RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (Full Version)

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.Discipline -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/2/2008 14:56:42)

Favorite smiley?

Your lockphrase?
Still workin' on that

May I suggest 'Timelock'?
You're like the third person to suggest that. I just don't feel the ring of it that everyone else seems to

Best TV show?
I love tons of shows but I think one of my personal favorites is Megas XLR

Happy moment IRL?
Uh...can I get back to you on this?

:P That is all...
I fought the lawl and the lawl won

The Lesser Demon -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/5/2008 16:42:08)

"This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is it vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished, as the once vital voice of the verisimilitude now venerates what they once vilified. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified, and has vowed to vangquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.

The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose vis-Ã -vis an introduction, and so it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me-" Damien.

Ahhh V for Vendetta, showing how psycopathic us Englishman can be, anyway, to the Questions!
That is one of my favorite movies ever

1.) What is your favourite type of Hell?
The kind where they throw you into a giant room filled with cardboard boxes

2.) What is your favourite miss-spell ever?
You know usually i'd have some awesome comeback here but...I got nothin'

3.) What is your favourite TV Series?
Hmm...Futurama I think but I don't know if that counts as a series since it's off the air. If we mean stuff thats still running i'm gonna have to go with My Name is Earl

4.) What is your favourite TV Show Genre?

5.) What is your perfect sunday?
Sit at home, watching DVD Boxsets, eat food, just relax, maybe play DS or PSP

6.) Are you wondering when I'll stop with the sissy What is Your questions?
No, I like those

7.) Would you ever consider taking a position at a well-paying job at an Art Studio which will absolutely make you famous, but the said Art Studio actually tortures animals to make the paint?
Nope, I love animals (I'm aware I just killed a doe in my last chapter)

8.) Are you catching on I'm running out of questions?
Not really

9.) How do you like my story so far? There is a new Chapter =-D
There is!? *screws the questions and runs off*

8.) I've seen your list of goals for the new year, which do you think are the least likely?
The one about helping someone create their own detective

10.) Did you notice I sneakily put 8 in the last question instead of 10?
...You BAS****!!!

11.) Are you going back to check?
I didn't need to

12.) And Finally, dun dun DUUUUUUN, dun DUUUUUN, dun dun dun DUUUUUUUN, dun DUUUUN Nun, Do doo de doo, doo dooo.... what were we doing? Oh yeah, the final question, what is your favourite ancient dialect?
Norse Runes 'n What-Not

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/5/2008 16:42:42)

What be up homie?

I am annoyed you figured out the answers...I'm still going to harpoon your cat!
I don't have a cat

For your lock phrase, how about just losh lock. It's imaginative!
As a tribute to Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series I wanna just use "Rejected" but no one would get that joke...Go watch Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series

Can you tell what my two favourite pieces of punctuation is?
The Period "." I use it for so many things

Random Math Problems!!!!!!
Why do you people not listen to me?

6+6= 12

1-6+6= 1

Lady Eliac+Time Losh= Friends

Rico+Time Losh= Co-Workers/Friends

Eukara+Time Losh= Friends

Zeta+Time Losh= Friends

Other random female forumites+Time Losh= Hmm? Oh yeah, they're all over me *whacks Recar with a newspaper*


And now I'm off *Vanishes in a puff of smoke*
*walks over to a nearby curtain and whacks his cane into it. Recar yelling "Ow!" can be heard*

Eukara Vox -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/5/2008 16:52:33)

No, his lockphrase should just be "Loshed". hehe
Rejected! Nah, i'm still considering it xD

What ancient civilization would you go back in time and live in if you had the choice?
Hmm...MAYBE Ancient Greece but I don't really know

Favorite Greek, Norse and Egyptian god/goddess?
Greek: Pan
Norse: Loki
Egyptian: Khepri

Do you know what language the last name of my character in Hunters Kiss is from?

Do you know what it means?
Again, nope

What do you think of Jello?
A horrible vile sin of nature!!! But it is so delicious

Ever swim with sharks? Barracuda? If so, did you enjoy it as much as I have...
Sharks yes, Barracudas no, and I also have with Dolphins, dolphins are jerks (which is why they're on the list of animals that have hit me)

What is the strangest RL name you have ever come across?
Maosis Veraggy

Do you have a "To do before I die" list?

If so, what is the most outrageous item on the list?
Hmm...I think it's better if I don't say that

Alright, I think that is enough for now.
Alright cool, take care

The Trobble One -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/6/2008 0:14:13)

Congrats on your recent AKship?
Thats not a question but thank you =D

What's your favortie video game? Besides online games?
I don't really like a lot of online games but as i've said before I love Legend of Mana


Black 541 -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/6/2008 2:31:37)

Screw the rules, I have questions! may wanna try that again xD

I managed to build a TimeLoshQuestionRandomiser2!! Without making a mistake!
You fail!

*TLQR* Insert Coins

Oh, never mind. I'll ask the questions myself.
Cool beans

1) Have you ever been to England?

2) Have you ever thought about building a UselessQuestionVaporiser Machine, or a RecarDragonlanceSupremeBasher Machine
I've already made both of those, they protect my computer *points to his Shisa guardian statues*

3) What would you do if I blew up every Legend of Mana game in the world?
I'd hate you but i'd get over it, thats probably the only game i've finished everything 100%...a few times actually

4) What would you do if I stole every Legend of Mana game and took them to England?
I'd have more motivation to go to England

5) England

6) Doooom!!
I don't play that game

Well, I'll be off. Maybe I'll try and make your family tree sometime in my next post.
Versy isn't my father, thats not true! thats impossible!!!

Sairex the Dragwolf -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/6/2008 11:50:24)

I think you'll find these interesting!
You speak lies!

Least favorite smiley?
hmm... @_@

Least favorite color?
That barfish yellow color

Least favorite number? (0-10 if you don't have a specific number)
27, god I hate it so much...

Least favorite car?
Nissan Skyline

Least favorite type of questions?
Those stupid math ones that don't make any sense

Least favorite fruit?
Dragonfruit, it sounds and looks cool but it's very watery and bitter

Least favorite veggie?
Steamed Carrots

Least favorite music genre?

Least favorite video game genre?

Least favorite show?
Any reality show

Is Shark (the attorney) better than House (the doctor)?
I don't know who Shark is but House is awesome, did you know he's completely inspired by Sherlock Holmes (Holmes=House, they both live at 221b Baker Street, they both have a drug addiction, etc. etc.)

What color describes me best in your opinion?
I dunno

Wich card from the deck would you describe me with?
Didn't I already answer this?

What number symbolises me in your opinion?
How the F should I know?

What number symbolises you?
Again, I dunno

That's it for now!

The Lesser Demon -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/6/2008 15:13:51)

To think, a few hours ago I was normal, now I'm taking orders from a man whose brain is fueled by Lemons. -Twitch- You better appreciate that bloody Douglas Adam's quote, I had to dig through that book forever to find a relevant and hilarious quote.
Fair enough

1.) If you could instantly learn one new language, what would it be? (Japanese isn't an option)
Italian of course

2.) What is your favourite game for a next gen. console?
Hmm...Right now I think it's a tie between No More Heroes and Eternal Sonata

3.) What is your favourite gamer magazine?

4.) What is your favourite Webcomic?
Least I Could Do is pretty hilarious (by the way, if any of you look into that. Look into Mick, he looks and acts almost EXACTLY like me)

5.) What is your favourite board/dice rolling game?
Dungeons and Dragons of course

6.) If you had one oppurtunity to meet someone on the forums, who would it be?
Hmm...I dunno, obviously one of my friends

7.) What is your favourite horror movie?
The Evil Dead trilogy

8.) What is your favourite comic/graphic novel?
Right now it's The Umbrella Acadamy, i've been getting into that and it's just wonderful

9.) Who is your favourite comedy/fantasy author?
My favorite comed writer is Bill Fitzhugh my favorite fantasy author is Jim Butcher

10.) Who is your favourite English writer?
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

11.) What is your favourite shop, or Store as you crazy Yanks call it [:D]
Tie between Gamespot and Suncoast, if only there was some sort of magical fusion between them

12.) What is your favourite game in terms of graphics?
Graphics? Hmm...quite possible Eternal Sonata, that game is beautiful

13.) If three definite trains set on a 3 mile journey from the same station, one going 50 mph, one going 70 mph, and one going 80mph, am I awesome to the max?
Not even a little bit, sorry dude

Farewell you carpathian stallion you.
By the light of the moon!!! *disappears*

time losh -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/16/2008 3:04:25)


Are the rumors about you going on Hiatus true?
Yeah, i'm just not feeling the spark for writing that I used to so I wanna take some time off

Who can we blame for this?
I'm not placing blame on anyone 'cause it's not really anyones fault. My stories are like a rare comic book, right now i'm just not going to touch them and see if anyone starts to appreciate their value more

Do you think your ghost still haunts the bordello they found your corpse in?
No comment

When will you be back?
Maybe a month, probably that AT MOST i'll have to see what happens in between. I might come back sooner if my readers can convince me too

So you're just going to leave us? Break our fragile little hearts?
No of course not, I'll still be around. Just not writing. I actually wanna take this time to read more of other peoples stories. Comment them a bit more 'n stuff

I love you, will you have my babies?
Hell no

Nex del Vida -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/16/2008 7:34:59)

Awww... well, as long as you'll still be here, nobody will die. Or perhaps more people will die because you're here... who knows.
Right, i'm not just going to abadon my duties...*snicker* ...duty

Any updates on Jasper?

Saerokeon -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/17/2008 14:31:25)


What a creative name
Why thank you

What does it mean?
I'm a Losh with power of time. Like a Fire Mage or an Ice Vendor

Where did it originate?
The word itself came from an episode of an old cartoon called Pelswick (about a kid in a wheelchair) and in one episode his friend spells out the word Losh when he meant to spell out Lose. A few months later I wrote a short story about mythical worm like creatures called Losh (even I don't know the plural for Losh. Loshes, Loshies, Losh, dunno) they went extinct because the species found each others flesh to be quite the delicacy


Losh...the sound your boots make when you jump into a puddle of slush
Which is funny because worm mucking is a hobby some people enjoy after it rains. worms = losh

I'm new to the L&L, any recommendations as to what I should write about?
Well first of course if you haven't, you need to graduate from the writing acadamy and become approved. But for when that happens just write what feels right to you. I write Mystery novels and they aren't very famous, but I write them because I enjoy them

Suggestions for becoming an AK?
I'm still a little confused about what I even did to become an AK, I don't really have any suggestions lol

Farewell sir

Alixander Fey -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/17/2008 14:34:01)

Did you really just ask yourself around of questions?
NO! ... >_> ...well yes. I'm allowed to ask me questions too ya know! Why shouldn't I? Plus it seemed the best way to announce my hiatus that no one knew about or paid any attention to...and that is now over

mastin2 -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/17/2008 17:43:38)

Hmm...Let's give it another shot...

If you had to choose between giving up something you enjoy--that also is meant to help your friends--or giving up a friend, which would you choose?

That depends on what the thing I enjoy is...and which friend it is

Memory Skills: What Question Number for me is this? (You're so going to go back and check, aren't you?)

Dunno and no, i'm not gonna go check, far to much work xD

Now, Where was I?

You musta taken a wrong turn at albequerque

Try, and cause pain and frustration, or give up, and feel ashamed?

What do what now?

1, or 4?

Mmm...probably 4

Type out numbers like four, or shorten them to say...4?

Depends on the situation. Usually when i'm writing a story i'll type out "four" instead of using the number but obviously when i'm doing math problems the teacher gets mad if you write out "four plus five equals twenty five" instead of 4+5=25

Be honest...Right now, Am I causing any sort of any unpleasant emotions in you? (Annoyance, Hatred, Sadness, etc.)

My foots asleep...but thats not your fault

Well, I think I've pushed my luck too far today, so I'll just whimper up into this corner...

Fair enough


2k2ewyn -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/18/2008 18:50:13)

Hi again

o_0 you haven't locked this yet?
I don't really plan to

I don't have many questions right now

When you have locked this, can I PM you some more questions?
I don't plan on locking it

Say the first word that comes into your head
Oh god, more of these?





Ok, that's good for now

Can I be your minion?
Sure, why not

Well, that's it for now
You already said that



Nex del Vida -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/18/2008 20:49:58)

Hmmmm.... let's play "Would You Rather."
Oh goody

Would you rather...

1. Lick a 1-inch square area at the back of a urinal, or go up to a random stranger who has a cold with a straw, insert it into their nose, and take a pull?
Probably the urinal one, not only are they cleaned fairly often but if I just lick where people don't aim it should taste quite minty...maybe a little toxic, but quite minty

2. Eat your own foot, or cut off your own foot and then eat it?
Cut it off and eat it, then not only will my foot not be cramped up (as it does when I try to reach my foot to my mouth) i'd also have dippin' sauce

3. Listen to pop music songs all day or have an appendectomy with no anesthetic (except a little bit in your left pinky)?
As long as I get to pick the pop songs, i'm fine with a day of Freezepop (they're synth-pop, it still counts)

Okay, we're done with that. I think I nauseated myself.
Well I hope you learned a valuable lesson

Did I nauseate you?

Ha ha.
You suck

That will be all for now.
So long

Ohhh, one more thing. Lockphrase could be Roselocked. It's catchy'n'stuff, plus it has to do with you... Jack Rose... eh? Eh?
we're not discussing this anymore

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/19/2008 10:51:43)

Questions at two in the morning, this'll be fun

*Laughs evilly* Now I can finally ask this question!
And I can ignore it

Will you bow to me as your superior in writing? *Holds up mug with "Writer of the Month" written on it*
My mug has the milkshake that brings all the boys in the yard, it's better than yours *sips from his mug*

Fill in the missing words!

Jack Frost and Pyro Jack walked down the road until suddenly they Saw a Kite, high in the sky. Seeing this, Pyro Jack shot a Fireball at The Kid holding the kite. Jack Frost ran away but got caught up by Pyro Jack who randomly threw a rock tied up with a turtle. Recar is Currently recovering from rock/turtle concusion injuries.

Nex del Vida -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/19/2008 11:16:16)

Ah, but you forget, my fine writing equal. He, too has the mug.

What? Questions?
Yeah thats kinda the idea

How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could operate an F-70 with dual machine guns and a sniper turret?
7, but the real question is How many boards would the Mongols hoard if the mongol hordes got bored?

C... calvin... and Hobbes? I lurve them! Losh wins.

The Lesser Demon -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/19/2008 17:25:21)

Why, what a fun thing, me being here. Again. 'Cause my Girlfriend is out and my Roommate is currently in a state of alcohol induced Violent Rage. If I type real quiet maybe he won't hear me ... Be right back, he just walked into the room. Flash, pass me my baseball bat.

-Walks back in-
Ok, his knees are broken, now, for teh questions!

1.) Do you like me?
Not really

2.) Are you sure?

3.) I can change that.

4.) I carry a small drill and a wrench at all times, did you know that?
I carry a basketball, a brick and a walrus in a top hat

5.) Did you also know that I am drunk?
I gathered

6.) Ha! Fooled ya. Wait, no, I am tipsy. Aw man.
Thought so

7.) If you could have any meal in the world, what would it be?
Cheesey Chicken and Rice <3 with a Pepsi

8.) If you could eat it with any person in the world who would it be?
Lacey Chabert

9.) If you could have any desert in the world what would it be?
Hmm...probably one of the ones in Arizona

10.) Would you cry when you realised it was all a dream and you're actually in a bath full of ice, and missing your left kidney?
No, i'd sigh, say "Oh not again" and try to crawl my way to the phone. Although i'd be pretty glad this time the person took enough care to fill the tub with ice, last time they just left the faucet on

That's all for now.
Farewell sir

lguan -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/21/2008 18:23:45)

Heres a cupcake, I trust you know what to do with it

Hai n_n.

Do j00 kno wh0 i am?

*snuggles* I used to come here every now and then and comment in the Writing Academy. I don't spend a lot of time in the L&L in general nowadays.
Fair enough

duz it hurt ur eyes 2 tlk li3k diz?
It does at 7 in the morning when I forgot to sleep

Then I should stop shouldn't I?
Yes, yes you should

I like orange n___n. Very creative, I haven't seen another AK with a color even close to that :D. Do you think your brain works in a particularly creative fashion?
Yeah, originally I was just gonna use dark blue but everyone uses that, so I took my pills and got the idea to use orange...because my pill bottles are orange xD

Got any best-friend Ak's?
Yeah, i've met a lot of the AK's now that i'm one of 'em, they're all really cool

Do you ever get let out for some fresh air every now and then, or do the fumes get to your head?
Actually i'm really lucky and my cage is near a part of the wall that has a crack in it, so I can get my air by sticking this straw into it

Do the shiny new buttons amuse you to no end?
They actually get a tad boring after a while

Got any pets? Describe please.
I have a dog who I love, and giant japanese beatle who I also love. The dog is more of a family pet, the beatle is mine

Biggest pet peeve?
People who randomly stop walking and people who block doorways, hallways and escalators

Now we're going to play a game now, 'kay? Good. When I say a word, you tell me the next word that comes right to your head ...





Ate my Neighbors

Yes, they were random words that came right to my head. Do you enjoy answering these questions, or is it something to do to pass time in your jail cell?
It's fun but I don't like word association questions

Did you notice that since a few months ago, lots of AK's had suddenly been recruited? Any thoughts on that?
Every new AK that is recruited makes me die a little inside, I feel less special xD

So, do you think it's time for me to go?
Sure, why not

Ah well, congrats! and have a good day :).
I shall, thank you

.Discipline -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/21/2008 18:33:21)

Where's my money?
It's my money!

I told you, it's been ten days, where's my money, man?
I told you dude, it's my money!

What do you think of me as a person?
I don't really know you that well as a person, I know you mostly as a writer

Can I ask a series of questions allowing me to access your bank account?
Yes but i'll lie and you'll be kicking yourself when you learn there is no credit card company called Spungo

Red or Blue?

Doovde or Voocra?
Voocra sounds like a candy bar

Does it make waffles?
I can make waffles...I want waffles now

Favorite comedian?
Debate between Mike Birbiglia and Jim Gaffigan (both have been very supportive of me becoming a comedian, Jim even wanted to hear some of my material when he came to Japan for a show. It may have been a pity laugh but i'll take it) thats right folks, i'm not one of those people who bows before Dane Cook. I really don't even have him in my top ten to be honest

winged_slayer32 -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/27/2008 7:24:22)

*a mysterious man flies down, get zapped by lightning and then gets himself up...*

Yo! Long time no see!
Yo, how've ya been dude?

So, will you be writing stories? Seriously, An AK life without storywriting hurts at times.
Of course i'm still writing, don't worry dude

Now... let me begin to intrude to your privacy a bit... *ties up losh and then make sure that losh can't escape from his questions*
*shakes the ropes off with ease* continue

What is one of the best stories you have ever read?
I can't remember what it's called right now but it's about this human that lands on a robot planet and he disguises himself as a robot to try and fit in and at the end it's revealed that there were no robots at all because all of the "robots" were just other people who had crashed there

how do you get your ideas for stories...? Like maybe jumping around like a rabbit?
Well usually my stories will arise from a spark of interest based on one particular thing that interests me. For instance i've written stories that revolve around the Alphabet, the Zodiac, the 22 Major Arcana from Tarot Cards, etc. I actually have an idea for a story right now called "Grimoires of Myth" but I may have to change the title, I don't want anything thinking i'm ripping off r0de0b0y.

Your cures for a writer's block....?
I've always viewed writers block like playing tetris. The blocks start to pile up and pile up but as long as I don't freak out about it I can try to arrange my thoughts carefully and knock out a couple rows of blocks

Now... we will make sure you will get elected moderator... (Maybe we can have our writers' rights.....)
I don't even want that xD

Being a AK or a normal person on a message board?
Honestly it's not that different to me

We will miss you and your stories... or at least those of us whom have read them.
I still write dude

Adieu and godsend.
Ok bye

*flies away and gets zapped by lightning again....*
Ha ha

.Silver -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/27/2008 9:40:07)

Hey i'm new here(the L&L not the forums)
Ok, Hi

Whats your favorie book?
Pest Control by Bill Fitzhugh

I have a dog and a japanese beatle

Does not even come close to the awesomeness that is cake

k i have a brand new game when i say a word you say the first thing that pops into your head


puppy(the AK)







walt disney

/disappears in a cloud of smoke

Recar Dragonlance -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (2/28/2008 16:33:06)

Recar's back with a brand new rap!

This one say the first thing that comes into your head!

I rule.

I rule.

I rule.


I rule.

I rule.

I am also standing in a doorway, blocking an escaltor, taking up all the room in a hallway and to do this I randomaly stopped walking! What did you think of that?

master dragon lord -> RE: Inside the AK's Studio: Time Losh (3/1/2008 23:07:10)

oh no another AK i mean sup Time Losh
I fixed your typo, just FYI "know" and "no" are NOT the same thing, little things like that bug me...a lot

i have never seen you before
Scruffy's never seen you before neither

if you have all the money in the world what would you do with it
Sit around, play video games, I'd still work for TV

fav halo game
Can't stand Halo. I think it's one of the worst FPS games ever made and it's even worse because it receives so much recognition. It's incredibly mediocre, everything it offers has been done before and done better

bioshock VS. gears of wars
Bioshock, you just can't argue with a guy that has a hands that shoots bees

have you ever seen another AK in real life
No because i'm in Japan, but i've seen pictures of the other AK's...and I must say they make me feel quite young

who enslaved your soul i mean made you an AK
Falerin of course

wheres my left sock
On your left foot

you r surroned by zombies what do you do
I remember everything i've learned and I fight and hope for the best

ok bye

hey im back
Welcome back

ok bye for reals

but i will return *evil laugh*
You're so totally bluffing

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