_Depression -> Author's Fantasy [Comments] (6/26/2008 17:40:19)
Ahh, Author's Fantasy. Such a fitting title. Haven't you, at one point or another, thought, 'Gee, it would be just dandy if I could meet so-and-so from my story?' Well, this story takes that idea and brings it to a whole new level. An author who finds out that his story, his characters, are all real. The girl of his dreams is as human as he is, and everything he'd imagined is real. The problem is, with all of these good things happening, there has to be something bad, right? Enjoy, and don't forget to comment! Part II, Fantasy Shattered, begins approximately 33 days after Part I ended. It begins with a simple journey entry from our protagonist, Ryan Aberythstye, and brings the story to a whole new place - literally. Author's Fantasy picks up 'across the pond,' visiting a great array of breathtaking vistas and popular tourist attractions. With all of the foreign words and locales, I'll be sure to keep a running pronunciation guide!