RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (Full Version)

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Foligo -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/11/2008 15:37:34)

*Ahem* May I enter the scene, for a quick 2 minutes...
Err, sure?
(Thank you) *takes a deep breath* YAAAYYYYYYYY! you've finally made it, congrats!
Thanks! :D
/me gives PCoD a cake of accomplishment-ism
/me devoures cake
Don't abuse the power >.< he might run away
I have it all locked up in a box. Abuse! >:D
bye! and congrats again my friend.
PCoD's Agent: Your 3'o clock has been canceled.
Huh. That leaves time for lunch then.

page 3 is mine >:)
You know that you should be warned for that right? :P And no page stretching! >:o

Cool Dragonz -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/11/2008 15:40:12)

Give me a Pee!
I only give pee for medical tests. >_<
Give me a Cee!
Um, sure? Cee!
The rest we all know :P
We do?
Now, let's start with the deathquiz.
Are you DOOM?
I am a PaperClip. OF DOOM, yes. But I myself am not DOOM.
Like DOOM?
Westward_ho captured you in her cage, we know that already. :P How was the PM..? Did you become sick? Did you want to refuse it?
She has a section of her own in the dungeon. All the other AKs go around the sections to other cells weekly, while I stay in one cell because I only AK in her section. :D The PM was awesome. Westward is awesome. The Encyclopedia is awesome. There is nothing more to it. :P
Nah, PCoD ish cool. :P [Or ishn't he -o,,o-]
How dare you think that? :O Insolent fool! /me banishes CD to the Netherworld with his mighty Spaff
I now actually realize that NerfWars has an AK on these forums... That's cool! :P
NerfWars is dying. D: :(
That was all,
Byas! :D
You are soo shlow, that I addsh shome morww.
Fav KoO?
All of them! :O
The previous answer was Kitten, so you're wrong/good. [strikethrough: [s]wrong[/s] or good, if you didshn't knknow. Better be prepared on new AKs than not :P].
I was right. >:D *whistles* So I guess I'm good.
If I say a bad word, are you going to punch me then?
Punch you in the teeth with a warning! :O
Paperclip! :X
What! :x
Noo, don't crack teh whipz! ;_;
Sorry, I have to. Westward's cracking her whip.
Please describe how you would keel me now. Remember afterwards that I am a dragon and munch you in.. 0,0000000001 over 9000 years :D
*cough* I will open a portal that will suck you in and you will fall in the prison of rule-breaking forumers! :O Food only once a week! >:D
Iz teh Bye! :P
It iz.

westward_ho! -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/12/2008 0:06:59)

I cannae believe I have not posted in this thread! D:
D: D: D:
*post* :D
:D :D :D
Having done 2 of these already, I think that's about enough for you. Glad to have you here. Work hard. *cracks whip* >:D
:D D:

destructionist -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/12/2008 2:02:42)

Once again, another great forum member has been abducted welcomed into the AKhood.
I'm starving in here! :( Yay! :D
Fristly Congrats!
I kinda knew that you would become an AK one day
So, what, EVERYONE knows besides me? ;_;
How did u get ur title prior to this? I Heard it was Cy himself who gave it to u
No it wasn't. :p He just said I was being MORE helpful by fixing his typos in a Design Notes thread.
How are days coming along now that you are an AK?
Fun, but also lots of work.
Balancing Real life and AKship, what are your opinions?
Meh. Summer vacation. Something to keep me occupied and not bored. :P Though I like bored more than studying.
If given a choice, which board do you want to be an AK in?
I'm already in my favorite boards. :)
AQ,DF,MQ,AQW. How would you rank these 4 games in order of favourites?(even though i guess you would put DF first...)
*DING* You guess right! :P DF>AQW>MQ=AQ
why did you hijack writingpad's link in DFGD? Are the 2 of you related in anyway?
Office supplies, duh. :P And also because there is no need to make two stickied threads if one already exists about it. :D
Who kindly welcomed you into the AKhood?
Westward offered, Reens approved. :3
How are your fellow AKs in the area?
Awesome. :D
What was your first reaction when you saw the pm?
"Obviously this is the best day ever." and then I danced. :D
What is the timezone in which you live in?
GMT +3 with Daylight Savings.
Still going to be around the other boards to help?
Yup. :D Q&A to answer questions, GGD to discuss about interesting topics.
Favourite way of locking/hijacking a thread?
I won't be locking much, but I guess something like Lock. OF DOOM or Spaff'd
I guess i will leave you to answer other questions now, here is a pie shop where people make pies for you as an AKhood present.
Yay slave labor to make pies! For me!
Have Fun!!

God of thunder -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/12/2008 13:06:48)

Questuns far Paparclepoufd00m!
Anweres far G0d fof Thandrarz!1

Lol grats when i saw you were an AK i was like !@#@#!!!!!!!!!!since when hes a AK?
Thanks! :D Wait... I hope you were exicted and happy, not angry. :P
write me 10 pages long, a resume about the Emperor julius ceasar please
whens your party for AK celebration?
You missed it. I sent you an invitiation but you didn't come! D:< Maybe it got lost in the mail..
how did the blind man died?
He didn't see the piano land on his head.
if you hear distant lightning its me... [:D]
I thought it was Zeus.
How man languages can you speak/write?
Speak 4. Write 3. :p
I've never expected you as AK this soon, grats again and farewell.

Highlord Sendai -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/12/2008 16:07:39)

1.Well done on your AKship
2.Have you met Artix (Adam Bohn)
In real life? I wish. D: But on IRC a couple of times, yeah. ;)
DF, obviously. Then AQW, then MQ and AQ in the same rank of likeness.
4.Pie or cookies
5.What do you thing your afterlife will be like
Dangerous. :p I HOPE it would be peacefull and awesome in real life though. xD
6.Fave Element
Hmm I dunno, they are all pretty cool! Except disease. Useless element is useless.
7.Fave DF NPC,Weapon and Accesory
Zhoom's pretty awesome. Also Rolith. I like them all, actually! xP Weapon is probably the purified Doomies... and accessory, my Elite Mechpilot Helment of course.
8.What Inspired your name
Read Brill's post on page one. Mostly randomness. :P
9.What do you think of my sig
It's cool I guess.
10.PLZ Join Hero's of Soluna
I'm already in a clan, and that's a link to someone's char page.
Bwes to you too? xD

Baker -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/12/2008 23:32:10)

There, that makes a short message look much more important. :P
Vile page stretcher! DEMON! DEMON I SAY! HISSSSSS
/me snugs
/me thanksnuggles ^^

j00ber -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/13/2008 0:56:49)

=O! Get ready, because I ask weird questions.
I remember you. I bet you don't remember me, though.
Are you excited about wading through all the trash we forumites post in order to uphold rules? =D
Also, warnings! :D
Have you upheld any rules yet?
Plenty. Since, you know, I am TOTALLY late with answering this.
Can you tell me where all the paper clips go off to? They always seem to be disappearing when I need them most...
War meetings. Can't let you humans rule the world forever..
Can you tell your cousin the windows paperclip to leave us alone? He's always bugging everyone.
Ugh, when I manage to stop him from bothering me, I'll try...
What is e^iπ (This means pie)?
If I bumped into you in person tomorrow, how would I know it was you?
You won't. And you also probably won't bump into me. :P
Favorite mythical creature?
Minotaur. :O Or Hydra. I like them all actually.
Who makes better chocolate, the Swiss or the Belgians?
Dunno, but as long as it's chocolate, I'll eat it. GOOD chocolate that is.
Favorite piece of artistry in AQ/DF/MQ?
I like Reens' NPC in DF. Very well drawn. Also, Ballyhoo! And the Drakels in MQ!
Are you patient enough to sit still if a cat falls asleep on your arm?
First I need a cat, or any pet, and then we can talk. D:
Are you going to become an NPC in one of the AE games? : o I think you could be a weapon too. You could be the final Doom weapon.
Doom weapon, why yes it would be a great weapon! :P If they make it of course. An NPC... probably not. That's reserved for Admins and Moderators. :)
Which type of smiley do you like best? Sideways :] or straight n_n?
I like them all! :) ^^
Have you been keeping track of how many questions I've asked so far?
Not really. O.o You should have numbered them.
Has your hair ever randomly turned blue? o.O;
Errr... no.
Name as many uses for paperclips as you can. You have 30 seconds. Go!
Holding papers, small spear, small arrow, small bow, small paperweight, small wrench, smallscrewdriver, nail... you name it, it can do it!
Well, goodbye. I am going off to sleep. *yawnwave*
Bye bye!

AppleJuice -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/13/2008 2:18:46)

So, when you found out that you were 'promoted,' did you do a happy dance?
And a happy song, and a happy cheer, and a happy second dance and second song...
If so, did you do something similar to the cabbage-patch?
Say wut?
Do you love me? I love you.
Do you love ham? I love ham.
No, I'm not allowed to eat it. Not that I would if I could. [:'(]
My questions are over! kthxbai!

The Trobble One -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/13/2008 2:31:05)

Hello New AK PaperClip of Doom
Hiya. And yep not a new AK anymore.

Just wanted to pop in and say hi and Good Luck so bye for now.
Thanks and bye!

Grixus Faldor -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/13/2008 5:15:56)

I'm pretty sure it's "huzzah" xD
Lol hi and congrats.
Like the cell???
I guess. Gonna stay here for quite a while, so have to get used to it. ;P
Do you have gruel, rice pudding or chicken (I heard the higher ranked AKs eat this!).
Gruel. D: Also, there are no higher ranked AKs. Although I do look up to a few of them.
So who sucked your soul?
Westward offered the ritual and I accepted, Reens took it. :o
Well goodbye.
Congrats again.
Thanks again!

MadOrc -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/13/2008 8:26:12)

Choose one(no AK :P ): AQ DF MQ.
DF I guess. :P
Did you ever punt Twilly?
Plenty of times!
Can you run out of paperclips?
Are you tasty?
I want to see you try.
Do you wear glasses?
Yes, my eyesight is teh sux. :(
Are you male paperclip or female?
What is your password? :D
5x5+6:3-4^3+1:0 is my password.
Have you ever heard of Lithuania? (no google before answer :P )
Of coure. It's in Europe.... no? xD *googles* Yup, I was right. BEFORE I google'd. >:D
Do you like cheese?
Is it enough?
The questions? Or the cheese?
Oh well bye anyway ;)

Chickencowmancer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/13/2008 12:42:04)

Wait, Paperclip of Doom an AK? *Feignts*
Congratulations, you are the first post that I am editing with mah new color. :P
Alright, here are my "Questions"
And here are my "answers".
1. Favorite Kind of milk?
2. What color and shape are your shackles?
Hmm, sort of a mix of purple and blue. Also they are sorta comfortable, because it's the pedia. :P
3. How long have you spent answering all the questions in this thread? (ALL of them, not just mine)
..Ehehehehe.. if you consider the time that it took me to finish this thing... weeks. >.> And no, I don't type slowly... I've been busy.. with stuff. :P
4. I bet you don't know who I am on AQworlds!
And you're right!
5. Do you have a PS3, Wii, or X-box 360? (or anycombination thereof)
Nope. :( I have a DS though.
6. Is the paperclip of doom the Mysterious Forth doom weapon?
I sure hope so. :o
7. Asparagus or Lettuce?
Lettuce, of course!
8. How does it feel to have power over all the poor old members you used to be equal to?
9. Favorite kind of pie?
Hmm now this is a tough one. :| I'll go with apple I guess.
10. AQ,MQ,DF,AQW, or all?
All. AQ a bit less though. <.< >.>
11. Is this REALLY Question number 11? Or is it an ILLUSION?
*Counts*... looks like 11 to me. :o MYSTERIOUS
12. What will your trademark tag/lock be?
Like I'll ever get to lock anything in the pedia that will require the locking trademark thing. :P I haven't decided yet, mainly because I didn't even need to use it yet. We'll see. :p
13. Are you getting tired of these irrelevant questions?
Not really, the thread is pretty much filled with them.
14. How much wood could a woochuck chuck if a woochuck could chuck Chocolate Bars?
The same amount that a pink elephant could eat on a rainy Thursday.
15. Did the previous question make any sense?
I think so, yes. :D
16. Got Milk?
17. Which Came First, the chicken or the cow?
The ChickenCow of course.
18. Will you answer this question?
...No. :D
19. What number question was question number 7?
20. Do you have a headache now?
Nope. :P

General Axe in a sack -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/13/2008 13:56:56)

Congrats Dude I knew you'd make AK one day. Its about time.

Khelios -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/13/2008 17:01:24)

Yay for late posts here :|
Yay for late answer here. :|

We have WritingPad, Sharpie, and you now. How do you feel?
Not very unique. :P But still awesome!
I saw you on AQW :o
orly I saw you too :o
What makes a PaperClip of Doom different than a normal Paperclip? What does the DOOM do to enhance/modify the original paperclip?
The ability to destroy the world of course.
That's all for now :)
"For now"? :P

Llong Jjohn Killer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/13/2008 20:17:55)

..........You too? Is there anyone I know who hasn't gotten a title, one way or another?[8D]
Do you know yourself? :P
Congrats on the forum AKship. :)
........I don't have anything to ask..........Got it memorized?
I wonder what happens if people say "No, I don't get it mermorized. I have memory problems." What then? What would he do? :/
Well, have fun. Remember to collect your $20 when leaving.

acex19 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/13/2008 23:58:30)

Do you know what time it is? Its time for Ace's Random time of Randomness!!!
How Dare you join the light side..., the side of which is light and not dark...
Who said this is the light side? :P
This makes me angry, unless well, you come back to the Dark Side because... We Have Cookies!!! =p!
Well we have cakes! D:<
Guess what I use the paper clip for... Highlight Here ----> Unclogging my toilet in which I make chocolate in. <-- Highlight Here
That didn't really work because I am editing it, so no need for the highlight part. :P But erm... that's... no comment. :/
Which one, Waffle or Muffin...
So, when did you become an archknight? You have 2 seconds to answer this question before it detonates.... Boom!!!!! Too late and too slow.
Funny, I'm still alive and intact. :P
Meow or Rawr
A fat guy steals your food what do you do?
Warn him? :o
I'm running out of randomness gas. Gas mostly.
Have some randomness liquid.
If I bent you would it hurt you..?
Not really.
Do you work for Noxus? If you do I'm going to team up with Artix and destroy you.
You just said a few questions ago that you were on the dark side.
Ok I'm all out randomness gas...*Poot* OK now I am all out.
Did you drink the liquid?
Bye, hope to see you trying to catch me break some rules in the pedia [;)]
Oh I will. Also that's not a very good thing to say and/or enjoy. :p

Ash The Phantom -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/14/2008 3:45:12)

So, you're a DF Encyc. monkey AK?
Yes yes.
Can I be an AK, too?[/sarcasm]
Of course! /sarcasm
What's your DF character ID? I wish to pwn you.
16705. Good luck. :p Though everyone is pwnable in PvP.
Are you the Walrus? >w<
Um, no...? :p
Are you one of the few (couple thousand) AQW Alpha testers?
Yup! Been so long since I played... must.. play.. more! @.@
Okies, one more question: How'd you become an AK and what does it feel like?
Well first I got the Helpful title, and then I just kept helping. And it's awesome. And no you won't get it if you want to. xP
Thanks for taking the time to make my pitiful existance less pitiful by talking to me. Have a nice day! ^_^
Awww, don't feel so down about yourself. :P

vardix -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/14/2008 7:35:10)

Congrats PoD (Paperclip of DOOM!)
It's actually PCoD, since it is PaperClip. :P
1. Muwahahahha?
2. Do you have an evil laugh?
See above.
3. Sowatchadoingrightnow?
5. Should DOOM paperclips be purified?
Never! D:< PaperClip OF DESTINY, my mortal enemy. >:(
6. Favorite type of chocolate?
Brown. But also white sometimes. Mmmm chocolate...
7. OMG! Can you guess what I just saw?
A flying hippo? :D
8. Byelolyabye. (Hehehehe)[:D]
Lolkkseeyouaround. (Hahahaha)

LightningIsMyName -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/14/2008 10:10:08)

Hello! You should have been made an AK long time ago. Here goes the questions:
I also should have answered this thread a long time ago. xP And thanks.
1. Why paper clipper?....
Because. :P
2. Have you seen me around theese forums (probably not :D)
A bit, yes.
3. I also have a costume avatar :D The one I have as my avatar is a one I submitted. Anyway, who is it in your avatar?
That's not really custom then. :P And currently, it's Arthas.
4. From where are you in the world - which country/state (if you are willing to answer, if not it's also OK)
Israel. That makes it 2 AKs from here now. :p
5. Do you play Chess?
I know a bit, but I suck at it. :D
6. Favourite sports?
I dunno. I like running. :D
7. Which musical instrument do you play (if any?)
I don't play anything, though I have a guitar that my brother bought... and he isn't playing anything too. :P
8. Age (Not the exact age - TeenAger/Student/Adult)
Between 13 and 37.
9. Have you tried any sorts of art? If so, which one?
I am "awesome" in paint. xD
10. Favourtie book?
Hmm, I like lots of books. The Magician's Guild trilogy is really nice though.
11. Which kinds of book do you like? (Also, do you like science fiction)?
Fantasy. Science fiction is nice too.
12. Hobbies?
Reading is one of them.. I really don't know how to answer these questions. :P
13. Interests?
Isn't it the same as hoobies? xD
Now I still need to fill 7 more questions but I have nothing more to ask :D I'll come back with my second post later and then I'll ask some more =)
Sure thing. :P
Enjoy being an AK ;)
~LightningIsMyName (LIMN)
~PaperClip OF DOOM (PCoD)

Pain Avatar -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/14/2008 10:59:49)

Hey remember me i thinkz i askzd you a question 1z?
Not that I am aware.. O.o
Y did uz chuz Arthaz after he merged and notz b4?
Now I have both from time to time. :P
Thzahankz yzouz?
I hopez u uzez urz powez for good padawanz of de paperclipz
Indeed I shall.
Bless you.
Was it fun watchzingz Arthazez Assecionzzz?
Sheesh are you addicted you Arthas or something? :P
The battlez withz Illidanz waz coolz waz itz notz?
Yes it was. View note above.
Me cantz thinkz of anyzthinz morz toz sayz soz byz

Burn -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/15/2008 8:20:23)

I will keep this short as I have GSCEs to revise for.
Not TOO short I hope... *looks down* D:
Congratulations on the AKship. I will try to pop in now and again to say hi, but again, well done on the achievment. May you er...weild the
Er, thanks, um... I.. er, will? Umm.. bye?

Edgelord -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/15/2008 8:45:18)

Congratulations PCoD!
Aw it was so kind of you to prepare my edit color. Too bad I have a new one now though. :P

What is your favorite color?
This is my new favorite color. :D

What is the capital of Texas?
No idea. D:

What is the air/speed velocity of a European Swallow?
It is equal to the air/speed velocity of an Asian Swallow minus 3.4

These next questions are important, choose wisely.
Choosing wisely is my middle name! PaperClip ChooseWisely OF DOOM!

34 or 450?

(92 x 100) + (4 x 10) + (10 x 0)?

What the heck was that last question? o.O
You tell me. D:

Thats all, good luck and have fun!

Jonaza -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/15/2008 23:57:26)

You finally got it? Long way coming =P
Speaking of finally doing things. :P
Now, then, on to the interogation.
I hope they won't find out my real identity and my plans to take over the forums...
1. Do you have any inkling why it took so long?
I don't know. Also I don't have any complaints since I didn't even see it coming. @.@
2. Why office supply? Why not field supply?
I predict that you will answer than question yourself!
4. Paperclips do go in offices, I guess.
My prediction came true.
5. PS3 or Xbox?
Both, though I have niether. D:
6. Badgers or squirells?
Because they are awesome.
8. Office Depot or Staples?
Bah, staples! Office Depot of course.
9. I suppose you know what the next question is. I cheat, though.
Yes, because when I am editing this, spoiler tags become slightly useless. :P

I suppose you noticed the absence of a #3?

I did. Can't fool me!
11. Only 4 more questions =(. Gotta make 'em worthwhile.
Actually 5, since there was no 3.
12.Blow something up with a missile or hack it to pieces with a sword?
Both! Though I tend to go with the missles.
13. Flamethrower or machine gun?
Aww all those hard questions. D: Both again.
14. See question 6.
See answer 6.
15. Congratulations, I can't think of anyone more deserving. Kudos and a good KnightHood to ye.
Thank ye!

swenson -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/16/2008 12:24:35)

So you're an AK now? Has the shock settled in yet?
After two months, I guess it has, yes. :P
If you're mad at WritingPad, do you paperclip all her pages together?
I can never be mad at her! :D
Why are there so many office-supply-related usernames on here?
If three is many, then I don't know.
*gasp!* Did you notice the Doctor Who sig up the page a bit?!
No! :o
Do you watch Doctor Who?
No! :o
Are you my mummy? (obscure Doctor Who reference)
No! :o
Do you know what Zork is?
Zork was one of the first interactive fiction computer games and an early descendant of Colossal Cave Adventure. The first version of Zork was written in 1977–1979 on a DEC PDP-10 computer by Tim Anderson, Marc Blank, Bruce Daniels, and Dave Lebling, and implemented in the MDL programming language. "Zork" was originally MIT hacker jargon for an unfinished program. The implementors named the completed game Dungeon, but by that time the name Zork had already stuck. Zork has also been adapted to a widely panned book series.
*yawn* I'm tired. Are you tired?
Kinda. :o
How much spam could a spaff of spam spam if a spaff of spam could spaff spam?
Who said it can't? >:o
Do you like spam? (the fake ham, not the online kind)
No not really. :P
Do you like Wikipedia?
Sure, why not!
Read much?
Not THAT much.
Play any other games other than AE ones? (what a traitorous thought)
Yes, what a surprise!
In school?
Yes, what a surprise!
Is it your dream to be interviewed by Nel?
Yes, what a surprise! OK I should really stop doing that. :P
What is the average airspeed velocity of an unladed swallow?
It is equal to the air/speed velocity of a European Swallow plus 3.4
You like smilies a lot, don't you? :) ;) :D xD :X :P XP 8) :( :0 :o :O ^_^ ^-^ 8D >:( X(
:D :P XD D: :)
Waal, that appears to be all for now. I'll probably come along later to ask more questions. Until then...
...I'm waiting.
... D:

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