=MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (Full Version)

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Clyde -> =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 12:42:15)

Hey guys/ladies/people, Clyde here with the MtAK some have been waiting for. As some of you know I'm the New Forum Issues AK and I'm Reens' official boot licker. XD

If you're new to MtAKs check out some older ones here: http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tt.asp?forumid=65

Now I have rules that I know will probably be broken, but oh well:
No math questions.
No 133t speak
10-15 Question limit, Total 2 Posts(All depending on how things go)
Break the Universal rules then I break you
It's all iChar and Puppy's and Eukara's fault

I will be editing in dis color. :o

Now Meet me away!

pjc -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 12:43:02)

Particularly Curious Joker!

Just for your information, I completely wasn’t stalking you on IRC and totally didn’t type this post up in advance.
*checks outside his windows* Hmmm....

What do you have to say to the following?

I know where you keep your stash of world-dominating blue tack, Clyde. Yeah, that one.
You mean my chewing gum? *blows bubble*

Hey, they tried claiming mah shoes! D:<

Why did the Scakk cross the road?
Because I told him too. <_< >_>

zomgroflpancaeksomgplzplzplzplz [:D] [:D] [:D]
Sorry this place only serves shoes and waffles.

Hi. <-- Lie! Why? Bye.
Cry. Fry. Try. Why? Bye!


Vaseline28 -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 12:43:34)

Clyde! YES! Second post!
No, no, no. REPLY not post.

Soooo....you get us coffee now?
Only Reens kthnx D:

Oh yeah and you must sign *here* to acknowledge ME as the snuggling champion - NOT Wingy(SilverWing/Ag/etc. any other name by which she may be observed). Sign below please.

/me snugglehuggleglompsnugglegnuggletugglekerfugglegnugglesnugs Clyde
I've seen better. ¬_¬

Ummmmmm Spots or Stripes?

Blinds or Curtains?
I'm sure you already know stalker D:<

Good luck and enjoy your new role.
Thanks *sips coffee*

You um *nods politely* forgot your tribute to me in your post *ahem*
Cheers to you!

Congrats again!
Why thank you....again
This is where you write "See you on IRC Vas!" although obviously not here, just below will be great!
I'll see your shoe on IRC

srinivas -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 12:45:21)

oh. well, congrats on making the AKship.
I'm aboard the SSS AK Ship!?!

remember us little people in the meantime.
I see no little people....who are you again?

*opens door politely*

Zizzy -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 12:45:51)

It's Clyde :o
Nowai. :o

First of all... would you like some tea? I am fond of the American style of having it, as you may know.
I make my own tea though cold and without lemon.

White white white white.. what does the cow drink?
Grass juice made nicely from a blender

Favourite movie(s)?
High Fidelity

Favourite book(s)?
I hardly read so I'll pick the latest "Night" by Elie Wiesel

Any pets except for a shoe-licking cat?
Two feet-nibling ferrets

Congratz by the way!
Thank you

No math questions eh? Not fond of math are ye? Math is fun!
Math isn't what makes my shoes. D: Also Math is boring.

I'm done with my questions for now :P
Questions complete. Ciao!

Eukara Vox -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 12:49:42)

Meh, I was supposed to be the first post. *glares at everyone above her*
*glares at everyone above Eukky*

Hey Clyde, congrats.
Thanks Eukky. :)
1. When is it not my fault? >.>
Easy, when you blame someone else. >:)
2. How does that boot taste, by the way.
*adds loads of salt* Have you been stepping in mud lately?
3. Tell me about your cell?
There's no piwwows and it's close to Reens' office just in case she needs me.
4. Do you want to come over sometime and play in my pond?
Suuuure....Will it be empty? >_>
5. Are your shackles tight enough?
If they were any tighter I would be free!
6. I can't see you yet...Have they put a window in your cell?
7. Where in the world would I rather be right now?
Hmm in your enemies' house since you killed him/her and claimed it has your own. :o
8. What ancient god do you identify with the most?
Clyde...Oh!? Hmm I'd say Neptune/Poseidon, for a kitten who can't swim I certainly love the ocean.
9. Does poetry come naturally to you?
It just flows from my fingers.
10. I really am the first poster. The rest are just posers...
That you are. :p

PaperClip OF DOOM -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 12:52:54)

Lurn etiket?

Hi. :D

Chocolate ice cream + pink elephant + shoe = ?
One heck of circus night

I dunno show me. D:

/me makes a Clyde miniature out of blu tac
That's a nice rock. :o

So how bout dem blues tac eh? Eh?
blues is awesome, but tac nahh.

1+1=? :o *flees*
42, good day kthnxbai

Clyde, how many times have I told you not to put the gerbil in the freezer. D:
He asked for it.


Highlord Sendai -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 12:53:12)

RF2 Reporting for duty sir!

Cow or Yak Milk
Chocolate milk. mmmm

Honey or Jam

Forums or Games (What do you spend most time on)
I use the forums to get info for the games!

Tick Tog,Tick Tock!
Time sure does fly by *throws clock out the window*

We will,we will ... You.
become friends then buy eachother icecream? :o

Sing it with me .....I'm a Robotboy in a Robot world,life in Metal It's Fantastic,you can selfdestruct or blow me everywhere.
Rock you, rock you!

Bye and Congratz on Archknightship
Thank you. :)

Scakk -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 12:53:18)

I was told to post. I have but one question.
Hmm as I said it's Puppy and iChar's fault.

Are the shackles fitting nicely?
I can't breathe!

*notes stuff on a list and wanders off*
*paws for the key in Scakk's pocket*

Maverik -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 13:01:12)

Hey Clyde. =O Congratulations on your AK-ship-ness-thingy.
It is not a ship! D:

It's time for the lightning round!
I like lightning.

1. What is the airspeed velocity of a swallow?
The speed in which the worm is squirming.

2. How many lightbulbs does it take to beat up a screw?
Hmm depends on the brand. I'd say 10.

3. Where do you see yourself thee hundred years from now? In the past?
Dancing on my grave. :o

4. Why do witches burn?
Because they float.

5. Who are you? o.o
You are, who?

6. When can I get my apple back?
After I make apple pie.

And, finally, the skill testing question!

Solve for adder.
*takes cookie and claws*

And a cookie if you can figure out where that's from. If you can't, you only get a chocolate chip as a consolation prize. =x
Oooops? Too late. :3

BadHulk -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 13:01:26)

Wohooo o.o 1st page comment <3
Are you sure? *reveals that we are really on page 42*

Hiya. U know me?(I ask them allways if they know me)
Can't say that I do...Oh wait you're that giant green super hero! Green thumb!

You helped me sometimes. You still do help people?
If I didn't would I still be here? :o

Hows it being to me a AK?
It's like making lemonade, one question at a time.

Are the dungeons nice?
That they are well besides for our Dungeon Master...*cough*

How much times you get food tough
Whenever someone drops a shoe...

Anny hobby's?
Drawing, Hacky sack, writing, etc. :o

Buh Bye, i hope you get sick of all the cookies you get XD
Impossible! Bye

.Discipline -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 13:11:47)

For you, Clyde, I won't do questions, I'll do poems.
Bring it on?

The once was an Archknight named Clyde.

Who wanted to trek far and wide.

He hopped on a truck.

But was quite out of luck.

As the driver refused him a ride.

But Clyde was no sort for remorse.

And he quickly embarked on his horse.

The horse fell down dead.

Clyde had sat on it's head.

Thus he couldn't continue his course.

That's pretty good, but I thought Clyde was horse? No? I guess that's only MQ. Thanks for the poem. :)

TreadLight -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 13:17:09)

Uncle Glyde D:
Aye that I am. :o

/me waves
/me waves back


"Finally!" "Congratulations!" "YAY!" "Good Luck!" and "hai"
"Heh sure" "Thanks" "Whoo!" "Thanks again" "Bye!"


Puppy -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 13:20:21)

It's all your fault!
O rly?

Congratz Uncle Glyde!

Hahah you're a furry face kitten hahaha!
Who eats foot wear, yes.

How the AK bus?
It's short and we all have to wear helmets. ;_;

So Clyde, where is the money you owe me from the bet?
Well it's nourishing my stomach. :o

I expect it now.
*pays Puppy in shoes*


Welcome and Gratz again!
thanks :)

Sentharn -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 13:43:13)

Clyde! Congratulations on your recent exile promotion to AKship!
Thanks =)
This uncertain writer has but a few questions that I wish to ask you! This reader of science-fiction novels hope that the mighty AK will indulge this lowly writer in answering them!

So! To begin:

1. Assuming the universe is 'closed,' what do you think will happen when we all get sucked into a supermassive black hole that is on the order of a billion billion billion suns? While I'm in my grave I'll get back to you on that.

2. Do you/have read the impeccable stories of Robert A. Heinlein?
I'd be lying is I said Yes.

3. What are fifteen possible uses for a straightened out power plant?
1-15. Production of more shoes.

4. This obsessive writer also plays video games a lot. In this scenario, I have my near-impenetrable base, but one of the computer players manages to destroy one of my power plants. HOW DARE HE?!?! What would be an appropriate punishment for the computer?

1. Overwhelming forces of prism tanks.
2. Swarms of jetpacks
3. Thousands of infantry men.
4. Nuclear strike/weather storm.
5. Chronosphere-transporting prism tanks to attack the power plants from behind, and then an overwhelming attack from forces 1-4 above.
6. Death by a thousand sniper pinpricks.
7. A good old fashioned standard tank rush.
8. Hundreds of chrono legionaries.
9. Death from hundreds of air strikes.
10. All of the above.

1. Stealing all their money and technology with spies, then blowing up their War Factory and Barracks.
2. Destruction of only their Construction Yard.
3. Blow up every one of their power plants and nothing else.
4. Wall in their entire base.
5. Build so many harvesters that they block their harvesters from harvesting.
5a. Build so many turrets and Prism Towers right outside their base that they can't do anything.
6. Regularly destroy all of their non-critical units.
7. All of the above.

1. Do nothing.
See above.

What should I do? Answer by referring to the letter and number of the answer, such as A.2.
Any other strategies would be appreciated.
A LONG rest mode will do nicely.

5. So how often do you have to abuse your powers kick/ban other people?
Not that much. FI is a pretty tame board IMO

6. What tuning is recommended for strings that have sizes of 13,14,18,22,32,46,50 (in hundredths of an inch,) and why is it inadvisable to tune them to standard tuning?
Ask your local government.

7. If I have an 40 watt amplifier with dual 6L6GCs in the power amp and three 12AX7s in the preamp, a 22 watt amplifier with dual 6V6s in the power amp and 12AX7s in the preamp, a 15 watt amp with two EL84s in the power amp and three 12AX7s, a 135-watt amplifier with four 6L6GCs in the power amp and several dozen 12AX7s in the preamp, which amp will be loudest with the most harmonically rich distortion assuming they are plugged into a standard filtered power supply and connected via a low-impedance cable straight into a Stratocaster guitar with a maple neck and pickups with a resistance of approximately 5.7k?
*falls asleep*

8. How many vertexes per second can the nVidia 7900 GT OC handle?
*is still asleep*

9. Which is better, Mediawiki, PMWiki, or Dokuwiki?

10. Which do you recommend, a webserver running Linux, Apache, PHP, and MySQL, a server running Linux, Boa, PHP, and MySQL, a server running Windows, PHP, Apache, and MySQL, a sever running Windows, ISS, PHP, and MySQL, or a server running Windows, PostgreSQL, Apache, and PHP?
Ask your parents. :D

11. Do you prefer Star Trek or Star Wars?
Hmm I've watched both with my father(who is massive Sci-fi person). I'd say Star Trek for everything esle besides action which I give Star Wars.

12. How many computers are linked together on my network?
Probably 5.

13. Are black or white pants better?

14. Are hats in style?
Only if you make 'em.

15. Which of my guitars should I play more?

Well, that is it for now! Congrats on your AKship again!
Thanks. :P

Sora Aeragorn -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 13:45:41)

Hey Clyde E.! ^_^

How many licks does it take to clean Reens' shoe?
Still licking.....

Does it taste good?
Taste like zards, hackers, and forumite souls

Is Lord Barrius your relative?
Yes. AE r familee ask MommaCat

Would you prefer ice cream or fish?
Both. Mint Trout is ftw

What's your favorite poem?
Don't read much poetry.

That's it from me, and congratulations on your Shoe-Lick, uh I mean AK-ship :D
Thanks. :p

Paladin Dracomancer -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 13:48:16)

*doesn't blink*

*murmurs* Wasn't he one of us yesterday?
Depends, what is "us"?

Hey... congrats!

Good to see there's another perfectly able AK about.
Perfection is impossible. :O

So... did you get the shackles? The chains? The cuffs? All of the above and more?
Yes all conveniently next to Reens' office

Be nice around Puppy, mkay? No kitten/puppy chases.
What!?! We are like bestist budz

Whats the chow like in there, anyway?
sneakers, slippers, flippers, sandals.

Btw, I highly reccomend you don't lick my boots.
Already done. *burps*


No, really.


...Why? They're clawed, silly. :P
I know since I clawed them.

...And a bit hairy.
Sorry for the hairballs. :x

Psst ...Do any of the AK's in there have rabies?
NO! D:<

What species of kitty art thou? Tiger? Lion? Garden variety?
The American Shoeus Lickerus

Anyway, good luck out in there... and don't scratch anyone. No one likes it.
My claws are soft like a kitten. :3

.::oDrew -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 14:23:41)

ohay clyde, lol
ohay RAWRZ, lol

I hope you're not having too much difficulty controlling the massive amounts of spam that constantly flood FI. [sm=rainbow.gif]
What are you talking about? Maybe you should stop spamming! >:P

No, seriously, congrats. Shocked, much?
Yeah, especially when Reens said:

[12:20] <Reens> Clyde....check your PM Inbox

Will you finally stop moaning about September WotM now? e___e;
Umm sure? I was moaning about September WotM? >_>

...Oh. Well, I assume you'll keep writing, at least.

Is Reens going to be mad that your custom title references Falerin, but not her? o.o
Maybe, maybe not. Who says I'm the type to keep the same title for too long?

liek who is dat lil kity in ur profiel pictshur rofl its liek lickin teh jeanz lolol
I dunno.

...Sorry. Anyway, looking forward to our utter domination of FI in the months to come. TEAMWORK YAY YAY HOORAY. n___________n FOR THE HOARD
By "our" you mean Me, Chaos Oracle, Reens, and other various Mods right? >_>
T_T. You edited out the part where I specifically included them.

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 14:26:02)


This was a long time coming!
It was only a month.

Thanks ^_^

What do you get if you multiply six by nine?
I dunno you tell me. :)

Forty-Two, of course!

RAWRZ, what about meh? Lol.
Meh what about you and him? :o

How long have you been on the AEFs?
Since June '07

Do you play any/all of the AE games?
AQ - Yes. DF - Sometimes. MQ - Sometimes. AQW - Yes.

Do you enjoy them?
I actually like all of them for their different qualities.

Favorite color?
Blue! No gray! Black! White! Red! Green! Alot.

Favorite Number?


Anyhow, congrats!

~Clyde E. the Shoe licking Kitten

One more...Google this exact phrase and tell me what you think. "Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything"
Hmm I found Clyde as an answer.

Genoclysm -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 14:41:37)

Do I know you?
I guess? You do seem like a Moglin named Grett that I know, though. :P

Perhaps I forgot.
Perhaps you did. D:<

Do I know you?
Depends, do you were shoes?

I don't remember.
*waves Klondike bar in air, temptingly* Really now?

Did you know you spelled "wear" wrong?
It happens. I'm sure it'll fix itself.

I want the Klondike Bar. /me begs.
*hands Geno the Klondike bar* :P

Firefly -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 14:57:58)

Hey Firefly :)

/me dragonsnuggles
Fireflies are dragons!?

Congratz on the AKship! ;)
Thank you

Did you get a scary title on the PM or is Fal the only one who does that?
No Reens was just like "ArchKnight?"

Favourite genre of music?
Alternative Indie Rock

Are there any sane people in this world, like, honestly?
Besides me...I dunno

Am I sane?
*shakes the magic 8 ball* Ask later.

Are you sane?
*shakes the magci 8 ball* Look in the mirror.

...Or are we living in a world of LIEZ?
Truthiness too

I'm starting to make no sense now, so I'll go bye-bye.
Some spare sense will do.

/me snuggles again and flies off
/me snugs

Cow Face -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 15:03:05)


How are you?
I've seen better daaaaaayys!/stops singing. :o

Would you really get annoyed if I spoke in 1337 $p3@k?

Oh, dear, I just did, didn't I?
I've gone blind, you tell me.

So... How does it feel?
I'll tell you as soon as this shackles are free.


This doesn't mean you're too good for L&L now, does it?
L&L refuses to respond to my calls. Hmph.

If it does... Then... Uh... I'd do somethin' to ya. Something bad.
Don't it'll hurt you back.

Pie or Cake?

Favorite color?
*shakes magic 8 ball* Ask later.

All jour base are belong to us?
I'm in j00r shoe :o

/me snugs you!
/I snug you!

Bye, man! Good luck with those shackles! (I'm working on getting off my manacles. Different job, different bindings.)
I hear ya. D:

Tomix -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 15:11:57)

Like, OMG, you are an AK now :O
Like OMGosh I am and you're staff.
Congratulations :D
I do what I can. ^_^
I'm happy that you are happy that everyone is happy n_n
I'm not happy, so why should you be? ;_;
Sorry....I don't have many questions :P
Makes my life easy. :D

What is youre favourite book genre?
All of the above? :o

That's all, see you around ^_^
Alright. You sure? No more /goto Tomix ;_;

littlejuror -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 15:28:50)

Oh my, Clyde is Ak!
Haha yep. ^-^


Comfy Cell?
Define "comfy"

Do they feed you well?
Only if I do a good job.

/me steals your hat
I have a hat?

If you're not wearing a hat, then substitue the word 'hat' with the 'word' socks.
I have last week's laundry?

I can has your hat/socks. >:D
Sure go ahead.


Au revoir.
Bye. :D

Gus. -> RE: =MtAK= FI's Shoe Licking Kitten: Clyde E. (8/29/2008 15:32:57)

Clyde! :D
Gus! :D

You get a cookie, it's from my special collection! :3

*congratulationsnugglehugglewugglepouncetickletackleglompfuzzlewuzzlesnugattacks Clyde*
/me simplesnugs Gus

Ricecakes ftw! Right? :D
Rice is awesome, cakes too! Yes ftw

Good luck with your new board. ^.^
Thanks :)

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