RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (Full Version)

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Z -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/20/2008 5:42:21)



- END -
Real question: Favorite genre/author? Why?
Science Fiction / Fantasy. And .. probably either Lois McMaster Bujold or David Weber. I like what they write ... good stories, interesting characters.

buth501 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/20/2008 9:21:34)

Hey. ^^

Favorite AE game?
AQ, DF, or MQ.

Favorite food?
Chinese sounds good, today.

Favorite movie?
Don't have one.

Favorite band?
See above.

Favorite song?
Um. I have to pick ONE?

Favorite favorite?

Does favorite start to sound weird?
Not really.

If 1+3=13, what is 3+1=?
I can't come up with a base where 1+3 = 13, so the answer must be 31.

Are noodles good?

You like [sm=animal-smiley-077.gif] or [sm=chicken.gif] best?

As I asked Z, 1-10 how bored am I?

Let's see if you do better than Z here... If you're 555, then I'm?

That was it, bye. ^^
See you

tonyindahouse -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/20/2008 10:46:34)

Hi there?

Wazz up?
Answering my MtAK thread.....

U like power abusing? lol...
No, not particularly.

AQ DF or MQ? Which do u prefer?

Got the idea of this from Brilliancy?
Idea? Do you mean the MtAK thread? No, they're a common practice for new AKs.

Would u plz click my siggie and make an account apon that? lol..
Uh ... what?

nice to meet ya.
Nice to meet you, too.

Slave of music -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/20/2008 12:39:42)

hello ^_^

What made you pic yur avvey?
A friend drew it for me.

do you like guitars?(if so what kind)
Um... I really don't know much about guitars.

Do you think that Z will ever finish his more recent meet the AK thread?

thats all for now byes[:)]

P.S.: Congrats.

xlesslikeyou -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/20/2008 13:32:59)

can anyone help me and tell me how u become a guardian on dragon fable when ur already a guardian in adventure quest and already have the dragon amulet??[sm=flowers.gif]
Y'know, this really doesn't go here.

But you might try looking at the DragonFable homepage and finding the place to verify your Guardian account.

squirrel -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/20/2008 13:41:28)


so u work for Artix??
No, actually, I work for Kalanyr and Alac. Artix is a bit further up the chain.

how do u like balancing the game?
it's intersting.

so what else do u like to do??
Read. Play games. That kind of thing.

well im bored

i've done too many of these

see u around the forums
See you!

boomies -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/20/2008 15:48:39)


Firstly, in your squire of order thing, I edited in a batch of questions for you, you might have missed that. Its here ->
Yes, I missed those. I suppose I should go ahead and answer them.

I like the name Aelthai. It's mine now :-)

My color is neither italic nor pink. It is purple.

No, no clans.

Mmm...I don't think that you know me.

Yes, RUB will be changed. It'll happen when the Sweep reaches weapons.

Now then, for questions.

AQ or DF?

Levels in AQ, DF, and MQ?
For my main, 103 / 35 / 14\

Is there a maximum post number of this MtAK?
1 post per person. beyond that ... we'll see.

Play MQ?

If so, what level there?

What is that avatar for?
She is a Goddess. Need I say more?

When did you hear about AE?
Well, I created my first character on june 24, 2006.

So your a SoO, and a DFGGD AK?

Favorite Mod?
Thank you, but I have more respect for my well-being than to answer that question.

Kalanyr vs Chii, who would win?
Not saying.

Yajuu Dajeki vs Zesoubou Dajeki (Both spelled wrong, but oh well)?
....We'll see. Until then, I refuse to say.

Whats your opinion on MtAKers?
Too many questions!

Well, thats enough for now, bye.
See you!

IndieDrummer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/20/2008 15:57:12)


Don't know you. :/
I can believe that.

Rawr or Grawr?
Rawr is happy. Grawr is to scare.

Rap or Rock?
I think I'll go with not rap.

I HATE rap! :D

Seals in oil?
Depends on the oil. If you mean the body oil that protects them from the water, sure. Otherwise ... not so happy.


Drowning puppies?


See you!

Oh wait, do u liekz mah sig?
I'm not that big on sigs. Just a personal preference.

Mah dream asince April was to become an AK....Do I have a chance? :(

I really don't know.

Shadow_the_hedgehog -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/20/2008 17:32:41)

HEYO! hows it hangin
/me is female.
do you know artix?
no, I don't.

and just a question that's been buggin me.... can werewolf be class or is it only a sub race
It's a subrace.

Bmsman -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/20/2008 18:10:47)


lets see you answer these questions

1. Which sentence do you think is correct? "The egg yolk is white" or the "The egg yolk are white"
The egg yolk is white. Are would imply that you have multiple egg yolks.

The correct answer should have been "The egg yolk is yellow" *chuckles*

2. If i had an apple and you have an apple, how many apples does Alac have?

3. What is an SoO?
Squire of Order. We work for the Knights of Order.

4. How many I's are there in the mississippi river?
Five, at least if you count the one in River.

5. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
As much wood as a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

No problem.

Foligo -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/20/2008 18:33:32)

1.) Holy SnuggleFest nobody tells me things anymore, will you be my friend?

2.) *Snugglestakles* are you a new AK ^_^?

3.) Is the forums diffuclt to handle (if you answered yes to the pervious question) Your in for a surprise with some these members >:)
We'll see.

4.) Which AE game do you play the most?
Hm. Probably AQ, but it's hard to be sure.

5.) Which forum will your possision allow you to be monitoring the most?
I don't know yet.

6.) Do you have a special tag you do at the end of your post (i.e. I do ~F33~) and lockage willl not be an option ^_^.
~Aelthai (but only on edits)

7. Last question... maybe? How did you become an AK did you do anything special?
I helped Alac, and she stole me from Kal.

8.) which one do you find offesive ">:) or XP"?
They're both pretty happy ... why should I be offended?

9.) I like the DragonFable Q&A, which forum do you like?
mostly Game Balance Issues. Well, and the Encyclopedias.....

10.) Have you heard of me or have I been mentioned/talked about/seen any of my posts? (I know I wasn't I just want to ask)
Not offhand....

11.) Snuggleshuggles or Snugglestakles?

2.) This is supposed to be post #12 but which number(s) would you put next to the "2"?
Oh, I don't know. I guess I'll be boring and go with 1.

13.) I'm done bothering you...for now. Hope you enjoy your possision and remeber me ;)

14.) I didn't want to end my post of the #13 lol.

Shadow Spawn -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/20/2008 18:45:55)

Hello,my name is crusader warrior.

Well,i want to say congrats.

Still,i need to know.Are you being force to be archknight or you want to be archknight ?
I agreed.

Finally,welcome to DF forums.

P.S:It is better than MQ forums because there are less people flaming,spaming and complaning.

Sayonara.(Goodbye n japanese)
See you!

Wizard Dragonwind -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/20/2008 21:01:53)

What length are your shackles?
They're -- What are you talking about?

How deep are your shackles?
What shackles?

Do you have any water in that underground dungeon?
It's not underground?

The Who or The Beatles?

Jefferson Airplane/Starship or The Byrds?

Favorite class in any of the AE games?
Ummmmm......I'm not sure. Right now ... probably DragonLord and Paladin.

Does being an AK mess with your brain?

Zorbak or Kabroz?
OR? Why or?

Destiny or Doom?
.... I'm not a big an of fate. In any way, shape, or form.

Yogurt or Strawberry Smoothies?

PanDryer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/20/2008 21:19:33)

Only a few questions.


Okay. To the questions!

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
As much wood as a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.


Wait... Maybe you're right. [;)]

Nah, I'm joking.

Done.. But I might be back. *stares*
Well, I'm sure I'll see you around!

Frydae -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/20/2008 22:04:44)

Hey, sup.

1.) I was just thinking, who would win, Master Chief or Samus Aran?
Let's see ... ... depends on which powerups and weapons they've each managed to acquire, I suppose.

2.) If so, Jango Fett or Boba Fett?

Aw, c'mon! I really needed an answer for this!

3.) If you say so. Do you play with your kittens by roasting them over a hot pan of molten lightbulbs? (you thought I was gonna say lava, huh? Well, muahahahaha!)

Now, to strap a lie detector on you (You know, like that new game show). *fumbles with the "do not flip or you will shock the person you strapped this thing to" switch*

4.) Do fat people repulse you?

Well? We're all waiting... *everyone stares at you*

5.) Would you stop playing all AE games if someone paid you to do so?
That's not a hypothetical situation I have any particular interest in exploring. are hesitant in answering. What could this mean?

6.) Would you ever talk behind Cysero's back if he spread a bad rumor about you?
Now why would he do that?

Because you hurt his feelings without realizing it.

7.) Have you ever hurt an animal intentionally for no good reason?

8.) If (insert favorite person, real or fictional, here) told you that I was a 65-year-old widower who talks to no one in particular, would you believe him/her/it?
Would said person have any reason to know you?

Yes, he knows me, but I will not tell you how.

9.) If Warlic told you the end of the world was tomorrow, and he would despise you for the rest of his immortal life (I granted him immortality because he just is so cool) if you didn't believe him, would you?
I'd ask for more information.

I take that as a no.

10.) Do you think I am weird and/or random?

Why thank you for the complement.

11.) If your drop-dead-gorgeous Girlfriend told you to never play DF/AQ/MQ again, would you? She would leave you if you didn't.
Well, seeing as I'm not really interested in having a drop-dead-gorgeous girlfriend, I suspect this wouldn't happen.

Whoah. Seriously? ...Are you sure? Oh

12.) Do you really care about the starving children in Africa?

*everyone stares at you*

13.) Alac and a helpless child are falling of a cliff. You had the ability to fly, but sadly, no super strength. Both are fallling of a cliff and you can only save one of them. Take your pick.
Didn't you know Alac can fly? Why is she falling?

She is unconscious because...she was exhausted after singlehandedly putting down a rebellion of escaped AKs.

14.) Rolith made you a knight, and as one of the rules, you cannot interact with any evil doers, unless you are fighting them. One night you encountered a most wanted villian who has the ability to give anyone immortality. You manage to defeat him, and are now trying to turn him in. He promises you immortality if you don't, and he will sincerely give it to you. No tricks. Would you take his offer?
No. Who wants immortality?

Me, for one. ...well, maybe semi-immortal, like Superman.

....Plus, if he can offer it, I'm sure it's not unique.

...And anyway, if he can make someone immortal, why is he worried about being turned in?

He cannot give it to himself. Yet.

15.) Would you rather be tortured by being whipped, or by listening to Artix's puns for the rest of your life?
Puns. After all, they're not torture.

For the rest of your life? Even your favorite song for the rest of your life would be torture. Really.

Alright, let's see how honest you are.

...You are: 71% honest.
Now, now. It's very bad to lie... *takes out machete whip chainsaw*

humen owner -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/20/2008 23:09:37)



mastin2 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/21/2008 2:13:26)

I really am not that good at these, but I've tried on almost every one that I've seen! (As usual, plenty of spare room!) You know, you're probably the first AK/SoO that I've never heard of until just now...

1: Congratulations! (Does anyone NOT say that?)
Yes, actually. In any case, thank you!

2: Do you hate people repeating themselves?
Only sometimes.

3: Do you hate people repeating themselves?
Only sometimes.

4: Do you hate people repeating themselves?
Only sometimes.

5: "" being lazy like right here?
Only sometimes.

6: Opinion on people re-responding to your answers? (Do you look at them, do you re-re-respond, etc.)
I will try to, but I cannot guarantee that I will see it.

7: Are you annoyed by people who don't look at the posts above them, and end up asking you the exact same question as someone before them?
Yes. Some, who posted before I had the answer up, have an excuse. But still...

8: how do you react to that kind of situation?
Answer it again. Just maybe not in quite as much detail.

9: What's up?
The ceiling.

10: What's new/What's happening?
/me is an ArchKnight

11: Favorite moment from each game?
Hm. That's a hard one. DragonFable is pretty easy -- the Dragon's Hatching. I think I'll have to go with the Void Dragon War in AQ. For MechQuest ... hm. I think I'll have to go with the arrival in Soluna City, for now.

12: do u hate people talking lk ths? H0w 480u7 p30p13 wh0 2p34k 8421c 1337?
I am much less likely to misunderstand you if you use proper English.

<<< Oops! Sorry! I forgot to add the translation... Do you hate people talking like this? How about people who speak basic leet?>>>

13+14: That's it from me! (I told you I wasn't that good... Though every day, my torture grows stronger!)
Do you think I'll see you again? (Those chains look like they could hold you down for years!)
I'll be around.


Llong Jjohn Killer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/21/2008 4:04:38)

Learn something every day, aye? Never heard of a Squire of offence, just guess I missed a part of the forums.
It's in the AQ forums.

Well........can't think of the best questionsto ask, so I'll ask what's on my mind.

1. Now, from what I have been seeing, for Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. games, they are now trying to add characters that are not owned by Nintendo, to make the game more interesting. And after Brawl comes out, I don't think we will be seeing the next one for a while. After all, it did take them 7 years to make Brawl...........and they're still working on it. So, is there anyone you would like to see in the next game, whenever that is?
I think I'll wait to see who's in this one before making any complaints. It's not like there is a shortage of options...

I, personally ,just want them to add Master Cheif, so they can get this whole Metroid v.s. Halo thing done and over with..........people have to go as far as hacking the games to make it feel like it, just get it over with.[8D]

2. If you watch it, do you miss it, now that Adult Swim got rid of Futurama? I'm starting to miss it........and starting to think I've seen every Family Guy episode at least 3 times over, by now.
I really didn't watch Futurama, so....

3. I guess I'll ask. What's a Squire of Order?
Squires of Order work for the Knights of Order.

4. Sometimes, power isn't everything. Not to me in AQ, anyways. What is your favorite Rare, for it's looks alone? I'll go with Dragosector.
Hm. That's actually difficult. 11th Day of Frostval always made me laugh....

Hmm, can't think of anything else. Might post again later.........well, have fun with your AK thread.[:)]

srinivas -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/21/2008 8:05:34)

Another AK wow, i hope you spend a little time cleaning up the suggestions forum here :D 'cuz it's a little untidy, ya know? :P
Well, we'll see if I can make it there.


1. How old are you?
Old enough to know better.

2. What's your favorite food and drink?
Please look up for ideas about food. For drink .. hm. A really good tea .. oh! I know! Hot cocoa :-)

3. Sneevils or Zards?
I'm going to have to go with Zards, at least until there are ... oh, I Don't know, but something like a Hellzard or a GoldenZard.

4. Artix or Cysero?
Do you really think I'm going to choose?

5. The Hollow or Grafh?
Again, not answering :-p

That's all, and good luck modding[:)]

Elemental Soldier -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/21/2008 10:34:30)

shamallamadingdong thats how one of my friends at school annoy people[:)]

now first Q you like pie
Of course.

2.what kind
Pecan, among others.
i likes apple pie from mcdonalds I dont know why

3.what is better for you AQ DF or MQ
DFify me

4. coke pepsi or dr pepper
Dr. Pepper. Diet, by preference.
the dr for me

5.sprite or 7up

6. what do you watch cartoons, comedy, reality, or game shows, or pick more than one
Not much, actually. And, really, I don't think Dr. Who falls into any of those categories. Out of those ... comedy or game shows, mostly ... and those very rarely. you like youtube
Yes, though I don't spend much time there.

8.what anime (if any) do you watch
naruto much do you play aq/df/mq
Far too much.
i play 1 on school day and 5 on weekdays

10. are you addicted to df (see you know you are adiccted to df when... thread
I don't need to see the thread.

You see, I could add something to it. You know you're addicted to DF when you volunteer to work (for free) to help support a game you have already paid for.

I think that qualifies :-p

i wants to work for df if i was old enough and had a good smarticle in my head i and i do mwahahahahahaha :P

thank you for answering my questions (:):(:) smilies put together hahaha

Cguy -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/21/2008 11:51:02)


1)Do you like cheese? If so, which kind?
Yes. My favorite is cheddar, but there are a lot of good cheeses.

2)What is your favourite colour?

3)Favourite dessert? (I mean pudding not a place with lots of sand[:D])
If you'd meant sand, you'd have said desert :-p Hm. Probably something with lots of chocolate.

4)Who is your favourite NPC?
Zhoom, for now.

5)How long have you been playing DF?
Since July 31, 2006.

6)Which is your favourite animal-I like fish, do you?
I'm a fan of cats.

That is all, thanks!
Thank you, too.

Deathforyounow -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/21/2008 14:43:57)

*Poke* *Poke*
First time back postin in an MtAK since Rimblade, wow I feel old.

'Grats on the AK-ness.

Kay, time to bombard you with sentences of the question variety.

1) So, do you enjoy your service under Alac?
So far, so good.

2) Reading, Writing, or Listening?

3) 3+3?
Six, as long as we're in Base 7 or higher and for values of 3 between ~2.51 and ~3.49.

4) Wow, I can count to 4!
Very good.

8) If I can type 100 words per minute with no mistakes while drinking orange soda with one hand and balancing a volleyball on my head, then what color is the sky?

513) Am I counting correctly?
I think you know the answer to that one ;-)

6) Mudkips?

Kay I'm done.

lellyna -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/21/2008 15:17:33)


The floor.

If you had to tell your whole life story with only one word what word would it be?

99 or 66?

what would you choose if you had to? only be able to eat the food you hate most or only be able to lie the rest of your life?
Well, I wouldn't choose being forced to lie.

how do i know you are not lying?
You don't.

this is were some people would leave in a rly cool way but since im to lazy i think ill just leave. cya
See you!

Outcast of Origin -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/21/2008 18:56:45)

Great another one
Gee, thanks :-p

all i have to ask is wil you be a reliable mod?
I'll do my best.

bob.builder -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/21/2008 21:21:51)

Hey! I just want to say congratz on being an archknight!
Thank you.

BTW... r u in any clans?
No, I'm not.

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