RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (Full Version)

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johnyapplec2 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 17:36:37)

1.hi =P
2.micheal jackson vs. a bunny
who will win?
(\__/)(help me find a way to make a mouth xD)
The bunny will win. Also made a mouth. :D
3.stick vs. stick?
Stick wins. :D
4.adventurequest,dragonfable,or mechquest?
All of them. you like AQ worlds?i do =P
I sure do! :D
6.favorite book?
The Magician's Guild trilogy that I am reading right now.
7.favorite drink?mines is ROOT BEERS =P
The Sprite way. >:D 3 favorite bands?
Don't have any favorites, I like all kinds of bands and music. five favorite songs?
Like I said, lots of them. :D
10.nice guide on the DOOM WEPS.helped me get them for my 2 doomies [:)]
Glad I could help. :)
11.can you help me think of a question?
Hmmm how about this one?
12-20.(this doesn't count as a question =P)see no.11
Wow eight questions in one. :P
thats all for now.......i knew your were going to be made an AK =P
You did? You knew alot more than I did. :p

bob.builder -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 17:38:17)

HAH! I knew this would happen. I can see the future. Anyway, Congratz on your AK-ship, PaperClip of DOOM!
You can? :O Will I get really really rich any time soon? :D
1) Do you like paperclips or do you like doom?
Both! >:D
2) AQ, DF, MQ, or AQW
All of them.
3) AQ Clan?
Igneus. I spelled that right, right?
4) MQ House? (Favorite if you have one in all three)
Wolfblade. :D
5) Chickencows?
6) Cowchickens?
Sick! D:
7) If someone snugglepounces you, what would you do?
I would be snugglepounced and counter attack with a huggletickle!
9) Star Wars?
Yes please? xD
10) Where did number 8 go?
Outside, it went for a walk
8) Here it is!
Oh it's back.
11) That is all. See you on the forums!
You too! :D

TreadLight -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 17:42:35)

Meh, all I can really say is:
I'm waiting. :P
I knew it. You knew it.
You knew it, but me? Not so much. It came as quite a surprise.
We all knew it.
You all did? That is so nice of you. ;P
And all who want to be like you should join the club ;D
Oh indeed. ;)

he11ix -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 17:44:46)

You always did seem like the ArchKnight type Paperclip. Which is why I mistook you for an AK all the time.[:D]
Hehe, thanks! ;)
Have you ever seen your self as "random/insane"? (In the DF way)
Wet butter can jump from BRICKS! ....shoe.
Why isn't your avatar an evil paperclip? Just asking.
It's an evil Lich King, is it close enough? :p It's probably because I suck at resizing and photoshop and all that stuff. :D

Crz_Mirror -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 17:46:15)

Hmmm... I don't know you very well, you might know me (I used to be evil elf, don't tell anyone it's a secret!)
I don't know you very well either, so we're equal. :P
1. Favorite AE game?
All of them. :D
2. Favorite Band?
I like lots of bands and all kinds of music, so no favorites as I said earlier.
3. Favorite Number?
333366. :P
4. Favorite Game?
Probably going to be Red Alert 3 when it comes out. :P
5. NexGen console?
All of them are really neat and have awesome games! :o
6. Do you like AQW so far?
Sure do!
7. Name on AQW?
8. Favorite AE moment?
A whole bunch of them! The most recent one is, of course, the deletion of the entire database. xD
9. Favorite shoe brand?
I just buy and wear what I like. :p
10. Have you ever hugged a cactus?
Er, no. xD
11. Other online games you play?
Guild Wars, sometimes. Also WoW.
12. If I gave you a lifetime supply of pie would you put a word in for me to become an AK? *wink wink*
Hmm.. probably not. You may want to try and bribe the higher-ups instead of me, though.
13. Do you capitalize the letter e? You will be punished if you do.
14. Do you like mirrors?
They are nice. :P
15. Hobbies?
Reading books and running. Yes, running is a hobby. :D
16. Why the name?
Because paper clips are awesome and you know it! Especially when they can channel DOOM!
17. Favorite AE weapons?
I can't decide, they are all so awesome!
18. Should I ask 20 more questions later?
If you want. :P
19. blah or blag?
20. Firefox or IE?

dapositivehomie -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 18:19:20)

You know, I've seen on you on the forums quite a bit, all I can say is congragulations man, and remember. With great power comes great responsibility.
Thanks! And trust me, I know. xD

WritingPad! -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 18:23:11)

Zomg, it's you. :o
Zomg, it is. :o
I'm glad they kidnapped you to keep me company! Three cheers for the office supplies! ^^
Hip hip, hooray!
Just one question, if you can call it so: do you have one random thing about yourself you'd like to share? I'd like for you to share it.
Hmm... I love chocolate. :P No, really, there was this one point when I was young that I ate only chocolate. xD I wasn't/isn't fat though, I stopped because it was very bad for my teeth. :p
Okay, I know how hard these things can be to edit... *pants from attempting to finish hers*, so I'm keeping this short. :P Congradulations, yippe, and all that jazz. *hugs* Luncheon ON! [:D]
*snugs WP and wishes her luck in her AK career! :D* Luncheon ON!

The ErosionSeeker -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 19:09:32)

Hi paperclip!
Do you like bubblewrap?
Yup! :D
Yes, thank you.
Favourite DF weapon?
I love the Spectrus weapons and the Forest's Edge. :D
Happiest moment? Probably AKship, right?
On the forums? Yes, probably. :D
All I have soon...

SlyCooperFan1 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 19:49:27)

I know you!
I know you too!
Well, not personally, but I've seen your posts around the forums.
Same. :P
Your best was your guide to Doom weapons.
Why thank you!
Without it, I couldn't have found out about them!
I'm glad that it helped you. :)
Just so you know, the shackles sometimes don't hurt when you have to worry about the pedia entries around here. :o
You don't know the half of it... :o
Congratulations and good luck!
Thanks and thanks!

Mr. Pandora -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 20:24:18)

Holy wow! Gratz!
When did you get AK? Last time I checked you were just Helpful?
More than a week ago, at the time that I am answering this. :P
What are your shackles like, and who enslaved recruited you?
I was kidnapped offered AKship by westward. The shackles are a bit tight, but I'll get through.
Err... Cats or dogs?
Both! :O
Why PaperClip OF DOOM!, Whats wrong with, I don't know, The Almighty Stapler?
Paper clips > staples, that's why. >:o
I liked your old Avvy better... [:(]
The Black Mage one? Or the Neighbour (guy with white hair) from Flaky Pastry one?
Umm... Give me a question to ask!
This is a question?
Answer that question!
It is.
Coke or Pepsi? Answer correctly or I'll bend you into an S!
I love both. :p But meh, I guess Coke?
Well, err... Thats all folks, yaba-da-daba. Gratz again.
Thanks again, doo-doo-dee-doo-doo! MANA MANA

SiLvErWiNg -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 20:48:52)

hey! :) *snugglehugglepounces* thought that i would stop by, say hi, and congrats! :D
Yay! :D *snuggletickles
hope you enjoy the pedia! don't forget to come visit us out of the dungeon once in a while ;) although since it's WH's dungeon, that's gotta be a snuggly and fuzzy place :O (and i speak from experience ^^)
Yup! :D But she still cracks the whip when needed. :P And thanks!

CCman -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 22:24:54)

I don't know you, but you seem nice.
Thanks, you too.
Dogs or cats?
Hot dogs or hamburgers?
Antelopes or gnus?
Err, antelopes I guess. :S

Andy8 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 22:30:43)

As you help people a should be a AK...[:)]
Thanks again! :D

OmniM. -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 23:18:42)

Ah, it's you.... What a funny name... It's my questions of DOOM time!
1. Who was the white-haired guy in your old avatar?
The neigbour in Flaky Pastry.
2. Why did you chose the name "PaperClip of DOOM!"?
Because it's random and has DOOM in it, duh. :P
3. What is your favorite tv genre?
Comedy. :D
4. What do you think of the war in Asia?
That it should stop. :/
5. Have you heard of Earthbound? It's a RPG game.
6. Thrall vs Arthas. The winner?
Arthas for sure.
7. What did you do when you found out you got AKed?
I was liket his :O and then I danced, and then I did some pedia work.
8. Your favorite all-time villian?
Dr. Evil :P
9. Am I annoying you with these questions?
10. Which novel genre you like?
Hmm, I don't know really.
11. Do you like to swim?
Yup. :D
12. Lora Croft or Samus
13. If you saw Zorbak, would you punt him?
If he doesn't bow down to me, then yes, of course.
14. Kefka vs Sephiroth. The winner?
15. Who is your favorite author?
I don't have any favorites, I just read books that I find good. xD
16. Your favorite band?
Same as the author question, but replace "read books" with "listen to music".
17. What do you think of reality shows?
Too much drama. :p
18. Have you got any....hobbies?
Running, swimming, reading books. :p
19. Do you like the Xbox 360?
I don't have one, but yes it is nice. :D
20. What do you think of nightmares?
They are scary? xD

That's all...heheheh.... I hope you'll enjoy my questions, though. :)
I did. :D

wolfman_naruto -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/9/2008 23:55:10)

congrats be the best you can be
Thanks, and I will. :P
let's be friends
Um, sure!

Z -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/10/2008 6:54:16)

ispAmz urmtAk########
i rport to mdoretor!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111
Congrats PCoD. Have fun in the Pedia!
Thanks! ^^

Ricobabie -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/10/2008 8:52:17)

Nooo I didn't make it page 2 D:
It's ok. :O /me patpats
Ah well...
GRATZ Clippy! ^_^
Thanks! *snugglehugglers*
How does it feel to be AK? Do you feel stronger? O.o
I am empowered by the.. power... of the shackles! :o
Do you like the shiny new buttons?
Oh yes. >:D
Oooo you going to have a new and exciting lock signature? :O
Not that I am going to lock that many threads in the pedia, but I guess so. :D
If I poke teh clip are you going to send me to Doom? D:
Nope! YOU I am going to poke back. Others... >:P
What are you planning to do with your new powaz?
Dominate the world! forums! this MtAK! >:D Oh and of course bring order and peace to the pedia. :P
If you use it for good can you make cookies? ^_^
I will have to learn how to do that. :P
Anyways you got lots of questions to answer T_T I leave you to answer them [:)]
It's ok :D
/me bye snuggles all
/me byesnuggles Wico and thanks her for stopping by :)

Shadow Spawn -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/10/2008 8:52:26)

Cool,PaperClip of doom.
Cool indeed. :P
You are an archknight.From new member to Archknight.Imagine your journey.
I can see it riht in front of me. :o
1st question:

Are you curious about 4th doom weapon ?
Indeed I am. I sure hope it's a paper clip. :P
2nd question:

Are you a Wolfblade in MQ ?
If you are,Greetings,brother.
If you are not,too bad because it is fun.
Never play,test it out cause it is fun.
Yes, I am in Wolfblade.
3rd question:

What class do you wish to be ?
I want to be a Crusader/Archknight/Shaman/Warlock.
Er, in what game? :p I usually try every class in every game. :D
4th Question:

Be sure that you PM me for i may do wrong things.Mostly,some archknights know me for my post which is wrong.
If there is anything like deleting my post or guides here,i may PM you for that.
Sure thing.
That is all.
Sayonara.May be sucessful in your new life as Archknight.
Hmm, not sure if it's a new life.. thanks anyway! xD

~Quiet Beserker~ -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/10/2008 11:19:40)


Congratz again!!!
Thanks! :D

Since your a funny person, whose your favorite comedian?
Like I said, I don't have favorites in almost everything. xD I like them all, except the really bad ones that I don't bother to remember how they are called.

I wanted the first post. :'(
Maybe next time. *patpat*

Have fun!


DragonKing Err again -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/10/2008 13:53:19)

Hey 'Clip!
1.Which insurance company do you use?
I don't know. :p
2.Do you know the Paperclip of Sausage?
3.Did Sepulchure give you your DOOMy powers?
That guy's just a tool.
4.What did you name your Dragon, Paperstack?
5.How much longer till you answer things again?
I'm pretty sure I only get to do one of these.
6.You have to be 18 too be an AK, right?
Nope, but you have to be over 13 years old to use the forums.
7.Who is this TF that Suiichi mentioned
8. AQW, DF, AQ, MQ, or *shuddders* RS?(you can only pick one)
I can't pick just one, come on! D: Fine! DF.
9.Do you support my message?
What is your message? :o
10.That is all for now, But I will be back... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAaaaa...?
By the way, have you checked out StoneFang? IT RULES!

Burly male -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/10/2008 14:01:54)


what an upgrade from *helpful* to an *AK*
Thanks again! xD

NexX -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/10/2008 14:54:17)

It can't be PCoD.
But... how the hell could they....
I- I mean, PCoD as an AK??!!
Now, pal, tell me, who did ya blackmail to get the AKshipness?
No one. :p
Well, congrats then, pal!
Now, really, what did ya do to get it?
I was helpful on the forums. :p
It's about time to ask some of the wierd questions, don't ya think?
Not really. :D
Well, what about your special weapons of wackage, c'mon, what will you use?
-> (Obvious answer) Well, besides the mighty PaperClip of Doom, I shall also use a Spaff.

Ya know you'll never beat my NRS with that!
Oh yes I will!
What? We'll see that!! *puts hand or NRS*
Oh yeah? *takes out PCoD and Spaff
*takes NRS out, wich burns in might*
*The PCoD and the Spaff burn in black fire*
*rushes to PCoD*
*prepares weapons
This tale ends here!! *White fire slash! NexX PWNZ!*
Never! *blocks and sends a Black Energy Wave of PWNING*
Ok, bye, and congrats, you Paperclip!
Thanks, you NexX thingy.
Always with the ^^. :P

2k2ewyn -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/10/2008 17:10:33)

Hello, friend!
Oh wow you already prepared the color tas and everything. :D

How exactly did I know that you were gonna be a AK soon?
How did everyone know that before I did? ;_;

Well, I did! So, Congratz!

Do you like that I put in your tags for you?
Oh indeed. :D I just needed to add the bolding. :P

Do you like my lovely color?
Lovely indeed! Reminds me a bit of Silverwing's. ^^

Well, I'm gonna go... you need to answer those other questions. And you need extra time, too.
Yes, I need extra time for all those not important things, like actual work. :P

Well I'm obiously supposed to say something here because you left the tags.. so um... ~PCoD

tko -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/11/2008 12:21:17)



What's it like being in an IRC channel with [DefaultMan]? Does he scare you?
He does bad things to me at night in bad places. ;_;

wow gonna have to take a bath after that one....
It's ok. *patpats*
congrats on getting the title of ak
Thanks! :)
what will you do now that you have this kind of power?(thinks of spiderman comics)
With the power given to me I will edit pedia entries! For erm, for the good of the world! Also, I know I know, with great power comes blah blah. :P
did you ever think you would become an ak? cuz i always knew it was just a matter of time
Like the rest of the world. Heck I didn't even think I would be given Helpful. :P
what is you're favorite AE game?
DragonFable, obviously. But I like MQ too. Oh and AQ. Of course the MMO too..
why a Paperclip?
Because paper clips are awesome.
do you and the other archknights have secret meetings?
why did you accept the title of ak?
Because I wanted to help the forums. ^^
thats all for now[sm=animal-smiley-025.gif]*meow*
[sm=untitled7lh.gif.bmp] Rawr.

Percy Jackson Fan! -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/11/2008 14:49:22)

3)Pie or candy?
4)whats your favourite movie?[:D]
'Tis a tough one. I loved 300, but I'll watch any movie as long as it's good.
5)Lord Of the Rings or star wars?
I like medievalness better. So LotR it is!
6)erm, congratz on becoming an AK![:D]
7) hmmm
8) lol bye!

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