RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (Full Version)

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Shadow Spawn -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/15/2008 21:33:08)

Congrats.I never known you but i just want to say hello.


Do you think Shadow Spawn sounds cool compare to Crusader Warrior ?


What's your element ?
Mine is Fire.


Favorite game ?
Mine is AQW but wish i can play it.
You can say another games as well.


Can you handle the job ?
If i am one,i can't do it and i will decline the offer.
Do you think people once declined offer when they were promoted to be Archknight ?

Done with Questions.

Good luck,friend.

~Crusader Warrior~

qwe -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/15/2008 22:26:30)

Ok, here we go =)

Cooky Question of DOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!
1)> Yo WritingPad!

2)> Is it true that you're a newb?

3)> Wich smiley do you like better? [:)] or [:D]?

4)> If you had a pet Goat, what would you name him/her?

5)> Would you perfer a pet Goat or a pet Gorilla?

6)> Congrats!

7)> What's your favorite food?

8)> Good luck owning bugs!

9)> If you had a Gorilla what would you name him/her?

10)> Did you think these questions are wacky?

(Disclaimer)> If you said "No" to 10, prepare to hide under your desk after you read these [&:].

11)> Would you rather be locked in a cage with a tiger, or be eaten by a snake and have to wait 3 days to get out?

12)> If a hobo asked you out, would you say "Yes"?

13)> What would you do if you were in a plane that was spiraling down to Earth?

14)> What would you do if you were in a Space Shuttle that was spiraling down to Earth?

15)> Favorite website?

16)> Are you a Vegetarian?

17)> If you were sitting in a chair, and it came to life and took you as hostage, would you be scared?

18)> What would you do if a Kangaroo came into your house?

19)> Are you afraid of hights?

20)> Have you been in a flying submarine?


Hope you got freaked out! Peace! XD

Jonaza -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/16/2008 0:18:40)

Wow, you too? Well, you deserve it as well.

On to the questioning.

1. Badgers or squirels?

2. Why?

3. PS3 or Xbox?

4. Why?

5. I'm out of paper.

6. Can I borrow some?

7. Congratulations, you deserve it.

Jonsu222 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/16/2008 1:27:17)

Heya WritingPad!!


Am I allowed to snug an AK?

If it was yes then *snuggles*
If it was no then ...erm... *shakes hands*

So how are you, ready to rumble with the bugs?:D

Sure? :O

So what do you like in DF the most?

Ok can't think of more questions xD

Gratz again and Good Luck ^^.
And to think I hadn't seen you on the forums before :(

acex19 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/16/2008 16:57:07)

Man, another ArchKnight, when will the nightmare end...

Guess what, I do mys homeworks on yous!

Now, to be random like I do to EVERY single MtAk I submitted.

acex19 goes meow and rawrrr

I like waffles do you? If not, you better be hiding in a good spot....

Is this thread ever going to end? Cause I hope not!

Will you attack me if I say I'm a rule breaker? Not that I am or anything, what gave you that idea?

I like flying pigs.

I'm a rule breaker, and guess what, CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!!

Bye bye!

entity azirius -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/16/2008 18:50:00)

Hello and congratulations on your... erm... promotion (or is enslaved better?) to ArchKnight-ship! :] I hope it's a good journey.

What would you prefer, the cap to raise to level 50 or to leave it as is and introduce more high level weapons to the game?

Which class are you most fond of?

Do you plan to play or already do play AQWorlds?

If you could be any animal, which would it be? Any reason in particular or is it just a random fancy?

Any aspect(s) of Dragon Fable you aren't too keen on?

Favourite shape?

Favourite weapon name?

Thanks for taking the time to answer my question, much appreciated, which I'm sure you knew already :D
Again, I give you congratulations and hope you enjoy helping *cough*abusing*cough* your new status! :]

~Drithus~ -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/17/2008 1:36:44)


How's it going today?

Do you like Zebras?

Favorite subject in school? (While you were in school/are)

Favorite base class in DF? (COMON MAGE!)

PS3, Xbox 360, or Wii?

Why That Choice?

Do you own a waffle iron?

How much time do you spend playing DF?

What's the first thing that comes to mind when I say: Fish pies mixed with a little bit of home fried cookin?


What have you written?

I'm a writer, have you ever started a story and gone back and edited it over and over, just because of word choice or sentence structure?

Gooooood Luck!

*PSS Am I and Interesting character?

Mo -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/17/2008 20:07:17)

Hiya WP

Wow, first PaperClip got a helpful title and now you are an AK, it seems the forum staff really love home utility items

Sorry, I just had to get that out of my system., oh ya, congratz.

Well, I really don't feel like coming up with any questions since my noggin here has been abducted by little micro alien organisms.


bluexxx -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/17/2008 21:27:56)

when will archknight continue?[:(]

Tritran -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/18/2008 5:10:46)

ok strange name WritingPad!... but still its original not that i could say about any names that i make in games XD

let the random questions begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!

ok so whats your favorite animal?

whats your favorite pet?

whats your favorite food?

pizza or cake?

cake or pie?

cake or ice cream?

[:(] or [:o]?

[:)] or [:D]?

brownies or cake?

I know there are alot of questions about food XD

zorbok or kobroz? (i dont know if i spelt there names correctly)

whats your favorite gaming system?

am I annoying you?

I have alot of random questions dont I?

I am starting to run out of random questions...

Do you like basketball?

About how long has it taken to answer my random questions?

Would you rather eat your own foot or lick peanut butter off of a hobo's foot?

If you were stuck on a desert island and was about to starve to death would you eat your own foot?

well gotta go now so i will cya later have a nice time being an AK

Deleted User -> [Deleted] (6/19/2008 2:16:50)

[Deleted by Admins]

mathboyzld -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/19/2008 8:27:00)

It is now time for 20 questions of DOOM!
Part A: Short Answer
1. What is your favorite video game that starts with "The Legend of Zeld"?
2. If an undead bug appears, who squashes it? You or Artix?
3. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
4. Would a woodchuck chuck her own wood if she chucked wood for exactly those woodchucks who do not chuck their own wood?
5. What does the verb "to chuck" in questions 3 and 4 mean?
Part B: Paragraph Answer
6. Write your reaction in a paragraph to the fact that this is my first post on these forums.
7. Write a paragraph about your reactions to becoming an ArchKnight.
8. Why is your favorite video game your favorite?
Part C: Essay Questions
Just joking, there aren't any!
Part D: DragonFable Questions
9. What element is your baby dragon? Why? Write a paragraph to explain your reasons.
10. If a Level 40 Mage fights two warriors of equal level, what level do the warriors have to be to have a 50-50 chance of winning? Explain in a paragraph.
Part E: Research Questions
Research the following questions to find their answer.
11. If a Level 15 Mage in DragonFable fights a wave of undead and obtains:
1 Gatekeepeer
1 Flying Eyeball
1 TRIPLE BATTLE (3x Flying Eyeball)
1 TRIPLE BATTLE (Gatekeeper, Skeleton Minion, and Spare Parts)
How many XP does he gain? What percent of a level is that? Show your work. (Hint: The answer is not 42).
12. What item is needed to gain the third star coin and the second exit in the World 4 Ghost House in New Super Mario Brothers?
13. In The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, the Goron Tunic is not a necessary item. Explain how to clear the Fire Temple without the Goron Tunic. You have 7 heart containers and are not allowed to get more.
Part F: Make Your Own Questions
Write a question and an answer.
Now finish my question and answer it:
15. In The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time...
Part G: Miscellaneous questions
16. Which was your favorite question?
17. Which was your least favorite question?
18. Which was your favorite part?
19. Which was your least favorite part?
Part H: Question 20 of DOOM
20. In Ocarina of Time, list all items that can be skipped and explain why. List all items that cannot be skipped and explain why. (For skipping purposes, assume you have all other items you can get up to that point).

Anon Y. Mous -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/19/2008 12:46:14)

Yay!!1!!1one!! teh uberz wrtngpd is ACK!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! fnly!!!!!

Now that I have put the n00b curse on you, here come the questions (of cliched DOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM):

1. Do you love the L&L?

2. Am I "teh uberz", to quoteth myselfeth?

3. What instruments do you play? (if any)

4. What is your favorite food?

5. If three men walk into a bar, is the bartender wearing a blue shirt?

6. If Allie is three cm taller than Bob, what is her mother's name?

7. What is the newest way to watch movies from NetFlix?

8. Do you love tennis?

9. How old are you?

10. How old am I?

11. What's your favorite kind of music?

12. LIEZZZZzzzzz... *snores*

Think fast!!!!!oneoneone!!!!!


14. PB or J?

15. Simon Cowell or your mom?

16. That's what she said?

17. Shoe size?

18. You The Man or I The Man?

19. Fake question?

20. Am I really done?

Congratz again!

Slave of music -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/19/2008 14:38:32)

first of all congrats[:)]

ok 1. if crazy is not always a bad thing does that make being sane a bad thing at times as well?

2. Would you rather be dead in a box or alive in one?

3. what is your lucky number?

4. What would you reaction be to awakening in bed to find a severd horse head in your bed?

5. wich do you like more? An army of Vampiric blood sucking gnomes?or an army of brainwashed rabid seasqurrils?

supermarioitalia -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/20/2008 10:44:58)

Hello Writing Pad! COngragulations!

What is your favourite: DF, MQ, or AQ?

What is your favourite colour?

How long have you been on the forums?

What is your favourite part of AE games?

What is your favourite sport?


THanks again! I hope I can see you around the forums!

clept0 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/20/2008 12:35:12)

OMG crazy chick! anyways congats on becoming an ak, like the name writing pad.

1. have you come across anyone else with the rogue avatar?

2. what's your favorite in-game pet?

3. what would you do if you became an in-game npc or guest?

4. finally about how many bugs do you squash weekly?

well that's all for now, good luck with your new responsibilities.


Kain -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/20/2008 19:08:22)


So, I guess you don't remember me. Nobody does.

Do you like cookies? And pigs? And cookies of pigs?

Do you believe we are being watched by an divine being (AKA giant kitten)?

Did you jumped when you discovered you was going to be an AK?

Do AKship smells purdy?

Gremlins exist in MQ? What about MQW?


I don't think so.

Stop it.

I knew it!

You can stop now.


Well, thats all...for today...see on IRC (or else)!

Zuan -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/22/2008 8:30:30)

hi wrighting pad

1.If you were to win a award what would it be for?

2.Who is your favourite AK? (other than yourself)

3.Who is your favourite normal member? (like your freinds who you used to or still do talk to)

4.Do you feel alot more presure now if you make a mistake? were did you get it from?

6.How long have you played the 3/4 games (if you paly AQW)

7.what does it mean to you to be an AK?

8.good luck and hope to see you around!

dragonfoot -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/22/2008 10:49:57) name is Mr.foot hello :D

2.......ohh i forgot what i was gonan say...ill just put down...snakes?

3.whats ur lil wuddle dragon called :3 (if u have 1?)

4. i wonder if im doing this right.....

5.did u punt twill when u started df?

6.whats ur id? i promis i wont kill u .......(my sword might...)

7. hola :D i think thats bye in spainish ^_^

allbeloved -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/22/2008 17:50:14)

Bonjour, Miss!

How does it feel to become an AK?

How did you feel becoming an AK?

What are you going to do once your an AK?

Do you like sports? If so, what?

CCman -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/22/2008 23:18:32)


Would you be offended if I wrote on you?


Estrei -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/23/2008 10:58:25)

(Maybe not) Hiyas.

Oh dearie, another AK again.

So, what is the essence of your life? And don't say cookies, I know THAT already.

Is ebil better or eviler than evil?

Do you like drinking Bihydrogeniumoxide?

Do you like pressing big, red buttons that say: DOOM?

KK, that's nearly everything... I still have to "accidentally" fire that Disintegrator Cannon at you...

master DL power -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/23/2008 11:59:45)

hello how are you

how does it feel to be an archknight

are you PWNING undead in the necropolis war with us

what type of pet do you have :3

are you obsessed with DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM like most people

have a nice day

Necromander -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/23/2008 12:33:36)

Oh Hai Writingpad! Lucky you getting the DF GD. This is where all the fun is! I'm gonna try not to repeat my old questions... so here goes.

What's your favorite non-gaming activity?

do you love Kung Fu?

I'm gonna learn Kung Fu. That way if a become an AK like you I can Keeto-Chop people's threads!

Cutest thing ever?

I have a very important question that's been burning me up inside[>:]

If reality were changed to look like an Anime, do you think what's anime now would change to look like real life looks now?

Star Wars or Star Trek?

Okay. This is all I got again. (and no Ninja Question this time!) *Waves bye and walks away*

kingofgames01 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/23/2008 17:05:58)

Hey writingpad! i am new to the forums, started posting 4 days ago.

how do you become an archknight?

do you get a special armor on AQ/DF/MQ if you become an archknight?

Do you think brilliancy is anoying?

do you like the ninja armor? i do.

what level is your DF main char.?

whos your favorite forumer whos name starts with a k, ends with a 1 and rimes with ring of flames o' fun?

hug, hug, hug. rearanges all your junk. tears down all your posters.

see ya!

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