The STO: Student Teacher Organization (Full Version)

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lguan -> The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/16/2007 12:17:21)

Welcome To The STO

Monkeyman got the STO now >:D.

What is the STO? The STO (stands for Student Teacher Organization) is a group dedicated to bringing teachers and students togethor.

Do we have forums? Yes. Here is the link.

The Principal

Lguan -- I am here to run and maitain the STO. Any problems? Please come and ask me for help :).

The Co-Head


The Vice Principals (VP's)

They are generally good at everything, and as such have been recognized by their fellow teachers. (Have Mod Powers on Fourms.)

STO Hall of Fame

Wu218: Founder of the STO
Siris99: 2nd Principal of this Fine School
Teh Shadow: 3rd Principal of the STO
Bramble: 4th Principal of the STO
iChar: 5th Principal of the STO
Wu218: 6th Principal of the STO
Ferfo: 7th Principal of the STO
Lguan: 8th Principal of the STO
Blind: just for being plain sexy

Former VP's (aka prefects) who no longer teach here
The One To Rule


Note to Students and Applying Student:

  • To begin lessons, please pm the teacher you requested ONCE I SAY YOU ARE IN!
  • You MUST register at the forums to be accepted, annd post your concerns and everything there, so that not only your teacher, but anyone can help you with them.
  • You MUST specify a teacher. Saying 'anyone who teaches PS' or 'anyone, u chose for me' will only get your application rejected. Leaving that space blank, does not help me either. I'm not going to waste my time to pick a teacher for you, so please, when you're sending a student application, be sure to include a teacher.
  • Take the time to look at every teacher so that you are certain the teacher you chose is the one you really wanted. Make sure you read every teacher's profile so you know exactly which one you want. If you're looking for a teacher who teaches PS, it wouldn't be reasonable to sign up under one who teaches Flash.
  • Don't sign up just for the sake of having your name under a teacher, or for any other reason other than because you want to actually learn something. The teachers have a limit of students and if you sign up and you don't want to learn, you have a spot that someone else who actually wants to learn could have. So don't apply if that's what you're going to do, and if you're already a student, please remove yourself as a student to avoid this. It's annoying for me to have to update all the time, and it leaves no space for people who actually look for learning after a teacher.
  • If you know a teacher who is inactive, please inform me.
  • Respect your teachers and respect me. We're trying to help you and flaming/spamming and being rude isn't going to help you or anyone for that matter. This isn't school school, but are still required to follow the rules of the forum, and more specifically the rules of the Gallery and the ones for the STO.
  • Some matters are to be posted here, but others are not. If you can PM or email or IM your teacher for something, don't hesitate. This thread is already crowded with enough posts and by talking to your teacher privately, some of that can be reduced.
  • Be patient as students. If your teacher doesn't reply in a day or two, don't start complaining in the thread that your teacher hasn't responded. People have lives, and the best thing to do is to respect that matter of fact and be patient. That goes for if I don't reply to your STO application as a student too.
  • "FULL" obviously indicates that a teacher is full. Don't apply for a teacher that is full -- commen sense ...
  • You can't have two teachers at a time, unless the two subjects are very different, such as Flash and writing poems. You can't have two teachers that teach the same thing, like one teacher teaches Cs3, and the other that teaches Cs3 too.
  • *NEW* After your student application is accepted, please PM your teacher. You are given two weeks to PM your teacher, or you will be considered inactive and removed from your teacher's student list. All inactive students that have not interacted with their teachers in long periods of time (decided my the teachers) will be removed and will recieve a PM saying that they have been removed due to inactivity. These students may apply again when they're active.

Note to Teachers and Applying Teachers:

  • Please PM me your application instead of posting them in this thread! The only exception is if you disabled your PM's.
  • Be sure to supply your application with two or three examples. A student must see your work to be able to know how familiar you are with the program and to trust you know what you're doing and can therefore teach her/him. Please send them in link form too.
  • The point of having the 'examples' and 'tutorials' part is for you to find them and put the link there. If I just let people get away with saying 'I'm too lazy to find the links' or 'I have them, but I don't feel like posting/finding them right now' then I wouldn't have even added that part to the application. If you want to be accepted as a teacher, you'll have to fill everything out properly. Everything on that is there for a reason, so take advantage of it.
  • If you wish to have an emblem or sprite or anything of some sort placed next to you bio, please PM me the link so I may add it.
  • If a student has quit, left the forums, went inactive, or for any reason is no longer your student, and has not said so in this thread, please inform me immediately so that I can take him/her off the list. If your student had been banned, let me know as well.
  • If a student has signed up but has not been interacting or even being a 'student' at all. You have the right to let me know and I will remove them from the list so others (who are actually willing to learn) can.
  • It doesn't make sense to have a teacher who knows just as much as a student. That completey defeats the purpose of having the STO in the first place. If you want to be a teacer, please make sure you have a surplus amount of knowledge of the subject.
  • If you get a PM, or an instand message, or something from your student, don't ignore it. Please read it. The point of being a teacher is to teach and be a helpful one.
  • Be patient when you're sending in an application, or even as a teacher. People have lives, and the best thing to do is to respect that matter of fact and be patient. Wait for me to respond to your application through PM.
  • Please don't sign up for being a teacher jus for the spot. It's annoying for me to have to update all the time and it's just a complete waste.
  • If the teacher you wish to sign up for requires MSN, or AIM, or anything, please make sure that you meet that requirement before signing up.
  • If you're going to be a teacher, act like a teacher. Show me that you know what you're doing, and most importantly show your students that you know what you're doing.
  • If you're a teacher, you obviously can't be a student of the same subject, or relatively similar subject. Yes, a teacher can have a teacher in reality, but in the STO, it makes no sense whatsoever.
  • *NEW* If you do not recieve a PM from a student within two weeks after they have been accepted into the STO as a student, please let me know and they will be removed due to inactivity. Students that are inactive, meaning neither of you have interacted within a long period of time (which you can judge, I'm not going to give you a period of time) should be posted here so that I can remove them as soon as possible.

The Teachers:

*note: student number= max number of students the teacher will teach

*Note: All teachers and students need to reapply!


LightningIsMyName - FULL
[image][/image] [image][/image]
Teaches: GIMP, MS Word, MS Gif Animator, MS Paint
Specialty: MS Word, MS Gif Animator
Time Zone: GMT+2 Jerusalem/Tel-Aviv
Note: I might be non available some times for a week or so because of a special program in school that requires lots of work.
Student number: 3, 4 if it's an MS Word student, or there is no other available teacher
Current students:
1) Arthur the Brave One
2) Necromancer Wii
3)anything at all
1. GIMP Animation Tutorial
2. Animated Liquified Avatar [GIMP/PS Tutorial] combo tutorial, includes GIMP Version and PS Version.
3. MS Gif Animator
4. Graphic Tutorial for MS Word
GIMP Tutorials - Learning GIMP from the begining
[image][/image] Airbrushing - Completely GIMP Made Airbrushing - Completely GIMP Made digital painting

DeathKnight2 - FULL
Teaches: How to make tags xD
Specialty: Photoshop
Time Zone: Central (USA)
Note: Its will be alot easier for me if you have msn but its not required :P
Student number: 4
Tutorials: A couple but I'm too lazy to link
Current students:
1) Burned Fire
2) biG frend
3) Eddie
4) Darklord517

The One to Rule - FULL
Teaches: The One
Specialty: PSCS2, GIMP
Time Zone:
Note: I won't teach you if you're not going to listen
Student number: 2
Current Students:
1) Mustafa
2) Ebil Nix . Raul
Tutorial: look in the Q&A =/

Teaches: ps, illy, and paint
Specialty: whatever
Time Zone:
Note: i do not like extreme nubs
Student number: 2 for each
Current Students:
1) TVR

Teaches: PS CS3, how to make tags, sprite tags and uh... fire in photoshop XD
Specialty: Sprite tags, Basic render tags and uh... more tags :P :D
Time Zone:
Note: Uh yeah, I have school, so I can teach students only in weekends and/or some times when I get on the comp.
Student number: 2 :D
Current Students:
1) Tkill93
Tutorial: none as of yet.

Teaches: Photoshop
Specialty: Mostly every thing But Clipmasking
Time Zone: Pacific (GMT - 8:00 hours)
Note: I Might Not Be On Every day, only accepting those with MSN
Student number: 3
Current Students:
1) ShadowBlitz
2) Eddie
Path Tool Tut
Germ Tut

tauguy - FULL
Teaches: Paint
Specialty: Weapons and shields.
Time Zone: GMT +/- 0
Note: Please dont sign up for me if you dont want to learn, cant be bothered or if your a stuck up idiot (for want of a better term). I can teach almost anything in paint I think.
Student number: 2
Current Students:
1) dorandragon
2) zaffie252
Tutorial: (Work in progress)

Teaches: Basic Flash And Basic ActionScript
Specialty: Flash
Time Zone: GMT +/- 0
Note: I'll explain things once in detail and then I'll say it in simple.
Student number: No limit
Current Students:
1) noamba
2) shadowfran101
3) jiggibidy
4) Luggy
Tutorial: The most basic tutorial ever.

Dabbleh - FULL
Specialty: Haven't really got one, I'm alright at paths.
Time Zone: GMT +0 (Great Britain)
Note: ?
Student number: 3
Current Students:
1) Gers1
2) Caldoo246
3) sneevil_of_evil
Tutorial: C4D Usage

Teaches: PS CS3,, manips, LP's
Specialty: Basics as well as effects and much more!
Time Zone: No idea....
Note: I prefer teaching over msn as well as using Team Viewer
Student number: 4
Current students:
1) Wcl Nc
Tutorial: N/A

Teaches: Photoshop CS2, tags and photo-manipulations; story/poem writing
Specialty: What's mentioned above ^^
Time Zone: EST/GMT -5 (I live in teh Florida)
Note: I have a rating shop here.
Student number: 3
Current Students:
1) cool Dragonz
2) Wen Su the Tank

.oblivionDawn// FULL
Specialty: Space Art (I call it spacescaping.), Abstract
Time Zone: Server Time=My time :)
Note: I go to school, so I'm obviously not available until around 4:10 my time. And on Tuesday's and Wednesday's, I'm unavailable due to work.
Student number: 2
Current Students:
1) hachimangu
Tutorial: The Art of Spacescaping

Cheesefreeak - FULL
Teaches: Drawing, GIMP, pen tablet + GIMP
Specialty: dragons, robots, warriors
Time Zone: Eastern Standard
Note: uses GIMP to draw and color
Student number: 5
Current students:
1) Mo
2) timelorddala
3) Razackie
4) 2k2ewyn
5) PaladinLord1123
Tutorial: Dragon tut part 1, part 2
Examples: my devART gallery

Teaches: Ps
Specialty: Stock sigs/tags and sprite animation
Time Zone: Eastern mountain time
Student number:
Current students:
1) firedruid
2) Gorzan the Green Mage
3) shadowfran101
4) potatoz4life
5) Dragon05

Tormenter - FULL
Teaches: PS
Specialty: Tags
Time Zone: eastern standard time
Note: I have xfire and msn.Pm me if you need either.
Student number: 8
Current students:
1) Obsidiamancer
2) was269
3) hojoko
4) ~JW~
5) Mustafa
6) @.body
7) Nexolous
8) Dr@gon

BeefStew - FULL
Teaches: Flash Art and Action Script 2.0
Specialty: Art, and especially not animation XD
Timezone: Dunno, I think.....Eastern?
Student Number: 1
Current Students:
1) Ghost Rider!

Teaches:Photoshop CS2+
Specialty:C4d tags
Time Zone:EST
Student number:3
Current students:
Tutorial: DMC Tut

Teaches: GIMP
Specialty: No particular specialty im pretty well rounded.
Time Zone: Eastern
Note: Would be more effective if done through pm
Student number: 5
Current students:
1) Nightly
2) Muffin Master
3) Vice
4) Zyrain
Tutorial: N/A

Teaches:Gimp Art
Specialty: Smudging
Time Zone: Central
Note: Im mostly on In the mornings, and at night
Student number: Max of 4
1) Alpha Omega 37
Tutorial: None yet

Lord Skull
Teaches: Illustrator 10 and Cs3(12), Scratch, Pencil Shading and tricks and Basic Html
Specialty: Illustrator Cs3, pencil shading/hand drawing, pencil tricks and paint(real paint)
Time Zone: Central(USA)
Note: I may be online thru a computer or I may be on mobile, so I will be available at mainly any time, I do not tolerate disrispect towards me, and I like to keep things work related, unless a friendly bond is developed, but try to stay on topic on what I teach you. I'm also very patient up to a certain limit. If you want pencil skills taught to you, by me, I require for you to know how to draw a bit. I will harshly critiscize you, if needed, I believe it is appropriate for the development of knowledge towards art.
Student Number: 2 for now
Tutorial(s): None as of now.
Crimson Dragon Slayer
Abyss Paladin Armor
Hand Drawn Art:

Teaches: GIMP, drawing, digipainting, and random effects in general
Specialty: the above
Time Zone: central (USA)
Student number: no limit
Tutorial: believe1, believe2
Examples (about two or three in link form please):

Teaches: Flash, Coding.
Specialty: AS2
Time Zone: Pacific
Note: Bam dum crash
Student number: 2

To Apply As:

A Student:
Hoping to Learn:

*Note: All students must clearly specify a teacher. No 'whoever teaches PS', 'anyone', 'whoever's good', and things like that.*

A Teacher:
Send me a PM with this bio filled out titled 'STO'. Send to iChar only if I say so in the thread.

Time Zone:
Student number:
Examples (about two or three in link form please):

About time zones --

Quote: Grafh
I have no problems with people saying their time zones (I don't think this breaks rules, but I'm not 100% sure), but if they do not wish to give it out, they should state what time they are around in AE Forum Server time. The server time is eastern standard time, if they google it, I'm sure they can work out their time.

To nominate a teacher to be included in the Teacher Hall of Fame:
Please PM this information!

Why you are nominating this teacher (please support with detail, and not just one sentence):
How has learning under this teacher made a difference:

locked and unpinned at request of thread starter

Gorgok -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/16/2007 12:41:11)

Name: Gorgok
Teacher: Iguan
Subject: GIMP
Hoping to Learn: how to shade my lineart in GIMP, and how to make better, more DF like weapons in MS paint.

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/16/2007 14:58:15)

A Student:
Name: Arthur The Brave One
Teacher: Iguan or anyone else who is good with GIMP
Subject: GIMP and paint
Hoping to Learn: How to work with GIMP and increase of my MS Paint skill.

lguan -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/16/2007 15:15:51)

Gorgok: Accepted. Please PM (me) to begin.

Arthur: Please specify a teacher, seeing as I'm not the only one teaching Gimp ... or Paint.

The Virtual Reality -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/16/2007 15:58:00)

Student: Slash11
Teacher: The One to Rule
Subject: GIMP
Hoping to learn: Learn more overall. Try to bring my tags up to low mod mostly.

lguan -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/16/2007 16:00:52)

Accepted. PM teacher to begin.

The Virtual Reality -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/16/2007 16:05:24)

Thanks a bunch Iguan!

Rorras Akari -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/16/2007 16:10:57)

Name: Sephyra/Fury
Teacher: Lguan
Subject: GIMP stuff
Hoping to Learn: How to mainly work GIMP and start to use better fx

lguan -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/16/2007 16:26:55)

Slash11: No problem ^_^.

Sephyra: Accepted. Please PM me to begin :).

Arthur The Brave One -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/16/2007 16:50:40)



Gorgok: Accepted. Please PM (me) to begin.

Arthur: Please specify a teacher, seeing as I'm not the only one teaching Gimp ... or Paint.

I'd prefer LightningIsMyName, because he has no students at the moment and also teaches both Paint and GIMP.

dark snypa -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/16/2007 16:51:50)

A Student:
Name: Dark Snypa
Teacher: Lguan
Subject: GIMP
Hoping to Learn: GIMP in general, but lighting and blending

lguan -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/16/2007 17:02:30)

Both (Arthur and Dark Snypa) accepted. Please PM your teachers and sign up on the forums.

ALL STUDENTS WHO JUST SIGNED UP, PLEASE SIGN UP ON THE FORUMS, UNLESS YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY DONE SO. Forgot about that :P. That means, everyone who posted in this thread.

Trip -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/16/2007 18:18:56)

A Student:yes
Teacher:The One to Rule
Hoping to Learn: more about it and more effects
Fourms:Signing Up Right Now

xildgolee -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/16/2007 19:12:10)

Xild is teaching'! :D

Prepare to be taught so hard... D:<

lguan -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/16/2007 19:14:52)

Thatsomeone: TOTR is currently full. Please chose another teacher. Sorry for not stating that earlier :P.

Xildgolee has been added as a teacher. Yeah, okay he got there before me :P.

Trip -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/16/2007 19:18:26)

Lguan are you Free?Or Full?

lguan -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/16/2007 19:20:48)

I have one space left for sigs, so you could take that. That would mean the last space left would have to be for MS Paint. So, you could take LIMN or me for Gimp.

Trip -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/16/2007 19:51:15)

Uhh So theres a Spot for me In your clan For Gimp?If so Il Take You [:D]
want me to Pm You my Msn?

lguan -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/16/2007 19:54:03)

Added as my student. Please PM me to start ^_^.

Gorgok -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/16/2007 19:54:56)

I want to apply for lightningismyname
Name: Gorgok
Hoping to learn: How to shade my lineart

lguan -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/16/2007 20:12:16)

You can't have two teachers, especially for the same subject. So, you're no longer going to be my student, LIMN's?

Trip -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/16/2007 20:15:05)

i pmed you my msn O_O im on right Now ^_^

LightningIsMyName -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/17/2007 10:07:46)

Hello Arthur, please PM me to begin your lessons.

When you PM me, please sent 5-8 of your last works, a description of what you would mainly like to learn and a short bio of your digital art (when did you start which program, etc.)

EDIT: removed my typos =D

shnaru1 -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/17/2007 19:49:19)

Name: shnaru
Teacher: LightningIsMyName
Hoping to Learn:to make better signatrues

lguan -> RE: The STO: Student Teacher Organization (9/17/2007 20:06:40)

Accepted. Please PM your teacher and sign up for the forums.

Also, teachers, if a student has quit, left the forums, went inactive, or for any reason is no longer your student, and has not said so in this thread, please inform me immediately so that I can take him/her off the list.

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