RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (Full Version)

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Wilderock -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 2:11:48)

1. Hiya, Z.324
2. Did you know ur colorz r belonging to me?
Bah, hax.
See above.
4. Did you know your color is the equivalent of
It's not exactly the same, but it's close. It might be J's edit color.
5. Nothing else to add but a simple congratulations. I'll let Alac and Yeti do the rest of the torturing. Is the basement wet and cold? Are the shackles tight? :P
*Groan* NO - you called their names! They're coming! AAARGH!

lonewolf537 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 3:09:18)

1: what up z?
The sky.
2:have you seen the movie "i am legend?"
3:is will smith a good actor?
No idea.
4:are you will smith in disguise?
Prob - hey, wait...
5:do you own a next gen console? if so which one?

6:favorite game?
Too many.
7:what would you do if i changed my name to A.324?
8:have you ever seen me post before?

9:am i a helpful forumite or a bad forumite? (and be honest!)

10:do you have a pet?
Nope. I wish I had a cat or a dog though.
11:am i spiderman in disguise?

12:do i pwn joo?
Of cour - uh...
13:am i classified to speak 1337?
14:do you play a musical instrement?
Yep. Piano/clarinet.
15:do you like the simpsons or futurama?
Simpsons is quite good.
well im outta here. i'll try to get in another post before this is over.

map13 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 4:21:00)

My questions for ya [;)]


1) Hey Z! Am I your favorite n00b???
2) now that you are an AK, are you going to spend all your time on the forums and not play the games?
Nope, I still play all three. But less AQ for me.
3) What does Z stand for?
4) did you help with the mq war?
Of course.
5) If you were a walrace... would you be on fire?
6) how long have you been playing ae games?
Since three years ago, IIRC.
7) what level are you in each game?
101, 40, 15.
8) are you going to repeatadly delete my posts like the other AK's for no apparent reason, but to get a letter back from me saying, "good game?"
9) here is a serious question, why do you think you got picked to be an AK?
Because I chomp. :D
10) has any of your suggestions ever been put into the game?
I don't have a suggestion thread.
11) what is your political view on Artix's addiction for killing the life of millions of innocent undead a day?
It is the government's responsibility to help citizens with problems which severely affect our good neighbors, the undead. The government should be ashamed.
13) do you consider 13 lucky or unlucky?
14) would you teach me how to shrink peoples heads? I'd really like to know how to do it before I try it on you.
/me chomps map13's head
15) Do you hate hidden words?
No comment.
16) did you notice that this is actually my 15th question?
Yes - you skipped 12.

miguelenam -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 7:31:28)

1) Do you like be AK?
2) What languages do you speak?
Quite a few...
3) Have you got any reason to be AK?
Helping out in the forums is quite good.
That's all, good day.
Same to you.

Puppy -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 7:31:41)

Zee Dot Tree 2 For! Ready for dem questions?
1) If you could get a name changed and to anything, what would you change it too?
To "Z".
2)Don't you think Circe is over the niceness cap? I think she needs to be brought down a few notches. Make her ebil.
*Summons Kalanyr*
3)On average how many posts/threads do you think you have locked/deleted since becoming an AK?
Hmm... a few hundred?
4) Why cant I ever find a good amount of questions?
5) Well Im guessing anything with a question mark at the end is a question right?
6) Who is your follower?
All the unfortunate guys who have made guides. >:D
7) If you could do one thing that could change the whole face of gaming, what would it be?

8) Did I say congratulation Zee dot Tree?
/me chomps the tree
It's getting time for me to move on home, bye Zee dot Tree 2 For and keep locking 'em threads.
I'm armed! I warn you, I have an infinity of locks!

Frayzer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 7:36:52)

Sup Z, seems like your MtAK thread has improved twofold as compared to the original one.
1) Could you not be busy for a day? So that you could answer these questions. :P
I'm answering, I'm answering...
2) Can you open this thread longer? I hope you can get up to 15 pages. :D
3) Being an AK is fun and tough isn't it?
Absolutely correct.
4) Which subjects are you studying now?

5) What is your dream job?
Any job that I would enjoy.
6) Favorite Pokemon?
*Shrugs*... The original Uber, Mew I guess.

7) Am I of any siginificance to you? :D
All members are. :P

PaperClip OF DOOM -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 8:04:20)

*Highlights Z* Z! :D
Bah, highlights again?
I was afraid I wasn't going to make it. :O

Socks are the toothpick's nostrils. Just wanted the brick to eat a muffin.... cheeeeese?
Dpxfymbe; lri, hodh.
So... favorite icecream flavor?
Can I have a muffin? :(
*Sends Ultrapowerpie to be chomped*
Lulz i sapprot Crice's quetsion... u liek pie/pae? :D
So how many questions do I have left?
No idea.
Did Agz vanish into the pit of real lifeness? D:
She's back now, I think.
Is this the question limit yet?
You count.
Lulz y ur name is Z?1/ (I know actually but tell the "tale" to those who are too lazy to read the other pages. :P)
Fine, fine... my old username started with "Z". Was too long. Others called me "Z". Requested a name change to "Z.324".

2/3 Of the computers in my house are not working. :( Can I borrow yours? >:D
Weird. NO! MINE!
If birds fly on Earth, and humans walk on it, will birds walk on the moon? :O
They'll be crushed to death on the moon.
I think that's it. :D Oh wait.. complete the sentence: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y _ :o
Wait wait uhhh *question here*
OK sorry, that will be all. :D Byebye nao.

Lord Momo -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 9:33:31)

well,are you feeling lucky today?well your not,im here.

congratz!now for torture: you want me to talk in 1337?you do!ok!
I can read 1337, so it fine for me. Just not outside this thread.
2.wh4ts j0ur favorit3 f00d?
Too many. I eat almost anything, though.
3.jou youz lik3 pi3?
Yep. b0r3d 0f 1337.
Too bad.
5.gerbals or kittens?
Kittens. LB is far too snuggly to choose gerbils over him.
6.kittens or puppies?
The former.
7.cats or dog?
See above.
8.what is god?answer:

a backwards dog.
dont look here till you guessed wrong.
When I'm editing I can see the answer, you know...
9.pie or cake?
Cake. Homemade cheesecake.
10.are you having fun?i hope you are,if your not,i will smack you with a cookie hammer.
/me chomps the cookie hammer
11.your not having fun are you?time to cookie hammer you. you want this to end?i dont want this to end,but 3 Qs left!

13.did you know some of these don't count as questions?but i will count them because i feel sorry for you.
Feel sorry for me? Bah! Humbug! you want your soul back?i stole it back,but to get it,you must make me an AK
Grah! My SOUL!
15.well seya later!hope you enjoyed!(unless you want to get another cookie hammer in the face)

cammomurr -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 10:29:11)

1. Whats ur fav color?
Heh, isn't it obvious?
2. do u have any better powers on DF than u did before u were AK?
3.Complete this phrase--

How much ____ could a woodchuck _____ if a woodchuck could _____ wood?
Z, chomp, sing.

hoth181 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 10:41:58)

OK here goes
1. Why'd u open this again?
As I said in the first post, I have no idea.
2. Can you please give me a creative and insane title that only you would think of?


Because AKs don't have that power.

3. Do you remember me?
No - I'm being fed drugs daily. It affects my brain.

Kain -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 11:34:36)

Hyas Z, let's make the suffer begin:

1- What is your favorite color?
Isn't it obvious by now? :P
2- Do you like pies?
3- What is the meaning of the life to you?
Do something good/contribute.
4- What is your favorite game?
Too many.
5- There is no 5.

6- Neither 6.

7- Well, thats all for today...I am a bit tired, so I only did 7 questions. Good luck on...anything.

Gamerking159 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 11:59:25)

Alright, let's do this.

1. What kinda music do ya like?
Almost any music, except death metal.
2. Do you idolize me?
3. What kind of computer do you use?
4. Do you idolize me?
Error 203.82: Thou hast been chomped.
5. Do you own any gaming consoles?
6. Do you "volunteer" in an office or at home? (Sorry if the answer's obvious, I just don't know)
Home. I have things to do when I'm not at home.
7. Do you like any forms of comedy?
8. What should I ask next?
Up to you.
9. When's your birthday?

10. What's your favorite kind of pizza?
Extra pepperoni. And cheese.
11. What's your favorite kind of burger?
The original kind.
12. Favorite pet? (Pick only 1)
If it must be one... a cat, I suppose.
13. If you could bring one think to a deserted island, what would it be? a) A burger b) A PSP c) A boat d) all of the above
14. Don't you think my budgie is really loud and annoying right now?

15. Do you idolize me?
Error 203.831: Thou hast been chomped. Twice.
That's all, cya.

darknessdragon -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 12:54:50)

Yay! Z again! I'm back with my questions of randomness this time!
*Readies self*
By the way, I did NOT appreciate the Draught of Living Death being fed to me while I slept! (From previous MtAK thread)
Uh.. wha - how did you wake up?!
How's it like having your work load doubled since your days at the AQ guide section?
It hasn't doubled... it's quadrupled. I've now got DFGD/Sugg/Bugs as well. How fun. :D
Before you ask, yes, I just came here or the MtAK thread, I hang in the AQ sections most of the time :P
Thanks? Lol.
Do you like Zoidber from Futurama, I think he's hilarious

Doesn't it seem that most AKs get more than 1 jobs now? And there's hardly any new Aks around eh?
cdfbrown has just been abducted added to the club. Say hello to him. :P
How's the weather outside for you?
Do you like skiing? I do
I haven't tried skiing, but I know how to ice skate.
Any other types of winter sports?
See above.
How old are you? I'm only curious, I'd say mid 20's?
Younger than the Yeti, older than 13.
Do you believe that some sort of all powerful entity, or God(s) exist?
Hmm, that is an interesting question. I believe there is a good chance that a powerful entity exists, as we humans can't explain everything.
If they do, why haven't they done anything to make the world better?
Perhaps it's because this world is our world? It's our responsibility to protect it.
Alright, what's your favorite flavor of strawberry ice cream?
W/ chocolate chips.
Your favorite movie and favorite actors?
Who's your favorite villain in film literature? E.g. Jigsaw (Saw) Michael (Halloween) Aliens (Alien Vs Predator) Etc. and why?
I don't know why, but IMO Voldemort is acted quite well.
Mines Hannibal Lector, he's just so awesome, have you seen any Hannibal Lector movies? Red Dragon, Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal and Hannibal Rising?
Nope, but I might read the Hannibal books.
Last question, if you could have 1 superpower, what would it be?
The ability to teleport.
Alright, Congrats on the second AK-ship and good luck! (Secretly feeds a brain control chip to Z while he's busy typing, making Z completely under my control) excellent...
Y e s . . . m a s t e r . . .

OMGITSADRAGON -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 13:17:00)

What is the meaning of life?
To do something good.
do you have a Dragon Fable account?
if so whats your ID?

Can you give me a title that says Wow you must be insane to have that under your username?
I don't have that power.

~Drithus~ -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 14:09:16)

1.) Out of every other letter, why Z?
My old forum name started with "Z".
2.) Do you like Dave Chappelle or Dane Cook?

3.) Where is my left sock, the one Cysero stole?
It's in the secret Cysero Dungeon of DOOM.
4.)^Did you figure out where it is and your just not going to tell me?
Oh, darn, I told you... you didn't hear anything. <_<
5.) If you had to choose, Burger King or McDonalds?
The latter.
6.) Am I annoying you?
7.) How about now?
See above.
8.) Do you watch South Park?
9.) Do you believe Tom Cruise is in the closet?
10.) What does FTW mean? I never got that.....
For the win.
11.)What IF god was one of us?
The world may be a better place.
12.) I wish you the best of luck Z........or do I?

brandon.75067 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 15:07:05) i got all 15 bye!
1.hi/do u like sneevils?
Nope my sig good or do i need a new one?
*Takes a look*
3.muhahahahahahahahahahahahaha or hehyhihihihihihihihihy?
11.r u a chiken cow lord or a dragonratlord????/ull never notice
5.thats it form here ad b4 it will get harder muhahahahahahaha? u kill sepulcher when u beat him,or does he escape?
I chomp him and Fluffy whole.
7. what if i stole cyseros right sock to get back and hid it in ur room and told him u did it muhahahahaha!
He'll have to let me buy all his products in gold. <_< or rofl?
The former.
14.crazy/loco/or mean
4.monkey + pie-chickencow+the lord=muhahahaha or cysero?
12.scooby/snoopy/or clifford
Snoop, I guess.
6.i like power do u

10. i stole ur coler now what will u do or not do to not undo
8.7 left muhahahahahaha/ im totaly sane not am i not?

Dragoncat -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 17:27:36)

Hey Z

Why did you make you color green?
Favorite color.

How would you feel if I make a forum saying *Do you hate Z*
*Shrugs* You can do that. Don't care.

Did you always wanted to be a achknight?

Can you train me to be a arcknight
There is no training - there is only soul-stealing!

Whats you number 1 game our of the AE games

What if I write green too would that confuse you?
Not really.

what if I Made a forum name very simliar to yours?
Bad idea. That person got banned. Really.

are you a ninja?

Whats you Favorite movie?
Too many.

Whats your Favorite food?
I eat almost anything.

Do you like pie?
*Chomps Ultrapowerpie*

If yes what kind

If no then why?

do you like being arcknight?

Do you feel special with this new powers?
Not new - it's already been half a year.

thats it Cya later Z


Lornicai -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 17:35:10)


Chicken + soup + grandma on a rainy day = ?
Grumpy Grandma Special (soup)

Do you like ramen?
Japanese food FTW.

What's your favorite DF armor (AQ quest, etc.)?
DF Armor? ChickenCow. AQ Quest... might be Return of Riona.

Fwish or Ice cweam?
The latter.


Have you ever played Portal?

The Cakes is a Lie. True or False?

I have to go, later :D *poke of doom*
Error 208.32: Thou hast been chomped.

Destro* -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 18:20:03)

Deja Vu?
Out of all of the DF staff, who scare you the most?
Alac. She controls my soul. D:
I need to find a life
Do you think that if the forums/homepage/IRC/ and all other AE stuff merged together, it would make Pineapples?
It would make snozzcumbers.
Should I fear you?
Why not?
That's rhetorical so you shouldn't have answered it!
This is the MtAK, so I have every right to answer it.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
^ Excuse me?
Why are you trying to argue?
Why are you?
Alright, I'm bored and done arguing, see j00! *runs for life*

Darkick -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 18:23:36)

*Quick, before Z escapes...*

How's this cruel torture been treating you? Fancy a few more questions while it's still up?
Who inducted invited you to become an ArchKnight?
What color are the chains?
Is Sepulchure the leader of the ShadowScythe invasion as the insignia is similar to that of his head?
The insigma is similar to that of the symbol of the Doom Dragon (our dragon), not Seppy's head.
What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything? 42, no?
I say 41! >:O
Are these questions a bit odd?
Would like me to cease my interrogation?
Too bad =P What color is pink?
Darn, the gerbil in the attic quit running on the wheel *if you know what I mean*.
Oh well, see ya' round *hopefully not because your handing me a warning or deleting my thread ;)*

micvic -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 18:47:52)

Which ae game do u like best:
Do u like moding us:

will u ever stop doing this when u grow older:
do u like us torturing u
do u have pets
whats the awnser to this
No question, no answer.
whats 2+2(not 4)

thats it for now[8|][:D] good luck for ur future torture

mastin2 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/7/2008 2:13:13)

1+2: (Does anyone NOT ask this?) Congratulations! (I've been helping keeping the forums clean for quite some time)
2: Do you hate people repeating themselves?
Do you?
3: Do you hate people repeating themselves?
Do you?
4: If so, how many times does it take to annoy you?
Do you?
5: Do you hate people being lazy?
Do you?
6: Do you dislike people re-responding to your answer?
Do you?
7: If you look at the re-response, do you ever re-re-response?
Do you?
8: Do you hate it when people ask a question you've already answered (Especially one that has been answered multiple times)
Do you?
9: What would you do if you were stripped of your powers for X days/weeks/months/years? (X being 1-11)
Do you?

Pure Evil101 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/7/2008 5:03:41)

1.Do you mind if people call you Z with a lower case Z?
I do.
2. 2 has gone missing
3.Can you think of a cooler name for me?

4.Do you feel more powerful than me
5. 5 has gone to look for 2

6.Thyton or Rhubarb?
5. 5 just made it back and narrowly escaped from death and now wants to ask you a question (2 is deceased):
Fill in The gap:

Crickey mate the ___________ ate my __________!
Gecko, taco!

Thats all for now, but i'll be back... probably

Sir Gnome -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/7/2008 5:20:48)

There is but one question that truly matters:

Do you pronounce it 'Zee' or 'Zed?'
Zee is teh me.

And now for those more random questions that makes one's MtAK so much more enjoyable.

Cheesecake or Pumpkin Pie?

MQ or AQ?

And now for the last one, another important one...

What happened to you helping out in Paxia? [:(]
Blame Alac, I got addicted to DF Bugs. D: I'll go have a look every few days.

Z -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/7/2008 7:22:41)

You're lucky, Gnome, you get the last post.

Thanks for all the questions, everyone.

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