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Remthalas (All Versions)

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12/24/2019 17:21:39   

Remthalas (1)

Location: Breaking the Mold

Level: As player
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Magic
Element: Water

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

STR: Level*5/8
DEX: Level*5/8
INT: Level*5/8
CHA: 200
LUK: Level*5/4
END: Level*5/8
WIS: 0

Boost: 0%
Bonus: 5 + Level/5
Crit: 15 + LUK/10

Damage Multipliers
Non-Crit: [100+STR*3/20]%
Dex: [100+DEX/40]%
DoT: [100+DEX/4]%
Crit: [175+INT/10]%

Melee: 25 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Pierce: 25 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Magic: 25 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Block: 50 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Parry: 50 * Level/90 + LUK/20
Dodge: 50 * Level/90 + LUK/20

Damage Reduction
Non-Crit: 0%
DoT: 0%
Crit: 0%

Water: 50
Evil: 50
Good: 50
Immobility: 200

Attack Types
Attack Type 1 - Remthalas douses his target with a torrent of water, dealing 7 hits of 25% Magic Water damage, amounting to 175% damage.
Attack Type 2 - Remthalas snaps his fingers, dealing 1 hit of 100% Magic Fear damage.
Attack Type 3 - Remthalas strikes his target with tentacles, dealing 7 hits of 25% Magic Evil damage, amounting to 175% damage.
Attack Type 4 / 4.1 / 4.2 - Remthalas looks into his target's dreams, dealing no damage but healing 4% of his maximum HP and randomly applying one of the following effects to himself for 2 turns:
  • 'Fragmented Dreams' (+50 Crit) (Pop-up: 'The dream of righteous fury! Fierce, but one-dimensional.')
  • 'Lost Dreams' (+50 Bonus) (Pop-up: 'Hmm, the directionless dream, ever searching. I have what you seek.')
  • 'Corrupted Dreams (+50 Block/Parry/Dodge) (Pop-up: 'A pliable dream. A balancing act. It just needs a little push.')
Other information
  • Remthalas follows the skill rotation; Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 4 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 4 -> Attack Type 3 -> Attack Type 4 -> Repeat.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 12/26/2024 15:23:19 >
  • DF  Post #: 1
    6/5/2022 20:28:04   

    ArchKnight DragonFable

    Remthalas (2)

    Location: Rebirth

    Level: As player
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Magic
    Element: ???

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: Level*5/4
    DEX: Level*5/4
    INT: Level*5/4
    CHA: 0
    LUK: Level/8
    END: Level*5/2
    WIS: 0

    Boost: 0%
    Bonus: 10 + Level/5
    Crit: LUK/10

    Damage Multipliers
    Non-Crit: [100+STR*3/20]%
    Dex: [100+DEX/40]%
    DoT: [100+DEX/4]%
    Crit: [175+INT/10]%

    Melee: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Pierce: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Magic: 20 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Block: 30 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Parry: 30 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Dodge: 30 * Level/90 + LUK/20

    Damage Reduction
    Non-Crit: 0%
    DoT: 0%
    Crit: 0%

    Fear: 25
    Evil: 25
    Good: 25
    Light: 25
    Darkness: 25
    Water: 50
    Shrink: 300
    Immobility: 300

    Attack Types
    Attack Type 1 - Leeches his target for 3 hits of 33.3% damage, amounting to 100% damage; applies 'Maddening Nightmare', a [Level*2] Magic Fear MP DoT effect, to target for 3 turns; applies 'Myalos' Manipulation' (-5X% Boost, +10X Health Resist, where X is equal to the number of times this attack has been used, capping at -50% Boost, +100 Health Resist) to himself for 99 turns inclusive. (Pop-up: Myalos: 'I'll do what I can to hold him back!')
    • If Remthalas falls below 25% of his maximum HP, Remthalas will not apply 'Maddening Nightmare and 'Myalos' Manipulation', but a warning will precede on the use of this attack. (Pop-up: Remthalas: 'So close... So CLOSE! Open your mind and understand!')
    Attack Type 2 - Claws his target for 1 hit of 100% damage, with +200 Crit; applies 'Torn From Sleep', a 50% Magic Fear DoT effect, to target for 2 turns.
    Attack Type 3 - Unleashes a sonic wave to his target for 1 hit of 200% damage; applies 'Lured' to target, stunning it for 3 turns. (Pop-up: Remthalas: 'You will see everything... as we have...')
    • If Remthalas falls below 25% of his maximum HP, a new warning will precede upon this use of this attack. (Pop-up: Remthalas: 'Aequilibria... Whispers... All will be prey. All will be consumed.')
    Attack Type 4 - Casts a dream spell to his target for 2 hits of 200% damage, amounting to 400% damage; applies 'Madness Manifest' (+70 Bonus) to himself for next 4 turns; applies 'Madness Manifest' (-70 Bonus) to target for 3 turns. (Pop-up: Remthalas: 'A seed planted. A seed awoken.')
    • If Remthalas falls below 25% of his maximum HP, a new warning will precede upon this use of this attack. (Pop-up: Myalos: 'Remthalas' power is spiralling out of control! You need to stop him now!')
    Attack Type 5 - Consumes dreams to his target for 7 hits of 28.5% damage, amounting to 200% damage; applies 'Digesting Dreams' to himself for 4 turns. (Pop-up: Uaanta: 'He's trying to consume our dreams! There has to be some way we can stop him.')
    Attack Type 6 - Summons dream butterflies to his target for 9 hits of 45% damage, amounting to 405% damage.
    Attack Type 7 - Casts a light using his lure for no damage but recovers himself for 10% of his maximum HP; applies 'Swallowed Dreams', a HoT effect equal to 10% of Remthalas' maximum HP, to himself for 2 turns. (Pop-up: Remthalas: 'We have awoken. And we are insatiable.')
    Attack Type 8 - Douses his target with water for 5 hits of 40% damage, amounting to 200% damage; applies 'Unrestrained Possibility' (+80 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive. (Pop-up: Remthalas: 'Always different. Always the same.')
    Attack Type 9 - Claws his target for 1 hit of 100% damage, with +200 Crit; appies 'Impending Madness', a 20% Magic Fear DoT effect, to target for 99 turns. (Pop-up: Uaanta: 'I don't like where this is going...')
    Attack Type 10 - Lasers his target for 9 hits of ~222.2% damage, amounting at 2,000% damage. (Pop-ups: Remthalas: 'Do not resist. You cannot resist.' / Remthalas: 'There is no escape. There is no change. Your struggle is meaningless.' / Remthalas: 'The disturbers of dreams will be devoured.' / Remthalas: 'You will be free of this burden of responsibility, of choice.' / Remthalas: 'Embrace the madness.')

    Other information
  • 'Digesting Dreams' can be removed if Remthalas has taken 10 hits during its duration. (Pop-up: Uaanta: 'That did it! Get ready... I think something's coming back up soon.')
  • If the player has granted an extra turn, Remthalas will apply 'Hindsight' (+20Y All Resist, -20Y Health Resist, where Y is the number of times the player have granted an extra turn on their turn, capped at +80 All Resist, -80 Health Resist) to himself for the current turn as well as adding 2 turns of cooldown of two random skills (excluding trinket skills and On-Demand weapon specials) to the player. (Pop-up: Remthalas: 'Again and again and again and AGAIN!')
  • Upon reaching 75%, 50%, and 25% of his maximum HP, Remthalas will pause his rotation and use Attack Type 10 once, but it will instead deal 0 damage; pop-ups upon reaching any of these thresholds:
    • Upon reaching 75% of his maximum HP - (Pop-ups: 'Notha: No you don't! I got this!' / Uaanta: 'Hold it steady, Notha!')
    • Upon reaching 50% of his maximum HP - (Pop-up: Notha: 'You're... not getting past me!')
    • Upon reaching 25% of his maximum HP - (Pop-ups: Notha: 'Oof. Looks like... it's up to you three... from here.' / Uaanta: 'We'll handle the rest!')
  • While above 25% of his maximum HP, Remthalas follows the skill rotation; Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 3 -> Attack Type 4 -> Attack Type 5 -> Attack Type 2 -> Attack Type 6 -> Attack Type 7 OR Attack Type 8 -> Repeat, with Attack Type 7 used if 'Digesting Dreams' has not being purged; otherwise, he will use Attack Type 8; he will pause this rotation to use Attack Type 10 once each time Remthalas loses 25% of his maximum HP.
  • Upon falling below 25% of his maximum HP, Remthalas will reset his rotation and instead follows the skill rotation; Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 9 -> Attack Type 3 -> Attack Type 4; Remthalas will only use Attack Type 10 indefinitely afterwards.

    < Message edited by DemonicDarkwraith -- 1/7/2025 17:18:33 >
  • DF  Post #: 2
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