RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (Full Version)

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boomies -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/23/2007 11:17:33)


Would you be scared of boomies if there wasn't a question limit?

Of course I would. You would.

Now, to start questionsating.

Did you watch Surfs up and March of the Penguins?
Surf's Up, no. I own March of the Penguins. :)
Why did you choose that Title, and avatar?
Someone sheeshul is making me the avvy, and so therefore I make my title fit accordingly ^_^
What is your favorite movie?
Of all time? Casablanca.
Silverwing vs Dewdrop fairy, who would win?
They wouldn't fight.
Did you get anything from Cys Superstore of Savings? *Resentfully watches...Darn you lack of money and parents not allowing me to get a DA or DCs...*
Surely did.
Do you participate in torturing hapless AKs?
The law requires that I answer no. <.<
Dewdrop fairy vs TolkienFanatic, who would win?
It'd be close but TF's cynicism is pretty deadly.
C4N Y0U 5P34K 1N 53H 1337?
No, thank god.
What did you do when you became a AK, and what did you do when you became a mod?
Smiled, and got to work.
DF vs AQ?
AQ for development, DF for easier-to-follow.
Bye then.

whitewolf 12 -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/23/2007 13:53:43)


Dontcha' just love these threads?
Question 1! Bahahahah >:D
I know I do. >:)

1. Opinion on the war in Iraq?
The opinion I have would take far, far too long to type out.
2. Which of the next gen consoles do you like the most? Why?
I'm still not even sure what that means. Me <<< video game n00b. :P
Yes, that counted as one question out of the max of 10! >:(
Sure did.
3. What did your soul look like? You know, when you sold it?
The jar was opaque. :P
I bet it was all...spinless. :o

4. Favorite mod?
Pae. *offers chompable offering*
The above question was uncalled for. I'm sorry. But i'm not taking it back! >:o
5. 2+2=?
6. Favorite plant ever?
Erm, roses? Red ones. The classics.
Almost done. You don't allow much questions. >:(
There's a reason.
7. Do you have a vacation home? Or maybe a second house? I do! :D
It's in teh forest! I see deer, and turkeys, and birds, and..

Moving on. >_<

8. Play any online MMOs? I only play RS. >_>
9. Favorite part of the AE forums?
Hmmm... Debate Club or L&L, I think.
Last question already? Awwww... :[

10. What is the inside of the mods closet like?
You know I can't tell you that. It's... classified. Yeah, classified.
All done. Oh, and by the way, I poked your penguin and highlighted you. :o


DragonLord Lloyd -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/23/2007 14:02:54)

Hi westward_ho.

I got a few questions.

Weren't you already a mod before?I know I saw you as a mod.
Nope, I was an AK.

What's ya favorite food?
Food. :D

What's your favorite website?
Hmmmm. It's sad, but probably.

What are some of your hobbies?
Horseback riding and procrastinating, like I'm doing now.

And weren't you a mod before?

Ok that's all.See ya later.

Lornicai -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/23/2007 14:28:45)


Apple sauce or ducks?
Oh, forgot to say,
Thanks. :)
Do you think orca whales can eat screwdrivers?
It can eat anything, but it's a matter of whether it -should-...
Can I get reported for asking these questions?
What's your favorite pet?
That I have? Dogs. That I want? Horses.
Should I leave?
If you want.
How many holes in a polo?
Good day to you sir...
Ma'am. :P
Oh, one last thing: If you cow tip a monkey in the middle of the pacific ocean, how many licks will it take to make Chuck Norris roundhouse kick a sneevil? [&:]
*crunch* :P

draketh99 -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/23/2007 15:58:18)


congrats (if im late for saying srry)
Thankies :)
ok here are my questions

1.)the question i ask evrey ak and mod, what drink is the best cafeen drink
Coffee. Straight-up.
2.)do u have pets
Sure do.
3.)do u play df?
4.)if u play df then what is ur faveorite thing about it
The storyline and the coolies graphics. :)
5.)faveorite band
Too many to count.
6.)why the name?
It just came to me. :P
7.) wireless or cord keyboard and mouse which do u think is better
Wireless is cool.
8.)why does the word llama have two l's
Phonetics in Spanish, I believe.
9.)how did u become an ak/mod?
Reens asked me to be one. Both times.
10.) finally am i psycho? *twich* *twich
Only if you say so. Mind over matter, buddy.
well by and congrats.

imbored359 -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/23/2007 19:15:28)

Hi! *my first meet the mod questionnaire*

1. fruit snacks.
Oooh! I want some! :D

2. do you like NFL/college football, and what are your favorite teams?
NFL please. Steelers.

3. what is the answer to the universe, your life, everyone elses life, and why pi equals 3.14?

4. why did you put your soul in plastic baggies, why not tupperware?
I put mine in a jar. [:D]

5. youre related to santa???!!?!!!!?????!! le gasp.
Nah, that wouldn't be cool.

6. who is cooler, you or SiLvErWiNg?
pfft! as if that's a question! *trouts* (she is)
I say she is! :O

7. what if i told you that there was a giant wind tunnel just outside your door waiting to blow you into oblivion?
What am I supposed to do about it? *goes outside* :P

8. ever seen a hippo with noodles on its back? i have. go to youtube and type in hippo noodles.

9. dots or squares?

10. bah humbug, im out of questions.
Just in time :P

the end!!

Baker -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/23/2007 19:38:44)

:o wh! I'm glad I found this thread, hiding over here in DF. D:<
:O bball!
Anyway, questions...

Was the modship expected, or were you surprised?
A little bit of both, actually.
Other than universal POWAH, what's your favorite part about being a mod?
Universal POWAH!
Been dissecting any more horses recently? O.o
Not recently, it was a one-time-thing, but quite cool.
Other than the DF forums, which ones do you like best?
DC and L&L :)
Alrighty, that's enough I think... Cya wh!
And, before I forget, /me steals the penguin from Khold D:
*theatrical behavior* Nooooo!

You see the Yankee game this Friday? Pretty damn good.
Baseball = boring :/
:o Betrayal! I'm sure you were talking about Yankees baseball, though, so I forgive you. :)
If you want to think that ;)

God of thunder -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/23/2007 20:44:15)

hi der buuuuuddy!

do you have msn?
I do.
do you have a bird?
I don't.
mine talks! :)
Cool! :O
do you play soccer?
Used to, but stopped when I was 11.
im the funny 10 commandments, thee who smelt it delt it, was it you?[:-]
Not that I'm aware of :P
whats your IQ#?
I have no idea. :P
*hears a distant thunder*oops...heh lol
ever tried using a on screen keyboard?
Yeah, it sort of stunk.
where do you live?
The US. :P
What is full of holes but still holds water?
This makes 10 questions. :P

bye bye (inner laugh)


Sarak -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/23/2007 21:40:04)


1) Favorite color?
Purple. :P

2) Favorite food?
Food. :D

3)If you could have a pet what would it be?
Horses, lots of them :)

4) 1231341+313133 ?

Thats all! By the way, can you get #4 right? [8D
I chose to answer philosophically. ^_^

Wyvern Knight -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/23/2007 22:41:10)

...Already? Well, I have nothing to say, I already asked you everything :P. So congratulations! ^.^.
Thanks :)
That, and I have a strong fear of Moderators.
We don't bite. Often.
BTW: Darn you and your Editing powers! You saw nothing!
What is this seeing you speak of? :o

PieLlama Pwner -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/24/2007 16:46:24)

Do you like ice cream?
Yep. :)
I like ice cream.
Good for you. :P
DO you like llamas that know kung-fu, have nuke vision,(nuke vision?) that are mutant,
and pie?
It depends. Where is Chuck Norris in proximity to myself, and is he my friend?
If I ate myself, would it be disturbing?lol
*blinkblink* o_O
I like your avvy, its savvy. Me made a rhyme.
If Homer simpson and Stewie from family guys were to fight, who would win?
Homer, by accident.
Thx for da interview, your nice. Also sorry if im disturbing
You're welcome.


Luigi01080 -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/24/2007 20:09:52)

how do u become a mod
Not asking to be one. Just help out in your favorite forums, obey the rules, and have fun. If you do all of those, and a position opens up, you might be considered.

flyingkidjoe -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/24/2007 23:47:02)

*Walks in and pokes WestWard_Ho*
Hello WestWard_Ho!
1- Are you ageless?
I'd like to think to :P
2- Do you like halo ??
Never played, but it looks fun from seeing my lil bro play. :)
3- Do you like kittens?
Of course, who doesn't! :)
4- Do you play wow?
Nope. I tried once but half-way through the download I got bored and quit.
5- Read 4 if yes then what Server and Level?
6- Are you male or female?
7- Siblings?
Yepyep, one brother. Younger.
8- Cheesecake or pie?
Cheesecake pie. :D
9- Do you even know who i am? lol
Not really. :3
10- Read the book Name Of The Wind?
heh.. thats all

Thanks and gratz
You're welcome, thank you! :)

dfownage222 -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/25/2007 9:29:08)

Hé, bonjour!
Hi. Much more boring. :p
The sky. <<< deep. :O
Have any talents?
I'd like to think so :3
WH+cheese=happy WH or sad WH?
Happy, occasionally.
Do you want sum friez wif tht?
Don't eat fries.
Do you know me :O?
Not really.
I do.
That is a good thing I think.
I think thats more then I can do..ONE LAST ONE!:P
AQ or DF?
Both. Really. ^_^

Isphus -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/25/2007 11:58:46)

remember last time i posted in ur MtAK thread?
I do. Distinctly.
me>u at both games!!!
No doubt at all. ^_^;
why the questions limit?
I have my reasons. <.<
how many languages do you speak?
One fluently. I speak passable French (but I'm out of practice) and a few words of Spanish.
AQ or DF or MQ?
All 3, and I really mean that :P
do u like my sig?
Sure, why not? ^_^

Chronicler -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/25/2007 20:57:11)



Malfunction... Malfunction!
Dammit, Kirk! I'm a doctor not a mechanic!
When you become a mod?
Beginning of September I believe.
Like Pie?

Clyde -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/25/2007 21:07:27)

Greetings I am Clyde, The Creative Son of Kitty :D *licks paws cutely*

1. What shape are your shackles Door Knobs? (if someone already asks this then BOoooo)
Round in either case. :P
2. Is it cold in here or is it just me?
I'm sorta cold, yeah.
3. I think I wasted question 2, what do you think? [;)]
Only if you think you did. :p
4. Do you like Icecream?
Of course!
5. Do you prefer Poetry, Stories, or Magazines?
Poetry and stories in magazines. :D
6. Do you like to Paint or anything else Creative?
I like to try to paint. ^_^;
7. Did you know that Racecar backwards is Kitty?
I clearly have been reading it backwards for all this time...
8. Would you like to see my Poems in Legends & Lore?
I don't mind.
9. What college did you go to?
I have not yet finished. Get back to me in 7 years. :P
10. Did you get that thing I sent ya? [;)]I
What thing? o_O
Thanks for answering my questions and My the Spam not be with you.

Moondragon -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/26/2007 12:16:48)

Hello to you.
How much can you spin on your chair without getting dizzy?
Alas, I have no spinny chair. D:
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris? ...All of it.
And finally: Do you pick in your nose?
Bye from me.
Bye to you too.

Luigi01080 -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/26/2007 15:01:43)

how do u become a mod and cupcakes! ya!
CUPCAKES!!!!1 *munches* There weren't any other questions, were there?

krusher64n -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/26/2007 16:05:49)

What number am i thinking of...(4)
I haven't the slightest.
Do you like HALO?
Abstractly as I have never played it.
Do you have an Xbox 360?
Nope, but my brother has a regular Xbox.
I did.
Good for you.
Did u get halo 3?
No real reason for me to. See above.
I did.
It is awesome.
Do you think so?
I haven't the slightest. I'd assume so.
Bye Bye!
PS: Im not done yet.
PSS: Westward Ho, what is your favorite animal?
Teh Penguins of Lurve. Little-known species.
PSSS: DF, AQ, or MQ?
All three. Really.
PSSSS: Like my sig?
PSSSSS: Bye Bye now.

neomaster911 -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/26/2007 17:43:43)

ninja or pirate?
Neither. And both. I am an equal-opportunity mercenary.
Indeed! *munches*
no cookie?
fave monster?
Probably Nightshade. :)
if train A left the station going at 51 miles an hour and train B left the station at the same time going 54 mph, when do the two meet if the track is 10miles long?
Eleventy-one! And a half!
favorite combat stile?
Hmmm. A combination of diplomacy, and, when that fails, large, DOOM-filled explosions.
I FOUND IT! clicky
Yay? o_O
thanks for your time!
You're welcome.
/me snugglehugglepouncescongratsesandgenerallyremindsyouthisisabadideaSNUGS!
*ninja* No touchy. :O

IndieDrummer -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/26/2007 18:41:57)

What do you think of Halo 3?
See above.
Fav Color?
Varies. like poetry?
Sure, why not.
Like my sig?
Soil. :P
I fell over in the shower after getting hit in the head with a that bad?funny?
My condolences.

Outcast of Origin -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/27/2007 8:24:36)

i have to write another name in my death note...are you prepared for that
I haven't the faintest.

ShiitakeWarrior -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/27/2007 9:09:58)

1) Would it make sense if I said, in a sense, that nonsensical nonsense makes no sense at all?
2) Right now, I'm torn between Coffee Coffee Buzz Buzz Buzz and Chunky Monkey (neither of which I can get in tubs over here, yet I love them both!). Which would you recommend more than the other?
Spin about in a circle and pick one randomly.
3) Am I weird for thinking normality is overrated?
Possibly, but I'm not sure normality is a desirable state in today's society either.
4) Tea or coffee?
A bit of both. Perhaps a nice blueberry tea. Or a latte. Hmm, ponder.
5) I like mixing hot peri-peri sauce into my scrambled eggs. What do you like mixing into yours?
I don't eat eggs.
6) Will the Greenman's Finger give my mage gal splinters?
Wear gloves. Problem solved.
7) Why is the concept of WYSIWYG too much for some peeps to grasp?
8) Moo?
9) ?sdrawkcab noitseuq siht gniksa I ma yhW
.nac uoy esuaceB
10) *hugs?*
/me snugs

DreadShadow -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/27/2007 13:28:44)

Hiyas. I came to ask you, to annoy you, and... That's it.
What do you think of darkness?
Do you like voltaire?
I have not yet formed an opinion.
Death has no friends. Do you?
I'd like to think so.
What is the first thing you think when you read my name?
I didn't read your name before editing this post, if you want me to be honest. :P
Do you like moglins?
Sure, why not?
What does ~Gone Awayz~ means?
It's the opposite of ~In action~
What is your favorite toy store? XD
Final question: Will i annoy you if i ask more questions?
Not particularly.
Heh, the i will do it. Because i am so ebil.
*points* EBIL! :O
What number do you get if you take the number of pies eaten by adventurers last saturday and plus with the number of
tuna catched next monday?
19 exactly.
Okey, i will shuddub.

*Vanishes in black flames*

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