RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (Full Version)

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Feral Ninja -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 7:13:49)

Z doing archknighty stuffZ in teh Dragonfable BoardZ?! xD
Yez, I am
Why iZ the world Zo corrupted?

Why iZ there war?
Because Artix is evil.
Why am i typing so many Z's?!
How many Z's until now?
Why have you chosen for even more torture?! (You said you don't know, but me wants a reason! xD)
Uh... eh...

Ze world is being Nuked! RUUUUNNN!!!!
o_O !!!

boomies -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 7:24:33)

Wow...Again? Placeholder.

Now then...

How are you?
How do you feel now, that you know Im here?
Why did you change to Z. ?
Old name was too long and was hard to remember.
Whos minion are you?
Artix vs Sepulcher, who would win?
Neither. I would.
What about Galanoth and Akriloth?
See above.
Who is your favorite forumite?
Me. (I.e. nobody in particuar)
I forget, what boards do you mod again?
AQ H&S and DF.
Play any games other then AQ, DF, & MQ?
Wait...Do you play AQ, DF, and MQ?
See above
If so, what levels are you in them?
101/75/52, 20/40/20, 14.
Which is your favorite?
Cats or dogs?
Why do you have no avvie? Whats wrong with that one with the emo looking person.
Why did you choose that title?
No particular reason...
Anywas, Ill be back on page 3.

lellyna -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 8:26:05)

do you like pink (the color)?
It's okay.
how would you take over the world?
Chomping everyone.
since im too lazy you can make your own question here

if you were candy what kind of candy would you be?
are you one of the few who can spell my name correctly?
leaving now...*wink wink*^^

buth501 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 8:42:16)

Hey Z.

1) Age?
Error 208.32: Thou hast been chomped.
2) Favorite food?
3) Favorite band?
4) Favorite AE game?
5) Favorite Non-AE game? (OMG!! They excists?!)
*Shrugs* too many
6) Favorite question^ (I'm bored)
I like to ask people their favorite genre.
7) Favorite favorite?
8) Does favorite start to sound weird?
9) What do you think about my sig? (Very bored)
The effect is quite nice.
10) SlipKnot or Slayer? :P *Crosses fingers and hope for SlipKnot*
11)Warrior, Mage or Rogue?
12) From 1 - 10, how bored am I?
13) Internet Explorer or FireFox.
14) If you're 555, then I'm?
000. No, it's 666... -.-'
15) I've reached the limit, you happy now? oO

Dragonlord John! -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 8:45:27)


So how are you?
Why the name?
Look in some of the earlier posts.. I've explained.
See you on the forums!


Backstabbed -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 9:09:01)


which games do u play out of DF, MQ, AQ, zardwars and archknight?
The first three.
why do i have to go through the DA only quest in frostvale 2007 to get the IDH 241 times and not get it?
You are unlucky.
what level are you on DF? (if you play it)
on AQ? (if u play it)
on MQ? (if u play it)
are you cysero's brother?
then why do you and cysero both type in green?
Uuh... eh... um...
simpsons or futurama?
The former.

Resolute -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 9:17:25)

Aygain? Fine by me...

Why Z?
Because that is me.
And whats with the .324?
Because the name "Z" was already taken.
Flour tenface bubbled the sofa of himself!
Whats your pet peeve?
And do you play StarCraft or Halo?
What type of computer do you use?
Is this right? Mac->XP->Vista
Whose your favorite comedian?
What other games dost though play?
Too many to list :P
And what dost though waste thy time on when though feelest not like moderating?
I made a can't bite your ear. After two whole hours of trying I can't seem to do it, whats your comment?
Thou art a genious!!! Mwhahaha!
Hey, did you hear what happened to Reginald?

Fare thee well, oh keeper of the hily letter, Zi!
See you.

Tomix -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 9:23:19)

Oh hi, you have another MtAK thread ^_^ That's great, because I didn't ask you questions that last time xD

If you would get on desert island, what three things you would get with you??
A book, a torch and food. (I can get water by distillation.)
What's your favourite vegetable?? (Mine is tomato xP)
Carrot. I like tomato juice, though.
And so, those are my questions^^ I didn't congratulated (xDxDxD what a word) you last time, so: CONGRATULATIONS.....a bit late[8D]
Lol. Thanks.

Jonaza -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 9:26:51)

Favorite Animal?
Badgers or Moglins?
Why Z?
Because that is me.
Why not the whole alphabet?
Too long.
Favorite #?
Math or Reading?
College or Unemployment?
Ruenscape or WoW?
Whats the longest word in the world?
Search Wiki.
What, of the five real elements (fire, air, earth, water, and lightning), is your favorite?
PS3 or Xbox360?
PS3 I guess.
Am I annoying you?
We will help you endure. Hold on.

Shadow of Chaos -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 9:48:04)


Favorite fruit?
Favorite vegetable?
Favorite breakfast food?
Piece of bread.
Favorite movie?
National Treasure 1 was good.
Favorite band?
Favorite place?
Where I live.
Favorite music genre?
Favorite cartoon character?
Might be Hobbes.
Mac or PC?
Favorite TV show?
Don't watch TV that often.
WoW or StarCraft?
360 vs PS3 vs Wii?
PS3, I guess.
Favorite forumite whose name starts with "Shadow" and ends with "Chaos"?
Shadow of Chaos.

tren54 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 10:16:39)

So, Z, ready to die be bombarded with silly questions that will make no sense?


1.) Wait, why are you doing this again? *gasp*
No idea.
2.)Anyway, do you believe that pigs fly? Do you now?

Q3 + 4 deleted by me. No advertising of sig shops/galleries/suggestions, thanks. Icemaster Yeti.

5.) Anyway, you have any idea what .hack is?
6.) If you chose no: Gasp! Read. REEEEAD. If yes, good for you!

Question seven took a break.
Bad seven.
8.) If Zorbak, a skeleton, and Rotgut entered a beauty pageant, who would win?
9.) Does this sound familiar?

ORIGINAL: Magic Number23->westward_ho

What did you do when you found out you're soul is gone?
Well, to become a mod you must first split the soul that Alac took from you at AKtime and then split it into 7 pieces a la Voldemort and then give them all to Reens in labeled plastic baggies

Huh? No... no memory of it.
10.) And, the age old question: What shape are your shackles? I heard Alac's were triangles.
Pah, Alac MAKES triangular shackles. Elinaith has them. Mine's... uh... deformed?
11.) Attempt to load Tren54: Failed. File Ego.Tren too big.
7.) So, did you really think that question seven likes bagels better than waffles, you liar? ^_^
Waffles > Bagles
So, ready to be bombarded by more people? I wish you luck!

Dark Paladin -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 10:30:16)

Hello Z.324
Time to program some questions into you for answering ^_^ Don't worry, I won't be evil *whistles nervously*
I said that since your name sounds like a robot model
It does? *Squeak*
Anyway, To a couple of questions

How was your Christmas?
Quite good. The feast was great.
How long have you been an AK?
Half a year.
That is all for now I guess. Been up all night for no reason =\
Get some sleep. :P
Goodbye for now.

Stephen Nix -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 11:04:35)

Here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on ur ak ship!

who gave you your position on the forums when you started
Icemaster Yeti.

Are you good or ebil or evil choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my iceicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha! Ready to play

I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best he can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....don't get me wrong I will freeze you
Eh, won't you shrink me instead?

whats your defence to my ultimate attack of ice ownage
Xan as a shield.

does this shirt make me look fat

does it make you look fat
Oh yes indeed... <_>

what did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....

what is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate lockdown, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...

I hope that your having a fun time controlling the DF community...cya says Stephen Nix!

WhiteInfernokj -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 11:15:53)

Don't know why I'm doing this, barely going to be in these forums anyways (had as six month break after my first post... :P) but here goes.

1.) Banana or Orange?
2.) Turkey or Chicken?
Chicken pie and Ultrapowerpie. Cheesecake.
4.) Was that annoying?
5.) Five question-rings! (uh, ignore that)

6.) What is an ArchKnight? >>
An ArchKnight.
7.) How many stars are there?
8.) Why is the sky blue?
The atmosphere absorbs all colors other than blue.
9.) Why is the grass green?
10.) I have a question!
And I have an answer.
11.) Four, actually.

12.) Which games from AE do you play?
13.) Which do you like the most?
14.) How long have you been on the forums?
Over two years.
15.) When did you become an ArchKnight?
About half a year ago.
Okay, all 15 done. :P

Proxarian -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 11:28:17)


Do you like to cook?
If it's soup, yes.
Do you like cooking better than Galanoth or Falerin?
No. I'm bad at roasting/baking.
Cowchicken or Chickencow?
The latter.
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if woodchuck Chuck could chuck wood?
-20382 tonnes.
Fav. Class (all AE Games):
Vampire Slayer.
XD or [:D]?
What do you feel about dragons in DF timeline?

In MQ?
I wonder...
The KoO are evil.
Final Questions:
Does Twilly have the potential to beat Zorbak in combat? Yes.
Can Master Twang really be a Moglin? Yep.
If a Moglin didn't have Moglinip and was taller than your dragon, what is it called?


Wolkanne -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 11:36:32)

OMG!!!! IT'S Z!!!!!!!!!!
So congratz.
Df or Aq? (or Mq)?
Favorite smiey?
Zards Vs Sneevils?
Zards FTW. (Z.A.R.D.I.S)
Now the queastion that every editor must ask.
Like my gallery?
I'll have to take a look first.
Like Guild Wars?
Whats worst? Idiots, flamers or spammers?
All three rolled into one.

Amboo -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 11:44:20)

well hello there i probably wont make it to 15 questions but lets try. [:D]

1.MQ,AQ or DF. which is your favorite?
DF long have you been playing dragonfable?
Since Beta. long have you been on the forums?
More than two years.
4. what is your opinion on the deathknight armour(current armour).
Overpowered. Nice skills though. do you plan on making the forums a better place?
Less spam.
6.what is your favorite DF weapon?
Cysero's Stick.
7.what is the next class you wish to see released?
8.what is your greatest in game achievment?
Almost perfect DF Mage.
well thats all for me. see you around the forums.

grebob -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 12:01:55)

Hello Z

1) how many questions do you think i can make?

2) what in the world do you like about the forums?
The people. Especially the moderating team.
3) what in the world do you not like about the forums?
Spammers. <_<
4)would you like a doom cookie?
I'll feed it to Drakath.
5) what do you think the meaning of life is?
To do something good.
6)why 15?
7) lucky number?
8) Are you allergic to spam? (cause i am)
9) how long have you been an AK
Half an year.
10) You are alone, on a road, and there is a split in the road, one going left and another going to the right, there is no one around, go left or right?

11) can i pwn your character in pvp?
12) go with the flow or without?
13) darn, the unluckiness of this number has destroyed this question

14) do you think i can make it?
No idea.
15) answer this question and you can move on to the next interviewer..........
This isn't a question. :P
see ya! and remember my name!


uscdrew -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 12:05:50)

got any pets?
See above.
See above.
mutant dracolichs!?!? lol
I'd like to buy that as my Frostval Stone Cottage guard.
like cheese coffee?
like chickens?
Chikens, yes.
what do you say when i say...

All mine.
like pudding?
would you like a cookie?
no cookie for you until you finish your twilly
the greatest person of all time is?
The one who invented fire.
the pizza guy?

battle on z!

ninja guy -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 12:14:48)

pirates or ninjas

dragoonofdarkness -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 12:50:06)

How long have you been playing DF?
Since Beta.
Do you like Wendy's?
No idea what it is. Shop?
And do you hate Taco Bell?
Never been to one.
What type of animal r u?(cuz every1 is an animal in RP! and rp is life)
Favorite Soda?
Do you pwn?
No, but I chomp.
If you had the chance to overhrow the mods and take power for urself, would u?(shoots out cameras and says, "U can talk freely")
No. Or Alac, Reens, Seahawk, Cyrus, Lady_Tomo, Pae, smbdoll and Beleqwaya would kill me.
Finshe the sentences:

I will slay Artix with a(n) _______!
I am _______.
the Z.
The Rocky Movies ________.
I want to ________ Fluffy!
Dreams are like ______.
OK, the last and most important three.....

What's ur name?
What's ur favorite color?
You should have figured this out by now.
What's the wind speed velocity of a coconut laden swallow?
0.792 mol

Suuichi -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 13:04:50)

It's a Z.324!
It's a Suuichi!
A second one, huh.
Now for the fun part! Muahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

1. What if the hokey pokey really was what it's all about?

2. Who gave you the AKship?
Icemaster Yeti.

3. What color are your shackles?
There's no light in the dungeon, sorry.

4. What shape are your shackles?

5. What made you come up with the numbers that you put after Z after you found out Z was already taken?

6. If someone asks you, "a penny for your thoughts?" and you put your two cents in, where does the extra penny go? Or do you get change?
I'm just generous.

8. If the #2 pencil is the most popular, why is it still #2?
Because #1 pencils are now extinct.

9. Did you notice there was no #7?

7. Which do you like more; AQ, DF. or MQ?

10. Were you flabbergasted by all of the new, shiny buttons when you first became an AK?
Somewhat. I've been a moderator in other forums before.

11. If you mix hyperdimensional space monkey ninjas with a piece of First Mate Rhubarb pie and add a bit of Cysero's yogurt and divide by the square root of a kumquat, and then multiply by Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu (yes, that's a real word), and then subtract Lopadotemakhoselakhogaleokranioleipsanodrimypotrimmatosilphiokarabomelitokatakekhy
menphophattoperisteralektryonookikhlepikossyptokephalliokigklopeleiolagōiosiraiobaphētraganopterýgōn (that's a real word too), what is the answer?
0.792 mol.

12. If the plural form of mouse is mice, then shouldn't the plural form of spouse be spice?
*Shrugs* English is strange.

13. Were you expecting to get AK oh so long ago?

14. What was the first thing you did when you became an AK (If you can remember)?
I just sat there for two minutes, then I exploded, waking up the other people living in the house.

15. Does Reens really collect the souls of AKs?
No, it's Alac's job.

Well that is all.


Lord Vearl -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 13:06:09)

Like my Gallery yes!
*Goes to take a look*
is you Z♀ or Z♂?
I am male.
well, do you like tea?
Yep. Either lemon tea, milk tea or Japanese green tea.
ok well bye!

Brilliancy -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 13:07:44)

/me loves AgWiNg's style of posts in MtAK threads :P ... so many questions...
So just one little question - when did you get the idea to repost this masochistic MtAK thread? [:D] Have someone forced you?!
My soul trapped in Alac's crystal forced me D:
I'm sure you'll get MUCH more responses than in the one from Guides section. Have fun.[sm=icon_wink.gif]
Happy upcoming New Year!
Same to you.

TreadLight -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 13:09:12)

Hey Z, I can't believe you're makin' another! How could I miss this?

So, some usual stupid questions....

Your.. FACE?!
has a chomping mouth.
Z went to Z-Mart to get some Zs, right?
Tell me a little about your forums username..

Why'd you call yourself Z.234?
My old name used to be quite long, and started with "Z", so people called me "Z". Went for a name change, but the name was already taken. Added some random numbers after my name.
Did you just think it was cool, or was there a reason?
Explained above.
I doubt there was a reason...
WRONG!!!! HAHA!!![/crazyness]
Well, remember when I used to rant "I don't need +v, I am teh rulz! MUAHAHAHA!!!" in the #G.E.A.R.S IRC channel?
/mode #G.E.A.R.S -havoq TL TL TL TL TL
Good times...

Well, bye!

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