Dean Warlic's Office (Full Version)

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Vaseline28 -> Dean Warlic's Office (2/28/2008 14:45:13)

Dean Warlic's Office

Location: GEARS University
Directions: GEARS University -> Elevator -> Dean Warlic's Office

Locations Available:
  • Planet Yokai
  • Zargon Wormhole Saga
  • Gameshow Planet

    Missions Available:
  • Tibattleonia
  • Rescue!
  • Starship Parts
  • Find a Cure
  • Surprise Attack
  • Espionage
  • Kingadent
  • Soluna Outpost
  • Mer'a Rescue Attempt

    Shops Available:
  • Shadowtech
  • NG Shadowtech
  • Mer'a Weapons
  • Wormhole Tech Shop

  • SDF Mecha
  • SDF NG Mecha

  • Warlic
  • Char
  • Mont


    Before Level 5
    Dean Warlic: Greetings <Character>. Your results from the entrance exam were impressive, but you still lack experience.
    Dean Warlic: However, you seem to have great potential. Return to me when you have learnt more about the ways of Mecha.

    Level 5 and above
    There is different dialogue depending on how far through the story you are.
  • Meeting Dean Warlic for the first time
  • Talking to Dean Warlic again before completing the Rescue! mission
  • Talking to Dean Warlic again after completing the Rescue! mission

    Warlic: <Character>. You are my number one choice for a top-secret mission. Do you accept?

    If you click 'Yes!'
    Warlic: Very well, there is no turning back. Not even the Kingadent knows what I am about to tell you.
    Warlic: Captain Sys-Zero is Missing in Action! He was on a top secret mission to find out what happened to our military.
    Warlic: GEARS University students have been this city's sole defense throughout this war.
    Warlic: I'm afraid that the Kingadent may have declared victory way too early. I hope this is not the case.
    Warlic: However it is greatly disturbing that Sys-Zero is gone. You must find him before it's too late.
    Warlic: He may have information that the Kingadent needs!
    Warlic: Sys-Zero's last known location was the town of Tibattleonia Are you ready for your mission?

    Warlic: The Kingadent has requested you for a top secret mission. We will need a working Starship first.

    Warlic: There is a Starship docked at the Soluna Spaceport. However, it has been sabotaged. You will need to find replacement parts.

    Warlic: Very good. You have found all of the parts. The Starship is being repaired. Now, report to the Kingadent.

    After completing all the missions
    Warlic: Hello again, <Character>. That is your name right? I'm having a hard time remembering things lately.

    After dealing with the situation on the Moon:
    Warlic: «You», Nurse Helia needs your help. She may be able to cure Sys-Zero!
  • Talk
      Warlic: «You», I hate to become involved in political affairs...
      Warlic: But the Kingadent must be removed from power for his treachery!
      Warlic: His "rebels" were actually the most elite and loyal protectors of our planet! I wonder why he committed this traitorous act?
      Warlic: I have hidden Odessa and the other SDF soldiers here at GEARS University.
      Warlic: GEARS University is now the Central Headquarters of the resistance! Please report to me and Admiral Pureheart from now on.

    After curing Sys-Zero:
    Warlic: «You», Odessa requires your assistance immediately! We are under attack right now!
  • Talk
      Warlic: «You», I hate to become involved in political affairs...
      Warlic: But the Kingadent must be removed from power for his treachery!
      Warlic: His "rebels" were actually the most elite and loyal protectors of our planet! I wonder why he committed this traitorous act?
      Warlic: I have hidden Odessa and the other SDF soldiers here at GEARS University.
      Warlic: GEARS University is now the Central Headquarters of the resistance! Please report to me and Admiral Pureheart from now on.

    After fending off the Surprise Attack:
    Warlic: «You», the recent attack originated from The White Castle! You should go there and investigate!

    After defeating the Kingadent:
    Warlic: «You», congratulations on your victory! Now, stand by for more orders from the new Queenadent!
      Warlic: For your efforts, the Queenadent has given you access to special salvaged Shadowscythe Technology.

    Warlic: Char says she finished her wormhole scanning device. She's already getting positive readings.
    Warlic: I want you to go immediately and retrieve everything that Jemini took from us.
    Warlic: I fear our window of opportunity is closing quickly.
    Warlic: Oh. And if you would like to revisit Lagos for the war with Braddock, please speak with Char.

    After becoming Grand Champion on Planet 51:
    Warlic: Sys-Zero has an important message!
  • Distress Signal
      Warlic: <Character>, we have just received a message from Sys-Zero at a distant Soluna Space Outpost. It is a top priority.
      Warlic: After you finish viewing the message, I will need you to be on your way to the Outpost.

    Incoming Signal: Sys-Zero
      Sys-Zero: Dean Warlic, we have a bit of a situation here. We just found an unknown vessel.
      Sys-Zero: And by unknown, I mean we've never seen this class of ship before nor have we seen these types of people before.
      Sys-Zero: Their ship has evidently been drifting across space for quite some time.
      Sys-Zero: They are telling us that they have been spotted by a Shadowscythe fleet.
      Sys-Zero: We have what appears to be their leader communicating with us here.
      Sys-Zero: It seems a fraction of the people on the ship managed to escape in a smaller vessel, and reached our Outpost.
      Sys-Zero: They're requesting help to save the remaining people on their ship before they get taken by the Shadowscythe.
      Sys-Zero: Their leader is very short. In fact... All of them appear very sho... Hey! What the!?

    «Sys-Zero is pushed out of the way as Char (called ???) points the screen to herself.»

    ???: Look! Just get someone out here, okay!?! Go go go!!
    ???: My people don't have much time left and we're not prepared to fight them!
    Sys-Zero: Just send someone to help us, Warlic. I'll try calming this kid down.
    ???: I'm not a kid!!!!
    Warlic: It's certainly an interesting message and I have selected you to go to the outpost, <Character>.
    Warlic: As the short-one said, there is not much time. Please hurry.
  • Not yet...
      Warlic: Really?... Maybe I chose the wrong person for this mission...
  • Old Missions
  • Talk
      Warlic: Something terrible has happened recently. In light of this, <Character>, I urge you to use extreme caution when dealing with Korin.
      Warlic: I'll fill you in on this later but for now there is no time. You must view Sys-Zero's message and be on your way!


    Char: The Wormhole Scanner is complete! Everything should be great!

    Char: You can choose what you want to do here.

    Mont: Hey there, <Character>. How can I help you?
    Mont: Now that Char has the wormhole scanner working, she's requested that I stay here and monitor things.
    Mont: Basically when you need something from here, I will be here helping Tek so it will all get through to you as normal.
    Mont: Even though a wormhole is involved.
    Mont: This goes for weapons and mechas so you should be able to equip things as easily as you do now.
    Mont: Char should be a big help to you. Her wormhole tracker is impressive stuff.
    Mont: But do be careful. You never know what kind of situation you'll land in when you jump through one.

    Mer'a Shops
    Char: You're welcome to weapons that use our technology. It wasn't hard to adapt our tech to yours.

    Char: Now that the scanner is finished, we can finally begin our chase for Jemini.
    Char: It's said that wormholes can travel great distances and even slice through the fabric of time.
    Char: There's no telling when or where we'll end up. Our biggest concern is what will be happening when we land.
    Char: Worst case scenario, we land on a planet that's experiencing violent eruptions of destruction.
    Char: I'm sure we'll be fine though.

    Thanks to Superfluous, Yagno2000, and Personater for missions, Peachii for link, ArchMagus Orodalf for dialogue.

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