RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (Full Version)

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DragoonX -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/16/2008 12:29:12)

1.What is like being an AK, cold and dark? or hot and warm?
Awesome and awesome. :P
2.If penguin shackles had choclate fudge on them, would you eat them then?
Sure! :o
3.Did cysero steal your socks? Or when you get AK'd does he give them back?
Of course he stole my left sock. And nope I don't get them back. ;-;
4.How many pedia entrys have you made?
I dunno, I make less now to give other people a chance. :) That is, if other pedia veterans don't take everything first. :p
5.Phone or phone?
Aren't they the same? :o
6.Bob or Blob?
This is a tough one. Bob.
7. 42 or 7?
42. you like cake?
9. Uhm, if 2 guys walk acroos the street at rate of 2.7 m/s then turn then, wak into a train that is ggoing 300 m/s then walks off and bob says hi to the guy in pear suit and the other waves to him then both go into a big building. Now Gary decide to use the stairs and bob uses the elvator but gary works on the 3rd floor and bob on the 7th. and it takes 4 secounds to go up a floor on the elvator and takes 8 secounds a floor on the stairs.
-Who will reach the top first?
Well, if it is raining and it is a sunday, then of course Bob can use the magical pink hippo and fly to the top.. if not, well, Gary's winged boots would give him victory on a silver platter.
10. Was that confusing or did it make your eyes bleed?
Niether. It was very simple.
11.Half way done out of my uhh... extra-AK torture.
12.Did you plan on trying to become an AK?
Not at all.
13.Are pedia posts fun or boring?
14. if i ran up to a random person, punched them and ran do you think they would either,
A.Run after me with a gang of his buddies and kill me.
B.Think nothing of it.
D. They would throw a triple fudge sundae ice cream on you.

15. i'm out of questions.
I don't know if to laugh or cry, really. ;)

minimang -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/17/2008 11:42:25)

Finish the sentence. In Soviet Russia...
ArchKnight meets YOU!

What's up?
So far so good. :P

You are a paperclip...

how do you type?
With gusto.

...OK that didn't work.

What about him?

Anon Y. Mous -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/17/2008 17:49:22)

OMG!OMG!OMG!!!!!!!111!!!! you Ak now! Fnly! Uber sexy!!!!11!
O.o It was all good until that last part.
Now that I've congratulated you and gotten rid of my n00biness in one fell swoop (+1 for multitasking!), let's get to the questions:
Multitasking ftw. :D
1. Do you love Chinese food? (Answer wrong and die!)
...No? >:D
2. LIEZZZZZzzzzz... *snore*
That happens to me all the time. :o
3. How many waves of the new war have you owned/pwned?
I guess at the time you made this post it was the Necropolis war, so ALOT! I needed DMs for my Doom Cloak.
4. If four people die, who survives?
Everyone else?
5. Three moms buy a bike. Who brought the monkey?
The 2.5 mom.
6. How many people have subscribed to NetFlix?
I have no idea.
7. Do you ever visit the L&L?
From time to time, yes.
8. Are you satisfied with your current cell phone plan?
I guess. :D
9. Did you pick your shackles, or were you unceremoniously stuffed into a duffel bag containing your shackles and a week's supply of food and water?
A week's supply? I wish!
10. Describe your shackles.
They are round and colored... purple-blueish.
11. Am I a smexy beast? (easy answer) (yes)
No comment.
12. Fake question?
Fake answer!
14. Am I really out of ideas?
Congrats again!
Thanks again!

Slave of music -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/19/2008 14:44:11)

[sm=icon_eek.gif] teh Paper clips is an AK[8D]
Amazin ain't it? O_O
pure forum ownage
I have only one question so you should not ave to rack your brain
Yay! :D
ok if you had a choice between forcibly going to 1 of 2 places were would you go?
Sneevils 'Rn't' Us or the Unlive surprise?
Sneevils 'Rn't Us of course!

Saojun -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/19/2008 21:23:34)

So now PaperClip is an AK. Congratz! :P
Same to you! :P
So now there's more work for you to do...
I don't mind. :P
Happy modding! :P

Shadow Trainer -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/20/2008 13:05:20)

hello there
if your the paperclip of DOOM...then wheres the stapler of DREAD?
My second arch enemy! D:< *spits*
my old best friend hates you hate me?
I'm not your old best friend, so no.
if im annoying...nvm..
What? what?
do you play AqWorlds?
if yes...whats you name on there?
Probably PaperClip. "Probably", because it's been so long I forgot.
do you have fun being a new AK?
(now onto the random word game...i say a say the first DIFFERENT word that comes to mind!)
root beer
food (wow xP)

and now.....
...Oh the game is over D:

bye bye archnight utensil of doom!
Utensil? I'm an office supply! You hear me?! OFFICE SUPLLYYYYY!!! *dramatic zoom out*
Er, bye!

slaya55 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/20/2008 20:34:34)

Hiya! pie your favorite food or do you just like pie?
I just like pie. o:
3.what damage does your spaff do?
4.what element is your spaff?
DOOM, muahahaha!
5.are you a founder in any AE games?
MechQuest! :D
6.whos you best AK friend?
All of them. :P you like blue more than this color?
What color? I like my new color (this one) better than my old one though. :P

Mo -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/21/2008 11:32:57)

=0 I just realized you got AK, PC, well congrats.
I just realized you have a forum account, Mo.
..... Yeah. >.>

So is it just me, or are home utility items very popular with the forum staff now? I mean, first you, now WritingPad.
Office supplies! D:< And it was first WritingPad, now me.
Well, er, I can't really think of any questions, see ya on #testystuff Shameless plugs ftw. :D ~pjc
Oh, I know, I should make a paperclip of doom and tempt you with it.
You already did that and it failed. Epicly.
Do you think I'll ever join the shackles of AKhood?
Not if you want it, no.
I don't either.
Huh? :P
Am I your friend? [This really shouldn't be taken seriously, reply if you want to =P]
No comment. (MUAHAHA)
Should I leave now?
Shoo! D:<
I really should shouldn't I?
Shoo!! DD:<
Well, bye now.
Bye! :D
Your still reading this?
Oh you;re still here. >_>
No, really, bye.
EDIT:So it looks like pjc came here and already edited my post, I think you should come quick before he actually answers some questions [;)]
Oh don't worry. I came quick. (and by quick I mean after a month or so. >.>)

funkymonkey -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/21/2008 12:59:58)

Nice name :P
Why thank you. :P
Do you like the new buttons?
Muahahahaha! *deletes thread* whoops. *restores thread, then deletes it again* ......
Are you one of... THEM?
Oh god no. Wait... who are THEY again?
THINK FAST!!!.............................What came into your mind when you read that?
Pies. And birds.
<.< >.>

What's your favourite smiley? Mine is this one: [sm=silly.gif]
Best AQ pun of all time?
I don't even see AQ puns these days. >.> Mainly because I don't play AQ much.
Best DF pun of all time?
Graaaaaaains, graaaaaaaains!
Best pun of all time?
You are punny. ....... *tumbleweed*
Favourite movie?
The new favorite is of course The Dark Knight.
What is your quest?
To find the holy potato!
Do you like people who un-bend paperclips into straight little rods?
Vile beings! D:< I of course do that too, but I bend them back.. usually.
What's the best Christmas present you've ever gotten?
I don't celebrate Christmas. :O O:
What is the square root of -433456 divided by 97?
You can't do a square root on a negative number. D: Or something.
What do paperclips eat?
If anybody asks, we never had this conversation.
Yes, this post is invisible to all other people viewing this thread. (not)
May you go down in history!
Same to you!
Bye bye!

Suranjan -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/22/2008 3:02:59)

1. *snugglehuckleshuckles* Paperclip of DOOM !!
Sarunjan Suranjan!
2. First of all , congrats on your promotion ! From "Helpful" to AK , heh ?
A bit late for that, but thanks none the less. :P
3. Which is better : Your paperclip or the DOOM ! ??
You can't make me choose! D:<
4. Like your new powers ??
Oh yes. :P
5. Hope we'll be friends !! I love your guides !!
6. I must say that your choices of avatars are good !!
Thanks again! :P
7. So , the 4th Doom weapon is unveiled ??
I sure hope so. xD
8. What's your favourite NPC ??
Reens! :O
9. Will this paperclip accept some chocolates ??
10. I must say that you were one of the guys who deserved this !!
Thanks again..again!
Well , enough for now . Bye , and congrats again !!!
Thanks x3!

Zuan -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/22/2008 8:24:44)

hi Paper Clip of Doom i have some rather odd questions....a bit liek your cool user name!
Hehehe. :P
1.If you were to win a award what would it be for?
Ridding the world of mosquitose.
2.Who is your favourite AK? (other than yourself)
This one!
3.Who is your favourite normal member? (like your freinds who you used to or still do talk to)
I have no favorites, but friends are Suuichi and NexX.
4.Do you feel alot more presure now if you make a mistake?
I don't make many mistakes, but if I do, I just quickly fix them. I actually CAN'T do any major mistakes, I'm in the pedia. :P
5.Paper clips why Paper clips? why not cheese burger?
Because cheese burger is meat and dairy in the same burger.
6.How long have you played the 3/4 games (if you paly AQW)
Since 2006 or so.
7.what does it mean to you to be an AK?
An honor? :P
8.What your realtionships liek? (not that i want to get involved or anything..just out of itnrest)
Yeah, I do believe I said nothing too personal.
9.are you goign to battle for the other blue colour with the other AK?
This one is pretty unique, so no. :D
10.Bad i mean good luck and hope to see you around!
What was that? D:< Anyway thanks!

Shadowrath -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/22/2008 20:14:46)

Greetings and salutations, young PaperClip.
Thank you, *insert age category* Shadowrath.
How are you faring on this fine day? I hope it finds you well.
This fine day is fine, I find it will.
Fan of the Lich King,hm?
Fan of Warcraft in general.
Play on with Warcraft III much?If so, we should battle sometime.
I'm on an unofficial European server, so slim chance I will meet you. :P
What race do you use?
I play mainly custom games.
Peanut butter cookies or chocolate?
Chocolate! And Cookies!
Holding fast against the staple incursion?
Indeed. D:
Favourite season?
Do you like the rain?
Outgoing or shy?
Outgoing, most of the time. >.>
Sword or shield?
Both! :O
Would you go down fighting, or surrender to save yourself?
I fight, so I can run away. To fight some more.
Did you enjoy this little interview? (Lies are acceptable :P)
Ummm.... er, sure..? Ehehehe..
Keep up the good work, Clip! *salutes*

wolfman_naruto -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/23/2008 4:31:40)

congrats again
are you shock when you become an archknight
Oh yes indeed.
what do you like in the 3 artix entertaiment games
DF, obviously, but I like all four of them.
how old are you
Somewhere between 13 and 37.
why did you choose the forum name paper clip of doom
*points at Brill's post because he is lazy. :P*
could we be friends
I'm looking forward to some of your other guide
There probably won't be other guides, sorry. :P
do you like books
where do you live
again congrats
Again, thanks!

Karmageddon41 -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/23/2008 9:59:55)

*snugglehugglewhatevers in reply
They are making everyone AK these days Huh?
Not everyone, no. :P
You lol'ed from outside but you said
*/=%(?=%^()* from inside when you read my first question right?
That sounds like something a calculator would say. :P
And you will say a (reallybiglie) no to my second question...
Nope I didn't. :P
Forget it...How much did you live as a normal member....
What, I'm dead now? :P And I guess about a year or so?
Did you see learn the AKs suck blood out of spammers
What are you talking about? *flashes fangs*
You feel cheap right?
Say what? >_>
And now youll write Pies...right?
Get him...!!!

supermarioitalia -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/23/2008 12:01:37)

Paperclip of DOOM! Congratulations!
How does it feel becoming an AK?
Favourite colour?
This one!
How did you get your awesome name that is now well-known in these forums?
See Brill's post because I'm lazy again! Also I have to stop shouting!.
What is your favourite AE game?
DF, duh.
Favourite food?
I liek pizza. And cake.
Favourite movie?
Like I said earlier, the new favorite is The Dark Knight.
Favourite book?
Can't really decide on a favorite... but I guess The Magician's Guild trilogy.
I always had a feeling you would be an AK! Happy Modding!
Congrats again.
And thanks again, as well. :P

Bioshock. -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/23/2008 18:03:57)

1. You's Ars Archknight?!
Indeedz I rs.
2. I eat paperclips
That's... disturbing..
3. I love staple guns, to kill paperclips with.
4. Do you know Billy Talent the band?
Nope, can't say I do.
5. Do you like peanuts?
Of coursw!
6. I Like apple Pie
Me too!
7. Do you love Cysero, be honest!
Cysero is pretty awesome, yeah. :D
8. Paperclip... of DOOM?!
OF DOOM. People always forget, the OF is in capitals too. ;-;
9. I should make an new forum account.
10. It shall be called, Staplegun of DOOM!
You'll get banned for multipule accounts then. :o
11. Gum
12. I keep talking and I don't know how to stop!
*ducttapes Bioshock's mouth*
13. *Breaths* Here's you chance to run, Go GO!
14. Do you like bogo?
I guess I didn't escape. ._. What's bogo?
15. We shall do every question over again...
16. BaiS!
Say wha..?
17. Don't you love them ^.^
Love who? *looks around*
18. Zelda.
I liek the Zelda games they are pretty awesome. Although why name the game on Zelda if the main hero in them all is Link. >.>

uscdrew -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/23/2008 20:35:46)

OK i got some questions mister....ummm... paperclip of doom is it?
Say the first thing that comes to mind when i say....
EMA (lets see if you get this one. :P)
ok do you like dogs, or cats?
So do you like mutant dracolichs?
Mutant? That's a new one.
Who is the best person ever?
Dunno. *cough*
The pizza guy?
Well he DOES deliver pizza... that makes him very awesome indeed.
i kno rite?
i like cereal do you?
say oh wah tah goo si am 5x fast
"Oh what a goose I am"? O_o
ha ha! i made you say what a goose i am!
I figured. And I didn't actually say it. Owned. :P
wait..... now i just said it!
Yup, that was my secret alright.
*you* what kind of man are you for asking such wierd questions
*me* *warned for being dangerous* D:
Paperclips are funky
i kno rite?
Pacman! (< o o o o o
. . . . . (< He ate them. Omnomnomnom.
Favorite game?
I like Fable and can't wait for Fable 2!
mine is my life as a king on wiiware on the wii and i got it from the wiishop channel! - thats a lot of wii's!
I don't have a Wii, just my DS. *snugs*
good luck in ur quest for world domination! *thinks to self* as soon as i activate this bomb paperclip of doom will die and i shall rule the ..... hey! wheres my bomb? * gets pwnzored by paperclip *



Bye! Finally!
mexico is nice.... i think ill take over its goverment....
Erm, ok? :P

*Small page stretching removed. :P*

Metard -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/24/2008 11:34:47)

This is my question!
Do your rule uber or do you rule helpful uber!!!?? PM me
I'll answer here instead. I don't understand the question. I do rule, yes, but helpful uber? Huh?

pjc -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/24/2008 12:59:20)

I'm in ur week-overdue thred, makin it unbearable.
You coundrel. (Last post! :D)

[20:14] * Suuichi ( has joined #testystuff
[20:14] <&MrJohnson> [Suuichi] <+Artix> In AQworlds you can trian up your fishing AND cooking at the same time! FIREBAAAAALLLLLLL! *BOOOOM SPLASH FISHY FISHY SIZZLE SIZZLE CHOM YUM GOODY FUN!*
[20:14] * MrJohnson sets mode: +o Suuichi
[20:14] <@Suuichi> o.O
[20:14] * Suuichi was kicked by pjc (:o)

Do you have any comment on this?
Nothing but :D :D :D
Fair enough. I prefer the jelly-flavoured ones, myself.
D:< How could you steal them like that?!
Do you have any idea who I am, where I am, or what I'm doing?
You are pjc, in the land of Pie-Jumpyness with all the other pie jumping creatures, and you are making a post here. :o
That's reassuring.
Same time, same place. Be there.
You bring the suitecase, I'll get the money.
*wanders off*
*walks away*

PaperClip OF DOOM -> RE: =AK= Meet the ArchKnight: PaperClip OF DOOM! (6/24/2008 13:03:04)

And on that somewhat rushed *cough* last note, I declare this LOLloclz'd.

Done! And a month late no less! =D Thanks everyone for asking stuff and stuff. Except you pjc. YEAH YOU KNOW WHY.

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