RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (Full Version)

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Familyguy2170 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 16:21:51)

What is your favorite kind of dragon in aq?
One that's talking to me instead of trying to eat me.

What is you favorite mech in mq?
I'm looking forward to trying out the Star Valkyrie.

What is your favorite pet in df/aq?
Nerfkitten. I like cats, what can I say?

What is your favorite monster in aq/mq?
Sarah The Nerfkitten

tombstone -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 17:10:33)

Hello. I dont believe we've met. I tend to stick to the DF GGD.
Well, that would explain it.

1. Are you a dog person or a cat person?

2. Are you a mage, rogue, warrior, or night elf mohawk?
In-character? Mage. Out of character? Well, that depends :-p

3. What is your favorite MLB team?

4. Have you ever met any staff, AKs, or mods in real life? If so, who?
Not as far as I know.

5. What is your favorite element? Why?
Energy powers everything :-p

6. Who are the 4 horsemen of the apocolypse?
War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death

7. True or False: This statement is a lie
False. Incorrect <> lie, after all.

8. What goes up but never goes down?
My age?

9. What superpower would you want?
Time manipulation.

10. Whats your favorite food?
Pizza, noodles, spicy sausage, or maybe.............

11. What woul dyo do with $1,000,000?
Invest it. or maybe pay of the house and the car and the taxes, then invest it......

12. If you had your own custom weapon, what would be its name?
I'll have to think about that one.

13. What forumite would you nominate for a Helpful title?
At this time, none.

14. Who's your favorite forumite who's name starts with t, ends with a type of rock, and rhymes with "Doomcone"?
Hm. I don't know ... :-p

I dont put a 15th question in case I think of a really good question. See ya!
See you!

grebob -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 17:35:40)

hey, i dont believe i have seen u, oh well
That is entirely possible.

1) are you allergic to spam? (i am)
I have not yet observed an allergic reaction. An aversion, however.....

2) why 15?
It was there.

3) DF, MQ, or AQ?

4) go with the flow, or against?
With is easier. Against is sometimes required.

5) you are alone, you are at a crossroad, you can only go right or left, no one is around, right or left?
in the absence of other information, right.

6) fav npc in df?
Zhoom, for now.

7) fav df wep?

8) do you have a feeling that i am running out of questions?

9) can i pwn you in df pvp?
Depends on which character. I have no doubt that you can pwn the character with the Unlucky sword :-p

10) want a doom cookie?
Not particularly.

11) 1+1 = ?
3 (for sufficiently large values of 1).

12) fav thing on forum?
Hm. Not sure.

13) your unluckyness has destroyed this question, move on
No, that was YOUR unluckiness. Sorry to break it to you.

14) lucky num

15) answer next question and you can move onto the next person thing

bye, remember my name! i guess maybe...................
See you!


hockeynerd19 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 17:57:20)

Heyy congrats


How do you pronounce ur name anyways??
i'm not great at explaining it, but I'll take a shot. Try Ai - Ell - Thai and see where it gets you. just try, and you'll probably be close anyway.

Do you like hockey??
Not particularly.

How about pie??
Quite a few. Particularly with ice cream.

Or even steak??
Of course.

Where have u been all this time, other then the place you have stated (srry i forgot the name [:(])
Do you mean GBI? Well, I have been at home and at work and.....

That's all and have fun AKing

Stephen Nix -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 18:00:35)

here comes to you my questions and congrats to u on ur ak ship!

who gave you your position on the forums when you started
SoO, or DF AK?

Are you good or ebil or evil choose wisely because if you choose wrong your seat will explode with my iceicles rite below your chair I will send you off into the oblivion....muhahahaha! Ready to play
*sigh* Probably good.

I'm an evil penguin who loves to help in the pedias the best he can so its an honor to talk to you (yes I know I say it to all AKs)....don't get me wrong I will freeze you

whats your defence to my ultimate attack of ice ownage
The gas heater over here.

does this shirt make me look fat
What shirt?

does it make you look fat
I'm not wearing it.

what did you do when you were first given permission to work for the forums? Did you party, dance....
I smiled and started looking around. I had to be quiet (there were people sleeping).

what is your signature lock? "B"locked, Ultimate lockdown, Clawed or even frozen in time or something else...
So far, Lightning Bolt-Lock

I hope that your having a fun time controlling the DF community...cya says Stephen Nix!
See you!

Jonaza -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 18:11:00)

hey... a new AK... [sm=icon_twisted.gif]

How long you been an AK?
DFAK? I was asked on the 17th, and added to the forums on the 18th.

DF, AQ or MQ?

Books or computer?
Um. I would say books, but I seem to spend an awful lot of time on the computer.....

Console or computer?
For games? Console. For most anything else, computer :-p

PS3 or Xbox360?

Cats or dogs?

Books or sports?

How do you lock?
Well, I go to *censored*, select *censored*, and then *censored*.

Circe or Alac?
Not touching that one.

Badgers or moglins?
Er... never met either?

Do you like badgers?
Sure, why not?

If no, WHY?!?!?


Amboo -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 18:39:09)


i have seen you around and you do great work.

Any pets?

DF,AQ or MQ?

Favorite NPC?
Right now, Zhoom

how long did i take you to consider the AK-ship
Somewhere under a minute. I wasn't timing it, though.

who has imprisoned you?
No one.

thats all congradulations again and i look forward to you helping our on the forums

Darkick -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 19:45:23)

Yay! Time to torture yet another DF AK. Now I have another resource to send my reports >:D

Noodles or soup?

Fantasy or non-fiction?

What color are the DF chains?
What chains?

Who enslaved accepted you?

How's it been goin'?
Pretty well.

What sort of benefit will you be providing DF?
What I can.

Techymonx -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 20:03:49)

Congrats on becoming a AK Aelthai!!! Oh, and welcome to the forum! [:D]

1) Snuggle or cuddle?
Snuggle = online, cuddle = with boyfriend.

2) Favorite color?
Mm .... blue?

3) Favorite DF villian?
Icemaster Yeti

4) If you had a pet penguin, what would you name it?
Probably Nyx

5) Favorite pizza topping?
Cheese. It's required.

6) Favorite flavor of ice cream?

7) Windows or Mac?
Windows .... *sigh*

8) Play any instruments? If so, which one(s)?
Voice only, currently.

9) Weapon of choice?
My mind.

10) Favorite AE game?
AQ, DF, or MQ

11) Chocolate or vanilla?
In ice cream, cake, or icing, vanilla. In most other things, chocolate.

12) Is the glass half empty or half full?
Twice as big as it needs to be.

13) If fuzzy wuzzy was a bear, but fuzzy wazzy had no hair. What was he?
a bear.

14) Favorite Smiley (Doesn't have to be one of the forum smilies)?

15) How's life going?
Quite well.

I look foreward to seeing you one the forums!! See you around!!


Ryank -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 20:26:27)

*Appears in orange smoke*

Oh hi!

Whats your favourite colour???

What is your avatar about?
She is a goddess. What more is there to say?

What is a SoO???
A Squire of Order. The Squires of Order help the Knights of Order. For more information, see this.

Have you ever had chickenpox/measels/mumps before? i had chickenpox once[:'(]
Chickenpox, yes.

Whats your favourite food?
Pizza ... noodles.... spicy sausage ... or ....

Weirdest word you've heard?
Hm, that's a hard one. How about Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?

Best place you've been to ever??
Home after a long trip.

Well thats all.

See you!

*Disappears in orange smoke*

Sara -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 20:43:22)

I am going to let you off easy today. [:)]

You have two seconds to answer this question. If you cheat, your computer explodes. The question is this. Who is on first base?

There are three people in a room. I am you, and he is me. What is everyone's names?
Are, please.

Please write a one paragraph description of the below picture.

Something I should not look at when I am this tired.

I do not know why I waited until the bottom to say this, but...


Hi, I am here to ask you questions.


I am editing in one more, if you see this, you will be rewarded somehow.

What is 1 + 1?

i toxic i -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 21:09:14)


1: if u had a monkey what woul u name it?
That would depend on the monkey.
2:are flying hippos real?
Of course. They really intrigue cats, too.
3. if there are 3 friends and they want to get to the city but to that it takes 5 days and each of them can carry 4days of food and they much eat once a day how does atleast oneof them make it across?
Well, two can go across if they all carry four days' food, and after the first day, one gives a day's food to each of the other two and goes back, leaving the two with four days' food and four days to travel. And the first has then one day's food and one day's travel back.

answer: to number 3 well friend one and 2 eat 2 of friend 3's food then he has 1 day of food left he goes back home next day friend 1 eats friend 2's food and then he goes back to town then friend one has 3 days of food left with 3 days of journying t go so hw makes it

Death_Knight555 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 21:14:42)

Congratz Aelthai!

I got a few questions...

1. What's your favorite food?
Pizza, noodles, spicy sausage ... or maybe Chinese, it's hard to say.
2. Do you own any pets, if so, which ones?
No, my cats own me.
3. What's the best thing about being an AK?
I can't decide.
4. What's your favorite movie?
No idea.
5. Fill in the blank in the sentence: If I could choose between flying or super speed, I would pick _______.

That's it, good luck!

Glais -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 21:16:54)

Hmmmmm what to say...what to say....

What do you think is better...

Naruto or Sasuke

Megatron or Optimus Prime
I say again: Er....


Glaisaurus or Gorgok (betcha know who I chose :)
Mh ... Glaisaurus, though he needs to get rid of that annoying DragonLord :-p

Rat Mutants or DeathFrogs


do I even have any sanity?
Why should you be any different from the rest of us?

Saint Kilda -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 21:19:19)

What would you rather be? The Undead ArrMegogon in AQ or the Alien in the OR (MQ)?
Mh .. neither?

What's your catch phrase/ word?
Don't have one -- yet.

What would you give me? Hugs or Cuddles or Snuggles?

Who's cooler? Me or Stephen Nix?
I'm not answering that.

What would you want me to say to congratz you? Ka-Ching or Hooray?

By the Way: You Can't say none in ALL QUESTIONS!
Of course not!

WritingPad! -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 21:28:50)

Hey hey! I must say, I simply love your avatar. [8D]

I don't have any questions, but comgradulations, look foward to seeing you around! [:D]


Clouds Strike -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 21:51:03)

Hey, I got a few questions.

Do you like pie?
Do penguins have knees?
Where did Zhoom(the NPC) get that tatoo thingy on his right arm?
Long, Long, ago and far away....
Do you like bacon?

Well thats all I gots!
See you!

master dragon lord -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 21:51:17)

1.whats up Aelthai

2.i hate love your avatar
Thank you.

3.have any pets
Yes any sports

5.favorit tv show
Dr. Who or Torchwood

6.soup or salad

7.cake or pie
I have to CHOOSE?

8.joke:what do you call a fish with no i

9.favorit color

10.o yeah congrats on the AK ship

11.ever been in prison ever been in a clan
Um .. no?

12.well cant wait to torture see you on the DF GGD

answer to number 8, a fsh

See you!


map13 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 21:53:45)

oooh another one of these [:D]

1. =O iz I aloud ta talk 1337?
I would prefer if you did not, but you are allowed.

2. Iza Spoknen frugen???
? Um ... no?

3. how many fingers am I holding up?

4. If you were a walrace would you be on fire???

5. Do you like things that go KABOOM or WHIIIIIRRRRRLLLL KERSPLAT!!!???

6. If you could be any animal why would you not choose monkey?
Because cat and wolf are both higher on the list.

7. Is my answers to complex???
Not particularly.

8. I have gpa of 23 you?
I think we're on a different scale. 3.8 or so, last time I checked.

9. Oooooh, I ate a carrot once and barfed after eated it!!!
Yuck. Why did you feel the need to share?

10. If you could spend time in a bottle what would be the first thing you would like to do?

11. Is there any way for you to check when I can put a sig agin, itza got iced V.V
If it was too big or whatnot, just put up one that meets the rules. And use it appropriately.

12. Will you be like all the other AK's and delete my posts just to get a message back from me saying, "good game?"
I don't delete posts unless they need it.

13. =O 13 is my favorite number!!! Whats yours?

14. One more question... What do you think it will be?
I have never pretended to be prescient.

15. Do you think that the manjority of my intellect accumilated some smartness of now dumbness [:(]???
I think you need to rewrite that if you want it to be intelligible.

WA -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 22:25:45)

'Ello ther mate!

1.Do ye like Squirrels?
Tree rats are cute.

2.If you are driving your canoe in the desert and all four tires go flat, how long does it take for a monkey with a peg leg and a glass eye to score four field goals in a soccer stadium?
About seven years.

3.Do you like Greece?

4.Don't press the yellow button.

5.Have you ever read Redwall?
I keep meaning to....

6.Calvin and Hobbes?
Is fun.

7.What is your favorite bird of prey? (Mine is hawks)
............................................................................NOTE: yellow button here-->o
Either hawk or eagle.

8.Did you press the yellow button?
What yellow button?

9.What is your name?

10.What is your quest?

11.What is your favorite color?

12.What is the average velocity of an unladen swallow?
African, or European?

13.Did you ever get bitten by a moose because you were carving your initials in it with the sharp end of an intergalactic toothbrush given to you by a norwegian dentist named Svenki?
Nope, missed that experience.

14.When is the apocalypse?
A long ways off.

15. Are you schitzofrenic? Me:I am not.
Voice1:Yes you are!
Me:No I'm not.
Voice2:Be quiet, both of you. We are trying to sleep.
Voice3:Yeah! be quiet.
Me:Not until he says I'm not schitzophrenic.
Voices2-6:Hey! Just because there are more then one of you doesn't mean you can do anything. There are five of us!
Mh ... no.

Me and Voices1-6:Bye!
So long!
See ya!
See ya later alligator.
Aaargh! A'll be aseein' ya
Cheerio and all that laddie.
SsssssBawkHonnnkSplishsplashHeehaw (Voice 6 is the disembodied spirit of my fire breathing snake-chicken-hippo-squid-donkey

See You!

smoney -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/19/2008 22:45:34)

hey guys[;)]

Senomi -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/20/2008 0:09:15)

Awwww yeah! I remember you from the old days back in the AQ Q&A. It appears that fate has brought us together once more. Next Step: Terminate the Resistance. :o
Hi! I remember you too :-)

1. "And the Dragon comes in the NiiiIIiiiIIiiiiiIIIIIgggHHHhhhTTtttT!" This makes you feel:
A) Joyful beyond words
B) Miserable and heartbroken
C) Hungry
D) All of the above
A, mostly.

2. Do you think baby hippos are adorable should be armed with semi-automatic taco launchers? *mehehe, foiled Circey again!*
Adorable, yes. Semi-automatic taco launchers sound messy.

3. Do you promise to come visit me down in the DF Q&A from time to time? ^_^
Yes, I will.

4. Did you know that "AK" once stood for "Aggravated Klingons?" Seriously!
I'm going to go with no on that one.

5. Alac has three cookies, you have two, and I have one. If I give you my cookie, you give Alac your cookies, and Alac throws her cookies at us until we beg for mercy, then what is the prime factorial of my left earlobe? (Have fun with this one :D)

6. Quick! Think Fast! 2 + 3 = 11?
Only in base 4.

7. Are you familiar with Terry Pratchett?
Of course!

8. ?sdrawkcab kaeps uoy naC
?t'nac ohw ,sey lleW

15. Whoah, 15 already? How'd that happen? Anyway, last question: "With great power comes great _____"
A) Squirrels
B) Chipmunks
C) Mice
D) Some other adorable rodent

I'll see you in the forums then eh? Best o' luck. =)

micvic -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/20/2008 1:14:02)


Do u like cheese
Of course.



pigs (lol)

are these realy random
I somehow doubt it.


so df or aq

above awnser or mq
All of the above

See you

hi agian
Hi again

who would win atrix C or zhoom
I Don't think I can choose.

bye *snuggle*

wiknaja -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/20/2008 2:11:30)

You know who you are?
How would I not?


if not!
We are 2 XD

Welcome to DF

Saojun -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/20/2008 3:48:06)

Hi. Congratz on being promoted. Lol.

1. How was life like at Game Balance Issues, and how's life as an AK and SoO now compared to before then?
All is well. Busy, but that's life. :-)

2. Will you be strict in modding?
Only if that's what is needed.

3. Do you watch anime? And what series do you like?
No, not really.

Hmmm... very few issues to ask about... That's all and welcome to the DF boards! :P
Hope to see you around! :D

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