RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (Full Version)

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leon lionheart -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (7/21/2008 22:03:05)

Pie left? When did that happen? Sheesh I swear to god we need people to bring back the Paxia post.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (7/22/2008 15:15:08)


Attention Paxia, starting tomorrow (the 4th) through the 26th, everyone's favorite moogle will be gone on "vacation" into an area of the US that is still lacking in about 50 years of technilogical advancement. Naturally to say, I won't have too much access to the internet. So make sure to bug the rest of the Paxia Possie (BB, Rico, Angel, Lord X, SG, etc) for stuff done around here.
From the paxia announcements thread. Wrote by Ultrapowerpie ofcoarse.

leon lionheart -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (7/22/2008 16:27:01)

Ah cool and a backwater place in america never even knew such a place existed. Anyways that's cool I guess I myself going for a little trip to Austria well more of a study trip going to go see the Freudian musuem they got. Well back on topic What's next for Gaia?

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (7/22/2008 17:04:10)

I am revealing nothing about new Gaia's future, yet.

Nightly -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (7/22/2008 17:08:11)

except that she is healed and in Aerodu.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (7/22/2008 17:09:30)

Visiting Aerodu for one week. Just going to update the first post. You have told Aerodu right.

Zebac64 -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (7/22/2008 17:36:22)

is gaia going for a week technicly going to do something. like are we gona copy and paste her stats in the aredu pets page or are we just going to say she left

ps.. oliver ur rigth this was the right choice soon i will pm u a possible story line with more pets invovled

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (7/22/2008 17:37:33)

Well I am always open to suggestions with Gaia's storyline.

sacchi -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (7/26/2008 13:58:24)

You're giving Gaia to Aerodu? LoL...poor Gaia

I'll see how this goes on hehe

Nightly -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (7/26/2008 19:29:36)

Sacchi, shoosh.

Zebac64 -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (7/28/2008 19:21:47)

nigthly why did u shosh sacchi aybe that means ur doing something to gaia sacchi figured out and u don't want us to now it

i'm on to u

Nightly -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (7/28/2008 20:40:39)

Zebac, this is my second clan. Now you shoosh to.

Zebac64 -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (7/29/2008 20:27:36)

ok i'm sorry just it is a small thought

Nightly -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (7/29/2008 20:32:30)

Thats why I shoosh :P Im jk :P

If I wasn't joking I say something meaner.

*writing in the dark is hard.....

sacchi -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (7/29/2008 20:55:23)

Shoosh you all or I'll take Gaia to Igneus and make it completely overpowered in one transformation.

Silversword8 -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (7/29/2008 22:05:38)

Gaia no belong to Aerodu. Gaia stay with earth-men. Aerodu take Gaia=Aerodu go in Igneus volcano.
Nah, I'm just kidding, but I will now shoosh ( I think it's supposed to be shush).

EliteLeader -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (7/29/2008 22:09:49)

Gaia stay as earth-man/beast/whatever

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (7/30/2008 7:02:50)

Gaia is only going on a one week visit though I am still waiting for an exact date from Nightly.

Nightly -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (7/30/2008 20:06:54)

Oh right :P

Hmm, *thinks* Meh I got nothing. Two days? That way you guys can say your good bys and all :P

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (7/31/2008 4:29:50)

No good for me tomorrow I am on holiday so unless you can get a AK to do it we will need to wait atleast 5 days.

Nightly -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (7/31/2008 10:59:51)

5 days works. Im patient.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (7/31/2008 12:07:18)

Ok have you arranged everything in Aerodu yet?

Zebac64 -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (8/4/2008 17:26:02)

oliver he doesn't need to because he's the only active counlcel member

Oliver Bell -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (8/5/2008 8:59:37)

What about Ultrapowerpie, the Aerodu clan head?

Nightly -> RE: Gaia the Geoto Lioness Thread 4 (8/5/2008 16:21:39)

Ooooh right, he just got back a little bit ago. Ill ask him.

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