RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (Full Version)

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Llong Jjohn Killer -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/21/2007 23:53:03)

Wait, who, what, when, where........haven't you always been a mod, I'm confussled. Or was that being an AK......wait, but then has your AQ page always said your a staff member? I'm so lost-ly, that I just made up a new word........
Like :O Get it copyrighted, nao

So......what's with the "no highlighting" info?
It's a long story...

Finding Nemo, huh? "You'll be my Baby Splashy, and will always be my little Baby Splashy, right Splashy? OW! Bad Baby Splashy!"

Where do you believe the Zards TRULY came from? (No, from their parents won't cut it.)
Like, the sky, man :o

Hmm......have you read Eoin Colfer's Artemis Fowl? If so, have you gotten to the 5th book? If so to that, wouldn't you agree with me that the Feind pet in DF is a complete pun on the Demons? (Even if the staff didn't reliese they did it, I say it still looks like an Artemis Fowl pun to me.)
Nope, sorry :(

If 1 + 1 = One on a Bun, then what is the sqaure root of a Linus on rocket-propelled roller skates to a bun that was half eaten by a Battle Piggy?
The meaning of life

Alz-rightz. I'm done. You have fun now. Don't shrink me![;)]
Bye then

The Heroic Mage -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 0:09:54)

you like pie
Sure do. Strawberry pie. :)
Would you rather go in a hotspring with monkeys,fat people,or old people
Monkeys >_<
got ya there!
thats all i got
Ok then

firelight49 -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 0:44:59)

Hi. :)
What do you think of the moevil (moglin sneevil hybrid)?
It looks like Mr. T @_@
Name that lich => [:@]
Ummm.. Deadbeard? Ya, creative :P
Are you responsible for this?
Not that I'm aware of :P
Have you heard the punt story? Did you like it?
Have you ever portal bombed someone?
Not recently
Do you think something's missing?
Where's the pie? D:<
Can you pull this sword from the stone?
Ya <_<
What about this one?
Of course :P
Your comments on this weapon?
BBQ time! :D
That's all for now.

nosey123 -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 1:04:11)

1) Hi
2) Why does it says 'And do NOT highlight me!!!1one >:0'
It's a looong story... :)
3) Like answering the question so far?
It's not as bad the second time around :P
4) Time to go [:D]

SiLvErWiNg -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 1:10:52)

:O i'm late for the party! *snugglehugglepounces*
Nah, we like to partay all night long :D [sm=biggrinparty.gif]
i just wanted to stop by and say congrats and snuggle :D
Thanks very much ^_^ /me snugs

PaperClip OF DOOM -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 1:16:45)


Guess what? I highlighted you! MUAHAHAHAHA! Am I going to die now? :(
The law requires that I answer "no"
1) Wowzers, were you an AK all of this time?! I always considered you more! :O
Yep :-O
2) Can I travel westward with you? I like cookies! :D
I'm not buying the tickets... but if we happen to meet, that's ok ;)
3) what's that? *pokes* O.o
Ewww, it's squishy [:'(]
4) Question 3 was a daring move now wasn't it?! >:)
Lyke, ya
5) I want a special cookie that you brought from the west! :D *prepares to take a cookie and then hide/run from Nix*
*snatches all cookies* MINE!!! D:<
6) So, being a mod and all now, are you allowed to multi-color your shackels and get out of the cell once in a while? :O
I was giving round ones instead of square for increased comfort
Anyway, that is all to save you the headache. :P

Crz_Mirror -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 2:32:44)

Hey, I think you are in CD so am I[8D], anyway congratz!
Thanks :)
I can make you an awesome penguin avvy but you have to put a word in for me to become an ak[8D].
Well, you see..
Which one do you like best: MQ, DF, or AQ (not Al Queda, AdventureQuest)?
DF (we can't really count MQ yet, now can we ^_~)
My AQ character was made in 04 but is only lvl 77 is that a good thing?
*shrug* It's neither good nor bad, I suppose
Cysero or Artix?
C, always
Geopetal or Zhoom?
pbls pwn j00
Thyton or Rhubarb?
I am an equal opportunity mercenary ;)
For the final one, pirates, ninjas or pinatas?
See above :P
Alright I'm done.

Daffanka -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 2:40:24)


Unfortunate as I am, I never got mine chance to post in thine divine thread!
That's too bad D:
I wonder if the Géneve convention prevents psychological warfare in MtM threads?
Of course it does.. Section 25.1, paragraph 5iii clearly states...
If you have to choose between your family and that girl scout camp you work at (insider info :O) who would not suffer a horribly painful death?
Umm. I like my family and my job. :/
^_^, <.< or o.O?
All three. At once.
?O.o or >.>, ^_^
See above.
No, not currently, but I'm just getting over a cold...
Bai bai Ms. Pengiun! Have fun modding! :D
Will do! :)

Karmageddon41 -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 2:41:48)

OH MY MOD!You are now A MOD!

Will you be angry if I highlight poke you?
It's a looong story...
Are you an Evil EBIL Penguin?
Evil, thanks.
How many language can you talk?
One fluently. I know a passable amount of Parisian French and snipets of Spanish here and there...
You didny visit my gallery do you?If you dont Ill highlight poke you...
Every day :P
Did you know me before I posted here?
Know of, maybe... there are a lot of people on the forums
Liked my pedia entries?
I don't remember :/
Select your giftie!
[sm=Vorpal.gif] or [sm=BoA.gif]?
I'll take pie, please. Lots of pie.
Crawling Stones?
Frost Sticikies...
Click my siggy...OR ILL highlight POKE YOU 223812847289462385 TIMES!

kyps -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 2:42:05)

Ok let's get started now
AQ or DF?
DF, I can follow it better
Jars or Bottles?
Paper or Plastic?
Are you demanding?
Sure am ^_^
Do you like penguins?
... ... ... ... <_<
Do you like penguins on fire?
Hey I think I saw your name on a billboard! Where did you get your name?
My real one, or this one? :3
Well that's all for me congrats!
Thankies ^_^


VonBrunk -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 3:06:59)

Hi ^_^ *hugs*
Hi ^_^ *snugs*
How are you?
Well, thanks :)
Hot chocolate or hot chocolate with marshmallows?
Marshmallows all the way
Toast or Cereal?
Favourite type of game genre?
RPG... the classics, baby
Favourite smiley?
What's 1+4? 8) hehe.
Pi. Lots of pi.
Tea or Coffee?
Ok, I'm done, bye friend! ^_^

The Ducksta -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 3:35:43)

I'm back! OMG I feel like I'm spamming. I'd never do that! *looks shiftily*
<.< >.> <.< >.>
If N = 10 to the power of 5, and N + 4 = X, then what is X?
Pie. The answer is ALWAYS pie.
What is the square root of 20.4 squared?
See above.
Do you want me to stop asking math questions?
See above.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Why not? It needs to do something with its life...
What would you do if you were stuck in a phone booth with Justin Timberlake?
Sob uncontrollably? :3
What do you do if you are feeling so low that you'd beg to read Paul Jennings' books?
Find a happy place :D
Which one: Paul Jennings, Morris Gleitzman or Agatha Christie?
Agatha Christie
Do you go on
Nope :/
And that concludes everything. Wait, this is a sentence! Does that mean I can post more?... I mean !... whoops... there goes five years' education...

Anoril -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 3:58:04)

Still a Defender of Cy?
Cy = Cyrus. C = Cysero. ~Z
Sure ^_^
Anyway congrats westward.
So Gorrillaphants...what's up with them?
Beats me :/
Imagine a Gorrillaphant shrunken by a Linus.
Dewdrop or TF?
I enslave employ equally :D
Your opinion on the politics of the Linusneevil war?
Like, whoa o_O
Since you're a Pedia mod are you in charge of the whole pedia above everyone else?
Above the AKs, yeah :P
If so can i please be allowed another chance to post an accurate Gorrillaphant Entry? Mine was deleted in favour of an older out-of-date one. [:(]
Why don't you just post it as an addendum?

pjc -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 4:51:50)

Hey WH! :D
Congrats on finally getting your thread up, it's been a while, hasn't it?
A little while, yeah
Well, I've got meh questions lined up for you... so here goes!

1) Do you like the area you live in, in real-life? Is it a pretty nice area, or do you often get bricks through your windows? o.O
Sure, it's alright
2) If you could merge yourself (and your name) with another Mod/AK, who would it be? Perhaps Vaseline_ho? Or westwardclysm?
Pae... but then her name would chomp mine, so I would just be Pae
3) Do you get up early in the morning or do you like to stay in bed for ages?
I don't like to get up early but I usually have to...
4) Do you realise that you started your thread whilst it was the middle of the night for me? :(
It's always the middle of the night somewhere
5) Your strongest school subject?
Possibly languages
6) Your weakest school subject?
Perchance math
7) What's your favourite word (in any language)?
8) Do you like The Simpsons, or Futurama, or South Park, or anything similar to that?
I don't really watch a whole lot of TV
9) What would you traditionally stereotype with English people like myself?
I try not to sterotype if I can help it.. we all do sometimes, but I'm not going to do it on purpose

All done! :)
Have fun Moderating... or whatever it is a Mod does... o.O
Thanks! :)

Bye bye!

Tag -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 5:25:00)

1) Hello!
2) Favourite part of the forums?
The 'Pedia, OF COURSE! :O
3) Favourite part of being a mod?
Taking over the world Ummm.. flowers? That's right, flowers...
3) Favourite mod? (except yourself, offcourse)
<_< >_> <_< >_> Teh Gecko, of course!!! *is chomped anywayz*
4) Chocalate!
5) Favourite food?
Italian and fresh-baked bread
6) Favourite Book?
See first post :)
6) Favourite Movie?
See above ;)
That iz allz for nowz!

DoingForumForFun -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 5:43:43)

Yo!Hi!Woot!Wee!...Hi to be short..Does this count?lol
Ahh,You like penguin?
I do :)
You hate animal abuse dont u..
I don't understand it. It angers me greatly.
Which do u prefer?Pirates or Ninjas?
I am an equal opportunity soldier-for-hire ;D
To get me a cup of coffee,what would u need me to sponser?:D*crap*
Oh geez...I have ask too many question to too many mods..i ahve ran out of them..
Hmm...What do u think of Haxxor...Lol..
I hate animal abuser do u?
They anger me. Greatly.
Do u like DF&Battleon?
If I didn't, I wouldn't likely be here ;)
Ahh..Shucks..Ran out of idea..Sayonara~:D

LightningIsMyName -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 5:46:33)



So hello!
Do you like penguins? (I know this is a yes), Why do you like penguins so much?
Of course! Theys so cutes!!! :D
Do you want me to make you a new penguin avatar? (I'm an artist)
I don't mind, sure
When did you become an AK?
does it feel any diffrent now (from an AKship to a mod?)
Not really ;)
Do you play Chess?
Very occasionally
Horses and school :P
Horseback riding
do you like art? if so which kind? (digital, traditional, handrawn...)
Sure ^_^ I can appreciate most all classic forms of art
do you remember who i am (did you remember seeing me before?)
I do
Well, thats it, (I'm not going to torture you)
Thanks :)

Shadow of Chaos -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 7:50:59)

Congratz on the mod-ness...
Thanks :)
Do you like your job?
Yes I do :D
Favorite song and artist?
Currently? Chasing Cars, Snow Patrol
Comedy or drama?
Can I come back later with more questions, 'cuz I can't really think of any right now?
3 posts total per person, choose wisely :)

l3kevin -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 8:39:39)

WOW you characters strong, she killed me and i was using stun!!(i am level-36)
:O I try sometimes
Whats your favorite sport?
Horseback riding :)
What size shirt do you use?lol
Depends on the shirt
Whats your shoe size?[sm=rofl.gif]again
Depends on the shoe :P
and that all i can think of, BYE!and good luck![sm=twill3a.gif]
Bye, thanks! :)

Mechster Chief -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 8:51:06)

Hows it going mate
Well, thanks :)
late MtAk =\
Yeah, a bit
why DF?
Graphics initially, and storyline now :)
in your mind whats the fastest guitar solo?
Ummm.. beats me. I like Stairway to Heaven, but that's not fast. :P
which spoof or reference to a movie/game/cartoon etc would you like to see in df next?
Hitchcock in some form.. or Casablanca has some good material for a spoof ^_^
Halo 3 or waffles?
Waffles! :D
what comes to mind when you hear the name Royce (woo massive ego ftw)
Ummm.. nothing comes to mind immediately [;)]
Which of of the three stoges are you? (no shemp )
Dunno, it's been a very long time since I've seen that...
Bye! :)

Ghost -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 8:58:15)

:O j00z AmAzInG!!! :O
Thanks for your continued efforts and stuff!
I'll do my best ^_^

Wolkanne -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 9:33:56)

Hiyas !!!!!!
What happens if i hilight you?
D:< Bad things D:<
*esplodes* SEE!!!???!!!1 D:<
Do j00 like ma gallery?
Sneevils VS Zards?
Zards. Always.
missile vs fire balls?
Great balls of fire [;)]
Playstation 3 Vs Xbox 360?
Wii, please
Me vs Giant Sneevil?
Draw. Clearly.
Am I the Trobble Tutor?
I dunno. You tell me.
i know this is probably really boring to you so i made you a gift avatar
Thanks! :)

tren54 -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 9:48:49)

OMG westward ho is.... A whaaaaaat?
A penguin. Of LUUUUURVE.
But... What about me? I want super moddy-ish powers, too!
*points at Pae* I had to retrieve them from her stomach.. enjoy :P
What color and/or shape are your shackles, I heard Alec's were triangles.
Round and pink :o
Hey, checked out my gallery yet?
Not recently :(
Sig shop? (Thread 2!)
Not evar :o
You know, I highlighted you, and nothing happened.
I may not have been on... :P
OK, I think I gave you enough questions. Move on!
Bye then :P

(Ghost didn't get first post, if you couldn't tell, BTW)
Like, nowaiz! O.O

Nemi133 -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 10:16:30)

Hi! [:)]
Hello :)
I see you are going to be keeping the Pedia on a tight leash. Good! ^_^
You know what they say; If you want it done right - you do it yourself. Or intimidate someone to do it right for you.
Bahahaha >:D
I'll go easy on you with only two questions:
1) Who'd you like to strand on a deserted island with?
2) Why?
Ask him ;)
Good luck, westward! Looking forward to your reign of terror! [:)]
*cackles* >:)

Your obedient minion,

turkeylurkey -> RE: =Meet the Mod= westward_ho! ~In action~ (9/22/2007 10:32:00)

do you like smurf?
I wouldn't see why not
i like smurf!
Good for you :)
That's true :P
I shall forgive you ONLY ONCE :O
favorite smiley?
smurf.i mean,bye.
oh yeah,wahoo!
Ummm.. huzzah?

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