RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (Full Version)

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Angelique -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/27/2008 17:22:46)

Hey Alexandrite!

hello Angel :D

Sorry I am so late with this (I was away) but congrats on the AKship and welcome to our cell!

lucky I extended this for a week and thanks a lot!

Well that is really all, hope to talk to you on IRC soon. :)

thanks again, see you on IRC! :)

Lord Sauron -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/28/2008 1:32:46)

1.Are you pretty cheap?


2.Is your character a guardian?


3. Do you like new rares?


4.Do you like new wars?


5.Are you interested in seeing the estates playing a bigger part in the rest of the game?


6.Do you think that the gold and xp you get from battles are balanced especially with things like the new estates that we pay gold into?

yep, I think it's balanced, :P

*truthseeker* -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/28/2008 2:40:53)

Like my new avy?


My new sig?


Sneevil or undead?


Artix or mysterious necromancer?


Archmage or Asssasin?


Golden or reign(set)?


Reign or Shadow(set)?


Asguard plate or steel plate?

steel plate! :P

Ninja or Rats?


Wars or quests?


The Ducksta -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/28/2008 6:10:46)

Hello there!

hi there~

Gratz with AKness!


Why Alexandrite as opposed to anything else?

I don't know xD

What's your favourite smiley?

:o <---that one

Pirates or Ninjas? (Sure, it's been asked, but I'm too lazy to actually look back in other pages.)

Ninja, and yeah my answers are not the same every time! lol

Why did the chicken cross the road?

it did?

Why 15?

because not 14 and also not 16

Why not 4322317236?


'K. Bye!


aNyThInG -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/28/2008 6:42:53)

Just wondering, sup with your AQ character? No equipment? o.O

because this is really not my main so I don't bother to buy equipments. :P

The ErosionSeeker -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/28/2008 8:15:40)

What does it take to be an AK???

secret o.O

awesomeman167 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/28/2008 15:07:02)

1 woo i made it


2 i cant believe you actually saw it


3 youve got quite the eye their my friend


4 meheheheheheheheh <---- cool zorbak laugh ADMIRE IT >:c


5 ummm


6 uhhhh


7 so um what kinda job you have

none at the moment

8 i need a new job i got fired from my last one


9 ^ fire pun in there you gotta find it >:D



hahahaha...oh wait, sorry

11 i was a caddy and the bags were ehavy and i was skinny ;_;


12 ennoguh of the reminescing


13 well i guess this is our last horrra my friend


14 i suppose i shall see you around the forums


15 ok well im goign to head on out enjoy your day

see you!

Ultrapowerpie -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/28/2008 15:15:16)

1) What made you decide to join up with our crazy AKing crew?

I want to see if I would really go insane

2) Have you evern seen the moogle around here? If not, do you think I need to post more round here? :P

I've seen you pretty often here, but I'll ask that question back at you! :P

3) Do you like pie? If so, what flavor. If not, what's wrong with you! :O:

apple pie!

4) You ever visit Paxia? If so, you MUST visit Aerodu. :D

not really but I'll visit Aerodu for sure!

5) Do you plan to chat in the war threads?

I don't usually post in those war threads. lol

6) What part of the forums do you visit frequently?

used to be Q/A but it's AQ and DF GD nowadays, hehe

7) Do you like answering all these questions?

it's fun!

8) Did you know I still have yet to complete my very first MtAK thread? XD

o.O wow...just wow. lol

9) Will you give the moogle a kupo-nut?

sure, why not!

10) Who's your favorite moglin?


That's it from me. Have fun :D

see you! :D

Viking_Jorun -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/28/2008 21:54:50)

Congratulations on the AKship!

thanks a lot!

Don't torture us non-arch knights...too much...[;)]

I won't, I promise! :D


Clyde -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/29/2008 0:53:58)

Congrats Alexandrite.

Thanks Clyde, congrats on your nice new shiny title!

You just keeping doing what you're doing and stay awesomely helpful. It's currently 1AM in the morning and have no questions. X_x

this is easy so thanks a lot for another easy round! lol

*truthseeker* -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/29/2008 3:01:33)

Do you know I am making a reversed version vid of artix VS undead?

nope but sounds cool!

Suranjan -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/29/2008 11:14:00)

*snugglehuckleshucklehucklesnuggletickels* Alexandrite !

/me snugs Suranjan

Congrats on the promotion ! (I think it is a promotion) !


You must have been quite busy, haven't you ?


Gives you a medicine which cleans the rule-breakers ! Ta-da ! They'll now be good !

cool, thanks!

Hey ! Just a question, just no offence : "Are we DF forumites so bad that the Admins have to get existing AKs to mind us ?" No offence ! [:)]


So, in real life, are you that strict disciplinarian or just happy-go-lucky ? If not, then what ?

nope, I'm kind! :P

Guardian Alexandrite, Drakkonnan is destroying all the pie stores of the world !!!!!!!!!

oh noes!

Just joking (obviously) !


You have posted in many MtAK threads, I'm happy that I'm posting in yours !

yeah, glad you could drop by

I'll spare you from more questions ! So, have a cookie and a chocolate !


Bye and Congrats again !

thanks and see you around!

Josh -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/29/2008 11:39:05)

Heya, Alexandrite! Hope I'm not too late ^_^

heya Josh! :D

How've you been settling in to the AQ/DF GD dungeons?

my cellmates are nice so it's good here

Nothing much to say for now - just congrats again ^_^

thanks a lot! congrats to you too! :D

Zyklone -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/29/2008 18:07:08)



Whats your favorite class?

break time! <---o.O!

Whats your level?

in AQ? 130

do you have Girlfriend(Boyfriend)?

I have friends that are girls, I also have friends that are boys so both! :P

Do you play something else than DF, AQ , and MQ?


Killerheadache -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/29/2008 18:08:00)

Torture test again!


1.) Why you say no soda?


2.)Pie or AQ?


3.)If AQ were to suddenly be discontinued, what would your favorite playable AE game?


4.)If I gave you a cookie, would you eat it?


5.)What if I said it was an atomic bomb in disguise?

heh, doesn't matter

6.)Ever heard of the band Disturbed?


7.)Do you like it?

no comment as I haven't really listened to them that long yet

8.)What's your favorite song?

teardrops on my guitar

9.)What smiley do you hate most?


10.)My favorite is :D

mine is :o

11.) If all the sneevils on Lore died, what would you do?




13.)What's your favorite move of Gaara's

all of his moves

14.)Mine is Sabaku Taiso! (Yes, I'm a nerd)


15.) Who is your favorite Naruto Character other than Gaara?


Crud, out of room!

C ya l8tr.

see you!

dragon ice -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/29/2008 18:55:49)



con gratz


and your color




met ae team in real life


thats it all i want to say is when you type this in google this next thing look wat happens


answer to life, the universe and everything
type this in google web search

hehe, nice

awesomeman167 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/29/2008 19:13:08)

1 you thought i wouldnt come back didnt you


2 you cant get rid of me that easily

really? /me deletes this post :P

3 lol so um whats up

the sky!

4 so um got any tatoos?


5 i want to get one but its too much to explain on here pm me if you wanna know whatit is

I want to get one, a skull will be nice in my left arm

6 i dont think ive said this so congratz on the AKmans ship

thanks a lot!

7 great honor there is in such a title


8 so um hows your day going

it's a good and peaceful day so far

9 are you still in school or what

yep 2nd year college student

10 i go back in september to be honest i cant wait my summers been quite boring


11 luckily i have AQ to past the time


12 well dude ill let you be free of me for now see ya later

see you!

tsuoko -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/29/2008 19:17:40)

Congratulations on making AK.


Love your avatar picture. (go Gaara)


How long have you played AQ?

been playing since 2006

Played DF any?


Whats the best part of your job?

as an AK? hmm, maybe deleting threads! hehehehe

Do you Like pancakes?[sm=icon_eek.gif]


I love them lots.(their like my anti-drug[sm=icon_biggrin.gif]


What advantages do you have being an AK?

there is an advantage?! lol'z

Well thats all, bye and congratulations again for making AK.

thanks and see you around!

Silversword8 -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/29/2008 19:22:40)

I AM BACK! Mehehehehe!

and yeah, no need to stretch the page, thank you.

1.^^^If the M was The 'Galin, the h's were Void Dragons, the E's were Terror Zards and the ! was the Nightmare Queen would a Sneevil beat them all? (at once)

yep, for sure

2. Would a sneevil with only one leg and no arms beat them all? (at once)

yep, without a doubt

3. Have you read my story yet? (i'm gussing no)

nope, still busy answering questions here and stuff

4. Did you just lie?


6. Should I give you cookies?


7. Did you notice their wasn't a # 5?

really? o.O

8.How many questions are in my post?

20?! lol

Did you even see this question?( I bet you didn't)


Jake Potter -> RE: =MtAK= Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/29/2008 22:03:54)



Do you like Anime?

yep, I guess so

Which is your favorite game? (AQ, DF, or MQ)

AQ for life!

Do you like vampires?


Do you enjoy being an AK?

yep, I've been enjoying far

Well that's all I'll ask, for now. BWAHAHAHAHAHA... bye!

mehehehe, bye! see you around!

PD -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/30/2008 0:04:20)

Congrats on becoming an ArchKnight!

Thanks a lot! :D

1. How do you survive on the lack of equipment?

on my AQ character? I don't actually play the one under my avvy but my main has more than enough equipment

2. Is there a cool benefit to Archknights? ( Besides major control of the forums )

benefit? hmm, instant fame! wait a sec that's not a benefit... :P

3. Have you ever tried going to the void and getting your butt kicked?

the void? hmm, I've been there but couldn't remember the battles I've had. I have such a bad memory.

4. Is there an age requirement to be an Archknight? ** 4 year old becomes an Archknight LOL!! **

13 and up?! o.O

5. And finally, have you meet the other moderators in person?


Anyway, thanks for taking your time to read these questions.

no problem, see you around!

akoru -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/30/2008 1:38:48)

-Tackels Alexandrite-[:D] Ello

hi akoru!

1. why do you seem to answer most questions with a few words?

really?! :P

2. You seem like a hyper friend of mine [&:] are you hyper O.O?

hyper? nope sorry. lol

3. If a AK fell of a cliff, would any AK hear it?

for sure

4. Why you answer these in pink?

all other beautiful colors are taken

5. Is it the fact that Sakara is your second favorite character in Naruto?

yep, Sakura is awesome. lol

6. (insert question here)?

insert answer here

Later times! And congrats on AK (as most people said)! [:D]


*truthseeker* -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/30/2008 1:48:34)

Time for tech class!



Mac OS X

HDD space?




Internet connection speed?

speed? 5kph

*break time!*


SuperGuy 9000 -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/30/2008 2:53:40)



Congrats on AK-ship!



o.O?! DOOM?! what?!


AQ for life

Byes Byes,for now anyway.

bye, see you

Captain Kidd -> RE: =MtAK=Meet the ArchKnight: Alexandrite (7/30/2008 11:32:55)

hey Alexandrite, im back


time for some questions to test your memory of 8th grade.. (becoming a high schooler in sept.)

8th grade? hmmmm

MATH *cough* EVIL!*cough*
what is a coefficient?

is that a light bulb?

what style of writing did William Shakespeare use? iambic pentameter

all caps? o.O

1)name all of the axis powers of WW2!

axis 1 then axis 2!

2) name 2 of the 3 members in the Lewis and Clark Expedition...

the first name is "and" then the second name is "Expedition"

how are glaciers formed?

"Let's volt in!"

if you pass you recieve this pixelized square-shaped cookie i made! [_]

hmm, ok!

post #250 w00t!


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