RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (Full Version)

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PaperClip OF DOOM -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/21/2008 23:57:17)

Yaaay a new AK! :D Your nickname shall be Ael, and Aelly when it is snuggle time in #dfstrategy! :D
I warn you, I have Ael highlighted, but I'm not sure I'll ever be willing to highlight Aelly. :-p

I think Ill take Circey's questions and change them with omglolwut randomnessz. Do you think baby hippos are adorable overused as weapons of mass destruction?
I don't think they destroy mass. Create it, possibly.

Are you one of them?!? The... coffee zombies?! D:
I had to mostly give up coffee a few months back :-( It's tea, now!

I don't go on IRC much anymore, real life has chomped me and now it is violently chewing me. :( So that's one less lunatic to mess with your mind. xP So uhh... are you hoping or REALLY hoping that this will not turn into a 15 page full MtAK over night? :O
REALLY hoping. And working hard to keep up....

Give it up, we know you have shackles! :o Are they triangular? Or... what shape are they when Kal is your master?
What shackles?

Your cell can't be far from Circe, she is one of the new AKs. You can still save your self from the DF forums! xD If we lure away the guards (LB, morgensturn and W_h!) while Alac is sleeping, you can run away! :D
But what if I don't WANT to? That's the real trick, you know.

Well that's all for me for now. Hope I will meet you on IRC on the few times I go on there. ^^
I'll keep an eye out for you.

Enjoy and don't suffer too much here! :D Bye.
See you!

tren54 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/22/2008 15:29:32)

Well, SOMEONE has been keeping up to date on this thread. XD That's a first.
I'm working at it. It's not the easiest thing in the world.

So, editing color?

What shape are YOUR shackles, I heard Alac's were triangles.
*sigh* They're only illusions, you know.

So, does this process seem familiar?

ORIGINAL: Magic Number23->westward_ho

What did you do when you found out you're soul is gone?
It's right here. Any information you have received to the contrary is incorrect.

Well, to become a mod you must first split the soul that Alac took from you at AKtime and then split it into 7 pieces a la Voldemort and then give them all to Reens in labeled plastic baggies

Well, of course.

Yeah, I'm nice and out of questions right now. -_-" Scary, right?
After some of these people? Not too bad.

Ricobabie -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/22/2008 15:41:44)

/me runs in late. Hopefully I'm on time ^_^
You're in plenty of time.

/me congrats snuggles

:O you answer questions fast.
Thank you. I try.

How are you today?
I'm quite well. Busy, but that's normal.

omg -_- it's snowing again T_T Do you like snow?
Yes. Though ... not when I'm driving home after dark and the snow is blowing sideways and I can't see. Being passed by the snowplow is embarrassing.

Ooo I heard on the radio, someone on ebay was auctioning snow, and he thought no one would buy it since it was a joke. But someone bought the snow for 3000 dollars. :o
Oooh. Just goes to show that some people will buy anything, I guess.

What is the strangest thing you've done so far?
......randomly start trying to duplicate bugs because I was bored?

If you can make a triple color cake, what colors would you pick?
Green, blue, and purple sounds good.

Favourite place in the world is?

Do you have a favourite ocean? (I always wanted to ask someone that lol)
I have, unfortunately, never seen any except the Atlantic, so I'm going to have to go with the Atlantic Ocean.

Anyways I'm going to leave you alone now ^_^

/me bye snuggles

Sephirousy -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/22/2008 16:49:26)

Hmm, Well I feel honoured that I finally get the chance to interview an AK, Hope I'm still on time.
You are also in plenty of time.

A simple few really...

1: Dragons or Gryphons?

2: Favourite brand of chocolate?
It's chocolate. I have rarely* run into bad chocolate.
*though somehow, I have some bad chocolate sitting next to the stove. I think it's still there only because I can't believe it can really be that bad. I mean, it's *chocolate*!

3: Favourite out of all 3 AE games? (Assuming you play of course...I hope you do >_>)
I like all three, and still refuse to pick one :-p

4: Weapon you're best known for having/ALWAYS using?
Ummm. I really don't think I have a weapon I'm known for.

5: Favourite DF class?

6: Have you ever done anything foolish in front of a camera?

7: If so...Care to enlighten us? [:D]
Not really :-p

8: Left or Right handed? (Strange...But hey, I'm not feeling creative today)

9: What's YOUR meaning of life?

10: Zhoom vs Cysero...Who's your favourite?
Not picking :-p

And finally.

Enjoy your AK-Ness, Happy modding. [:D]

Lornicai -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/22/2008 23:11:02)

OMG!! I fell asleep on my toaster until the bread hit me in the face, did I make it?
I think this would be a yes.

You got an ice pack? Third degree burns hurt.

Oh right, congrats and all, I made a cake but then my evil twin stabbed it with tuna.
Tuna? Hm :-\

Sorry, really hyper, anyways: Favorite color?

DF, AQ, or MQ. (Holy cow, two quests and a fable! I could make that a story title...)

Do you believe that ninjas can eat cake and juggle at the same time?
Only if they practice juggling.

Hmm...Pie or Cake?
I don't really want to choose.



Cake, I guess.

Short attention span has kicked in, me gonna go :D
See you around.


Darius -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/22/2008 23:21:51)

Hi Ael. I'm Darius. Gratz on AK-ness!

First off: I don't think I've seen you too often on the DF boards. Were you assigned here even though you typically frequent someplace else? Or am I blinder than a bat and just plain haven't noticed you?
No, you probably haven't seen much of me. I'm quiet. In this case, though, I think it's mostly because I have well-developed characters, know the game, and like testing for bugs.

Second: If the former is true, are the DF forums really that bad off that they need to assign extra AKs to it? Nvm, I can answer that one myself: YES!!!!! The spam here is OUT OF CONTROL!!!!! PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Third: If the latter is true, then my vision really needs checked out. Do you know a good ophthamologist you can recommend?

Thanks, that's all I got right now. Good luck on your AK-ness! You'll need it...

map13 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/22/2008 23:51:22)

=O me again!!! Ya your in for ummm... Whatever you felt last time times a million!!!

ya ment to say um... iq not gpa... That proves my 23 iq 0.o

Do you like pecan pie???

Pecan Pie=Yum XD

What would happen if artix forgot to edit that one part... Silly Pally XD

Yes you are probobly going wtf by now huh?

If not then i have failed V.V

I'm gonna eat brownies now... Mom topped em' with her special roxs


Let's see hit 15 questions on your last post, and I limited it to one post per person. I knew there was a reason to do that!

Enjoy the brownies.

silverdarkness003 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/23/2008 16:14:08)

helo ummmm that it? whatever:p
It's Aelthai, actually. Hello.

if you were a dragon would you eat me as a chicken with ketchup?
I prefer food that I have not had a conversation with.

do you like my :p s?
I suppose :-p

that's it :p

mattclown22 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/23/2008 19:33:31)

Aq,Df.or Mq?

Favorite food?
Right now, chicken and rice of some kind sounds good. It varies.

favorite pastime?
Hm. Reading, playing games ... all of the above?

would you ever leave the KoO?
I'm not a KoO; I'm a Squire. While there are circumstances which could force me to leave, I don't see it happening soon.

Silver Dragon -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/23/2008 21:04:16)

OK first off a proper intro.

Good to see another AK in the DF board. i think circe and the others were starting to get bored being alone in the cell [8D]. congratz on the position.

1. you like dogs? if so what's your favorite breed?
Yes. Anything that's willing to be friendly ... all right, I particularly like labs and golden retrievers.

2. Which do you play more? DF AQ or MQ?

3. Pie or Cake?

4. what color are the shackles on your wrists?
Weren't you listening? Any shackles I may or may not have are invisible.

5. Shiny things? I like them? Some, not all.

6. who is sepulchures master?
I refuse to speculate at this time ;-)

7. favorite armor? (out off all the DF AQ or MQ ones)
Mh. Um. I'll pick one. DragonLord?

8. light or Darkness (element not weapon power)

9. Paladin or Deathknight?
Um. Paladin?

10. play anything other than AE games?

11. how much does ze ball and chain shackled to your ankle weigh?
It's immaterial.

12. Zorbak, Twilly, or Twig?
Twilly. Heals you, then grabs a dragonblade and helps you kill things. What else is there to say?

13. you like ze shiny new buttons?
/me blinks

14. how'd you feel when you got a notice for AK?

15. on a scale of 1-50 million how bad does your brain hurt after answer all my meaningless, and sometimes stupid questions?

well gratz agian on AK. hope you'll not work to hard [:)]
Thanks, and we'll see.

Frayzer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/23/2008 21:16:20)

Hello Aelthai! Seems like you're the 9th DF AK. Congratulations!

1) Hows like being an AK and SoO at the same time?
It's OK.

2) Prefer being an AK or SoO?
It's all good.

3) Are you studying or working now? (If you're studying go to Q4, if you're working go to Q5)

4) What subjects are you studying now?

5) Whats your current job?

6) Dream job?

7) Am I of any significance to you?
I don't know, yet

Have fun being an AK!

Tritran -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/23/2008 21:17:35)

i have some random questions for you.

1: Do you like brownies?

2: Do you like Cookies?

3: What is your favorite food? (yes i am hungry right now so im asking alot of food related questions)
It varies. Pizza is common.

4: (this ones not so random) What do you like most about DF?
The storyline.

5: (this ones not so random also) What do you like most about AQ?
Again, stuff happens :-)

6: (this ones not so random as well as the last two) What do you like most about MQ?
I'm looking forward to the storyline. plus, it has mecha!

7: Do you play Maple Story?
No, I missed that one.

8: Are you tired of my randomness?
Was that supposed to be random?

9: [&:] or [>:]

10: [:)] or [:D] or [&o]

11: [:o] or [:(]

12: do you like to (or have ever) punted twilly?
Yes. I beat Moglin Punter :-)

13: Do you like to (or have ever) Punted Zorback?
Sure, why not?

14: What base class did you chose in DF?
I have one of each.

thats enough of my randomness for now bye[:D]
See you :-)

Fourslice -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/24/2008 4:50:24)

lol HI!! not sure if you know me coz im not on forums much...
Hello. I think I've seen you somewhere, but I'm not sure where. i just post and you answer ? ok if thats how it goes, btw,congratz on the positon!
Pretty much, yeah. Thanks!

-Which AE game do you find most interesting?
AQ, DF, and MQ. I'm not picking a favorite :-)

-do you really see me on forums?
As I said, I think I've seen you somewhere, but I'm not sure where.

- how randoM can you be?
Fairly. I'm just not feeling random today :-p

- know how to do ß ?
I'm sure there's a code for it, but I've never needed that one, so I don't know it.

-dont mean to be offending but do you consider yourself relatively old?
I don't think so ... but I suspect I'm older than a lot of people here.

-if so,mind telling me your age?
Let's say mid-twenties and leave it there. Don't you know it's impolite to ask a lady her age? :-p

-caramel or chocolate?
Oooh, hard one. How about caramel AND chocolate?

- if you were to PUNT a moglin,who would it be??
Twilly is the default victim.

-favorite AE NPC?
Right now, Zhoom -- but this changes regularly.

well.......i am out of questions.....can i make more next time?
You're at 11. You're only allowed 15 ... in one post. That doesn't leave much room for a "next time" :-p

okokok, BYE [8D]

Irios -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/24/2008 7:05:13)

1. Hi. How are ya?
Quite well.

2. /me gratz you and shakes hand
Thank you.

3. What you like best about the AE forums?
It's a tossup between the game information and the fact that AE actually uses player suggestions.

4. Any dreams?
Of course.

5. Any dreams youd like to come true?
Of course.

6. Favorite DF class?
I'm going to go with DragonLord again.

7. Least favorite pie?
That's hard. How about any pie that isn't cooked properly?

8. 1337 M@573R?
Not if I can avoid it.

9. Ever had people miss-spelling your name?(Its annoying T_T)
Oh, yes.

Thaz all! See ya 'round!
See you!

Z -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/24/2008 8:18:48)

More questions. :P
But ... but ... but ... you're supposed to only get ONE post!
......well, you did only ask one question. I guess I'll let you slide -- THIS time ;-)

Favorite joke/joke item/monster/quest etc. in DF?
You would pick a hard question. The Salek Sprayer comes to mind immediately, along with Z.A.R.D.I.S ....
...Oops, that's AQ, not DF. Hm. DF. I think Breakfast with Warlic is probably my favorite.

Favorite class?
I think I'm going to stick with DragonLord for now. There is some very close competition, though...

Chocolate - milk, dark, white, or other kinds?
Yes. All of the above. Though I will say that raspberry chocolate isn't as good as orange chocolate.

Which kind of coffee? If you go to Starbuck's, do you add vanilla/cocoa powder/syrup/milk?
Not too acidic ... oh, and I like it white and sweet. All of the above ... though not usually in the same glass :-)

I still maintain that I am not food. Though at least you're not calling me a drink!

Rawr. :D
Rawr [:D]

Dragonlord John! -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/24/2008 12:30:23)

Hi! (waves)

Some questions:

Doom or Holy?

Evil or Good

SC, DA, Guardian?

Why the name?
Long story. The short version is that it's derived from a name in a book I liked, and I've been using variations on it for years.

Number one or two?
" even number. And even numbers have positive connotations..."
Seriously, they're both good numbers. For today, I'll go with two.

See ya!!!!
See you!

Alixander Fey -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/24/2008 14:51:45)

Well, hello!
Hello :-)

Do you like my avatar?

Do you ever go to Legends and Lore?
Not often.

You should!
I keep meaning to. At the moment, it keeps losing to other time commitments.

What do you like the most about DF?
The storyline. The jokes are a close second.

How did you become an AK?
Alac asked me.

Which is you favorite? =P :D =) or XD?

Edit: What? This is boring!
I'm sorry. I guess you need to ask different questions, then.

Did anyone ever tell you that your avatar was ugly?
No, no one has ever told me that. If you mean to imply that you think that, I am sorry for you.

Dragonlord John! -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/24/2008 15:51:23)


ORIGINAL: Dragonlord John!

Hi! (waves)
Some questions:

SC, DA, Guardian?

The first one is which do you prefer?

The second is the same, which do you prefer?

I know that is what you meant. In this case, "yes" means that I have not chosen. Each has their advantages and disadvantages, and I enjoy all three approximately equally.

Tomix -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/24/2008 17:29:18)

Greetings ^_^
I see AK Gathering has recruit a new, fresh soul[8D] Congratz to you[:D]
AK Gathering? Thanks.
I'm not a type to ask many questions, but I'll ask you a few[;)]

How it feels to be an AK?? ^^
Busy. Or maybe that's just me.

What's your favourite vegetable (Mine is tomato :P)??
Asparagus. Or perhaps cauliflower...

What's your favourite kind of music??

And what is your favourite kind of book??
Science Fiction & Fantasy

Thanks for answering my questions, wish you luck on your way of being an ArchKnight :D

Alixander Fey -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/24/2008 19:33:11)


ORIGINAL: Alixander Fey

Well, hello!
Hello :-)

Do you like my avatar?

Do you ever go to Legends and Lore?
Not often.

You should!
I keep meaning to. At the moment, it keeps losing to other time commitments.

What do you like the most about DF?
The storyline. The jokes are a close second.

How did you become an AK?
Alac asked me.

Which is you favorite? =P :D =) or XD?

Edit: What? This is boring!
I'm sorry. I guess you need to ask different questions, then.

Did anyone ever tell you that your avatar was ugly?
No, no one has ever told me that. If you mean to imply that you think that, I am sorry for you.

Bah? Did you get offended? Apologies!
It's all right, I suppose.

So, what is your primary duty on the DF forums?
Bugs and DF GD, so far.

What is your dream?

No, that's all. I limited it to one post per person, so I'm going to stop here ;-)

Rebel PL -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/25/2008 4:05:18)


if you could be any character from and video game who would you be?
Right now, I'd be Aelthai.

whats the one fantasy creature you would want to be real?
Y'know, most of the cool ones are good to read about, but I'm not sure I'd actually want to meet them....

favorite color?

lucky # ?

whos ur favorite actor/actress ?
Er. Not sure I have a favorite.

mustard or ketchup?

favorite book?
Just one? ... I guess I'll go with Off Armageddon Reef, today. It might be different, tomorrow.

favorite subject in school?

thats about all i can think of thx for answering questions.
No problem :-)

uncguy -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/25/2008 17:37:47)

Hey Aelthai and congrats on becoming a new AK

Muahahahaha, now comes the interesting part*pulls out ultra big tweezers*.

1. Have you ever seen Monty Python and the Holy Graile?
It's Grail, and yes.

2. Who's ya mama?

3. Who's ya daddy?

4. Do you play Dragonfable, AQ, or MQ very often?
Is "almost every day" often?

5. What exactly does a SoO do?
Help the Knights of Order

6. You like pizza right?

7. Favorite animal?

8. Did you read and like the Inheritance trilogy yet?
Eragon, yes. I think I've read Eldest, not sure.

Ok, enough for now, you may go.

mooneeve -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/25/2008 17:55:35)

Hi! Nice to meet a new AK every now and then...
hello :-)

I don't seem to have many questions so...

I'll ask some more later!
Please post them here. I suppose you can add a post at the end of my MtAK thread to tell me they're here, though. So I won't miss them.

How do you keep up with these questions?
I work hard.

You promise you'll spen more time in DF?
I already have been. As long as you mean the forums, anyway. The forums seem to take away from my game-playing time....

For sure?

Reallly realllly sure?

Good because if you said yes...

You win a clam...

Which I can't send to you >.>!

So enjoy the saying no prize...

A clam I can't send to you.

Well thats all can't think of questions...

But I'll be back for more questions/anwsers! Congratulations by the way![;)]

krusher64n -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/25/2008 18:26:37)


Do you like dolphins?

Favorite color?

Do you think sneevils should stop their stealing ways?
Well, I'm not sure they'd be sneevils ... but I really don't approve of stealing.

Do you think sepulchure is really evil?
Pretty much.

Are you hungry?
No, I recently ate.

Do you play mq?

If so, favorite mech?
I want to buy the Star Valkyrie.

Favorite df and/or Aq armor?
DF .... probably Dragonlord. AQ ... it's hard, with so many. For now, I'll go with the new Golden.

Um... Congratz.


quoteth Mysterious Johnson:
That is seriously mysterious!

chocolate or vanilla?
Vanilla. Usually.

Favorite DF and AQ class?
DragonLord and Paladin

See you!

Wait, good answers! You earned a virtual cookie!

A+! Good answers!

Grixus Faldor -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: Aelthai (1/25/2008 19:26:21)

Hehehehe!! Aelthai!! You saw my post in the other thread, so now for more torture!!! (j/k)
oh, boy.

Now if I were to say I found a key that Alac dropped which could unlock your shackles how would you react?
"Alac! I think you dropped something!"

Now let's say that I have it!! Wait... err... who put my trousers in the washing machine!!?? Aaah.. the keys are fine.. errr... wait why are they bent... better go to a locksmith... *whistles*

Ok... where did you hide the pie?
I didn't hide it.

Just don't ask why the cat has pie on his whiskers.

Let's say there's no tomorrow, how would you react??
Go on with life. There is only today. After all, what we call tomorrow is another today ;-)

Well that's all, pray that I don't come back, jokes!

Good Day!
And a good day to you.

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