RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (Full Version)

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DragonMaster V -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/6/2008 21:55:28)

Who is your worse enemy? I'm guessing Pencil, right?
No, actually, matches are. I'll let you figure that one out. :P
Nintendo or Sony?
Um, both!
Favorite color?
Sage green
Mario or Sonic?
Favorite Video Game?
Nothing beats the original Mario.
Press my red button. What happened?
I think I... wait.. what were you saying?
WHAT?! Planet Smoshokayalinatomikomahinytal in the Galaxy Goshikonatoomopolyqerwung was suppose to explode!
Whoops. My bad!
BYE! That is the all of my torcher questions for today!
Don't worry, you can borrow my winter boots! Those bugs really ARE annoying!
That they are! Thanks!

tko -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/6/2008 22:01:08)

congratz on getting the title of ak(archknight)
Thank you verreh much!
have you seen me on the forums b4?(i ask cuz not meny have i'm a lazy boy lol)
Yes, I do believe I have. =)
whats you're favorite thing about becoming an ak?
Having my own pretty avatar. :P
what AE game is you're favorite?
That one. xD
did you ever think you would become an ak?
Nope! :P
what is you're favorite thing to do in you're free time?
Hmm. I'd say going hiking.
do you like kickboxing?(i know a pro yay me!)
Never tried it. Go you then! xD
and now i take my leave[sm=animal-smiley-025.gif]*meow*(the cat face and meow are a bojuka joke)and have fun bug smashing ewww i wish i had not said that lol
...okay then! :D
ps. if i ever get the title of ak i already had a guy make an avvy muwhahahahaha

Highlord Sendai -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/7/2008 8:53:07)

Hi writing Pad
hi Robofire
Well done (Are you looking forward to all the agonizing pain)
Have you seen me on da Forums before.
I surely have!
Fave AE game,MQ,AQ,DF or AQW
Yup. :D
Fave Ebilgame
Moglin Punter
Do you watch DR.WHO
Alas, no. :(
Wii or PS3
...that one! :D
Pie or Cookies
Have you met Artix(Adam Bohn)
Fare ye well!

The ErosionSeeker -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/7/2008 13:58:54)

Writing pad, i've got questions, and I hope you have answers...
I hope so too...
why did the Lymcrest labriynth freeze this time, and not when it was released?
How come there's no filament entry in the encyclopedia, and if cycero can get anything at all, why doesn't he enter it in?
Your favourite class?
What's the Mysterious Stranger's real name?
It's too mysterious to be spoken of.
Least favourite monster in DF?
Them good ol' mushrooms...
And as Paperclip of DOOM asked, where did Athei go?
...I still know nothing! :o
That's all I have for now...
Allrighty then, see ya! :D

boomies -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/7/2008 18:38:57)

Well, hello. Congrats on the AKship!
One question. Do you speak 1337?
>.> it's a necessary evil, to have that skill. :P
Well, Bai.

Cool Dragonz -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/8/2008 12:22:41)

/me congratsnugandwaves at WP. :)
/me grins and says thanks!
/me takes a writingpad to note down some things (Original from Scakk :P).
Muahaha. Now I know all your innermost thoughts. ^^
Cute! An AK! Awesome! Congrats!
Which of the above ones do you like the most? :D
The first one! :D
That was all. Good luck! :D
Okay, thanks again!

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (6/8/2008 19:04:10)

[Deleted by Admins]

Gharud -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/9/2008 19:13:39)

Hiyas! i'll just get to the questions [:D]
Allrighty then!
are you gunna bug me about my name being neopets like everyone else?[&o]though perhaps i shouldn't use the word "bug"....
Not at all, I play it myself (mostly just during plots though)
what's an ArchKnight? i only remember it from playing ArchKnight..... [&:]
We're kinda like mini-mods. Ish. :P
to be a bit more original, what's your LEAST favorite AE game? [:-]
...That one. xD
what's your favorite smiley? =:)
why the ! (exlamation mark) after your name? [>:]
'cause I like it... :P
do you play an instrument? namely a musical one.... [sm=E.jpg]
Not well, but I play the recorder and a bit of piano, and I sing. :)
that's pretty much it....oops forgot to say Congrats!!!!! [;)]
okay, see ya around!

rootbeer79 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/9/2008 20:41:59)

Hiya hi!

1)are you even answering these questions?
Nope. :D

2)Do you like mary poppins the movie?(or even seen it?)
Yes, I love it. :D

3)Have you heard of rootbeer?the real kind not me?
IBC Rootbeer is the best. :D

4)have you seen me on the forums(mostly in df gd)
I believe I have

5)have you heard of disney?
Nope, what on earth could disney be? Wait, did I once hear a rumor about some mega-ultra-rich-worldwide company with a mouse called Micky as the spokesperson? Hmm... *ponders*


7) Did my last question freak you out?

8)are you going to delete this post or make question 6 have no capital letters?

9) do you think I am going to make it to 10 questions?
I sure do!

10)I made it yah supercalifragilisticexpealidocus now for the you play 20 questions?
Not at all

11)do you think i am going to make it to 20 questions?

12)did you answer yes or no because the answer is no I am only doing 13...HAHAHAHAHA 13 yea 13...what it is unlucky

13)are you sad that this is my last question?
Mortified. :'(

bye bye

..........Oh-no I forgot to say congrats the world is going to end unless i say it[:(]....Congrats and april fools[:D] what you are saying it is not april fools day.....NOOOOOOOOOOO my whole life is ruined[:(]

~rootbeer~*glug glug glug* yum rootbeer........AW rootbeer has that frosty root taste

adrianmm -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/9/2008 23:03:31)


ORIGINAL: GhostBear5

Your an AK!, a WP still. ^_^

I will drill you soon, you Pad!
Oh dear. 0.0 *runs for the hills*

Run To The Hills!!!??? you like Iron Maiden dont you????
Nope, running to the hills is just a common phrase. :P

Wolkanne -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/10/2008 8:45:57)

0.0 Wow! Congratz, dudette.
Thankee, thankee!
So, do you prefer silly or serious questions? I will base my post on your answer, for I see all...that is in front of the present.
Silly they shall be.
Like Counter-strike? I do, M4 FTW :D
Like Guild Wars? I do, Dervishes FTW :D
...try saying Dervishes 10 fast. ^^
Like Warcraft? I do, Taurens FTW :D
I dare not try playing that, or I'd never leave my computer. :P
Like Sly games? I do...GOTCHA...:D
Chocolate cookies. I should make some.
Is there a question that doesn't have 42 as an answer?
Yup. What is 4 +2?
Are you fond of owls?
Sure, they're great animals!
(º< (º- (º< (º- (º< (º- PAAACMAAAAAAAN
Have you mastered the ancient and decieving art of evading begging questions?
My master has told me to not reveal my skill levels to anyone. o.o
Bye, have fun terrorizing stuff.
Yay, I will, than- wait a second...!

Necromander -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/10/2008 10:10:42)

Got to get mah questinz in!
You did it!
First, typical questions.
Allrighty then!
Ever been snugged by a Gecko?
I don't think so...
Who does all your base belong to?
Us? *splits a big piece of base with Necromancer*
Is it can be hugz tiem naow plz?
Yayz! *snugglehuggles*
Now serious questions (or not)
Not. :D
Shoe size?
7 1/2
Cloverfield or Godzilla?
Haven't seen either one yet. =(
Favorite type of pizza?
Supreme, everything (that's not unusual) on top. :D
Is ebil a typo in your opinion?
Nope, I think it must come from evil getting a cold.
What is your favorite post you've ever read?
...I have lived many a year, and not once have I found a single post, wether it be a fence post, lamp post, or any such thing that can be read. ^^
*ding!* Toast is ready, thankees!
FPS or RTS (First person shooter or Real-Time Strategy?)
Will Ferrel or Jack Black?
Jack Black
Ever played Super Smash Bros. Brawl?
Noo. :P
Fave Character?
Least Fave Character?
Pirate or Ninja?
Least favorite thing to do?
Digging outside in summer heat?
Least favorite thing on the forums.
Hmm... I'd say trolls.
If AE had infinite resources (to avoid Paperclips response D:<) And made a new game, what would you make it about? If they gave you the decision.
Office supplies. ^_^
Bai. I mizz you.
Alas, poor Necromancer!
OMG! This question has snuck up on you! HAIR COLOR?
Mine? Blonde... xD

swenson -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/10/2008 13:53:28)

The Important Questions:

Do you watch Doctor Who? More importantly, do you like it?
Alas, I've not had the chance to watch it yet... it's on my list, though! :P
Are you my mummy? (obscure Doctor Who reference)
I don't think so.
What is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
It's a secret. Shhh!
Do you play games? Any computer games (aside from AE ones, of course)? Which?
Not really... :3
Ever hear of Zork?
From Zork and Pals? :P
How do you pronounce the words 'xyzzy' and 'plugh'?
"zee-zee" "plug"

The Unimportant Questions:

Is lined or unlined paper better?
Depends on the occasion. :P
Pencils or pens?
Again, depends on the occasion.
Read any books? Which?
I read LOTS of books, far too many to list out here. Right now, though, I'm reading New Moon, Every Living Thing, and For Kirk and Covenant
Star Wars or Star Trek?
Star Wars
You like LotR?
That's a wee bit of an understatement. :D
Ambient temperature of current location?
77 F
Do you understand my sig?
I beleive so!
I'll come up with more odd questions to ask you later. That's a lovely colour you're answering in, btw.
Thanks! See ya later!

Baker -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/12/2008 23:30:18)

Don't have any questions, but...

/me snugs WritingPad! and runs away
/me chases after, catches, and snugs back
Have fun with the squishing!
Thanks! ^^

The Trobble One -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/13/2008 2:29:36)

Hello New AK Writingpad.

Hello yourself!
Just wanted to pop in and say hi and Good Luck so bye for now.
Okay! Bye and thanks! :D

Beleg Strongbow -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/13/2008 10:12:29)

Hello, Calanthe. :D
> Hello Beleg!
>> :)

I think it must be over a year ago now that I first noticed your posts in the DF forums--probably right when you first joined, as it was even before you had your forum name "changed"/corrected. =) I have always been very impressed with your style of communication. :) It's great to see that your skills and efforts are being acknowledged. Congratulations! :D
> lol, thanks!
>> What was it? "WritningPad!"? I remember thinking She's so good with words: how did she misspell writing? =)

You and I first communicated with each other concerning Tolkien, as you noted my forum name. (You recommended I read The Children of Húrin.) At that time I added your profile to my Address Book, and it has been there ever since.
> I remember it well. Did you ever get around to reading it? :)
>> Honestly, I have not, =\ but it will be done...eventually. =} I have heard nothing but the highest praise for it, but lately I've been on a bit of a Dickens kick... :)

Occasionally, I will check out where you have been on the forums, as I have found that topics to which you respond are generally interesting to myself as well. I hope that doesn't constitute online stalking... =O =} I actually have practiced this form of forum navigation with several good writers, but I won't disclose the entire list here-and-know. (Though the Doomed PaperClip is definitely one of them too.) :)
> Err... I'm honored, I guess? Either that or scared to death. One of the two. :P
>> I don't know that I would recommend either. =}

Keep up the great work and enjoy the new privileges (and responsibilities)! God bless! :)
> Will do, thanks a bunch, and God bless you too. :)
>> Thanks, He has--ineffably... :)

In Christ,

Gothmog -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/13/2008 10:56:20)

/me runs in and starts moving things around in the WritingPad's cage.
Hmm... *raises eyebrow*

/me vanished in a cloud of smoke. *pOOf*
/me strategically replaces Goth's mattress with whoopee cushions.

bloodblue -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/13/2008 13:10:07)

I'm gonna ask a lot of randomness to allow myself too... enter you mind!!! (dramatic reverb)
Bring it on! :D
What's your favorite word?
Since your a binding of paper, do random people try to liberate their feelings by writing on you?
All the time!
Was that an awkward question?
Only if you think it is. xD
Are you still in shock from becoming an AK?
Getting over it now, bit by bit. :P
Have you read the Harry Potter books?
Sure have!
Have you ever been to
I highly recommend it, it's hilarious.
I'll be sure to check it out, then. :)
The site name is a monty python reference.
I wonder, am i technically ranting?
Can you answer this question correctly?
Sorry, you got it wrong.
..then does that mean I got it right? :D
It was me! I was the turkey, on the table!
:o! I knew it!
That was from Invader Zim, one of the funniest cartoons i have ever watched.

I gots to go now /hugs >.> *moves all your stuff*
Oy! *thwacks and hugs*
Oooo...! Shiny smoke! :o
(ill be back, im hungry right now.)

wolfman_naruto -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/13/2008 19:18:00)

could we be friends


track some bugs

Circe -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/13/2008 21:12:43)

Squeeee! *snugs*

I have no questions, but I thought I'd poke my head in and say congrats!



/me snugglepounces

Good luck chasing bugs! :D

Gyroh -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/13/2008 21:25:52)


Ok, lets start....

1. Sprite or 7up?

2. If you could be any animal, which one would you be? why?

3. Any special place in the real world you would like to visit? which one?

4. Favorite movie?

5. So, what are your hobbies? besides playing AE games and/or writing and reading on the forums (if you really consider these things a hobby).

6. Favorite animal? (your favorite animal is not always the one you would like to be)

7. What's your favorite music genre?

8. Do you have your own car or truck? which one?

Maybe I thought you were too young by asking you that question...

9. Do you have a job?

10. Sabes hablar y leer en español o te vas a sacar de onda completamente cuando leas esta pregunta?

11. I just found out you're blonde. So are your eyes green or blue or are you different from the few blondes I've seen?

12. Favorite band/artist/DJ/raper, what ever...... ?

13. Why WritingPad!?

Well thats it for my questions I hope you had a great time answering them just as I had it asking them lol.

Bye, take care. And have fun squashing those bugs! (or was it squishing?)

Edgelord -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/13/2008 21:37:52)

Congratulations WP!

So, how does it feel to have powerz?

What is your favorite color?

What is the air/speed velocity of a swallow?

What is the capital of Iowa?

These next questions are important, choose wisely.

12 or 12,000?

9402 or 75432?

"Bwahahahaha" or "Muahahahaha"?

Thats all, good luck and have fun!

Kyko -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/13/2008 22:01:34)

Ok, here i go:

Question number;
1)Favorite TV Show?

2)Favorite Channel?

3)If you could choose one of these, wich one would you choose?
(E)Other (specify wich)

4)Did i forget to say Congrats? =/

5)Its over...
(A)The Hills
(C)(over) there

6)This is...
(B)DF Forum

7)Favorite Video game?

8)Do you like cats? =\

9)Are you ready to rumble!?

10)Hope you enjoy being an AK

11)The Mets or Boston RedSox?

12)You like sports? Why or why not?

13)Omg, 13; unlucky number!!! What to do now?
(A)Run for the hills
(B)Get a Wizzard to change the time
(C)Shut down PC, drink coffee and then call it a good day

14)Favorite type of art?

15)Omg, so many questions... so little time =/ Anyways, congrats once again =P

16)What do you like best about DF/MQ/AQ/AQW?

17)Oh well, here is a tough question: There was this guy named Mike walking one day on a beach... when all of the sudden a GIANT (size 200 font would work for emphazis) Writing Pad came out of the ocean... was that you?

18)Do you use this: (Android Shapewriter WritingPad) ?

19)Well, i better be going, i almost hit the 20 question mark =/

20)Have a nice day =]

EgyptianHero -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/14/2008 0:42:28)


1.ooh eee aa?

2.whats ur favorite food?

3.favourite car?

4.favourite hockey team?

5. favourite super hero?


my answers: oh eee
2. anything with sugar
3.porsche carrera GT or lamborghini revention or corvette zr1
4. montreal canadiens ALL THE WAY!
5. Goku from dragonball GT (or z) and Wolverine from X-men
6. YOOpadnajee

Llong Jjohn Killer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/14/2008 1:05:34)


ORIGINAL: WritingPad!
"What?! That crazy chick?!"

Well, it seems I was wrong.....

Well, hello, WritingPad!. I'm sure you've heard this one before, but congrats on making AKship.

I can never seem to come up with questions whenever I find an MtAK thread...........guess I'll go with some simple questions.

1. Is there any certain weapon that you favor over any other in any of AE's games?

2. Any part of the forum that you like the most?

3. Darkness or Nothingness? Got it Memorized? (I said I couldn't think of anything.........)

Well, I guess I'm done. Have fun being an AK. Work hard and be at the right place at the right time, and you might just get a weapon or two based on you in DF.[;)]

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