RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (Full Version)

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srinivas -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/13/2008 3:07:15)

It had to happen one fine day. Congrats and hope you do well as an AK. :3
Thanks, I hope so too!


1. [8D] or [;)]?

2. Who abducted appointed you?
Alac was my captor mentor.

3. Can I trade in your fetters? :P
I'm afraid my superiors would not let you do that. :P

4. What genre of music do you like?
Plenty, but I'm a fan of Pop/Rock/R&B, and plenty others.

5. Have you ever been chomped on by a mod before? :O
Thankfully I have been well out of Pae's reach... for now.

6. Where have you been imprisoned? xD
In a dark, dark place where nobody goes.

Good luck and hope you do well.[:D]
Thanks, and thanks!

xTheBeast -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/13/2008 6:24:36)

Hiya pjc,
Hiya. ^_^

I recognise those letters - seen your posts around the forums before.
I do recognise your name as well.

I guess they've got you working pretty hard, you've not even got anywhere near halfway on the first page, that's why I thought I'd add to the ever increasing posts ;).
Hehe, I'm catching up now. :P

Hmmm.. do you ever log off DF for the night and think, 'Damn, I forgot to feed and train my dragon?' - I do that all the time, poor little guy. My dragon will probably grow up to be the fattest, laziest, slobbiest (of course that's a real word...what?) dragon in lore.
Ah, I used to feed the lil' guy every day (usually without fail, although of course I did forget once or twice), but after running out of Dragon Coins and realising that I'd wasted too many on Dragon Food, I sort of lost my motivation and gave up. The poor thing has to find his own food nowadays, although that's not always a bad thing. :P

Anyways congrats and cya 'round the forums!
Thanks, and see you!

assasin oates -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/13/2008 6:54:10)

megaman main series and spin offs or megaman BN series and spin offs?
Umm... neither? :P

pie and chease or cheese and pie.....or a cheesepie with a water melon singing jingle bells while riding an octopus on top?
I'll go for the third option, I guess.

what species are you.... mutant lizard or giant ape?
Giant mutant liz-ape?

how did you feel when you became an archknight?
Shocked and very surprised, it took a couple of days before it began to sink in.

Lord Vearl -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/13/2008 10:53:37)


youre a Archknight!
I am!

wow do you remeber me
You used to be Trause... correct?

what is you favorite type of Chilli
Mmm... I'm not sure. I am a chilli fan though.


tea or coffee
Coffee, definitely.

welll do you lieks Mudkips
Nar, but I herd u liek mudkips.

well thats it

See ya!

Oh did you check out my gallery
I'm afraid not, I doubt I'll get the chance to I'm afraid.

you lieks?

Cguy -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/13/2008 11:17:45)

Hi pjc, and congrats!
Thanks Cguy! :)

Favourite animal?

DF, AQ or MQ?
DF, of course.

Favourite food?
Bacon, pizza, cheese, and many more.

Favourite smiley?
Text smiley = :D, forum smiley = [:D] or [&o]

Favourite NPC?(i like favourites!)
Captain Rhubarb. :D

Do you have a favourite number, if so what?
7's a good number, I guess.

Do you like cheese?(i do[:D])
Yep, love it. ^_^

That is all, and again congratulations[;)]
Thanks again! :)

Kain -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/13/2008 14:20:33)

*Gasp* What? pjc is an AK now? Better I take care of myself...Ha, joking, congratulations! So, time to questions...(wait, I can't do it, my questions are all bad and to forum members that I never saw)
Hehe, thanks! :)

1- Pie? Or Cookies?
Pie, of course.

2- What's the meaning of the life to you?
I don't know, I suppose we were created and put on this Earth because... it was a good idea at the time. :P

3- Will you stop using IRC because you are a AK now?
On the contrary, I'll be on much more. I also get a % next to my name in #dfstrategy, I can has powar. :D

4- Punt Twilly in AQ or DF?

Well, it's all, for today....Good luck!
Thanks, and see you!

makinmasterful -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/13/2008 16:14:49)

what are your thoughts on cheese?
Can't get enough of the stuff. ^_^

jelly or bosten cream? (doghnuts)
Mmm... jelly.

Frothandslosh -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/13/2008 17:54:44)

pjc, I just have four simple questions for you.

1. Pirates or ninjas?
Pirates. :D

2. What is your favorite Chuck Norris joke?
It's probably not appropriate. :P

3. Do you have a life?
Of course not.

4. Will I ever find love?
/me snuggles teh Misstress Qz

Senomi -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/13/2008 18:01:36)

Psshh, finally, pjc is an AK! :D
He is? Wow! :D

1. Uff, school has kept me very busy of late. I trust you noticed my absence?
I did indeed, I know what it's like to have schoolwork constantly there, piling up. :P

2. When you were in prison, you ate a cheesy scone, which caused you to boogie.

3. /\ ... She is watching...
Shhh! <_<

4. You can has DF Q&A?
/me stealz teh Q&A forumz

5. The new interface... does it have... does it have puppies?
Yes, but demonic, deformed puppies with three eyes, that get let loose whenever they see a bad thread.

6. @ + # = (think about it, there IS an answer)

Well, that's about it for now peejaycee. My rather spotty attendance will persist, sadly, but I'll make an effort to hit you up in #dfstrategy. Pieces of reeses. =)
Alrighty, hope to see you around from time to time. ^_^

war3929 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/13/2008 18:38:22)

are u creeped out by cycero? hes creepy :)
Creeped out? No. Petrified and scared? Yes. ;)

Jonaza -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/13/2008 18:47:57)

Hi pjc! I was shocked when I saw the title, but you deserve it! good job!
Now, onto the questions... hehehehehe...[sm=icon_twisted.gif]
Thanks Jonaza! :)

Who promoted you?

Why the biege?
Why not the beige?

Falerin or Artix?
Both. :P

Badgers or Twilly?
Twilly. [sm=twill1a.gif]

If you multiply pi by three and then subtract ¥, what do you get?
Plenty of food and one less Yen than you had before? :P

What is the square root of pi?
1.77245385... etc.

Runescape or WoW?

Once again, I can't think of another person more deserving, other than Dewdrop Fairy. Good job!
Thanks! ^_^

PS. Like my sig?
Sure, but only if you like mine as well. ;P

Shadow Spawn -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/13/2008 20:02:39)

Hello.Do you remember me ? I am Crusader Warrior.
I do recognise the name, yes. :)

I can't believe that you are an archknight.I remeber that you are a normal member last time.
Heh, it seems like only yesterday, I know.

Anyway,first question.

Is the Damien craft quest fun ?
I say it is mean because it gives level 6 helmet rapidly.
Yeah, I liked the quest, a bit of a change from the norm and re-visit to earlier times. The helms don't bother me much, seeing as I have my Elite MechPilot Helmet. :P

Can i trust you as an archknight ?
I hope you do your job.
It's up to you if you trust me, I'd like to think you would be able to though. All I can do is my utmost best. ^_^

Finally,What's your favorite villain in DragonFable.
Mine is the Irismancer.
I'd say Xan.

That is all.
Thanks in advance for answering my questions.
No problem, that's what the thread's here for! :D

Outcast of Origin -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/13/2008 20:10:56)

Are you gonna be reliable?
I would like to think so, yes. :P

God Out

grebob -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/13/2008 21:30:00)

hey pjc, fellow something

1) WHY?

2) why only 10 questions?(dammit, lose of 1 question)
*shakes head*

3) if you are alone, there is a path split, go left or right?
Stop and phone for directions. :P

4) whats do you think 1 + 1 = ?

5) meaning of life?

6) best df class?
Ranger is great, IMO.

7) why cant it be 15? then i can do my "ohno, 13, skip question"
You could always number your questions oddly and put a 13 in there. :P (Doesn't mean I will answer more than 10, of course)

8) do you think i should stop wasting questions?
Your loss. :P

9) why you instead of me?
Becuz I r teh 1337z0r.

10) answer this question and you can go onto the next person
Can I ask the audience?

ya ok, remember my name, oh wait, you already do


The Trobble One -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/13/2008 23:28:33)

Congrats on your recent AKship?
Thanks! :)

What's your favortie video game? Besides online games?
I'm a fan of the Unreal Tournament/Quake series, and many more.

See you!

mastin2 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/14/2008 0:16:45)

Wow, when'd this get here? I'm gone for a few days *Sick even Now*, and suddenly, THIS!

Hehe, it was all pretty quick, I know. :P


1: The land burns at the sight of a new AK, and Mastin is the only thing preventing chaos...we're all doomed.

...In other words, Congrats! (And does anyone NOT say that?)

Doomed, you all are indeed. >:D And thanks!

2: Do you hate people repeating themselves?

Very much so.

3: Do you hate people repeating themselves?

Very much so.

4: Do you hate people repeating themselves?

Very much so.

5: Opinions on re-responses? Do you answer them?

Very much so.

<<< So, you'll answer this? >>>

6: Do you hate it when people ask you a question you've answered? How do you often handle it?

I type the same thing as I did when previously answering it.

7: I've asked several compact you hate people doing that?

Very m... nah, I don't mind. :P

Well, that's it for me...still got three, but I'm likely not coming back...

:o Nuu!

~pjc (By the way, thanks for putting my colour tags in!)

<<< You're Welcome! I like making it easier on you! >>>

latedog -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/14/2008 2:57:08)

Hiyas! Surely you deserve more questions, eh?
What did I do? :o

A mighty Con-Grad-U-Lay-Shun p to the j to the c! (Ok, I won't do that anymore)
Yo, big up t' the l to the a to the t to the e to... oh, your name is too long.

You may not know me, heck, I may not even know you, but I do.
So we meet again, Bond...

There is really only one true question to show your worthiness...

Do you care about our fellow forumites? Be honest (are you going to be?). =|
Of course I care, I love helping people, and hopefully I will have many opportunities to do it as an AK. :)

Here's a fun Joke/puzzle: What's colorful, surrounded by wires, and whistles?
A bird? :|

Riddle: You're moving around in the darkness, looking for something. After many hours, you find it, but you can't reach it. Something is preventing you from getting it no matter how hard you try. What are you and what were you looking for/what was it specifically?
I am an AK, locked up in my dungeon, trying to find today's rations but being restrained by my shackles. :(

Riddle 2: 64 S on a C B (ex. 26 L in the A = 26 letters in the alphabet)
64 squares on a chess board? <('-'<)

I wish you best of luck on your new position! Have fun!
Thanks, I will! :P

gidio -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/14/2008 3:14:49)

Hey pjc!
Hey gidio. :)

Congrats on your AK-ship! I knew you would become an AK some day!
Here are zee questions:

1) Bunnies or Rabbits?
Bunnies. :3

2)Zards or Sneevils?

3) Drums or Guitar?
Guitar, although I can't play it at all. :P

4) Fred or Bob?

5) Rock or Techno?

6) Favorite Food?
Bacon, pizza, cheese... and there are many more.

7)Favorite Animal?
I'd have to say cats. :)

8) Favorite Person?
But there are six and a half billion to choose from! :o

9) Favorite Season?
Depends. Winter is nice (apart from the snowballs), Spring isn't bad, if not a bit rainy, Summer is nice and hot (but occasionally too hot), and Autumn is often too cold and miserable. I can't decide. :P

Thats All!

Again ,congrats on ur AK-ship!
Thanks again!

hoth181 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/14/2008 9:45:56)

wow I'm jealous now pjc your an AK
Jealous? Why ever so? :o

Cats or dogs?
Cats! ^_^

What is your favorite AE game?
DF, of course.

What level are you in the game mentioned above?

When did you become an AK?
Five days ago.

That's all I got

NVM I thought of more :P

What grade are you in?
I don't understand the American grade system, we don't use it. :P

Football Team? As long as you mean the true British sense of the word, then Manchester United.
Color? Beige/Red.
Food? Bacon, pizza, cheese, and many more.

Will you be a good AK? (that's a dumb question all mods/AKs are good) (yea! me scores good points with mods/AKs!)
Good? Since when were we good? >:D

Now that I'm done being a suck-up:

What sport do you like to play most? I personally find tennis and badminton fun sports to play, along with a bit of hockey.
What sport do you like to watch most?

If you walk up to your boss and say "I don't think I'll come in on Friday", to which he replies "If you don't come in on Friday don't bother coming in on Monday either", do you:

a) say: Yea! Four day weekend!

b) Show up on Friday and Monday

c) Show up Friday and ask for Monday off

LAST QUESTION: Do you recognize where the above question is from? (If not you can go HOME and wacth SIM tv on your computer and wish you had a SON whose starts with a B and a wife who likes to put MARGin (butter) on everything)(<< BIG FAT HINT)

That's (most likely) the real end this time
I should hope so, I've answered ten questions and no more. :P

Wolkanne -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/14/2008 12:34:15)


dude! first time i meet a man of power before he gets any power :P
Phear mah powar!

Anyways Question time.

Like Counter strike?

like Guild wars?
Also meh...

who knighted you?
'Twas Alac.

shackle color ans shape?
Beige and square, a delightful combination. :)

and last but not least. Is Homer you favorite character or was that just the best avvy you could find?
I should be changing soon, don't you worry. :P

Well, farewell, and congratz you really deserved it.
Thanks, and see you!

oh BTW, what does it feel like to be feared? :P
I don't know, what does it feel like to fear me? >:D

weeash 2k9 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/14/2008 13:12:54)

Hey. :)

questions now.

Do you like AQ DF or MQ more?

Why do you edit in beige?
Because beige is cool. :P

Have i got bad spelling?
Not at all, I see not one spelling mistake in your entire post.

Anyway...Did you get your left sock yet?
AKs are provided with a year's free supply of left socks, I have no worries.

Do you know where the C guy put my left sock?
Did you check your pockets?

Have you heard of Super smash bros brawl?
Heard of, but not played nor had any intent of playing. :P

That's all for now...More to come...So be afraid (of the sig eater not me!) (and the..i forget!...MYSTERIOUS!!!)
Moar? Oh noez. :o

buzookabob -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/14/2008 13:33:26)

I have three questions

Can God make a sandwich so big even he cant eat it?
I suppose he can, if you go by the typical stereotype that he is of a human-like form.

If a person with no relatives, friends, or acquaintances who is completely evil and heartless is killed in cold blood, is it still wrong?
Killing is wrong in all forms, in my opinion.

Did either of the above make your head explode?
Thankfully not.

bill200 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/14/2008 13:43:08)

Good job on the AK spot! Thanks!
I have only one question, seeing that you already have a large amount of them to answer.

Was your first post in the DF forum a question, or an answer?
Hmm... I honestly can't remember that far back. It was probably just part of a discussion thread. :P

Saerokeon -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/14/2008 17:59:53)

Hello pjc
Hey CO. :)

You may or may not remember me
Your name seems familiar from the GoCA, correct?

Do you liek pie muffins?
Depends, but in general, yes, I love 'em.

Yes indeedy.

Any tips on AKship?
Don't do it! You'll regret it! The pain is HORRIBLE!

Were you helpful, and then an AK?
That's correct. :)

Meh. These things are old. Nothing really to ask.

Do you want to ask me questions? I'll be editing in this color xP
Are you going to pester me to make me buy some weapons? :P

That was a joke. But if you seriously want to ask, PM me. It would be fun :)

Wouldja lookit that? Already at ten! Well, toodles!
See you around!

kioshiro_2007 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/14/2008 20:41:43)

Congrats pjc ;D
Thanks! :)

1. what game do you prefer, Dragonfable? Mechquest? Or Adventure quest? O:
DragonFable, of course.

2. Do you like Anime/Manga?
I'm afraid to say I can't stand the stuff. :P I used to watch it avidly, but not anymore.

3. Whats your favorite color?

4. did you know this is the 4th question? xD
Umm... *counts*

5. do you listen to the radio or Ipod?
I listen to the radio once in a while, but mostly I just use the Internet.

6. Do you play videogames?
I do indeed.

7. Have you ever played halo/halo2/halo3?
Seen my friend play on Halo 2, but that's as far as it goes. :P

8. do you got xbox live? if so whats your gamertag?

9. nice meeting yah ;D
Was this a question? Oh well, see you!

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