RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (Full Version)

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Daffanka -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/15/2008 1:39:38)


ur an ak??????+++??+++?
liek yar.



so i herd u liek cagez?
*strokes his cage*

Pain Avatar -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/15/2008 11:19:04)

First off: pjc= pi.....beigh jubiliant cat?*
Surprisingly not.

1)1337 or leet?

2)No-one is sane but is anyone insane?
Maybe you're going insane. :P

3) Im sorry this question has been eaten by giant mutant pandas
Thanks guys. Less work for me.


5)South Africa or South America
South America, much bigger.

6)Ever heared of a band called alter bridge
I'm afraid not.

Thanks? :)

8)Is this anoying?
Not at all.

9)Avatar or incarnation of a god?
The latter.

10)*You know Im right, they all know Im right, am I right.
Congratulations! You've won!... Nothing. :o


Dragonlord John! -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/15/2008 11:26:06)

Well done!
Thanks! :)

Some Questions:
Now your a ArchKnight do you want to be known for? Nothing in particular, all I want is to do my job to the best of my ability. :)
DOOM or Holy: Holy DOOM!
pjc: Paul, James, Cat <_<
Dragonlord or Dragonslayer? DragonLord, much more glorious imo.
If you became evil and set up a war agenst the staff and you won what would you change about AE or there games: Umm... I would gladly hand it back to them. :P
DLJ? :o
Bie! Ciao!


lillkill -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/15/2008 15:27:47)

i think i got your name Pie Juice Cake

okay off t2 the questions

Can i spam?
Absolutely not. D:<

Il take that as an yes no
Oh, good! ^_^

So Mechquest DF or AQ?

Do you watch Avatar?

Have you ever made an home made discusting liquid?
I did experiment with liquids when I was much younger... I didn't realise what strawberry milkshake and washing-up liquid could do at the time. :P

um thats it PIE POWER
Pie power indeed, my friend.

Sara -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/15/2008 15:28:23)

Yay! I can post again!

So how do you eat a donut?
a) Eat it in one giant bite
b) Take a thousand small bites to preserve the taste <--- That one. My mouth isn't particularly big. :P
c) Spit it out since I do not like donuts, weird
d) Ban someone

Did you buy the book AKing for dummies?
a) Yes, I have one thousand copies
b) Reens gave me a copy
c) I am too cool to read
d) What are you talking about I'm no dummy. :D

Will you buy the AE upgrade cards?
a) Yes, I live right near a target
b) No, I do not live in America <--- 'Tis a pity.
c) I would rather upgrade online
d) AE upgrades, where

Do you read the design notes?
a) Yes, all the time
b) Sometimes, depending on how spammy the board is <--- I used to read them all the time, but probably that now.
c) Never, I have way too much work
d) What are the design notes

Banned or Banned!?
a) Banned
b) Banned! <--- I like exclamation marks!
c) I don't know
d) Doesn't matter

What does AK mean?
a) Archknight
b) Ant killer <--- <_<
c) I do not know
d) It is just a stupid name for something

0.636+2362.63-3216.226+151.152 = -701.808

4+3 = 43

65 X 151 = 9815

27271 X 1965216 = Pie.

weapon of choice -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/15/2008 15:38:10)

Sprinkles or chocolate glazing?
Mmm... sprinkles.

Jam filled or custard filled?
Ah... I don't know. I adore both.

Do you know what food I'm talking about?
Donuts, I assumed?

Which AE game is your favorite?

Have you had the urge yet to ban someones account on the forums because they argued against your ideas some time in the past?
I've only been an AK for a week, and of course not, opinions are opinions and everyone is entitled to one, no matter how true or untrue it may be. :P

Thanks if you replied to these questions. ~RP.
No problem I guess. ~pjc

Silver Dragon -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/15/2008 16:50:56)

first, of course, a proper congratulations. so nice job on becoming AK [:D]
Thanks SD!

ok now for a few questions...

1. i know a guy on youtube with the "pjc" prefix on his name... any relation?
Nope, my YouTube name is somewhat more random than that. :P

2. you like my DF page? xD
Very bright and colourful. :D

3. chicken or turkey?
Turkey, for sure.

4. what do you like most about AE games?
The puns. :P

5. Which do you play more? DF, AQ, or MQ (seeing as your an AK here on the DF board i probibly already know this one, but i'm bored so... :P)
You guessed correctly. :)

6. Favorite class? (on any AE game)
The new Ranger class is great. (DF) ^_^

7. need a blanket? i hear the AK prison gets pretty cold...
If we're found to be sneaking in anything of the sort, it's taken from us and we lose a week's rations. Would you really want that to happen to me? D:

8. like ze shiney new buttons?
Uh huh.

9. good, evil, or (for zorbie's fan base) Ebil?
Ebil. [sm=xb9yx3.gif]

10. Paladin or Necromancer?
Paladin seems fun. :)

well thats it for me... for now anyway [:)]

gratz agian on AK, hope you have fun, and dont work to hard
Thanks, and don't get into any trouble. :P

Destro* -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/15/2008 17:02:06)

I decided to come into your post and spam it up with some rulebreakings.
How thoughtful of you. :)

1. If you delete these next 3, then you are deleting from your MTaK, which is a part of you... which in essence is destroying yourself!
It's more "brushing off the dead skin" from my MtAK if I were to delete your questions. :P
2. [insert name here] Post that in Q&A now or DIE!
3. I've become spammy! now what? [:D][:D]I bet you don't think I'll do it!... [:D] *it's the apocalypse, run!*
Not any more, you haven't! >:D
/me throws an angry smiley at Destro*
5. I decided to not make 5 random spammy topics... are you happy?
Better here than on the forums, I guess. :o
*pjc reminds Destro that he has a lovely % next to his name in #dfstrategy* :D
7. I'm in your thread! Stealing your shoes!
More importantly, give me my cat back!
8. I'm here to set you free. Leave your shackles behind and enter the world.
I'd rather stay here than leave with you and your spammy ways, Sir.
9. What does it feel like to be outside now?
I have no idea. D:
10. OH NOEZ, don't kill me with the butter knife!.... *drip* *drip* *drip*
It wasn't me... it was Circe... in the kitchen... with the spatula. :o
Woot, 10 thoughts on page 4... I didn't do 3. I want to get on page 5 *edited to 2 pages, I WILL GET YOU!* 6. I have 10 more!... and orange still pwns!
I thought you'd try to respond to my orange comment... so an invisible barrier!
Hmm... doesn't seem very invisible to me.

whitewolf 12 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/15/2008 17:39:13)


Only 10? You're not fun. >:(
It's good to have limits. :P

1. I see you liek pie. But what about cake?!
Depends what type of cake, mostly. But yeah, I like cake too. :D

2. Ok, so I has some cookies. You don't. You want mah cookies. But they arn't for you. But I don't know you want some. So I ask you "Watch these cookies for a second, okay?" And you do. Do you eat some, or leave them where they are?
I walk away from your cookies and go and buy my own.

You answered wrong in the above question. FAILURE!

3. Did I make you cry when I yelled FAILURE at you? :(
No, because PHAILURE would be ten times worse than FAILURE, so I know I've gotten off lightly.

4. ...cookie?
/me resists

5. You are now a cow. Don't ask how, you just are. What plant would be your favorite to eat?
I would become a carnivorous cow (somehow), and my favourite thing to eat would be whitewolves. >:D


6. Favorite holiday evar?
The Lake District is a lovely place to go.

7. Proper grammar/spelling or no?

Please excuse my typos.
Dunt werry, aperanetley I meak typooz as wel.

8. Kthxbai no wai srsly?
Orly yarly moar kthx?

I so want to see your response to that. XD

I'm in a silly mood. Can you tell?

No, me asking you if you could tell was not a question. >:(
If it wasn't a question then I shan't respond to it. :P

9. Omg, 9 already?

WAIT! that wasn't my actual question!

9. If you could have any animal in the world as a pet, which would it be?
I don't know why, but I've always wanted one of those cute little monkeys. I find them funny. :D

10. If you were a dinosaur, would you eat people?

Ok, done. Pfft, only 10 questions. I guess it's for the better, since you obviously couldn't handle more then 10.
I bet YOU couldn't handle all my beige responses if I were to answer more than 10!

WEAKLING! -runz-
Drat, foiled again.

master dragon lord -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/15/2008 17:54:08)

i cant wait to interagat you i mean ask you questions
It's sorta the same thing anyway. :P

1. Sup pjc

2. werent you a member than an AK i remeber you
I was indeed.

3. what is your fav music
I like a lot, including Evanescence, The Killers, and many more - basically whatever I hear that sounds good.

4. what is your fav TV/movie
Can't decide about the movies, and see the previous pages for answers about TV. :)

5. 5+5=17 right?
'Tis 55, in fact.

6.fav sport
I like plenty, especially motorsports.

7.fav music genre
Rock/Pop, and others.

8. if you had all the money in the world what would you do with it i would but a lolipop[8D]
I'd give plenty to the people I know and love best, and save most of it (but leave plenty to spend on cool stuff... like lollipops). was your valentines day

10.have you ever seen another AK in real life before

p.s i hate love your avatar
What's wrong with my Homer? :o

ok than thos r my questions BYE pjc
See you!

Scottrick95 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/15/2008 18:00:18)

Heya. :)

2.Your favorate gaming system?
I'm all good with my trusty old PC. :)

3.Can you spell good?
G-O-O-D. Yep.

4.Favorate show?
There are many, but I'm especially fond of Top Gear, Mock the Week, Never Mind the Buzzcocks, and many many more. See previous pages for more answers. :P

5.Favorate cartoon caracter
Not sure about that one, but I believe I answered that question somewhere on page 2.

6.What is your favorarte place to go
On my computer. :P

7.QUICK THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO BLOW In the mean time, How long are you on the computer each day
:O It varies from day to day, many times I can be on for up to 12 hours, if not more. (Yeah, I know, I need a life...)

8.Do you know what TTYL is?
Talk to you later.

9.Why do you like that color?
Beige? How could you not like it?

10.Bye.(wait thats not a question,I'll make it a questiom)Do you want to say bye?
I s'pose so... bye! :)


krusher64n -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/15/2008 19:52:21)

1. What kind of questions are you expecting?
DOOM. And lots of it.

2. Is this a good question?
Highly unoriginal. ._.

3. I forgot my last question.
Oh no! What ever will we do?

4. Welcome to the circus of values... Go BIOSHOCK!
/me notes that he does not play Bioshock. :o

5. Hero's Heart Day or Chickencow day?
Chickencow Day, by far.

6. DF, AQ, or MQ?

7. Snugglebears or Chickencows
Snuggly chickencows. ^_^

8. If I told you, "ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US", what would you do?
I would steal all your knives and forks.

9. Would you declare war on us?
That was plan B.

10. If you can count to infinity, would you?
That question makes no logical sense at all... D:<

11. BYE!!!!! (this is an exclamation, not a question)
See you!

Frydae -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/15/2008 20:26:53)

Wazzup! I've seen you before somewhere...I can't put my finger on it... Look behind you!<<Oh, hi little bro. Have you ever seen this guy pjc before?>>
Anyway, get ready for the torture! Uh...interrogation! Uh...questioning! Uh...answering?

1.) What does pjc stand fo- Which DL DoT do you like the most? Explain.
Hmm... I love the animation in the Fire Dragon Spirit attack, and the Earth Dragon Spirit comes close.
<<Earth is my fave>>>

2.) What does pjc stand fo- What is your favorite and 2nd favorite band? You can have more than one in each category. *Hypnotize: Linkin Park and Foo Fighters. Linkin Park and Foo Fighters. Linkin Park and Foo Fighters.*
I don't really have an outright favourite, I like plenty. You can look back a few pages to f... Linkin Park and Foo Fighters... Linkin Park and F...
<<Yeeeessss...Now go buy some autographed albums from EBay ;)>>

3.) What does pjc stand fo- Do you like Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles?
Haven't seen it, probably won't, sadly.
<<Awwwwww...[sm=twill9a.gif]. You're missing on a lot!>>

4.) What does pjc stand fo- Whale Spit or Glob of Love? (eewww on both. Glob of Love is so pink and disgusting. Whale Spit is so...disgusting and slimy.)
Glob of Love. How can you say it's disgusting when its so snuggly? ^_^
<<Sunggly? SNUGGLY?!?!?!?! They're eewwie and they tyr to stop you from delivering snugglegrams!>>

5.) What does pjc stand fo- Have you heard of Turning Point: Fall of Liberty? (I'm promoting my dad's game! He makes games. No, wait, he bosses people around. Like Artix [;)].)
Sounds like a cool job to have. :P I can't say I've properly heard of it though... although it rings a bell somewhere in the back of my head.
<<Look it up on IGN or Pro G. It's pretty cool. Nice story and plot I saw some of the art in their office!>>

6.) What does pjc stand fo- Have you heard of Legendary: The Box? Lolz
I haven't, no. :o
<<(Refer to response above)>>

7.) What does pjc stand fo- If the President made it illegal to have Internet connection anywhere, what would you do? (Do I smell revolt?)
I'm sure everyone would go completely off it, including myself. :P
<<I'd revolt. 'Cause then I won't be able to play DF. And you'll be stuck in your cell with nothing to do! Muahahaha!.>>

8.) What does pjc stand fo- You are wearing the CCA and holding a Doomie. Don't ask how. What would you do?
Go and kick some behind?
<<I was thinking pulling a prank on my english teacher. ^_^.>>

9.) What does pjc stand fo- A submarine was sinking. Cy, me, Bill Gates, my dog, Brad Pitt, and a random drop-dead gorgeous girl was bound helpless. You can only save one person. Who would it be?
Umm... Bill Gates so he could congratulate and give me loads of money for saving him. :D
<<You disgust me. Thinking of money before the great, almighty Cysero. He'd give you DCs...And not even stopping to think of the dog... Well, I would've picked the random drop-dead gorgeous girl though... ^_^.>>

10.) What does pjc stand fo- Alac and a helpless child were falling down a cliff, unconcious. You could fly, but can only save one person. Take your pick.
You're just doing this to be awkward, aren't you? :P
<<Nope. She pays any random person to ask this question to test your loyalty and virtues. Lol. Just answer...>>

What does pjc stand fo- Wha-? I got 10 qs already? So, only 10 eh? That's it? That's all the torture you can endure? Aww man. I was feeling really malicious today... [:(] Oh, and look at my sig! Keep it in mind!
Hehe, limits are good. Oh, and what does pjc stand for, you ask? Well, basically, it... *ksssssh....*
<<Thou shalt be destroyed for your insolence. Give me your name!...

P.S.: Remember to check out my response to your answers. I always have responses....

bob.builder -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/15/2008 20:46:06)

I'm back!
I'm pjc, pleased to meet you!

Can we evade your 10 question limit by not putting numbers?
Thankfully I can count, so no. D:<

Do you consider me annoying?
Not at all. ^_^

I'm stealing your color!
O rly?

I think I will add more...... I'm losing my thoughts...
/me wipes bob's memory.

Can he fix it? Yes he can! (Sorry, couldn't resist...)

Dragon_Mancer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/15/2008 21:01:36)

Well, I'm kinda new at this so here it goes:

Are you going to be a nice AK will Santa have to skip your house?
Maybe I am Santa... and I wouldn't skip my own house!

Are you insane?
Only on weekends.

Ya rly.

What is better: Friday the 13 or February 30
Friday, February 13th. :)

Do you like dragons?
As long as they don't eat me, I do.

Do you like zippers?
You mean zips, right? D:<

Do you like purple zippers with big zippy thingy's that ared really purple, but are an illusion that will turn you into a deathknight if you eat pie the day after seeing without picking your nose?
... Sounds like a barrel of laughs!


Will you forget me in the next 2 minutes?
Forget who?

Do you like snugglebears?[X(]
Of course I do! [sm=6r83v6.gif]

Are you skinny (unlike homer)?
Not really. :P
:P yourself!

Did I pass 10 Questions? Oops! Ignore the rest (if you even care)![:-]
Well you only said ten questions really, "Bye!" is more of an exclamation than anything. :P


Jughead -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/15/2008 21:53:34)

Congratulations on being an AK!You may not know me as i usually am in the AQ GGD!
Thanks! :)

Do you like Do'Hnuts?
Mmm... donuts... *drools*

Do you do crazy stuff?(such as..... er nvm)
Depends what you define as crazy. :P

What do you think about my name?
Very nice use of... er... personification?

Would you be mean after being an AK? (Okay im just kidding)
Of course I'm not mean. Are you trying to say I'm mean? I'll ban you! D:< (Yeah, I'm kidding too... I think)

Does your name stand for People, Jughead's COOL?(Lol,but that name would contradict my second sentence)
Hehe... nice guess, but nar.

What is your faviorite anime?
Not a fan of anime, really.

Do you have a Doomie?
I do indeed, it's name is Steve.

What does pyaiwe mean?(it's an acronym)
Pull Your Abdomen In Wicked Earache?

Is this my tenth question?

Are you a clown?
Of course not! *red noses fall out of pjc's back pocket*

Thanks for answering,if you would ever answer,lol.
No probs. :P

mastin2 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/15/2008 23:13:11)

Okay, eighth question!

8: I just noticed...996633 as your color? Was that just coincidence? (Do I even need to ask? There is no such thing as coincidence!)

J00 st34alz mah colourz! :o And the hex code is easy to remember, that's another reason why I use it. :P


sliferzzz7 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/16/2008 0:07:16)

1)you ever heard "black hole sun"

2)ever heard "iron man"

bye, sorry its short![:@][&:][&o][8|][;)]
Less for me to answer. :P And bye!

Xavier Crivios -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/16/2008 3:10:31)

Ello Mister.
Bonjour Monsieur.

1. Is the cake a lie?
The cake is conspiring against you!

2. Is pie a lie?
The time for the lying pie to die is nigh. (I'm quite proud of my rhyming! :D)

3.Good grammar or LULZ GRAMMER?

4.Do you belive in santy claus?
Santa is real, Santy is a lie!

5. Why is DF so Dragonamulet exlusive?
You'll have me going on for ages about this... :D Those who have purchased Dragon Amulets are those who help to keep the game going by providing the staff with money - bear in mind that they have to pay wages, buy equipment, pay for servers and allsorts. The staff want to say thank you to these people, and to encourage those who have not bought them to hopefully buy them - both sides (the players and the staff) can experience the benefits of it. I always say that Non-DAs are sort of getting a "demo" of the game; a taster of what it's like; sufficient amounts of content to allow them to play and have fun, but the main part of it comes when you purchase the full thing. It's due to DAs that games like this aren't like WoW, for example, that require a subscription and monthly payment. *Phew* I know I go on and on a bit, you'll get used to it. :P

6. Do you belive in god or spritual being?
I don't believe in a god in particular, but I do believe that there is life and energy that we have not yet come across.

7. If i say LULZ, how would you respond?

Thank you so much for your time, It's been a pleasure interviewing you.
It has been a pleasure rambling on at you as well. :D

mitilotic2 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/16/2008 4:09:27) everybody congratz(so unorginal)!!! Thanks!
mehehehehe now for jor qns of doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom :o

1.) how do u make a sentence using "because" three times consecatively??(no silly answer plz mehheheheh doubt u cant do that without looking at the answer...[sm=evilking.gif])
meh..knew u would nvr guess it heres the answer: you cannot end a sentence wif because because because is a conjunction.
But I can't edit in my answers without seeing your answer. :P Also, I'll have you know that "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is a grammatically correct sentence. :D

2.) wat was the first thing that came into your mind when u first looked at the qns(da 1st one)???
"Oh no, I'm supposed to answer the question but I've already seen the answer."

3.)wat was the first reaction when u first saw the qns(the first one)??
Erm... to start typing my answer in?

4.)did u kick your self for not knowing the answer????(yup the first one still)
Not at all, because I r teh cheatz0r.

5.)did u try to delete my qns when u first saw it and pretend u nvr saw it???(copy paste here)
... ?

6.)if 1x1=2 and 2x2=4 3x3=9 and 4x4=16 then wats does the meaning of life means???
The meaning of life means the meaning of life... :o

7.)if thirty-three to the power of nine times ten to the power of negative two minus ten time zero wat is the right answer
a)cries and despair <--- Now look what you've done to me. :(
d)cries harder
e)annoyed so much that deletes post

8.)if-->{(3x1)²[4x9]²{7x9}³}0 is true then what time did john had his lunch?
ans: meh its so simple...anything times zero = 0 so john had his lunch at zero hour or wat some of u mortals called midnight
Bah, you're supposed to put the 0 before anything else if you want to multiply it, not after, so it makes no sense. D:<

once again congratz

*ans is invisable below qns(yes for qns one and 8 u can stop kicking yourself now)* I saw right through your secret. >:D
meh congratz again.. Thanks... again!
dunno if i have too much time or got no life...congratz....[:D] Thanks again again! D:<

~Chaos~ -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/16/2008 6:26:54)


First of all : Congratz on the promovation! Let you're block button be shiny and you're ban number big (...)
Let's go on a most excellent adventure through time! I'm all with you there!

Second of all : Happy Hero Hearts Week!
Thanks, you too! :D

Do you have someone with who you spend Valentines day?
Myself. :P

Did you expect becoming an AK?
Not one bit, I nearly passed out when I was offered.

How were you informed and by who?
By Alac, via PM. :)

That's all! Enjoy the rest of the day. Oh and if I have time... I'll send a bag of gold to 'ya!
Thanks, and see you! (I won't forget about the gold...)

Slave of music -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/16/2008 16:12:14)

Hello and welcome to torture week[:D]

Ok first question D00M or Doughnuts?
D00M-doughnuts, of course.

well is Homer really evil or am I?
Homer > you. >:D

Which do you like more the DLA or Ranger armour?
Tough one to call... I might say DLA, not sure though.

Ninja's Pirates or both?
Arrr, it be pirates.

Daredevil or Batman?

Freddy or Michael Myers?

What is a Pirate if not a average man trying to make his way in the world?
A filthy, selfish, vicious man who loves to kill and loot. :D

First Remake season Doctor Who or newst one?
I love all episodes of Doctor Who just as much as each other!

L8ter -_- Congrats:P
G'bye, and thanks!

Sir Kumstance -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/16/2008 19:40:48)

i really didn't have time to read any of the other questions.
Then I may not answer some. :P

How did you become an AK?
I was asked by Alac via PM. :)

What are your ideas for the forums and any AE games?
I don't have many ideas, but the one's I've had have probably already been posted in Forum Issues a while ago. I don't usually visit DF Suggestions.

Mech's or Dragons?
Mechs are probably much cooler. :D

Pirate or ninja?

How do you get the ranks other than Member/New member?
/me directs you to the very handy FAQ.

Ranger or Knight?
I'm no good with decisions... <_<

Final Fantasy or Metal Gear Solid?
Er... er...

that's it....
Yay! :D

congrats on becoming an AK

Mightymooseprod -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/16/2008 20:26:38)

Whats Up? and grats on the AKtasticness
The sky, and thanks!

Doctor Who or Torchwood?
Doctor Who, by far. :D

What do you think of the fact that David Tennant is taking 3 years off of Doctor Who to do stage work?
He is? >_> Why does nobody tell me about these things?

Does your name stand for panda jamboree celebration?

If not, is it the initials of your real name?

What do you think of Richard Dean Anderson?(Macguyer and Jack O' Neill on Stargate SG-1)
I don't watch much Stargate... I watched it a little when I was younger, but now I've sort of forgotten all about it. :o

What movie are you looking forward to most in 08?
Hmm... I'm not sure. I think I've seen most of the bigger movies that people and myself have been anticipating.

If you could only bring 3 items on a desert island, but they all had to be animals who would be chained to your arms, what animals would you chose?
A camel (for water... sort of, and transportation), a cow (for food...), and a panda. Because they're funny. ^_^

Well, I can't really think of any others, so see ya!
See you!


Forever1712 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: pjc (2/16/2008 23:57:18)

congratz on being an ak.
Thanks! :)


why did you accept to be an ak?
I enjoy having responsibility and love to help, and being an AK seemed like a great opportunity for me to help others and the DF boards that I simply couldn't pass up. ^_^

why did you pick your username?
You're supposed to guess, silly. :P

ebil or evil?

snugglebear or dyamo Daimyo (:o) (that wittle doggy the belongs to artix)?
They are both exceptionally snuggly, but I'd have to go with Daimyo, just because he's cool. :P

zorbak or that other guy that looks like a very old version of zorbak Kabroz. (:D)?
Zorbak is ebil, I'd have to go with him. :D

twilly or twig?
Oh Twig, definitely.

ice cweam or pie?
Pie. >:D

adventurequest or dragonfable or mechquest?
DragonFable. :)

I'll think of more questions later,so BEWARE!!!!!!!!!
It'll probably be finished by the time you think of more questions. :P

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