RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (Full Version)

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Romond -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/14/2008 1:53:56)

Yay question time. im gonna throw out random questions

Have a Wii

did you take my cake

I drew a squirrel. Squirrel goes peep

choclate or ice cream

laptop or computer

when will the world end

i think my keys are broken do yo thi so

what email do you use

ever played guitar hero

favorite tv channel

since your a writing pad whats your favorite word

since the moon dissapears during the day does that make it nocturnal

i can spitfire.can you

im out od questions later

Ricky137 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/14/2008 2:28:01)

Now for the questions of Doom!

1. Tea or coffee?
2.Do you have any pets?
3.Are you married/dating?
4.Fav AE game
5.Fav band?
6.Fav song?
7.Fav colour?
8.Fav movie?
9.Fav TV show?
10.Fav armour?(On df)

bloodblue -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/14/2008 12:23:35)


I'm back!

Do you play final fantasy?

Guitar Hero?

Legend of Zelda?

How many defender medals have you gotten from the DF war?

I have 148.


He likes eating undead people.

If ghost is a ghost why isnt he a mole in the necropolis for us?

Unless he's a traitor!


*glues all your stuff to the cieling*

*hugs again*


DragonKing Err again -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/14/2008 13:32:15)

Hey, and congrats!

1. Why did you chose the color you edit with for editing with?

2. Can I draw on you instead?

3. Have you seen StoneFang?

4. Do you think it rocks?

5. Are you insane?

6. Are you medically insane?

7. Are you part of the PadaWritaDraw religion?

8. Am I running out of Questions?

9. Will I be back?

10. You have to be 18 to be an AK, right?

This is the end.

(11. Or is it?)

Khelios -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/14/2008 14:06:52)

Yay, WritingPad!

How do you feel about me asking only a few questions?

Where do you take notes?

We have a Sharpie and a Paperclip; are you helping start the office supply revolution?

See ya'!

Nidmantis -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/14/2008 16:27:07)

Hi WritingPad!!

1-What is your goal right now in your life?(Groovy!)

2-Do you think the word "Groovy" sounds....uhm...Groovy?(Groovy!)

3-What was your reaction when you knew you became and ArchKnight and won a plane?

more to come,Bye WritingPad,Congratz.!

Wandering_Drakel -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/14/2008 17:35:31)

What kind of music makes you happy?

Favorite band(s)?

why the exclamation point?


who is your role model?

what do you think of the alpha tests?

what are your predictions for the MMO?

hope to see you on AQW next test :D

lata ;)

xaver bowmaker -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/14/2008 21:09:42)

hello pad whats new

congrats on becomeing a archknight

whats your fav class in DF

whats your favret power as a AK

can we meet up on AQW my name is xaver bowmaker (its funny)

alabama_pitty -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/14/2008 22:57:23)

Woo-Hoo! A new Archknight! I will thoroughly enjoy annoying entertaining you as you go about your job. Well, without further ado, it's question time.

1. As always, I have to ask, how is Alac for a master? Or do you serve some other devious entity? Falerin perhaps? Or the Frito Bandito?
2. Are you a John Waite fan?
3. Favorite musical genre?
4. Have you seen very many Mel Brooks movies, and, if so, what was your favorite? If not *Cough* Blazing saddles, Spaceballs, Robin Hood: Men in Tights.
5. There is no number five?
6. What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?
7. Do you consider yourself a Truthseeker?
8. If Falerin offered you your own pastry shop, or to steal your soul back from Alac, which would you choose?
9. What is the diameter of a rabbit-hole containing a caterpillar, a hooka, a soul-stealing mastermind, four slices of pie (cherry, chocolate, strawberry, and blueberry), a Chesh set, and a pencil?
10. There is no ten! Speak not your blasphemy!
11. If I wished to change my name, to whom would I go?

Thank you for your time, Mrs. Crazy LadyWritingpad! From one eccentric person to another, I congratulate you on your AKship! Although it seems to be mostly shared between you AKs, if you don't mind... *Pitty readies pounce-snuggling skills*

TTOOD -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/14/2008 23:41:01)

yerp inew to the fprums and want to know how to get dragoncoins on the forms please help thanks

night fox -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/14/2008 23:54:48)

paladin or deathknight?

aqworlds or aq?

do u eva bag out other aks?

volcanas -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/15/2008 0:06:49)

1. can i haz cheezburger?

2. if you could be one animal, what would you be?

3. whats your favourite movie? mine is cloverfield!

4. have you heard of homestarrunner?

5. would you donate a dollar to a charity called " Pistols for Pandas"?

6. whats your favourite monster on DF? ( see, i read posts b4 posting.... sometimes....)

7. whats the meaning of life?

8. if you had one wish, what would you wish for?

9. if a giant man eating beast thats 500ft tall, has 6 legs, two arms with giant crab pinchers on the ends, 6 eyes, wings, and a deadly type of venom that turns any victim into a mutant on contact arose in your city, what would you do?

10. what do you think of my sig?

p.s. congrats! i may not know you but i do know that it must be great to be an AK and im sure your excited! Battle on!

superduperdude -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/15/2008 0:22:41)

so writingpad...we meet again *western music playing*

congrats on AKship

first off choose wisely.

1) pudding or yogurt?

now solve this riddle

2) ok you weigh 120 lbs and you need to get across a bridge that can only suport 170 lbs you have three boxs that each weigh 25 lbs. what on earth do you do?

now random questions

3) what do you say when i say?...chicken tenders with a side of frys!

that one was tricky but how bout...

4) who originally performed the song "99 red balloons" (try to guess it without looking it up if ya can [:D])

what about

5)ZOMG! godzilla!

haha got ya didnt I?

6) ok i just stole the last peice of cake, what do you do to get it back?

A) ask kindly
B) try to steal it
C) Summon your dragon and watch as i drop the cake and run screaming like a little girl
D) draw your sword (or weapon of choice) and have an epic battle with me to the death (winner gets the cake)!

ok i think i got just one more right now


of the 3 which band do you think is better, metalica or Dragonforce or ....the proclaimers!

well thats all i got

by the way we gots to hang out in AQW and get into all sorts of shenanigans lol, the name be Areties

good luck smashing those bugs, aah theres one behind you!.

happy hunting [:D]

Saavik -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/15/2008 1:47:18)

Yay! WritingPad is an AK! (Hey, that rhymes.)

Methinks you have a good taste in books. I love LoTR and the Space Trilogy.

Favorite time of day (or night)?

Have you got siblings? How many?

Since Notepad is your cousin, I assume WordPad is also in your family somewhere. True?

How long have you been on the forums?

Favorite type of food (e.g. Chinese, Mexican, junk food, Thanksgiving dinner, etc.)

Favorite vitamin? (Okay, that is a weird question. But I've decided I like it.)

Favorite alien race?

Opinion on the game Rock, Paper, Scissors?

Liberals, conservatives, or neither? (Oh no! I asked about. . .politics! *Runs and hides*)

Who are your heroes?

If AE's games represented real worlds, and you could live in one, would you do it? Which one?

Do you know whom I am named after? (Without looking for the answer.)

Do you enjoy flying?

Okay, that's all for now. Have thee a great day. Live long, and prosper. And gain much wisdom, which leads to living long and prospering.

WA -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/15/2008 11:05:01)

Took you long enough. I was wondering when they would give it to you.

*Scribbles on you*

How many hours does Alec force you to work?

What color are your shackles?

What metal are your shackles?

What type of whip does Alec use on you?

How many links does it take to make a shackle?

How many links does it take to save Hyrule?

Seeya Mrs. Notes!

SiLvErWiNg -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/15/2008 11:13:40)

heya WP! :D as if i don't snugglepounce you enough on IRC, i thought i'd come by and do so here too >:D


congrats! ^^ happy gremlin wrangling!

swenson -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/15/2008 15:57:00)

More questions... I love these MtAK things, I get to ask a bunch of random questions and see how strange someone else's mind is for once...

Zork is a computer game. A text adventure. And everyone should play it! (OK, not a question. But a comment, at least. Comments count, right? Well, that's a question, at least!)

D0 y0u 5934k 1337? (I don't, as a general rule... except for n00b, of course)

If you're a WritingPad, does that mean you're a stickler for good grammar and punctuation?

An electric train is traveling at 50 miles an hour south on a railroad track. If the wind is blowing at 20 miles an hour from the east, in which direction and at what speed is the smoke from the train going?

The following sentence is false. The previous sentence is true. <--- Can you explain this?

What is your name?

What is your quest?

What is the capital of Assyria?

If Morgoth and Manwe were locked in a room together, who would come out alive?

Mortality or immortality?

Are these hard questions? (quite impossible, I'm sure... [8|])

What does this : [X(] smiley mean to you?

Do you carefully scrape the bugs off your bug-stomping shoes every night, or do you let them stay there until they dry up and fall off?

Chronicles of Narnia? Opinion thereof?

If you pitted your characters from all three- I mean, four- AE games against one another, which one would win? And which one would fail miserably?

Is the AQ, DF, MQ, or AQW Warlic the best?

Are you an avid reader of The Zardian?

Is it your dream to be interviewed by Nel?

Or would you at least like it to happen?

Do you like Wikipedia? (correct response: YES, I LOVE IT!)

And finally... (drumroll, please!) you like coconut?

Turbotails9 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/15/2008 16:51:04)


Sooo, being an AK with a fancy custom avvy, do you miss your leaf avvy?

And why didnt you get a Writingpad avvy?[:-]

Do you know what the super awsome requierment for being an AK is? (i might never become one anyway, beacause I have many warnings from brilliancy...)[:-]

Thats all for now.... oh wait! coke or pepsi? or both?

Edit: do you think tails (from Sonic the hedgehog, not me lol) is cute? if so, yay!

Debml -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/15/2008 17:27:46)

So...we meet again my greatest may have killed my dog...but I killed yours mwahahahahaha!

So urm...can you write stuff on yourself?

How do you feel about pencils?

Pens...or pencils?

Eraser...or liquid paper?

You...or me?

Yes or no?

King Kong or Barbie?

Luigi or Mario?

Peach or Daisy?

Is the cake a lie?

Bye...or should I stay?

Meh...maybe I should go =P

Congratz BTW!

Trojianmaru -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/15/2008 18:04:31)

01)hey since everyone else is asking, I will too, hope u don't mind?

02)Hey are you a nice Ak or a ebil AK? (not mentioning any names :p)

03)How long you been an AK now?

04)Does absoloute power REALLY Corrupt absolutely?

05)Did you/Are you taking part in the Necro-U War?

06)How'd you get into AQ, DF, MQ and AQW?

07)How often do you answer these questions?

08)Is everything good in your outside the computer life?

09)Will you PM me when you answer my questions?

10)What things are you looking forward to in your outside the comp and inside the comp life?

11)How did u become so popular?

12)How did u gain such power?! *awe*

13)What do you do when your not AQing/DFing/MQing/AQWing?

14)Do you have any dark secrets?

15)I'm gonna leave the last 5 questions, is that ok?

16)If your not ok with that u could ask me to ask more, ok?

17)Are you sure it's ok?

18)Will you answer soon?

19)Am I annoying yet?

20)I'll say bye now, k?

Tomix -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/15/2008 18:08:24)

Lots of new AKs recently xD
Congratulations WritingPad ;)

Only one question:
Dogs have owners,
Cats have servants.

Will you agree with that statement? :D

Have a nice day :P

kittycatdance -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/15/2008 19:12:55)

Ha. I knew you were going to become an AK! =D Congratulations.

Can a writing pad have shackles? [8|]

Books, movies, or games?

Favorite ones of the above?

Saskatoon berries>Blueberries>Strawberries>Raspberries?

[:D] or [:)]?

Well, that's all I can think of, so bye!

Dev -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/15/2008 19:49:06)


Gratzome =]

Alright, some questions eh?

Bacon and Eggs?

Deal or no Deal?

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

That's all? Gratz again! /me snug tacks


shadow ruler -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/15/2008 19:59:21)

answer these

paladin or necromancer?

your favorite weapon ?(anygame)

which one is beter Aq or DF

are you tired of answering questions?

that is it thank you

BKCAMBOSON -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: WritingPad! (6/15/2008 20:39:23)



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