Purify (Shop) (Full Version)

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Krazy_Kakadu -> Purify (Shop) (6/27/2008 21:35:44)



Location: The Necropolis -> Artix -> Purify Doom Weapon!
Requirements: Completion of Noxus Fumes

Blinding Light of Destiny
Shining Blinding Light of Destiny
Lucky Blinding Light of Destiny
Mighty Blinding Light of Destiny
Guided Blinding Light of Destiny
Brilliant Blinding Light of Destiny
Pristine Blinding Light of Destiny

DragonStaff of Destiny
Shining DragonStaff of Destiny
Lucky DragonStaff of Destiny
Mighty DragonStaff of Destiny
Guided DragonStaff of Destiny
Brilliant DragonStaff of Destiny
Pristine DragonStaff of Destiny

Twin Blades of Destiny
Shining Twin Blades of Destiny
Lucky Twin Blades of Destiny
Mighty Twin Blades of Destiny
Guided Twin Blades of Destiny
Brilliant Twin Blades of Destiny
Pristine Twin Blades of Destiny

Artix: Those Doom Weapons are dangerous. VERY dangerous. I can sense the evil inside them.
Artix: The elemental darkness spirits that are bound to those weapons appear to grow stronger with each passing day.
Artix: I have certain abilities that I have never seen in another paladin, and I believe that I can cleanse these weapons.
Artix: If you come across one of these Doom Weapons... bring it to me and I can transform it into a Weapon of Destiny!
Artix: The Weapons of Destiny will be just as powerful as their counterparts, but will be infused with the power of Light!
Artix: Just make sure to get the Doom Weapons to me... before it is too late.

Thanks to SalvationXI and Stephen Nix for corrections.

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