RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (Full Version)

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Lana -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/28/2008 17:17:53)

Actually, i've played Portal with my older brother.
Fun ain't it

Portal was quite confusing at like...the 25th level.
I beat it in a few hours, it was short but I loved it

So many confusing actions...balls...uck!!
I loved it xD

Grats again. Mr.sincere. *smile*


mastin2 -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/28/2008 19:02:00)

I said I'd be here, and despite my terrible condition, here I am!

1: (Does Anyone NOT say this?) Congrats! (...again)
Some people didn't

<<< Really? *Hunts them down* You deserve the Congrats! >>>

2: Do you hate people repeating themselves?

3: Do you hate people repeating themselves?
Quite so

4: Do you hate people repeating themselves?

5: "" being lazy?
I'm not allowed to call anyone lazy, all knows I hate a hypocrite

6: What do you think of people asking a question you answered already?
Gets a little annoying after a while

7: Opinion on re-responses?

8: Ever re-re-respond?

<<<Like to this? >>>

9: l)0 '/0u kn0w 4n'/7h1ng 480v3 8351( 13372p34k? Translation: Do you know anything above basic leetspeak?
I can read it just fine

<<< Though I wonder, can you speak 1337? (I can do both pretty well) >>>

10: Cn u hndle ppl tlking lk ths? du u h8 abbreviations like FTW? ([being the 'typo master' I am] I know I hate them! [though I can tolerate them.])
I do, I don't like abberivated speech on text, particularly when people use the @ sign instead of typing at, YOU STILL HAVE TO PRESS TWO BUTTONS PEOPLE, YOU MAY AS WELL JUST SPELL THE WORD!!!

11: Random, or specific? (This mostly applies to questions)
I prefer specific, the random questions are fun to answer here but they get annoying when they're ALL like that, I was really hoping i'd get some serious questions about literature and my inspirations and stuff

Foligo -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/28/2008 19:44:46)

Well i've bother Mistermafio now, let's have a little fun and some literate writing *somewhat >:)*

1. I hope you do enjoy your new possision, some members don't read the rules much
Yeah but seeing as how i've actually broken most of the rules myself at one point or another I can't really judge

2. (I've never asked this) What do you think my name means, and what language do you think it is?
No clue, only language I speak is Italian and even then i'm not fluent or anything

3. Was "Time Losh" your original forum name or did you change it?
Original forum name, I would never change it, especially not now, the only change I would ever make would be actually capatalizing it

4. What do you think my forum name should be after reading the last 3 posts (and this one)
I think you should stick with whatcha got

5. *Snuggletakles* Do not let this go to your head (I did read Falerin's thread) or i might have to take your place ^_^

remeber foligo33 (aka F33) or just go to the DF Q&A to make sure you didn't forget.
I'll keep that in mind

Søren -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/28/2008 19:49:31)

How DARE you make a blatant Holy Grail reference!
And how dare YOU steal my avatar!

Well, I think it's time for a few easy questions.
Of course it is

<chains Time Losh to the table with fluffy bunnies>
I've had far worse tortures in the cage, you can't break me

1 Have you seen the play 'Spamalot'?
Yes actually I have

2 Are you ever going to send something to the Ezine?
I dunno

3 How much do I owe you?

4 If I owe you one soul...<grabs Jack Sparrow's>
Keep it

See ya, Time Losh.
Release my avatar!!!

Black 541 -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/29/2008 2:24:32)

Hi again.
Why hello there

I've brought my personal TimeLoshQuestionRandomiserMachine!
What does this button do?

*Beep Beep*
Oh crap! if anyone asks, you did it!

Welcome to the Game
Happy to be here Mr. Regis Barker

*Me* I never programmed it to do this.
Thats ok, I wasn't programmed to be an AK or try to date Aigis but that didn't stop me

*It* First game is word recognition.
*takes his ladle and literally BASHES Black's skull in* I WARNED YOU PEOPLE!!! CHECK THE FIRST POST ON THIS PAGE!!! I F!@$%&ING WARNED ALL OF YOU!!!

1) England

2) Hairdryer
Devil May Cry

3) Exterminate

4) Vingtillion
...Hellgate: London

5) Rum
Rogue Galaxy

6) Heater
Dragon Blade

7) *Shutdown Sequence Initialized*

*Computer goes bang*
Ha ha

Thank **** for that.
Watching your !@#$%&ing language

I owe you one soul. I will pay it back in my next post
Why does everyone want to offer me souls? Can't you guys be normal and just comment my story when I actually add stuff to it? That makes me happy too, I wrote a new chapter last night and no one even noticed.


BTW: Have you tested Lady Eliac yet?
Have I what do what now?

Søren -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/29/2008 15:47:55)

Time Losh!

I'm NEVER letting your avatar go!
Fine, I figured out how to make my own anyways

<Chains time losh with magic chain of...teletubbies?>
Stop that

1 Word Recognition Time!
You know what? NO! alright!? NO! I have said about 4 or 5 times now I don't want to do any more word recognition crap.






2 Right...bye
Yup, see ya

Post all entreaties for Avatar release here:

Alixander Fey -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/29/2008 16:28:24)

Does it annoy you that SOMEONE has posted like twenty times?
As long as i'm listening to my music i'm good

Oh, so, do you know what those button do yet?
Yeah i've picked up most of 'em

When do you start banning people you don't like?
Not up to me

.Discipline -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/29/2008 17:25:34)

What did Fal use to kidnap you?
Um...well...*memories of getting stuck under a box that was baited with tacos* ...yeah

If I came at you with a blunt object, what would you do?
Step to the side obviously

If it was sharp?
Panic a bit more before proceeding to step to the side

Is this the beginning of some kind of crazy Planet of the Loshes?
Nope, but that would make a good movie, look forward to it August of 2009

That is all...

The Lesser Demon -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/29/2008 17:56:58)

Welcome to Lesser's Questions Cavalcade, today we're bringing you some precious cargo. Time Losh, even the name suggests simplicity. Elegance. Time Losh, welcome. Losh, I'm not going to ask you about your inspiration or your your social life, infact I'm going to tell you something, you, Time Losh, are a genius. A geeeeeeenius. Argh.
No praise needed, I know I rule

Anyway, enough roughly quoting Captain Monty, the emotionally dead Pirate, let's get to some serious questions. And Pie. Mostly Questions.

1.) Now that you are an AK, does that mean you're going to help out on buddies of yours? -Hint Hint. Hintedy Hint Hint....Hint-
Absolutely, here ya go *gives Lesser a bag of chips*

2.) Will this royal appointment affect your Story, or do Peasants like me have to be reduced to read -shudder- The Lesser Demon's stories? Oh, wait, I mean... Look over there! -Runs away-
Like i've said I still try to work on the story as much as possible, right now it's not even really writers block...just more lack of motivation

3.) -Runs Back- I just realised that my escape plan had one floor. That is, I didn't have an escape plan. So, whilst I'm stalling for time, please tell me, who is your greatest inspiration? -I've just violated my quote....Argh-
Steve Niles and Tim Schafer are huge inspirations of mine, I feel as though my mind is next in line to proceed in their greatness

4.) Favourite type of Pizza?
Plain cheese to be honest, sometimes I get it with ham, chicken and onions that way it's like Chicken cor don bleu pizza

5.) Favourite type of... Oh wait, that's been done. Um, favourite type of... Small medieval village?
The kind that doesn't have any 17 year old kids with spikey hair and giant swords, because people in those villages always get slaughtered when that guy go decides to go run some meaningless errand

6.) Favourite Game?
Legend of Mana for the PS1, in my eyes thats the greatest game ever made. No matter how many times I play it it never gets old, and I always find myself discovering something new by having a different party on different quests, it can be incredible. More recently though I think my favorite game has to be Persona 3, thats the best game i've played in years

7.) Favourite Game Character?
Vivi from Final Fantasy 9, if they crammed any more awesome into him it would blow up time

8.) Favourite Book?
Pest Control by Bill Fitzhugh

9.) And lastly, now I'm done with the annoying questions that have already been asked, who would you say you have to thank for becoming Writer of the Month, then an AK? (Keep in mind if the answer is anything other than My Buddy Lesser, I'll find some lazy way too inconveniance you when I can raise the money to track you down.)
Really I just wanna thank my readers and all my friends. If it weren't for them I wouldn't have stuck around and been writing for these three years, which means Falerin would've never considered me for the AK position based on how awesome and incredible I am

demolitiondragon -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/29/2008 19:13:05)

*returns wave and smiles*



...that's all.



Lady Eliac -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/29/2008 20:38:07)

...Wait-- what am I being tested on?
Ancient Egyptian Algebra

Hey Losh, does this mean you get to ask me random questions? 'Cuz that would be cool. :D
Nope, i'm to lazy to think of any

I am your daughter, though, because that what you mean.
Indeed, go do your homework or something xD

Sairex the Dragwolf -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/30/2008 9:26:52)

Hey, man seeing you answering such idiotic questions and *urgh* math, I figured you would like some revenge!
So edit this post with questions YOU would like to ask me (feel free to be as redicuolous as the rest of us) and I will answer each and every one of them!

I got nothin' dude

Alixander Fey -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/30/2008 11:07:38)

Do you know what love is?
Yes, I do, and it's a very mature subject that I think I might get in trouble for speaking about

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/30/2008 12:55:06)

Let's play: Guess The Quotes! (Hehe, that's how bored I am)

Where do these first liners come from in L&L (Stories, that is).


The sun was just beginning to set in the city of Cerdo del Fantasma.

Crap dude...thats a hard see, is it New Blood by Time Losh?


That December night, the mysteriously dark clouds crackled with the visible energy, eminent storm, and the storm struck the lonely shores of the peninsula.

The Maelstrom of Lunlia by Lady Eliac


The sun seemed much larger as it set far in the distance.

An Angel's Heart by Recar Dragonlance

Round Two!


So, the council selected me.

The DeathKnight by Alixander Fey


They walked in silence as the two women left the darkness of Amityvale.

The Memoirs of Mistress Eukara by Eukara


Kiela Shadowing thrashed through the forest, brushing aside offending branches furiously.

Heart of the Dark by Firefly


There she was, watching, waiting.

Fire of the Soul...also by Recar Dragonlance

If you don't get 5 out of 7 then you lose! Haha! And everyone you get wrong I'll harpoon your cat.

Lady Eliac -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/30/2008 18:03:34)

Oh no you don't. I'm going to go have teenaged Angst.
Oh god, I was a critical dad and now i've got a needy teenager who at this rate will become a bulimic adult who drinks a lot of red wine

And not do any Egyptian Algebra.
Fair enough

And then I'm going to stomp around with eyeliner on.
You stay away from that Jake Boyman, I don't like the way he treats women >_>

Remember what I said about being home for supper

ZetaTau -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/31/2008 14:37:32)

When you die, what do you want people to remember about you?
How great I am

Can I write your epitaph?
As long as you don't put "he loved to laugh" everyone loves to're laughin' if you said that you may as well put "he hungered for food all his life. He tried to give it up

Will I get an A in bio sci?
Sure, I didn't

Not a fan

Are you mad that soren took your avvy?
Yes, yes I am

Will I ever get published?
Not up to me

Will you ever get published?
Maybe, but truth is this sort of writing really isn't what I want to do

What RPG games do you play?
Japanese RPG's and I have this little understanding, I don't play them and they can suck as much as they like somewhere far away from me

I like the color orange...but purple is better...
Purple doesn't strike fear into the hearts of my enemies


If you could change one feature about your appearance, what would it be?
Hmm...I guess like most people I'd like to be a little skinnier but really I wouldn't change much about myself

If you could change something about legends and lore, what would it be?
Thats not for you to know >_>

That's all buddy!
Cool, take care

P.S. Regarding what I said about RPG's that isn't true, I do enjoy playing them because they're some of the only games i'm really good at it. RPG's I enjoy include the Mana Series (legend of mana being my favorite game) The Paper Mario series (although I have not played the Wii one yet) and as I mentioned before, Persona 3 is the greatest game i've played in years. I also enjoyed the two Baten Kaitos games as well as Eternal Sonata for the 360 (so I guess it's safe to say i'm a tri-crescendo fan) and also of course, Pokemon (I know it's lame but f*** you naysayers) Now some of you may be wondering why I haven't said Final Fantasy in this list of mine. It's because personally, I don't LIKE Final Fantasy anymore. Nine was my overall favorite with characters, music and dialogue and Tactics was my favorite in terms of story. Everything after 9 in my eyes has been going downhill and they're especially starting to get on my nerves now. Ever since Hironobu Sakaguchi left they've basically been pumping out either games of mediocrity, re-using the same universes (FFXII:RW anyone?) or just re-doing old games (War of the Lions, 4 for the DS even though only like a year and a half before we had it on the DS) Also and I want to make this clear to all I DON'T LIKE FF7 Do not try to convince me otherwise. It was an enjoyable game with some cool characters (I enjoyed Cid and RedXIII) also i'll admit I played (and like surprisingly) Dirge of Cerberus and I am looking forward to Crisis Core (Zack being one of the only chars I like, I even went to a release part over here in japan) and also I didn't like Advent Children either, I know people are gonna get mad at me. FF7 fans treat that movie like how Christians treat Passion of the Christ and saying I dislike it is some sort of weird sin. Kadaj made me wanna break stuff the entire movie at how much of a prick he was and the only part I liked was when Rufus chucks Jenova out the window and says "A good son would've known" I'm gonna try to stop myself here and I wanna thank you ZetaTau for the first question so far that I have really really enjoyed answering

Stand up and take a bow, you deserve it <3

boomies -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/31/2008 15:27:05)

This is a MtAK, right? Then Ill give you the same questions as I gave Mistermafio. I kniow, sharing is a drag, but Im too lazy to get different questions right now.
Fair enough

So, do I know you?
Of course, if you didn't you'd have been hung upside down and beaten with an organic carrot

I you were to mod anywhere but the L&L, where would you mod?
Hmm...MAYBE the Role Playing forum but really L&L is the only place I call home

Speak 1337?
I know 1337 but I don't speak it 'cause I think it's idiotic

Why mistermafio?
You've made that typo twice, it's Mistermafio, no extra so onto it and I don't really understand the question. D'you mean why is he an AK? for the same reason I am I suppose, he's well respected, has a clean slate and what-not
Whoops, I meant, why did you choose the name Time Losh?

Why that title?
Because I haven't decided on what title I actually want yet

What AE games do you play, and what levels are they?
AQ is the only one I play, my main being 81 my others being in their 60's (Absinthe, Jack Rose, and Marrow)

Play any games other then AE games?
Guild Wars, Angels Online, and for the sake of my comic series, World of Warcraft

Who is your favorite mod, AK, admin, AE game designer, and forumite? All must be different people.
I'm not allowed to answer this

Cysero vs Zhoom vs Artix, who would win>
Me!!! Mwahahahahaha

Why did you choose that avatar?
Like i've said before, Legend of Mana is my favorite game, this is Niccolo, he makes me smile

Baibai for now, until the next page. Or if your lucky, nevah.
Farewell sir

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/31/2008 15:28:31)


*Taps on shoulder then runs away*
You're just mad because I got all your quote answers right lol

2k2ewyn -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/31/2008 15:45:42)

Hello, oh wow, you even already had my color set out. Thats very sweet of you

*Me tacklesnugglecongratulates
*snuggles as well* wow yeah, thats very sweet

Bye Bye!
Take care

~Time Losh

Cool Dragonz -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/31/2008 17:17:27)


/me snugglehugglecongratulating Time .. Gosh, the Time is lost... Time Losh.

Boooo, angry?

Booooooooooooooo, angry?
Still nope

Why aren't you angry?
'cause i've got these *rattles his painkiller bottles*

1 [)0|\|'7 S|>34|< 1337. <---- Read this and translate and you get a cookie :)
I don't speak leet, as I said before, I can read and write leet, I just choose not to because I think it's retarded

Too late, I have eaten that cookie already :P.
You !@#$%&er!!!

Guess this was it,
Fair enough *takes pain pill*

Take Care,
Bye bye


.Discipline -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (1/31/2008 17:28:32)

What color would you reccommend for me when I inevitably become an AK?
Sea BlueLike this one

Ever been badly hurt?
I assume you mean by a woman and to that I say "Nope" I've had a lot of horrible experiences with them but i've never really been badly hurt but any of 'em

Got milk?
Actually yes

Hottest person ever is...
Vanessa Lengies <3

Best 'Yo Momma' joke?
Yo momma so fat the doctors say shes morbidly obese and probably has diabeetus (burn)

Favorite forum writer?
I'm not allowed to answer this

Favorite forum poet?
Again, not allowed to answer

Best collab?
I've never read a collab story here, I was almost involved in one but the idea was thrown into the garbage before it got off the ground. I've actually got an idea for one called "The Greatest Story in the History of Ever" but it's still in the idea stage, i'll have to see where it goes

mastin2 -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/1/2008 3:40:48)

The world trembles, and the forumites run away. A mighty earthquake shakes, and chaos rules the day. The orange sun burns, and hides itself in a dark eclipse, fearing what is to come. Soon, a figure appears over the horizon, holding a list...
Oh yeah well *chucks an oatmeal spoon at you* Mwahahahaha

Bye, again! Let's see just how bad I can torture you next time! (It's beginning to be fun!)

I'm glad this all worked out for everyone, especially me

Coyote -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/1/2008 18:48:30)

1) And hast thou slain the Jabberwock? Come to my arms, my beamish boy! =D
Yes, yes I have

2) When is a door not a door?
When it is ajar

3) ...Wait, so you're Eliac's mother?
No, i'm her father...apparantly

4) Yay! I'm so happy for you two. Reunited at long last. I love happy endings. *sniff*

5) And why was it that you didn't tell me about this?
It seemed funnier if you found out this way

6) RAINING BLOOD!!! From a lacerated sky! Bleeding its horror! Creating my structure! Now, I shall REIGN IN BLOOD!
Here ya go *throws a creature that looks like a squirrel made out of beef ravioli's on the ground in front of you

7) Y'know what, you should sit down for what I'm going to tell you. You really should. *sighs* You know how we've known each other for so long? You remember all those times we spent together here in the L&L, reading and writing? All those fun times we had together? Well, I want you to keep them in mind when I ask you this question. Could you please? Could you keep them in mind? *pulls out a bouquet of flowers and gets down on one knee*

8) Time Losh, will you let me borrow a green colored pencil? I'm sure these flowers would make a decent collateral.
Hmm...i've already got some flowers at home...but they're not this nice. Ok deal *hands you a green pencil*

9) I'll leave you alone with Eliac, now. Good luck with the teenage angst. =D
Seems like only a few years ago I was living it myself...wait...thats because it was

Lady Eliac -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/1/2008 18:53:09)

...What the... Versy's my grandfather! :D *Snuggle huggles versy* I love you! You owe me fifteen years of holiday presents, though.
What? When did this happen?

Sorry, I had to say it.
Fair enough

Now: What colour would you give ME, if I were an AK?
A pretty purplish blue color This one seems nice

What do you think would happen to the forums at this time?
I don't understand the question?

*Hands Loshy a green coloured pencil* For Versy. He's my granddaddy and all.
I'll ask again? When did this happen!?

elda142 -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/2/2008 11:45:10)

*bursts into song* I wanna take you to a gay bar! I wanna take you to a gay bar! I wanna take you to a gay bar gay bar gay bar!!! (Gay Bar by Electric Six, look it up)

I seem to really just pop-up around here randomly, eh?
Indeed you do

Congrats, by the way.
Thanks man, it's good to hear from you

So, uhh... Yeah. Inquisitorial conduct initiates now.
Go for it man

Who am I?

What is your favorite type of pie?
Boston Cream

What is your favorite type of video game? (first person shooter, real time strategy, roleplaying game, etcetera.)
I play a lot of RPG's because i'm good at them. But I would say my favorite type is more Action RPG style games that mix Platforms (like Zelda or Okami) with RPG, examples include Fable, Hellgate:London and Dawn of Mana

I like shooters. I saw you mentioned Bioshock earlier. Do you play that?
Not a big fan of first person shooters personally. Mostly because i'm bad at them. I'm a bit better with first person view on the PC than a console but they still aren't my genre of choice. I DID love Portal though

I like Crysis. You should get it and play it if you haven't already. It's pretty awesome.
Oh trust me dude, my PC is not good enough to run Crysis xD

...Is your avatar a scarecrow?
No, it's Duelle the Onion Knight from my favorite video game of all time *fanfare* Legend of Mana

Since you're an AK now, does that mean you won't be writing here as much?
No I try to keep writing about the same, I haven't been writing much lately because of mild writers block, not because of AKship

Is being an AK a big responsibility?
It's supposed to be but to be honest I haven't done anything yet. Rico takes care of approved authors and Mafio, Rico and Versy all lock inappropriate threads while i'm asleep

Have you ever been run over by a boat?

On land?
No, in the sky! durr, of course on land!!!

What is the meaning of life?
It's not what you do with your life, it's what your life creates for others (oh bam, TL gettin' phil-o-sophical on yo butts!)

What is your opinion of zombies? I must know.
That my friend is a conversation longer than this entire thread. I have been training for zombie outbreaks for a long time (as you may have read earlier I have practiced brazilian jujuitsu and boxing to help) I do have variety of weapons (in storage right now i'm afraid, couldn't bring them to japan) and I have designs for a paper mache couch filled with canned goods, in case of zombie outbreak, break it open and have plenty of food. Until have a couch

And finally, the hardest question of all, which probably won't be too hard, yet might be somewhat challenging, but not really, but it mkight be, depending on how you look at it, but it might make you think for a little bit.
Just ask

Who is your favorite Lord of The Rings character?
Hmm...gotta go with Gollum here man

Is a lie

I'm done now.
Ok, take care dude, it was good hearing from you

Actually, just to annoy you, I'm going to claim this page in the name of Crytek. Curses! It isn't a new page anymore!

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