine: Hm...
      Pestlience: So if it's not you, then what' causing this?
      Famine: There's at least three possibilities, and all of them point to a "who", not a "what".


      <<King BURP tilts his head upwards at the sky with his right foot on a pile of zombies in the intersection of a path a distance away from the yellow and green fields, ten patches of grass sprout on the brown path>>
      ???: The ultimate BURP for the ultimate warrior? Perfect!

      <<Green streaks shoot across King BURP"s back, he bends downwards and his eyes emit a green glow>>
      King BURP: guuuuuh....


      <<Two BURPS with eyes that emit a green glow on the left face Blackwhisker on the right in Screen 9 without the the monsters and wall>>
      Blackwhisker: Ye mutinous rats! Ye cannot win against me - I'm yer cap'n!
      ???: Sorry bub, but I'm the captain now.

      <<Green streaks shoot across Blackwhisker"s back, he looks downwards as he kneels on left leg and his eyes emit a green glow>>
      Blackwhisker: Aye, me commodore.
      ???: Commodore? Sweet title. Do I get a hat?


      <<Four BURPS with eyes that emit a green glow on the left with a forest behind them face Pied Burper on the right in front of a tree>>
      Pied Burper: An enchantment? I'll have a counterspell ready before you can say--
      ???: Bzzt! WRONG! You're gonna be playing my tune from now on.

      <<Green streaks shoot across Pied Burper's back, he bends downwards and his eyes emit a green glow>>
      Pied Burper: Of course, boss.

      <<A defeated BURP lies belly up with zombie on the grass on the left and Shogun Akunezu hovers on the right in a forest>>
      Shogun Akunezu: Come out and fight, coward! I know you're nearby!
      ???: I'm not a coward - I'm the greatest warrior ever! And you're NOTHING compared to me!
      ???: Do you hear me? Nothing! NOTHING!!

      <<Green streaks shoot across Shogun Akunezu's back, he lands on his feet as he bends downwards and his eyes emit a green glow>>
      ???: There. Now that I have all you vermin under my command, it's time for the next stage.
      Shogun Akunezu: Correction, master - there's still one more out there.
      ???: What? Who? Where??
      Shogun Akunezu: Follow. I'll lead you to him.

    • Fight!

      You will now fight # wave(s) before returning to camp!
      Four Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after each two
      [X] Click this button to return to camp at the next save point.

    • Back

  • Guardian Mission!
  • Explore Camp
  • Back to Town

    Once the war meter reaches 100%

    <<You and Blackhawke walk in from the left in the intersection of a path a distance away from the yellow and green fields, ten patches of grass sprout on the brown path and two clusters of three dark-blue interior and white-tipped flowers surrounded by yellow-grey and orange-pink flowers sprout from the green hills>>
    Blackhawke: Zardspit! The BURPs are retreating!
    <<You>>: We can still save some! Let's help cover their escape!

    Four Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after each two

    <<You and Blackhawke walk in from the left to face BlackWhisker, Pied Burper, Shogun Akunezu and King BURP whose's eyes all emit a green glow on the right, a distance away from the yellow and green fields and the grey mountains>>
    <<You>>: There you all are! Look, we need to get you out of here. I've cleared a path back to--
    <<You>>: That's a good rawr, right?

    Battle: King BURP
    Full Heal

    Battle: BlackWhisker the PieRat
    Full Heal

    Battle: Pied Burper
    Full Heal

    Battle: Shogun Akunezu
    Full Heal

    Battle: SeekRat Omni
    Full Heal

    Monacle: *beep* Spell codex decrypted. Dispelling.

    <<SeekRat's green eyes transitions to red>>
    Seekrat: Wha-what?! Where am I?
    <<You>>: I was about to ask you the same thing! You and all the BURP leaders just jumped me!
    Seekrat: Gah! I must've lost that fight to that worthless wannabe!
    <<You>>: Wait, you were fighting someone? Who?
    Seekrat: None of your business!
    <<You>>: Please! We have to work together if we--
    Seekrat: Pfft! Like I'm ever working with you.

    <<Seekrat becomes a red silhouette and vanishes in a black swirl of shadows>>
    <<You>>: Well what am I supposed to do now?!
    Blackhawke: C'mon, we've done all we can.
    Blackhawke: And there's some news - I got both Robina and Valencia back in Battleon, and they've seen some of these creatures before. I think they can help us out.
    <<You>>: Well, that's a good start. Lead on.

    <<Famine on the left and Pestilence on the right stands on a dark ground with an aurora of a gradient of dark blue to green in the sky, ACCESS DENIED flashes on a black silhouette of a sphere with a white outline>>
    Famine: Well, I guess we can cross the other options off the list. That leaves us looking for a person wielding Vector. Possibly one or more extra artifacts, based on how much control they have over our subdomains.
    Pestlience: I'm putting my aspects to finding and killing off this brat before he can get any more artifacts.
    Famine: No, you can't. Divine law says that we can't interfere - at least not until they summon us.
    Pestlience: Yeah, like either of us give a BURP's butt about divine law.
    Famine: But--
    Pestlience: I'm killing him, and if you get in my way I'm gonna take you down with me. Don't you think that I know of all the ways you've been "bending" the law since you got your divine rank?
    Famine: No need for that. I was going to say, that there's ways around the law. Every rule has an exception, and every exception has a rule.
    Famine: I have a plan. There's at least one way we can interfere without us risking our ranks. The only thing is, we have to bring <<You>> in on it.
    Pestlience: Ugh. Working with him (male)/ her (female)? I think I'm gonna be sick.
    Famine: Funny, I thought that YOU were the demipower of Pestilence, not me?
    Pestlience: Shut up.

    Shop: Harvest Festival '16
    Harvest Festival '16 Commemorative Spoon (Lv 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    BURP Hero (Lv 10, 50 wins)
    Actually Gives a BURP's Butt (Lv 10, 100 wins)
    Rescue Ranger (Lv 25, 250 wins)

  • Play again!
  • Re-Open Shop
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Monster Pool

    Beetle Zard
    Berserk BURP
    Crazy Cornelius
    Corybantic BURP
    Desert Griffin
    Desiccated Corpse
    Fire Mantik
    Frenzied BURP
    Gregg Plant
    Maddened BURP
    Pea Ditty
    Queen Buzzer
    Rock Salt Rocker
    Scorpion Zard
    Tommy Toe
    Wasp Zards
    Wind Wasp Swarm

    2 Text errors are underlined both in transcript above and below:

    Should be "Pestilence".
    Shogun Akunezu: Given how long ago that was, I'm almost certian that we lost the King BURP.
    Should be "certain".

    < Message edited by Legendary Ash -- 5/7/2021 17:03:29 >
  • AQ  Post #: 62
    12/27/2018 18:33:41   
    Legendary Ash

    Decorate the Battleon Tree!

    Today's Event or Frostval 2018 Portal Painting > Decorate the Battleon Tree!

    <<Pans down onto Battleon in the winter, zooms in between an evergreen conifer and the Inn as the scene is enveloped in yellow light, Robina stands on right on the snow a distance away from the tree and You walk in to stand left of the tree, between the Inn, Aria's and Warlic's shops>>
    Robina: <<You>>! So good to see you!
    <<You>>: Hi Robina! What happened to the fountain that was in the town's square?
    Robina: Yulgar had to remove it due to the frigid weather. Something about pipes freezing and bursting. He said it made the town look empty, so he replaced it with a tree!
    Robina: He has such an eye for those types of things.
    <<You>>: Huh, it seems a little... plain doesn't it? I bet with a little hunting I could really spruce it up!
    Robina: Hunting? I love hunting! I bet some Zard pelts and Behemoth teeth would look really nice, <<You>>!
    <<You>>: What...? Ew, no! I mean we could look around, I'm sure there's some spare decorations left lying about.
    Robina: Ohhh yeah, that's a great idea! I'll put together a list for us, this will be so much fun! I love this time of year!

    <<A list moves up to the center of the screen>>
    Robina: Click on the name of an ingredient to go hunting for it! Stay wary of the creatures that lurk around these snowy lands!
    Decorate the
    Battleon Tree!

  • A star burning bright
  • Some fluff to keep it warm
  • Strings of lights to shine in the night
  • Orbs of decorating power
  • Hunt with Robina's help
    <<Robina the Hood will now battle by your side!>>
  • Hunt by yourself

  • Two Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after

    Luck Check!
    The snow is deeper than you thought! It's going to take some luck to find the decorations buried under all this snow!
    Difficulty: 73
    Stat Used: Luck
  • Roll!

    If you fail the roll

  • Defy It!
    By an effort of will you can spend <<value>> Sp to automatically win the roll. Do you wish to do that?
    • Yes
    • No

  • Next

    If you win in the roll

    <<You found a shiny star/pile of fluff/powerful lights/the orbs of decorating power!>>

    Once all decorations are found

    <<Robina walks in from the right to stands on the snow a distance away from the decorated tree and You walk to stand on the left of it between the Inn, Aria's and Warlic's shops>>
    Robina: Oh my the tree looks beautiful! The whole town feels so warm and festive now thanks to you, <<You>>!
    <<You>>: Thanks Robina! It does give the town a warm glow about it.
    Robina: Yulgar won't believe his eyes! Now let's get you some rewards for all your hard wor-

    <<An owl flies with a rolled parchment towards You and lands on the tip of Robina's bow>>
    Robina: A messenger owl? It must be something very urgent!

    A red arrow points down at the parchment held in the owl's beak, Take the note! Click arrow to continue.

    That bleedin' town with a Moglin at the

    Notice of Intent ta Ferclose

    Dear Chilly, Willy or somesuch:

    Ye writin' everythin' I say, O'Penny? Ahem.
    Yer'ereby notified that the undersigned
    intends to seize the property, described as "I
    live in Frostvale! Bestest village ever!",
    provided as safety for the payment of yer
    outstanding debt of One Chocolate Coin and
    accumulated interest of Five Bajillion
    GOOOLD unless payment is made ta the
    Bank of Leprechaunia no later than
    "Whenever they do that thing with the
    bloody pumpkins."

    Shaymus O'Slayhee, Prime Miser and
    President, Bank of Leprechaunia.
  • Continue
    Robina: Foreclosing on Frostvale?! This is low, even for Uncle Sham!
    <<You>>: This carrier owl was supposed to arrive there on Mogloween, but it just now got here.
    Robina: That miser must have gone for the cheapest owl... or strapped down any poor bird.
    <<You>>: We have to go stop him. Can you send word to Frostvale while we go deal with thi-
    Zorbak: Hide me hide me hide me!
    <<You>>: Zorbak! Of course you're coming to stir up trouble too - Uh, Zorbak?

    <<Zorbak in pale blue color runs in from the right and stands below the tree shivering>>
    Zorbak: HIDE ME.
    <<You>>: W're lucky to have a year when you didn't try to ruin Frostval and you want us to put you out of sight?
    <<You>>: Fat chance, buddy.

    <<Zorbak runs off to the right and disappears>
    Zorbak: HidemehidemeEATAWREATHhidemehideme!
    <<You>>: I wonder what got into him...
    Robina: I don't know but he's following the road North. And you know what he tries to mess with each year.
    <<You>>: I guess we get to warn Frostvale in person.
    Robina: Yep. Can't have him regain his color along the road... What could've left him like that, though?
    <<You>>: Truphma, maybe? But I don't think he'd be that scared of them...

    Coming next Week: The Nightmare Upon Frostval

    ???: Zorbie...?
    ???: ...Where's my Zorbie?
    Shop: Frostval Tree Decoration
    Festive Mallet (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Snowflake Wand (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Snownic Screwdriver (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Spearmint (Lv 5, 15, 35, 51G, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Mighty Sleighlelagh (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Mystic Sleighlelagh (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Sleighledao (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Cold Sore (Lv 7, 27, 42G, 67, 87, 107, 127, 147G)
    Rock Thrower (Lv7, 27, 42G, 67, 87, 107, 127, 147G)
    Wreath Wrath (Lv 7, 27, 42G, 67, 87, 107, 127, 147G)
    Coal Maul (Lv 7, 27, 42G, 67, 87, 107, 127, 147G)
    Frigid Lance (Lv 7, 27, 42G, 67, 87, 107, 127, 147G)
    Shivsicle (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Wreath Wrath G (Lv 19, 147G)
    Cold Sore G (Lv 47, 147G)
    Rock Thrower G (Lv 47, 147G)
    Wreath Wrath Z (Lv 77Z, 117Z)
    Coal Maul Z (Lv 77Z, 140Z)
    Frigid Lance Z (Lv 77Z, 140Z)
    Zpearmint (Lv 85Z, 143Z)
    Cold Sore Z (Lv 107Z)
    Rock Thrower Z (Lv 107Z)
    Broken Ornament (Lv 5, 15, 35, 51G, 55, 75, 85Z, 95, 115, 135, 143Z, 150G)
    Frostbite (Lv5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135)
    Frostbite G (Lv 28G 150G)
    Frostbite Z (Lv 85Z, 135Z)

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Monster Pool

    Dirty Snowman
    Frost Berserker
    Frost Colossus
    Frost Goliath
    Frost Herculean
    Frost Samsonian
    Frost Titan
    Frost Trooper
    Ice Cweam
    Ice Golem
    Jotun Combatant
    Jotun Commander
    Jotun Executioner
    Jotun Fighter
    Jotun Hero
    Jotun Knight
    Jotun Leader
    Jotun Marauder
    Jotun Raider
    Jotun Warrior
    Pere NoFlesh
    Tree Slugger

    < Message edited by Legendary Ash -- 1/19/2022 18:33:53 >
  • AQ  Post #: 63
    12/28/2018 0:28:33   
    Legendary Ash

    Nightmare Upon Frostvale

    Today's Event or Frostval 2018 Portal Painting > Nightmare Upon Frostvale

    <<A pale colored Zorbak runs in from the right, disappears on the left, then runs in from the left to stand next to Chilly shivering, between them is a Snowmoglin with stones for eyes, buttons, carrot for nose and sticks for arms, grey clouds and scattered stars are present in the upward gradient of pink to purple sky above Frostvale's huts>>
    Zorbak: Hidemehidemehideme!
    Chilly: Uh-oh.
    Chilly: Not so fast, Zorbak! This year we're-
    Zorbak: YeahwhateverHIDEME.

    <<Zorbak dives headfirst into the Snowmoglin, pops his upper half of the body out of it still shivering, You and Robina walk in from the left>>
    Robina: *huff* I never thought Zorbak would be able to run that much of a marathon.
    Chilly: Robina! <<You>>! We're so happy to see you! It's very early for gift delivery, but... Zorbak is being really weird.
    Robina: Isn't he always?
    Chilly: Weirder than usual.
    Zorbak: Eat a wreath.
    <<You>>: He got spooked something fierce, but wouldn't stop to say why.
    Zorbak: She... She's everywhere... She even followed me to the bank...
    Robina: ...And now that he has, he's not making any sense.
    <<You>>: Anyways, Chilly, I'm afraid we're here with some bad news.
    <<You>>: You haven't had any dealings with Uncle Sham lately, have you?
    Chilly: He was very nice to me! Gave me a really big chocolate coin.
    <<You>>: ...I'm afraid he tricked you. Here, you might want to read this. It was delivered to Battleon by mistake.

    <<You toss a rolled up parchment paper Chilly>>
    <<Pans downwards to Chilly reading the parchment paper with his jaw dropped to his chest against a light blue background>>
    Chilly: HOW MUCH?

    <<Chilly dives headfirst into the Snowmoglin, pops his head out and frowns>>
    Robina: ...I don't think we'll get to get anything coherent out of either of them now.
    <<You>>: At least we know where to go. Both of their problems should be at the bank.

    Bank of Leprechaunia

    <<O'Meany stands in front of the door in Screen 1 next to a stone statue of Uncle Sham while O'Marley holds a crutch with his left arm with his right leg in a cast and stands at the stone steps below the door>>
    O'Meany: Fer the last time, I'm not getting the boss. Stop making a holy show of yourself and crack on.
    O'Marley: Meany, quit acting the maggot, you know it's me. O'Marley.
    O'Meany: Look, O'Marley or whatever. The place is packed jammers and Uncle Sham is furious after an associate jumped out the window on him.
    O'Meany: Plus everyone knows O'Teeny died last week. Now git.

    <<O'Marley walks to the left and disappears, Nightmare Queen walks in from the right holding a Zorbak doll in her right hand>>
    Nightmare Queen: My Zorbie... Where did my Zorbie go...?

    <<O'Meany jumps up and lands on his feet>>
    O'Meany: Z-Zorbak? He's not here.
    Nightmare Queen: You DARE lie to me?! I saw him go in here. Are you hiding my Zorbie from me?
    O'Meany: Look, lady, we'd sell that rat to you for cheap if we could, b-but he ran out on the boss hours ago!

    <<A gradient of black to the colors of the screen appears above the building>>
    Nightmare Queen: DON'T CALL HIM A RAT!
    Nightmare Queen: Don't insult my darling Zorbie... Don't lie to me... Where is my Zorbie?
    O'Meany: Aah! North! He went north! He always goes to mess with Frostval this time of year!
    O'Meany: That's what he was meeting with the boss for, but then he looked out the window and made a break for it!
    Nightmare Queen: Oh, what a sweetheart! Is he going to ruin Frostval for me?
    Nightmare Queen: But I'm not a Queen because of my terrible beauty, Zorbie dearest...
    Nightmare Queen: We shall have such fun racing to destroy their merry day, their merry village, their merry dreams... oh, but what if you're lying?
    O'Meany: I'm not I swear!
    Nightmare Queen: I'm not taking any chances. I shall carve a path of Nightmare to Frostvale... while my forces turn every stone in your little temple of fleeting riches.
    O'Meany: Forces? What f-f-orces? You're by your-
    Nightmare Queen: Oh, how silly of me! Let me show you.

    <<The building and pavement are enveloped in black and purple, the door becomes a mouth with sharp teeth>>
    <<You and Robina walk in from the left in a grassy field a distance away from the red color windowed building enveloped in black and white striped tentacles>>
    Leprechauns: NO! PLEASE!
    Leprechauns: OH ME SWEET GOLD!
    Leprechauns: Shut the doors! They're everywhere!
    <<You>>: We're here. And this is close to where the trail ends, too. Well, where it begins.
    Robina: I'll make a master tracker of you yet, <<You>> ...Oh lords. Is THAT the Central Bank of Leprechaunia?
    <<You>>: It is, but something just looks... wrong. And I'm not just saying that because of the enormous monster siege.
    Robina: Or the daytime night that's as creepy as Darkovia? How about the giant spider leg/tentacle hybrids?
    <<You>>: Okay, maybe it's very obviously wrong on a lot of the levels.
    Robina: As much as I'd like to take advantage of this and see how many creatures I could supply with all that gold...
    Robina: ...we have trouble coming this way.
    <<You>>: They're not laying siege to the bank. They're spilling out from it.
    Robina: ...And following the tracks. We have to organize a defense before they reach Frostvale!
    Monsters: Find... Zombie... Love... Zorbie... Destroy Frostval... Together...!

    War camp

    The Nightmare Upon Frostvale

    Uncle Sham has scammed Chilly into
    mortgaging all of Frostvale, and is
    threatening to foreclose on the village!
    But when you reached the bank, it was
    consumed by the forces of the Nightmare
    Queen! End her strangely desperate
    pursuit of Zorbak before her Waking
    Nightmare army tracks him all the way to
    Frostvale, and clear the way to the bank to
    save Frostval from Sham's greed!


    <<You and Robina walk in from the left to onto the snow covered ground with two Nightmare Pawns laying defeated with Hollow wearing a red holiday hat, a distance away from Frostvale under a dark purple sky illuminated by stars>>
    <<You>>: It's good to see you spreading Frostval cheer, so to speak. What brought you all the way out here, though?
    Hollow: Don't mention it. This is cathartic, I can see why you make a career out of it, even if I prefer engineering.
    Hollow: As for why, I heard word of a horror akin to Carnax marching on Frostvale and came over to see if any of Makkisar's machinations somehow lingered...
    Robina: ...I get this army is scary, but we're doing really well. What was this horror?
    Hollow: A mortgage.
    <<You>>: ...Look up!

    <<Green sparkles streaks in an arc followed by a rainbow path across the snow mountains onto Frostvale, black silhouettes of leprechauns stand at the top of the rainbow>>
    Hollow: ...Told you.

  • Guest List

    Chilly: You have to save our homes from Uncle Sham, or Frostval will be ruined!
  • More
    Zorbak: Forget that! Save ME from HER before Mu-Glen gets the wrong idea again!
  • More!
    Chilly: If you need help, we can heal you.
  • More!
    Zorbak: *WE*!?
    • Heal me please.
      <<Zorbak uses his Skull staff to cast dark lightning>>
      Player loses 100 Health points
      Zorbak: Mehehe
    • Hey!
      Chilly: Rude!
    • srsly
      Chilly: There you go! All healed up!
    • ...Thanks?

  • Let me handle this!

    Potions By Lucretia
    Lucretia: Merry Frostval to all! Grab a mug of punch of keep you warm throughout the night!
  • Deal!
    <<You>>: Wait... Lucretia? What are you doing here?
  • ???
    Lucretia: Running a shop! I wouldn't be much of a businesswoman if I didn't go where the customers were, no?
  • I guess?
    Lucretia: If you want, I have a shop set up out back for specialty potions!

    Potion bag
    You must be a Guardian to refill your Health potions from this bag.

    Bubbling Purple liquid Cauldron
    You down a glass and are fully healed! Tastes like almond/anise/apple/banana/blackberry/blood/blueberry/burning/butter rum/butterscotch/caramel/cherry/chocolate/cinammon/clove/coconut/coffee/cola/cotton candy/cream soda/dandelion and burdock/dragonfruit/failure/fruit punch/ginger ale/grape/honey/lemon/lemonade/lemon-lime/licorice/lime/maple/marshmallow/mint/moglinberry/moglinberry wine/Nutella/orange/passionfruit/peach/peanut butter/peppermint/piņa colada/pineapple/prunes/purple/raspberry/root beer/sarsaparilla/sour apple/sour cherry/sour grape/strawberry/success/watermelon/wildberry!

  • To Battle!
      How many waves would you like to fight before returning to camp to rest?
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Five

      You will now fight # wave(s) before returning to camp!

    • Fight the Waking Nightmare
      Four Battles from Monster Pool 1 with Full Heal after each two
    • Fight the Leprechauns
      Four Battles from Monster Pool 2 with Full Heal after each two
      [X] Click this button to return to camp at the next save point.

    • Back to Town

    Once the war meter reaches 100%

    <<Green sparkles streak across to the right of snow mountains followed by several Leprechauns, rainbow colored spheres of snow falls as You and Hollow wearing a red holiday hat stand on snow covered ground with a Nightmare Pawn laying defeated with its head, arm and leg disconnected from its body at a distance away from Frostvale under a dark purple sky illuminated by stars>>
    Hollow: Jess was right, I should get out more.
    <<You>>: We've just routed the ground forces. What news from the bridge?
    Hollow: Robina's leading a scouting team. I don't think they'll be coming back through there after the beating you gave them.
    Hollow: We held strong, but got pushed too close to the village when that bridge cut through our forces. Now we have to mop up so we can cross that bridge without having to worry about leaving Frostvale.
    <<You>>: Right. With the Nightmare Queen and her forces ripping nightmares out of everyone... Just one strong enemy left could turn into another horrible army.
    Nightmare Queen: Oh, it's so nice to have my work properly appreciated.

    <<Nightmare Queen holding a Zorbak doll in her right hand walks in from the right>>
    Nightmare Queen: But the more you fear Nightmare, the more easily it will find you. And my dearest Zorbie is so handsomely terrified... Oh, be still, my thorned heart.
    <<You>>: Dearest... Zorbie?
    Hollow: That lady has issues.
    <<You>>: ...I'm going to push the next person to make a love potion into the sea.
    Nightmare Queen: Now you are beginning to sound like a lovely subject. But kindly step aside so that I can flatten your little village and find my-
    ???: "Flatten"? I don't care whose queen you are, that's Uncloe Sham's property you're wantin' ta destroy.

    <<A leprechaun wearing ruff and shoulder plates walks in next to Nightmare Queen from the right>>
    O'Cratchett: This is takin' way too long already. Let's get this eviction out of the way. It's bad enough I have to ruin Frostval for everyone, but if yer about to make me miss dinner with me wife and wee ones.
    O'Cratchett: Now get in line so I can beat all o' ye flat and go home.
    <<You>>: Huh. A Leprechaun that's not afraid of having his nightmares ripped out.
    <<You>>: ...And cares about Frostval?
    Nightmare Queen: How deliciously defiant. I will enjoy breaking you.
    O'Cratchett: Ye already ripped McSmith out of me head. Now it's time to fight the genuine article.
    <<You>>: Excuse me, did everyone forget who just pummeled both of your armies?
    <<You>>: Both of YOU get in line and let me show you how it's done.

    Battle: O'Cratchett
    Full Heal

    Battle: Nightmare Queen
    Full Heal

    <<Nightmare Queen releases her hold on the Zorbak doll, it falls to the ground and she walks away to right>>
    Nightmare Queen: Dear... who? My head...

    <<O'Cratchett turns around to the right and begins to walk away>>
    <<You>>: Not so fast, sneezy! We're not done yet.
    O'Cratchett: Me rump and pride say otherwise.
    <<You>>: What your buttocks say is none of my business, and probably not a good topic for Frostval. Which you're going to help me save.

    <<O'Cratchett turns around to the left>>
    O'Cratchett: ...!
    <<You>>: That's right. I know you care about sharing a good Frostval with your family. So we're going to cross that bridge and get that foreclosure thrown out the window.
    O'Cratchett: ...Yer crazy, <<You>>, but it can't be any worse than what the greedy old bull is going to do to me anyways. How do ye plan on doin' this?
    <<You>>: His bank got transformed by Nightmare, didn't it? I can work with that.
    <<You>>: Let's get Warlic. We're going to scare some Frostval cheer into Sham.
    Coming next Week: Frostval, A Sham

    Shop: Frostval 2018: The Nightmare Upon Frostval
    O'Cratchett (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Frigid Zorbak Doll (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Frigid Nightmare Oppressor (Lv 5, 10 wins)
    Frigid Leprechaun Oppressor (Lv 5, 10 wins)
    Frigid Leprechaun Dominator (Lv 10, 30 wins)
    Frigid Nightmare Dominator (Lv 10, 30 wins)
    Frigid Nightmare Crusher (Lv 15, 80 wins)
    Frigid Leprechaun Crusher (Lv 15, 80 wins)
    Frigid Leprechaun Slayer (Lv 25, 200 wins)
    Frigid Nightmare Slayer (Lv 25, 200 wins)
    Frigid Nightmare Destroyer (Lv 35, 500 wins)
    Frigid Leprechaun Destroyer (Lv 35, 500 wins)
    Frigid Leprechaun Annihilator (Lv 50, 1000 wins)
    Frigid Nightmare Annihilator (Lv 50, 1000 wins)

  • Play again!
  • Re-Open Shop
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Monster Pool 1

    Nightmare Bishop
    Nightmare King
    Nightmare Knight
    Nightmare Pawn
    Nightmare Rook

    Monster Pool 2

    Giant Cyberchaun
    Giant Ninjachaun
    GO-LD Walker
    Leprechaun Power Armor
    Tiny Ninjachaun

    < Message edited by Legendary Ash -- 6/6/2020 18:26:52 >
  • AQ  Post #: 64
    12/29/2018 23:32:33   
    Legendary Ash

    A Sham

    Today's Event or Frostval 2018 Portal Painting > A Sham

    <<You stand on the left and O'Cratchett stand on the right with the black and purple pavement in between, the windows are of red color with two eyes on top of the door, which is an opened mouth with sharp yellowed teeth, black and white striped tentacles protrude from the side of the building>>
    O'Cratchett: Ye sure took yer sweet time. The Queen's long gone, but the place is still covered in Nightmare...
    <<You>>: What tipped you off? The nightmare creatures, the nightmare walls, the endless night...?
    O'Cratchett: Alright, I get it. Where's the rest of ye, though?
    <<You>>: Getting ready to play their parts. Sham won't know what hit him.

    <A short leprechaun, O'Marley walks out from the mouth as he holds a crutch with his right arm with his left leg in a cast>>
    O'Marley: Oh zard spit, not ye too!
    O'Cratchett: O'Marley! The dead are haunting this place too?!
    <<You>>: ...He really doesn't look dead to me. Just completely battered.
    O'Marley: THANK YE. Good gold, even Sham thinks I'm dead, and I've been his right hand 'chaun for YEARS.
    O'Marley: Do ye know how hard it is to get yer hands on a health potion when ye spook everyone so hard they drop it?
    <<You>>: Even Sham, huh? That gives me an idea...
    Outside Sham's bedroom...

    <<You and O'Cratchett walk in from the left into a hallway with a gold trim blue carpet whose walls are of gold color with a circular vault door at the end on the right>>
    <<You>>: So he does live in the bank.
    O'Cratchett: As if he could sleep soundly far away from his gold.
    Uncle Sham: Stay away! This is no fault o'mine!
    Uncle Sham: As soon as my loyal leprechauns wake me up, I'll toast the shamrocks off of whoever cooked that zard...
    Uncle Sham: Food gone bad, dreams gone bad, oh, I better have Frostvale by the time this is over or I'll REALLY give it ta them...
    <<You>>: And as long as he's holed up in there denying reality, we're not getting anywhere with this Nightmare OR with saving Frostval...

    <<O'Cratchett turns around to the left, jumps up and lands on his feet>>
    O'Cratchett: Speaking of nightmare...
    <<You>>: There's one right behind me?
    O'Cratchett: Yep.
    <<You>>: Kicked O'Marley's tail and is about to swing for ours?
    O'Cratchett: Probably.
    <<You>>: Bring it.

    <<O'Marley is sent flying horizontally through the hallway, slams into the circular vault door and has his upper half of the body stuck in the newly created crack>>

    Two Battles from Monster Pool 1 with Full Heal after

    <<You>>: ...That wasn't so bad. Now where's O'Marley? His part's coming up nex.-
    O'Marley: *groan*
    Uncle Sham: AAAAH!
    <<You>>: Ooh, that's perfect!

    <<Inside Sham's bedroom are a map of Gold locations, a book shelf, two potions one green and one pink, scattered piles of gold coins and gold bars and Sham in wearing a white cap and sleepwear under the blue blanket on a bed frame composed of gold, O'Marley's green hat and top of his head is visibly stuck through the vault door on the left>>
    Uncle Sham: What do you want with me, nightmarish apparition?
    O'Marley: Oh, I want much out of ye...
    Uncle Sham: I don't care what roast or broth or bad memory brought ye about, ye won't have much or any of me GOLD!
    O'Marley: GOOOOOOLD!
    O'Marley: GOLD! Be it all you care about-
    Uncle Sham: Aye.
    O'Marley: ...Oh. Should've seen that one coming. *Ahem*
    O'Marley: GOLD! Care ye not who I am?
    Uncle Sham: Yer an indigestion. An overcooked gobbler. An undercooked zardleg. A minute too early to bed.
    Uncle Sham: A GOLD coin too few on me pile. Any of a number of causes fer a bad dream of a familiar face.
    Uncle Sham: And whoever ye were, yer clearly a floating head here to haunt me.
    O'Marley: To WARN ye, Shaymus. Care ye not who I was?
    Uncle Sham: Ye do remind me of-

    <<O'Marley crawls more outward to reveal his upper half of the body through the crack on the vault door>>
    Uncle Sham: O'Marley! Me only proper partner, here to haunt me!
    Uncle Sham: Oh, ye look right banjaxed, but I thought you were-

    <<Returns to You and O'Cratchett in the hallway with a gold trim blue carpet whose walls are of gold color with O'Marley's feet and right leg in a cast stuck in a circular vault door at the end on the right>>
    <<You>>: Hang on, I got caught up searching for some flour.
    <<You>>: This should help sell the effect.

    <<You throw a bag of flour at O'Marley>>

    <<On the other side O'Marley is covered with flour and appears monochrome in color>>
    Uncle Sham: AAH! DEAD!
    O'Marley: Dead and doomed to roam, Shaymus! I pushed all away for GOLD in life, and bear in death the injuries no one cared to heal!
    Uncle Sham: But you were such a good leprechaun of business-
    O'Marley: Dead and doomed to roam, Shaymus! I pushed all away for GOLD in life, and bear in death the injuries no one cared to heal!

    <<A leprechaun pulls on a rope pulley to lift a pot of gold, another leprechaun runs towards and bumps into it, the pot falls pulling the leprechaun up and it lands on the other leprechaun>>

    <<Returns to the inside Sham's bedroom>>
    Uncle Sham: ...Very dead.
    O'Marley: I'M NOT D- *Ahem* And a worse fate awaits you, should you carry on your path.
    O'Marley: Oh, what casts and crutches! What bruises and canes, what funnybone breaking!

    <<Returns to You and O'Cratchett in the hallway with O'Marley's feet and right leg in a cast covered in flour and stuck in a circular vault door at the end on the right>>
    <<You>>: Oh wow, he's really getting into character.

    <<Returns to the inside Sham's bedroom>>
    O'Marley: Oh, what casts and crutches! What bruises and canes, what funnybone breaking!
    Uncle Sham: No! Spare me of this fate, cruel ghost! How could I count me GOLD with no finger unbroken!
    O'Marley: I come to give you hope, old friend, not take it away. Your fate may yet change, but only if your heart does!
    Uncle Sham: Pray tell, how?!
    O'Marley: 'tis the season of hope, Shamus. Of giving, and of welcoming. You will be haunted by three more ghosts. Heed their lessons well, or my doom will pale before yours.

    <<Returns to You and O'Cratchett in the hallway with O'Marley's feet and right leg in a cast covered in flour and stuck in a circular vault door at the end on the right>>

    <<O'Cratchett turns around to the left>>
    ???: HEY! What are you doing with the boss's stuff?!
    <<You>>: Uh oh.

    Two Battles from Monster Pool 2 with Full Heal after

    <<O'Marley covered in flour stands holding a crutch in his left arm with a cast on his right leg in the hallway in front of the cracked circular vault door on the right facing You and O'Cratchett on the left>>
    O'Marley: Whew, I'm done. Did you guys find anything good?
    O'Cratchett: Nothing yet... outside of an old armor <<You>> is using for his (male)/her (female) disguise.
    O'Cratchett: I've gone through all his ledgers and haven't found any charity, and past good... It's like there wasn't ever a time when he wasn't this greedy.

    <<A black silhouette of Warlic walks up from the right and transitions to normal color>>
    Warlic: Pardon the delay. Everything is prepared.

    <<Black silhouettes of Captain Rhubarb and Artix walks up from the right and transitions to normal color>>
    Artix: What are we looking for?
    <<You>>: ...I don't know, anything Frostval-y that will work for a disguise. Sham is old, he's got to have celebrated it at least once.

    <<You walk into Sham's bedroom in a yellow trim white Guardian plate that emits a cyan glow>>
    Uncle Sham: <<You>>! Yer dead too! And fer good? O'Marley said I would be haunted, but this might be worth a smoothie.
    Uncle Sham: Eep.
    <<You>>: I am the Ghost of Frostval Past!
    Uncle Sham: ...Long past?
    "GoF Past": Your past. And you're obscenely old, so yes.
    "GoF Past": I am the sum of all your past failures. Of every time you shut your heart to the holidays.
    Uncle Sham: Figures ye'd take the form of the one whose boot me rump always smarts from...
    "GoF Past": But I come here with visions of a past where you still held Frostval in your heart.
    "GoF Past": Of a past you may find salvation in the memory of.
    "GoF Past": Of a kinder past...
    "GoF Past": A gentler past...

    <<An animated ... appears over You's head>>
    <<You>>: (Guys?)
    Artix: (Nothing here.)
    Warlic: (I... may have found something.)
    O'Cratchett: (Oh. My. Gold.)
    Rhubarb: (That be just wrong.)
    O'Marley: (It'll do. Gimme here.)

    <<An opened red cover calender is thrown across the bedroom and lands on the blue blanket Sham's legs are under>>
    Uncle Sham: NO! ANYTHING BUT THAT!

    LORE calender


    Uncle Sham: I beg you, spirit, let that day stay forgotten! If Leprechaunia found out-
    Warlic: (That may have been too much. His panic is manifesting a Nightmare...)

    Battle: Mister Frostval
    Full Heal

    <<You>>: (My eyes... I sure hope that worked...)

    <<You walk out of Sham's bedroom in a yellow trim white Guardian plate that emits a cyan glow>>
    Uncle Sham: Good thing nobody was here to see that...
    Uncle Sham: Although now that I remember it, I sure had some moves back then...
    Uncle Sham: Heheh, and the Frostval calendar was mighty profitable. I wouldn't have had the GOLD to start climbin' me way to Prime Miser without it...
    Uncle Sham: ...But I may never move like that again if this omen comes true. Oh haunting spirits, be kind...
    <<You>>: (Alright, time for the star of the show. You ready, Rhubarb?)

    <<Rhubarb walks into Sham's bedroom wearing a holly plant adorned hat and white ruff trim green coat>>
    Uncle Sham: What in me shamrocks? Now I know yer a dosser', what kind o'geist would think me stoked ta see that manky chancer? Who do ye think yer slaggin' 'ere?
    Captain Rhubarb: Haw, ye think yer lubbin' pint-size keel rates me- Arr, Rhubarb makin' port ta see ya? Yer jes' jackanapes.

    <<Returns to You and O'Cratchett, O'Marley and Warlic in the hallway>>
    <<You>>: ...This was a mistake. I don't even understand what they're saying.
    Warlic: Let me attempt a translation spell...

    <<Green sparkles emits from Warlic upwards towards the ceiling>>

    <<Returns to Rhubarb in Sham's bedroom>>
    Captain Rhubarb: Captain Rhubarb would be reluctant to visit you at your home. Do not be silly. I am the Ghost of Frostval Present.
    Uncle Sham: I am reluctant to accept this, but frightened enough by the prospect of impending doom and poverty to listen to what you have to say.
    Uncle Sham: Please proceed.
    "GoF Present": I am here to share stories and visions of current Frostval celebrations for you to compare your frigid ambitions and lack of companionship to.
    Uncle Sham: Your resemblance to Captain Rhubarb makes me disinclined to accept criticism of my desire to acquire gold through illegitimate means behind the veneer of Leprechaun law.
    "GoF Present": My resemblance to the pirate Captain that sounds adventurous and attractive but is not me is owed to the first story.
    "GoF Present": As we speak, your banking business is being completely undercut by his own services, as retaliation for your intrusion into his maritime domain.
    Uncle Sham: This is not possible.
    "GoF Present": This is possible.
    Uncle Sham: I require an explanation.
    "GoF Present": Captain Rhubarb has commenced a discreet banking operation in which he exploits his navigational knowledge...
    "GoF Present": ... to conceal the gold and valuable property of customers in remote islands guarded by bipedal crocodiles that ward off intruders.
    "GoF Present": The Cai-Man Islands provide a nigh impenetrable haven of dubious safety that is nonetheless free of your taxes and clutches.
    Uncle Sham: This is not possible.
    "GoF Present": This is possible.
    Uncle Sham: I cannot bear any more.
    "GoF Present": There is more.

    <<Two leprechauns stand next to the table at the fireplace at Yulgar's Inn while a female leprechaun sits on a stool>>
    Leprechaun: We're glad yer havin' us. We thought ye'd be mad at seein' yer uncle's armies walk by.
    Liborg: It's Frostval, Robbie, and it's been five years since we fought.
    Leprechaun: Still, yer takin' it awful well. How's yer own business?
    Liborg: Wonderful! The LPB has actually been beating my uncle for profit, but I've been too busy to make a big deal out of it.
    Leprechaun: Whoa, how's that?
    Liborg: I met some great folks when I got sentenced to work the fields. Real good businesschauns that Uncle sent there to ruin the competition.
    Liborg: I studied a lot about banking with them. Figured that our nation's got problems, but lashing out at everyone just made me part of them. I was making trouble for more people instead of fixing them for anyone.
    Liborg: So I'm trying to build something instead. And business is booming! I've got my old field mates as associates, and a lot of Leprechaunia's ladies coming to work with me.
    Liborg: It's a whole new banking model. We've got investment opportunities, loans with good rates, customer advisors...
    Uncle Sham: She has WHAT?
    Warlic: That frightened him too much! The Nightmare stirs again!

    Two Battles from Monster Pool 1 with Full Heal after

    Uncle Sham: This is not possible.
    "GoF Present": This is possible.
    Uncle Sham: I have a hard time accepting the fact that contributing to the circulation of the economy and meeting the needs of customers is creating a sufficiently loyal base to exceed my bank in profit.
    "GoF Present": Your yearly losses caused by war and failed schemes, as well as your continuing lawsuit for breach of EbilCorp terms, serve to explain this.
    Uncle Sham: I am aghast. Please show me visions that can halt my repentance and validate my greed.
    "GoF Present": This is not possible. My time in this world is short.

    <<A bag of flour is thrown at Rhubarb and becomes a whiter shade of colors>>
    Uncle Sham: You now look as dead as O'Marley. This saddens me and forces me to further reflect on my deeds.
    "GoF Present": I will now depart this world and absolutely not inflict violent torment on anyone related to a bag of flour.

    <<Rhubarb turns around to the left and walks out of Sham's bedroom>>
    <<You>>: (Ow! Alright, I had that coming. But he should be about ready for the finishing move. Go get 'im.)

    <<Artix walks into Sham's bedroom wearing a red dress shirt, black suit and carrying a black suitcase with the handle of his Blinding Light of Destiny and half of the blade sticking out of it>>
    Artix: Are you Shaymus O'Slayhee?
    Uncle Sham: ...Aye?
    Artix: I am Artix von Krieger, from the law offices of Krieger and Krieger.
    Uncle Sham: Aren't ye supposed to be some mighty paladin?
    Artix: That was my original occupation, long ago. But I am here to serve you a notification of legal action from my client Captain Rhubarb due to your successful unleashing of an infinite source of gold.
    Uncle Sham: INFINITE GOLD?! This is no future I want to escape from!
    Artix: Your endless increase of supply has caused the metal and all currency based on it to become virtually worthless.
    Uncle Sham: ...Worthless?
    Artix: As this has irreparably damaged my client's career in piracy, you are hereby served a "Seize and das ist es" notice.
    Uncle Sham: A what?
    Artix: Gold being worthless, his unemployed crew claims all of your other valuables as reparation for lost plunder.

    <<Three pirates run into Sham's bedroom leaving a trail of dust and exit his bedroom>>

    <<Returns to You and O'Cratchett, O'Marley, Warlic, Artix and Rhubarb in the hallway>>
    O'Marley: ...Is he okay?

    <<The hallway shakes for a brief moment>>
    <<You>>: ...Maybe I got a little carried away.
    Warlic: The Waking Nightmare has lost its anchor to Sham.
    O'Cratchett: ...That sounds good, though.
    Warlic: However, it is going rampant in its dissolution... And we are effectively in its innards.
    <<You>>: THAT doesn't. Run!

    <<O'Cratchett, Rhubarb and O'Marley run out of the Bank of Nightmares' mouth>>

    Battle: Bank of Nightmares
    Full Heal

    <<You, O'Cratchett stand on the grass, Warlic, Artix and Rhubarb stand on the pavement and O'Marley stands at the staircase of a normalized bank>>
    <<You>>: *huff* Oof. If this is what banking is going to be like, that Cai-Man idea sounds like less trouble...
    <<You>>: Here's to hoping this show worked out. We need that mortgage cleared in time for present delivery.
    <<You>>: The war wasn't huge, but it still put us way behind schedule...

    <<Sham wearing a red holiday hat, coat and blunderbuss kicks the door open sending O'Marley flying towards the left past O'Cratchett>>
    Festive Sham: I am here! Hallo!
    O'Cratchett: What in the?
    Festive Sham: Bobby O'Cratchett! What's the meaning of yer standing amongst these adversaries of Leprechaunia?!
    Festive Sham: I bade you to evict Frostvale and return with the deed. Do you know what I will do to ye over yer neglect?
    O'Cratchett: Boss, I-
    Festive Sham: I'll raise yer pay!
    O'Cratchett: ...Boss?
    Festive Sham: Frostval approaches, Bobby my boy! I'll raise yer pay and give ye more reasonable hours that ye may spend time with yer poor family. We'll discuss their insurance and poor O'Timmy's fortune this afternoon.
    Festive Sham: And ye, <<You>>! Yer doubtless here to beat a mortgage cancellation outta me.
    Festive Sham: Well, that won't be necessary. Frostvale belongs to its people, and I'll pledge Leprechaunia's resources to assistin' them in gift delivery!
    <<You>>: ...Really?
    Festive Sham: Have ye heard of the Leprechaunian Bobsled Corps?
    <<You>>: Yeah, we could see the office from the bridge-
    Festive Sham: Go hire 'em.
    <<You>>: ...I know adventuring pulls in the gold, but are you crazy?
    Festive Sham: On me own dime, silly. Get them here and I'll give ye a tip as well. Get 'em here in five minutes and I'll give ye a whole chest o' GOLD! Now hurry along <<You>>, we've got gifts to deliver!
    Coming next Week: Frostval Gift Delivery Finale

    Shop: Frostval 2018: Frostval, A SHAM!
    Sham's Off-Hand Blunderbuss (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)

  • Play again!
  • Re-Open Shop
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Monster Pool 1

    Nightmare Bishop
    Nightmare King
    Nightmare Knight
    Nightmare Pawn
    Nightmare Rook

    Monster Pool 2

    Giant Ninjachaun
    Tiny Ninjachaun

    < Message edited by Legendary Ash -- 12/30/2018 17:58:46 >
  • AQ  Post #: 65
    1/14/2019 7:47:13   
    And Pun-isher


    Just as a heads up, the repetition of the "Dead and doomed to roam!" line from O'Marley is an error I only caught and reported after release. The correct line, tying into the scene and dialogue following from it, is "BUSINESS! Nothing but business! And do you remember where my business got me?"
    Post #: 66
    1/26/2019 15:45:04   
    Legendary Ash

    Gift Delivery!

    Today's Event or Frostval 2018 Portal Painting > Gift Delivery!

    War camp

    Frostval: Gift Delivery!

    You have stopped the Nightmare
    Queen's rampage and prevented
    the seizing of Frostvale by the bank
    of Leprechaunia! But after the
    damage and delays of a three-way
    war, time is still short to deliver all
    ofthe presents. Take your new
    allies with you and spread their
    newfound Frostval cheer as you
    make the delivery routes safe again
    so that all the good boys and girls
    can still believe in the spirit of the

    Twilly: Happy Fwostvals! Its' time to deliver the gifts so that everyone can have a super fun new year!
    Twilly: If you need to be healed I can help you.
    • Heal me please.
      Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
    • Thank you!

  • Let me handle this!

    Lucretia: Happy Frostval! Grab a drink on the house! Free potions for Guardians! Talk to me for specialty potions!
  • Deal!
    <<You>>: Hey Lucretia! Happy Frostval!
  • More
    Lucretia: And happy Frostval to you too! Here, have a glass - nothing better than a warm mug of cocoa on cold winter day, yes?
  • Sweet!
    Lucretia: If you want, I have a shop set up out back for specialty potions!

    Potion bag
    You must be a Guardian to refill your Health potions from this bag.

    Night time in Frostvale is the coldest time of all. Dress warmly!
    Left pile
    Medium Yellow ribbon blue gift with green dots
    Oooooh, this present is going to the Guardian tower. I wonder what's in it?
    Large Turquoise ribbon red and purple striped gift
    This one is addressed to -- Karuna?!?! Better deliver it last.
    Small Turquoise ribbon red and purple striped gift
    This one has air holes and... is breathing?? Better deliver it quick!
    Pink ribbon purple gift
    "To the LeopardZard" or This gift contains the answers to the Universe. It's sealed with adamantium wrapping paper, a multidimensional bc
    Dark purple ribbon red and green striped gift
    I wonder what's inside? *shake shake sha--CRACK tink tink* ._.; You saw nothing.
    Center pile
    Small Yellow ribbon blue gift with green dots
    This gift may be blue, but whatever's inside definitely won't make you feel blue!
    Small Pink ribbon purple, pink and white striped square gift
    This present is shaped like a toaster. Wait, have toasters been invented yet?
    Medium Turquoise ribbon red and purple striped square gift
    Red, red gift. Go to my head, make me forget I still need her so.
    Medium Pink ribbon purple, pink and white striped rectangular gift
    Purple gift, purple gift. I only wanted to see you playing with the purple gift.
    Small Dark purple ribbon red and green striped gift
    The wrapping is green. It's making you feel a little envious of whoever gets it.
    Medium Yellow ribbon blue rectangular gift with green dots
    This present looks like it was crushed in the war. Hopefully it wasn't too fragile.
    Large Turquoise ribbon red and purple striped rectangular gift
    This one is surprisingly heavy. Hopefully it's not full of coal.
    Large Pink ribbon purple, pink and white striped rectangular gift and Medium Dark purple ribbon red and green striped gift
    Is that... a bobcat in here? Who exactly packed this one?
    Small Turquoise ribbon red and purple striped square gift and Small Yellow ribbon blue square gift with green dots
    This is the kind of gift that'll make Mariah Carey care about the presents under the tree.

  • To Battle!
      How many waves would you like to fight before returning to camp to rest?
    • One
    • Two
    • Three
    • Five

      You will now fight # wave(s) before returning to camp!
      Four Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after each two
      [X] Click this button to return to camp at the next save point.

    • Back to Town

    Once the war meter reaches 100%

    <<You walk in from the left to stand next to Kamui, two moglins and Chilly looks downward at a parchment in his hand, all are around a Fir tree adorned with shaking blue ornaments of a white glow and a rocket instead of a tree trunk>>
    <<You>>: Chilly! Good news! The foreclosure is cancelled. Frostvale is safe.

    <<Chilly raises his head up>>
    Chilly: That's great! Everyone got together to chase down those nasty Nightmares, and Kamui has been keeping the village safe while we try to catch up on presents.
    <<You>>: Keeping the village safe... with a tree?
    Kamui: T.R.E.E.
    <<You>>: I know how to spell.
    Kamui: It's not a tree. It's my new Thaumoactuated Reactive Elation Energizer.
    <<You>>: Thaumoactiwhat?
    Kamui: Hm. I didn't bring my Discombobulation-Obfuscation Pulse Emitter with me, looking at my inventions shouldn't confuse-
    <<You>>: Kamui. What does it do?
    Kamui: It's a remotely activated defense system meant to defend anyone celebrating Frostval from stray Nightmare creatures.
    Kamui: It requires an initial investment of mana to jumpstart its synthetic fire orbs, then it draws power from Frostval cheer to power the beams.
    Kamui: I'm currently calibrating its IFF systems. All of us are added to the 'Friend' category, but Nightmare creatures are very varied.
    Kamui: So I'm trying to get a rough estimate of the inherent arcano-psionic signature of fear-based lifeforms, like Nightmare and some Undead, into this patch...
    Kamui: There, that should do. I'll set it to verbose to watch its progress.
    <<You>>: Wow. I understood all of that. Anyways, Chilly... Don't freak out, but I brought some special help for the gift delivery.

    <<Sham wearing a red holiday hat, coat and blunderbuss walks in from the right and stands next to the two moglins and snowmoglin with coals for eyes and buttons>>
    Festive Sham: Ohoho! Come on, lads! We can't let a little Nightmare put good ol'fashioned Leprechaun resilience to shame! Let's get that present backlog sorted!

    <<Two leprechauns carrying gifts walk in from the right to the left and Sham turns around to the right and leaves>>
    <<T.R.E.E undulates its layers of fir needles from the top to bottom >>
    Kamui: ...That is really not good.
    T.R.E.E: Alert. Fear based life-form detected.
    T.R.E.E: Proximity to user "Kamui" critical. Distance: 0.
    T.R.E.E: Alert: Skeleton detected. Overlapping with user "Kamui".
    T.R.E.E: User "Kamui" in critical danger. Engage all Elation Energizers.

    <<Kamui emits an !, turns around to the left and leaves while T.R.E.E's rocket fires a grey-blue exhaust>>
    Kamui: AIEEEE!
    T.R.E.E: User "Kamui" under attack from rogue T.R.E.E unit.
    T.R.E.E: Recommended counterattack solution: Self destruction.

    <<Two brief flashes of orange light emits from the left of You and an explosion is heard>>
    Kamui: I'm just gonna lay down here for a while...

    <<Chilly looks downwards at the parchment in his hands>>
    Chilly: I'm still counting some missing presents, but at least Zorbak has been behaving himself for once...
    <<You>>: ...Zorbak?

    <<The right stick arm of the snowmoglin twitches and falls to the snow covered ground>>
    Chilly: *gasp* That's not Zorbak!
    <<You>>: ...I'm just going to assume he did the usual thing and go find him.

    <<You walk in from the left into a graveyard outside of Zorbak's hut, two piles of stacked gift boxes are on the left with twenty eight and the right with twenty two where Zorbak stands with a pink blush on his cheeks>>
    Zorbak: *snif* There you are, you stupid hewo. What took you so long? Took at wwong tuwn?
    <<You>>: I ran into some stray Nightmare creatures, but your present theft is over.
    <<You>>: Wait, say that again?
    Zorbak: Pay attention when I taunt you! *snif*
    Zorbak: Hewos have no wespect nowadays...
    <<You>>: Oh my goodness, you sound adorable. It's even better than Twig.
    Zorbak: You left ME STUCK IN A SNOWMAN. I caught a cold the size of a mountain. So I'm going to wuin YOUR Fwostval fiwst.
    <<You>>: ...Look, for once, I really don't want to fight you. It wouldn't be... hewoic of me.
    Zorbak: Oh, you mock me now, but wait until you see what I did with youw pwesents.
    Zorbak: These were all for you, you know. And I figuwed someone like you was bound to get vewy dangewous items for Fwostval...

    <<Several gift boxes from the right pile and bones assemble, an animal cry and roar is heard>>

    Battle: Captain Jingles
    Full Heal

    <<Zorbak jumps up and lands on his feet twice, the right pile of gift boxes have disappeared>>
    Zorbak: You may have won, but how does it feel to have wwecked all of your pwesents?
    <<You>>: Just my presents? You haven't done anything with the others?
    Zorbak: Not yet, but when I'm done wwecking YOU, I'll-
    <<You>>: That's all I needed to hear. Sowwy, but I don't have time for you this year.

    <<You take Nightmare Queen's Zorbak doll out in your hands, and PUNT the doll, both Zorbaks fly into the skies above to the right>>
    <<You>>: That was fast, but I'm going to need a lot of help getting all the other gifts delivered in time...

    <<Hollow walks in from the left into the graveyard>>
    Hollow: My bike's not just for show, you know.

    <<A black silhouette turns into Warlic as he walks into view>>
    Warlic: In addition to teleportation magic, I can conjure a branching version of Leprechauns' rainbow bridge to assist in delivery.

    <<Sham wearing a red holiday hat, coat and blunderbuss jumps in with a leprechaun from the right into the graveyard>>
    Festive Sham: I've already been helping! I hired the best couriers GOLD can buy!

    <<Two gold armored Umazens walk in from the right, the third with a violet gauntlet and blue loincloth walks forward to approach Sham and hands a parchment to him>>
    Festive Sham: Umazen Prime!

    <<The parchment is tossed to Sham and disappears into his coat>>
    Festive Sham: Ah, here's me bill.
    Festive Sham: ...How much?!

    <<Sham turns monochrome animated from top to bottom>>

    <<The scene becomes only visible through a circle that zooms in on the leprechaun holding a red and green striped candy cane as a crutch , everything else is covered in black>>
    O'Timmy: Happy Frostval to all of us!

    <<The scene fades to black and Nightmare Queen walks in from the right with her sword in sheath position>>
    Nightmare Queen: Oh, <<You>>... Where did you go?

    Shop: Frostval 2018: Gift Delivery
    Frostval '18 Commemorative Spoon (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Festive Leprechaun (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Deploy T.R.E.E (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    House Items:
    Frostval '18: A Nightmarish Frostval
    Lucky Mailroom Clerk (Lv 5, 10 wins)
    Lucky Gift Carrier (Lv 10, 30 wins)
    Lucky Determined Dispatcher (Lv 15, 70 wins)
    Lucky Unflappable Courier (Lv 20, 150 wins)
    Lucky Postal Director (Lv 30, 300 wins)
    Lucky Chief Officer (Lv 40, 500 wins)
    Lucky Postmaster General (Lv 50, 1000 wins)

  • Guardian Tower!
  • Replay Intro
  • Replay Part 1
  • Replay Part 2
  • Back to Town

    Monster Pool

    Frost Berserker
    Frost Colossus
    Frost Goliath
    Frost Herculean
    Frost Samsonian
    Frost Titan
    Frost Trooper
    Ice Cweam
    Ice Dragon
    Ice Golem
    Jotun Combatant
    Jotun Commander
    Jotun Executioner
    Jotun Fighter
    Jotun Hero
    Jotun Knight
    Jotun Leader
    Jotun Marauder
    Jotun Raider
    Jotun Shevite
    Jotun Warrior
    Tree Slugger
    Tundra Reaver

    < Message edited by Legendary Ash -- 6/6/2020 18:27:30 >
  • AQ  Post #: 67
    1/26/2019 20:27:52   
    Legendary Ash

    The Kindred

    Travel Map > Sail East > The Kindred

    <<You>>: Rumors of the Kindred lead back here to Paxia. If the stories are to be believed, the first Kindred originated in the ancient past...
    <<You>>: ...but what did the Loremaster mean about parallel worlds, and what is this Reset he and Warlic spoke of? It's all a jumble.
    <<You>>: I really need to stop hanging around the Loremaster and those ArchMagi.
    <<You>>: I'm even beginning to talk in soliloquy a bit too much...
    <<You>>: Ah... here is Paxus now...
    Paxus: And so <<You>>, a great hero of Lore, returns once more.
    Paxus: I sense you search for something, so please, ask me what you will and I will answer what I can.
    <<You>>: Very perceptive as always, Paxus! I heard rumor of an ancient order known as the Kindred. Have you heard of them?
    Paxus: I have indeed.
    <<You>>: Warlic and the Loremaster both seemed to imply this order originated in a far different place.
    Paxus: After a sense, there were strange events in those times, and worlds changed; separate worlds became one, conjoined worlds became separate.
    Paxus: The Kindred founders were from within this place but they faced a darkness from without.
    ŦYouŧ: You speak of it as if you know first hand.
    Paxus: Perhaps. You explain what you have heard, but that does not explain your presence here in Paxia. The Kindred have long ago passed into forgotten whispers.
    <<You>>: That's just it, I heard that the secrets of the mythical Kindred were found anew, and right here on Paxia.
    <<You>>: I want to find what I may before they disappear once more to the veil of time. Can you help me?
    Paxus: I can, <<You>>. Texts and runes inscribed with some of the Kindred's arts were found as far back as half a century ago...
    Paxus: Practitioners have revived these once-lost arts with the aid of a mysterious instructor.
    Paxus: Since then, these practitioners have risen to be numbered among Lore's greatest warriors...
    Paxus: They have taken the name of the lost people as their banner.
    <<You>>: I sense a but...
    Paxus: But recently, a deadly force has been hunting them one by one. The last of this new breed of Kindred has retreated into the borders of Paxia to seek refuge.
    Paxus: Rumor has it that only a scant few remain. Though, I have heard little recently. Perhaps they managed to defeat their dreaded enemy...
    <<You>>: Why am I not reassured...
    Paxus: The cavern where they sought refuge will only reveal itself to one who gathers the essence of beings from each element.
    Paxus: Only when you have proven yourself victorious over beings of each element will you arrive at the cavern holding the remaining new Kindred safe.
    <<You>>: Thank you, Paxus!
    Paxus: If these new Kindred need help, please do your best to aid them. The world will be lacking if the lost arts of the original Kindred disappear once more...
  • Go!

  • Fire
    One must have the strength of a raging fire.

  • Ice
    One must have the endurance of a mighty glacier.

  • Light
    One must have the charisma of a radiant sun.

  • Darkness
    One must have the mysticism of a moonlit night.

  • Water
    One must have mana that flows like water.

  • Energy
    One must have the speed of a lightning bolt.

  • Wind
    One must have the speed of a gale.

  • Earth
    One must have the endurance of the mountain.

  • [Element]
    If you have captured [Element]'s elemental essence
      You have already collected this elemental essence!

    If you have not captured [Element]'s elemental essence
      Full Heal
      Two Battles of Random Adventures belonging to [Element]'s background

    Capture Element
    Can you capture this elemental essence? Or must you fight yet more monsters of this element?
    Difficulty: <<See below>>
    Stat Used: <<See below>>
  • Roll!

    <<Stat roll difficulties>>
    Tier  11  45  60  75  90  105  120  135  150
    Diff  Unknown Unknown Unknown  Unk  56   Unk

    <<Stat Used by [Element]>>
    Fire Ice Light Darkness Water Energy Wind Earth
    Str  End Cha   Int      Int   Dex    Dex  End 

    If you fail the roll

  • Defy It!
    By an effort of will you can spend <<value>> Sp to automatically win the roll. Do you wish to do that?
    • Yes
    • No

  • Next

    If you selected No, Next or lack the Sp to defy it you repeat the element.

    If you succeed, you may choose another element.
      You have obtained an elemental essence!

    After capturing all eight elements:
      You have collected all 8 elemental essences.

    <<A far view of a shield and a sword resting in front of a boulder, then a close up of the two items>>

    <<You walk in from the left and stop a few steps away from the shield and sword>>
    <<You>>: What is that? Quite a unique shield and sword...

    <<A samurai walks in from the right and sits crosslegged a few steps away from You>>
    ???: This is my shield, Devotion, and my scimitar, the Kindred's Prestige. Be welcome, stranger, to my refuge.
    <<You>>: Your refuge? Aren't there any others? Teachers, students... anyone?
    ???: I am afraid that I am the last to carry the unearthed secrets.
    <<You>>: !!!
    <<You>>: The LAST of them?? But Paxus said there were others--
    ???: There WERE others. Before I alone remained, my sister and my dearest friend held fast alongside me. They, too, fell at the hands of the Nefrosanctus!
    <<You>>: The Nefrosanctus?
    ???: An ancient power born on another world. His appearance was believed by some to be a herald of The'Galin.
    ???: It was proven to be otherwise. This evil has served only its own designs.
    <<You>>: That doesn't necessarily mean anything. In fact it sounds just like Ryuusei...
    ???: Be that as it may, the Nefrosanctus did not serve him in any sense.
    ???: Some faction of the original Kindred became sworn enemies of this invading power and sought to seal him away. They succeeded... but...
    <<You>>: But they destroyed their order in the process, and so became lost to time?
    ???: Yes. I fear that is so, and when we unearthed the secrets of those lost people we reopened the doorway and in punishment all of us have perished as well.
    ???: Perhaps we didn't learn the lessons they had left in preserving their secrets...
    <<You>>: I-- I am sorry to hear that. Call me <<You>>.
    ???: My given name is Iaitsu, and it is good to meet you, <<You>>.
    Iaitsu: Do not feel too sorry for the Kindred. What has happened was as much our forebearers' own doing as anything else...
    <<You>>: I don't understand.
    Iaitsu: In that time, worlds collided. Lore saw evidence of places beyond this place. Some became terrified... others fascinated. Some did a bit of both.
    Iaitsu: When things normalized many were happy to pretend it had never occurred...
    <<You>>: ...but...
    Iaitsu: But our forebearers chose to fight against the forces of evil that most people either couldn't see, or desperately wished not to...
    Iaitsu: ...Evils that exist beyond the confines of our dimension alone.
    Iaitsu: I suppose, in their arrogance, they denied the possibility that we might discover a creature that defied our ability to focus our attacks and strike the keenest of blows.
    Iaitsu: They lost sight on the precepts on which the Order was founded.
    Iaitsu: When we found their secrets, we made many of their mistakes anew. When the enemy returned, we were unprepared...
    <<You>>: I see...
    Iaitsu: Now, tell me, ŦYouŧ, why have you come here? It is no easy task to find this refuge.
    <<You>>: I wanted to get your armor, weapon and shield-- and the ancient secrets the represent-- before they disappeared from Lore along with the last of you.
    Iaitsu: Ah-- so you were motivated by less than selfless reasons. As are most of us, I'm afraid.
    Iaitsu: Even I, Iaitsu of the new Kindred, have been motivated in such a way.
    Iaitsu: I have put aside the teachings and warnings of my forebearers, those of temperance and restraint.
    Iaitsu: I live now only to avenge my lost brethren of the arts.
    Iaitsu: However, my honor will not allow you simply to take what you seek. Either yield in your search, or cross blades to best me in honorable combat!
  • Battle!

    Level 0-44: Iaitsu (15)
    Level 45-59: Iaitsu (45)
    Level 60-74: Iaitsu (60)
    Level 75-89: Iaitsu (75)
    Level 90-104: Iaitsu (90)
    Level 105-119: Iaitsu (105)
    Level 120-134: Iaitsu (120)
    Level 135-149: Iaitsu (135)
    Level 150: Iaitsu (150)
    Full Heal

    Iaitsu: You have defeated me fairly. Perhaps you are worthy of the Kindred's legacy after all...
    <<You>>: : I've heard these relics embody complex concepts, but I am not sure I see why these concepts are based within their alignment to Water.
    <<You>>: If I am truly worthy... could you enlighten me as to why that is the case?
    Iaitsu: Ah! That was a mystery for some time, <<You>>.
    Iaitsu: The relics and secrets took time to decipher, and many asked the same question given what we hunt. It goes back towards the concept of Temperance.
    Iaitsu: The slightest disturbance and agitation of water creates waves of force, but the greatest waves come from striking the calmest of waves.
    Iaitsu: The lessons of the Kindred contained a great deal more depth than this simple metaphor, but they build these lessons into their relics.
    <<You>>: I... I think I understand, Iaitsu. The Kindred must have had many lessons in their secrets.
    Iaitsu: Indeed they did, but worthy as you might be, I cannot give up these relics while the Nefrosanctus still threatens Lore!
    <<You>>: I would like to offer to help you, if I could. Arrogance and shortsightedness may have been the downfall of your fellows...
    <<You>>: Perhaps, however, if the two of us join forces, we can beat this Nefrosanctus creature and avenge them!
    Iaitsu: Yes... Yes, your arrival, and victory, must be no mere coincidence. It must be fate! I have known of this creature's present lair -- it's lair in THIS dimension, at least -- for weeks.
    Iaitsu: I have trained and waited, for I could not hope to defeat it on my own... but now...!

    <<Iaitsu stands up and draws his katana to point it upwards>>
    Iaitsu: Follow me, my new friend-- to victory!!!!
  • Go!
  • Battle on!

    Two Battles: 1 Light Monster, then 1 Darkness Monster
    Full Heal

    Iaitsu: The Nefrosanctus' lair is directly beneath us now.
    <<You>>: Let's go end this-- in the memory of your lost Kin!

    <<You and Iaitsu walk inside to stand at the bottom of the stairs that meets an octagonal patterned floor surrounded by grey brick walls>>
    Iaitsu: NEFROSANCTUS! This time I have come to you!! Show yourself! Destroy me and all Kindred will once more be vanquished!

    <<Nefrosanctus emerges from a rift filled with darkness and scattered shining white stars>>
    Nefrosanctus: Iaitsu... Finally I will destroy your meddlesome cabal! With all of your kind gone, the barriers between my dimension and yours will fail, and we will rip the life from the marrow of all Lorians!
    <<You>>: Wow-- Hey, I take offense to that...

    <<Iaitsu walks up to Nefrosanctus and attacks with his katana, he walks back next to you. Nefrosanctus attacks Iaitsu and he blocks with his katana>>

    Level 0-44: Nefrosanctus (15)
    Level 45-59: Nefrosanctus (45)
    Level 60-74: Nefrosanctus (60)
    Level 75-89: Nefrosanctus (75)
    Level 90-104: Nefrosanctus (90)
    Level 105-119: Nefrosanctus (105)
    Level 120-134: Nefrosanctus (120)
    Level 135-149: Nefrosanctus (135)
    Level 150: Nefrosanctus (150)

    <<You>>: What will you do now that Nefrosanctus is gone, Iaitsu?
    Iaitsu: I claim this lair as my own, friend. The work of the new Kindred is never done, for things like the Nefrosanctus are always waiting-- searching for a way into this dimension.
    Iaitsu: And now that you have earned the honor of wielding the relics of the Kindred, I hope that you will help me continue neverending battle against such foes...
    Iaitsu: ...and perhaps together we may remain more balanced and temperate than we have been in that pursuit...
    <<You>>: I will, Iaitsu, I will....

    Shop: Kindred Set
    Beast's Innocence Z (Lv 11Z)
    Beast's Literacy Z (Lv 11Z)
    Beast's Diffidence Z (Lv 11Z)
    Beast's Innocence (Lv 45)
    Beast's Literacy (Lv 45)
    Beast's Diffidence (Lv 45)
    Ancestor's Reknown (Lv 60)
    Ancestor's Perception (Lv 60)
    Ancestor's Lowliness (Lv 60)
    Initiate's Respect (Lv 75)
    Initiate's Understanding (Lv 75)
    Initiate's Temperance (Lv 75)
    Mankind's Regard (Lv 90)
    Mankind's Insight (Lv 90)
    Mankind's Simplicity (Lv 90)
    Paragon's Dignity (Lv 105)
    Paragon's Wisdom (Lv 105)
    Paragon's Sobriety (Lv 105)
    Eidolon's Reputation (Lv 120)
    Eidolon's Acumen (Lv 120)
    Eidolon's Modesty (Lv 120)
    Kindred's Enlightenment (Lv 135)
    Kindred's Humility (Lv 135)
    Kindred's Prestige (Lv 135)
    Kindred Spirits' Enlightenment (Lv 150G)
    Kindred Spirits' Humility (Lv 150G)
    Kindred Spirits' Prestige (Lv 150G)
    Beast's Cunning Z (Lv 11Z)
    Beast's Cunning (Lv 45)
    Ancestor's Valor (Lv 60)
    Initiate's Tenacity (Lv 75)
    Mankind's Moxie (Lv 90)
    Paragon's Courage (Lv 105)
    Eidolon's Heroism (Lv 120)
    Kindred's Valiance (Lv 135)
    Kindred Spirits' Valiance (Lv 150G)
    Beast's Persistence Z (Lv 11Z)
    Beast's Persistence (Lv 45)
    Ancestor's Deference (Lv 60)
    Initiate's Fealty (Lv 75)
    Mankind's Determination (Lv 90)
    Paragon's Dedication (Lv 105)
    Eidolon's Mediation (Lv 120)
    Kindred's Devotion (Lv 135)
    Kindred Spirits' Devotion (Lv 150G)
    Beast's Rest Z (Lv 11Z)
    Beast's Rest (Lv 45)
    Ancestor's Quiet (Lv 60)
    Initiate's Calm (Lv 75)
    Mankind's Serenity (Lv 90)
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  • AQ  Post #: 68
    1/26/2019 20:30:49   
    Legendary Ash

    The Void

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    Void Dragon Queen: Hhhhhhyyyyyyaaaaaa...
  • Fight!

    Battle: Void Dragon Queen
    Full Heal

    Shop: Void Dragon Queen

    Void Dragon Ambush (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Void Dragon Assault (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Void Dragon Blitz (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    House Items:
    Void Dragon Queen
    Killer Queen
    Queen Slayer
  • AQ  Post #: 69
    2/9/2019 1:26:47   
    Legendary Ash

    War Of The Fangs

    Darkovia Forest > Battlegrounds > Fangs: Resurrection

    Werewolf Subrace
      <<You walk in from the left to stand a few steps away from Constantin and a slow moving fog within the circle of stone pillars with horizontal pillars on resting on top>>
      Constantin: So this is it. The fell place where family became foe.
      <<You>>: I got here as fast a I could, King. The lair said you wanted to see me alone.
      Constantin: Yes. As much as war draws more hungry mouths to our pack, we still have deserters. With my own son serving that tyrant brat... I needed someone I could trust not succumb to the temptations of this place.
      Constantin: We rarely act in isolation, so it also needed to be someone that no other lycan would suspect or worry about. I command obedience and respect, but I am no fool.
      Constantin: And that leaves only you, <<You>>.
      <<You>>: Ah. I outrank most of them, and I'm the one that moves independently in the entire pack. That makes sense.
      Constantin: It's not just that. You're the only one that dares stand up to me when we disagree. It makes me as angry as any other show of insolence, but you have the spine for it. It keeps me from stagnating. Reminds me of old days.
      Constantin: And yet you're loyal all the same. So while we're here alone this time, know this. No matter where else you go, you never fight alone. Your brothers and sisters will always have your back.
      <<You>>: ...Thank you, King. I appreciate that.
      Constantin: You seem surprised.
      <<You>>: You're not usually this talkative. Or serene. And it's strange to see you in this form out in enemy territory.
      Constantin: Enemy territory... Yes, this den is very obviously marked by a new master. This can't stand.
      Constantin: But you can't be so surprised. I know restraint as well as you do. And you know wrath as well as I. I hear it in your every growl, and whenever you howl. But a king must flaunt, and the beast is content to be paraded.
      Constantin: As of this place... There is a tragic nostalgia to it. Like the moon setting outside Darkovia.
      <<You>>: You knew Nightbane well, didn't you?
      Constantin: Once. The centuries dull familiarity... But loyalty is hard to forget. Loss moreso.
      Constantin: My friends were as my first pack. I always watched over the children of my friend and my once beloved as though they were my own. Even after I turned, Erimus would tell them stories of 'uncle Constantin'.
      Constantin: But we lost Katerina to that bloodsucker queen turning and abandoning him...
      Constantin: ...And Balius to the shadow's whispers swelling his own ambition. This is where it finally consumed him utterly and left only Nightbane.
      <<You>>: There's a bitter comfort in his redemption.

      <<Constantine transforms to Werebeast form>>
      Werewolf King: Our foes approach.
      <<You>>: I smell it too. It's leaking through a gap in the wards... Reeks of blood and rot.
      Werewolf King: An invitation, then. Let's rend this place's new master apart and tear the site down before someone else can use it.
      ???: I think not.
      <<You>>: With that power... and stench... It couldn't have been just any necromancer.
      Sylith: Charming as always, strays. Few but you barbaric mongrels, with your need to flaunt tooth and claw and rank, would soil my new atelier and brutalize my servitors.
      Sylith: Ah, but I waste breath on such spite, with the moment at hand.

    Vampire Subrace
      <<You walk in from the left to stand a few steps away from Safiria and a slow moving fog within the circle of stone pillars with horizontal pillars on resting on top>>
      <<You>>: I got here as fast as I could, my queen. I would ask what you need of me, but that this place is suddenly guarded...
      Safiria: Yes, things are moving faster than anticipated. You reported that the undead dragons in the area were tormented, but idle... That is clearly no longer the case.
      <<You>>: They definitely aren't unbound now.
      Safiria: And binding them is a much more difficulty task after the collapse. Few have the power left, fewer the knowledge to find... alternative ways. And these defenses are tailor made to confound our senses.
      Safiria: This site has been claimed by a new master. This is why I called for you, and only you.
      <<You>>: I'm thankful for your trust, your Highness, but what do you mean? Even if I'm no newborn-
      Safiria: Don't be so humble. Your blood runs pure, strong, and in spite of the independence you are afforded as Chosen, loyal. You are by far my most treasured subject, <<You>>.
      Safiria: Our numbers swell, but still we have lost too many to the return of the Dracopyres.
      Safiria: This is unforgivable, but... understandable. We are a passionate kind, even if our advantage lies in tempering our passions and manipulating those of others.
      Safiria: It is natural, then, that the thirst for power courses within us as surely as that for blood. And you are the only one I trust to not succumb when the stakes are this high.
      Safiria: The place's symbolism and its lingering power are too alluring to risk relying on anyone else.
      <<You>>: I understand. There's no telling what this could be used for by the wrong hands. Mass conversion, new strains... Clearly it's of interest to necromancers as well. What are we to do, then?
      Safiria: No amount of possible benefits outweighs the risks. Our evolution may have been rather rejuvenating for me, but I am not suddenly so naive that I think we can hold this ground uncontested.
      Safiria: We depose the site's new master and destroy it utterly.
      <<You>>: Very well. The bat is definitely out of the cave when it comes to dracopyres, but we can at least prevent a new threat from adding to the chaos.
      <<You>>: There. A gap in the wards. Now we can take this down.
      ???: I think not.
      Safiria: Ah. The usurper herself.
      Sylith: It figures the cunning leeches would get here first.
      Sylith: Clingers to the pretense of a long besmirched nobility, naught to claim your would be royalty but thirst and whispers in the cloak of unending night.

    Werepyre Subrace
      <<You walk in from the left to stand a few steps away from Erimus and a slow moving fog within the circle of stone pillars with horizontal pillars on resting on top>>
      <<You>>: Here you are, Wolfwing. I rushed over as soon as I received your summons... Looks like this place isn't quite so inactive anymore.
      Erimus: Just Erimus will do for now, <<You>>. I tire of playing the role of a warlord caught in this escalating farce for supremacy.
      <<You>>: That we still have to go so far for survival is proof how deep a mark Erebus has left. Do you think they'll ever see reason?
      Erimus: Were hardly innocent. What he started, every one of us continued all too gladly. Even now that his strings are cut... But one day, perhaps. I don't expect it, but I do long for it.
      <<You>>: You don't expect it?
      Erimus: I don't doubt that it's possible. As long as we have people like you around, at least. But the others...
      Erimus: Constantin loathes himself for his role in my turning, his deceit at the shadow's hand. And he gladly directs that towards Safari, Whom he blames for... For Katerina.
      Erimus: Safari in turn despises him for serving the shadow in the first place, and for harassing her land for centuries.
      Erimus: They have done much to fuel each other's hatred since then. And as long as they cannot see eye to eye...
      Erimus: Perhaps precisely because of that, my granddaughter's war might last as long as theirs. Our own fight will never finish as long as this holds true.
      <<You>>: Unity must come willingly, but chaos and oppression split Darkovia. There is no rest for us...
      <<You>>: Especially now that this place has clearly been claimed by a necromancer who doesn't seem too crippled by the collapse. I assume this is why you called me.
      Erimus: Indeed. This place's terrible memories have made me wistful enough as is. While I enjoy what conversations we can spare, this takes priority. Let's look for a gap in the inner wards to see if we can take them by surprise.
      <<You>>: ...One is opening on its own.
      Erimus: Our foe comes to us instead.
      <<You>>: Then we end this now.
      ???: I think not.
      Erimus: ...YOU are here?!

      <<Erimus transforms into Werepyre form>>
      ???: The Chosen and the old mongrel. Of course.
      Sylith: I'm flattered that you recognize my work. But your rage is pointless.

    Dracopyre Subrace of GraceFang
      <<You walk in from the left to stand a few steps away from Cenara and a slow moving fog within the circle of stone pillars with horizontal pillars on resting on top>>
      Cenara: <<You>>! I'm happy to see you. I hope you didn't mind me making my own way past the outer veil.
      <<You>>: What's a dracolich stampede or two between friends?
      Cenara: That's... interesting. I ran into a few, but the fog released a horde of reanimated NightHunters where I landed.
      <<You>>: That doesn't bode well. I'm not surprised they could be reanimated if there's a necromancer around who is somehow still powerful enough to take control of a dracolich...
      <<You>>: Or a lot of them. But if there are wards specific to individual intruders, then someone made very thorough preparations here.
      Cenara: And very quickly at that. Whoever set up here has been planning every detail. If I'm right about this place, it can't be anything we can allow.
      <<You>>: This is practically an ossuary of dragons. With so many tormented spirits and restless dracoliches, it can only signify one thing... This is where Nightbane was born.
      Cenara: Yes. This is where my father gave up everything for power. There's too much potential for evil in this place... That's why I needed someone close to fight beside here. A friend I could trust to not be tempted by it.
      <<You>>: Thanks for the confidence, Cenara.
      Cenara: You've more than earned it. Now let's stop whoever is exploiting this place so we can destroy it.

      <<Donovan as a transformed Dracopyre walks in from the left and stands next to You>>
      Cenara: Donovan...
      NightReign: NightReign! You insist on your insolence, as you insist on underestimating <<You>>!
      NightReign: Do you think him (male)/her (female) stupid enough to deny Lore the opportunities this place presents?
      Cenara: As if you would use it for anything but furthering your own power!
      NightReign: You wound me, "sister". Certainly I would be interested on learning Nightbane's original secret. He left much in my castle, but even if my strain is, shall we say, seamless...
      NightReign: There is room for growth. And where else to look for it but the pioneering effort itself?
      NightReign: But the potential spreads beyond growing my power. I'm sure you have already imagined its use for mass conversion, but there is so much more to the secrets of blood he must have unlocked!
      NightReign: You may be his daughter, but as the TRUE heir, it will be under MY wings that this knowledge is offered to those worthy of it!

      <<Cenara transforms into GraceFang>>
      Cenara: No theatrics this time. I won't take another of your speeches here of all places. How many times have we threatened to end this by now, Donovan? Shall we cut straight to that part this time?
      NightReign: If you think you can put your money where your fangs are, then-

      <<GraceFang engages into a fight with NightReign as she flies towards him on the left>>
      <<You>>: Looks like their fight drew someone's attention. I'll deal with this on my own.
      ???: I think not.
      <<You>>: ...Great. I should've figured it would be someone like you that could still use this much necromancy.
      Sylith: Flattering and insulting at once. If you ceased yourself like a boorish simpleton and deigned to put as much effort in substance as you do intent, you might have a shadow of a wordsmith in you as well.
      Sylith: Ah, but abominations sharp of claw and dull of wit bristle at each other in moonlit animosity while their diluted understudy now brings such an impudent incursion before me... No, no matter.

    None of the above Subraces
      <<You walk in from the left to stand a few steps away from Evina and a slow moving fog within the circle of stone pillars with horizontal pillars on resting on top>>
      Evina: Thank you for coming so quickly, <<You>>.
      <<You>>: Brother Lux was very insistent. And you know you can count on me any time, Lady Evina.
      Evina: No titles, please. After everything you have done, you may as well be family yourself. I know my daughter would happily refer to you as such.
      <<You>>: All the same, it might have been wiser to meet some distance from this site.
      Evina: I appreciate your concern, but I have ways of ensuring my safety while traversing my homeland. I wear this cloak in defiance of its darkening, though I do lay low most of the time.
      Evina: And I'm afraid there is no time to prepare. I'm sure you realize by now that this is the place where my first husband succumbed fully to the weight of everything he saw... And the avarice that Erebus fostered in him.
      <<You>>: This is where he became Nightbane, then...
      Evina: Yes. And now someone has come to claim this secret I had prayed was lost, before my children inherited this terrible legacy.
      <<You>>: The protections and preparations suggest that it's someone who has more necromantic knowledge than he did at the time of transforming. Perhaps more power, too.
      Evina: Yes. Which is especially worrying, if whoever has done this is still so capable after the destruction of the ley line. But there is haste to this work, and that buys us time. Only enough to call for a little aid, I'm afraid.
      <<You>>: With this kind of extensive warding, a larger force might have alerted the usurper and driven them into hiding anyways. You made the right call.
      Evina: And it had to be you. You don't belong to any of the night breed, but you still protect this land. What this place means to Erimus might have clouded his vision. I couldn't trust the other leaders. As of my children...
      Evina: Donovan has yet to find the redemption Balius did, and I don't want to drag Cenara any further into her father's legacy.
      <<You>>: Redemption seems like a tall order for Donovan, to be honest, but... It's complicated. It's hard to oppose him effectively without creating a power void for his more desperate lieutenants to fill in.
      <<You>>: And hard as it is to admit, he's been a big enough stabilizing factor to deter other threats.
      <<You>>: However, if his father managed it, if even Cartwright managed to turn a new leaf... I won't close myself to the possibility. I won't count on him to cross that bridge, but I won't burn it myself.
      Evina: Thank you, <<You>>. That gives me hope. Now, let's deal with this place. We must cast off its new user and deny its corruption to anyone else.
      ???: I think not.
      Evina: The wards are clearing from the inside?
      Sylith: Ah. The widow and her hero. How it stirs poetry in my befouled spirit that the stars would be so wrong and yet so poetically right at once.
      Sylith: Delightfully macabre and nostalgic, yet still it would cut my own play short...

    War Camp

    War Of The Fangs

    Sylph has discovered the ritual
    grounds where Nightbane became a
    Dracopyre. She now seeks to use her
    dark magic to resurrect the fallen
    Father of the Dracopyres!

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    Twilly: Vampires and werewolves and the forces of darkness, oh my!
    Twilly:If you need to be healed I can help you.
  • Heal me please.
      Twilly: There you goes! All healed up!
    • Thank you!

  • Let me handle this

    If you become a Guardian, then you can wield the legendary Darklaw Blade!

    Potions By Lucretia
    Lucretia: Get your potions here! Free samples for Guardians! Full heals from the punch bowl! Talk to me for specialty potions!
  • Deal!
    <<You>>: Wait... Lucretia? What are you doing here?
  • ???
    Lucretia: Running a shop! I wouldn't be much of a businesswoman if I didn't go where the customers were, no?
  • I guess?
    Lucretia: If you want, I have a shop set up out back for specialty potions!

    Potion bag
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    Bubbling Purple liquid Cauldron
    You down a glass and are fully healed! Tastes like almond/anise/apple/banana/blackberry/blood/blueberry/burning/butter rum/butterscotch/caramel/cherry/chocolate/cinammon/clove/coconut/coffee/cola/cotton candy/cream soda/dandelion and burdock/dragonfruit/failure/fruit punch/ginger ale/grape/honey/lemon/lemonade/lemon-lime/licorice/lime/maple/marshmallow/mint/moglinberry/moglnberry wine/Nutella/orange/passionfruit/peach/peanut butter/peppermint/piņa colada/pineapple/prunes/purple/raspberry/root beer/sarsaparilla/sour apple/sour cherry/sour grape/strawberry/success/watermelon/wildberry!

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      Four Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after each two
      [X] Click this button to return to camp at the next save point.

  • Secret Mission!

    Once the war meter reaches 100%

    Four Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after each two

    <<Sylith raises her purple orb staff that has black magic in purple outline swirling around it causing the fog to dissipate at the center of the circle of stones>>
    <<You>>: If you're about to say that it's too late to stop you...

    <<You walk in from the left>>
    <<You>>: ...Then you've got another thing coming.
    Sylith: No, I'm afraid you bring woe much as you ever did. Your very presence ruins the ritual of flesh.
    Sylith: Already the work was a glacier in its pace, since you bickering mongrels burst open the line of Life and Death....
    Sylith: The very arteries of the world's magic... Fools! Legions of dullards and pretentious Mantle bearers, they would hurl the blood of the land at each other until they bled the very world dry if they could!
    Sylith: And so I must be meticulous, enough to test the patience bestowed by the grace of my eternity...
    Sylith: ...enough that by presence alone you have soiled the work and trod filth upon my delicate alterations of the site...
    <<You>>: That easily. Right. How come I don't believe you?
    Sylith: Because you're not the inane dullard you pretend to be? I play the same game, Chosen, but unlike you I make an art of it.
    Sylith: Tell me, pawn of the powers, do you notice those starved of the light or imitators of the shadows here?
    Sylith: Now then, though flesh is denied... Spirit and blood will have to do. It was no easy task to find a dead Forsaken, you know. Oh, how Death hungers for the scraps of the soulless.
    Sylith: The Necromancy of old simply couldn't have done it. Oh, but the many voices in the crimson, burning rivers he shed upon these stones were most helpful...
    Sylith: Hear their cries, for one day this bell may toll for thee...
    <<You>>: That's it, I'm-

    <<Runes are illuminated in red on the circle of stones, the stones themselves become outlined in a red glow>>
    Venom of the night...
    Empty one...

    <<A red magic circle appears on the ground in front of Sylith and a pale blue spirit of Nightbane with his lower body in a serpentine spirit tail rises from one of the three runes>>
    <<You>>: Balius! No...
    Werewolf Subrace
      Nightbane: Constantin? We must find Dewlok, father is... No, I remember...

    Vampire Subrace
      Nightbane: The Vampire Queen and... I think I know you... <<You>>? What is this...?

    Werepyre Subrace
      Nightbane: Father... Katerina, no... <<You>>? No, I remember...

    Dracopyre Subrace of GraceFang
      Nightbane: Cenara... <<You>>, if I die, you must- Wait. No, I remember...

    None of the above Subraces
      Nightbane: <<You>>? You brought my love to my deathbed. I'm grateful... No, this is wrong... I remember...

    Sylith: So very empty... But I have just the thing to fill that void, Nightbane. This venomous blood calls to you! It can never forget you... Now remember your legacy!
    Nightbane: This is wrong. No, I remember now. No!
    Nightbane: I remember... power...
    Sylith: Excellent. A truly exceptional corpus, shaped by your better years... This might make the work easier to complete. Now give in, Nightbane. Do you remember <<You>>, too?
    Nightbane: Yes...
    <<You>>: Remember EVERYTHING, Balius! Not just what she whispers to you! Don't let her be another shadow in your ears, remember how you stood against the Manifestation!
    Sylith: Compelling. But as long as his corpus is of my creation, his mind is easy to... filter. Now, Nightbane dear...
    Nightbane: I have not forgotten you, <<You>>... And this time, you die.

    Battle: NightBane's Spirit
    Full Heal

    <<NightReign and GraceFang approach Sylith at the edge of the circle of stones surrounded by fog>>
    NightReign: Not so fast, vulture! I COULD HAVE HAD A FATHER AGAIN!
    GraceFang: HOW DARE YOU?! You would have corrupted my father again!
    Sylith: Scourge and oppressor, liberator and conqueror playing at being the utmost predators, yet still scarred children in the end...
    Sylith: Ah, but I shan't linger to watch you act like siblings for once.

    <<Sylith leaves backwards to the left as she summons bone ladders from the ground blocking the advance of NightReign and GraceFang>>

    <<You and Werewolf King stand on the left facing Wolfwing, Safiria and Evina on the right at the center of the circle of stones>>
    Safiria: The entire regency of Darkovia gathers again. How repulsively quaint.
    Evina: Your Highness Safiria, for once it might not be time for hostility.
    Safiria: Lady Evina. You I bear no ill will toward, and never will. Your children, however, have become the biggest thorns yet...
    Wolfwing: They're driving the lich away, so for now they do a favor to all of us. But as none of us see a long meeting going well, let's get this over with.
    Werewolf King: Right you are, old friend.
    Wolfwing: Hearing you say that again might have been worth the ordeal, if not for the desecration of my son's memory.
    Safiria: Surprisingly pleasant as this may seem, let's do precisely as the old man said and get to the point. Are we all in agreement?
    <<You>>: Yes. This place must be destroyed completely. Any trace might empower threats that none of us are willing to tolerate.
    Werewolf King: Then just leveling the place and torching the rubble won't do... But we MUST do this ourselves.
    Evina: If you'll lend me your will and join me in the words... I believe my Lady will gladly oblige.
    Safiria: You ask the creatures of the night to beseech the power of Light upon Darkovia?
    <<You>>: That is not as strange as you might think. The Lady does appreciate darkness.
    Evina: Indeed. Such is her love for the Lord of Darkness, and even she appreciates rest.
    Werewolf King: Hmph. This should be entertaining, at least.
    Safiria: Intriguing. By all means, Lady Evina.
    Wolfwing: You won't hear me oppose you. Despite our differences, you were as my daughter. Let's just... get some distance first.

    <<Pans upward at the sky is illuminated by a full moon against a red background, then suddenly a beam of light rises from the dark forest towards the sky>>

    Shop: War of the Fangs: Resurrection

    Darklaw Spear (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Lyfang Mace (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Unresurrector (Lv 5, 10 wins)
    Unflappable Unresurrector (Lv 10, 30 wins)
    Ultra Unresurrector (Lv 15, 80 wins)
    Undeterred Unresurrector (Lv 25, 200 wins)
    Unstoppable Unresurrector (Lv 35, 500 wins)
    Ultimate Unresurrector (Lv 50, 1000 wins)
    Sylich F (Lv 15)
    Sylich M (Lv 15)

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    Insubstantial Banshee
    Moglin Freak
    Moglin Phantom
    Skull Swarm
    Spirited Banshee
    Tenuous Banshee
    Undead Archer
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    Undead Moglin
    Undead SpellSword
    Undead Wounded
    Undead Zard
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    Wispy Banshee
    Zombie Zard

    3 Text errors are underlined both in transcript above and below:

    Should be "Constantin".
    <<You>>: I got here as fast a I could, King. The lair said you wanted to see me alone.
    Should be "as".
    Constantine: Once. The centuries dull familiarity... But loyalty is hard to forget. Loss moreso.
    Should be "more so".

    Lorekeeper Edit: Typos fixed in game.

    < Message edited by Lorekeeper -- 11/3/2023 13:25:45 >
  • AQ  Post #: 70
    2/17/2019 7:50:52   
    And Pun-isher


    The write-up is appreciated, considering that this content must have taken a fair bit more time to transcribe. I certainly let slip a couple too many errors this time, my apologies for that.

    As before, a few corrections:

    The Werewolf King's mortal name is Constantin, not Constantine.

    Sylith's insult to vampires uses "your" quite deliberately, it would make little sense if corrected. Altered from her grandiose speech, she's accusing Safiria and her brood of having no claim to nobility other than their predatory nature.

    And lastly, Wolfwing says "They're driving the lich away[...]"
    Post #: 71
    2/19/2019 2:06:58   
    Legendary Ash


    Today's Event or Snugglefest Portal Painting > Obsession

    <<You walk in from the left and stand a few steps away from Kamui and a functioning machine under white covers on a long rectangular crate situated in front of the Inn>>
    <<You>>: ...That is the LAST time I let Robina set me up with anyone. Good grief, I need all the mogberry gold can buy.
    <<You>>: That should be everyone all sorted out, though. I don't see anyone else looking for help... Wait, why are all the doors and windows closed?
    Kamui: <<You>>! Excellent you're only two hours late for the inauguration.
    <<You>>: ...I think I know why everyone's gone or hiding. I'll bite. The inauguration of what?
    Kamui: My SnuggleFest masterpiece! Nobody around here goes without a hero with you around, but others aren't so fortunate.
    Kamui: And three iterations into a solution, I have finally reached a satisfactorily low degree of volatility.
    Kamui: Although there was a near miss for a Romance Cascade event when the onboard arcanointelligence attempted to simulate a response-
    Kamui: ...to the hypothetical scenario of you drinking Love Potion #729...
    <<You>>: Please, PLEASE tell me this isn't what I think it is.
    Kamui: Sure. This isn't what you think it is.
    Kamui: Now then, Kamui Magitek Industries proudly presents... The L.O.V.E. Machine vQT3.14!

    <<The white covers are taken off of the L.O.V.E. Machine and it emits pink sparkles>>
    <<You>>: No.
    Kamui: No?
    <<You>>: No.
    Kamui: What do you mean, no?
    <<You>>: For starters, this is exactly what I though it was.
    Kamui: Yes, but you explicitly asked me to tell you otherwise.
    <<You>>: ...I want to argue with that, but it would have to involve violence.
    Kamui: Which would be against the terms and conditions.
    <<You>>: ...Right. And further, I have just helped thirty-six different people in need of a Hero, most of whom were quietly hoping for their personal sweetheart to show up. Instead of, you know, going right over to be THEIR Hero instead.
    <<You>>: When I got away from that, I ended up dragged into playing matchmaker for half of Granemor.
    <<You>>: And when I'm finally about to catch some rest, Robina decides that the best way to make it up to me is to try and find MY hero, which... A lot of people wanted to be. Including some monsters.

    <<Transitions to a flashback of You in forest with large tree trunks and a path>>

    Four Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after each two

    <<You stand a few steps away from Kamui and the L.O.V.E. Machine on a long rectangular crate situated in front of the Inn>>
    <<You>>: It went about as well as you'd expect, and that was before she decided to take matters into her own hands and take me out to get gold back from robber barons.
    <<You>>: This apparently upset my fan club, which imploded into a coastal war over whom I should have spent SnuggleFest with instead.

    <<Transitions to a flashback of You on the Red Betty>>

    Battle: Naval Fan Club
    Full Heal

    <<You stand a few steps away from Kamui and the L.O.V.E. Machine on a long rectangular crate situated in front of the Inn>>
    <<You>>: You don't want to know how THAT ended, and I'm not happy wit how high you were on their list. But now that it's finally over and I FINALLY get back to catch some rest... You unveil this thing again.
    <<You>>: So if you even think about teleporting me off to a date with any person, monster or geological feature, here's what I'm going to do...
    <<You>>: ...with a dragon guarding a castle far, far away where no one will come find you...
    <<You>>: ...after which I'll tell Twig where your laboratory is, then...
    <<You>>: ...and I'll invite Falerin over for tea, and have him tell you all about how they celebrate romantic holidays in Immertot...
    <<You>>: ...COVERED IN BEES.
    Kamui: That was... creative. You reminded me of a friend for a moment there. But the point is taken. Do you feel better now?
    <<You>>: Immensely.
    Kamui: Anyways, the teleportation functionality is currently disabled. Predictive models including it suggested violent outcomes in all but the best case scenario, so the initial release only prints out suggestions.
    <<You>>: ...I'm still suspicious, but that's good enough for me. Fire it up.

    <<The L.O.V.E. Machine flashes between a pink tint, followed by a white tint of color>>
    Kamui: This is going to take a while-

    <<Khandie Khain appears from black and purple swirls behind the L.O.V.E. Machine holding a purple glowing Khainsword in her left hand>>
    Khandie Khain: I'm afraid you don't have a while.
    <<You>>: ...Khandie Khain, is that you?
    Khandie Khain: In the flesh. I need a hero, and you'll have to do.
    Kamui: Now that was backhanded.
    <<You>>: If you're here to start trouble... Just once, don't. We had enough Nightmare issues on Frostval. Or are you here to ask for help?
    Khandie Khain: I used to be a good little girl who would ASK for help... But you don't get a choice, <<You>>. You gave your word that you would help us.
    <<You>>: Is it time, then?
    Khandie Khain: My parents think I'm ready. But mom is... not herself right now. Or worse, she's TOO herself.
    <<You>>: She was definitely not acting very regal last time I saw her...
    Khandie Khain: That's because SOMEONE thought it was a good idea to throw an incredibly powerful love potion at her.
    <<You>>: ...But that was so long ago that the effects should have expired by now.
    Kamui: Oh, that's not good. That would have expired on any creature with a standard model digestive system, or even on an undead with a sufficiently preserved one.
    Kamui: But if I remember my self-taught Trans-Dimensional Thaumodynamics and Oneirobiology course right... The half life of a mind-altering substance is irrelevant.
    <<You>>: Which means...?
    Khandie Khain: My parents ARE Nightmare. Dad rules over Terror, mom over Horror. And if you force love through the lens of Horror, you get violent obsession.
    <<You>>: Oh, I hope Mu-Glen isn't done punishing Zorbak yet...
    Khandie Khain: Every time Zorbak had bad enough nightmares, she'd go right back to obsessing over him. So dad would just end his nightmare and it'd be over.
    Khandie Khain: But last time it happened while we were on Lore to tell Tralin we were ready to start searching...
    <<You>>: ...And she just went off on her own before your father could get back.
    Khandie Khain: Now dad's stuck running the realm on his own, and I've been trying to get mom back home.
    <<You>>: Why hasn't she returned yet? She stopped going after Zorbak when she lost the war.
    Khandie Khain: She started fixating on someone else. Someone with MUCH stronger nightmares. Dad says she hasn't gotten like this since she met him.
    <<You>>: That's everything but encouraging. How do we find her now? Did you identify her target?
    Khandie Khain: Like I said... You don't get a choice about helping.

    <<Darkness descends from the sky above and L.O.V.E. Machine sends five letters sealed with a red heart sticker to You>>
    Kamui: Huh. I didn't input the names yet. It shouldn't have a pending query... Definitely not so fast, with how much memory it takes to process yours.

    Dearest Hero: Please hold still. Don't you dare run away. We'll be together soon.
    Your Queen

  • Continue

    <<You>>: ...Looks like I don't get time to dress up for this date, either.

    <<A black portal appears next to Khandie Khain and the black silhouette that appears from it turns into a blushing pink cheek Nightmare Queen holding a doll that has You's head in her right hand>>
    Nightmare Queen: You are perfect just as you are... All scuffed up from battle, tough on the outside but filled with the most beautiful nightmares on the inside... Only you could be my Hero.
    Nightmare Queen: Seize him (male)/her (female)!

    Four Battles from Monster Pool 2 with Full Heal after each two

    Battle: Obsessed Nightmare Queen
    Full Heal

    Nightmare Queen: That was a delightful warm-up, my love, but it's time for Nightmare to claim your mind for me...
    Khandie Khain: Mom, STOP! You have to come back home so dad can help you.
    Nightmare Queen: Khandie, dear, mommy is busy with her SnuggleFest date right now...
    Khandie Khain: Remember <<You>>'s promise! He's (female)/ She's (male) supposed to help us find them! You have your word too, mom.
    Nightmare Queen: Yes, he (male)/she (female) is promised to me, and I will have him (male)/her (female)... No, no, that's wrong. The promise. The word of a Queen.
    <<You>>: I promised to help you when you called on me, but I can't do it if you're like this. Go back to the Nightmare Realm so you can get better and I can keep my promise.
    Nightmare Queen: ...I promised Khandie, too. And your promise can't be kept if I don't go...

    <<Nightmare Queen becomes a black silhouette while a purple flame briefly appears in her place and she disappears>>
    Khandie Khain: ...That went better than I expected. But we have to find a permanent solution. She was gone for a long time.
    <<You>>: I'm just glad she came straight to me without raising another army.
    Kamui: That you've seen.
    <<You>>: ...You're really not helping out here.
    Kamui: I'm just saying, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    <<You>>: Anyways, we'll see what we can find out from here. You take care of her in the meantime.
    Khandie Khain: I will. I can't guarantee we'll be on the same side next time, but until we're ready to call on you... It wouldn't be very fun to visit anyways.
    Khandie Khain: ...And thanks. I guess this makes you my hero.

    <<Khandie Khain becomes a white silhouette enveloped in black and purple swirls and disappears>>
    Kamui: Now then, shall we continue with the inauguration? Maybe a test of the date arrangement service can still be prepared...
    <<You>>: Kamui, I WILL hit you again.
    Kamui: Ok. ok.

    Shop: Snugglefest: Obsession!

    Khainsword (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Khandie's Gown (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Love Machine Ver.QT3.14 (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)

  • Play again!
  • Re-Open Shop
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Monster Pool

    Aerodu Clan Member
    Worm Rider

    Monster Pool 2

    Nightmare Bishop
    Nightmare Knight
    1 Text error are underlined both in transcript above and below:

    Khandie Khain: Remember <<You>>'s promise! He's (female)/ She's (male) supposed to help us find them!
    Should be corrected to use "He's" if character has a male face and "She's" if char has a female face equipped.
  • AQ  Post #: 72
    3/24/2019 22:13:19   
    Legendary Ash

    Skill Scrolls
    Tower of Techniques

    Today's Event or Sail East > Sail South > Warrior's Tower

    <<Blackhawke stands on the grassy side of a path next to a tree with a stone tower in the distance>>
    Blackhawke: Welcome <<You>> to my Tower of Technique. Guarded deep within its walls are powerful Skill Scrolls.
    Blackhawke: Each of these scrolls contains ancient knowledge found nowhere else. Certain combinations of Scrolls are needed to master the Skills.
    Blackhawke: In all, the eight scrolls hold the knowledge to help you master Skills that have been lost to the ages.
    Blackhawke: Enter the dungeons at your own risk to retrieve these scrolls from those who guard them!

    Keen Focus     Berserker
    Flanking       Zadd's Command
    Counter-Strike Bloodshed
    Steady Breath  Channeling

  • Leave

    Blackhawke: Choose a Skill Scrolll to quest for from the checklist!

    Keen Focus
      Two Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after

      Sneaky Sneak Sneak
      This part of the keep is crawling with more guards! Can you sneak past them?
      Difficulty: 83
      Stat Used: Dexterity
    • Roll!

      If you fail the roll

    • Defy It!
      By an effort of will you can spend <<value>> Sp to automatically win the roll. Do you wish to do that?
      • Yes
      • No

    • Next

      If you selected No, Next or lack the Sp to defy it
        Two Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after

      Repeats Stat Roll prompt

      If you succeeded the roll
      <<A magical blue tint fades from the scroll that appears on the red carpet at the bottom of the stairs of a stone walled tower>>
    • You found the scroll!

      Battle: Minotaur Berserker
      Full Heal

      <<A magical blue tint fades from the scroll that appears on the red carpet at the bottom of the stairs of a stone walled tower>>
    • You found the scroll!

      Two Battles: Shadow Wolf Pack
      Full Heal

      <<A magical blue tint fades from the scroll that appears on the red carpet at the T shaped intersection of a hallway in the stone walled tower>>
    • You found the scroll!

    Zadd's Command
      Two Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after

      <<A magical blue tint fades from the scroll that appears on the red carpet at the T shaped intersection of a hallway in the stone walled tower>>
    • You found the scroll!

      Battle: Plasma Dragon
      Full Heal

      <<A magical blue tint fades from the scroll that appears on the red carpet of a hallway in the stone walled tower>>
    • You found the scroll!

      Two Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after

      Sixth sense!
      This part of the keep is crawling with magically-powered guards! But you can get past more of them by using your keen sixth sense--if you have one that is!
      Difficulty: 83
      Stat Used: Intelligence
    • Roll!

      If you fail the roll

    • Defy It!
      By an effort of will you can spend <<value>> Sp to automatically win the roll. Do you wish to do that?
      • Yes
      • No

    • Next

      If you selected No, Next or lack the Sp to defy it
        Two Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after

      Repeats Stat Roll prompt

      If you succeeded the roll
      <<A magical blue tint fades from the scroll that appears on the red carpet of a hallway in the stone walled tower>>
    • You found the scroll!

    Steady Breath
      Battle: Nombus (2)
      Full Heal

      <<A magical blue tint fades from the scroll that appears on beginning of a red carpet next to the stairs in the stone walled tower>>
    • You found the scroll!

      Two Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after

      <<A magical blue tint fades from the scroll that appears on far side of a red carpet of a hallway in the stone walled tower>>
    • You found the scroll!

    If you have a combination of scrolls that unlocks a shop
      Blackhawke: Nice job. I can use the techniques on these scroll to create a new skill, if you're done here.

  • Shops
    Shop: Skill Scroll: Blazing Phoenix
    Blazing Phoenix (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)

    Shop: Skill Scroll: Aqua Edge
    Aqua Edge (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)

    Shop: Skill Scroll: Terra Crunch
    Terra Crunch (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)

    Shop: Skill Scroll: Radiant Might
    Radiant Might (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)

    Shop: Skill Scroll: Arctic Impact
    Arctic Impact (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)

    Shop: Skill Scroll: Gale Impact
    Gale Impact (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)

    Shop: Skill Scroll: Electro Impact
    Electro Impact (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)

    Shop: Skill Scroll: Umbral Impact
    Umbral Impact (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)

  • Next
    Shop: Skill Scroll: Fire Dragon's Talon
    Fire Dragon's Talon (Lv 0Z)

    Shop: Skill Scroll: Thunder Wave Blade
    Thunder Wave Blade (Lv 0Z)

    Shop: Skill Scroll: Terror Fist
    Terror Fist (Lv 0Z)

    Shop: Skill Scroll: Sneak Strike
    Sneak Strike (Lv 0Z)

    Shop: Skill Scroll: Dragon Slayer Aura
    Dragon Slayer Aura (Lv 0Z)

  • Prev
  • Back

    Blackhawke: Not too shabby. There's other skills you can learn, keep ons searching if you haven't gotten them all.


    Blazing Phoenix: Steady Breath, Berserk, Counter-Strike
    Aqua Edge: Steady Breath, Flanking, Keen Focus
    Terra Crunch: Steady Breath, Berserk, Bloodshed
    Radiant Might: Steady Breath, Bloodshed, Keen Focus
    Arctic Impact: Steady Breath, Zadd's Command, Berserk
    Gale Impact: Steady Breath, Zadd's Command, Counter-Strike
    Electro Impact: Steady Breath, Zadd's Command, Keen Focus
    Umbral Impact: Steady Breath, Zadd's Command, Flanking

    Fire Dragon's Talon: Channeling, Berserk, Bloodshed
    Thunder Wave Blade: Channeling, Keen Focus, Steady Breath
    Terror Fist: Channeling, Flanking, Counter-Strike
    Sneak Strike: Channeling, Keen Focus, Flanking
    Dragonslayer Aura: Channeling, Keen Focus, Berserk

    Keen Focus Monster Pool

    Vartai Blade Master (Fire)
    Vartai Blade Master (Water)

    Zadd's Command Monster Pool

    Emerald Golem
    Ruby Golem
    Stone Golem

    Bloodshed Monster Pool

    Demon Cat

    Channeling Monster Pool


    2 Text error are underlined both in transcript above and below:

    Choose a Skill Scrolll to quest for from the checklist!
    Should be "Scroll".
    There's other skills you can learn, keep ons searching if you haven't gotten them all.
    Should be "on".

    < Message edited by Legendary Ash -- 2/22/2023 19:23:25 >
  • AQ  Post #: 73
    3/29/2019 20:00:46   
    Legendary Ash

    Geocastellum Set
    Part 2

    Mage Shop > Mastercraft Sets > Geocastellum Set! > Play Quest

    <<You walk from the left inside Warlic's shop to face Warlic who stands next to a cauldron with bubbling green liquid>>
    Warlic: Excellent work, <<You>>. You now possess the artifact you'll need to seal the magic inside the keep.
    <<You>>: Yeah... about that.
    Warlic: Something wrong?
    <<You>>: Can't help but notice this "artifact" bears a striking resemblence to a bathtub stopper.
    Warlic: It's a plug. Magical, super effective...
    <<You>>: ... Welp, you are the expert. Now where is this Keep?
    Warlic: Cragmar's Keep lies in the south, where the Skraeling Desert meets the mountains. Cragmar did not like visitors so his Keep rests atop a remote mountain.
    <<You>>: Good thing these quests only come around once a year. First I'm toiling in a mine, threatening to get blown to pieces - I watched your nephew nearly get eaten!
    <<You>>: And now I'm going to have to climb some remote mountain in search of this Battlemage's Keep?
    Warlic: This could indeed be a very difficult journey. Not to worry <<You>>, I will accompany you and aid your travel.
    <<You>>: Sounds great, lead the way!

    <<Pans to the right of a desert and upward to zoom in on a black silhouette of a Keep on the top of the mountains>>
    The Skraeling Desert

    <<You and Warlic walk in from the left and stop a few steps away from the chained entrance of the Keep>>
    <<You>>: Well, there's your problem!
    Warlic: Pardon?
  • ???
    <<You>>: Using chains instead of a door. Anything could just slip right out of there.
    Warlic: No <<You>>, those chains are part of an incantation to prevent whatever is in there from escaping. It is as I feared - the spell over the chains are all but gone.
    <<You>>: That opening is pretty big. You think we should have made a bigger plug? Sorry, artifact?
    Warlic: We cannot take the chance of anything escaping. You will need to venture through the Keep and find Cragmar's tomb, sealing his magic at the source.
    <<You>>: For a Keep I was expecting something much bigger.
    Warlic: Do not be deceived by the faįade, <<You>>. Cragmar was an unusual fellow indeed. This isn't the typical wizards tower as it descends into the ground.
    Warlic: Search for Cragmar's tomb in the Keep's lowest depths.
    <<You>>: Alright, delving into an unknown Keep... what could possibly go wrong?

    Eight Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after each two

    Battle: Champion Emerald Golem
    Full Heal

    Shop: Geocastellum - Token/Least
    Geocastellum Focus (Lv 11Z, 45)
    Geocastellum Bow (Lv 11Z, 45)
    Geocastellum Staff (Lv 11Z, 45)
    Geocastellum Mace (Lv 11Z, 45)
    Geocastellum Robes (Lv 11Z, 45)
    Geocastellum Bulwark (Lv 11Z, 45)
    Geocastellum Cauldron (Lv 11Z, 45)
    Geocastellum F (Lv 15)
    Geocastellum M (Lv 15)

  • Continue

      Eight Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after each two

      Dexterity Check!
      Can you avoid the mystic fog?
      Difficulty: 74
      Stat Used: Dexterity
    • Roll!

      If you fail the roll

    • Defy It!
      By an effort of will you can spend <<value>> Sp to automatically win the roll. Do you wish to do that?
      • Yes
      • No

    • Next

      If you selected No, Next or lack the Sp to defy it
        Player HP is reduced by -14% of their base HP
        <<You>>: *Gag* *Cough* Ugh... feel so weird...

      Battle: Smaragdus
      Full Heal

  • Leave

    Shop: Geocastellum - Lesser/Standard
    Geocastellum Focus (Lv 60, 75)
    Geocastellum Bow (Lv 60, 75)
    Geocastellum Staff (Lv 60, 75)
    Geocastellum Mace (Lv 60, 75)
    Geocastellum Robes (Lv 60, 75)
    Geocastellum Bulwark (Lv 60, 75)
    Geocastellum Cauldron (Lv 60, 75)
    Geocastellum F (Lv 15)
    Geocastellum M (Lv 15)

  • Continue

      Eight Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after each two

      <<You walk in from the left and stop a few steps away from a skull cauldron with bubbling green liquid>>
      <<You>>: Hmmm, these mages do use cauldrons for their magic. Maybe I should try putting the artifact in there?

      <<The cauldron shakes back and forth briefly and levitates upward>>
      <<You>>: Maybe not....

    • Normal Battle
    • Challenge Battle Will Unlock Secondary High Lvl gear
    • Flee! (to Battleon)

      Battle: Cauldron
      Full Heal

  • Leave

    Shop: Geocastellum - Greater/Epic
    Geocastellum Focus (Lv 90, 105)
    Geocastellum Bow (Lv 90, 105)
    Geocastellum Staff (Lv 90, 105)
    Geocastellum Mace (Lv 90, 105)
    Geocastellum Robes (Lv 90, 105)
    Geocastellum Bulwark (Lv 90, 105)
    Geocastellum Cauldron (Lv 90, 105)
    Geocastellum F (Lv 15)
    Geocastellum M (Lv 15)

    Shop: Geocastellum - Epic Bonus
    Geocastellum Focus (Lv 105)
    Cryocastellum Ceryceum (Lv 105)
    Geocastellum Bow (Lv 105)
    Geocastellum Staff (Lv 105)
    Geocastellum Mace (Lv 105)
    Geocastellum Robes (Lv 105)
    Geocastellum Bulwark (Lv 105)
    Cryocastellum Defender (Lv 105)
    Geocastellum Cauldron (Lv 105)
    Geocastellum F (Lv 15)
    Geocastellum M (Lv 15)

  • Continue

      Twelve Battles from Monster Pool with Full Heal after each two

      <<You walk in from the left and stop a few steps away from a stone coffin with a statue laid down on top and a swirling blue portal>>
      <<You>>: Finally, this looks like Cragmar's tomb. This has to be the source.

      <<The statue gains color as it levitates upward from the coffin>>

    • Normal Battle
    • Challenge Battle Will Unlock Secondary High Lvl gear
    • Flee! (to Battleon)

      Battle: Cragmar's Ghost
      Full Heal

  • Leave

    Shop: Geocastellum - Flawless/Mythical/Legendary
    Geocastellum Focus (Lv 120, 135, 150G)
    Geocastellum Bow (Lv 120, 135, 150G)
    Geocastellum Staff (Lv 120, 135, 150G)
    Geocastellum Mace (Lv 120, 135, 150G)
    Geocastellum Robes (Lv 120, 135, 150G)
    Geocastellum Bulwark (Lv 120, 135, 150G)
    Cryocastellum Defender (Lv 120, 135, 150G)
    Geocastellum Cauldron (Lv 120, 135, 150G)
    Geocastellum F (Lv 15)
    Geocastellum M (Lv 15)

    Shop: Geocastellum - Flawless/Mythical/Legendary Bonus
    Geocastellum Focus (Lv 120, 135, 150G)
    Cryocastellum Blade (Lv 120, 135, 150G)
    Cryocastellum Reaper (Lv 120, 135, 150G)
    Cryocastellum Ceryceum (Lv 120, 135, 150G)
    Geocastellum Bow (Lv 120, 135, 150G)
    Geocastellum Staff (Lv 120, 135, 150G)
    Geocastellum Mace (Lv 120, 135, 150G)
    Geocastellum Robes (Lv 120, 135, 150G)
    Geocastellum Bulwark (Lv 120, 135, 150G)
    Cryocastellum Defender (Lv 120, 135, 150G)
    Geocastellum Cauldron (Lv 120, 135, 150G)
    Geocastellum F (Lv 15)
    Geocastellum M (Lv 15)

  • Continue

    <<You>>: Let's see what this artifact can do. Rest in peace, Cragmar. At least long enough for me to get the heck out of this creepy place!

    <<The grey stopper levitates from You towards the swirling blue portal and causes it to shrink in diameter, it gives a small blast of magic as it closes around the stopper snugly producing the sound of an object being locked>>

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Monster Pool

    Beetle Zard
    Burrrow Worm
    Earth Dragon
    Emerald Golem
    Evil Tiki
    Forest Demon
    Green Moglinster
    Iron Golem
    Itsy-Bitsy BURP
    Miniscule BURP
    Minotaur Warrior
    Mud Golem
    Mx. Worm
    Plant Dragon
    Sand Golem
    Sand Shark
    Scarred Rose
    Small BURP
    Sneevil Boxer
    Stone Golem
    Swamp Trog
    Trakel Enforcer
    Wee BURP
    World-Eating Were-Hare
    Werewolf Warrior
    Wood Golem
    Worm Rider

    1 Text error are underlined both in transcript above and below:

    Can't help but notice this "artifact" bears a striking resemblence to a bathtub stopper.
    Should be "resemblance".
  • AQ  Post #: 74
    3/30/2019 19:03:42   
    Legendary Ash

    Nothing To See Here
    Move along!

    Today's Event > The Void or April Fools' Portal Painting > Nothing To See Here Move along!

    <<You walk in from the left to face The Boatman holding a stick with an animated flipping hourglass>>
    The Boatman: Welcome to The Void, <<You>>. Some beast of nearly unfathomable power has laid claim to this realm-
    <<You>>: ...what happened to your scythe? Looks stubbier than usual.
    The Boatman: The artist deemed my scythe too long to be with you in a scene together. Something about not wanting you to stand on the blade.
    The Boatman: I protested of course. 'Reaper of Souls and now all I have is this stick'. Stirrer of Pots... that is what I am now. Ridiculous.

    <<The Boatman looks to the right and upward, emitting an ! above his head>>
    The Boatman: Whew.. I do not envy you at the moment.

    <<The Boatman becomes a black silhouette and turns into Death Flair>>
    Death Flair: Looks like you'll be owing me another favor quite soon. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    <<Death Flair walks off to the right towards the screen>>

    Battle: Unmistakable Red Herring
    Full Heal

    <<The top right corner is sliced by a purple white bar to show Loco against a black background>>
    Loco: We now bring you your regularly scheduled programming.

    <<Uncle Sham holds a brown cover book in his hand at the podium with a Leprechaun in a black robe standing behind him facing a group of seven Leprechauns and one Cyberchaun in front of the Bank of Leprechaunia, a rainbow is present in the blue sky>>
    Uncle Sham: Associates and lackeys, the time of the invocation is at hand. The Demipower of Fortune will soon be unleashed.
    Uncle Sham: To all of ye who still have doubts, I want to assure ye that Leprechauns as a people will remain independent.
    Leprechauns: Aye!
    Uncle Sham: *cough* And that ye work for me and have no such independence in that regard as per article 69,105 of yer contract. *cough*

    Uncle Sham: Long have we fulfilled our role unshackled, thus remainin' free ta pursue our rightful reclamation of all of Lore's GOLD.
    Uncle Sham: And in hopin' ta save me from a horrible affliction, we will PRESERVE that freedom.
    Uncle Sham: ...and what's left of me dignity.
    Uncle Sham: So... how does this thing work?
    O'Holy: I'unno, boss.
    Uncle Sham: ...What do I even not pay ye for? Consult the Book of Our Moments.
    O'Holy: Let's see... Our Moments, Leprechaun history... The vacant duty of Fortune... Ah, here you go, boss. This page.
    Uncle Sham: "Even without the Power, we assume the duty of Fortune left unattended by its sealed bearer.
    Uncle Sham: We scorn not this weight, and still we pay tribute to the lord of fortune ill and benign...
    Uncle Sham: God of mischief, king of thieves, lord of the dan-"
    O'Holy: Skip a bit, Uncle...
    Uncle Sham: Yes, yes... Oh, here. "First, set the Altar of Fortune. Then ye shall wait until dawn on the Day of Fools...
    Uncle Sham: ...and only until dawn. Noon ye shall not wait for. Dusk would be daft....
    Uncle Sham: ...nor shall ye wait until night, exceptin' that it be a vigil from Fools' Eve."
    Leprechauns: ...That's it?
    Uncle Sham: S'all it says. Is this all we need to do, then?

    <<Five of Loco's clown markings appear as Loco appears in a puff of smoke at the podium, knocking Uncle Sham down sitting on the grass>>
    Loco: Yes!
    Loco: Actually, you didn't need to do anything. I've been free on this day for some time now...
    Loco: But it's always funny to see what kind of nonsense you mortals get up to when you want my attention.
    O'Holy: Moly!

    <<O'Holy as a black silhouette falls from the blue sky onto the rainbow in the distance>>
    Loco: Ouch, little fella landed somewhere over the rainbow.
    Loco: Now then, I have some major banquet crashing planned for this year, but let it not be said that Loco's motives are purely selfish!
    Loco: Only Loco gets to admit that about Loco. So, what kind of fun do you diminutive clowns have in mind?
    Loco: LITERALLY inflating all the gold in the world?
    Loco: Making your medium bare clownterparts fire arrows out of their kilts?

    <<Uncle Sham tilts his head to look up at Loco>>
    Uncle Sham: Actually, I have a personal request.
    Loco: A scheme from the most devious leprechaun. This I can spare time for. Well, out with it!
    Uncle Sham: I want ye to cure me from these holiday... fits.
    Loco: No.
    Uncle Sham: No?
    Loco: Nope.
    Uncle Sham: Why?
    Loco: Are you kidding me? It's hilarious!
    Loco: Watching everyone get mortified when you dress up and go play holiday hero is about the only entertainment I get when I'm caged up all year.
    Loco: It's a shame you're already a creature of Fortune, it would be interesting to see what happened if you went out of control on MY day...
    Loco: Maybe it can be arranged. For now, since your plans are BORING, you can help me with mine. And by 'can', I mean 'will'.
    Loco: Now then, ment-Er, gentlemen. Gentle-cons? Whatever.
    Loco: You'll help me with some preparations and fetch me some more lackeys.
    Loco: I have a chronic summoned-by-a-boring-hero problem, and I know JUST the pair of goons to cure Papa Loco!

    <<You walk in from the left and stand a few steps away from Warlic at the forest path on the hill overlooking Battleon in the distance, the moon in the sky has Loco's clown markings in grey color>>
    Warlic: There's just one more divination attempt I can think of...
    <<You>>: And I haven't found a single trace of a prank anywhere in OR out of town. This is bizarre. Well, I'm counting on this last idea of yours.
    <<You>>: Oh, of course. A quiet night was too much to ask for after a day of paranoia.
    Warlic: If you would indulge me, <<You>>, it seems some more... distractions don't have the ability to judge their chances against the two of us.
    <<You>>: Finish casting your spell, I'll take care of them.

    Battle: LizZard

    Battle: Ninja
    Full Heal

    Warlic: I believe that is all we can try for now. I appreciate the help and confidence, but the results are the same.
    Warlic: I've now exhausted all prudent means of scrying for a demigod's presence without IMMEDIATELY alerting them.
    <<You>>: With no results? I don't suppose there's a chance that he's somehow stayed in his prison...
    Warlic: Results aren't lacking, per se. The pocket dimension is definitely vacant, so Loco has clearly entered Lore as usual.
    Warlic: But all methods of detection have yielded different varieties of... whoopee cushion sounds, if I dare to hope it wasn't the genuine article.
    <<You>>: Charming. So either we're obscenely lucky and he just wants to be left alone for a day...
    <<You>>: ...or we're obscenely unlucky BECAUSE he's been left alone for almost all of today.
    Warlic: Indeed. I would not soon count on the chance of the most restless demipower being cautious with his freedom.
    Warlic: As to just what he is up to, though...Oh, lovely.
    <<You>>: More of them already?

    Two Battles: Ensorcelled Leprechaun
    Full Heal

    <<You>>: ...Do I want to know what all this painted leprechaun swarming is all about?

    <<Kalanyr walks in from the right and stands next to Warllic>>
    Kalanyr: Hm. They're here too.
    Warlic: Good evening, Kalanyr.
    Kalanyr: <<You>>. Warlic. I'm starting to believe we don't get to meet without being prompted to by unpleasant circumstances.
    Warlic: It would be nice to have a chance to simply discuss arcane matters without having to keep to crisis management... But you have a point to make.
    Kalanyr: Necessity breeds innovation, Warlic. But yes.
    Kalanyr: Communication spells are presently being intercepted by the most inane messages from Loco, and scrying...
    <<You>>: We know how that ends up. Do you know anything else?
    Kalanyr: Radagast and Khold haven't reported in all day. They were supposed to present further research on the Numbered Beasts this morning.
    <<You>>: ...Them again. Any idea of where they went?
    Kalanyr: If their assistants are to be believed, they were abducted by leprechauns with a tenuous grasp on makeup application.
    <<You>>: ...I find it hard to believe mere leprechauns can take on them, but that gives us a clue of where they've gone.
    Warlic: I'll set up defenses in case we're being lured away from a surprise attack on Battleon.
    Kalanyr: That would be optimal, Warlic. After you, Chosen.

    Two Battles: Ensorcelled Leprechaun
    Full Heal

    Battle: Red Herring (2)
    Full Heal

    Battle: Pie Launcher
    Full Heal

    <<You>>: Alright, you two, what did you get roped into this time?!

    <<Khold and Radagast with Loco's clown markings on their faces walk in from the right>>
    Ensorcelled Khold: I TOLD you that they'd show up in time!
    Ensorcelled Radagast: Rats. I thought they'd still be distracted in the Void.
    Ensorcelled Khold: Uh-huh. Pay up.
    Ensorcelled Radagast: I don't have anything on me! I'll ask me for money when we get back to us.
    <<You>>: Standing. Right. Here.
    Ensorcelled Khold: Not for long you're not.

    Battle: Ensorcelled Radagast
    Full Heal

    Battle: Ensorcelled Khold
    Full Heal

    <<Two Kholds and two Radagasts with Loco's clown markings surround a brown magic circle on the grass, You and Kalanyr stand on the left on the path in Screen 3>>
    Kalanyr: ...They may be less capable in such a state, but this is concerning.
    <<You>>: You take the ones on the left, I'll take the ones on the right?

    <<An umarked Khold and Radagast walk in from the right>>
    Khold: Whoa, hold on!
    Radagast: You're beating up our assistants!
    Kalanyr: ...Assistants? I suppose that's slightly less perturbing than the two of you achieving colocation.
    <<You>>: Please don't put that thought in my head. I'm having enough problems with the Nightmare Queen as is.
    <<You>>: But you two have ten seconds to give me a good explanation of what's going on and why you're working with Loco. Again.
    Radagast: Loco asked us to beef up his seals so you won't be able to summon him anymore.
    Khold: We get to toy with Loco's magic, make the world a better place, and get the objectively best assistants ever to do it with. Win-win-win.
    Kalanyr: You'll excuse me if I hold some reservations about that assessment of your collaborative skills.
    Khold: Ouch. That hurt.
    <<You>>: Maybe I've been getting carried away with that particular trick of Kamui's, but I'm still suspicious.
    <<You>>: Why would he send out waves of leprechauns and interfere with detection if he was up to something he knows we won't object to?
    Radagast: He said you'd distrust him anyways, so he might as well have fun making sure you don't interfere.
    Kalanyr: A likely story. But let's say we give the lord of mischief himself the benefit of the doubt.
    Kalanyr: This is closer to the expertise of other ArchMagi. Kamui has a better read on the programming-like approach the Greater Powers employ for enchantment.
    <<You>>: Good point. You could work with the others to improve the seal by the next confluence, an I can just not summon Loco for a whole year.
    Khold: I... guess that's fair. It's not AS fun, but a whole year to mess with this would be neat.
    Radagast: We're just about done, though. And on time! It's almost midnight, but... Fine, I guess we can do things your way.

    <<Five of Loco's clown markings appear as Loco appears in a puff of smoke behind Khold and Radagast>>
    Loco: NO!
    <<You>>: Aha. So you ARE up to something fishy.

    <<You>>: Sorry. That was punintentional.
    Everyone: ....
    <<You>>: ...Ahem. Moving on. Spill the beans, Loco.
    Loco: You are NEGATIVE fun, you know that? Mop-top has the decency of being no fun, muscular mop-top is the silent but deadly kind...
    Loco: ...And I can respect that, but YOU, <<You>>, actively make things less fun. You take away fun I've already had and fun I've not yet had.
    Loco: Even if I'll grant that your summons tend to be funny. In a humiliating sort of way.
    Kalanyr: He's stalling.
    <<You>>: I can tell. Loco, I'm on to you. Now you had better tell me just what you're up to, or else I'll-
    Loco: -Threatening a god, are we?
    Loco: Let's skip the bluster and cut straight to toying with you until you come up with something ACTUALLY intimidating to say.

    Battle: Loco
    Full Heal

    Loco: Fine! FINE! Holy moly, even your way of fighting ruins my fun. You make me miss Baldric.
    Loco: There are so many ways I could toy with you. I could turn you into a self-slapping trout with implosive diarrhea. I'd like to see you fight like THAT.
    <<You>>: What.
    Loco: But you, Chosen of Ennui, manage to rob me of the enthusiasm for even minor pranks.
    <<You>>: That's minor? ...Nevermind. Now can we stop wasting time?
    <<You>>: Or am I going to have to get Radagast and Khold to summon you without your powers again?
    Loco: Oho, that's better threat material. But you've completely wasted your time on your own. My acolytes here didn't lie.
    Loco: I offered them the genuine Libri Locus in exchange for intensifying the power of my seals.
    Kalanyr: ...
    <<You>>: That's it?
    Kalanyr: Unwise you two. Increasing power flow is not the same as enhancing efficacy.
    Loco: Oho, muscle mop-top is a quick one.
    Radagast: Wait, what? We ran the math, this should absolutely rebuff summoning attempts.
    Khold: It would take a while to kick in, but -
    Kalanyr: Of course it would, just through sheer destructive interference scrambling <<You>>'s invocation.
    Kalanyr: But did you think the gods themselves were lacking for power? The seals are exactly as strong as they need to be.
    <<You>>: And increasing their power is desirable for Loco because...? Come on, we're on a time limit here.
    Loco: Food, you could say. The seals replenish their energy to sustain themselves, but also me.
    Loco: But only just barely. Just enough to keep me alive, and keep me DIVINE.
    Loco: Itty bitty drops at a time. Which would normally be like a treat dispenser, discounting the fact that it'd get OLD after a few centuries...
    Loco: But they went the extra mile and made it awful! It's like being tied up and drip-fed boredom from a venomous nope rope!
    <<You>>: A...what?
    Loco: Right. No fun crowd. I've been rooting through Abode's browsing history.
    <<You>>: ...I find it hard to believe his tastes are that inane.
    Kalanyr: He's stalling again. And... You don't want to know.
    <<You>>: Right. So the threat is that increasing the power flow also increases the amount of power Loco is fed, right?
    Kalanyr: Correct.
    Loco: Completely correct! And you don't exactly have time to dispel THIS prank before the clock strikes twelve.
    Loco: So if you'll excuse me...

    <<Five of Loco's clown markings appear as Loco disappears in a puff of smoke, Radagast, Khold and their assistants walks off to the right>>

    <<Four small circles arranged as a tetrad inside a yellow magic circle appears on the ground and Loco appears above it>>
    Kalanyr: He's right. This is metamagic primed to delicately interweave itself with divine enchantment of a scale beyond any single mortal's capacity.
    <<You>>: We have to stop him somehow. Gradually strengthening Loco would eventually allow him to break out and spark a God War.
    Kalanyr: Even with your help, there isn't much I can do on such short notice.
    Kalanyr: A rush job on an enchantment moving that much raw mana across planar boundaries could potentially have even worse effects.
    Kalanyr: I'm afraid my hands are tied. Unless you can think of something before the seals realign and he activates the spell to modify them.
    <<You>>: I...
    Loco: Ta!
    <<You>>: I...summon Loco.

    <<Three of Loco's clown markings appear as Loco disappears in a puff of smoke from the yellow magic circle and reappears outside of it a few steps away from You>>
    Loco: ...What? Oh no you don't.

    <<Three of Loco's clown markings appear as Loco disappears in a puff of smoke and reappears inside the yellow magic circle>>
    <<You>>: I summon Loco.

    <<Three of Loco's clown markings appear as Loco disappears in a puff of smoke from the yellow magic circle and reappears outside of it>>
    Loco: You insolent little snothead!

    <<Three of Loco's clown markings appear as Loco disappears in a puff of smoke and reappears inside the yellow magic circle>>
    Kalanyr: That might actually work. But as long as he's on the circle when midnight strikes...
    <<You>>: I summon Loco!

    <<Three of Loco's clown markings appear as Loco disappears in a puff of smoke from the yellow magic circle and reappears outside of it>>
    <<You>>: Sure.
    Loco: Oh wow, that actually worked.

    <<Three of Loco's clown markings appear as Loco disappears in a puff of smoke and reappears inside the yellow magic circle>>
    Loco: Yeeess! Five... four...
    Loco: Three... two...
    <<You>>: Three... two...
    <<You>>: ONE! I SUMMON LOCO!

    <<Three of Loco's clown markings appear as Loco disappears in a puff of smoke from the yellow magic circle and reappears outside of it>>
    Loco: I hate you. So much.

    <<Three of Loco's clown markings appear as Loco disappears in a puff of smoke from outside the yellow magic circle>>
    Kalanyr: Well played, Chosen. I have to say, that was quite amusing.
    <<You>>: Hahaha, oh wow. I can't wait to tell Kamui about that one.

    Shop: Nothing To See Here
    Mighty Rubber Chicken (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Mystic Rubber Chicken (Lv 5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150G)
    Mystic Loco Motive (Lv 3Z, 23Z, 43Z, 63Z, 83Z, 103Z, 123Z, 143Z)
    Mighty Loco Motive (Lv 3Z, 23Z, 43Z, 63Z, 83Z, 103Z, 123Z, 143Z)

  • Play again!
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  • Leave

    < Message edited by Legendary Ash -- 4/25/2022 19:09:48 >
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