RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (Full Version)

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Lady Eliac -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 23:44:50)

But...but... I ran out of suicide pills! :'(

See what you did?
Yup, and I can't help but wonder where I go from here

Now I'll start using drugs.
Drugs are bad

And become an ant-stealing ganster-grammaring serial killer.
Be home in time for supper

And I'll steal lollypops from random old people.
Get me a red one

And scream "U R NOOB" at random second graders.
Film it, thats classic Youtube Material

And buy that foot cream that's red and spread it on random people in the street so there'll be mass panic.
Zombies ate my neighbors, part 2

And its all your fault.
Is it odd that i'm filled with a sort of fatherly pride?


Anyway: I think the dot was MEANT to drive you insane. You know, because all Falerin's servants have to have some level of insanity.
Fair enough

Yerameyahu -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 23:50:00)

Is this thread intended for random spam madness, or did that just happen on its own?
It was an accident but it's one heck of a roller coaster, so please keep your arms and legs inside the cart and if you like your head being attached to your neck please remain seated

Baker -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 23:53:19)

Congrats, losh! I like the original title of the thread. :P
I wanted to come up with something else because I actually don't like Inside the Actors Studio but whatever, this works until I can come up with something better

I've lost my creativity for these types of threads so I have very few, unoriginal questions.

What's your favorite type of literature? (both genre and publication)
Mystery all the way, a good whodunit can keep me on my toes and occupied for hours

Enjoying the shackles?
More than I should, they do look pretty good with these jeans

How did you find the forums / AE's games?
Thank VGCats for that

Congrats again, and welcome to the team. Have fun. :D
Thanks a lot, I see you're a Jeff Dunham fan, we're gonna get along well

The Game -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/26/2008 23:56:04)

A new AK!

I will ask in this color if you do not mind.
Totally cool

1. Now that you are an AK, will you miss the sunlight? I do.
Well even before I became an AK I was a rather jaded bitter angry reclusive misanthrope so being here hasn't changed much in my daily routine

2. How are those shackles? Mine are Fluffy Pink.
I went with the black ones, but they are pretty fluffy around the bottom, cute little trim

3. I assume your cage is tight enough?
I have a water bottle and hamster wheel, I suppose I could take it out though, i'm never gonna use the thing, that would give me enough room to actually lie down when I sleep

4. Are you going to help out in MQ GD? It gets really bad there.
This is gonna sound bad since i'm an AK now 'n all but I have no clue what that is, but feel free to invite me over if ya need help

Well, I will not harass you further. Bye!

Lady Eliac -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/27/2008 0:07:29)

...You're my father?!
Don't tell your mother


Its my long lost dream, fulfilled!

*Snuggles* We can watch barney together...

and I can teach you all my favorite disney songs, and sew my name into your wonderwear...

and--AAAAAND-- you can explain where babies come from!
When a man has special feelings for a woman, he takes his ********* and then it ********* so that ********* in the ******** so the woman has to ********* sideways *********ing the ********** soup ********** and the man ******* in lettuce ********* before an octopus *********** and the brain comes out of the nose. And thats where babies come from

Nex del Vida -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/27/2008 0:44:00)


Wow. Awesome.
Invarsible question. But you can see it cuz you're editing... bleh...
How's it feel?
Good, like biting into a candy bar <3

Were you surprised?
No, we all knew the time of my uprising was soon at hand

How is this going to affect your L&L career? More writing? Less?
I don't wanna write any less than I already do, so i'll try to keep it the same

What's gonna happen to your stories?
Well like i've said, Jack has been enjoying this more than I have so we're gonna stick around

On a scale of 1-10, how fun is it to press the shiny new buttons?

Word association time! I say a word, you say whatever the heck pops into your head.
1. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliaphobia.
Big Daddies from Bioshock
2. Mosquito.
3. Bite.
4. Douglas Adams.
Dirk Gently
5. Hoopy Frood.
6. Flippy.
Princess Peach doing Gymnastics
10. What?
Legend of Mana (all must play this game!!!)
40: Very good.
111: Flapjacks.

Wow... this is awesome...

Why orange?
I have no idea, I usually go with dark blue but Orange seemed unique for me

I think you should get some adaptation of a rose avatar... to go with Jack Rose. Like it? Eh? Eh?
True but then what would I do about my other stories? Hmm? HMMMMMMM!?!? lol

Would you rather buy France or Switzerland?
France, then not only would I have eurodisney all the myself I know some cute girls that live there

Gute Nacht, Loshy. I have the feeling that this is the start of a beautiful AK-ship.
Play is again Sam (I know he never says that but whatever

EDIT: Ooh, cell questions seem to be pretty popular. Here we go.

Have you tried to gnaw through your bars yet?
Nah, seems like a shame to damage such nice bars

How many teeth did you break?
I lost one in a fight the other day

Are you sharing your cell with a fat man named Jasper who smells of brimstone and frog mucus?
He really smells more of brimstone and sewer, it's not a frog smell. And we don't share a cell, I have my own cage

Have you shared a salad with him yet?
I know what that means, and no, no I haven't

Did he steal all of the croutons?
You are a sick sick man my friend

I bet he did... tell him off for me. Bad Jasper! You'll never make a hot air balloon out of croutons!
He doesn't need the croutons for that, he's been tunneling out

Some advice: Steal Jasper's teeth and bite through the bars with them. I spent four years in a cage with him one time in southeastern France. They were testing the potency of Losh-flesh mixed with strawberries on human flesh... my intestines still show when I flex my stomach.
...Yeah thanks, i'll keep that in mind

Gute Nacht for real now.

EDIT2: Gaah! Ver stole my hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliaphobia! Noooo!

I didn't even look at his post...
That's my battle cry for when I play D&D. Nerds to the rescue.

Lady Eliac -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/27/2008 1:37:18)

...What?! Don't you like my mother?!
She's still mad at me

And what do the stars have to do with it? Babies don't come from stars.
Of course they don't, I had to censor it so that I don't get fired on my first day

Uh-huh. Google says so.
The Internet is filled with lies

Why don't you like barney? *Snuggles Barney toe jam*
He scares me, even when I was a little kid

Do you like Maelstrom of Lunlia?
Yes, yes I do

Brilliancy -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/27/2008 5:24:06)

We are here because of you, Mr. Time Losh.
Thou flatters me

We're not here because we're free. We're here because we are not free. [;)]
Excellent, mwahahaha...yyyeah

/me snugglehuggletickles TL
*can't help but giggle* Sorry, ticklish

I have heard you are fan of Matrix ;)
You heard correctly my dear...also because I told you a while ago xD

Do you believe it's true?
I do

I do :P
Wait...if we both said I do just now does that mean we're like married or something?

Congratulations to your AKship and see you on IRC!
Thank you very much ^^ I look forward to it

wind_luver -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/27/2008 5:42:46)

Greetings and Salutations.

Konichiwa ^^
*gasp* You know where I live, you must be a witch!

Watashi wa Luveru Windu desu.
Burn the witch!

You probably don't know me as I am a relatively new face here, (read: I started ages ago, went traveling for 6 months, had all my work nicked, and am just beginning to rewrite my relatively bad poems)
Fair enough

But I was reading through some of your questions in an moment of idleness and was amused so decided to ask you a few, even if I haven't actually asked any yet, but hey ^^ Yanno how it goes ^-^.
Of course I do...*fiddles with his ligher*

What's your favourite colour?
Oddly enough it's not orange, it's dark blue

(Note: That I have just betrayed my nationality there)
Burn the witch!

You mentioned a few forms of martial arts you do, what other sports? If any.
Well like I said, I took a few years of bralizian jujuitsu and i'm currently taking boxing (have for about a year and a half now) I also enjoy bowling and mini-golf

what is your favourite style of fighting? And yes, this includes watching it.
Pro Wrestling, I enjoy watching and it and the video games are always fun, I don't care if it's completely fake, I think that adds an even greater source of entertainment to it. Ballet is completely rehearsed, so are plays

What, other than a number, is the meaning of life.
"I'm sorry but your princess is in another castle" That simple Mario quote gave me an ephiphany about 6 years ago

I expect you to think most carefully over every single one of these questions, as I have put a lot of thought into them.
Burn the witch!

In case you hadn't noticed, sarcasm is my preferred form of humour.

Have a good day sir.!
Thanks, you too

Ja ne.

(Also congratulations!)

...Burn the witch!

Mistermafio -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/27/2008 7:16:25)

Hey TL, congratz again!

So I'm guessing you have hidden the plans by now?
Of course, where no one will find them

Remember, not a word to the Falinator <.< >.>
He'll be back...

I hear you like Jeff Dunham.

What is your favourite puppet?
Jose Jalapeno...on a steeeeeek

JeFaFaa Dun Ham Dot Com!

Peanut FTW!
Muppet on Crack

Well, I don't have much more to ask you >.>

I'll see you around TL, I'm pretty sure of that.
I know where you sleep

And remember, keep it real!
(Only $5,95 per episode)
I assume you're refering to the Jack Rose TV show, it's all done with puppets =D You know you save a lot of money by just buying all 13 episodes for $30

Sairex the Dragwolf -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/27/2008 8:21:52)

I slept for 10 hours straight, read ''Misery'' for 1 hour and all I got was this stupid gouch.
I just read every single VGCats Comic and ate ice cream and all I got was my second heart attack

Favorite card in the deck?
Jack of Clubs, I use it as a book mark my favorite Tarot card is The Tower

Wich card describes you best?
I have no idea, probably one of the two I just said xD

I'm a black Joker no doubt ^_^
Good for you

My dad loves Martini, but my friend says that it sucks compared to Mochito, whadaya think?
I think i'll punch you if you ever spell Mojito that way again xD

Did you know ''Gesundheit'' means ''health'' in nazi language?
I do now, and knowing is half the battle

Now go bow down to a statue of some fat guy and make me proud.
I'm not just some fat guy, my name is Losh, and you guys can get around to bowing to it as soon as those lazy people finish up it's construction *mutters* December of 07 my butt

Anon Y. Mous -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/27/2008 12:23:36)

Congrats, man!

Now, after that well thought out congratulatory greeting, here come the questions:

1. Did Falerin say your soul tasted sweet, sour, salty, or bitter?
He never got it, right now it's in the pocket of some travelling merchant somewhere in africa

2. If 1+1=2, shouldn't... If I forgot what I was going to ask you for question number two, what would you say?
What is it with you guys and making me do math stuff?

3. What is the thing you look forward to doing most with your totally awesome AK powers?
No clue

4. Do you hate acronyms as much as I do?
You caught me as I just woke up and right now i'm thinking of palindromes

5. OMG! Really?
Sure, why not

6. Did you get to pick your shackles?
Pretty much, they measure you up, you get to pick the color and level of fluffiness

7. What if there were no hypothetical situations?
There are no hypothetical questions...only Zuul

Once again, congrats!

Lady Eliac -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/27/2008 13:14:35)

Wait, that means Brillancy is my forumous mother! *Snuggles Brillancy*
Hmm...I guess that makes sense, I dunno, ask your mother

Are you annoyed with answering these questions yet?
Not even a little bit

Why do you think you were chosen as an AK?
Because i'm full of awesome and win and my skeleton is made out of candy

Do you think its fair that some authors are popular and others aren't? Why or why not?
Nope, almost every author is given a chance, if an author is popular than they've done something to deserve it

Do you like elves? >:D
Depends on the scenario

Do you like Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables, or Wicked?
Only the book, Only the book, and No

I do. 'Cuz its awesome and I can.
Fair enough

*Snuggles* I think I'm all done with the questions nao. Probably not, though.
Thank you, come again

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/27/2008 16:09:37)

I'm back! I was bored...
Welcome to the Kwik-E-Mart

Do my numerous math problems! I gave them to Mistermafio:
2x3= 5
5x5= 10
Time Losh+Brilliancy= -Half Time Losh's Stuff xD
Eliac+Dark Omen= No Clue
Mistermafio+Rico= Again Dunno
Falerin+______= STOP WITH THE MATH PEOPLE!!!
Mex2= 4 Black Eyes

Fill in the blanks in this:
When I was A newt I went to the Park and found The lady in the Lake. She pulled out her Sword and smiled. Falerin saw this and decided to help before he Stole the sword. He pressed a shiny red button which fired Hex-Lax at Me. They all Got Better.

7 x 6 = 42 (I had to get the meaning of life into ONE of these answers

That's all I have to say...for now!
Live long and prosper

Søren -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/27/2008 23:22:29)

Time Losh!
I am he who takes headshots, yes

Will you ever comment on my story?

Are you my father?
How many kids did Brilliancy and I have? Jeez

Are you my mother?

Are you the waiter?
No i'm the host, theres a difference, I just take you to the table

Are you Colonel Quivering?
Not even close

Bye Time Losh.
So long

Lady Eliac -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/28/2008 7:34:13)

What the... a father, mother, and brother all in one day?! I'm overwhelmed.
Here's some Time Losh 'calm down pills' they're actually just m&m's but whatever

Actually, I knew your skeleton was made of candy. I bit you that one time, remember?
Are you sure? 'cause to get to the candy bones you have to go through the alcohol blood...I think it'd be pretty funny to see Eliac drunk

I hope you've you've had your rabies shot. Srsly.
Eliac I have TB and an oozing leg wound, I think it's safe to say i'm not very well vaccinated xD

Darn it! You're tricksy. Now I can't say you don't like me 'cuz I have pointy ears. *Snuggles Loshy* I'm glad, though.
Well like I said, the scenario varies. I enjoy the Wood Elves from Everquest and the Night AND Blood Elves from WoW but I don't like the elves from D&D or Lord of the Rings (except Hugo Weaving, he's dreamy xD)

You'd make a horrible racist, see.
I can't be racist, I hate everyone equally

I'm amazed you don't like Phantom of the Opera Musical-- have you ever seen it in public? (I'm biased.)
If by public you mean performed by 5th graders than yes

Well, okay, no phantom-- what about "My Fair Lady", the movie, with Rex Harrison and Audrey Hepburn?
No, but I do respect both of those actors

Only one more thing:

, (see its a different mark, lets see how he reacts.)
...*head explodes, alcohol and snickers bars fly everywhere*

Ricobabie -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/28/2008 11:01:41)

I ish herez!!!
Oh em gee, u totally are!

TL! Congrats!
Thank you very much ^^

/me uber snuggles ^_^
Awww *uber snuggles back*

How are the buttons? They're shiny eh?
Oh yeah, like discovering a jewel mine

Are you going to change your avy or keep it as it is? D:
As soon as I learn how to do that I will

Oooo do you have a lock signature? How about TimeLock :o
I was thinking something like that, something involving a Start Button on a gamer controller to pause it, or just saying "You've just been Loshed!" but part of me wants to go with "The Losh says No" xD

Now that you have a lock signature you need a cunning title. *thinks*
I'm still workin' on that. "My Mom Thinks I'm Cool" "Drunken Master of L&L" are some of the ideas and examples that have been kicking around

What's your favourite smile? I like :O <--I do that on PMs a lot XD
Probably "xD" I use that one for many different situations and purposes

So I can't seem to find MM's cell, where is yours? Maybe I'll have better luck visiting you there.
I slipped Falerin a tip and got something with a view, so i'm right by the door to the torture pit. I hope you do come by sometime, i'll make sandwiches

Anyways I'm going to leave you alone for now :P
You don't have to :(

Byez ^_^
Take care

Black 541 -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/28/2008 12:34:09)

Congrats. Here, have a Spaceship that doesn't need giraffes for fuel.
As long as Sinistar keeps eating my ships i'll always need more

Now, on to the questions.
Zug Zug

1) How many people have you infected with Losh parasites at your work/prison?
None yet, Loshes usually keep to themselves, deep underground

2) Did you know, my skeleton is made out of chicken?
Of course

3) Was it Mrs White in the Lounge with the Lead Pipe? it wasn't

6) What is 10 to the power of 63?
You guys are really doing this on purpose now aren't you?

42) Are you the secret to life, the Universe and Everything?
Sure, why not?

11294) Is the Jack of Diamonds the secret to Life, the Universe and Everything?
Not even close

I used to think that Snakes on a Plane was the name of the Metal Gear Solid movie :(

By the light of the moon

.Discipline -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/28/2008 15:37:42)

What do you think the 'powers' of literature are?
Alpha Beta Gamma and Steve

When do I get my promotion? :P
Please direct all questions regarding this matter to my attorney *throws a potato with googley eyes on it onto the ground in front of you*

What character, from anyone's stories, do you find you relate to most?
If by anyone i'm allowed to include my own then I'm gonna have to say Absinthe...except without the hot rocker girlfriend

That is all.
And thats the way it is

Lana -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/28/2008 15:40:30)

Hello! =)
This was a triumph...

I'm making a note here: huge success

It's hard to overstate my satisfaction

Remember to continue to read my story, WILDEST DESIRE. I've finally put up another chapter. ^,..,^
Apeture Science

I love cake, don't you?
We do what we must, because, we can

*Drools* cake...=)
For the good of all of us

Do you think if I say cake enough i'll get a title, CAKE LOVER if I EVER get to be an AK ever in my lifetime?
Except the ones who are dead

Cake dangit...
but theres no sense crying over every mistake

You just keep on trying til you run out of cake

Oh what the hay, grats. *Smile*
and the science gets done and you make a neat gun

*Hugs* Grats again.
for the people who are still alive


The cake is a lie

TreadLight -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/28/2008 15:46:31)

Hey Losh, I still haven't seen you in IRC!

I hope you start frequenting it.
It confuses and angers me, I don't spend a lot of time there

We becomes buddies :D
Bring pizza

I'll need to see you there.
Time Losh no function pizza well without

Like, really.
Plain cheese is fine

Go on!
Okey dokey

It's 6 in the f-ing morning!!!

Your just pausing, right? With that drunken game controller of yours?
Nope, new game though

I used random combination of what you said in Rico's post >_>
I noticed

So, yeah. Get on!
In due time my friend

Edit: Oh, and for your title, you should go with - [Time] Wormhole of ArchL&L. Give it some thought ^_^
Will do

Sara -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/28/2008 15:51:24)

I will only post once.
Fair enough

Are you ready for my endless barage of questions?
Bring it boiiiiiiii!!!

Is there a limit to how many I can ask?
Actually yeah but it didn't stop you

For these questions you can't pick both or neither.
Like hell I can't!

Cats or dogs?
I have a dog, I love him

Fish or lice?

Ticks or dog poop?
Dog poop won't make me swallow my tongue (Indigo Prophecy reference for those who played it)

Ants or wasps?
If ants were the size of a human hand we would not be the dominant race

Banned or Banned!?
My slate is clean

Food or drink?
Can't have one without the other

Robots or people?
Aigis <333 (Persona 3 reference)

Comic Sans MS or Times New Roman?
Comic Sans actually, I use that to write my comics

Me or I?
I am Me

Edit or delete?
Depends on how much it sucks!

Yeti slaying or Yeti saving?
Yeti's make terrible fur coats but that doesn't mean they shouldn't die

Pens or pencils?
Pencils for sketching, pens for inking

DF or AQ?

Lizards or pigs?
I have a pet japanese beatle named Lizard

Cake or pie?
Pie can't even come close to competing with cake

Doom or Salvation?
Never played Salvation but i'm not a big Doom fan (so many game references xD)

Lock or Delete?
Double you tea f*-

Pi or Pie?
Pie, didn't you listen to all the "I hate math" comments i've made?

Ebil or Evil?
Evil all the way

Sigs or Avvys?

Now these are normal questions.

Where do you live?

Because it's a beautiful country

How old are you?

...because thats how many years ago I was born?

When is your birthday?
July 5th

because 9 months before that, Matt and Zina decided to have naughty fun on the casino boat

Favorite mod?
As an AK I must not show favortism

'cause those are the rules

Favorite AK?
Again, can't pick

Because we all have to share prison together and they'd gang up and take my pudding

Your opinion on my sig and avvy?
Didn't look before answering this

Because it's 6 in the morning, you're lucky i'm taking the time to be this polite xD

Will the world ever end?

When the sun burns out we're all doomed

Spamming or Flaming?
Both are stupid

People need hobbies

Favorite food?

They're so vague and delicious and come in oh so many varities

Am I an idiot?
Define idiot

Because some of these questions really did not need a "why" added to the end of them

Doesnt RuneScape suck?
Actually no, I played Runescape for years and thanks to that game thats how I became a writer (

It doesn't, I don't play anymore but that doesn't mean I think it sucks

Do you regret not putting a question limit?
Actually I did, but I took it down

I regret taking it down

Your opinion on the sweep?
Magical Girls with Broomsticks = Hotness

Because cute spunky magic users with witch hats are sexy thats why!

Can you edit Artixs' posts?
Never bothered to check

No clue

Your computers brand?
Compaq Presario (although i've taken out and shoved enough stuff back in where really the only compaq part is the casing)

'cause I could afford it

Who are your forum freinds?
Lesser Demon, Eliac, Soren, Brilliancy, Mafio, Falerin, Alix, Sairex, Cerebus, there are tons more, sorry if I forgot to mention you guys

'cause they're cool and we read each others stories

What is the meaning of life?

Because i've hardly been able to get any Hitchhikers references in here

Favorite quote?
When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth

Sherlock Holmes said it and he's one of my childhood heroes

Z-Tokens or Dragon Coins?
Z-tokens if any but neither

Because A. I don't play DF 2. There aren't any z-token items I want and D. I like AQ but i'm not sending them any more money

Why do mods edit in colors?
So it's easy to see our posts

Why? it's easy to see our posts!

If you were the only AK left on the forums and all the mods and admins left too what would you do?
Are you familiar with the phrase "hell in a handbasket"

Because I would rather sit around and play video games while eating chips

Pink or Blue?

'cause I have a y chromosome

Have you ever seen me before?
Actually no

judging from this stream of questions I ran off or hid as you came near

Favorite sport?

It's the only sport I don't get hurt, tired or bored playing

Favorite online game?
Guild Wars

I can play with my friends and only my friends without some random punks stealing all our kills and running out yelling idiot leet speak phrases

What forums are you modding?
Just L&L

Because thats all I was assigned to

Now for the next section!
Theres more!!!

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see the word?

Indigo Prophecy

Zombies ate my Neighbors


Phoenix Wright




Dead or Alive Xtreme 2

Luigi's Mansion




Grand Theft Auto

Animal Crossing

The Minish Cap

Ocarina of Time

Phoenix Wright

Cooking Mama

Cooking Mama 2

Harvest Moon

The Sims

Yoshi's Island

Super Mario Galaxy

Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy Spinoffs

Dead Head Fred

Ratchet and Clank


Destroy All Humans

That is all the questions. Lock this up or I will strike again!
Don't you dare!

One more question!
You lie

Am I mean?

I am not done yet!
I knew this

Done right in all countries except america

Has been a game longer than america has been a country but we try to correct everyone else anyway

Only sport I enjoy watching

Boring on so many levels

Is the odd man out here, swimming is not a sport, swimming is a way to keep from drowning

Now I am really done! Lock this up or I will strike many more times!
Nuts to you

Lana -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/28/2008 16:10:28)

Rawr....cake is no lie, but it is a form of love
I'm not even angry

*Shifty eyes* Don't make me give you cake...cause I will.
I'm being so sincere right now

I'z the cake women, I will never run out of cake.
Even though you broke my heart and killed me

Tis it my duty to love cake.
and tore me to pieces. and threw every piece, into, a fire

Do you like cake? =P

as they burned it hurt because, I was so happy for you

P.S. Play Portal to understand any of this lol, or just look up Still Alive on Youtube

.Discipline -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/28/2008 16:19:37)

I'm sueing you! *throws a tomato with googly eyes on the floor in front of you*
You gots to be nice to senor potateos or he'll countersue you so fast man

Give me gold, lots of gold, all I need is gold. From my back to my fold, all I need is gold.
Here's a copy of Golden Axe, look forward to it's 2008 release

Why are we waaaiting? Why are we waaaaiting? Why are we waiting? Why? Why? Why?
Because i'm busy staring at the woman in the red dress

Does everyone really love magical trevor?
Yes, according to this movie (I actually did make this) Phoenix Wrong: Ex Post Facto

Are the tricks that he does, ever so clever?

Have you read my poems, what do you think?
Didn't I answer this for you once before? I said they were good

That is all. (Or is it?)
I'm gonna guess it's not

Søren -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/28/2008 16:38:15)

Time LOOOOsh!
Yeah, me again

Word Recognition(First word that comes to mind)
Anymore of these after this and i'm gonna start crackin' skulls!

1 Squash

2 Cat

3 Hippo

4 Onion

5 Doctor
That cute nurse who checks my vitals every wednesday

6 Tomato

7 Flocinacnihilpification
Star Wars

8 Did I spell the last one right?
I don't know, why are half of the questions here big words, math things or word association?

P.S. Dude I just found out i'm not your father and Brilliancy isn't your mother. According to the blood test your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries

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