Saerokeon -> RE: Aviary [beta] Freeware (2/29/2008 18:30:00)
Note: This is NOT a general discussion thread for Aviary (or at least that's the message I got through the first post). Note: Pretty much NONE of the programs have been released, except for Pheonix. The other one's are still being created, but the staff has made stickies, asking for beta testers in Raven and Peacock, I think. I really like this. Pheonix is great because it's a freeware. I'd just use that if I were at a friends house or something, while I'd use GIMP/PS at home. The only fault in my opinion is lack of filters and there's no pentool/pathtool. I read that they were adding the pentool, and filter, I guess, will come with time (liquify RULES!) I also really like the concept. The animals, and such that is. With the .egg format for saving, and lots of other little perks that I find amusing, I'm with iChar on this. This might be the next great thing. It's really nice that it's also an uploading space, and that the staff will give you invitations if you create neat stuff. After going inviting what little GFX-ing friends I have to Aviary, I have 3 or so invitations left. I am willing to give these away only to anyone who for some reason cannot download suitable programs like The GIMP (maybe because their parents allow no download, or their OS can't handle it, etc. Please PM me with the reason you cannot download anything, and I may or may not invite you. ~CYo