=MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! - Finally Closed (Full Version)

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Sir Gnome -> =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! - Finally Closed (11/28/2007 14:34:10)

Hey all, Paxia's newest AK here saying hi!

Its time for me to be bombarded with questions - Feel free to ask up to 15 in any one post, and please refrain from posting more than once every 2 pages (and only then if you really want to!) Go on guys, once a page if you want [:D]

I'll be answering in this color, which is my nice new editing color.


OPEC -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 15:46:26)


So, this is the only question I have for you:

Chocolate muffin or pumpkin pie?!

Got to be Choc Muffin... I need my Pies a bit meatier :P

Just wondering, since we talked a bit about that earlier..

kandymine -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 15:47:27)

Congratulations, Sir Gnome. Nice color too, I noticed you said in a thread that you would be talking to all clans now but haven't you been doing that anyway[:)]

Well, even more. And there are some I could give more attention to I suppose. Thanks though [:)]

birdy -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 15:48:50)

Hiya Gnome, and congratulations again :D

/me snuggs birdy

I'm going to pull off the more classic MTAK questions:

Well as long as not too man other people do...

1) Do you like cats ?

I'm a bit indifferent, partly because.... VV

2) Do you like dogs ?

Definitely! Very large cute ones, especially

3) Which one do you like the best ?

Dog: St Bernard. Cat: Pass

Now that I'm over the usual stuff, i'm going to the more serious(-ish) stuff ;)

4) How is it to become an AK ?

Aha.. The ways the staff move are mysterious. Can't answer sadly.

5) Why did you choose blue as your edit colour ?

Blue, water, Nautica... I'm a true Patriot! Also, its sufficiantly distinct from the other AK's

6) Are you gonna change your avvy ?

Yup... I might be asking certain people if they wouldnt mind doing me something... It might still be Nautica related though

7) Is it nice to be chained to a computer in one of AE's secret basements ?

Very interesting view, but they do chafe a bit

I think I'm done for now... oh wait! The most important question:

8) Do you think you could help me with taking over Paxia ? No... nevermind >,>
Ah... I believe that was my idea, if you look in the Cave of C-D [:D]

EDIT: Thanks alot Gnome (and ya, you're right... originally your idea :P) :D

Mistermafio -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 15:53:36)

Sir Gnome finally made it to AK ship! Congratz.

Thanks [:D]

Isn't once in two pages a little extreme, maybe once per page?

Perhaps, but i don't know how fast this will grow, and 15 is more than the statndard 10 anyway

Well let's start off with the basics shall we?

If you want

Cake or pie?

Cake, but without icing

Favorite colour?


Favorite smiley? Mine is >:^)

:P - it just sums up so much!

Ever been to the Netherlands?

Sadly, no

Speak any Dutch? (I have yet to meat an AK that can without the help of an online translator. Be the first! :^P)

Sorry to disappoint... Mais je parle assez bon Francais, hablo un poco de Espanol, und... i'm learning German [:D]

Have you ever read my poetry?

Not *yet*... But i will make time for it!

What did you think of it?

Give me some time, then i'll do this one

If a banana was to fall out of an apple three with a velocity of 2 mph, and two monkeys would be watching... How long would it take them to grow a mustache the size of tokio?

The same amount of time it takes for Pie to update Univision - ie a LONG time [;)]

Well that's all I can think off... For now.

See you in two pages!


Ricobabie -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 15:54:38)

OMG! YESH! you're putting here ^_^

Of course. Paxia will always be my home [:D]

CONGRATS!!!! this is like the third time I said this but I really want to :)

Can't hear it enough, dont worry!

/me snugglehugglewuggles Gnome ^_^

/me GnomeSnugs back

So are you going to change your avatar?

Yup - Hopefully i can persuade an artist to aid me in creating one ^^

How does it feel to be an AK? Lots of buttons eh? I was overwhelmed at first when I saw all the buttons O.o

SO many buttons. If I accidentally obliterate Glacius, i apologise muchly

Who kidnapped you?

The great Evil God that is our Loremaster

YAY Falerin also kidnapped you. He was sneaky eh? ;)

Oh forgot to tell you. Once you get your shackles, don't go near Alac :P She'll transform them into triangles :o

Sounds uncomfortable [&:]

Don't tell anyone, but I know someone who has to keys to the shackles :o

o_O Be it Reens?

Nah it's not her....

Ahah! I knew I saw some AK's running around without their "bracelets".... you're gonna get it now! ~The Boss

oh noez! /me hides from her boss

Anyways....onto business.

Aw... Really?

Since you are the new Paxia AK, it's your job to bring us coffee and tea for afternoon tea :)

Both drinks are abominations. Hot Chocolate is all I work in

What do you like about Paxia?

All of it! The diversity, the silly debates, the community... Its great!

I saw your first lock ;) like the lock signature.

A bit unoriginal though?

Don't forget us at L&L ^_^ k?

Definitely not. Morvayn will have many adventures yet

Anyways I'll leave you alone now.

Feel free to come back in two pages!

Bye ^_^

/me ByeGnomeSnugs

Cubal -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 15:55:15)

Hey Gnome!

Another AK come to visit? And all the way from Suggestions too!

Not sore about the Nautica Suggestions Thread, one hopes?

Not at all, we all make mistakes [:)]

'cause you kinda can bite back now, but at any rate, a few bite marks comes with the job.

Ah... Something ELSE to look forward to!

Now, some boring standard questions I find incredibly amusing:

Don't worry, you're not alone with standardness... and its only page 1 anyway

Freddy or Jason?


Beatles or Elvis?

Neither. PLEASE neither. Rammstein all the way

Lobster or Canary?

Lobster.. .Thermador!

Favorite movie genre?


See ya around Cubal
/me Snuggs

Super Meh -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 15:59:51)

First things first, Well done indeed Gnome!

Now to the questions...

1. Have you always wanted/thought about being an AK?

Yes, but never thought it would actually happen!

2. Favourite food?


3. Err.... curse my inability to ask questions Ah, got one! 5, 395 or 22890353?

Neither, as neither have been written properly :P (Should be 5,395 or 22,890,353)

Actually, I was asking if you you to choose between 5 or 395 or 22,890,353.... not 5,395 [:D]

Cunning. 5 then (roughly the number MORE AKs Nautica has than any other clan)

4. Will you help me rule the world/Paxia forums?

Ah sorry, i've got my own plans to think of!

That's all I can think of, well done, good luck and see you around!


sacchi -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 16:11:17)

wait, when did you get that AKship?

Yesterday, a couple of hours before you posted this ^^

Oh no...more AKs that will always be in Paxia...too many Aks now here...

No such thing. And anyone, a certain one is known to be slightly Lazy on occasion...

Oh well, congratulations anyways :D


Cya, don't feel as asking questions. But I might ask a lot or a few later [;)]

Fair enough. Feel free!

Edit, I just saw you're AK of GGD too. That means DOOM. Good luck :D GGD is enough torture, better than asking you questions.

Ah... Yes... And a War coming too!

And congratulations again.

Can't hear it enough

PS. Yay! At least you're answering peep's posts. Glad you're not as a PIE that I know.

Of course I am! There's just so many though.....

Avro -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 16:13:40)



*snugs Gnome*

/me Snugs

*pokes Gnome*

Poking AKs is inadvisable... Unless its Pie [;)]




If only i'd thought to put some in my fridge last Winter...

favourite food?

Still, and always will be, Pizza

bye bye.

/me ByeSnuggs

Fishtank -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 16:32:24)

Well... I pmed you about this didn't I? MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!

That you did. And when the forum Gremlins aren't playing up, I can PM you too now!

Congrats AGAIN.


1. Eggs?

Boiled, Poached, Scrambled... Not Fried though

2. Do you like my Falerin impression? "MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Very accurate... However, being a God of Evil, he has the edge

3. Do they feed you waffles down there?

But of course - you must know Reens is the Waffle Chef!

4. Did you drop anything when you found out you were to become an AK?

Luckily I was sitting down at the time!

5. What shape are your shackles?

Very strange... They seem to bend reality around them. Probably to stop us removing them!

6. Is it cold down there?

Ah no, we have a nice warm Server to hug up to

7. Are you still the Sir Gnome I knew?

Definitely... Only now I have access to lots of new buttons :P

8. Opinions on applecheese cake?

Apples + Cheese? Never tried, but it doesnt sound too appealing...

9. Anything you want to suggest for the level tracking system?

Aha... Yes. I think you've seen that by now :P

10. Are you planning on paxian domination still?

No. Its the whole of Lore, or nothing!

11. Me or Me?

I'd go for 'Me?'

12. Cheese?

Again, not with fruit. On crackers though

13. Do you like farming (Video game farming that is)?

Can't stand it. Short attention sp... Ooh another question!

14. I noticed you were an AQ GGD AK, I've never seen you there, have you ever been there?

Occasionally - It was a bit short staffed though, and i'm more than happy to keep you rabble in line!

15. Do you have any minions yet?

Not quite yet, but I will be recruiting (and persuading people to put a 'Gnome' race in-game)

16. Can I ask another Question?


Oh wait....... I just did[&:]

See you later... Congrats.... AGAIN.

THAT i don't mind!

*presses lockpick into Sir Gnomes hands*

Hmm... What makes me think Fal's already thought of this?


Please do!

masterwolfie -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 16:36:02)

Hey Sir...

Sir? Well i can cope with that abbreviation!

1:Congrats on getting ArchKnight


2:hope you keep those necromancers of GGD under control[;)]

Aha... Can't choose sides!

3: Necromancers or Paladins

Um... ^^.... Sorry, but i love UM FAR too much

4: Wolfs or tigers...

Tigers - Siberian :P

5: Anyway Good luck mate, Some times I am a man of few words :P

Fair enough. Not necessarily a bad thing

Congrats and Battleon

Battleon indeed


Taimat396 -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 16:39:23)

heya Gnomey!!! Congratzifications ^^

Hey Taimat!!! Seen that i've been plugging the clan armors over in Univision?

Aye lol...and you are the first AK that used a colour by number instead of name on one of these...you could have just put colour=blue :P (i like the code for that colour i used myself...click edit and you can see...

soo...when did this happen???

Only a few days ago!

Gurd...i have to say,i wasnt expecting it...

And now for the questions... (You all saw it coming!)

You would never have guessed it in a thread like this...

Thats why im the master of evil ^^

1.Now your an AK,are you going to give up your paxia domination dreams in order to live a simple and gratifying life? Be hassled to death by random people and lock down threads? (also...have you decided on a lock phrase? Please dont say something stupid like "your thread has been Gnomed...")

I'm going for 'Gnome-Lock', but now you mention it, i DO like 'Your thread has been Gnomed. Have a nice day'

Heh...yeah thats not bad...you should use that...

2.Favourite fish?


Hmm...for eating,salmon is pretty high on the list...

3. Favourite clan? (OTHER THAN NAUTICA!) (and i mean in terms of how well ya get along with them on teh forums)

Uhm... uhm... The Unity clan ^^

Heh...figured ya'd say something like that...Cant pick favourites now :D

4. Have you ever fell into a burning ring of fire?

Indeed, and since then i've stayed well away from bballman


5.Did you go down,down, down,as the flames went higher?


Isn't that two words?

6.Did it burn,burn,burn? The ring of fire? The ring of fire!


7. Did you get what that was from? (ya should >.<)

Actually no

The song was Johnny Cash - The Ring of Fire...granted with a couple of edited words to make it work,and you spelt Actually wrong :P

Ssh. No i didnt

8. As a song,what do you derive from these lyrics paxia wise? (think the original three clans?

Take my love, take my land
Take me where I cannot stand
I don't care, I'm still free
You can't take the sky from me

Take me out; to the black
Tell them I ain't comin' back
Burn the land and boil the sea
You can't take the sky from me

There's no place I can be
Since I found Serenity
But you can't take the sky from me

I like it... but don't see TOO many Paxia overtones

If you ever watched Firefly (Or the film - Serenity) its the theme song,its called the Ballad of Serenity

9. Would it be good for a theme song for Aerodu? (look at the middle verse in particular...:P)

Ah that's where you're wrong - Airships can be shot down *Readies Gnome Cannon*

And underwater jellyfish-fortress-things can get eaten...*Readies Knife and Fork* Good job im hungry

Ah, but you haven't reckoned with the Uberness that is Salty!

10. are you getting bored of my random questions that take up three when they could only take up 2?

Only the Fire one... seeing as i dont understand!


11. Should the elite clan armors be implemented? (You know what i mean!)

DEFINITELY! See my top comment!

*Pats head* Good Gnomey...


Vale Defender -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 16:40:22)



How loyal are you to... *hisses* Nautica..

My clan till my dying days! Although I'm not going to show bias in my AK actions of course

Where did you usually reside before you became an AK?

Right here in Paxia, but also had tentacles extending into various places, including Q/A quite a bit

Favorite Ice Cream?

Ben & Jerry's Karamel Sutra





Music Genre?

Metal (but NOT death)

Chaos or Unity?


Do you follow the Energy Lord?

Nope [:D]

Fire or Ice?


Earth or Wind?


Energy or Water?

Heh...... Do i really need to answer this one?

Darkness or Light?


Enjoy Monty Python?

Its one of the requirements for becoming an AK

Like bugs?

No, and especially not in MQ *pokes Mae to get back to work on them*

Lkeas -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 17:05:54)

Congrats Sir Gnome! I knew it was only a matter of time before another Nautican got swept away on the current. [;)] I'm drawing a blank on questions so I'll just put this as a placeholder in case I think of some. In the meantime, good luck! You'll need it...

Demonstar -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 17:11:46)

Congratz on AKship (or should i say Gnomgratz....)

Lol... That's pushing the metaphor a bit far methinks. But thanks all the same!

Ice Cream or Pie?

Has to be Ice Cream

Do you know me?

Yup! Seen you around Paxia a fair bit, especially Disgruntles IIRC

Did you think you'd be AK'd? (Im not sure if i did XD)

I was hoping for a 'helpful' at most, never expected this!

Ill add more later!



Cya soon!

Maegwyn -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 17:22:26)

/me re-welcome/congrats-snuggles teh Gnome!

/me FellowNauticanSnugs

Ah, questions.

Hah - I hear you havent acutally finished answering your MtAK Mae!

1) What one book has affected you/inspired you more than any other?

Oooh... Deep meaningful ones is it? Uhm... I really don't know. Each had thier own small effect, I think, making the Gnome you see before you!

2) If you could move to another country, where would you choose, and why?

Switzerland, due to the multi-lingualness, and the Skiing!

3) City, countryside, seaside, or where do you feel most comfortable?

Large Town/Small City, somewhere where you can get everything you could want to buy/do, but can still know your way round completely

4) What other languages do you know/study besides English?

French and Spanish I know to a reasonable degree, and I started a German Course a couple of months ago.

5) Sorry, my silly is broken this afternoon and I can't think of a silly question o.O I'm sure you'll get plenty, though. *splashsnuggles bye*

Definitely! If you think of any, feel free to drop in and ask again! /me GnomeByeSnuggs

deathisper -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 17:23:37)

Congrats indeed Mr. Gnome.
I'll refrain from asking questions as you will likely have more than enough to sort though and likely any ones I have will be answered by the time this thread has run it's course, good luck.

Baker -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 17:29:22)

Gnomey! /me saves spot after fellow GGD AK to question the other new GGD AK :P

GGD AKs everywhere!

Ah, back. I'm not creative enough right now to think of original questions, so I'll reuse mine from Isper's thread. XD

Tut tut BB...

Those shackles fitting well? Fal gotten them all adjusted and fitting well?

Yup, although he seems to have forgotton to leave me the key...

If you could, what other forum(s) would you mod?

Ooh... Good question. For me, AQ and DF Q/A's, though I think they've already got enough people on them. Newbie Help would also be good.

How'd you find the forums and/or AQ?

AQ through all the masses of adverts out there, and forums through AQ.

Did you ever want to be an AK, or was it totally unexpected?

Yes to both of the above - always wanted to be one, but never thought I would be!

Alright, that's enough. I'm sure you'll be getting more than enough in good time. ;) Cya around, and congrats again. :)

Thanks BBallman!

Stephen Nix -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 17:31:25)

here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on ur ak ship!

Well this IS the place for it :P

who gave you your position on the forums when you started

? I'm not quite sure what you mean. When I started on the Forums, i made my way to Paxia by myself. When AKed, i was invited to preside over Paxia and GGD by our very own Loremaster

Are you good or ebil or evil choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my iceicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha! Ready to play

Uhm.... Good/Ebil - They aren't contradictory really :D

I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best he can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....don't get me wrong I will freeze you this week im doing alot of monsters for the pictures in the encyclopedia.

Anyone helping out in the 'Pedias is doing a great job, as there's a LOT of work there

whats your defence to my ultimate attack of ice ownage

I'm a Nautican, i can just revert all Ice to Water

does this shirt make me look fat

Penguins in shirts? What will they think of next...

does it make you look fat

If it did, i wouldnt wear it

what did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....

I was just a bit stunned, and sat gawping for a bit

what is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate lockdown, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...

Gnome-Lock! Or, has been suggested above 'Your thread has been Gnomed. Have a nice day!'

I hope that your having a fun time controlling the AQ GGD community...cya says Stephen Nix!


damani -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 17:33:39)



How are you feeling today? :)

Good actually - its the weekend!

All Ak's have a plan to take over AQ, what's yours?
I had a plan to take over AQ? O.o ~Rico
! Bad Wico /me pokes! My thread :P Also, we know all about the Rice-Cake take over plans....
Personally? That would be telling

Favorite VideoGame IFYOUHAVE1 lol

Not sure. It varies month to month

Whose your favorite regular member if I held a knife up to your throat? o_O

If you were holding the knife? damani of course ^^

Teletubies > You...right?

No, but Teletubies > YOU

Time for real questions? (This is a real question if you think real questions exist?)

Finally lol

How did you come up with joor forum name?

RL nickname plus a Knighthood

How awesome are you on a scale of 1-10?


How awesome are hugs on a scale 1-20?

About 5. Snuggles on the other hand...

How awesome is ASDFOASDFHASDF on a scale 1 - 1.23899093?


How awesome are these questions? (not a scale xD)

Very much so




I tihnk i'll pass

Ok I think that's it. I think you've had enough Damani for one day, right? Just don't forget to take Damani once a day for the next couple of weeks, and you'll feel better [;)]

Ah, i thought i'd been forgetting something...

*Side effects include random questions, crazy comparisons, mass evolution, headaches, slight head banging, a cup of hugs, teaspoon of insanity and a dash of Poopoolagoda.

Ohdear [&:]

bbye :)

Fare-thee-well.... again


No. Just no.

Oliver Bell -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 17:50:35)

Congrats Sir Gnome here are a few questions from a busy Geotian.

Fire away!

1.Will you be biased to Nautica when locking threads?

Definitely not, all Paxians are equal (well... except for the AKs. We're more equal [;)]

2.Do you support unity or chaos?


3.Do you think paxia is lacking is events?

I think I might be blasted from above if i said yes... I am definitely glad to see that we're being included in the Devourer Saga though ^^

4.If yes would you sacrifice the devourer saga for weekly events?

Hm.... I wouldn't mind finishing the Devourer quickly then implementing Univision

Done I hope you arn't too busy from what I know these threads can go on for pages and pages.

Yeah... Looks like I haven't got it too bad, but it still takes a while!

EDIT:Thats because of your one post per 2 pages rule I personally would like to post more questions!

Hyrdocannon47 -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/17/2007 18:09:11)

Gnome :p Ello

Hey hyrdo!

I beat Nix, Dox, Geno, and Fishtank :p
Sooooo now that you are an Archknight, will you still stay near Nautica, or filt away like Nix, Dox, and the like?

Seeing as i'm chained to Paxia, you'll be seening as much of me as ever!


Thankee [:D]

Who will win the world series? (Rockies, Indians, Bo Sox) (And Bball, you have no reason to edit this [;)]) . . . *cough*Sox*cough* >_> *cough*Rockies*cough*(HC47)

Uh... Pass? English people have no opinions on that ^^

So... How long was your "Stare at the screen in shock" untill you believed the PM?

Well it was a fairly cryptic PM... but a good 5 minutes anyway!

I kinda know the feeling, Debate Club Entrance PM was a shock...

I think AKness might beat debate club :P

Favorite Book?

Argh... I still dont know (see Maeg's)

Favorite Video Game?


Favorite Char. in SSBB?


Favorite Animal?


Ummm, and that brings the tally of Nautican AK's up to... 6... Yes that sounds right.

Yup! We may be the few and the proud, but we have power :P

Nautican members are taking over the forums!

Old news hyrdo, old news

Have fun with all the buttons! (Don't lock all of Nautica on accident :p)

Don't worry... Though sometimes its tempting with GGD!

Congrats again, ~Hyrdo, Rios if you know what it means.

I don't, but thanks anyway [:)]

Resolute -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/23/2007 11:12:29)

Hey GnomeDude!

'Gnome' will do lol

I BEAT NIX! What are your thoughts on THAT!

Its... quite impressive

Like my sig?

Nice an colorful

In any out of game clans?





In the Aerodan Council Thread


The Moogles are everywhere!

Do you play StarCraft?


i am comin 4 u !!!1!

Hah... Thats what YOU think

Chaos or unity?


What is the radius of a jack-o-lanterns circumfurence to its diameter?

That doesnt acutally make sense...

Well, see you around!

Indeed you shall


Gergeshwan -> RE: =MtAK= Gnomish Knights abound! (10/23/2007 11:14:47)



Is cheese delicious? (yes or yes

Cheddar, yes

Do you speak any other languages?

See above ^^ A fair bit of French and Spanish, and have just started a German Course.

What are the monomers of Protein?


What are the types of lipids?


What is the chemical structure of a nucleotide?


Do you hate all these science questions?

You wouldnt be into Biology by any chance, would you?

Too bad


What makes plasma differ from the other states of matter?

.................................................................. GAH

Ok a non science question. favorite aq item?

That I own? Nemesis Mace

I might annoy you later with more stupid questions, but probably not. You are very welcome ;)

I see. Fare-thee-well

EDIT- changed my mind you get more now. [:D] (answer faster and I don't get a chance to make life more difficult XD)
Comments on Dragon War rewards?

Nothing I've bought

Is the raised sellback enough to convince you to sell AQupcake?

Yup, did so today

For me no, AQ 5th anniversary is to big to just sell it.

Ah... Well.... 8000 gold is a lot for a poor Gnome like me

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