RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (Full Version)

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Slave of music -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (2/11/2008 1:39:43)

wow yur ansering more of my dilute and insaneley uncomfortable questions...YAY!

Ok first things first if you found my Firebrand and me not accompanying it would you return it or sell it for the gold?
Xan's Revenge/Flaming Skull Staff > Firebrand

why do hot dog packages come in groups of 12 but hot dog 'buns' only come in packages of 8?
No idea.

why does I like to ask silley questions?

If you were given one free request to be granted true to your Dragonfable charecter(could even be your own town)what would it be and why?
A custom weapon.

why do I like monkeys?
Why do I like cats?

Lol thanks for the answers cyas. oh ya congrats...-_- agin[8D][:)][:D]

HippyMaster -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 13:23:08)

Hi Z!

How did YOU become an AK?
Abducted -> serum injection
Fave Food & Drink?
I eat and drink almost anything.
Fave thing on TV?

Fave invention?
Light bulb.
Preferred video game console? (portable & non-portable)

Fave Forumite? (excluding Z)
Best question you've been asked?

Fave sound?

Fave texture?

Fave thing about AE?
Staff and player interaction.
What do you think of my characters?

Why the name "Z"?
Because Z rocks.
Were A-Y and .001-.323 taken?
Tea or Coffee?
Can you tell I've been typing this up as quickly as possible because I have other things to do? (no offence)
That's it! *snuggle double barrel roll dragon ball action tackle* ThankZ ByeZ.

IndieDrummer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 13:37:06)

Ah, I know you. Hello!
Rawr or Grawr?
See above.
Why the name of which you choose?

Rock or Rap?
If rap....*throws rock at Z*

If rock *handshakes*

Do you take bribes?
Gives 5$
Look the other way. >.>

Seeya! :D

dragonfable rulez -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 14:49:11)

hey Z

1:what part of the forums do you like most????
2:who is your favorite mod/AK/any other special tittle??? (you dont have to answer if you dont want to play favorites)

3:what is your favorite color (mine is red)???
4:on your first post why do you think this is torture???
5:who is the person who has gven you the most annoying questions in one post

im done but ill be back with more questions once i think of some

mooneeve -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 14:54:45)

Hiya z!

Enjoying the Akship?

Seen Vampire slayer Z lately?
Which is better AQ DF or MQ?
Considering it's the DF forums will you rethink your anwser?
How long have you been an AK?
Almost 7 months.
Enjoying the holiday wars?
...Good because if you play AQ we need help!
All right.
Well thats all for now!
Enjoy torturing members in the forums Happy new year! (in a while for me though)

Robin. S. Firedrake -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 15:09:03)

Hi and congrats Z! (You probably get that alot)
So on to the questions!

What is your favorite kind of book?
Almost anything other than fantasy and sci-fi.
What is your favorite book?
Too many.
What is your favorite kind of video game?

What is your favorite video game?

Do you like dragons as much as i do? (Probably not)
Who's Your favorite non AK forumite? *Kitten eyes* (That is really hard for a dragon to do!)
What character in SSBB are you most anticipating?
Do you like my sig?

Thats about it! Goodbye for now!

I may be back though...


tom black -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 15:41:01)

hey z,whats up? Look! The sky!
evil or ebil? Evil.
old captin clothes or new ones?
Z or z? Z.
pirates or ninja? Ninja.
dragon or dracolich? Dragon. Dracolich = a kind of dragon.
uber weapon or doom weapon? Uber.
where do you live? The Earth.
mom or dad (Or dead)?
ty for answering...or not answering.

ShadowSlash -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 15:45:19)


Gah, I'm so late for all of these...<_<
My answers are even more late. ._.

1. Have you ran away from the horrors of this thread yet? :p
1.001. *hands cookie* Did that make you feel better about this horror-filled MtAK thread?
*Chomps said cookie and the hand as well*
1.324. *pours cookies over your head* Does that make you feel better? (o.O can cookies be poured?!)
2. I am ______ .
3. Your left sock?
Your right eye?
4. Who made you an AK?
Ice stole me, and then Reens cut half of my soul for DF.
5. Your favorite book?
Too many good books. I like Matthew Reilly and Dan Brown's ones more, though.
6. Your favorite class? (can be from AQ, DF, or MQ)
7. Do you like yellow snow?

8. Blue llamas invade your house. What do you do?

9. Do you give out Zsnuggletackles?
I give snuggles, yes.
10. If there was one thing you could change about the forums, what would it be?
Perhaps... shorter Universal Rules?
I just want to say thanks for all your work to make these forums a better community.
Also, repeating what I said on the New Year's thread:


Happy New Year everyone!
Especially, thank you so much, all staff, Mods, AKs, and pretty much everyone on this list! Thank you, game creators, for creating and keeping up such a wonderful game, and mods/aks, thank you for keeping order to the forums, making sure that these forums don't turn into a spam-fest, and overall just being the most helpful, nice, and caring people. You mod the forums voluntarily, and without whining and complaint (I think :p) when spammers and flamers send you hate PMs and emails.
Thank you everyone! Have a Happy New Year!


iGreen -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 16:19:41)

1.) Hi!

2.)What is the Best Part of being a ArchKnight?
Being able to chomp more people.
3.)Whats Your Favorite Color?
4.)Favorite Phrase?
Too many.
5.)Most Exiting AE Upcoming Event?
So see You Later......


demonkid990 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 16:27:28)

1. Hello my name is demonkid990, your going to hate enjoy this greatly, aren't you?

2. If there's 1 fish, then 2 fish, then red fish, then blue fish, how many fish?
The cat in the hat chomped them all, so 0.
3. Burger King, McDonalds, or Chik-Fil-A?
The first two.
4.Classic rock or current typish?
5. death by fire or enduring these kinds of questions?
The latter.
6. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck at $12 an hour, pay cuts implied 25 cents every mintue found slacking, and 50 cents for every beer had when one was not given to employer, write equation then solve how many apples Sally has.
Shep Schwab shopped at Scott's Schnapps shop;
One shot of Scott's Schnapps stopped Schwab's watch.

7. Is there really an answer?
8.Pie, cupcakes, cake, pudding, hamsters, or TMNT?
9. One is bad, two is good, three is (amazing, spondiferous, splendiforous, enchiladas, TURKEY)?

10. If you had one last wish, would it be for a tasty fish?
11. Do you really want to be an Oscar Meyer weiner, everyone would love you, until you go through of course.

12. Are you happy I didn't find your last one?
No comment.
13. Can i send you random Pm's like I did 5 minutes to Circe, entailing greatly about nothing?
14. To pass this test you must remove your kidney using, broken glass, needle, floss, and 3 kegs of beer, you have 2 hours begin, and when finished post a picture on imageshack or something and pm me the picture.

15. Finally done, now can't you wait until the next page [;)]?

P.S. I have an awesome sig, the smiley i made is original

Sara -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 16:36:28)

I have seen you before!
And I you.
Remember me?
Oh well.

So uh, HI!

That will be all and please PM me when you get here.

Death_Knight555 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 18:36:09)

Hey Z!

What's your favorite color?
What's your favorite food?
What's your favorite car?

In DragonFable, what's your most common used and favorite Class?
Were you excited/surprised when they picked you as an AK?
That's all for now! Have a Happy New Year!

Zipote -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 18:39:44)

wow....most of my questions have been answered already.

What are the two other languages other than English that you know?
Leet and newb. Seriously... won't tell you. :P

tombstone -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 18:49:20)

Im late! Congrats on the not so recent AKship.

1. What is your favorite movie?

2. What is your fav MLB team?

3. If you had any superpower, what would it be?
Time travel.
4. What goes up but never goes down?
*Throws a dead dog onto a branch of a dead tree*
5. If you could spend a day with any person, living or dead, who would you pick?(Id personally pick the living one)

6. Whos your favorite forumite that's name starts with a "t" ends in a synonym for rock, and ryhmes with "Doomcone"?

7. Have you ever met another AK or staff member in person?
8. If you could give any forumite the title of helpful, who would you give it to? (Its OK with me if you plead the 5th)

9. Who would win in a free-for-all, Freddy, Alien, Jason, or Predator?

10. Are you a mage, warrior, rogue, or a night elf mohawk?
11. If you had $1,000,000, what would you do with it?

12. What is your favorite quest in DF?
The one with the lava.
13. Are you a cat or a dog person?
14. True or False: This statement is a lie.
I find it bad luck to ask the 15th question, in case I think of a really good question. See ya, bro

Tavus -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 18:50:05)

Hi Z.324.

Why did you decide to make an MtAK topic?
No idea.
How did you become a mod?
Not a mod.
Are you decent at DF?
Yep, Warrior has all the best weapons, Mage is level 40.
Ninjas. Thousands of them. What do you do?

That's it for now.

Samuelr -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 19:41:30)

Depends on the turkey's size.

Daffanka -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 21:07:27)


I posted in your other MtAK thread. Har.
Finish these sentences:

Osperosis is often caused by ______
Daffanka's breath
Defenstrating someone is very ______
The average price of an AK47 in a third world country is ______
One human hair
When I was young, it seemed that life was so _______
Daffanka is awesome because _______
of what he says
You have always been something special to me. You have touched me. You have trespassed inside my soul.

OMGITSADRAGON -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 21:31:58)

Is the cake a lie?
No. Yes.
Do you like being a mod?

Clyde -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 22:50:58)

Z!!! :O
/me snuggles The 234th Z.
No, it's the 324th Z.
1.) On a scale of 1 to 10.....wait what was the question?
What does the... huh?
2.) So got any New Year Plans?
Only one. Get my room tidied up. >_>
3.) How do you feel to have X as a rival?
Oh, no, I don't like oranges. (if you don't get this, ask a KoO...)
4.) What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
I'll just chomp it straight away - I'm not its servant.
5.) Do you know the Muffin Man, where? I'm trying to assasinate him >_>
*Pokes at Suikoman444's IRC greet*

Man~Thing -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 23:04:52)


is it fun being a mod?
mcdonalds or burger king?
Only tried Burger King once, forgot the taste of the burgers there, so McDonald's.
you a fan of football?
Not really, although I've played it for a couple of years.
AQ, DF, Or MQ (cant choose all, Only Choose One)
iS iT aNoYiNg rEaDiNg tHiS?
money or fame?
Neither. You get assassinated.
PS3, Xbox 360, Or Nintendo Wii
Can You Visit And Please Comment My AQ Suggestions Here? (Pretty Please)
Uh, I'll probably take a look...
Have A Super Spectacular Wonderfull Awsome Special Magnificant Ultimate Mega Totally Rad Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Day. {Phew}

WA -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (12/31/2007 23:51:52)

Hi Z!
*undead bumblebee rubber ducky metal ball bearing snuggles Z*
No! You turned Dumbledore undead!
I just saw that you need a lock signature so i say,
LurkerLock, perhaps... Hmm...
1.SOOO, been tackled by trolls armed with banana bowling pins lately?
No... but... *feels head* ... What's this yellow thing doing on my head?
2.Do you like Calvin and Hobbes?
It's quite amusing, yes.
3. Do you like magic, ranged or melee?
4. What would your new avvy be?
Erm, a lock?
5. Do you like small animals, big ones or medium size ones?
Medium size.
6. What is the wierdest food you ever ate?
Bird's nest.
7. What are tigers favorite foods? (If the answer to 2 was yes, you will know it)
Tuna fish sandwich.
8. Who is your fave greek god?
iChar (go figure that out :P)
9. Strength or speed?
10. Woodchuck invaders are taking over planet zarquons spork rum supplies. you have a giant meatball, a sloth's third toe and essence of llama spit. how do you defend planet zarquon?
I chomp them all, along with the meatball, the toe and the essence of llama spit.
11. llama or alpaca?
12. press the green button

13. how long is it between the average lifetime of a titanium spatula and the squared childhood of a cicada which is frozen in carbon?
0.72 candela.
14. have you ever been bitten by a moose because you tried to carve your initials in it with the sharp side of an intergalactic tothbrush given to you be a norwegian dentist named svenki?
15. snuggletackle or snugglebear?

Drakkan Rules -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 1:02:10)

Just A Few Questions:

(Hey There Buds, How's It Going?)
(Do You Like Hiking?)
(Have You Ever Gone Hunting?)
(Bows or Guns?)
(Have You Ever Gotten Scared In The Bush?)

(If So, By What?)

(Do You Believe In The Sasquatches Existence?)

(What Would Happen If You Ran Into One?)
I chomp.
(Are My Questions Annoying?)
(Have You Ever Wanted A Pet Chimp? (I Have[:D])
It would be interesting.
(What Would You Do If I Ruled The World?)
Bow down to you.
(Would It Be Funny If I Ate A Piece Of Chalk?)
Calcium carbonate? Or sulphate?
(Are You Glad I'm Done?)


Circe -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 1:35:42)

Z! /me tacklesnugs
I haven't read any of your thread because I'll do what I want anyway. :D
Now for some annoying questions:

How much do you love DF?
-273 K
Do you have a favorite pair of shoes?
Have you ever done karaoke? If so, to what song? If not, what song would you pick?
Yes. Many songs.
Do you want to be a superhero when you grow up? If so, which one? If not....why???
Nope. I'll just get assassinated.
Are you a firetruck?
And since it was all over my MTAK, now it has to be in yours...Do you liek pie? Pie r good food!
/me chomps Ultrapowerpie
Hehe I hope you enjoy that at least half as much as I did :P
See you around Z kthnxbai :P

firelight49 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 1:54:10)

Hello and welcomke to the pit of despair todays contestant will be playing for a great prize, their freedom!

Now for the questions.

1. How does it feel being on the pit of despair?
Uh... full of despair?
2. What one word would describe resistance in this case?

3. Have you seen any episodes of the pit of despair other than this one?

4. What is normal?
5. Was question four fair?
6. What is the true meaning of pain?
7. Are you even tryingn to get these right?
8. How did you specifically get chosen to be a contestant on the pit of despair?
You pushed me in. <_<
9. What is the meaning of life?
To contribute, and to do something good.
10. Who was the contestant on episode one of the pit of dispair?

11. How do you defeat a phantom?

12. rif otse sih s?

13. DOOM QUESTION: What is the number of letters in my name minus the mean of the numbers, in my name plus the square root of the number of Non modified Hiragana characters divided by the square root of number of letters in the eniglish alphabet times the square root of pi to the 1000000000000th place cubed?
14. ......................................three arrows...........................!?!???!
15. Did you enjoy being on the pit of despair?

Darkath -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Z - Almost finished (1/6/2008 1:57:31)

Hi there, I'll ask you a few questions.

1. Hey Z!
2. How'd you become an AK?
The Yeti abducted me.
3. What do you like most about AE?
The staff-player interaction. And the community.
4. Do you like RPG games?
5. What kind of food do you like?
I eat almost anything, but Japanese food FTW.
6. What is your hooby?
Reading, mostly. I also climb mountains and ice-skate.
7. Do you like outdoor games or indoor games?
8. Have you ever done karaoke? If so, what song?
Yes. Too many to list.
9. What moglin do you like the most?
10. Do you like Pie or Cake?
11. What weapon do you like the mos?
Thanks for answering!

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