=Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (Full Version)

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westward_ho! -> =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:14:03)

Ya, so I decided to put my soul-in-a-jar in Reens' mailbox a few weeks back... I am now your head mod for the DF 'Pedia, which means

Question time again! :o

Rules (and I reserve the right to ignore/delete any posts that deliberately disobey these):
1. 10 questions per post, max
2. 3 posts per person, max
3. Obviously, let's keep it PG-13 :)

1. What is your real name?
  • Erika
    2. How old are you?
  • Somewhere between 10 and 10,000... but closer to 10 [;)]
    3. What is your favorite book?
  • I love anything by Mercedes Lackey and Anne McCaffrey, I also read Tolkien, Rowling, and various other random books; I don't paticularly have a favorite book, but one of my favorites is Jane Eyre
    4. What is your favorite movie?
  • I love Alfred Hitchcock, especially Topaz, and also Casablanca. Finding Nemo! :D
    5. What is your DF character ID?
  • 445940 - Enjoy the fight!

    So.. go for it! :D

    Oh, and I edit like this for those of you who don't know :)

  • Tolkienfanatic -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:14:30)

    Mehehe, how fortunate and lucky that I could get the first post here. Really, I am utterly surprised :p
    j00 is teh fast O.O

    If the energy of one mole of light that has a wavelength of 400 nm is 2.99 x 105 J, what is the combined sum of fingers and toes that you have?
    Erm.. not enough information >:O THAT'S RIGHT!

    Paper or plastic?
    Paper, please :)

    Have you ever cried over spilled milk?
    Yes actually, but I was 5 at the time, so does it really count? :/

    Do you like pina colodas, getting caught in the rain, and er, that last part?
    Occasionally [;)]

    Do you still like horses after holding the intestines of one?
    Sure do :D

    Why westward, you could have just as easily gone eastward. Or northward. Or even southward.
    But westward, they have cookies! :O

    Puppy -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:16:09)

    First Reply! Second Reply :P
    You iz th ebest!

    So will you enforce everything more strictly?
    Nah, I'm an equal opportuntity tyrant. :P

    If yes then woohoo!
    Not so much. :P

    If no then wooboo!
    But it's equal enslavement for all! That's goooood, right? :O

    What did you do when you found otu you're soul is gone?
    Well, to become a mod you must first split the soul that Alac took from you at AKtime and then split it into 7 pieces a la Voldemort and then give them all to Reens in labeled plastic baggies

    How long have you been an AK? I know recently you got modded.
    I was made an AK at the end of January, I believe

    Favorite Color?
    Purple, ironically.. but that was taken

    Favorite Number?

    Favorite Genre of Book?
    Fantasy, and some Sci-Fi

    OF Movie?
    The classics (Hitchcock and so on) and adventure

    I am the best correect and that eez all!

    Markin99 -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:16:19)

    1.how are u
    Quite well, thanks

    2.do u like having POWER over the forums.
    I like to take over the world make the forums nice and clean for everyone to use, if that's what you mean ;)

    3.whatsur fav car
    I'd like an Aston Martin Vanquish

    4.ur fav colour

    5.ur fav drink/FAST FOOD/food

    Thats All

    Snuggle hugs on his way out
    /me snugs

    DANG 3rd post

    PS. i highlighted u

    6.do u day dream
    Yeah, sure, who doesn't? :P

    7.no more no more
    Oh noez! :O

    *runs out after snugglehugglepouncescongratsesandgenerallyremindsyouthisisabadideaSNUGS*

    som3dud33 -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:17:13)

    You remember me?
    Yes... yes I do

    Remember your last thread?

    Quite hellish eh?
    You said it, not me

    So hows it going?
    I'm doing quite well currently, thanks

    You see the Yankee game this Friday? Pretty damn good.
    Baseball = boring :/

    Doesn't your brother play xbox live?

    Will some of the older posters like Kitti and Senomi ever come back?
    Beats me, that's up to them

    Any idea who they are?
    In real life? Nope.

    Do you miss them?
    They were good posters.

    Should I go to sleep?
    Indeed, considering you posted quite a few more than 10 questions :P

    Vaseline28 -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:18:10)

    Hello WH,
    /me snugglehugglepouncescongratsesandgenerallyremindsyouthisisabadideaSNUGS!
    /me snugs

    Thanks! :)

    1) 1+5343+47384+mod+WH = the best+greatest+amazing. My calculations are right aren't they...
    Um, yah. Duh. Me. :O

    2) Spots or Stripes?

    3) Curtains or Blinds?

    4) Why are you doing this?
    I like MtMs

    5) Is itto get il land not have to go to school?
    Stay in school kids. Always stay in school.

    6) you are the best, are you not?
    See question 1. :P

    7) I iz teh helpin' you be that tho
    I is an island of awesomeness :O

    Anyway, I'll leave it at that to save the sore head you will get!
    Thanks, I think :/

    Necromancer X . -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:18:38)

    Hello there

    you like necromNCERS!?
    Sure, why not? :)

    are you under age
    See FAQs ;)

    guess what nunber im a thinkin

    Gah howd you know?
    I gots ESPN.

    to why is the water blue
    See below

    why is the sky blue
    See above

    tuna or no tuna
    Tuna, I am hungry

    anythin can happen when you least expect it.......BOO
    *falls down* Oh! :O

    well that s all i got to say

    Bye then :)

    Afnan_3240 -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:21:08)

    W00t 8th post

    your avatar?!?!
    Like, ya. Goofy made it for me.

    which came first the chicken or the egg?
    Neither. They morphed from a protozoan.

    do you know me?
    Know of you, sure

    do you like me?
    I enslave all people equally



    Favorite color: any color - but I love purple and green
    Favorite food: lasagna
    Favorite drink: milk
    Favorite animal: horses... and PENGUINS
    Last movie I watched: The Good Shepherd
    Last book I read: Animal Farm by George Orwell

    Why not? :P

    WAIT!!!!! one last question do you like my sinature?
    Sure, it's fine. :)

    ONE verrrryyy last question do you like my character? me
    Nice :)

    Can I be your minion/servant/slave/puppet?
    Spaces are filled, sorries

    Has it been half an hour yet?
    Beats me

    Can you sign my book? (book signing today) *holds out books*
    *scrawls* There you go :)

    Just decided to bring these up again [;)]

    tombstone -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:22:12)

    Hey, ms.mod
    Hello :)
    How's life treating you?
    Well, thank you
    You ready to be interogated by the masses?
    I'm ready
    Well, here I go.

    1.What goes up but never goes down?
    2.Do you like any SquareEnix games?
    I don't know what that is, so I guess not :/
    3.What is your favorite MLB team?
    MLB = MLBad
    4.Do you prefer dogs or cats?
    5.Who's your favorite forumite that's name starts with t, ends with a 5 letter element and ryhmes with 'boomstone'?[:D]
    Ummm.. 16!
    6.Whats your favorite TV show?
    7.Would you edit someones post for entertainment?
    Nah, not unless thye said it was ok :)
    8.Whats your favorite weapon?
    Maybe more questions later. See ya!

    The Ducksta -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:22:19)

    Do you like cheese?
    Of course :)

    Do you eat fibre?

    Is dust hazardous?
    Depends on what kind and what quantity X3

    What's the capital of Moscow?
    Something here seems fishy..

    The Nameless -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:23:45)

    How many lemons would it take to blow up the sun?
    4 exactly
    Why have you not yet joined Comellamorphyn?
    How do you know I haven't? :P
    That will cost you dearly...in more questions! D:<
    Oh noez! Oh noez!
    If 1+1=11, why does 2+3=5465sgfad69e%?
    Because life is not fair
    Does it need a reason not to be fair? >:O
    Why not?
    Because life, is, well, life, so it pwns. :P
    *gets jars of peanut butter*
    Ewww >_< Me no likey PB
    Yellow shall fall!
    Indeed, up with purple
    Oh, and, congratulations! :D
    Thanks very much :D

    mooneeve -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:24:55)

    Yeah it's Westward_Ho!
    Yes it is :D
    Nice to see you made a thread here!
    So ready for some questions?
    Well you should be at the moment here it goes!...
    Hit meh
    What do you think of when you see this [sm=chicken.gif]?
    Cysero. Immediately.
    Do you like the new release!?
    I do. :)
    I have a warrior what do you have?
    My main is a mage, but I also have a warrior and a rogue.
    Why am I a water warrior?
    Because you wish to be. Do you need another reason?
    Do you like int?
    Almost as much as END.
    If I asked a certain number of questions how many would you have me ask!?
    I'm happy are you happy?
    Sure :D
    Did you know this is the first time I've gotten on the fist page of any of these kinds of threads!?
    Nice work
    Well I'm farming for the firebrand what are you doing?
    Answering this :P

    Kevinsparky11 -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:24:58)

    1. What kind of music do you like?
    Anything except modern country is good
    2. Do you find AQ to be better than DF or DF is better?
    AQ is better developed, but I prefer DF's storyline
    3. What is your favorite thing in being a "mod?"
    It's just an all-around cool position
    4. Who was the 1st person you met on the forums??
    I honestly don't remember X3
    5. Which channels do you usually go on IRC?? Just wonderin'
    I'm usually in #battleon and #YulgarsInn

    krazy demon child -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:25:54)

    well since you answered all the normal questions that I normally ask I guess I better give you some abnormal ones.
    buenos dias
    Bon soir
    do you have an N64
    how many toes am I holding up
    what's your favorite type of music
    Anything except modern country
    have you ever hit someone in the end with some day old French bread
    ahh man I used all my abnormal questions on vas, guess I'll have to come up with some more and come back
    hasta luego
    Au revoir
    ps if you didn't notice I'm learning how to speak spanish right meow.
    And as you may have noticed, I have a little passable French under my belt

    Cataclysm -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:26:38)

    A tad late, no?
    Not too bad
    Apparently, you had one earlier... What happened to it?
    I made one when I was an AK, but that was 8 months ago :o
    How would you define me?
    A friendly person, judging by your nick
    Are you a fun mod, or one of those annoyingly strict ones?
    I'd like to think of myself as an evil tyrant, but we'll see
    Four questions, gonna number from here.

    5.) Why aren't you answering me??? I'm expecting answers within 3 seconds.
    D: I phale, evidently
    6.) Tyme's up. :p Sorry, you get the consolation prize: Answering more of my questions =O
    7.) Wilst thou savith thyne noble quest?
    I thinkest so :3
    8.) Will you be my fweind?
    Evil tyrants do not have friends [>:]
    9.) Hey, that wasn't nice, you could've just said no ;_;
    Too bad
    10.) SCHWEET! I SUCCESFULLY COUNTED TO 10!!! Alright, how do you think we should deal with spammers?
    Instantly, when at all possible.
    Edit: Woot, 1st page! Double woot! 15th post!

    Phoenix Angel -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:29:05)

    Congratulations Westward!
    Thanks! :)
    Finally the DF encylopedia will be orderly!
    I'll do my best
    1. What is your favorite game?
    DF and AQ of course ;)
    2. What do you think of Super Smash Bros.?
    3. Melee?
    And again
    4. And what of Brawl?
    Once again..
    5. What is your favorite staff member?
    Pae, of course! :O *is chomped anywayz*
    6. Favorite weapon? (AQ and/or DF)
    AQ = Thrale's Hatred ; DF = Worldstaff
    7. What is your least favorite color?
    I don't know..
    8. What do you look forward most to in AQ,DF, and MQ?
    The story in all 3! :)
    9. What's it like to be a Mod?
    Traumatizing, considering the number of times you're chomped daily :o
    10. And Finally, What do you Hope to happen in this community and the games the community has formed around?
    I just am really excited about the way the games and community are growing constantly :)
    Thanks again!
    ^_^ YAY! Good Luck, Westward_ho!

    Darius -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:31:23)

    Hi, Westward! /me tacklesnugs

    Head DF Pedia mod, huh? Sounds like a sweet gig!
    It's pretty nice, ya ;)

    So does this mean that the DF Pedia will be cleaned of spammers posting question threads?
    I hope so

    Don't you think that's sooo horribly annoying? I think they should be permbanned on sight, right there along with DAvsNDA whiners.
    It's rather frustrating sometimes

    I like what you've done with the pedia so far. I hope to see more great moderating from you soon!
    Thanks! ^_^

    This question you can take as seriously or as sarcastically as you wish:
    Armageddon, will it be via meteor impact, the expansion/melting of the ice caps, or will mankind nuke itself to dust?
    I personally believe we'll suffocate ourselves in greenhouse gases :/
    Meh, I guess that's an option, too.

    Have a good day! /me snugtackles again
    *snugs* I will :)

    grebob -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:33:11)

    Hello westward_ho!
    Hello grebob!

    what is your fav thing?
    Please be more specific :P

    What would you being doing now other than this?
    Nothing! >:O I would never, EVAR do anything other than mod 24/7!!!! INCLUDING SLEEP! D:<

    can you answer every question asked to you?
    Mostly, yeah, except when they go over the limit, in which case they usually go byebye

    Whats your fav, AQ, DF, or MQ?
    Well, we can't really consider MQ right now ;) But AQ and DF are pretty even for me :)

    I just like the way they're continually expanding

    Ah, im tired, ill stop here
    Ok, see ya

    Bye and my names grebob, REMEMBER IT! jk

    djiredhadimo -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:35:51)

    HEY, another one ! wait a minute, this time it's a mod ! YAY, my first MtM

    first of, nice to meet you
    second : the question

    1-Do you have pet ? if yes, can we know what they are ?
    I have 2 dogs :)
    2- how is it to be a mod ?
    I am enjoying it so far
    3-How will you improve our forum ?
    I certainly hope so
    4-What are the languagues that you can speak ? note: L33T and bad spealing/writing like i'm doing is not a languague
    I speak a little French and a few words of Spanish, and English of course
    5-Do you think i'm weird (it can be in a good or bad way, i can take the two of them)
    Nah :)
    6-Is my english as bad as i think ?
    You're doing well :D
    7-Where do you come from ?
    I reside in the US of A
    8-Did you ask to be mod or someone ask you ?
    Someone asked me, of course.. well, really, Reens stole me, but I was ok with that :)
    9-Are you mean ? if yes, DON'T HURT ME PLEASE
    Only on days that end with "y"
    10-Is it a pain to understand my writing ?
    Nope, like I said, you're doing well
    over, maybe i'll come back with other post, but lucky you, i'm already out of question

    have fun with your new title.
    Thanks! ^_^


    The Trobble One -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:36:10)

    1.Who will you turn gay for? (Idea stolen from Rove's $20 in 20 Seconds)(Please Answer)
    Ummm.. how about no one? o_O
    2.Favorite Music Genre?
    I enjoy anything except modern country :)
    3.Favorite place you been to?
    I absolutely love South Dakota - it's gorgeously rugged and open :)
    4.If you could wipe out one subject in all the schools in the world, what will it be?
    They're all important in theory, but I'd totally redo the way they're taught
    5.Favorite mecha T.V show?
    Don't really watch TV, other than CSI
    6.Are you a big Harry Potter fan?
    Of course! But I haven't read the 7th book yet :(
    7.Favorite Song?
    Currently: Smothered by Spineshank
    8.Favorite Actor?
    Humpery Bogart and Sean Connery
    9.Favorite singer/band?
    There are too many :)
    10.Who do you admire the most?
    Honestly? My parents ^_^

    Circe -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:37:19)

    Hi! I've never done one of these before, very exciting!

    Belated congrats on becoming a mod...thou art most brave!
    Thanks XD
    On to my questions:

    1) Llama or Elephant?
    2) Monty Python or the Marx Brothers?
    3) Stephen Colbert or Jon Stewart?
    4) Superman or Wonder Woman?
    5) Sweats or jeans?
    6) Hummer or Prius?
    7) Dr. Seuss or Dr. Phil?
    8) Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie?
    9) Richard Simmons v. Richard Gere - who would win?
    Simmons :o
    10) And finally - is it physically possible to put Baby in a corner?
    Congrats again! You'll be a fantastic mod; it's about time they class that joint up! JK! [;)]
    Thanks! ^_^
    Later Tater!

    Kitsukaru -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:39:26)

    Erika, i really like that name. Snuggles D:
    Thanks, my parents gave it to me

    Have you ever had that nightmare when you
    cannot open your eyes?
    Nope, but I've had the falling-off-a-cliff one

    If Sneevils are hunted and forced into the depths of
    the mountains, what will they become?

    What is your dream job?
    Staff veterinarian at a racing stable

    Ninjas or Pirates?
    Both, whichever pays better, which is currently the Pirates :o

    Pirates have done no good for this world, why do people love
    them so much?
    Because they have birdies! *SQUAWK*

    If you could sum up your whole life into
    one word, what would it be?
    Pie. Without question

    ArchKitten or Gecko of Doom?
    Geckos pwn j00

    What is your first impression when
    you look at this?

    Congratulations on becoming a Mod! I'm sure it means you are 18+ :P
    God Speed!

    Robertm -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:41:56)

    I bet you 5 gp you can't figure out my real name... Erika...
    I is stumped <_<
    So, are you going to abandon me in the Final Challenge Arena with just a steel plate and longsword like abnother nameless DF AK?*coughrimbladecough*
    What is your opinion of Cysero?
    Freakin' sweet :D
    What is your opinion of me?
    I hate everyone equally.. except C and Pae of course ;)
    You should get that looked at...
    Yea, so... um.... bye...

    DragonGuard -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:45:23)

    Congrats!! *snugglepounce*
    Thanks! ^_^
    Or perhaps it's us forumites that should be gratulated for getting a great pediamod?
    I mean... YEAH! THAT'S RIGHT!!!11 D:<
    What's the primary function of a computer?
    To cause problems, without a doubt <_<
    Can you be entrusted with this sortof power?[8D]
    <_< >_> Ya :D
    Boardgames or videogames?
    I stink at the latter, so the former, please
    Potato or Potato?
    Look out!! A devilishly cute penguin! [;)]
    <_< >_> <_< >_> Like, where? :o
    See you around i hope.

    bigwavedave -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:51:04)

    Thanks! ^_^
    1. How does Cysero see
    Magic.. duh. :P
    2. Who would win in a fight... Artix or Cysero!!!
    Cysero, like ya. :o
    3. Why is the keyboard so weird?
    Well, the person who invented it was a really bad speller :o
    4. What is your favorite weapon?
    5. Are the loot table really functional right now and out to get us.....
    Out to get you? Yes.
    6. Can I count by 2's for the rest???
    8. Do you like yogurt?
    10. What is your favorite monster

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