Granemor (Full Version)

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Ianthe -> Granemor (8/13/2008 1:16:52)

New Granemor
The Fortified Lands

Location: Travel Map > Granemor OR Witches Portrait

«Scene: A large town, surrounded by high stone walls. Click on the guard to continue, or...»

  • Sneak Over Wall!
    **«Takes you inside»

    «If you are an 'Emoran Knight:»
    Guard: Hail, Sir/Dame* «You»! Welcome back to Granemor!
    * - "Sir" if male, "Dame" if female.

    «If you are not an 'Emoran Knight:»
    Guard: Halt! Stay where you are!!
    «You»: Whoa! Umm.. I was looking for Granemor, it use to be here. Maybe you remember it? There was a little blue guy...
    Guard: Haha! This is now New Granemor! Where have you been?
    «You»: I could've swore I was here just yesterday and all I saw was rubble and tents *shrugs* What's happened to this place and what is the dark lands in the distance all about?
    Guard: Those are scarred lands. The Devourer himself scorched a swath of Lore that is many miles wide and many more long. We built a fortress to try and hold whatever evil is there at bay.
    Guard: Very few of those who ventured into the No Man's Lands ever returned.
    «You»: I had no idea.... Well, I would like to go in now. Thanks.
    Guard: Not so fast! How do I know you are not an agent of evil?
  • Because I said I wasn't... *grin*
      «The guard retracts his sword»

      Guard: Oh! Very well then, you may enter!
      «You enter New Granemor»
  • So what if I am?!
      Guard: Remove yourself from my sight before you are stricken down!
      «You return to Battleon»

    Inside New Granemor

    «If you have not completed The Dark Forest quest:»
    Dewlok: Granemor has been rebuilt as a fortress city to hold back the evil of the No Man's Land! Talk to Sage Uldor in Battleon if you want to talk to me about Drakel.

    «If you have completed The Dark Forest quest:»
    Dewlok: Granemor has been rebuilt as a fortress city to hold back the evil of the No Man's Land!

  • Can you heal me?
      Dewlok: Need healing? Sure thing... *poof* There ya go! Moglin magic is great for healing. Let me know if you need any more help. The monsters around here are rowdy if you want to help get rid of some...
    • Hunt monsters!
    • No thanks
    • What happened to town?
        Dewlok: The most powerful army of Undead we've seen stormed through here and destroyed town! They say it was controlled by the evil Devourer himself, trying to take over the world.
      • Never again!
  • Undead? -- Option available only if you have not completed The Dark Forest
      Dewlok: The undead roam the cemetery and sometimes even the streets! Use the sign to go directly to the part of the cemetery with the most undead and darkness monsters!
    • Okay!
  • Any Drakels around? -- Option available only after you have completed The Dark Forest, and spoke to Sage Uldor on what the Drakels want
      Dewlok: Drakels? Hah! I've just come back from helping some Elven warriors battle a squad of those lizard lips! If you want to help, the Elves and us Moglins are trying to route the Drakels away from our forest.
    • Save the forest!
    • No thanks
  • The Moon
    If you are a Guardian, the Moon can take you to the Void!
  • Cemetery
    Resting place of the fallen. Go here if you want to fight some Undead!
  • General's Tower > No Man's Land
    Home of the brave General Herous and his daughter, Maurinelle!
  • Haunted House
    A haunted house in a haunted town... spooky, eh?
  • Potion Shop
    Say hello to Lucretia, herbalist and mixer of potions!
  • Boog's Tavern
    Stop in for a drink or to chat with Boog himself!
  • Stranger
    Who is this strange person with a wicked blade?
  • Mulb the Dwelf
    The only one of his kind. Talk to him to find out more!
  • Sergeant York
    This heroic soldier is patrolling the square!
  • Soraya
    Soraya the Merchant knows about everything in Granemor!

    Clicking on the fountain will heal you 100 HP. You can refill your potions if you are a Guardian and have less than 5 potions on hand.
    Soraya the Merchant

    «You»: Hello! My name is «You». I'm a bit curious about this place. Can you tell me anything about it?
    Soraya: Welcome to Granemor City, «You»! Call me Soraya. I'm the local farm produce merchant hereabouts.
    Soraya: Sergeant York can tell you about the military aspects of this new city. The Dwelf named Mulb is knowledgable when it comes to what lurks beyond the Great Wall.
    Soraya: There is a dark stranger who seems to be waiting for someone here as well-- You may want to steer clear of him.
    Soraya: You should also be careful about the guards at the tower gate. They are very protective of General Herous and his daughter Maurinelle. She has a beautiful voice, by the way!
    Soraya: Oh, and if you drink of the fountain's waters, your body and mind will be replenished bit by bit!
    Soraya: Enjoy your time here, friend! Oh, would you like some of my delicious fruit? These are Pearapplos!
  • Buy some Pearapplos!
  • No thanks!
    Sergeant York

    «At any time, you can click "Go Back" to exit the dialogue»

    «You»: Hello! How was this place built so fast??
    Sergeant York: Granemor was but a small town months ago, but after the Devourer's forces destroyed it, a new and stronger will in its people was born!
    Sergeant York: To the west of here you can see the ruins of Old Granemor, and to the east is the Cemetery where the paladin Halenro might be found.
    Sergeant York: We are always looking for new soldiers as well. I know you are an accomplished warrior yourself, so feel free to suit up in some of our Guardian armor and borrow one of our blades!
  • Borrow the Granemor Armor!
    You must be a Guardian to equip this armor!
  • Borrow a Blade of Granemor!
  • Scout mission into No Man's Land!
  • No thanks!
    Mulb the Dwelf

    «At any time, you can click "Go Back" to exit the dialogue»

    «You»: Hello! Are you the Dwelf?
    Mulb: What gave ye that impression?! Me short, brawny body or me pointy ears??
  • Challenge Mulb to Battle!
      Mulb: So ye wanna take a crack at me, then?!? Aww-riiiii!!!! Have at me!!!

      1 BATTLE
      «Full Heal»

      Mulb: Okay, ye sure can fight! Ye should talk to Sergeant York and see about going on a scouting mission into the No Man's Land-- We can always learn more about the enemy!
  • Talk with Mulb
      Mulb: That's right, I'm the Dwelf. Not A Dwelf... THE Dwelf. I was hunting in the No Man's Land when the Devourer's dreadful TOUCH created a gigantic RIP in the land!
      Mulb: Everything around me changed in terrible ways. In just moments I could not realize my surroundings. And the CREATURES... Bad sights, friend. Very bad.
      Mulb: When I returned home to my farmstead, I found that me own FAMILY couldn't recognize me!! I wasn't Mulb the Human Farmer anymore... I was Mulb the Dwelf-- half Dwarf and half Elf!!

      «Close-up on Mulb»

      Mulb: Because I knew the No Man's Land-- havin' survived it for days on me trek OUT -- General Herous hired me to help devise the city's defenses.
      Mulb: The dangers on the other wise of the wall are unlike anything we've ever seen. We don't know just how things came to change, or what force continues to change things.
      Mulb: Fer certain, the Devourer's touch unleashed something BAD. Bad enough to turn me into an aberration.
      Mulb: Do ye realize what this is LIKE fer me? Me Elf half hates Dwarf half, and me Dwarf half hates me Elf half!
  • Go Back

    «At any time, you can click "Go Back" to exit the dialogue»

    Stranger: ???
    Stranger: What are YOU looking at?

  • That is a very nice sword you have there...
      Stranger: This is THE DECAPITATOR. And she's my favorite blade. No one-- and I mean no one-- can touch her. Whoever tries will find themselves missing an important appendage.
  • Who are you?
      Stranger: First, you should know that sometimes is it unwise to ask too many questions. But I kind of like you. So I'm going to tell you a secret. Ready?
    • ......Yes?
      Stranger: I am an ASSASSIN. Don't go telling anyone, now-- or I'll have to ply my trade on YOU.

  • Why are the city walls so tall?
      Stranger: Why would you ask ME that?? Go and find yourself the Dwelf and ask HIM. He helped build the walls!

    General's Tower

    «You»: Greetings, loyal guards! I am «Character Name».
    Guard 1: Halt where you are! What business do you have here?
    «You»: What is this place?
    Guard 2: This is the home of our valiant General Herous, leader of the 'Emoran Knights and protector of these lands.
    Guard 2: Alas his heart weighs heavy these days, it seems a curse has befallen his only daughter, Maurinelle.
    «You»: *Whistles* Quite a fancy title. This is a strange new place to me, I would like to meet your general. Maybe I can be of some assistance!
    Guard 1: Very well, we will take you inside...

    «You then enter the tower»
    Thanks to whackybeanz. Missing dialogue and corrections thanks to Archlist. Update to Granemor access dialogue thanks to gubgub, Darius and In Media Res.

  • Ianthe -> RE: Granemor (8/13/2008 2:47:09)

    Cursed Town

    Dewlok: Nearly everyone has fled Granemor since the Undead have begun appearing. So why would ANYone want to visit here?
  • Can you heal me?
      Dewlok: Need healing? Sure thing... *poof* There ya go! Moglin magic is great for healing. Let me know if you need any more help. The monsters around here are rowdy if you want to help get rid of some...
    • Hunt monsters!
    • No thanks
  • Any Drakels around?
      Dewlok: Drakels? Hah! I've just come back from helping some Elven warriors battle a squad of those lizard lips! If you want to help, the Elves and us Moglins are trying to route the Drakels away from our forest.
    • Save the forest!
    • No thanks
  • The Moon
    If you are a Guardian, the Moon can take you to the Void!
  • Cemetery
    Resting place of the fallen. Go here if you want to fight some Undead!
  • Haunted House
    A haunted house in a haunted town... spooky, eh?
  • Potion Shop
    Say hello to Lucretia, herbalist and mixer of potions!
  • Boog's Tavern
    Stop in for a drink or to chat with Boog himself!

  • Ianthe -> RE: Granemor (8/15/2008 1:23:53)

    Boog's Tavern

    Boog's Tavern
    The tavern has recently opened here in Granemor. We hope to be as successful as Yulgar's Inn someday. Our speciality drink of the house is the finest exotic Orc Swill. You know, the sort of drink that will put hair on your fingernails.
  • Go to Battleon!
  • Go to Lolosia!
  • Back

    Boog: Halloo thar, traveler. Me name be Boog, and this humble hut is me home an' me business, too. Have some food or a good's night sleep. Or maybe you'd like to hear some local gossip.
  • Gossip
      Boog: There's been a man, or who knows what, calls 'imself Morgul or somethin' like that, who's been stalkin' around town and hanging out in my bar. Well, Boog here thinks he's hiding something. You'd be best to keep your distance from 'im, I'm sure.
    • Okay
    • Who's that little blue guy?
        Boog: I don't know what the small blue Moglin's name is, but I'm sure he was the runt of his litter! Poor fella. He hasn't said a word for months. I let him stay here anyway though.
      • Thanks!
  • Rest
      «Full Heal»
      Boog: Nahh, don't worry 'bout payin' me for now. Just do me a favor... go out there to the cemetary and get rid o' some of those walkin' skeletons.
    • No problem!
  • Have you been on the other side of the wall?
      Boog: The Great Wall is there fer a reason! The lands to the west of Darkovia and Granemor have been quite wild for years already, but after the Devourer "touched" 'em, they got wilder! Are YOU brave enough to go over there??
    • I am brave enough!
  • Why are you dressed like a samurai??
      «Boog draws out his sword»

      Boog: Ol' Boog is a might ANGRY that my favorite town took a beatin'! I'm going to WALK THE EARTH and learn MARTIAL ARTS until I can keep this from happening again!!
    • Sounds like a good plan!
    Squee: I am Squee. Squee I be. Talk to me if you want to know the meaning of life.
  • What is the meaning of life?
    Squee: All the world and all the worlds beyond, and all the people and all the people beyond, and all the stars and all the stars beyond, are connected. When you pass out of this life, you merely lose your individuality.
  • Wow...
    Squee: In place of individuality, you become one with the universe. So the meaning of life is to make the most of it, and to bring your experiences into the Universal One.
  • I will go think about that now...

    «If you have not completed Morgul's Quest Part I»
      Morgul: Greetingsss, traveler. I am called Morgul. I am a practitioner of dark arts, a necromancer. I learned from a true master, and am now able to pass on his knowledge.
    • Tell me more
      Morgul: If you would like to begin on the path of my Master, first be sure you have learned a darkness spell. If you are ready, then tell me-- are you strong enough to retake the Orb of Dark Power that was stolen from my Master?
    • I will!
    «After completing Morgul's Quest Part I»
      Morgul: You have done well on your mission. The Orb is back in its rightful place. But my master now sees just how USEFUL you may be to her...
      Morgul: Now you must go find the Obelisk of Darkness and give Balthor the Slaxe, who guards it, this message: The time has come to fell the Obelisk.
      Morgul: Go now, deliver the message!! And if you fail... do not bother to return to me!
    • Deliver the message to Balthor the Slaxe!
    «After completing Morgul's Quest Part II»
      Morgul: Ahhh... So Balthor is unable to destroy the Obelisk? Fortunately, my master has foreseen this.
      Morgul: She says that you are to search Greenguard forest for 3 things: one Snayl mole, one Mantik antenna, and one Deadwood leaf. Take those items to Balthor--
      Morgul: --tell him to make an ointment from them and put it on the Obelisk. It will weaken the Obelisk so that it can be destroyed. Once that is done, my master's plan will be complete!!!
    • Collect the items in Greenguard!
    «After completing Morgul's Quest Part III»
      Morgul: Hahaha! So Balthor tricked you into actually destroying the Obelisk! How cunning of him. I suppose you are wondering what importance destroying the Obelisk had?
    • Yes!

      Morgul: Luckily, my Master is here to explain to you personally...
    • !!!

      «Obsidia enters»

      Obsidia: As Morgul, my dear ghoul, as already said: You have done well.
      Obsidia: I created the Obelisk years ago as a focus point for Dark power, allowing me to keep control over many Undead of Lore. When the Devourer arrived and was finally driven away, the "scar" he left behind -- No Man's Land-- surrounded my Obelisk.
      Obsidia: The new, otherworldly power of No Man's Land became fused with my Obelisk. The creatures there began to drain my own power through the Obelisk... In effect-- killing me.
      Obsidia: I had no choice but to set Morgul here to the task of finding someone worthy of the task of helping me. That someone -- was YOU!
      Squee: *facepalm*
      Obsidia: I sincerely thank you, as do the many undead that I will create in the future!
    • Retrieve the Orb of Dark Power!
    • Deliver the Message to Balthor the Slaxe!
    • Collect the items in Greenguard!
    • Necromancer Class Training!
    Morgul: You have done well on your mission. The Orb is back in its rightful place. You may be worthy of further training.
  • Quest again

    Thalia: Hello, I don’t suppose that while wandering around in my room you’d be willing to help me out with a few things?
  • Save Lucretia!
      Thalia: Can you help me? My friend Lucretia has been kidnapped. I think she was taken to the crypt near the cemetery.
    • Keep her from the Crypt!
  • Help Wun-Eye!
      Thalia: Thank the Earth Lord that you are here again! I received word that WunEye's wife and baby daughter have been captured by Drakels!
    • Help Wun-Eye!

    (Old dialogue)
    «If you have not rescued Lucretia»
      Thalia: Can you help me? My friend Lucretia has been kidnapped. I think she was taken to the crypt near the cemetery.
    • Save Lucretia!
    • Rest
    «After finding Lucretia, talking to Thalia the first time»
      Thalia: Thank you for your help! When Lucretia is ready to make potions again, I may have some tips on finding herbs to give her to barter with.
    • Okay
    «By clicking on her again»
      Thalia: Thank the Earth Lord that you are here again! I received word that WunEye's wife and baby daughter have been captured by Drakels!
    • Help WunEye!

    Lucretia's Potions

    «If you haven't rescued Lucretia, nothing is here. Otherwise, you can refill your starting potions and talk to Lucretia. Prior to 24 January 2013, potion crafting was not available, and Lucretia said this.»

    Lucretia: Thank you for saving me. Soon, I will be able to start making herbal potions again. I have a feeling you will be a frequent customer! If you are out of potions, take the ones by the scroll on the table.
  • Sounds good!
    Thanks to whackybeanz. Missing, updated dialogue and correction thanks to Archlist.

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